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lol do any other infjs have body dysmorphia etc? i couldn’t even tell you how i looked because it’s different ever day


Yup. Everytime i see my nose and side profile i want to cry


same 🙃 i hate mirrors


I love my mirror image but everytime I see a photo or video of myself I cringe and want to cry.


Same here 😕


Yeah sometimes I think I’m a good 6-7 but then I get a glimpse of my reflection in a shop window or see a photo of myself and it shoots down to a 2-3. I’m probably somewhere in the middle. Other women or gay men will compliment me but I don’t think I register to straight men (other than occasional leering cat calls). I have no idea what I am to non-biased observers.


Have you heard of the dunning-kruger effect? That's when really unattractive or unattractive intelligent people think of themselves higher than they are and attractive or intelligent people always tend to down play them selves. I bet you are a 7 and attractive is all I'm trying to say. 


I hadn’t heard of The dunning-Kruger effect, but it is a nice thought at the very least, thank you!


You're welcome 😊


Yea I always feel on a good day I'm kind of cute. On an average day, definitely nothing special. But have had a few female coworkers, say I was pretty. And even random after work one day, u was at Walmart, feeling kind of gross cause it was a super hot day. Just wanted something light and quick for dinner. And this older dude on one of the electric scooter comes over and said, he didn't want to be too forward. But he thought I was the most beautiful woman in the bakery section that day. I still couldn't believe he was talking to me. As like you, I never seem to register on men's visual or physical radar. I mean, I'm the very definition of having a personality, gers folks to notice you. But beyond that, they probably wouldn't notice at all, usually. However, there is a fork lift driver at my job. That since day one, has been flirty and for the most part complimentary towards me. But, I'm just like say what, now? There is quite the magnetism too between us. But I truly don't know what or how to act. As I've never had this much of someone's attention before, without having to be super funny.


I’m definitely not an expert on how to flirt, I’m actually the opposite in the moment, lol but am pretty good at thinking about what I should’ve said or done in hindsight. Maybe next time he compliments you, tell him he just made your day better and pay a compliment back? Maybe it’ll open up conversation and let him know you appreciate/reciprocate his flirtiness!


I swear to fuck i look like 5 different people at the same time


My face changed daily


YES! I literally feel so cute some days but others I’m like… do I actually look this awful?! I have no frame of reference.


Same!! 😄🤦


A little bit yes , I’m 6’2’’ and 250 lbs. I often forget how large ( however not that fat) I am


same, i always forget i’m not the same size as a kid, but also some days i feel hugeee it makes me so awkward too because i genuinely don’t know what i look like when i’m doing things 🥲


Arg! I love big men that are like bears!! 🫢🫣


If 250lbs (113kg) is muscle


I’m fat but not that fat


Yeah I can imagine 187cm 113kg, so definetly not obese. If you do not go to the gym you have lot of energy to pump those gains man!


Yeah came here to say this


Oh my God me. I've had it severely since I was a pre-teen and didn't know why I felt so horrible and distorted all the time even though there was nothing wrong with me. It got much better as I grew up, but being in an invalidating environment stunted my growth very much and prevented me from getting better faster.


I do, but it's mainly from working out lmao


I wouldn't even look in the mirror. and always having a hard time remembering my own face


Yes, everyone calls me handsome. Sometimes I think so too in front of my mirror. But most of the time I feel ugly.


I have body dysmorphia. I hyper look at what’s ugly and blow it out of proportion.


I swear I look 10-15 years different depending on my mood.


Used to have it quite bad. But it definitely got better. I still dont think that I am pretty in the usual sense but I still feel attractive the way I am and I know that there are people on earth that think I'm very attractive. So I can live with that fact that most people wont think that I'm pretty.


this made me feel better 😅


When I look in the mirror—body & face I like what I see. I see a strong 8. When I see a picture or video of myself, I just want to ball it up and throw it in the trash 🫠lol. I feel like they don’t even make a rating to express what I see when I look at a picture of myself lol. Its really trippy. I don’t do alot of pictures or videos. My camera roll is literally filled with screen shots and random shit I like, other than me. Every now and then I’ll land a picture of myself and feel like, My god! THERE I am! 😅boy was I starting to wonder. And then that’s probably my profile picture on everything for the next 7 years 😂


The camera lense, distorts your features. Depending on the one used, it can be far from an accurate mirror.


I can so relate!


This is me to a T!


Omg, so I'm not alone on this. Thank God. But I feel for u 2, it sucks 😕 


This is probably due to lens distortion. Trust your mirror. You're beautiful


🥲thank you friend!




Do you like taking pictures? I noticed that I dont like taking pictures, so when a picture captures a moment where im not comfortable that that seeps through the lens into something I dont want to see. People generally dont look good when they are in a negative mind space. Looking through a mirror was never a bad experience for me so I am not in a negative mindspace and that reflects on my facial features


Yes exactly! Same with voice recordings - such a mind fuck.


I really think from the bottom of my heart grading beauty from 1 to 10 makes no sense whatsoever. I'm french and it's a concept that didn't even exist before American culture became a real influence on ours. And sorry, nothing against you OP, but I think it's stupid as fuck. I think it's violent for any individuals, even the beautiful ones. And it makes me kind of angry that most of the population now adheres to this "objective" vision of beauty that is subject to change every decade, every major trend, and at every little cultural switch (wow how objective it must be) I feel americans really have a problem with that, and it brings them a lot more suffering / distorted vision of reality than they realize. Yes sexual attraction is real, beauty is real, but it was always part of the person as a whole, personality included (and also part of who is looking at this person) and I feel the "objective beauty" part is blown way out of proportion nowadays. Even if of course, it kind of matters, but really not that much jeez. Sorry again, not angry at you, just a bit of a rant for all the suffering it brings to people


I agree with you, as an American. People tend to want to quantify things to assign value. Subjectivity scares a lot of people who rely on absolutes and it is inconveneint for those who use limited systems such as polls. But things such as beauty or love can't be quantified. The more you think you're just "x" number, the more you belive what that means to you, and the more you expect others to believe it, and therefor you think you deserve less in return. The simple reality is, there is no number. We all have an inner child. We all need to look our inner child in the eyes, maybe when we were 7 years old for example, and ask yourself if you should dare ask this innocent person how beautiful they are on a 1-10 scale. How does that make you feel?


Really well put, I completely agree


This is the best answer. I intentionally made myself less attractive to become invisible to men post some trauma but now I’m doing it for me and it feels powerful. I’d fuck w anyone so hard if they troubled me.


I wholeheartedly agree!


I completely agree. Best response 🤩


i agree, i think it’s dehumanizing to rate people on a numbered scale, not even to mention beauty is way to complex of a thing to try to make objective.


Great answer.


I appreciate your perspective on this as someone from another country. no doubt, the American cultural standard of beauty is indeed toxic and not representing how men actually feel about womens bodies and what they find attractive. However, you must see how you are labeling all American people as having a problem with something, instead of seeing us as victims of a toxic culture that we didn't choose to grow up in. Skinny women get shamed for not being of substance or being meek and large women are shamed for not having willpower. Nobody wins and everybody shames their body.


Of course you are victims of this culture and you didn't chose any of it, that's actually what I meant But when you live in a society, you unwillingly integrate its ways in your development as an individual... And it can be difficult to get rid of it, as it can be the root cause of a deep anxiety That's the problem I'm referring to French people have lots of other issues which are not fun at all, so I make no judgement, it's just an observation


Yea i had some similar thoughts. I dont think INFJs are very inclined to this kind of measuring system that tries to mesh physical beauty standards with individual opinions/ preferences. I think its actually almost illogical to put the two into one measurement. Its pretty shallow too because beauty is one. How would this rating system treat a lady that is in her middle ages who does massive charity work for her community? Most people would rank her low solely for her age, but would probably rank her higher if they knew she was kind. Point being that attractiveness is not all about looks, its very multifaceted. The beauty of an individual could never fit onto a ‘rating system’. It sounds salty but its true.


It doesn’t even stand as true either. I’ve known people who may be classed as a solid 8/9 (I hate the numeric system as much as you do). But then they’ll have the personality of minus fucking fifty, and it’ll drag my overall perception of them down to the depths of Dante’s inferno. And vice versa. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to jump into bed with someone simply because they’re the kindest fucking being. Beauty fades, or at least external beauty does. I will never, ever understand the appeal of it, and how we desperately try to cling to it until our knuckles are bleeding white. Ageing is a privilege. I’m 23. I love my ‘crows feet’. I love my laugh lines. I love my forehead wrinkles. I love the texture of my skin. It shows I’ve lived, I’m alive. I’m lucky to be breathing in a world that is seemingly hell bent on its own self destruction. We’d never look at something as beautiful as either the moon or a century-year old tree and call them ugly. We’d admire them. Ugh. It’s sad. It’s such a shame. * apologies for grammar, iPhone keeps autocorrecting shit and I can’t be bothered to amend everything.


Great answer. Also, if English isn’t your first language, I wish to learn it as fluently as you


Good enough.


I like your attitude!


I would give myself a good healthy 7.  There are definitely other people who are more attractive than me but I think I am beautiful. I love all of me, even the flaws I have on my body.


I feel this way too. My face is asymmetrical and my nose is large, but I think it makes me beautiful in a unique way.


This is awesome!


I'm a 5- totally split on this one. I always thought I was ugly in general but that I have some amazing features and qualities that I am very proud of. I've also been told several times that I am uniquely beautiful, including recently by someone I just met. I saw a recent post about fearing we are narcissists. I think it would be very INFJ to push down any positive thoughts about ourselves because of this fear. (A true narcissist is focused on being this perfect idea of their self at the cost of their own well-being and that of others. So, we might actually be kind of susceptible to being narcissists, not externally focused enough, but that's not a clinical definition for us because we're still empathic. We're not selfish, which is how most people use that term.)




10 irl is yes 33% on tinder, so idk haha


I think I’m pretty average, so I would say 6


Maybe a 4-5? I don’t think I’m attractive, but also not ugly… just very plain and average looking, absolutely nothing special 🤷🏼‍♀️


I always thought I was ugly but eventually factual evidence convinced me I'd actually been rather beautiful underneath my hangdog appearance and lack of effort. In my 30s I made a methodical (INFJ) effort to make the most of what I had, and that made a big difference in my self-image. On the other hand, I'm glad I was always super-nice to people because that is a good way to be. I was trying to make up for my "lack of attractiveness," but it would be healthier to have both--self-esteem and a good attitude toward others.


Physically? I don't "compensate" with being "deep, intelligent, etc". You either ARE or not. No one can act intelligent. I won't answer because I feel reduced to a number on something that I find shallow. Shallow men think that us women only have our looks to offer. Complex men appreciate complex women, and won't ask such primitive questions. Thank you




I am going for west cost 9 but achieving Wisconsin 8 lol


I'd give myself a 9/10 💟


Maybe a 5? I think I’m average. Not ugly or not hot.


-4. My body is messed up.


Same. Probably has more to do with my health tbh than anything else 😅


My mom told I was handsome A…..LOT……I gotta be at least a freakin 8.3 …..8.4?!


I always tell my son he is beautiful. I hope it sticks with him the rest of his life.


I'd say I'm a 3-4, or maybe a 5 on a good day 😆. I realize it's rather sad, but my low self-esteem affects my life regardless. Others have told me I'm a 7 or an 8. That being said, I don't like the idea of rating people like that. Physical appearance is important, but who someone is on the inside matters much more, in my opinion.


8 by real life 3 by instagram I've been told I look a bit like skinnier Charlie Hunnam a couple of times


I like your breakdown. I used to be an 8.5 but now bc of today's beauty standards I'm like 7. I dunno I never see these Instagram ppl in real life so ik a lot is photo shop and are fake. Do, is it really yhe new beauty standard of the ,norm?One thing I do know is I turn heads. My husband doesn't like me to go out alone bc guys always come to hit on me.


8…based on a mixture of my own views of myself and interpretations of others. Just my own views maybe 6 😂


Well I get men attention often so I think I am ok look-wise. Around 7 I guess? Anyways beauty is subjective, for ones you could be pretty for others not really. Regardless face it's not symmetrical because of a bit crooked nose, but I have big eyes, full lips naturally, long hair. What about body shape I am a bit tall 175cm and around 63kg. I could lose 3-4kg, but it's not an extreme need for now 🤔 overall I am satisfied with the way I look, thanks to genes 😊


When I was younger, I think I was a solid 7. But at 60,od say 5. I'm average wrinkled for my age (but honestly, I wouldn't trade the wisdom for the pretty.)


Depending on the lighting, when I last shaved my face/head, how I feel etc. I can be a whole ass 7 or maybe even an 8? But when none of the optimal "conditions" are met. I'd consider myself average at best.


8.5 - 9 based on the attention I get but personally I don’t think I’m hot because I have dysmorphia


A solid 5


Facially i am a 5. Average. My mother and grandmother used to be models,which is the reason i have some great facial features (deep set eyes,high and prominent cheekbones,almost no assymetries) i do however have a terrible flaw which balances them out,which is essentially my oversized hooked nose,which i got from my father. Physically i am probably a 6/7 as well. Above Average. Have been going to the gym since 2 years now. I am the most confident in my wide shoulders and thick chest and my overall muscularity at a low bodyfat percentage. I am however quite short for a guy,which most people deem as unattractive (5'7, though doctors said that i will grow into my 20s) I do feel like this specific combination makes me very unattractive,despite people calling me handsome throughout my whole life. Despite that i will be very happy to just get this damn nose hump removed. I cant deny though,that i have phases of pessimism where my confidence about my looks is nonexistent,and i start to dissociate more intensely For me,thinking deeply came naturally. As a child,everyone called me beautiful and i didnt give a single shit about it,as i was simply in my own world. There was no compensation,it was my natural state of being. I always was naturally removed from reality and in another state of existence,observing patterns or making philosophical reflections rather than actually being present. Until i was 17 or something i never cared about my looks at all.




Now HE'S ugly.


6 or 7 depends on the day I guess


4 body, 6 face. Once I get more fit I think it’ll go 7 body 8-9 face.


im definitely like a 5 body and 9 face lol


Look wise, I'm average. I'm not ugly nor extremely pretty. Just average lol. Never had a problem with feeling ugly or inadequate in that department. Was always confident in my body, even if it's just average. I don't care too much about being deep or intelligent. Maybe in my younger days, yes. Don't know why I craved connection with people so much back then. Maybe cause it was the social norm that I thought I was lacking? My brain convinced me I was not normal. Only when I learned to accept myself and love who I was, mistakes, quirks and all... did I let go of that superficial thought process. Now I just meet people where they are at on their journey in life.


Realistically taking everything into account 6.5 tbh


I'm quite skinny so that brings it down a little, but face card + fashion style + charisma brings it to 7.5 imo. Despite not taking compliments well I do get a few


I feel I'm good. I don't understand what the rankings mean though


okay not participating in the rating myself part but what are you saying in your 3rd sentence and on? it seems to not have anything to do with the title and your first two sentences. you’re talking about people’s attractiveness and then suddenly bring up autism? i’m having trouble with my reading comprehension here


Somewhere between a 2 and a 7, where at in between? I have no idea and it depends on the day, how my hair and outfit looks. Hard to see myself accurately.


6 now, 8 in my 20's lol.


I personally like using a 5 point scale to measure. From 1-10, I’m actually an 11, though my SO thinks I’m a 10, and most people would probably call me an 7. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's funny bc there is something called the dunning Kruger effect  That's when unattractive people think they are more attractive than they are and attractive ppl think they are less attractive than they are. like wise with intelligence. Intelligent ppl tend to down play how smart they are while unintelligent ppl play it off like they are so smart. It's very interesting 🤔 I've been told I'm an 8 to 8.5 I think I'm literally average 5. All I do know is I definitely turn heads in public (for some reason it's hard for me to process, understand and deal with) and my husband doesn't like me to go out alone bc guys tend to come and hit on me. It happened when I wondered off for a from him  for a minute the other day and he was like God damn it!


I will give myself a 10 because anything less isn’t proper self-love


Lookswise 3 but not compensating it with anything. I am still a proud (not egotistical) individual. I am proud of everyone who are good people - attractive or not. Unfortunately, I have had a rough life which reflect in my appearance. If anything, my priority towards other traits that I find attractive in a well rounded human like being generous, self sacrificing, educated, competent, hard-working, strictly moralistic and being well informed have contributed to deterioration of my appearance. But I am striving towards a balance now and focusing on improving my appearance (which is hard to do once everyone else has become accustomed to thinking that you just live to serve others).


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. lol your going to be really attractive to some and not so to others.


I’m 8


I would rate myself around a 7 or 8. My self confidence has definitely improved since I left my abusive marriage and started doing what I wanted to. I've asked a few partners if they think I'm more attractive than I see myself and they have all said yes. I was one of those invisible women until a few years ago so having guys staring at me and catcalling is still foreign, and I'll often check to make sure it's directed at me. For me, being able to settle my nervous system and doing the inner work about my childhood trauma is showing on the outside. But I still hate the way I look in photos. I had anorexia as a teenager and it's always there in the back of my head


I hate my selfie photos.


No, I don't think people, even INFJs, are deep or intelligent only as a means to compensate for feeling unattractive. Being 'deep' is part of the INFJ characteristics, it's just who they are. What it sounds like you are insinuating is that people who feel unattractive essentially become INFJs. That's not how it works.


Probably a solid 5?


7 for sure


I'll slap it with an 8 burger


5. Solid 5.


Not attractive enough for picky male INFJs. Attractive enough for all other types.


I consider myself to be really attractive (yuck, sounds so vain) based on the feedback I get from the outside world but I despise the idea of my looks being valued over my intellect and being. I ditch people who overly value physically attraction or feel they only value you bc of looks (for girls, social media photos / adding to their image and guys like they’ve won some trophy) bc it’s draining to be around. I deleted all my social media aside from facebook to eliminate this means of attention from my life bc it disrupted who I am deep inside and it is disgustedly addicting


I am def not the generalized beauty standard at ALL .. I have a weird, uneven face. . My eyes are the color of poop when you’re violently ill. I have no plastic surgery and I’m proud of that- no where nothing on me is fake … I’m very lucky that way. From my eyelashes to my hair -I just think it’s very rare to have everything be natural nowadays and in a way that makes me feel pretty. I’m not pretty, not cute , not hot. I have always wanted to be - like a blonde , blue eyes , tanned .. beach person lookswise - and for me- never felt pretty because of that… that’s also been the standard of beauty I grew up with.. my mom etc . Edit: I think it’s really important that no matter what you look like or think you look like- that you think of yourself as perfectly average .. because there is always someone more attractive or with better features etc - and I think .. we are at the end of the day- each average more than anything else in the looks department. There are billions of people in this world. I think what really makes a person attractive is who they are .. their energy, their vibe … their charisma. Which is also impossible to describe. I’ve been with people that were not considered attractive - but who they were on the inside made them the most attractive person in the world to me. I have also seen plenty of beautiful women that just fall flat because they have no spark of life in them- have no personality.. or are terrible mean people. And use their looks to hurt people … to wield power over people -


7-8/10. If I had hair I would be a 10 but I’ve got the height, physique, and jawline to back it up


I've been told I'm handsome but I don't really like compliments. I'd say about a 5/10. i'm 5'10" with blue eyes and dirty blond hair.


I've been told by a lot of people that I am gorgeous and highly attractive, so I guess I am attractive! I have body dysmorphia though so I actually have a really hard time conceptualizing my own appearance and how i appear to others. I dress plainly and for comfort - especially after having 2 kids and going through cancer treatment a couple years ago.




4 lol


IDK, average I guess? Probably it depends on what clothing and makeup I have on.


0. And that’s on the 0-1 scale. 5 on 1-10 scale. But ran through like a ditzy 10


5 - I feel like I’m average at just about everything 🤷🏼‍♂️


It can def be a point of insecurity for me, but I’d give myself an 8.


I think I have some kind of body dismorphia - I am a woman and live in a shallowish country, I don’t think I can compensate


Disconnected from the real world and fascinated by a feeling/idea << I think that’s me 😭




I would rate myself 4 on a good day, 1 on a bad day and 0 on a day when everything goes wrong. I'm a big L(ironically i'm not a big L, i'm skinny af).


Sometimes 3, sometimes 7


Men have given me their honest opinion that I am a 8.5 and body a 10. I feel like I am 5 or 6. I have a bit of body dysmorphia and have times where I think I am very ugly. I have done a lot of personal work on that, it's a journey


I think we all have the capability to become 10s so I think I am a 10. I used to force myself to think I am below that but I now know that the rating really doesn't matter and the best we can use it for is positivity. To me, I am a 10 and everyone's rating of me will boil it down to an average. So 10 is my starting point then if someone says 9 then my average will be 9.5 but originally I am a 10.


Hard to say, It differs from person to person. What one finds "attractive" someone else my guy not feel the same. I know for me, growing up I was always told I was cute, mysterious, handsome/attractive; but in a way I feel lead on. For me, I'm 38 this year and have yet to end up in a real long term relationship. When I was younger (elementary/high school) I used to get girls swooning over me from time to time. Those days are long behind me. Do I find myself "attractive"? Sure, when I was younger. I don't get the same attention anymore, leading me to think differently.


4, 4.9 on a good day


Maybe a 6.5? I am not sure how to rate myself.


Don’t want to be reduced to a number so I’ll just say I view myself as beautiful, flaws and all.


I feel myself as cute guy next door 7/10. I just do basic stuff. Eat clean, sleep well, trim nails, dress well 🤷🏽




I'd rate my face like a 7 but I'd rate my body a 5 at best. Overall I'd give myself a 6, I don't think I'm very attractive personally but I've been told otherwise a few times


At home 10, hang out with people 2.


When I look at my reflection I feel like a 6. The way I’m treated before people figure out I’m crazy makes me feel like a 9.


Zero 😂


10 tbh 9 sometimes I’m very beautiful




2-3 in America, but higher worldwide


Physically? 10/10 😅 but that only after a few boys appreciated my beauty 😅 without that I would focus too much on the parts I don't like 😅 In general? 8/10 I've got still some things I would like to improve. For example I would like to be more funny. 😁 So in general I think I'm very attractive, but it doesn't stop me from having really low self-esteem and feeling worthless... 😅 I love how paradoxical it is... 😅😅😅


I’m a solid 3 and mostly because of my height. Japanese-White mix, 5’7” 145lbs. Looks bad when smiling but okay when mad. I’m American small but Japanese average so that’s great.


7. Not a model, but not ugly 😂😅


- Other people who are in reality a 1 think they are a 10. - 360 analysis: humbly 10 because of therapy. Yet I hide and don't like attention, or to be viewed as an object, nor to be bothered or drama. - I've only met a few people I personally find attractive: Elegant, mature, healthy, EQ, IQ.




This feels personal lol. I’ve never felt attractive. Like ever.




8/10. Male 40. Get looks a couple of times per day. From youngsters to milfs. But I feel ugly. Looks don't matter. Overthinker. Won't make a move even if life depended on it.


You shouldn't rate yourself that way. It's unhealthy.


Very good looking. But that was not without effort, or good genes. I don't think I ever felt "Good looking", because people were not always "nice" to me. Or didn't aalways get me. I don't have autism. It can be strange, people treat you strang ely, and weirdly, if they think you are attractive. People don't treat you like a normal person. And that doesn't mean kindly. They can blush, (you wonder if you are cringe), they often "ne g", you, attempt to lowEr at your self -esteem. Many abuse you, due to feeling like if you had any self-esteem, you would 't love them. It makes women hate you. Think that their boyfriends would leave them for the first, pretty person the laid, eyes upon.. Or even that I would, want their sketchy boyfriends. on a scale of one to ten, (and I hate that objectification of women)... I would be an 8-9. Because I'm not airbrushed, photoshoped, or plastic surgery altered. And I've stopped wearing ridiculous makeup. If I was a man, I'd be standing outside my own window with a boombox, playing love songs. And not even for my looks. (No makeup). But because I am... A really nice... Really cool person.


5. 6 on a good day. Pretty much straight average I think.


1 or 6. Have yet to be proven otherwise.




I'm a 4 without make up and a 7 with make up. If I didn't have eczema I'd be a cutie lol


nahh... I'm pretty good looking.  I'm just an INFJ too.  I have rejection sensitivity dysphoria so even if overcome my introversion I don't do so with confidence and I feel super awkward which leads to awkward interactions which leads to being less likely to open up to strangers.    


I’m a catch y’all


6.5-7. I honestly know that I have some extra weight on me, especially in my mid/lower regions


For a long time I consider myself a 5. But more recently I now consider myself an 8.


5. Not ugly, but not a heartthrob.


A 6?


3 max I’m INFJ or ISFJ.


Yes, but what happends is that if your ugly and it matters your ugly but if your just ugly then your just ugly. Whoever this means the most to is the one who have the most want to be beautiful/change themselves. Its cool everyone loves themselves. None hurts themselves intentionally with the motiv to achive their own hell or whatever. It rather goes the other way, from sadness, depression, from shit that blocks life, but whenever one who is depressed or sad kills themselves, they do it because they want themselves something good.


Out of the desire to be more confident ill say a 7 and i have days and outfits that make me an 8. But since i was in elementary school i have ALWAYS been a 7. Even when i was ripped, 8 pack and all, still just a 7. So i think the jury has spoken


Not really, but I have very low self-esteem, so people irl would probably disagree with my opinion over my appearance.


Some days an 8. Most days a 6.


solid 6 maybe 7 on a good day


5. I don't think that's something you decide yourself tho


I will be really honest. I really don’t fit into the main beauty standard. I’m not Charlize Theron or Megan Fox. I’m a 4 or 5 depending on the beholder. I look adequate. I have straight teeth. I always wear make up. Dress as nicely as I can. Keep good hygiene. I mind my manners. All my life, lots of people treat me like I was some disgusting thing because I really was dorky looking. Ironic how I was much better in shape than they are. I am little pudgy, pudgy in how Bryce Dallas Howard looked like in Aryglle. But she’s way prettier than me. However, in terms of personality I give myself an 7 or 8. I’m not perfect. However, if I know someone who can be loyal to me as I am to them. Then boy howdy, they are my family! I make them my family. I would make them lunch. I will hold them Forever in my arms as always. My loyalty and empathy is my strongest aspect. I am Super patient. However, my goofy, repetitive and bland nature gets a downvote. I’m not interesting at all, but I have a lot love to give. Sorry, I write weird. I say weird things.


I’m a solid 2


Solid 4 at best.


Depends on how my body dysmorphia is feeling that day. I think I’m a 6, but I often feel like a 3 or even 10.


I'm a comfortable 6.25/10 not ugly but not unattractive :). but it doesn't really matter what I think about how I look. looks fade as you age, what remains is you; the immaterial person. if that part of you is being developed into a 10 as you age you get more handsome or beautiful with age. and people will let you know in many ways. :)


I’m feelin a 5 out of 10 because I cannot perceive my face but I don’t see myself as ugly either. I’m determined to subjectively see myself as beautiful without cosmetic procedures or enhancements and I’ll make sure of it. It’s a lot of subconscious reconditioning going on w my self esteem at the moment 😭


To whom? And in what way? I never tried to compensate with intelligence. I tried to compensate with people-pleasing and masking and changing myself to fit an impossible standard. I wouldn't exactly call that intellectual, in fact I'd argue its the opposite.


I would say 8-9, my husband says 9-10, what a nice guy. My biggest struggle is my complexion. I don’t tan nor do I want to risk getting cancer to do so so the only tan I get is from a can, but fake tans are a chore to keep up with.


I am a 35m 5'4 and Hispanic, so I feel invisible to women, so I feel like a 1


Some times a 2, other times a 7 or even a 9!! honestly depends on my mood and if I saw enough pretty girls that day or not 😭😭


Never had anyone call me cute so


I think I’m an acceptable 7, but I have modeled before at others request. Once even for a mega evangelical church, and I’m Jewish. An ex girlfriend told me I have a very handsome face and that it was hard to not think I have many options. I have, but I’m more emotionally inclined to making connections before sleeping around. But like I said before, I prefer to stay at an acceptable 7 in my mind.


I dont like the rating scale for attractiveness because its really shallow and could never encapsulate real beauty of the soul. That is an unquantifiable beauty. I really value a good mind and a good heart. I consider myself very attractive, but I still feel insulted by the rating system. Its kind of lonely when you really value personality and character in this society. I’ve never been in a relationship because people don’t really value that in me. I take a lot of maintenance for my mind the way i do for my looks. Its like you’ll never get to know how deep i like to think and feel, which is the gift itself above all physical attractiveness. I dont think INFJs are very inclined to rating systems or speed dating tactics that you might see online. They are very shallow. I think I am beautiful because i stay true to what i believe is good and i make meaningful decisions and connections.


 -10 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 




A 5 with no styling but 8 with styling

