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Inconsistent. Why tree and box on a background have so much pixels, than nearest objects (why floor have so few pixels?)? You need to fix texel sizes to more consistent value, that will make this graphics more prettier. And light and shadows. Shadows make things better.


Could work with more unique facial expressions, different sprites for each character, and some shading


Doesn't look visually appealing, pixel size is also all over the place


I’m not a fan personally


I like it


it's good


Nah, not a fan of the depth / dimension perception


I think it looks cool 👍


You gotta fix that frame loss too


That's caused by the tool i used to capture the gif. It works fine in game.


Ah okay. What do you use for capturing gifs?


Peek, on Linux Mint. It used to work fine on Ubuntu and this was the first time i captured a gif since switching to Mint, so i'm a bit surprised it was glitching that much.


I have never captured a gif on Linux so I can’t recommend any other program unfortunately But while I’ve got you, I kind of agree with everyone else with the pixel sizes but I also think if you can do some screen effects that make this game look like you’re playing it through a CRTV that would give it a really cool arcade look and would distort the pixels. You kind of have a little duck hunt style here so leaning into the retro look might be interesting


Great suggestion. This is mostly a prototype at this point but I'll consider the idea in the future.


I like it!! It’s like a mixed reality almost like paper Mario.


The ground is trash, make it more complex


I'm intrigued, but agreed with other comments about using a consistent style for the sprites. If the sprite work was tightened up, I'd really like this


I like the clouds and sky, the rest doesn't really look like it fits, theres a big difference between the visuals of the tree, crate then the people and the hand, did you make it all yourself?


I did almost everything myself, and tweaked a few free sprites (tree, bird, sky, crate). This is still a prototype that i decided to make look nicer with my programmer art skills, so i'm definitely looking for an artist if i decided to go ahead with this game.


Looks like it’s about to be an ARG-style/horror game, in which case this art style is fine. If not, I still think it could be fine for a silly little mini game; I’d need more context on what this game is meant to be and your plans for it though


I think it has potential depending on the gameplay, a game like night of the consumers (def check it out) has incredibly low poly pixelated graphics, but it’s stylized enough that it’s a non issue. Also If you’d be willing to disclose what the game is about or what it’s inspired by I’m sure that the community could help better point you in the right direction.


It’s inconsistent but it looks good. People don’t care about consistency if the visuals work and imo they do. It makes it harder to add to it without it getting too noisy or chaotic but I think it looks good if it’s a game that doesn’t take itself seriously, the vibe is goofy and so should be the game. Inconsistent != bad But you have to be intentional with what you want to do i guess


Aesthetically speaking, it's different. And I always thinks that's a plus. It could be worth listening to the other commenters' feedback and criticisms, but overall I'd say it's worth pursuing.


I would buy something that looks like this, no offense. 3d with 2d sprites is hard to pull, making it pixel art is even harder.


Old school miniclips


I know you're asking about the art style but I'm getting distracted by that frame rate dip when you hit the bird. I wonder what's causing that?


That's caused by the tool i used to capture the gif. It works fine in game.


gotta fix that frame rate when the hand hits the bird


I wouldn't play it. The mixels I'm not a fan of, and there's no cohesive style between the assets. I would start iterating with a limited colour palette and fewer assets, to nail down a style.