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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Impatient truck driver wipes out and crashes after swerving in traffic dangerously. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


Driver in the car is a dickbag, driver in the truck is a dangerous dickbag.


The tale of two dick bags.


They were the biggest of dicks. They were the smallest of dicks.


"had" the smallest of dicks.


We already know which one truck guy is. Lol


They're both big dicks with small dicks, you don't have to choose between them.


And yet somehow the guy in the right hand lane, who had nothing to do with it, gets nailed. I could totally see that being me in the situation just minding my own business.


I'm sure I'm not the only one but whenever I am in the right lane and some idiot is pacing me in the passing late I make sure to either speed up or slow down so others can pass.




They're bad, but the people that speed up to prevent you to pass are complete ass hats, especially if they're in the left lane not passing anyone, see you passing on the right, see a car in the right lane coming up ahead, then speeding up to keep you from passing


In the case of my father it's, "But I'm doing the speed limit" He wasn't so much a speed enforcer but a dick head.


I speed up but to remove myself from that kind of situation and not to be polite


Not all hero’s wear capes. Or maybe they do. Do you wear a cape?


Basically we have 4 idiots here. The driver in the truck is an idiot for being reckless and crashing. The left lane camper is an idiot for clogging up the left lane.(which is also illegal) The driver in the right lane is an idiot for going the same pace and not either speeding up and slowing down so the truck can get around. The person recording is an idiot for pulling out his phone while driving. He needs a dash cam.


Person filming while driving, in what they already realized was a potentially dangerous situation makes 3


That’s the trifecta right there.


The person in the white car knows what's going and and doesn't speed up nor slow down to aid this situation makes it all 4


He wasn't only filming while driving. He was also following too closely. About 1 second behind the car in front of him for most of the video. Almost no room for errors, and he's also distracted because of the filming.


Driver with the camera nutted when truck smashed


Both of them should go back to driving school and never graduate


Fuck the car in the left lane and everybody else who drives like that.


Only dick bag here is the truck


Yeah that's the way I see it. I drive a bit faster than the speed limit but still get out of the way for faster traffic, unless they tailgate me. They can fucking wait. I don't see that as dickish behavior, just enforcing some common courtesy and driver safety by not rewarding tailgaters with what they want.


I hate when big trucks think they can push you around and drive unsafe because they are bigger


Me too. Thing is, none of these drivers are like that in person. Or at least, nobody pushes me around when we are all pedestrians. But put them behind the wheel of a giant prosthetic penis, and they are suddenly tough guys.


To be fair. The left lane is designed for passing. That car was technically in the wrong. But impatient drive did the ultimate no no and lane changed twice without looking. Truck is stupid and impatient. But the car is also a total idiot…


>But impatient drive did the ultimate no no and lane changed twice without looking. reminds me of an old video of a woman on a Focus doing the same, just to crash into a full stopped 18 wheeler.


I remember this one too. Can't seem to find it though


this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKNQG6pSYig


That's the one! Thanks, I was searching for the wrong kind of car.


Damnnnnn that hurts watching, unlike this one where just the truck and the truck driver’s ego got hurt, the woman in the Focus got some life changing injuries from her dumb arse driving


I was thinking the same thing. I mean yeah it makes me mad when people pull that bullshit, but I’m not going to ride their ass and try to pass them on the *shoulder* a lane and a half away… both people are idiots


Still keeping the left lane clear is more of a courtesy after all there's no obligation to speed why it's illegal. Should you camp in the left most lane no, if the lanes to the right are full than the obligation to move right is nullified. If everyone was to keep in the right lane except to pass there would be no need for 8 or more lane hiways.


There are certainly laws in some states about this and using the left lane for passing only. They just aren't enforced very well.


The black car needs to be ticketed


more like taken out behind the shed.


I mean that’s a little far for someone simply “slowing you down” when you’re most likely already speeding anyway




If you’re perpetually passing, are you not just speeding?


Who said anything about perpetually... Bottom line. If there is a line behind you. You aren't maintaining the speed of traffic. You are halting it causing stupid shit like this to happen, not completely at fault, but still has blame.


Are you feigning ignorance or something? If you live in the US, you know that most left lane drivers stick to the left lane and always speed. Yes there are people that use it for passing, as intended, but you can’t pretend that a very significant percentage of drivers aren’t permanent left laners, and typically speed as it’s “the passing lane, and I’m just passing”.


It is the passing lane, that's what it's there for, that's why up and down roads with left lanes it says slower traffic keep right. I'm done trying to teach you defensive driving though, you will probably not pay attention as you did in driver's ed.


Here the law, Rule 5537-2-09 | Driving lane - passing. The operator of a motor vehicle shall use the inner traffic lanes for passing only. Follow it.


I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen a sign that says that. Also, the passing lane is for passing, not to live in so you can always drive faster than everyone else. Not to mention there’s also a speed limit there for a reason. The passing lane doesn’t exempt you of that


Maliciously using your vehicle to restrict dozens of people, cause traffic, and thousands of dollars of damage because you value time less than someone else is not just "slowing you down".


Does that make it okay for someone to say that person should be killed?


If you think it's okay to use your vehicle as a weapon, yes you should be removed from society.


Who ever said anything about using a vehicle as a weapon?


>A deadly weapon is an object, instrument, substance, or device which is intended to be used in a way that is likely to cause death https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/deadly_weapon A vehicle is a tool used to transport people and goods. It is not a communication device to tell people to slow down.


Okay but what about that definitions says anything about the car in the video, or anyone that’s left lane camping for that matter, using their car with the *intention* of harm or death? Your argument of a car, or even the car in question, being a deadly weapon is irrelevant to this conversation, as the only person who used their vehicle in an actively dangerous manner was the truck.


Yep. And the truck driver should have their license revoked.


see, the car is being inconsiderate, the truck is endangering lives. big difference


As is the knob filming this whilst driving


What's the actual ettiquite for a slow guy in the passing lane? Do you honk? Or do anything?


Turn your left blinker on. It’s the polite way of saying gtfo of the way/ let me pass you.


Yes. You can flash lights or honk. Never, ever tailgate.


Does that still apply in a 2 lane situation like this??


The car couldn't change lanes if it wanted to because the suv was matching its speed and the truck wouldn't let it slow down to get behind. We don't know the speed limit or if the car was passing initially


To be fair the speed limit is a max limit on speed, not a suggestion


You can think that all you want but have fun having horns blown at you and people tailgating you on a highway. Have you actually ever driven on a highway? If you’re doing the exact posted speed limit on a highway and literally every car is going past you YOU are the hazard. You follow the flow of traffic.




>The left lane is designed for passing. Depends on state law and local ordinance. Some are, some aren't


You're right, but the two cars riding side by side doing the same speed are definitely breaking an universal unwritten rule.


Sigh.. no the car is not. Both cars in the front are doing the same speed so that is probably the speed limit. Going any faster would be illegal. The only legal option would be to slow down a bit and fall in with the other lane. However it cant do this because the truck is tailgating. The truck is the only idiot here.


You don’t have to go exactly the speed limit. Any driving school will teach you this. You can safely go 5-10 over and not get pulled over no problem. As long as you are being safe on the road there’s no problem. Also all those signs you pass on 2 lane roads that say “left lane for passing only” means that it’s designed just for passing. Any 2 lane road is known for this. It’s driving etiquette. Also any driving school will tell you that the left lane is meant for passing… look up your local road rules as well.




Have you EVER driven on a highway? Like, at all? Almost NOBODY does the posted speed limit, and those that do are causing the hazards by going so slow. You think police are ticketing every car on the road?




It’s called following the flow of traffic.


Ya that sparcrypt kid clearly doesn’t drive. Or just incredibly uneducated on this. He should take a driving class. They’ll teach him he’s wrong. Sadly he won’t. I think defensive driving and general road rules, and other driving classes should be mandatory. I took the full week driving coarse at master drive. Helped me dramatically. Haven’t had an accident throughout my whole driving career. I highly recommend and greatly appreciate master drive for teaching me so well


> you can safely go 5-10 over and not get pulled over no problem. Speeding is illegal plain and simple. If you want to speed and take the risks thats entirely your choice. Asking someone else to commit an illegal act for your convenience is unreasonable. Also the black car in the left lane is ahead of the cammer in the right lane so this would suggest that the black car did use the left lane as intended.


You’ve never actually driven on a highway, have you?


Me thinks they've never actually driven. If they have they are more than likely extremely insufferable to be behind.


Ladayen seems like the type of person who things 2+2=4 is white supremacy, instead of basic math…


Unsatisfactory... Left lane blocker needs some karma too.


Agreed. FUCK the left lane jogger too.


what about the idiot sat in the fast lane blocking all the traffic behind?


Cops do it by me, and they pull someone over almost everytime or nobody will pass lol


Left lane car should be castrated


Does this video need the first 20 seconds?


Gotta prove the person recording is an idiot also.


That's already clear by the fact that they are filming a portrait video that would much better be in landscape.


Whilst driving, too


Impatient? The car had no intention of passing IN THE PASSING LANE, they were pacing traffic and blocking the road. Truck is an idiot but fuck the driver of that car in the face with a screwdriver.


That's very aggressive for something that isn't much more than an inconvenience. People are so impatient.


Why are being downvoted?


For all you know the car was passing then the truck got on his ass so he slowed down to teach the truck driver some much needed (clearly) patience. The truck driver was unhinged and dangerous, what the car was doing was at worst inconsiderate and frankly doesn't merrit mention.




I don't drive to teach people lessons, I have kids and always drive in a way that minimizes my risk of an accident. I always pass then move over. I just don't think there is enough context here to justify being angry at anyone other than the truck. I do know that I deal with people like the truck driver far more often then I deal with any sort of significant blocking of the left lane which leads me to believe that all these shitheads bending over backwards to blame the car in the left lane are far more like the truck driver than a normal, safe driver.


> so he slowed down to teach the truck driver some much needed (clearly) patience. unless you're a cop, that ain't your fucking job. Go join the police academy if you wanna police the roads. And you don't have any of the police protections if anything bad happens while you are playing self-appointed sheriff...




Sure but that doesn't explain why everyone is so focused on a slow driver in the left lane when the footage shows the truck driver is a dangerous madman. I have to believe anyone focusing on blaming the car is basically a kindred spirit to the truck driver.


People are bringing up the car being a dickbag because what’s the point in stating the obvious that the truck driver is a lunatic?


Especially considering it's not like they are saying anything the first 20 commenters didn't already say, let along every commenter on every previous video where someone rages out because they can't pass right away and causes an accident. Broken freaking records.


Because most North American drivers don't understand the lanes actually have a purpose and people like you jump in to defend bad driving habits


It's not worth bringing up


Not everyone is focused on the slow driver. Stop creating your own narrative to win an argument. We all are focused on the truck driver as an idiot, but the other driver can be an idiot too. Both can be true. The fact that you advocate the slow driver “teaching a lesson” to the truck driver makes me believe that you are a kindred spirit to slow and clueless drivers trying to cause road rage in the fast lane because they were offended by another driver.


Because the car caused the problem. Was most likely doing that for a long time. Passing on the shoulder is a bad move but doesn’t make the truck driver a mad man. What is wrong with you?


You're fucking insane. You can't blame the person camping in the left lane for someone being so impatient that they rage out and drive like a madman causing an accident. And passing in the shoulder at 70 mph does make you fucking mad man. Moron.


If left lane camper doesn't exist this doesn't happen.


Likewise, if the person in the truck wasn't driving like a maniac, this doesn't happen


Which never happens without the car instigating first.


Another driver irritating you isn't an excuse to cause a collision and put other road users in harm's way of your anger issues


You’re fucking insane. You can’t blame people for blaming the person camping in the left lane. You are raging out about something that you are so wrong about on Reddit. Please chill out, it’s not the end of the world. Moron.


I mean come on, saying the dude blocking traffic is worse than the guy passing on the soldier is a little ignorant. They both suck but one thing is alot more dangerous than the other.


If you read all the comments, I don’t think any single person ever said that or concluded that - if they did, I agree, that would be ignorant (at the very least). Obviously the crazy guy in the truck is much worse. It’s very ignorant of you to make assumptions of my opinion without context. As others pointed out, one idiot was obvious and we didn’t feel the need to discuss that. We are discussing the other, more subtle, idiot in the passing lane blocking traffic.


Okey dokey


It doesn't make the trucker a mad man? Excuse me? Any time you let your own impatience result in aggressive behavior like this in a two ton death machine, you need to be jailed. Its absolutely unacceptable to drive like that, trying to compare it to left lane camping is silly beyond belief.


That makes it worse


Right? All I read was “bullshit bullshit road rage is ok bullshit bullshit.”.


Fuck the car in the left lane. Fuck the truck too but I get his frustration. A quick tap honk or flash of the headlight would probably have been a better idea


Out here in California if you do that the person is probably going to go even slower. They feel they have a right to go as slow as they want in the Passing Lane.


Just checked what the law in germany is. The car in front gets their licence taken away for 3-5 Month. The truck on the other hand will have to give up his licence for a couple of years, pay a decent fine for talegating and could face prison. He can get a new licence after 5 years and a psychological test. New licence is at the moment 2.5k€ and the test will likely be the same.


They do this in Ohio too only to barricade you in by matching the speed of the person in the right lane. Like the semi's like to do.


Driving on the freeway between LA and SF in Cali is the worst. Fuck road hogs.


Do that in Texas and it won’t end well for you…


nothing ends well in texas


nothing ends in texas


If someone tails me, I slow down. It gives them the opportunity to pass me easier and if I had to slam on my brakes it makes the impending accident happen at slower speeds (safer). However, I also only use the left lane to pass slower vehicles in the right lane and then get back over. The left lane should be open by default so anyone can pass.


Or just drive safely and wait for an opportunity to pass. Crazy idea, I know.


The car and the truck are both dumbasses.


1) Don't film and drive, fool. 2) Get out of the left lane, fool. 3) Don't tailgate, fool. 4) You a fool, truck guy.


1a) Don't film in portrait, fool, in particular.


He's probably telling himself that it's not his fault too lmao. What an absolute moron.


The car in the left lane is the worst kinda driver. Get out of the fast lane if you don't know how to drive. Stupid move trying to pass on the shoulder.


its the passing lane, not the fast lane


It’s the passing lane, not the pacing lane. If you’re matching the speed of the people in the travel lane you shouldn’t be in the passing lane.


It's really telling here that you think the guy driving safely is the worst while the guy causing a crash isn't. Give me convenience or give me death.


I'm pretty sure all lanes have the same speed limit. I've been pulled over going 3mph over the speed limit in the 'fast lane'


I’ve seen video of people getting pulled over for not passing in the passing lane. If you’re in the left lane and you’re pacing the car beside you and holding people up, you are a dickhead. Also it’s against the law, just rarely enforced. Don’t believe me, look it up.


And states have laws that the left lane is for passing and to move right if there is faster traffic behind you.


If someone is trying to pass you, you get out of the way no matter the speed. This video is one of many reasons why.


It's actually a Florida law.


That's why it isn't called the "fast lane" and is actually called the "passing lane." In some states, there are laws against camping in the passing lane but they are never enforced, which is basically saying there is no law against it. Driving tests are remarkably easy in the US, it's ridiculous. I was never even taught how to parallel park until after I got my license and taught myself.


Not legal to speed but you're apparently morally entitled to speed as much as you want in the "fast" lane.


No it’s literally against the law to not pass in the passing lane. Just rarely enforced.


It's also illegal to speed regardless of which lane you are in.


No way, according to the comments here it's totally fine to go 5-10 over the speed limit at any given time. People are fucking ridiculous here and will argue about absolutely anything because they're bored.


You’re one of those annoying drivers who doesn’t go above the speed limit at all??? You must be fun to be behind on a highway. I’ve heard from a person who worked as a truck driver the common saying when it comes to cops bothering to pull you over is: “9 you’re fine, 10 you’re mine” meaning you can go up to 9 over the speed limit and cops aren’t going to bother with you, 10 and up they will pull you over.


It’s called following the flow of traffic. Have you ever actually driven on the highway? You’re in for a rude awakening if you’re going to stay adamant about not going over the marked speed limit.


You're far more likely to get a ticket for speeding, even if others are doing it too, than you would for not speeding in the left lane. I've gotten a ticket for 6 over in the left lane on 3132. Plus, zooming past the rest of traffic because you believe you're entitled to do whatever you want in the left lane isn't exactly "going with the flow of traffic" lmao


> Plus, zooming past the rest of traffic because you believe you’re entitled to do whatever you want in the left lane isn’t exactly “going with the flow of traffic” lmao Where the hell did you pull that information from? I didn’t say anything about zooming past anyone. Nice strawman argument. My argument was against going the posted speed limit on a highway when everyone around you is going 5-10 over. Going with the flow of traffic is also going over to flow with the traffic instead of making everyone go around you. If EVERYONE is speeding past you on the highway, like hundreds of cars just going past you while you sit in the passing lane you should be pulled over for impeding traffic. You can’t be in the passing lane and not be passing and use the argument that you’re doing the speed limit. GTFO of the passing lane if you’re not passing anyone. It’s literally against the law to be in the passing lane unless you’re passing, regardless of speed. So if you’re going to try to police the left lane, impeding traffic and just say “well I’m doing the speed limit” you’re breaking the law. Take 3 seconds and google passing lane law. > PSP explained that Commonwealth law says driving in the left lane of a highway is illegal, as the lane is meant specifically for passing vehicles. Police said that slower traffic must stay to the right. > Drivers must not continue to drive a vehicle in the far left lane when being overtaken by a faster moving vehicle, unless the driver is preparing for a left-hand turn at an intersection. Drivers failing to move from the far left lane will receive a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation.


Lol such a Reddit moment. Arguing that someone else is straw-manning while straw-manning. Show me one single place that I said it was not illegal to be in the left lane without passing? That's the argument you are attacking so show me where I made that argument? I think they are both in the wrong, are you arguing that only one is?


>The car in the left lane is the worst kinda driver. Did you miss the guy that caused an accident by driving like a maniac?


I'm curious why the person was driving while holding a camera recording another driver. That's illegal in most States. The car in the Passing Lane not passing anybody is the one in the wrong. It's called a Passing Lane for a reason. If you're getting passed by the right lane you're in the wrong lane. If you're not passing anybody and you're keeping the same speed or going slower than the right lane, legally you're supposed to get over and free up the Passing Lane.


If you are in the passing lane you are supposed to pass and move over to the right that is the law. Read the driving book your idiots


Person filming is a fucking moron. Spidey senses were going off ages ago. Just pull back and let the other morons do their moron things away from you. Don't film while driving either.


If you're doing the posted speed limit stay in the right lane known as the "travel lane". If you need to get to the hospital before your dad dies and you never have to opportunity to speak to him again you use the left lane known as the "passing lane". I'm not excusing how the pick up driver was acting, but people need to move over.


Fuck that lane camper. Dude should have chilled but honestly that camper is a pos.


I was about to click the video but saw the magic words Wait for it just in time. Fuck that. It's like saying you are important person. If you need to say it, you're not important person. Same goes for these videos. Don't tell us we need to wait for it.


I see you were getting downvoted, but I almost didn't click the video for exactly the same reason. Of course I'm waiting for it. I clicked the video!


Nobody cares


The worst part of this video is nothing happened to the jackass in the left lane going the same speed as the car in the right lane.


Well, they are driving in a lane meant for driving, albeit not in a way that is permitted. This is by nature much less risky than driving in a lane meant for parking in case of a breakdown. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Why would you even want to pass on the shoulder??? You risk getting a flat tire from shit that’s left over there.


Well that idiot on left lane blocked him.


I hate tail gaters, but I hate straddles even more. Especially when you know they're doing it on purpose.


Is it karma? The guy/gal causing the whole issue (slow in overtaking lane) didn't get any.


Two lanes is two lanes. Why would the pickup driver move to an imaginary third lane????


Both bed drivers. GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE!


You are supposed to use the left lane for passing! This is one of my biggest pet peeves- get your ass out of the way!!!


It makes me sad when crazy drivers involve another car in an accident. Just fly by into the ditch so we can all keep driving by please


How is it that yours is the first comment not raging against the car blocking the left lane? The two simply don't compare but calling out the car is the only thing everyone else seems to think matters.


I live by the rule that if I'm in the passing lane and someone is trying to pass me, I just let them, even if that means I have to speed up to get past someone in the adjacent lane. For all I know the person behind me is in an emergency situation, maybe they're driving someone who is in critical condition to the hospital or trying to get to a dying parent, who knows. Having been in that situation and luckily not being held up, I would have lost my mind if someone tried holding me up in order to feed their stupid ego.


RIGHT!? I do the same. i'll be passing cars and then there will be a gap and ill stay in the passing lane because i'm traveling a bit faster than the next car that's in the right lane, but then i see a car coming up pretty fast in my rear view and i'll move over, let him go by, then move back to the passing lane. I wasn’t passing at the time and he was traveling faster than me so I move over and let him pass me. I continue on my way without incident.


I wish slow and painful death on all the shit-heads that go in the PASSING LANE and then don't pass.


Found the guy driving the truck.


Serious question. For everyone who drives like this in the passing lane next to another vehicle and holds up traffic: Why are you like this?


Stupid move. They were impeding the flow of traffic and also a dick.


First, dumbass in the passing lane (not the left land, but passing lane, as defined by law) is the first IDIOT. The second is the OP who is videoing this while driving. The last is the truck driver who doesn't realize the situation, wait until safe to pass, and then go on their way. Overall, 3 dumb-asses on this video.


Slow left lane drivers are ruining this country.


Ok well could have just honked 🤣


ESH here for sure, but the truck driver is far worse. Flash lights or honk, but never ever tailgate.


Honestly, fuck the driver as well. Don’t park in the passing lane if you have no intention to pass anybody. That’s a good way to build up traffic and worsen the commute for those around you


From the comments you can see why there's a road rage epidemic in North America. People in the US and somewhat Canada love fantasizing about killing people for something like blocking the left lane, where the rest of the civilized world just slows down until there's room to pass and aren't constantly on edge looking for a reason to be homicidal in traffic. It's ingrained in "car culture" there too, that shit is why I stopped giving a shit about cars years ago, incredibly toxic community. Nothing wrong with saying the person in the left lane is a dick, but some of these comments are unhinged rage over something that's not actually that big of a deal, but rather a small annoyance to anyone who doesn't have severe anger issues.


Ever since I got adaptive cruise I'm happy to sit back and focus on just the lane ignoring speed.


I made the mistake of trying to engage these people. They truly believe that the truck isn't at fault because nothing would have happened if the person hadn't been blocking the left lane. I got hot. Mistake. For all they know the person in the left was passing but the person on the right sped up... you know, like they do every third time you try to pass someone. By that point the truck was riding his ass and he had nowhere to go short of significantly speeding up which they shouldn't be expected to do. Not saying that is what happened but given the crazy behavior of the truck, all the people pointing out the left lane blocker seems to be telling. One person even said passing in the shoulder at highway speeds doesn't make the truck a mad man because sometimes it's a fine maneuver. Way more people are insane drivers than I wanted to believe. Stay safe on the road.


Lol you really think people expressing their frustrations with obviously over the top comments mean these people are actually gonna follow through? 99.9% of these people aren’t gonna do anything. Stop taking internet comments so seriously.


IIt's not about whether or not they're serious, it's the fact that they even say the unhinged bullshit to begin with. It perfectly aligns with cultural road rage and getting angry about nothing. If it doesn't touch a nerve, why make a response like that? For many, driving is serious shit. It's grown up shit and it gets treated like little kid baby shit where people can't just die in a split second at 80 mph. People need to grow the fuck up. That's point, fuckass.


You sound like you’re raging. How ironic.


Okay buddy there is a difference between strongly worded comments and using a several ton vehicle as a weapon. The fact thay you don't get that kind of proves their point. You also don't seem to understand what irony is, but that's a story for another day.


People blaming the front car are being a bit nonsensical. YES, the left lane is for passing, and YES the car driver was wrong for sitting in the lane. But that doesn't absolve the idiot in the truck. And that doesn't take into account every scenario on the highway. Often times you'll be in the left lane going the speed limit or with flow of traffic, generally going faster than the right lane, consistently passing them, with little room to realistically go much faster in either lane. I can't tell you how many times a big truck or some dick kid comes flying up to me just to park behind my rear bumper. Like, bud I am going faster than the right lane and if I go faster I'll just end up tailgating the person in front of me. In this scenario, I will start looking for a place to merge into the right lane, but I'm not going to speed up to accommodate the person behind me and I'm not going to slow down to merge immediately. What happens is they may have to sit behind me riding my bumper until I can merge at an appropriate and safe opportunity. And like clockwork as soon as I move over, they rev their engine and blast by me only to start tailgating the next person. It doesn't matter how fast you are going, it's not fast enough for them. Do not pretend this shit doesn't happen. It's still great karma for the aggressive dick in the truck. Someone sitting in the left lane is not a free pass to tailgate at an unsafe distance, you *flicker* your lights (not high beams unless at night) once or twice to signal you'd like to pass and if they don't move, tough shit, deal with it. That's part of driving.


Oh my god, THANK YOU! Don't block the left lane, sure, but between that and the insanely dangerous truck driver the car doesn't even deserve mentioning. It's the same on this sub every damn time though.


Worth noting, lots of Louisiana drivers speed up when you try to pass them. Also, lots of Louisiana drivers are entitled and impatient. This is why traffic always sucks here...


I get so tired of the mentality that the left lane is everyone's personal Audoban. I stg.


Just look at how I'm getting downvoted for describing the appropriate action to take on the road. Sometimes I think people convince themselves that the left lane is a "speeding is legal" lane.


The thing about dumb internet points is no matter what they seem to just go up in the end. You can make the dumbest comment in another thread and get them all back.


Completely agreed. Fortunately I don't really care abt internet pts. Lol. I'll take em with a smile. My point still stands.


I downvoted you for being a windbag


nobody cares


Except for you i guess


You can always move out of the way, yet somehow their ego won't let them do that.




I see this same situation happen all the time, (minus the accident) and it blows my mind how idiotic the tailgaters are. If you’re reading this; tailgating is NEVER the answer. If you need someone to move over, flash your lights, even lay on the horn if needed, but never tailgate. It just creates a dangerous situation for everyone around and it makes you look like an idiot.


Lol you're actually getting downvoted for this reasoned comment which says a lot about the types of drivers the other commenters are.


I’m quite literally pursuing a career change right now to become a driving instructor. I’ve been in my industry for 13+ years now and am feeling such a need in this area I’m actively researching the qualifications to become an instructor.


> WAIT FOR IT The entire point of the sub🙄


If this is the US then you also got watch out for truck guy with small dick and a gun.