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Idk much about how the game operates from inside, but i think it's because leshy ran out of cards, and since he's programmed to surrender if that happens, then he just surrenders even if you were about to die by the ~~suffocation~~ starvation cards (oops, wrong name). But, again, i don't know much about how the game operates from the code so maybe i just Said the most stupid thing that this subreddit had the Privilege to witness ![img](emote|t5_2zhqxe|14654)


I like to think it’s him throwing you a bone because you did manage to empty out the cards he had, and he doesn’t want you to lose that easily Plus he is about the theatrics rather then the sheer power/combos of the card themselves


It's only fair. If your deck gets milled, you (probably) lose, if his deck gets milled, he surrenders. Luckily, your deck (including squirrels) is much larger.


More importantly why are you forgetting the number one rule of kaycee's mod: always take the surrender EDIT: sorry I didn't watch to the very end before posting this


I just wanted to see if there was any possibility that it played out in my favor because I was surprised he offered the surrender when I thought I was losing


Why? What if you want teeth?


I never do since I dont want extra cards


It’s not about extra cards. It’s about buying the knife. The final challenge first boss is near impossible without it or scissors (which are harder and more RNG based to get). Anyone that follows this rule is in for a headache, especially if they don’t use the cheese of quitting the game (which I’m super suprised isn’t patched, it’s not a fun cheat it’s super boring but basically required if you don’t want a double digit number of hours on Kaycees final challenge).


The knife isn’t exactly that expensive, I always have enough without trying


Early game though you really never know if you have enough, or even if there will be a shop near the end so you might have to purchase even earlier than normal.


i was deeply saddened to find out my first time buying the skinning knife was pointless since the moon cant be cut.


1 pelt for a gaurenteed bear kill item is a good trade. Pelt also let's you put annoying sigil or something you want out of your deck there and give you another out later for a swap to something useful. Don't sleep on teeth. Trapper has won me more than a couple skull storms.


they are also a dead draw every round other than one. You would also get a pelt by playing an actual card and killing a trap anyways. The common pelts are absolutely a power loss and even the gold ones are questionable when you have a strong build. In these games, a deck of 12 strong cards is not better than a deck of 8.


Skullstorm makes pelts 100% useless. Trapper fight included. However, it's rare to have a full bear counter by the end of Act 1, so a knife is the way you get through it. I wouldn't pick up pelts in like act 3 or anything, and you never buy extras even if you have enough to buy a rare. The floor is an early game boost and the knife is a net gain even if it costs a dead card.


Nah I want the least amount of cards possible at any given time


You can normally mitigate the 1 pelt pretty easily, and it's worth it for the guaranteed knife. It's an overall boost to win percentage if you take an act 1 knife unless you already have a way to help clear first bear wall


The knife is the most useful item for skullstorm. Pelts are not very useful on the other hand. Not that you need them. They are situational


Seems to me to be a completely guaranteed win for him - or am I just missing something here?


I think it’s because you can essentially stall forever with your undying cards. He “ran out” of cards for this match and the game sees you have an infinite (till starvation sets in) number of playable blockers for his current board state so the game tries to end the match without making it stall till he gets starvation, which isn’t actually him as it’s an outside effect from not being quick enough to win. Game said stalling till time is lame, it rather just take the forfeit.


That's a good theory... except on the boss battle afterwards I was fighting the grizzly wall and set up the same scenario. In that case however, the game was perfectly happy to let itself play out until a flying starvation card could take me out, without offering me a surrender...


I've never seen a boss surrender


Yeah he just doesn't surrender in boss fights


I think he does that just to keep the game going, because he really just wants to keep on playing


I hated him at the start of playing the main story, but by the end, I felt bad for him. Is that weird?


He demonstrated the weakness of your deck, but admired your bitter determination to fight until the end. He likes you, player.


Leshy surrenders if he runs out of cards and you've dealth more damage than him. I also think he might've surrendered because it looks like an infinite stall/ tie and he surrenders in ties too. So maybe because you still had so many cards left/ turns until flying starvation, it didn't actually calculate it that far?


??? You are currently -2 in damage. You need 7 points to win. You can use the squirrel in the bottle to block his elk. This combat turn you will deal 3 damage. You pop a tooth with the item and attack with wolf. You gain 4 damage. You will therefore win. Leshy saw it and conceded. Whether you realised that you could win or not was inconsequential to him.


Once Leshy spends I think 2 turns unable to play cards because he is out, he will just surrender


He feels bad for you


He's such a nice fella he wants the game to continue


He’s done this to me too


Either he ran out of cards or the game thought that you had something to avoid loosing against starvation, since you survived for too long


He surrenders in case of stalemates, and since you technically had an infinite strategy he gave up as he doesn't take starvation into account until it happens.


I am just making a guess from my own programming standpoint this is in no way correct but just a guess. The draw option probably has distinct scenarios for activation and checks each turn or two, and the programming doesn’t actually know the exact scenario it just knows a few things. It probably doesn’t know that you cannot attack and therefore cannot win. Your card amount + value was higher than his and his cards were exhausted. So since your value was higher than his the program estimated it’s own loss and surrendered. I assume after the program checks the draw option it’s useless to check further for conditions and therefore the program never needs to check again. Ergo if player +Certain condition+ > +Leshy Condition+ then surrender, else check again next turn. If surrender = true do not check again (redundant) Something like that. TLDR: I don’t think the program knows your specific card values (attack, Hp etc), but probably knows how many cards you have left, how many squirrels you have left, how many turns passed without dealing damage to the player, how many sigils you have etc Again just a guess, it’s fun to theorize




You can block his attacks infinitely and he quits whenever you’re at a stalemate


I'm pretty sure Leshy doesn't take Starvation into account for strategy or predicting outcomes. He sees that he won't be able to win conventionally with what's on the board and what you both have left, so he offers to end the round to progress the game. I've seen him do this in other cases where the player doesn't have a win condition and neither does he, excepting the inevitable Starvation.


Because he’s just a swell guy