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the Harry Potter font is just 😳


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Gas


Holy shit 💀 😂 that’s awful


Harry Potter and the Genocider's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Gas Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz Harry Potter and the Order of the Final Solution Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Jew Harry Potter and the Deathly Heils


AHHH STOP OMG 😂 💀 💀 The Final Solution has me dead on the fucking floor dude 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️


[The movie](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/F915woA40M) had a great poster ngl


oh my god!? Do you know what movie that’s from? I never thought I’d see DannyRad as a skinhead and I’m shocked 😂


The movie is called imperium


Thank you!


Sounds like an old demo disk bit


Shutzstaffel Stone


Harry Potter and the Goblin on Fire


happy cake day!


Never mind this classic of harry saying the epic gamer word https://youtube.com/watch?v=DTmGlZW6HyM For context harry potter is going undercover for the ministry of magic in a anti muggle hate group and during their march , till a muggle who knows him/his real identity sees him by chance at the rally so to prevent his cover from being blown harry cast's a temporary curse on to him to not expose his cover.


Also the anti muggle had stole a extremely powerful artifact from the ministry which when used improperly caused the immediate area to become cursed for 40 years    




Take this upvote, get back on your horse, and get the fuck out of here you freak.


Jesus titty fucking Christ


That sounds like a fart porn parody...


I lol'ed at this. Thank you sir...and now I feel bad.


Joanne's bestie


At least we know it’s a Joanne approved product


The sequel was "Adolf Hitler and The Bunker of Failure" (1945), fantastic ending.


I’ve got a Reinhard Heydrich one buried in the attic that someone got me as a gag present about 20 years ago. Apparently it’s worth a few hundred pounds now but I’m not sure I could face dealing with the type of people that would want to buy it.


I have some old legitimate Nazi stuff in my collection that I inherited from my grandfather who, as a kid in Brooklyn in the mid-30s somehow managed to get his hands on them. It’s mostly stamps and currency, all in pretty good shape. I messaged damn near every museum I could think of to see if they wanted them or knew of somewhere I could donate them. The conclusion I’ve reached is it’s probably better just to hold onto them because no museum wants/needs them and I also don’t want to deal with the people who’d want to buy them. I don’t display any of that stuff for obvious reasons, but I do have some Weimar Marks in 20, 50, 100 millions framed on my office wall


The reason I was given the toy is because I have a quite extensive collection of militaria, predominantly British WW2 and Cold War era, but there is a large chunk of German WW2 stuff in there as well. Museums don't tend to want it because most of the items that made their way into civilian hands as war trophies were all fairly common items with no real historical merit to them beyond their curiosity value.


oh bruh i’d buy it for the gag too but it probably is seething with evil just by association to that monster


Dude, I have an idea: we make a series of videos about doing typical doll torture to the doll. Tie it to a bottle rocket, let ants walk Ll over it, give it a makeover. I know it's worth money, like, it would be sort of funny. Or donate it children's hospital, don't tell them what it is, and tell them that it's for some sort of challenge where children draw pictures on dolls and give them makeovers. Then upload the image of the made-over doll. Yes, this will make the doll worthless, but oh, the fun we shall will be priceless!


Harry Potter and the Third Reich.


Oh man, I gotta get one for my Indiana Jones and Captain America figures. It will not end well for him.


Realistic meth tremor action!


Pretty sure I remember seeing one of these in Japan about 6 years ago in a Mandarake. Couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted it in the case.




I hate that you commented this. I still upvoted, of course.


I did not need to know this existed


He has *accessories*. He has ***outfits.***


IKR? I've seen anime doujin figures with less accessories.


I’m holding out for the Joseph Stalin action figure.


Does it come with a pistol so you can set up that suicide diorama?


You could make a nice moc of a trial with this fig. Or just limit yourself to the execution. Hell, buy few german WW2 cars' models and you can amke scene of sucsesfull assassination


I love the comment on the box that “This product is for historical education purposes only and is not intended to glorify”. That’s fooling absolutely nobody since it’s made by a company called 3riech.us! Not to mention they used the Harry Potter font presumably to try and make it appealing to kids as a propaganda tool.


www.3reich.us gets its IP blocked, Hong Kong URL.


Hitler cum jar.


There's an action figure of him? Straight to the jar


Will it fit in a toilet to be shat on?


No way Hitler only lived to be 5


Does it come with a tiny cyanide pill?


Harry Potter and the Garroting Gas Chambers


It'd be better if it came with its own model cyanide capsule and pistol.


LOL! They can play dress-up with their Adolf Hitler dolly!!


The 1940 series is over hyped, what I really want is the Spring ‘45 series. It comes with a “Fuhrer Blaster” and a second special edition “head with extra hole” you can swap out.


I'd say JK is likely to sue, but 1. She's friends with Kellie Jo Keen, who is friendly with a lot of Neo Yahtzees, so maybe JK is cool with it? And 2. The font might be trademarked to WB or a publisher more than JK... also, they might not want to sue, and Streisand Effect it.


Fun fact, the D is is an upside down P. No I’m not joking, they literally just flipped it over. Also whoever has this stuff on their buy list is fucked up, I’m just saying.


Does the Hitler action figure come with a sofa, a handgun and a cyanide pill?


If I had fuck you money, I’d buy shit like this and destroy it in front of the seller. Like, I’d purchase it, open the hatch to my SUV, and pull out a bbq grill


Does it have a gun and a swappable head with a bullet wound?


Can you get the maids outfit and pineapple with this one, or is that sold separately?


Honestly replicating old sets of history for schools is not a bad idea. The merchandise is fine, but why they're buying it is important. Context is key here.


I actually had to yell at my Jewish parents toy sales people for peddling this trash.




Honey, Harry Potter isn't real.


Voldemort didn’t direct a real world government that killed millions based on racial supremacy, hatred of minorities, and hyper militarism. He didn’t commit real world genocide and start the most devastating conflict the world has ever seen. It’s one thing to have biographies and histories of Hitler. It’s another to own a little plastic version of him with different outfits.