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I like it, it's clean, has character and I like the transition between menus, I need up my ui skills haha


thank you!


Affordable Healthcare is the most intense clicker game that you've ever played. Collect money to buy upgrades and defend your body from evil virus' attacks! WISHLIST ON STEAM: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2929230/Affordable\_Healthcare/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2929230/Affordable_Healthcare/) PLAY DEMO NOW: [https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/926547](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/926547) or [https://gheedu.itch.io/affordable-healthcare](https://gheedu.itch.io/affordable-healthcare)


Very nice! Only thing I'd add is some motion on the level select, but that's pretty minor and not necessary. Overall, it looks great and stylish!


Yes I agree! I still wanna add some motion, just thought it would be a lot of unecessary work for now... maybe later!


I like it, but I feel transitions could be a little bit quicker.


ty! fair and easy enough. I'll get on that!


I really like it!




Seems unnecessary to have a "skip" button when you could just select the next level and skip it that way.


oh actually you are right. The reason it's like this is because completing or skipping a level gives you a "dna point". I was afraid if people just select the next level they would miss the point and play the whole game without getting it But there are obviously better ways to make that work... This now makes me realize I forgot to implement a notification for receiving a dna point, I need to get on that


> I was afraid if people just select the next level they would miss the point and play the whole game without getting it > > But there are obviously better ways to make that work... Mh, how about replacing the next/previous buttons with "skip" when the tutorial is not played? Best mix of both I'd say. User sees tutorial, user can skip it if wanted, you have an explicit action which tells you to award the point. Afterwards it's just the next/previous buttons when navigating back to the tutorial. > This now makes me realize I forgot to implement a notification for receiving a dna point, I need to get on that Classic, happens to me constantly.


that's a great idea! Thanks!


Very clean and the fluidity is awesome. Great work with the layers as well, emphasis on what needs to be targeted, well done!


tyty! Glad things are reading well, it's something I was worried about!


The menus are really good, above the average of menus. But the gameplay, I saw 2 seconds and already noticed how dark is all without any floor textures and creepy? while your menus are very cute. The character moves very slowly too and is very small to see It well on the screen. Idk what the gameplay is or the type of game you trying to do, but just pointing that. For example: If is a Factorio type game but inside a body, doesn't matter too much the character movement and size. But It is a Bullet Hell type game you would need to change things about movement and visual clarity.


I agree about the whiplash between the menu's cute aesthetics and the gameplay, specially the background, which is something I'm still working on. I thought of fixing it before posting here about the menus but it's better to get some wishlists now and work on it and post again later, you know? Thanks for your thoughts!


It's very clean. I bet if you uploaded a tutorial on it, you'd get a solid few hundred thousand views. There's not many good tutorials for game dev UI design and implementation.


Honestly the secret might be to just do some mockups in Figma before commiting to coding in Unity. After that is mostly hiding and showing and moving buttons around. Teaching design is hard but you can get a lot of inspiration from [https://www.gameuidatabase.com/](https://www.gameuidatabase.com/)


Looks very nice and uniform




Impressive. Don't often see a menu system that's fun.


ty! :D


There should be some sort of tweening when selecting buttons because right now it looks a bit jarring. Other than that it looks good! Keep it up :)


yepyep! I wanna work on that next! ty!


Your title might be the most cringe title I've ever seen, it's a shame because the rest of the work looks great.


why tho? I thought it was funny to have a game be called that cause it'd get people saying "they are selling affordable healthcare on steam!" or whatever


It has Tumblr millennial vibes.




Idk that's the best way I can describe it; the actual art and game looks great though.


Looks very smooth. The only thing I can say is that the level select arrows feel a bit off and disconnected to me. Not in style, but rather due to being on the side. Perhaps you already tried but how would it be if the arrows were vertically aligned with tbe level number boxes? Nice looking overall!


I just tried it and have to say, I liked it a bit more than how shown here... I'm probably changing it to vertical


Super clean design! Big icons, easy to click on and easy to navigate. The transitions are also quick and simple too! Good job!




Looks smooth and transitions are great. The only note: at least to me, clicking a level *inside* the up/down selector does not seem obvious. My mind expected a "start" button next to the selector.


oh interesting... I'll make it clearer. ty!


Pretty cute. The transition animation is way too slow. Surely your menus are ready faster than that. It would honestly bother me to no end


fair enough! its been sped up now.


Remove the "are you sure?" after hitting New Game


tbh I kinda agree with you, I just didn't feel like changing it for this demonstration xD