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Any examples of music videos that were filmed live at a performance? 


rem - wolves, lower is filmed at...whiskey a go go iirc dogleg - fox is footage from a 2019 gig bruce springsteen has a famous one...pretty sure its born in the USA but also i dont know my springsteen videos. but he was like the canonical dude to capitalize on that deftones' digital bath is a sorta tour video (or at least features scenes from them at a show death grips - i've seen footage uses a stop motion collage of tour footage and travel photos radiohead's my iron lung music video is technically just footage of the performance at Live at the Astoria


Hi all, I thought I would post this playlist for those interested in new Australian music. It's called The Underground Stage, and updates weekly with curated new releases from Australian independent/indie artists. For those into data, the website has some great insights on streaming data for the week too. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WhEtaQYjVJv2blFllqYkg?si=7f548d363fbf4ef5](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6WhEtaQYjVJv2blFllqYkg?si=7f548d363fbf4ef5)




https://preview.redd.it/p9keibbqztgc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5671cb4da1c6273bb06e3b45c9a54531dd6359 What do you see Porm?




I think we need to see the blog to better understand.




Wow this is absolutely fantastic!


master of tone here, having a good cackle need 2 get u back on the streets, reviewing the ikea hot dog




We live in very divisive times. As we all have seen, real journalism has gone down hill. There is a hot dog shaped void out there. I think it’s time to take up tongs.


> I want to represent Nashville for everyone, so I want to insure I'm inclusive and support all of the local eateries. A truly political answer. What a wiener.


i have 18 episodes of fucken Hunter x Hunter left shout out deviantart arc, some of the worst tv to do it!


What’s the Deviantart arc? Zodiacs?  Chimera Ant arc remains goated 


it's chimera ant arc (all these characters are deviantart creations) and now i remember why i stopped at episode 100 and didn't pick it up until recently! nothing bores me more than manga battles where they just talk and there's swapping between them every episode for payoff that ive divested myself from. i literally only repicked this up bc i can't get the jjk season 1 pt 2 dvd at the moment! the last time I was having fun with this program was the gamer arc. that shit was goated. cant wait to see gon meet ging and go "yup"


Fox News adults are so absurd sometimes (all of the time?). I'm from the east coast but live in Seattle now and this weekend traveled to VA for one of my best friend's weddings. The matron of honor is also one of my longtime friends, and I ran into her parents who I've known since middle school. Her mom asked me if I still like Seattle and then goes right into, "How do you deal with all of the crime and homelessness?" Putting aside the validity of her solely Fox News-based assessment of the experience of living in a city she has never been to, why in the world would you think that's an acceptable question to ask someone you haven't seen in years? You could ask me if I'm happy, what I like about it so much, what some of the things I like to do are, but naw... Seattle has one of the lowest violent crime rates of any major US city, and, counter to conservative fear mongering, most big cities have lower violent crime per capita than many red towns. Homelessness here is a problem, but it's something you should feel empathy and curiosity for as a fellow human, not some "gotcha" to own the libs. I know this city has hyper progressive politics that lead to a desire to hold us up as a bogeyman, but the 'cities are hellscape how could you ever live there' vibes are truly bewildering and lead to really odd interpersonal interactions.


It's a life in a bubble thing, most people who are so hyperbolic about big cities being dystopian woke liberal Babylonian hellholes also don't actually live in truly rural areas or small towns, they tend to live in exburbs and suburbs. They tend to not interact much with anyone IRL outside of immediate neighbors, cashiers, and restaurant staff. It's also a matter of perspective. While it's not remotely analogous a lot of liberals, especially the more NIMBY older types in nice older neighborhoods or younger folks who are more upper middle class or akin to that, tend to have wildly detached ideas of what rural and smaller town people are like. For example where I live - Austin, TX - has absolutely had an escalated issue of homelessness and transient individuals in parts of town that has directly and negatively affected people. It's also had a massive issue of becoming more expensive and a slew of other issues trending in other major cities. That said so many other things - their school districts, public works, infrastructure efforts, local legislative actions, etc. are so much more progressive and pragmatic than the local policy decisions being made in deep red towns, counties, states, etc. I would not live in Texas if I had to live somewhere outside of the major cities. It's getting that bad - but that's less to do with the people in those areas themselves and more to do with the people they keep electing.


Moved to Berlin. Settling in. It's weird and I'm not comfortable yet. Can't wait for this early part to pass where everything feels strange and weird lmao


Had you been to Berlin for any extended time before the move? I think the biggest thing is just finding your “spots”. Where you go daily for coffee, look for books, grab a drink, etc. I find once you get those down, a lot of that discomfort and “stranger in a strange land” feeling starts to go away.


finished the latest lou reed biography, man that dude was cool


i’d like to recommend keith richards’ autobiography. it’s good fun.




I’ll take anything over throwing up. I’m as stubborn as they come when I get sick and refuse help or care. But once that hits, I’m the biggest baby. I hate the “you’ll feel better if you throw up” talk because I’d rather just suffer.


haha I'm the opposite. I'd rather have two minutes of bad discomfort instead of suffering for two days and constantly being nauseous.




Yes, this. I’m reduced to a little larva every time. I get this from my mom because she’s the same way, but I’m so violent about it too. I consistently pop blood vessels in my face when it happens. And I can’t help it!!


watched *inland empire* for the first time over the weekend. bit formulaic, too predictable for my tastes. >!but seriously folks, i really enjoyed it, though was considerably more lost than i have been watching any other lynch film. certainly his most dream/nightmarelike that i’ve seen in its abrupt jumps from place to place, lack of clear concept of time, and extreme uncanniness. i also started watching it at midnight which had me finishing it at 3:00 am which turned out to be a good choice as my past-my-bedtime mindset matched the dream state of the movie quite nicely. and also the jumpscare at 2:45 in the morning made me nearly shit my pants - perhaps the most effective jumpscare i can think of off the top of my head. anyway very cool movie i need to rewatch.!<




>!totally agree with this! there is such a strong theme of how difficult it is to separate the creation of art from living your life normally that is so intensely depicted in how near-impossible it is to follow laura dern’s transitions between “real” her and “movie character” her. though i think we also see how thin the line is on the side of the art-experiencer, for instance with the girl trapped in the room watching tv and crying ultimately actually physically encountering laura dern in the room with her when they hug, kinda shows the power of art and how it can very directly impact and move us, and feel like a very real thing to us as well. much to think about with this one.!<


The ending really makes you feel like you got the movie even though you didn't know what's going on in the middle.


haha yeah no doubt i totally felt like i got the movie at the end for sure \*said while doing shifty eyes and unconvincingly nodding my head\*


Lol, I mean that scene near the end resonates with people and they find some takeaway from it and in a sense the whole movie. I have a kinda literal interpretation based on dreams I've had of watching fictional movies and movies that are supposed to be existing movies but are completely different. So like the girl in the hotel is watching a movie but it's really her dream, and the way a murder gets into the Laura Dern movie even though earlier she said it's not in the script is also because it's a dream. Obviously there's more going on and more that you can take away from the movie, but I see it as about the healing power of dreams/art, and I definitely wouldn't have come up with a specific interpretation without that emotional scene at the end making me feel like I "got it" despite all that crazy stuff I can't explain.




Lynch's marriages falling apart is an often underreported happening in the man's life; like that bro got divorced last year and if it has a tmz article u know its a messy one! I would not want to be married to him


Made a big batch of chicken and dumplings last night, thinking it would get my nomination for the greatest American cold weather comfort dish. Definitely looking forward to eating it all week. What do y'all like to cook/eat when it's cold?


Chili and beef stew are my husband's favorites. Coq a vin is good. But my favorite is bolognese. I usually go turkey bolognese, or vegetarian with roasted veg, but when I really want to for the real deal I like beef mixed with a little lamb.


I tried making bolognese once and it was such a flop I've been afraid to make it again. I love it at restaurants but mine was dry. It's a hard truth when you've spent all day on a lasagna and it's kinda bad


This was me with curry. I fucked up with the coconut milk and, while I’m an employed chef now, I still get wary about making it at home. Rather just get it somewhere.


Failed attempts in the kitchen are so painful ...so much time, effort, ingredients. But they happen to everyone. I use a simplified version of kenji's recipe from serious eats.


My fam gets BIG into soups once fall and winter roll around. Chili, tortilla soup, chicken and wild rice, others perhaps.


my mom was like "you need to take tomato lentil soup for lunch today" and I was all "yr right but i want a sammich!" so im having tomato lentil soup for lunch tomorrow!


Chili is another favorite cold weather meal but my SO is pretty lukewarm on it unfortunately so it's more of a once a year thing


Moussaka and Tortellini soup are the two main dishes we make at home when it gets really cold. Lots of oatmeal in the morning as well. I’m thinking a dumpling soup could be in our repertoire next time though…


Never made moussaka but it looks crazy good


I should clarify, we make the Egyptian version. 10/10. I’m not a cold weather creature but I always look forward to eating that.


What is different about egyptian moussaka? I'm intrigued


It’s fried eggplant instead of grilled and it uses a tomato-based sauce instead of béchamel sort of sauce. We also do the Lebanese version which has chickpeas and is more like a stew over rice. That’s a 10/10


Umm...sounds phenomenal!


Today is the first weird day of being unemployed. It's Monday and I'm not at the (old) office. Instead, I'm sending job applications and de-cluttering for the move. What a time to be alive.


I remember when I left Charleston to move in with my wife in Savannah. I went from one job for 9 1/2 years to no job lined up. I cleaned that apartment nonstop, took the dog on way too many walks, and of course applied to literally everything. But it was weird. I’d never went without a job except during quarantine but I still had my job. We were all just locked down. Thankfully you have the move to keep you busy but, besides the stress of finding a new job, enjoy the unemployment when/where you can.


>Thankfully you have the move to keep you busy but, besides the stress of finding a new job, enjoy the unemployment when/where you can. This is exactly where my headspace is at. I've been looking for a new job *for a while* now so I'm used to this process (even if my urgency feels heightened). Moving is a bit fun as I get to discard so much stuff - all while finding things I haven't seen in a while.


Alright beerheads, what have we been sippin on lately? I broke out one of my local brewery's annual release imperial stouts for a viewing of Barry Lyndon last night and, I gotta say, a truly great slow sip accompaniment to the luxury of the movie's second half. Just a few months of cellaring did a really good job in mellowing it out without losing the adjunct flavors (ube vanilla). Even my girlfriend, who's usually not a fan of stouts, enjoyed it! 10/10 no notes


edit: brown ale from the local plce slaps


* fall brewing plenty for all pilsner and russian river STS pilsner in cans...solid 4/5 from both. the last 4 oz rule bc i wanna crush it HARD and I CAN. this is what beer is about! * got back into california kolsch from ballast point. still rockin' a classic 3.5/5 in my book. stable intro to beer beer-core * pliney the elder is always a necessity in the fridge on account of my dad. had some yesterday and was pleased as always. essential 4.5/5, maybe the DDH can edition is the fabeled 5/5 * New dank little thing from SN doesn't change that I wish they would stop that fucken label and just make porter/stout again. 2.5/5 * fresh hop lagunitas...god i despise their IPAs. everything else they do is fine! this is a 2/5 * a handful of offerings from local SD places as well...all baller 3.5/5 or higher stuff. prolly gonna get a beer at lunch, not sure if blackberry sour or marzen lager is gonna be the move. looking forward to my sandwich as well


Damn wane that STS pils from RR is a goated beer, I’m gonna have one of those to celebrate getting home from a work trip this Friday night 


Moving it from bottle to can was GOAT move (and a 4/5 in my book is a GREAT beer that we should celebrate and cherish). Russian river canning is a huge innovation in west coast beer. velvet glow is my fav of that wave rn


I’m just far enough on the edge of RR’s distribution network where I’m still just getting glass bottles which honestly is a-ok w me because bottled beer is always more of an *occasion* so whenever I pick up an STS or Blind Pig it’s a big night for mr mellow man and The Porch Cat I’ll have to keep an eye out for velvet glow!


Hell yeah, playa. I'm not a true hop head but hoppy pils is a goated innovation in session stuff with a bit of character.... can't wait for it to hit 70 degrees outside so I can crack open an **ICE** cold four pack and soak up some rays. > maybe the DDH can edition is the fabeled 5/5 Been hearing some impressed whispers about Pliny for Prez but, again, not an IPA drinker so can't confirm. I did squirrel away three bottles of Russian River's Robert saison when it got some distribution up here. Just quintessential quiet excellence from them, nice and crisp with killer white pepper and lemon peel notes, a 4.5/5 easy drinker farmhouse if ever there was one.


i need to splurge on their saisons. I usually dont but i LIKE them. I think devotion iirc…their brett blonde, is top shelf wizardry. That's how brett should be used in a beer. Hoppy pils can be good but the one thing im vibing with is New ZEALAND hopped pilsners. Flavor nodes on these at san diego breweries are getting sharper and subverting da new zealand spunkiness of those hops into a real CRUSHER that you want ICE cold


Wormtown's 'Be Hoppy' IPA has been my go-to if I can get it canned.


Stella Artois Non-Alcoholic. Been having some health issues that are forcing me away from alcohol so I’m trying to dip my toes into NA beer. The NA Stella actually tasted exactly like normal Stella so I was pleasantly surprised.


NA stuff does seem to be hitting a pretty hard acceleration in quality lately. I had one of the Bitburger NA ones a few weeks ago and you could definitely tell it was NA, but otherwise the flavoring wasn't half bad.


I had a NA beer last time we were in Eugene, OR (wishing I could remember the name of it) and it tickled my alcohol-loving brain. It was an IPA and the only NA I’ve had that really felt/tasted like I was drinking a beer. Also fucked with a couple of those faux-liqueurs during that trip but they weren’t it.


The Athletic Brewing Hazy IPA is a pretty good NA IPA, if you want to try one again. The NA spirits (like Seedlip) are usually a bit off. I did have a NA Negroni at a cocktail bar once where they burned off the alcohol from regular Campari very slowly and that was pretty good. That might be something we see more now.


I’m just happy mocktails are getting more love these days. As someone who’s quit drinking but loves the bar atmosphere still, it’s good to have something to sip on.


I've been up for like four hours and I still don't feel awake yet. I tried to think of something else to add to this, but I'm too tired.


Quitting smoking for roughly the 11th time in the last year. It's easy, I've done it plenty of times. We've got a storm going, so it'll be a nice day to sit around and watch sci-fi movies.


so far my last quit has stuck with me for about 3 years, but god damn if i don’t *still* think about smoking every now and again. absolutely love the smell of cigs when walking by smokers on the street still. i really wish smoking wasn’t so awful for you because it is just an objectively cool and fun thing to do, but such is the world we live in.


>objectively cool Nah. It might smell good to you but to the rest of us you just smell like shit which is objectively uncool.


true that there is a big difference between the smell of a currently-being-smoked cigarette and the smell of one’s clothes / hands that comes as a result smoking frequently throughout the day. the one i still love is the former. i don’t miss the latter one bit.


This is so funny because I was just about to come on here and say that I’m quitting weed for a bit. I’d take edibles a few nights a week and just wake up feeling so lazy and unmotivated. What movies you gonna watch?


There's always been part of me that wants to try edibles, because I'm jealous of how chilled out it seems to make some people. But, weed has always just made me paranoid and stressed out. I've been on an 80s kick recently. I watched Robocop and Highlander last night, today I'm thinking maybe Buckaroo Banzai and Big Trouble in Little China.


Watch ‘The Lost Boys’


This was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. It's been a long time since I've watched it, though


You gotta watch They Live when you get the chance.


Stone cold classic. It's been at least a decade since I've seen it, so it's on the list too.


> 80s kick recently If you need something a tad goofier to watch Ice Pirates is a fun one Also *Explorers* is slept on, it's like *Goonies + Fight of the Navigator*


Hell yeah, I'll write those down. I love the goofy shit.


That’s how I’ve felt about it lately. Doesn’t really calm me down anymore, just makes my brain feel convoluted and sensitive and uncomfortable. That sounds like the best way to spend the day, I’m actually quite jealous.


Finally got around to The Holdovers yesterday. Yeah, it’s damn good. Everyone knocked it out of the park and the movie just *felt* good. Paul’s character is a really good guy from the beginning. I get the “cranky” description but he’s just a damn good dude. I was supposed to work on trivia and the Deutsche rate over the weekend, that was the goal I gave myself. Annnnnd, I really just didn’t do anything. Feeling not great about it but trying to pick up my slack now.


I finally got around to it too yesterday and was blown away, possibly the best film I’ve seen in a while. I just love Paul Giamatti in anything honestly. Such a consistently great actor.


Weekly Mental Health Check Kid's got a stomach ache so working from home on a monday which is both awesome since I barely got sleep last night and not awesome due to my extreme guilt of not being in the office.


Not that great, feeling stuck, but I read How to Write One Song by Jeff Tweedy and am having fun trying to write one song. Great book. Also I saw the first two Fast and Furious movies and am excited to watch Tokyo Drift next.


Is this your first time watching the F&F movies? Because that’s a rabbit hole I went down last month. My brain has been rewired.


Yeah! While I liked it, Tokyo Drift was a little disappointing to me because I was hoping we would be back with the whole crew after the (very good!) Paul Walker movie. The style was on point though. Do you have a favorite? I'm hoping to see up to 4 or 5 in the near future


5 is definitely the moment the absurdity of these movies starts to come out and they lean into it. The whole safe scene goes against all logic but damn if I didn’t love every second of it. 8 is the hardest we laughed at them for it’s absurdity but we also had real cabin fever going at that point from being snowed in, so there’s probably a bias from delirium.


Anxiety at an all time high and overall mood at an all time low! I just started some new meds though and I think they're helping? And with any luck I'll be getting back into therapy this week.


It’s been a stressful last 5 or so days. I still feel like I’m just making stuff up as I go at work but trying to give myself credit. I got the job, I’ve been complimented, and above all I’m making really good money. Not work stuff: that’s all good. We got some good weekend plans coming up I’m really excited about. Movie date, board games with friends, lots of sleep.


on the commute into work today, I calculated I have somewhere between 500 and 1500 more Mondays to work... so, what's one in the context of that, let's make the best of it


Maybe in a decade or two we'll have a four-day work week, who knows?


it's nice to dream! (even if it happened, with my luck would be Monday through Thursday, no Mondays deleted)


5 days and counting weed-free. Feels pretty good. Anxiety continues to stay at a low, manageable level despite having crazy stress dreams nightly. Guess my brain is working thru all the unresolved subconscious shit I’ve repressed for the last 15 years. Perhaps unwisely decided to do some mushrooms yesterday at the sam wilkes show. Felt great don’t get me wrong (and the show was heavenly), but definitely had a strong urge to smoke on the come down. Held steady thanks to some puffs from these dumb botanical vapes. Onward we go!


that sam wilkes show was phenomenal


day 8 for me! happy to hear youre still trucking along. im on the decline with my anxiety thankfully (friday was terrible) and my sleep is getting better every day now


my mid weed is hitting more mid than usual i think i need to take the five day break or get the top shelf


My boss said she would extend my contract today! A huge relief, even though she had previously offered to do so. My partner and I are moving in June and I have not been able to find a job, so I am relieved that we will not be paying for an apartment on only one paycheck. Not stoked about the new commute, but at least I can stay in the country


aew is bringing back the rankings and is bringing in the best cmll guys for a bizarre invasion angle, thank you based tony khan. no more booking for casual fans. i do not want to watch the show they want to watch. i want to watch llave expert hechicero have a 4 star tv match with bryan danielson speaking of wrestling...they were always going to fuck up this cody shit lmao. i'm not trying to be mean but the greatest trick the wwe ever plays is convincing people that they're good. they are a creatively and ethically bankrupt company that does not give a fuck about "finishing the story" or whatever. that was evident the second they had cody lose *last year.* finish the story lol. such a bizarre corporate line to convince diehards that bad decisions are good, actually. cody is also the dumbest man on planet earth btw. can't believe he left the company *he fucking started* just to go get fucked over somewhere else. he feels like one of those conmen that thinks he's always in control and doesn't understand when the "mark" is taking him for a ride. anyway we stan based voldaor jr and also serena deeb is back and doing that nasty looking "slam your knee on the mat until you cry" stuff so aew is BACK


So fucking corny I hate it, and I'm usually pretty tolerant for braindead slop but it's just not entertaining. I know I also spoke highly of Bayley getting a shot at stuff in the rumble and I still stand by that she's completely underutilized(like a lot of people on that roster) and I give her credit for taking a lot on the chin ,but yeah even that whole very predictable setup against Iyo was just mehhh. I only fairly recently got more into AEW, but yeah it has infinitely stole my attention a bit more and I even love how they're not afraid to let people be complete characters especially you got the likes Darby Allin with a fucking skateboard, or the dude who wears like the preppy red sweaters or Abadon being a creature or the one that's basically Marilyn Monroe and has those melodramatic promos. It's just gels a bit better for me personally.


hell yeah bro aew was kinda bad for a minute but now we got volador jr and black Taurus in the same company were rocking and rolling


>they were always going to fuck up this cody shit lmao If we're going to be fair this seems like something that for once is out of WWE's hands if we're to believe that part of The Rock's deal to be part of the board of directors on TKO was to get the Wrestlemania main event against Roman, Like, they still fucked up because Cody should've won last year but admittedly the year of build up has been kind of fun and would've been hella cathartic to have superman Cody double rumble winner finally "finish the story." Who knew Dwayne would, once again, fuck it up for the most over face of the company? edit: also I choose to believe the TKO rumor because it's the one that makes the most sense, which also is likely to be the most wrong but I need it for my sanity


they wouldn’t be in this position if they just told the coherent story of having Cody win last year! also I’m still unclear as to why Dwayne has to be on the board outside of distracting from the Vince shit (and didn’t he book Roman to win last year anyway?) like I get that this specific situation was a little unforeseen ls but the were always gonna fuck it up someway


I'm not going to say I don't understand why Cody is so over. It's not for me, but white meat babyface, sure, wrestling is built on that, got it. But his character is so paint by numbers, it may as well be him coming out and telling the audience "you will cheer for me here, you will boo my opponent here, and we're all going to have a good night. finish the story, america, my dad, thanks everyone." > cody is also the dumbest man on planet earth btw. Not only are you correct for the reasons you provided, but you could've just said at "because of the neck tattoo" and been just as right.


the fucked up part is that i actually like cody lmao! even post neck tattoo. but i just gave up all hope in this company being Actually Good like redditors told me it was when they had him lose at mania last year. bad storytelling for your white meat babyface >america ngl i think about that time cody said he was going to end racism all the time and it makes me like him more


Yeah, I think last year you still had the reasonable doubt of "is Vince still involved," and while it was a bad call either way, there was reason to think they wouldn't fuck it up if they ran it back. Turns out, they impressively only fucked it up harder. And totally get it. I think if everything he did was as over the top as the Anthony Ogogo storyline and that specific promo, I would like his character a lot more.