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Well, the miner, the Fisher and the trapper have a lot of personality too, but only because of act 1.


Fisher in act 3 shine a lot if you use him. All this little talk between regular fish one.


Fish bot is a bro.


Amber- no personality. Mage- Dance hehe funny screaming guy. Goobert- Best character in the game.


if someday im make agame im will make goobert a character who is having the best life just becase he derserves


let me explain my reasoning for making this statement. **P03's subordinates:** Melter is interesting thanks to ARG from the consoles where the topic of their personalities is explained and Dragger is the reason why P03 gets OLD\_DATA (Also the fact that he is not happy about P03's treatment is interesting) but we know almost nothing about the Inspector. **Grimora's subordinates:** Royal Dominguez has one of the best boss battles in the game (plus it has a lot of personality) but the other two are very forgettable, I guess there's the fact that one of them is called Kaycee but that's more of a curiosity than anything else. **Leshy's subordinates:** I must say that all Leshy's subordinates have personality, the Angler is fun and important, the Prosector is one of the most human characters and thanks to the trader we know a lot about OLD\_DATA, my problem is that after act 1 the Prospector is pretty forgotten (plus I don't know if I should count the trapper as a character separate from the trader). **Magnificus's Subordinates:** Goobert is one of the best characters in the game, Lonely Wizard is the character with the most memes in addition to being very memorable and while it is true that Pike Mage the game forgets his existence as the Prospector, but thanks to the console ARG we know a little more about her character (like her name, Amber) and that she was apparently a replacement for another student of Mags (also I think the reason why Magnificus is over-hated is because his students are memorable).


i love them so much, my children😭 MAGNIFICUS I WILL FIND YOU


Goobert beats every single other character together on his own


Goobert and Mage ontop!


Is this even a hot take? We have 2 very memorable characters and is “my name is amber”


It is known that suffering makes a character interesting. These three suffered A LOT


Royal Dominguez is right there


It isn't a hot take, each of the subordinates prioritize different things The Subordinates of the Beasts all do their job constantly, never taking a break from their labor. Even more so, they love it The Subordinates of the Dead are all lamenting about their death, hyperfocused on how they died with their minds constantly wandering to them during their speech ("Maybe a heated battle will help..?" "Yarr... a livin' slice o' lime approaches..." "You chewed me like a dog...") The Subordinates of the Technology are cultishly devoted to P03, almost all willing to kill themselves just to make it happy. They worship P03 like a god king, thinking it's the best scrybe and having the same rivalries as P03 itself ("Why am I not one of 'em Uberbots? Even Leshy did that for his mates!" Showing that his low standards for Leshy are somehow higher than his treatment for success) However, The Subordinates of the Magicks are just desperate college students in horrible situations. They all aspire to be greater, and are more than willing to accept defeat (Except Goobert, but they practically have a mental condition with how desperately they aim to please) because it's less suffering than their daily existance. They even begin to show defiance to Magnificus, unlike the others lackeys who get treated like garbage but seem to not care ("I don't want to be Magnificus' student ever again! I want to sing! To dance! To laugh!")


I'm not saying it because of who does their job better, everyone does it well considering that they have as leaders a old man with strange habits, a suicidal woman, a narcissist and a guy with a sick obsession to avoid his future, I say it because (along with those of Leshy ) are the most memorable or have an interesting story


Your descriptions for Leshy and Grimora are way off the mark.


well, Leshy didn't care much about the pain of the other scrybes when they were cards (There's also the fact that he kept Goobert locked in a bottle.) and literally one of Grimora's reasons for killing everyone was because she wanted to rest in peace and stop to living Even so I think I exaggerated with Leshy


If I had to choose 3 characters from this game that i love with my whole being, it’s Mage, Lushy, and Grimora, not in that order. They’re all so fun to talk to!


Dude and the end 3D version of the magnificus fight was honestly one of the best fights I've ever seen


True tbh





