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I wish I could tell you. I miss literally every person I’ve ever been attached to, romantically or otherwise and it doesn’t matter how awful they got. I’ve just learned that there’s no limit to what you can feel and how many people you can feel those feelings for. It really hurts but I can love my fiancé without losing feelings for the lost and dead.


Yeah I’m the same way. I’m sorry you have to experience that :( I still love my partner but still miss people.


It’s okay. It’s funny that you mention dreams. I’ve always been a very lucid dreamer and I meet with those who’ve passed regularly. My best friend is wonderful to see. My evil brother picks fights. That’s a problem because I also sleep walk. Lol.


I don’t sleep walk but I talk in my sleep a lot lol. I tend to have a lot of dreams about my ex’s at least the ones I deeply cared for. Occasionally I’ll see friends or other people in my dreams but my dreams are almost always romantically fueled for some reason.


That could be troublesome.


It has been and will probably always be to be honest. I don’t know how to fight my subconscious on this one.


I feel you. My mom related nightmares are here for life. Lol.


I get that. I used to have nightmares about my dad but not so much anymore. Nightmares with parents are rough.




You don’t miss her, you miss what you had with her. Do your dreams stop when you see other people?


They usually end or I wake up and realize it was a dream


Sorry I mean, when you dated other people, did the dreams stop?


Ohh, sorry. Yes generally speaking. Would happen every few months or so but for the most part yes.


![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq) But honestly, only thing you can do is move on and meet different people. Sounds like a generic answer, but unless you may want to dive into healing practices through meditation or Yoga, it’s an integral part of the human experience. If Sokka can meet a dime like Suki after being with Princess Yue, you are good dawg.


That’s normal for INFP


how does one make it not normal lol


Probably either by falling in love again, or by becoming a ENTJ or ESFJ.


She sounds like The One That Got Away. It’s also particularly rough waking up from those kinds of dreams bc as you regain waking consciousness, you realize how starkly different reality is from that dreamland bliss and your euphoria and bliss comes crashing down.


Could be. I think it’s just something I miss having as I have never felt like that with anybody else.


Maybe in some way your body is still processing those emotions in your dreams. You could think of it as merely a byproduct of some sort of emotional digestion that takes many years to finish. Like an emotional hiccup.


Stop thinking about the past


If they were your first love you will always feel this way about them. It’s not them you miss anymore, it’s the way they made you feel