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Not worth it, dude. Even when you are are INFP. It does not have that power over you unless you let it.


You got me there. I'm very much guilty of letting emotions overwhelm me. My therapist is currently on vacation, so this might be more severe xD. Jk


Yes, I'm like this too


I knew this sub wouldn't disappoint xD. Thanks, I feel less alone


This is one of my reasons for joining Reddit.


Indeed it can be xD


Yes. Every time one of my favorite songs shows up on a commercial.


God that pisses me off!!


It has happened yes


Well, game of thrones caused this obsession in me, but I like to think of that as a special occasion


To clarify, the butchering of the last seasons


I heard they did it pretty badly, but I've only read the books so far, even though I fell behind. I'm not quite up to date. No spoilers though, I'll catch up xD


I was reading a book once and dropped it halfway because of how angry it got me - the writer decided to include an ugly, unexpected scene just for shock value, so it ruined an otherwise good read. I guess that'd make him smile, though, learning that he's had such power over someone with his writing.


what weird? it's satisfying af ![gif](giphy|s6JkLdBU7RwJpPosIX|downsized)




My brother loved StarCraft 2 when it came out. He would play it for hours on end - he was really good at it, too! I enjoyed watching him play somewhat, mostly sharing his excitement, listening to his strategy ideas and celebrating in his victories or yelling at the opponents in upsets. But, it wasn't really my type of game. Too fast paced, tense and stressful (my fav at the time was Minecraft). He eventually got me a copy of the game so we could play together. I sucked at it so bad... But I kept trying. I really hated playing it, because I could never just relax and think, or look at the scenery, or ponder how some building worked... If I did then I'd lose even harder than I already was. Anyway, I tried for months to get decent at it so we could play co-op but I failed. And I hated every match. Eventually I decided that I just hated that game. I remember going online and searching for other people who hated StarCraft, and reading what they had to say, to find out if I was the only one too retarded to play the game properly. I wasn't.


I try not to, it usually isn’t very good for me personally. "One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things"


Yes, frequently. But never with more intensity than with the Zombies, Run app. Genius concept. Because emotions are already heightened while running, adding on a self-insert story with beautifully acted characters surrounding you with emotional plot points....I have reacted audibly so many times my neighbors must think I'm crazy. I was once yelling at a character while turning a corner and nearly bumped into someone walking their dog. Embarrassing. Lol.


I’m learning that hating things does no good for me. My hate changes nothing and only hurts me.


Angry? No. But I do relate in principle. The need for some form of closure or catharsis after consuming a piece of media that affected you. It happens a lot with movies or shows for me


Never with a piece of regular media. Sports? Yes. There are a few sports teams that in the past I have lived and died with. And more than not, that answer is died with.


anna stubblefield case. I read a few of disability ethics papers on it too.


I didn't know the case. Oh my... Heavy stuff, it seems.


It was a good few months ago now. But I read Downfall by Inio Asano, and it changed how I look at him so much that I struggle to enjoy his other works like I used to. I googled a bunch to see how others felt. I’m not sure if that counts lol




Painful fragments of Rings of Power flash before my eyes...


Yeah I do that lol. Feels validating.


well, it's not like I lost sleep over it, but there have been times I got pretty annoyed at a few things. one example is Mako from The Legend of Korra, throughout the whole series, he really got on my nerves. when the love triangle drama started, I even stopped watching at points and googled his name. I was actually relieved to see that most people shared my feelings and disliked him. another example is Re-zero, one of my favorite animes. I loved everything about it, the setup, the art, the characters, the story, but the protagonist, Subaru, really turned me off. up until that point, I didn't realize it was possible to be so disgusted and annoyed by a fictional character who's supposed to be the "good guy" people cheer for. he cried so much that I literally stopped watching the whole thing, even though some of my all time favorite anime characters were in the show.


Oh my gosh. Seriously Mako what the heck man? I started watching, but had to stop. finally recently went back and finished it. In the end I liked it. Just took a while to get there. I haven’t watched re:zero yet, but I know it’s super popular. When I was in Japan the game centers/ aracaris always had like 3 different versions of the red and blue hair girls, whose names I forgot.


I’m pretty sure I have been at some point but I can’t think of specifics.’


A very enough not to be able to sleep. Yes. Going over in my head why it’s terrible and working my self up more yes. I always just assume my opinion is the minority So I never bother to look it up. What anime btw? I’m genuinely curious.


Well, in this case it's mushoku tensei. I like it quite a bit, but some writing decisions are very questionable and the author seems to push very questionable morals, let's say this xD. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I was quite mad yesterday


I haven’t seen/read it yet, but it looks interesting. It’s always the questionable morals that get me heated. In that respect I understand.


I have friends with very strong opinions on that show lol wish you could talk to them. By strong opinions, I mean they hate it with a passion lol so I’m just choosing not to watch it


All of that sans the not sleeping part. No offence but you should maybe look into getting some help for that!


No worries, I can't sleep anyway xD


Haha, you're certainly not alone. If you hop on Youtube, there's like a whole cottage industry of people talking trash about things they hate. I used to be really into it, but nowadays my free time is so sparse that I really need to be focused on looking for new things that I like if I don't wanna get too bummed out.


No, I’ve got less important things to do


I feel like for q(.) was an INFP, I


I try not to devote that amount of time or energy to stuff I don’t enjoy - there’s enough crap in life I have to deal with (even moreso thanks to being physically disabled and having OCD) that there’s no way I’m seeking out hate echo chambers when I could instead do something I actually like with my free time.


No, I typically don't get angry with forms of media. However, I do sometimes feel an emotion I have labeled as "grrr"; I know it sounds similar to anger, but it's entirely different and rather hard to describe. I have broken my punching bag more than a few times because of some really good movies, some good songs, or some good reads.


Only if you consider Vine and Tik Tok a form of media


You are a very hate filled human being, buddy. Anyway, the boys, I was not angry, just disgusted and hurt to the core by the cynnism in display, I just don't like the premise (OF THE COMICS, the show seems a tad better) it is just fanfiction of an edgelord that does not like the things you love dearly, and, in the time I first discovered what THe Boys was, I felt so saddened by it, in fact, I tend to avoid things that hurt the mental image of things I enjoy, sometimes avoiding the very things I enjoy because they cause feelings of hurt, and I feel it exponentially because I am indeed a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and I can tell that 4 times outta 10 what made me feel bad was something Sonic related. Am I a pussy for behaving this way? Maybe, but it does hurt more than fuel a need to hatewatch


I'm not, I swear. These are just moments of a passionate man passing by.