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Something something airplane fuselages with bullet holes something...


"Survivor's Bias", for those wondering the reference.


"I played with lead all the time as a kid and I'm just fine"


When I was a child, I rode in a car without a seat belt on all the time, and it never did me any harm.


Also, if anyone did regret not taking the vaccine, they would just go get vaccinated....


Sure if they weren’t too late or still alive.


Similar to the "My generation got beat as kids, and we survived".


Or 'my generation road in the back of pickups booking it down the highway & never wore seat belts' ..never mind the ones who died can't speak, hence survivor bias


...except for the ones who didn't.


“And we turned out JuSt FiNe.”


Morgan Freeman voice over: They were in fact *not* fine.


I prefer the Ron Howard style: "The ones that lived did, anyway."


For anyone uninformed: When WW2 planes came back from getting shot at, people logged where all the bullet holes were in an effort to work out which parts of the plane needed to be toughened up. And then it dawned on someone that they were examining the planes *that came back*. Examining the ones that were not shot down isn't how you find out how they were shot down.


Also, while this analogy is very useful, it's entirely untrue. The mathematician usually credited with this discovery is Abraham Wald, who did perform work on statistical analysis of flak holes in planes, but the idea that he suddenly came to the realisation that some planes don't make it home is is a complete fabrication. Also, the way the story is normally told is that the USAF wanted to add armour to their planes where there were the most hits, which also isn't true because planes weren't armoured.


Abraham Wald here - don't get vaccinated and both stories are untrue.


For the curious: https://images.app.goo.gl/PtwSCiaSpMDwsgn39


Thank you for stealing 2 hrs of my time as I went down this rabbit hole... I mean that in the kindest way possible. This was fascinating. I had never even thought about this before and I am an avid military aviation enthusiast.


It makes so much sense in their early thought processes... WW1, people who wore hats / helmets had really bad head injuries... It wasn't what caused the injuries, it's just the dead ones couldn't complain of injuries which is what the anti vaxxers don't seem to understand


And there are hundreds and hundreds of reports of people pleading with doctors and nurses on their deathbeds to give them the vaccine, which wouldn’t make a difference at that point.


I got that reference!


Well the ones who survived anyway…


You can’t regret something if you’re dead. ☠️


No regerts


No ragrets


On top of the fact that the reason he's able to say this shit is because the rest of us got the vaccine. That's why, three years later, it's not a big concern. These selfish assholes make my blood boil.


i know a guy who refuses to get the shot and he freaks out any time anyone near him coughs.


It must be so stressful to constantly have to live in fear. If only there was something like a shot or a jab that could relieve that stress.


Phil Valentine would probably have some regrets.


What a clown.


They don’t call it “The Herman Cain Award” for nothing…


They're conveniently forgetting all the people who were in the ICU begging for the vaccine, after it was too late. So this should actually say, "Three years later not a single person who wasn't hospitalized and who didn't lose a loved one regrets not taking it."


My Mom’s cousin just died from Covid 2 days ago. Unvaccinated, unapologetically MAGAt “strong” because he “has an immune system.” So long, Ken.


Play stupid games…




Pretty sure there are some morons with long covid who still convince themselves they made the right choice.


'I may have dramatically shortened my life, but it was worth it to own the libs'


Glad we could cultivate some sort of herd immunity for them.


My very anti vax classmate's two children probably miss their mother pretty bad.


Well, except those who did on their death bed, as reported many times by doctors and nurses, who had to treat patients dying of COVID and not understanding why.


I remember one video I saw, the guy was dying and asking them to give him the vaccine, and they basically had to tell him that it was too late for that. IDK if he survived.


Most folks at that stage didn't pull through, and if they did, they would be quietly wondering how they managed to shorten their life so significantly.


"God gained another angel, someone who'd do anything for their family" You mean like get a free vaccine that most likely would've prevented their death?


Last words were, “okay, I’ll take the vaccine now.”


That was the craziest part. There were people who, once they were past the point of no return, really did say that. Doctors then had to explain to them that it doesn’t work that way.


Nah, the craziest part was the people who, as they were being intubated, said, “You’d better not vaccinate me while I’m out!”


“yeah bruh, I already know, NOW.” -their immune system


Telling a patient you're putting them in a coma and hooking them up to an ECMO/Vent machine as a last ditch effort to save them and they need to say anything they need to family now changed some minds. Still others were defiant to the very end, it was mind boggling.


Yes. One of the last words of one of my Covid patients was “if only I had taken that damn vaccine!” His daughter was crazy antivaxxer and talked him out of it, and he wound up dying from respiratory failure. I’m not alone in having patients like that. And that case haunted me for a while, more than the dozens of patients of mine who died in 2020.


Drove my wife out of in-person medical work. She got stuck on the COVID floor and getting cursed out by morons who had refused to get the vaccine (or mask or social distance) was bad enough. But what was really haunting was the people who BEGGED for help while coughing themselves to damn death, pleading for the vaccine or anything that could help.


The dead don't have regrets...


My brother in law's father said he felt like an idiot and really regretted being a good trumper and not getting the vaccine. Then he died of COVID.


No ragerts!




Yeah, a quick perusal of r/hermancainaward will give you plenty of once-proud antivaxx memers who post “Covid is no joke” after they get lung-fucked.


Unfortunately they wanna fuck around and until they find out it’s too late. Then they’re all, “*well give me the vaxx and prove it works, save my life!*. I’m convinced they’re the same people who constantly burn their tongues on food and drinks, and cross on busy roads when there is a crosswalk less than a block away.


Paraphrasing David McRaney, most people "the 'e=mc^2' of social science is that people would prefer physical death over social death", i.e., they'd rather die than loose standing in their social group.


It’s sad and extremely frustrating that such a large portion of America refuses to learn from anyone else’s mistakes. They make no effort to empathize with people they’re not immediately connected to and it leads to them making insanely shitty or stupid(in this case both) decisions. Or even worse, they dehumanize people they don’t know. I mean hell, TX just released a murderer because he killed a protestor that the governor didn’t agree with.


You SURE about that!!?


Anything can be true when you just make shit up.


--Albert Einstein


--Michael Scott


—Wayne Gretzky


--Abe Lincoln


Abe Lincoln told me this when we were having cocktails with JFK Jr. a few weeks ago.


There’s a post a few items upstream from this one, with an anti-vax radio host who regretted his opposition. A week after his Covid diagnosis, and a few weeks before his death from Covid. I used to care about the stupidity of the anti-vax people. Years later, I see that it is natural selection at work.


An example so perfect of survivor bias that should be in statistics textbooks


I regret my brother and his son refusing it, both are dead now. I regret that they fell for stupid right wing talking points that were not based on science and they lost their life because of it. Fuck you !


I have the vaccine The last time I got Covid was in October. It was gone within 5 days. My dad once got Covid before the vaccine existed and it was serious. He got the vaccine and in October, he also got Covid. And he recovered.


“The dead know only one thing: that it is better to be alive” - Pvt. Joker


Most antivaxxers regretted not getting the vaccine when they were taken off the ventilators and told to get their affairs in order...


Oh hey! I know someone who will be on oxygen the rest of their life and almost died and he explicitly has said he wished he had taken it. So. There's one I guess.


people believe stupid things, even when all the evidence points another direction. Case in point (For context, I volunteer at a good-sized home): shortly after the pfizer vaccine was approved, it became available. nearly every resident took it. One dude (let's call him Cliff, a mid 60's man), adamently chose not too. Fast forward 5 months. The entire residency got COVID. Most complained of headaches, muscle fatigue, persistant but infrequent cough. Not cliff. We had residents voicing concern over Cliff, who visibly looked on verge of death (no skin color, extremely clammy skin, sweating profusely). He refused treatment, including just vitals. about 3rd or 4th day became non-responsive (at which point nursing could help). He had a blood-oxygen so low, that nursing staff joking referred to him as Lazarus after he recovered. He still claimed it was just the flu (despite the non-matching symptoms). Fast forward another 9 months, and repeat. His family rehomed him year after his repeated claims the nursing stafft to provide healthcare (saving someones life, twice, apparently doesn't count), but up to day he moved out, still claimed COVID was a hoax.




There are plenty of stories there about people on their deathbed begging for the vaccine.




That's because you'd need a shovel to talk with those who might've regretted not taking it lol


Because they're dead.


My aunt, uncle, and their children were SUPER anti covid vaccine. Specifcially, their daughter kept flooding every family member's inbox with spam about how the covid vaccine was the work of the devil and Covid insn't even real. Then my aunt got sick. Despite the fact that my aunt was in her mid 70s, they at first refused to take her to the hospital. "It's just a head cold" my cousins and uncle kept saying. But my aunt got worse. Eventually she was taken to the hospital in the back of an ambulance. Her last days were filled with incredible pain. I wasn't there to witness it as I live across the country from them, but she was apparently begging to be let go. Missouri doesn't allow euthena if the person isn't sound of mind, and my aunt had a fever so severe that she was delerious. It took her 5 days to die of Covid-19. The rest of her immediate family still claims she just had the flu, and that covid isn't real. She isn't alive to regret it, so I guess the meme is accurate.


And the family that helped kill her will never admit their part.


Correct. Hell, my uncle even threatened to sue the hospital because her cause of death was listed as Covid-19. The one good thing that did come out of it was that my mom, who was previously on the fence, has become EXTREMELY pro-vaccine. She says that watching my aunt die was one of the worst things she had ever seen


Sadly a common story. Those in the bubble always double down on the delusion, while those on the edge often see it as a cautionary tale. Glad you came out on the safe side.


Putting the obvious "Anybody who hasn't died" comments aside, I seriously never met a single person who got vaccinated and regretted it. Not one, ever. I know anti-vaxxers and conservatives are coping because they consume all those fake "The vaccine made me shake" news, but everybody I know who got vaccinated just got a bit stronger against COVID and forgot about it a few months later.


I had a woman beg me for the covid vaccine once. When she first came to the hospital she was very arrogant about not getting the vaccine, after a couple weeks, she was begging for it. But it was too late.


There’s plenty of articles that talk about people begging for the vaccine as they are dying and it being too late. Of course though, all these dumbasses will scream “fake news” as their counter point.


My dead dad would disagree if he could


What a surprise. 3years later stupid people are still stupid.


Ah, once you watch someone drown in their own fluids, gasping for air, begging for help, telling you they can’t breath. Yeah I’m sure none of those people regret not getting the vaccine. Idiots.


Nah they will still be idiots about it.


A shit?


All the dead antivaxxers told my psychic medium that they do.


Many of those who regret not taking it are dead.


because they're all **dead**. Duh.


It’s not just survivorship bias. It’s also that this person is speaking for everyone as if they know everyone agrees with them.


I also don't regret taking it. My phone's 5g connection has never been stronger and I don't even have to pay for my AT&T bills anymore!


Alive at least


There's probably a metric shit ton of people who regret not taking it, but seeing as they're dead... well...


~7m people died from covid19. pretty sure a few of them would have liked it if they never got it in the first place.


dead men tell no tales


There's a guy I know. We'll call him Coral. He seemed like an okay guy at first, maybe a bit of an edgelord. When Covid hit us with a second shutdown, we canceled games and moved them online for folks who could. When we came back, I'd become a new parent. Coral was an antivaxxer, and when I started needing proof you got vaccinated at my table, he refused, leaving the group. This eventually led to him being ostracized from the local gaming scene (not just for being unvaxxed, he also when on a homophobic screed.) I still see him on my bus sometimes, and while I don't talk to him, the lonely and sad look on his face makes me think he regrets "taking a principled stance against the clot shot."


That's cause they all died shortly after regretting it.


I don’t see how that’s relevant I don’t regret *taking*it and I don’t know anyone that does. So…..🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, because at least some of them that would have regretted it died.


Shit I bet those dead people do.


I regret it,I was promised 5G & better internet connection or magnetic powers. Still nothing, anyone got the number for Bill Gates or Big Pharma? Also I'm not dead


Well you can't regret if you're dead


The dead could not be reached for comment




Yeah cuz the ones that did are all dead and they were begging me for the vaccine while I pushed the sedation meds to intubate them


Because dead men tell no tales.


Survivor bias


it's because they all died...


Alive, anyway. There were plenty of reports of people on their deathbeds saying they wish they’d have taken it.


Not a single person ALIVE who regrets not taking it. FTFY


Except for the winners of the Herman Cain Award, but y’know, details.


Because everyone who did regret not taking it is dead.


What a surprise. 3years later stupid people are still stupid.


They died.


Hard to have any feelings when you’re dead.


This is partially true. Those that died because they didn't take the vaccine no longer regret it. They only rerated it for a short period before they died. Now they don't even think about it.


The only people regretting not taking the vaccines are the people who died… On the flip side, I don’t know of anyone who took the vaccine and regrets it.


Herman Cain was unavailable for comment


I kinda think Herman Cain regrets it a little....


Yeah... Because if they did either they'd go get it or they're dead.


Ya, dead people tend not to complain too much.


Ah yes. Textbook survivorship bias.


Covid killed my father and brother. Both unvaccinated. I’m pretty sure they would regret not getting it.


Because they are dead, convinced themselves that lifelong complications are from something else, or didn't catch it cause other people responsibly wore masks. 


Yeah, my wife would disagree. She's an MD and helped lead much of the vaccine rollout in the USA. Countless stories of people begging for the vaccine after it was too late. These assholes when from death threats to her, me, and our kids (including our newborn), to begging for her help. It was such a disgusting time.


My anti-vax, conspiracy-loving, childhood friend who will never see his daughter again probably regrets it quite a bit. On the contrary, I doubt anyone who _did_ take the vaccine regrets it either. We’re all so fine with it, we got another dose in fact!


The dead have no regrets.


How many people regretted not getting it, and removed that regret being getting it?


Being dead tends to negate your ability to regret, they have a point.


Yeah cause they’re all either dead or their cult leaders brainwashing is still in effect.


Awful lot of dead ones though.


Because that negative is reversible. If you regret not taking it, you take it now and end up no longer regretting any current lifestyle choice.


Absolutely not survivor bias, no sir.


Hypocrisy: the world is overpopulated, but give me my vaccine so I can liiiiive! Let nature thin the herd if you believe it needed trimming.


What about the ones that made YouTube videos imploring their loved ones to get it, as they lay dying in the hospital?


Trying to rewrite history. I clearly remember reading accounts and watching videos of those dying in hospital beds saying they should have gotten the shot.


Is it because anyone who would’ve regretted not taking it is dead now?


... remaining


Well no. Because when you don't take it and regret not taking it. It's because you're dying. If you didn't take it but also didn't get infected then ofcourse you'd not regret not taking it.


Not true. I personally know of at least one. Fact


"I didn't wear a helmet and I'm still alive today!" ahh post


Dead people tend not to make many complaints


I’ve had 4 COVID shots and haven’t had an infection since. True story. Regret? No.


Because they either died or dodged a major bullet.


2 jabs here and every time I encounter this in the wild I post the same thing: I’m in my mid-30s, in reasonable enough health with a physically active job. If when I die it can be conclusively attributed to the Covid vaccine, you have an invitation written into my will to come give a eulogy and say I told you so. Oddly enough nobody’s yet taken me up on it.


That's because the ones who would regret it are dead.


Especially the dead people who didn't take it


I mean all the dead people aren't complaining too much on the internet so I guess this is kinda true? As for the thousands of people with long term symptoms or injuries, they're just a bunch of whiners anyway /s


I got it and nothing has happened to me.


Yeah, cuz the ones who regret it are dead.


Yes because the ones that do regret not getting it are dead


Dead people are incapable of regret.


A friend of mine said he did when he was dying 😞


The regretful are the dead.


Can't regret on anything if you're dead.


Bet there’s a million or so that regret being dead


Naturally, the ones who would regret it already claimed their Herman Cain Award


My brother refused to get vaxed and he’s had Covid 5 times. That’s insane to me, I’ve had it once, and it was three years into the pandemic most likely because I skipped a vax.


Back in 2021, my family had dinner with a doctor who worked in Colorado who spent a lot of time with patients who had COVID. And they said without fail, every single person who hadn't gotten the vaccine asked to be given it when they were close to dying, thinking it would somehow save them. And they said having to tell these patients it was too late to save them always made the patient respond with regret and sadness that they hadn't listened.


I heavily regret being too scared of needles at the time to get it, so that's at least one.


Well yeah, a bunch of them died


I just read that an estimate 232 thousand people died from Covid post vaccine in the US. I can’t stand people saying no regrets when 232k people are dead.


One of my most traumatic memories during Covid in the icu (as an rn) is of a woman begging, pleading, crying to us for the vaccine before we intubated her. She did not survive.


Alive, reports of many who wished they had, just before they died...


dead people have no regrets.


Probably because they're dead, can't have regrets if you're dead


Because they're all fucking # DEAD


Of course not, they’re all dead


Because the ones who would regret it died from Covid


My dead aunt might disagree… If she could.


“Not a single one *alive* who regrets not taking it” fify


I regret not getting my booster last fall. I ended up getting covid for the first time in december. so, there. one person regretting not taking it


The dead don’t speak.


Yeah. Cause the ones that do regret not taking it are dead.


The dead don't speak, nor regret.


Well, other than the massive amount of people that died on ventilators, this might be correct


My brother might beg to differ. Oh that's right, he can't. Because he's dead. From COVID. So fuck right off with that shit.


My antivax brother caught it and has long COVID and is now on disability. I’m pretty sure he regrets it. Gets no pity from me though. You took a gamble and lost.


Maybe the dead ones? Or the ones living with severe aftereffects who can no longer deny it was COVID?


Dead people don't express regret.


Don't knock this post. It's actually really accurate. Because those people died.


Guess this person has just realised that dead bodies don’t count as people


Except for my next door neighbor's daughter who died of, you guessed it: covid.


I mean some of them might not be alive enough to regret it. But let's not get hung up on minor details.


this just in: stubborn, ignorant people remain stubborn, ignorant people years later.


Lol it’s cause they’re not alive to regret it.


Well, actually, there are a lot who regret it. They're just not able to speak so.... because they're fucking Dead!


Many of those who did regret not getting the vaccine are no longer here to say so.


I reached out to all the unvaccinated dead people I know and not a single one of them was available for comment.


I do. Tbh.


My wife is a doctor and was on the front lines for the entire pandemic. She watched an antivax family of four all die. The parents were out of shape and so could be said to have comorbid complications. The kids were just kids. They didn't have to die, but they did. I'm sure everyone who loved them regrets that they were fooled by conmen into believing that medicine was poison, and poison was medicine. OP is right about one thing, though: The conmen don't regret it. They know exactly what they did and they sleep just fine.


Except for the dead ones. They had second thoughts when they were gurgling their last breaths, I am sure of that.


Phil Valentine certainly regretted not taking it.