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Looks great! Not a huge fan of the UI but it seems like a stylistic thing. Maybe make it a setting so that the background doesn’t move too? Right now it’s little bit nauseating to me. Other than that it seems fun! I wishlisted it


Thanks for the feedback! I tried to go for a more minimalistic style because I'm not much of an artist. I'll either make it a setting or just remove the background movement completely since you're the second one to mention this. Thank you for the wishlist!


I got a lot of people saying the same thing about the background moving, so I just remade the trailer. I can't change the video in this post, but the store page has the new trailer. Let me know if that looks better!


That was quick! It looks a lot better now.


A lot of comments were saying the same thing, so I wanted to fix it ASAP. I'm glad it looks better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Here's a link to the store page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/3029260/Number\_Stomper/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/3029260/Number_Stomper/) Thanks for taking a look!


Colors of the tiles blend into the background too much


The blue on blue? You're probably right. What about the other colors? I have the colors hue shift as you progress levels, so maybe I could start with a purpleish background and go from there.


Hey the game looks cool, but the patterned background just is too much visually. It's fighting with your numbered tiles for attention. I can't look at it for too long. I'd bring down the saturation or contrast or not have a pattern in the background at all.


Thanks for the feedback! Quite a few people seem to agree that the background is too much. I'll have to try experimenting with it to get more visual clarity.