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Rest in peace for your dad's soul 💗 , stay strong :) wishing you too become a great father one day


Om shanti :) and stay strong bhai


May your Dad’s soul Rest in Peace.


but what hurts the most is not getting the proper farewell with them. this is life and it’s cruel. i hope you get the strength to overcome the loss. Om shanti!!


May your father get the highest of ranks in Jannah. May you follow his footsteps in doing good deeds.


Very sorry for your loss, brother. May Allah award him the highest rank in Jannah and give you and your family strength and peace. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." He was truly a great soul. May Allah guide you to follow his footsteps!!


Very sorry for your loss! He raised you well & without a doubt he was a gentleman & a true soul. May the lord award him safe passage and peace! May the lord give you all the strength & support to help you pass through the tough time. Take his legacy ahead & keep his values unfurnished! Amen


Loss of a parent is difficult.. Specially when they are your heroes. You were a good son, and you are in his position now. You need to take care of the family and emulate him. Just take care your mom and family. Make him smile, wherever he is now. Stay strong!!


"God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers", Thanks bhai. I am gonna save that quote and may you always enjoy the life to the fullest.


Sorry for your loss . May Allah give peace to departed soul


Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun May Allah forgive his mistakes and accept him in highest ranks of jannah , may Allah bless the family and relatives with patience


This is the same thing I'm going with since I have lost my father a month ago. He was fine and good due to some work I had to go to Mumbai and the very next day my brother informed me that he got brain haemorrhaege.


May your father's soul rest in peace 🕊️ >regret for not coming home sooner. We cannot time anything in life, life's unpredictable and that's what makes it beautiful too.


God bless you and your family. You will always have him with you, thru the lifetime of precious memories.


Reading your post reminded me of my own father.He passed away last year and it will be one year that he is not with us.I know grief is hard and I know you will miss him everyday. Don't loose hope and stay strong.


May your father rest in paradise. May you and your family find strength to move on from this difficult times


Take care bro. This too shall pass.


Rest In Peace to your father. I too recently lost my grandma. She was really old, her health had been deteriorating steadily over the past few years and we knew within this day would come. But guess what, even if you think you’re prepared, it’s usually a weird feeling that won’t go away and just eats away at you. Even though she was bed ridden for over a year and due to me being away from home due to work could only see her on weekends. But every time I end up going to her room it’s just a different feeling to not see her there. She saw her great grand children become adults, she saw it all in life but you just can’t help but wish the person never went away. Lost my mama exactly a month later as well. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you. Tough times will really reveal your closest friends and family to you. Hang in there, for your father. Know that some things aren’t in our control. Your father probably made peace with the fact that he won’t be around to support you. He had faith in what he taught you enough that you can keep moving forward steadily and gradually. Please accept my sincere condolences brother.


I was in your position 14 years ago, for a long time i felt the guilt of not being with him in his last moments. Sometimes i wake up and think why haven’t i spoken to him in a long time and then realise the reason. My only advice to you: it is okay to remember him and cry. Just strive to be the person he would want you to be.


Brother 🫂 May Allah give him a place in his heart and take care of his loved ones. Stay strong buddy.. We need good people like your father more... walk on his path💝


I met a mother today who lost her seven-year-old youngest kid. After a grueling four years, they were scheduled to return to their ancestral home in mid-April. But her kid unexpectedly went away the night before they were scheduled to leave. She gave me a hug when she met me today, her face dripping with tears, and she just stared into my eyes for a few minutes (the longest I have ever felt), expecting that I would reveal to her that her kid is alive and hiding someplace in my house. I was at a loss for words. Thus, I can relate to how you are experiencing right now. May the Almighty bring your father eternal rest and help his loved ones get through these trying times🙏 @OP Stay strong 🫂


Take care :(


Sorry for your loss..and all ur family has been through! Nothing matters more than our loved ones..not money or anything else. Hope from now on..u cherish all ur loved ones even more and give a lot more time to them cause that feeling of euphoria when u see ur loved ones happy and smiling alongside you is priceless!! Hope ur father keeps watching out for u from heaven!


May his soul rest in peace.


Sorry for your loss. Stay strong.


May he rest in peace ❤


Brother, I'll pray for you


May your father rest in peace. Stay strong brother and take care of your family.


Sorry for your loss brother. Your dad is surely in a much better place. Death is the fruit of life. Our time will come too.


May his soul rest in peace 🌻 im so sorry for your loss


Om Shanti. More power to you bro!


Hey please see your inbox🙏


May he rest in peace


my father passed away 3 years ago, can very much feel your pain. Could relate to everything you said. May god bring you the strength to make your way forward. Om shanti 🙏


ॐ शांति 🙏


Reading this post as first thing in the morning. Really put things in perspective as to for whom I'm working. For a person who still has his dad who is non expressive. This job sometimes really distracts us from the things that matters to us.


Hope your dad's soul rests in peace my friend. I lost my father when i was 8 to blood cancer. I sometimes make up scenarios in my head about how it would be if he returned for just a day. All the cool new technology I would show him. He'd see how much I had achieved in life, how proud of me he would be. All this gives me a weird solace. So I know why your mind is making up those scenarios. Just remember how proud of you he was and all the happy times you spent with him. He's always watching you.


May his soul rest in peace. Prayers to you and family.


Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi ra jioun


May he rest in peace 🙏


sending hugs to you and your loved ones. your father was indeed a great great man.


Rest in Peace. I hope you find solace in knowing that your post helped someone understand the love of their dad just a little bit more. I leave anyone reading this with some of the best advice I've ever received: Forgive your father.


May your father get the highest ranks in Jannat. This is the main reason why I don't wanna leave my parents and move to another country, life is unpredictable. And my parents are also ageing, don't wanna have the regret that "oh I couldn't be there" My fellow redditors whenever your parents scream at you avoid lashing back at them bcoz you know its their first time too, remember the sacrifices that made for you, if you really can't stand them avoid talking to them but never avoid taking care of them, you do your part for them as a child. You see parents and family are once in a life time blessing you don't get them again, once they are gone they are gone.


Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un


May your father rest in peace. 🫂 Please take care.


May god provide strength to you and your family, and peace to your father. The passing of a parent is probably the worst kind of pain any child can bear. More power to you.


May god give strength to your family and peace to his soul .


Sorry for your loss. Please celebrate his life!


I lost my father suddenly last year and im still feeling the pain today. If you need someone to talk to you can send me a message and im here to listen.


Sorry for your and your family's loss. May you all have the strength to recover from the loss


Sad, and I can relate


So sorry for you brother. Lost my Dad during covid which broke me. Its impossible to witness our loved ones in pain and suffering. Unfortunately, there isnt any second takes in life. Treasure his memories and be the son he raised you to be.


Sheldon fan here. I can totally feel what you just said. Your father was a strong man. All the best for your future


Om Shanti 🙏🏻


Remembered a famous quote from Life of Pie movie that's close to my heart. "I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye."


the death of a parent is hard. there is never enough time with them and the end always comes too soon. i am sure you are in disbelief and numb but over time when you recover you can honor and cherish his memories by living the life he wanted you to and living it with grace and dignity like he did. may his soul rest in peace.


Man don’t take the guilt you did everything you can in given circumstances. He would be proud of you and your love /admiration towards him. He would be even happier if you are always happy and positive. Hope he rests in peace.


Stay strong!


Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un May Allah grant peace and patience to you and your family and help you deal with this difficult situation


He will always be with you.. God bless.


Sorry for your great loss, i can understand your pain. my father died by heart attack 2 days before my 10th boards exam, he was at the airport, coming for my exam but just 30 minutes before the flight he died.


I still do not see why you had to share that with us Trying to farm karma?