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I’m so sorry your dad’s a douche. But great use of Megamind meme


He’s been that way my entire life. A real piece of work. When I was 15 I hadn’t heard from him for about 2 years. He called me one day out of the blue and told me he had lung cancer and only 3 months left to live in order to get me to talk to him. I appreciate you appreciating my use of the mega mind meme.


Ugh that's tough. Sorry you're dealing with this. A good sub for your situation is r/EstrangedAdultKids.


My mom likes to say, “that (person) is not just a piece of work, they’re a masterpiece.” It’s become an inside joke and we used to call my dad The Blue Boy after the Gainsborough painting.


Ok I've just adopted that phrase into my arsenal. Please thank your mother for me and everyone else who's now picked up that saying


Lol will do! When we see someone or are talking about someone who’s a masterpiece, it’s customary for one of us to name them. Example: my sister’s neighbor is a real douche bag. She was talking about her and said, “you know the type, a real Madonna On The Rocks.” So now her neighbor’s nickname among us is “Madonna.” Have fun naming your own masterpieces :)


I’m in love with this!!!


Oh I'm absolutely gonna be doing that too I'll be having WAY too much fun with that though 😂😂


What a wanker, can't believe some.people can be this narcissistic. Good on you OP for being the adult in the room


Oh man. My dad had a quad bypass in his 50s (early 2000s) and after that I don’t think a month went by when he wouldn’t remind me that he could “drop dead any second” as a way to guilt me into being more of the kind of daughter he wanted/expected me to be (ie., completely subservient, revering, etc) He did eventually kinda drop dead so to speak, 25 years later though. We are 95% it was a heart attack as well. I’m sorry he did that to you OP, you didn’t deserve that


Should have called him weak.


no shot, mine did the same thing. Called up outa nowhere @18 y/o told me he had cancer and wanted to get to know me before he passed. Liar and a shithead in 1. I feel you.


Interesting use of "work" as a synonym for "shit".


My bio dad tried pulling that a few years after the dad who raised me passed away from cancer. His very extensive history of elaborate lies made it very easy to see through that one, though. He's currently about 4 years past the number of months left he gave himself.


Maybe it's just my age(34) or my inability with dealing with shit like this anymore. But if my dad tried coming back into my life and started spouting off again after serving prison time for threatening my families lives. I would probably show up to his location and end his life lol.


Whatever, later8.


He writes like he’s my age. It’s sad.


Douche is an understatement but agreed


great use of the megamind meme i laughed very hard at it


Thank you. I love using memes to respond to people like this. 😂


Tis a good tactic in my professional opinion


Always so fun when they crawl out from under the rocks, isn't it?


It’s always a fun experience when he bothers me. 😂


The only thing that is ugly is him. They always project


That they do.


Good for you hopefully he stays far far away


Here’s to hoping!




Later ate?






Father of the Year I'm guessing


32 years in a row and counting.


That deserves a reward, like a bag of dicks or a bag of dog shit




Just saying... https://www.shitexpress.com/


I’m so sorry your dad is treating you like this. It might have been a blessing this evil man isn’t in your life anymore.


Oh it’s a huge blessing. He has always been a horrible “father”. In and out of my life at his own whim my whole childhood. Abusive and addicted to drugs and alcohol. He made my childhood miserable.


He sounds like a real narcissist! First he seems to lie about your mom, then makes the convo about himself talking about the Feds and then turns to insults towards you. Just be careful if he ever starts acting nice and asking for forgiveness. It’s all probably fake!


He is very much a narcissist and manipulative. One good thing about my childhood being as bad as it was is I can spot that from a mile away.


Yes, what a wonderful “gift” PTSD can be. Most of mine came from shitty “romantic” relationships and the attention of my mother’s brother when I was young (yes I know the word uncle but I will never call him my kin) but my father was a State Trooper that showed me crime scene photos and told me details of cases that children probably shouldn’t be told. But he always said “I know this is hard to look at/hear, but I don’t want you to end up in a manilla folder on some detective’s desk.” And I didn’t. Even got my friends out of some places right before it all went south because if you know it, you can “feel” a shift in the mood of an entire room. They were still dancing and having fun, and I’m like “Nope, we’re out, don’t make me drag you.” They started saying I was a survival vest, but not a Snuggie. But we’re all still breathing.


Well at least that horrible man was able to teach you something. I’d never give that man another second of my time again. I wish I would’ve done that with my dad. I tried for to many years to get his approval and love until I finally realized I didn’t need it to be happy. Good luck to you!


We have similar situations. My biological father surrendered his rights when I was a year old. He was seventeen and I was his first child. I saw him a few times here or there over the decades. He was in and out of prison, mostly for drug charges, the last instance for armed robbery of seventy-six year old woman. In between he had eight other children. He named one of them after me. I'm not even dead. His second child is a very sweet kid. About six years younger than I am, and a good head on his shoulders. Perhaps the most damning thing he's ever done is try to be in my life while ignoring the boy who really wanted him in his life. It wouldn't have been good for his son, but that's clearly not a consideration if he's tried to be in mine. He eventually got out and got clean. I was content to have heard he's off the hard stuff, that he was getting married, but at a distance. I still talk to his mother, my grandmother, and his brother every few years, but not to him. Four years ago his wife reached out to me. I don't know how she got my number. She was very sweet, not very bright, and the thrust of her message was that she wanted me to talk to him. I thanked her for her call, declined her request, and asked that she please not reach out to me again. I'd been getting on just fine for thirty years at the time, and my life was shaped just as I wanted it. It was full up, including with admirable father figures. Last year, he called me on my birthday. I didn't hang up immediately, though I should have. We hadn't exchanged words in more than a decade at that point. He congratulated me, about twelve years late, on getting my JD and my career as an attorney. He told me he has MS, that things are tough. He, progressively more awkwardly, told me he and his wife were on the rocks, that their home needed repairs, all through the haze of a polite silence after "hello" and "Yes, this is he." You get the idea. He called me, for the first time in more than ten years, on my birthday, to ask me for money. There wasn't any banter. I told him, as though mentioning that I was going to pick up groceries that afternoon, that if he called me again I'd have him killed. Then I hung up. According to his mother, he believes it. Haven't heard from him since, and the place where my memories of him live is just as cold and bleak as it ever has been. I expect it will be some years more before the worry fades. Apologies for the novel-length comment. I just wanted you to know you're not alone. And for you to tell your father you'd off him if he contacted you again, maybe.


Tell him his prison boyfriend messaged you and misses his bussy.


😂 that would be a perfect response.


Oh man, this is one of those burns you think of days after the argument while in the shower lol


The French have a term for this. L'esprit de l'escalier, or the spirit of the staircase. It's essentially saying that you got dissed by someone at a party and left, only to think of the perfect retort on your way down the stairs.


Those damn French have words for everything.


Like "damn your ugly" ---- Yeah, it's because I got terrible genetics.


Haaaa his dad probably was the bish


Oh wow. Idk if I’m imagining it but something about the way he writes looks like he’s in this perpetual state of shame and embarrassment. Also the way he goes back and forth between the not-so-subtle begging and then pretending not to give a fuck, makes it even funnier when he immediately realizes it doesn’t work and just starts feeling defeated. I’ve never seen such a potent sense of defeat and humiliation come through in the form of text messages, my god. Please don’t respond to him. Being dragged even slightly closer to his wavelength is gonna limit your potential way too much.


Oh I completely blocked him after this interaction. I noticed that as well. He definitely got his feelings hurt and felt ashamed. I think he was probably using meth when he was messaging me. He does meth and gets paranoid about the government.


Heh, I don’t even need alcohol to be paranoid about the government! Good riddance to mr. Little-leagues.


No idea what your old man is talking about, but "Later 8" not only sparked my imagination, but it brought me some comedic relief. I hope you're doing well.


Thank God someone here acknowledged this, how tf you put the 8 there like that. I've been laughing at this for too long


That Feds line resonates with me. My shitty father used to invoke nameless government entities to explain all his bad behaviors. To hear him talk, he was super secret squirrel with a price on his head on every continent. In reality he was a broke ass trucker with delusions of grandeur.


“Sad little king of a sad little hill.” It’s from the tv show Firefly. Made me think of it.


Excellent use of a River quote


Props on a Firefly reference. I thought we were a ruling breed.


We got the same father? Because that’s exactly the behavior and career he had. 😂


If you’re from Philly or Hawaii, he was tapping some ass out there in the early 80’s. I’m pretty sure I have at least two siblings I’ve never met.




I did when I was a teenager and I walked in on him beating my mom. He’s in his 60s now and I work in healthcare. I enjoy my career too much to jeopardize it on him.


Shows how much better you are than he ever will be.


I feel this. I have never known my biological father. I used to hold a lot of resentment towards him. I grew up mean and tough, familiar with and almost fond of violence. There was a long time that I wished I could have crossed paths with him. It would have been ugly. But now, I'm grown up and have a family and a career. I'm still not a pacifist, but I just don't have the will or want to lose what I've got. He's the one that missed out on my brother and I, not the other way around.


That’s exactly how I’ve been. I grew up very angry and resentful towards him. I’ve wanted to find him and get violent. But then I remember I’m better off without him and that I have a career.


👍🏻 Absolutely should. Or get someone else to, if it comes down to it.


He is probably asking who your employer is because he wants to guess at your salary and ask for money. If you have a LinkedIn it’s pretty easy to just Google search your name and see what pops up.


He did the same thing to my mother. He likes to try to get us fired from our jobs. He’s was never successful when I was a teenager or young adult. I don’t know why he still tries.


Where does he ask about employer? Just curious because I missed it. My curiosity is also itching to know the gist of the blacked-out message from him that elicited “no”


That was where he asked if a certain place was my employer. That’s all that was blacked out.


Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up. Really weird to ask that after you just insulted someone lol


HAHAHAH OMG I’m so sorry but I’m so glad someone else puts that meme to good use


I love using memes to respond to people who think I’m going to argue with them. It just pisses them off more and makes me laugh. 😂


yea he is an animal. clearly he grew up in a terrible neighborhood and wasn't able to rise out of that lifestyle. You seem to have risen above though, and are participating in society and we love you for it!


I’m loving the megamind meme




I know that by this point this comment section sounds like a broken record, but love the megamind image


I appreciate that so many people appreciate my use of that meme. 😂


TIL that standing up to one’s abusive, lying, convict father is [checks notes] “weak”.


You handled this so incredibly well. I will never forget what my son's disability social worker said to me one day. This woman never had a bad thing to say about anyone in the 10 years we knew her and she finally looked at me one day and said, "I am sorry, but one day *your son* will grow up and realize that his father is a loser." And your dad makes him look like father of the year.


Throwing memes in an argument with morons is one of the most satisfying things you can do


Oh it is one of my all time favorite tactics to deal with assholes.


I have a douchebag of a father like that. I had no desire to see him, hear him or be near him. My story much like yours had a streak of a good 10 years and was hoping to keep it up. Then in 2016 my sister died, she worked for Disneyland and they were at fault/negligence (she had epilepsy), anyway through the grapevine he heard there was money to be gotten there he was, we got into an argument and got off my chest, it ended with him punching me and i punched him. Didn't see him after that.


Did he... did he attempt to do L8ER and just fail miserably?


With a parent like this who needs enemies?


Sounds like he just got off probation and his first thought was to resume where he left off... I'd contact the police just to make sure there's a record of this.


I didn’t even think of that. That’s a good point.


Wait what was the redacted text? I feel like that’s a good missing response


Unfortunately no. It was simply him asking if a certain place was my employer. I didn’t wanna put that out there because it is my employer.


Ew that’s super creepy… make sure to document everything and keep all the texts in case you need a restraining order down the road


Oh I absolutely will. I appreciate the advice.


Just don't be surprised if he actually shows up. There's a chance he won't believe you and show up anyway. If he does, record the entire encounter and call the police. It's the only way you'll be able to legally keep him away from you. Will work great if you need to take it to court


Fortunately my company runs ambulances in a few different cities in different states. He had the correct employer but wrong city and state. So he’s gonna have to do some serious driving if he wants to find me fortunately.


Glad to hear that. I hope you stay safe my dude


Be careful with comments like these, in case he finds this.


This sucks to see as a father. I’m really sorry that you had to go through this in life and hope that you’ve found peace.


I have been fortunate in my adult life in that I have. I have a wonderful life. I have a career, a loving wife and awesome in-laws.


Don’t say you’re fortunate. That implies there was luck to it. You made the choices and decisions that got you that wonderful life. Don’t underestimate yourself- you should be proud of that.


No way my guy managed to mess up L8er


L father, deadass


Call him a pussy for leaving you, see how he reacts


He responds like a pre-teen. Lmao


The way you handled this situation is commendable because you stayed calm. Sucks you have to be related to this trash man, and I hope he never contacts you again.


I hope the same thing. He’s the reason I won’t work in the city he lives in. Don’t wanna run into him and deal with him.


Your dad reminds me of a stereotypical nice guy after getting rejected


I’d call the feds


Knowing him it is possible he’s being watched by law enforcement. He is into sketchy stuff.


How is setting clear boundaries weak at all? This dude's single brain cell should meet up with my father's single brain cell and see if they can form a new a single, coherent thought


Fuck this guy


Tried to write l8r and couldn’t even do that right


He speaks like a boy who just discovered curse words 🤣


That last text you sent is amazing. You are such a strong person to send that. So calm and collected yet laying it completely down. Fair play


Sounds like a good thing he isn't in your life anymore. And for what it's worth: your ability to tell him no while he resorts to name calling after just a few messages proves to me that you're the stronger person (mentally at least, texts prove nothing about physical strength).


Gotta give props to your very earned bluntness. Fuck yeah. Tell his ass.


Who the hell talks like this to a son? Does he want you to pilot a giant robot or something?


Okay the whole "you still ugly" thing has really rubbed me the wrong way. Like is that supposed to be just an insult or something a lot more sinister. Either way do stay far away from him as I fear for your safety if he tries to contact you again.


It kind of made me laugh a little bit. Because as a child I looked just like him. 😂. So that speaks to how he sees himself more than anything I thought.


Five bucks he's going to ask to you to either loan him some money or a place to stay the moment you let him in.


"You know, Mrs. buckman, you need a license to buy a dog. You need a license to drive a car. Hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father. " (From the movie Parenthood)


Damn. Not only does he seem like a terrible person but he somehow messed up “L8r”


He’s a piece of human garbage


A massive piece of garbage. One of the worst people I’ve met.


He is an entire [third-world rubbish dump.](https://borgenproject.org/living-in-landfills-poverty-in-the-developing-world/)


Your what?


Jesus something is clearly wrong with his brain


Years of drug and alcohol abuse.


I assume mix in a little narcissism and lack of self-awareness?


Oh absolutely yes.


"later8" blud got it a little backwards


Wow…just wow. So sorry OP.


He seems like a truly awful man. You deserved better.


“Later”??!!…lol Like, NO, you missed the point swamp ass!


Good for you bro for putting your foot sdown and being firm in it my guy 🤙


Later8 lol ok whatever that means


The meme had me dying 🤣🤣🤣




Wow, what an pathetic man. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a pos. And a man in his 60’s who still writes like a teenager? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Some people don’t deserve to be parents. People are awful, and I’m sorry your “father” as I call mine “sperm donor” is awful. It’s better to not have a father than a crappy one that makes you feel awful about yourself. Wishing you peace and love, it sucks I know from firsthand experience, but it only makes you stronger and more adamant about who you want in your life and choose to be around. Keep your head up!


Sorry man. It’s not worth your time


I’m sorry but you truly ate him tf up


He was probably contacting you bc he wanted help or money. Nice meme


man, fuck that guy


Yuck, sorry he popped up in your life with his nonsense. Excellent job shutting him down though. Hope he takes the hint and retreats back under his bridge.


It’s giving “I’m a hardcore 13 year old”


How *dare* you be so weak as to stand up to him??!!!


Honestly I wouldn't even bother talking to him. Just block right away, saves you from some headache


My guy really tried to negging you into a relationship. My moms used to do this all the time to manipulate me into doing what she wanted.


i suggest you just block him. increased my quality of life a lot.


bro watched Season 3 of The Boys and got ideas


The 69 battery percentage and the megamind meme, it’s all destined


I didn’t even see the percentage 😂. That’s hilarious.


...why os your father a discord moderator?


Sorry your father is such a petty child, hopefully you’ll never have to hear from him again.


Sends meme instead of just blocking


That was an excellent use of memes and sick burns. If your dad wasnt a total asshole then he might have been proud. I cant be your dad, but I'm proud of you.


What a weirdo.




I’ve had the druggie mother of my cousin who was in the penitentiary ask me for money for him cause he was getting out soon. Then asked for more when he got out and got his gf pregnant. Man is in his mid 40s now. He attempted to murder a guy with a pvc pipe. He was in prison the majority of my life- at least 15-20 years. These family members will never change. They never grow up and they are always bullies and will talk about you behind your back. You did good telling him off.


Yeesh, father of the decade type stuff right there. That use of Megamind had me rolling, that was well done. Seems like a true POS, and hopefully you won't hear from him ever again or maybe just once a decade, so you can pull out the meme.


BH1991, I like how you definitively reply "No" and because he can't push you around he calls you "weak"! That was funny.   Sorry you had to think about him again. Don't give it a second thought. You did great.


Sounds like a legit case of NPD.


Dad for a minute has been a great substitute for what it's worth.


Your dad is a sad little bitch and you're much better off without him as you're already aware. Keep up keeping him away 👍


What a classy gentleman you have for a father! I'm glad you've had a decade without him. Let's hope it stays that way


Sperm donor, Father's are around and care


Very valid point. I’ve always referred to him as sperm donor myself.


That meme tho😭


Your dad sounds like Thanos.


The funny thing is he used the Slipknot lyrics I had poorly tattooed on my chest to kill me. 😂 He said. “You cannot kill what you did not create, but I created you motherfucker. Remember that.”


Your sperm donor types like a middle schooler.


Sorry that you had to go through this. Just have to accept that some people can't be fixed. Go and have a great life.


Lol if saying fuck off is weakness then idk what strength is.


I’m so sorry. I hope you can block him. You handled it so well.


Just block him. Not worth your time or attention.


What a dick.


Why, the fuck,, do shitty. parents Always text like this


Megamind just hit harder than it should’ve




Pardon me if I'm being intrusive but I wanted to ask, have you ever developed any mental illness due to your dad?


PTSD, both of my parents passed on bipolar disorder as well. But. Who knows what else there may be. I don’t tend to go to doctors until I do t have much of a choice.


I'm really sorry to hear what you're going through.


Is ops dad jecht from ffx? God dam


as a straight man looking at your profile i can say you aren’t ugly, he’s just jealous he can’t grow a beard like you


Is your dad Gary from pokemon?


You have great boundaries and you're hilarious. Despite having a shit dad it seems like you turned out great 👍🏼