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Dress for the slide, not for the ride


I live in Florida and seeing someone on a crotch rocket with no helmet, no shirt, shorts, and flipflops is absurdly common. It's like they're masochists or something.


Nope. They're just from Florida.


I dated one of those Florida crotch rocket racers briefly in my 20s. I knew he rode, but I didn't know he raced Gandy Bridge at 180mph. When I found out, I yelled at him that hitting a goddam pebble at that speed would kill him, he then responded that he hadn't thought of that. He apparently "thought" that it was all up to his skill and control, and since he was skilled enough, he'd be fine. He didn't consider that anything would be outside his control, like a pebble or a beer can or someone pulling out in front him, etc. The dawning realization was kinda painful to watch.


At least something got through. A lot of times it's ehhhhhh I'll be fine


Lots of cruiser riders I know are all "it only affects me, my choice". My problem with this attitude is someone is gonna be mortified by your lack of skin, ems workers are gonna have to get you to a hospital, and your family is gonna have to visit you (if you're still alive) in the hospital. And it's gonna SUCK to be in that condition. I'm not gonna convince a rider to change their choices, just like they won't convince me to ditch my gear. All I can do is pray they never need the equipment...


> “it only affects me, my choice” The only time this is true is picking an online avatar. Everything else: everyone around you is affected. Inevitably a choice in rL will lead to asking someone something. Make sure it’s not ‘can you help me hang a shit’ if it’s something you *can* avoid. Out of all the things you can choose in life, make that choice.


*Even* picking an online avatar affects others in a minor way. Other people will see it, so if it’s something silly they might laugh, but it could also be something vulgar or offensive.


Now it’s my purpose in life to find an avatar of helping someone wipe their own ass after a bad wipe out


Mortified is more akin to embarrassed, not horrified. Somehow lately a lot of people are using it in place of horrified. Just so you know. Edit - y'all, I just know I would want someone to tell me. It is the linguistic version of having the back of your skirt tucked into your panties. Don't let me walk around like that lol, please!


Or, you know, another driver. That's what's scary about motorcycles: you could be the best, safest rider in the world but there's still some asshole who will change lanes without looking or some dude 12 beers deep behind the wheel.


Happened to my brother. He got his first motorcycle and was a very safe rider. One day he was riding and a car made a left turn from a side street into his lane. Halfway through the turn she saw him and hesitated, then went ahead with the turn. My brother ended up hitting the back end of the car and getting tossed. Thankfully he was fully decked out and outside of a broken bone in his arm he was largely ok. If she just went for the turn he would have been able to avoid her but because she had that momentary hesitation he didn’t have time to react when she started moving again. His bike was totaled and he said fuck it I’m not doing that again.


Happened to my buddy, but T-boned and the handles bars went through his chest. I know three that have gone on their bikes. None lost in cars.


I will say that, in the case of the person you’re responding to, I would very rarely be able to fault the driver in that situation. Someone going well over 100mph in an area where no one in their right mind expects someone to go that fast is just an accident waiting to happen. That’s a situation where you’d check for them, see they’re far off, and then all of a sudden they’re not. Dudes like that are asking to die. And at that speed they’ll probably take out whoever is in the other vehicle too.


Yeah my aunt and uncle died from a motorcycle crashing into them at over 100 mph. Dude was cruising down the highway when my aunt stopped at the intersection to turn on to that highway. She went to make a left turn and the dude crashed straight into the side of the vehicle, knocking the vehicle on its side, trapping my aunt and uncle, and the vehicles caught fire. Ended up killing everyone involved. Motorcyclist died instantly and my aunt and uncle burned to death. I read the police reports and a standerby at the scene who wanted to help but couldn’t because of the flames. He said my aunt was literally melting while alive. Absolute one of the most horrible traumatic things I’ve ever heard of. While shocking it didn’t exactly traumatize me but I know the some of the witnesses needed therapy.


When I was a fairly new driver I pulled in front of a motorcycle, almost causing him to crash. He tried to start a fight with me in the parking lot, but I'm thankfully pretty good at de-escalation. I would feel bad, but I'd say my informal heuristic at the time for two-way stops was based on distance and known speed, and the guy was going 60 in a 20...these days I instinctually look long enough to gauge speed, but I doubt I'd have been at fault (just traumatized).


The belief that you control what happens in your life is the mark of a fool. We can influence outcomes, but we cannot control them. As far as any human is concerned, control is merely an illusion of security.


Knew a guy that turned a deer and a helmet into two deer, 3/4 of a helmet, and a hospital stay using a sport bike at 200mph. His name is Cooter


that sounds like it went incredibly well for him


Given that he started life by being named “Cooter,” this doesn’t even sound like the worst thing that ever happened to him.


Did the deer duplicate from the sheer force?




He looked so sexy on his sport bike at 200mph that the deer wanted to hook up with him. So when they finally met up he undressed with such passion that his helmet shattered when he threw it to the ground. They made love, and 9 months later after a hospital trip to the Labor & Delivery ward, the deer gave birth to a beautiful doe. Such is the cycle of life.


One of my best friends rides a hiabusa. He told me he'd once made it from hartford ct to Burlington VT in about an hour and fifteen minutes. That's like 235 miles. I told him he was full of shit. Then he showed me his old Garmin GPS that stored certain statistics, like max speed. His showed 197mph.


Even if you're not doing that stuff, the risk on a motorcycle is a lot higher. The guy across the street from us when I was growing up was a very conservative rider. Never went excessive speeds, pretty cautious all around - even wore a helmet back then in the late 70s, before it was a law. One day he was riding on the freeway, looked down for a split second, and hit a hunk of asphalt that he hadn't seen coming. Broke a bunch of bones, had to have skin graphs, and it was a long time in physical therapy before he was relatively normal again. In a car, he might have felt a bump.




Lol, I'm leaving it. I don't often make it to r/boneappletea.


He was racing GANDY and somehow didn’t know that people die racing there just… all the time? And people kill others racing there all the time? True idiot


My dad worked in the ICU, and other departments in Miami. Guess who were the most frequent fucked up patients, bike riders. Basically called them Organ donors. Also people who got shot.


I've seen a dude riding on the freeway with his son who looked about 10 sitting on the back. Kid was wearing nothing but shorts, t shirt, and a helmet. I'm like they aren't even going to find that kid if the dude crashes. Bonus mention for the dudes who ride their bike around with a girl on the back while the girl is wearing booty shorts.


I rode for 20yrs most of the time with shorts sandals, t-shirt and no helmet. I laid my bike down once wearing jeans, leather jacket, and boots. I might as well have been naked after the first half a second of slide. Boots gone, long jeans became short shorts, leather jacket in 3 pieces.


I know they sell chaps and kevlar jackets, it there anything for feet though? Honestly that was the most disturbing part of that PSA.


Specifically armored boots, mine almost look like sneakers until you look closely. Some of the most common injuries on a motorcycle are feet/ankles. My #3 piece of gear closely behind helmet and gloves.


The worst motorcycle accident I ever saw was one we came up to before first responders made it. Two guys on an interstate going maybe 100-120 mph (they passed us shortly before). One fell off and experienced some sort of calamity. One foot was snapped clean off at the ankle, which we ended up parking next to when we stopped to help. He was up the road, and the other leg was broken pretty bad and just one big bruise. He was alive, but he ended up dying some point that night. I believe he was only wearing a helmet, the rest was just shorts and a T-shirt or something. I know he had a retro-style Nike of some sort on at least one foot...


Yeah, its not something I would have thought of but I've heard a nearly identical story. My cousin was an ER doctor, her husband ER surgeon. One of them had a guy show up with his foot in a plastic bag after an accident. Hence why I wear boots every single time I ride.


I wind up operating on motorcyclists all the time. Do a few amputations a year on the ones that survive and get to to the hospital. I've seen entire big hunks of bone scraped away, and or just missing which likely wind up as a snack for some rat or raccoon. There's a reason nearly all surgeons won't ride motorcycles. I used to before I did residency, but after my first night on trauma call, never again.


I’m sure they’d take issue with that if they knew what the word masochist meant.


FL here too. 80-90% of the riders I see are just as you described. The rest generally wear proper gear, though I would say there is generally one piece missing, or some easy fail point. My dad years ago had a Harley whose brakes failed and he had to lay it down. Shattered his arm. But he had all the proper gear on, so what would have been a significantly worse injury was minimized.


They might be, but that would imply a level of understanding. Pretty big difference between any level of pain during sexual excitement and the pain of having your flesh peeled from your body. Most of the time at least (iinad)


Also do note the level of control. The road doesn't know safe-words to go easier.


Of course Florida doesn’t require helmets like every other state…what a degenerate cesspool of a state






All the gear, all the time.


This includes *actual* riding boots and over the sleeve gloves with *palm sliders* if you actually want effective gear. Not work boots, not MX gloves. Or don't, but at least be honest with yourself.


The extra funny part of this is, full face helmets, vented or perforated jackets and boots, and good gloves are just more comfortable than t-shirts and jeans when you’re riding.


I’d rather sweat than bleed. That’s my motto. Leather only for me.


I like : better sweaty than deady


I heard a story from a traffic copper here in the UK after a scene he attended where a rider came off on the motorway at well over 100mph. He was wearing t-shirt and shorts and the coroner determined he probably bled to death before he stopped sliding the couple of hundred yards where the stain ended...


What a horrifying way to go, feeling your body being shredded and being completely powerless to stop it. I wonder if in that final moment it crosses your mind that the proper gear might have saved your life.


I think the unbelievable pain would prevent any other thought processes. Unimaginable.


Years ago when I was younger and dumber I had a motorcycle accident and hit the ground around 90 mph. I bounced, rolled, and slid for around 110 feet wearing leather boots, jeans, and a full face helmet. Honestly I didn’t feel much pain until later that day. My two thoughts during the wreck were honestly “this doesn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would… and when am I going to stop spinning??” I got up out of the ditch, walked half a mile to my friends house to shower, and then came back and met with the cops. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


As I was sliding sideways down a gravel road, I remembered someone once telling me to pat the ground before trying to stand up after a bike crash. I always thought it was a dumb piece of advice, but, even though I thought I'd stopped sliding, I tapped the ground. I had not, in fact, stopped sliding. I've since talked to a few people who didn't do the pat and tried to stand up. They started tumbling and broke bones. Your mind goes to a weird place when you're in the process of crashing.


That's a horrifying piece of advice that I hope never to need to use, wow. Thanks though. Did you have any significant injuries?


Nah. Gravel is great to fall on, assuming you have space to stop gracefully and don't tumble. I had some abrasions on my jacket on one shoulder and a brown streak in the underpants, but that was about it.


> brown streak That's weird, I've never seen brown grav-- OH LOL Glad you're OK


I’ve never ever in my life heard of that advice or of that phenomenon happening during a motorcycle crash before. How interesting. Thank you for sharing that.


I'm sorry but I don't understand...why would you pat the ground? Why wouldn't you know that you've stopped?


Adrenaline n shock I guess




You also start perceiving in slow mo, so it feels like you “should have stopped by now” when in reality its been 20 seconds.


The human brain will often try to reorient itself rather quickly after a sudden shock, but it does it much quicker than the body, and doesn't register that the body hasn't stopped yet. I've had this same experience, and when I did stop, I wound up standing up, and I was so out of sorts that I still fell over.


The whole im ok walk it off dont show anything is wrong in front of people part of my brain kicks in like automatically, so I can definitely understand the pat the ground thing as I'd probably try to stand straight up like nothing is wrong.


It's a natural human reaction to want to ensure that you're not in a vulnerable position, so it does make sense to attempt to right yourself immediately.


Pat the ground to make sure you stopped. If you try to stand up while sliding, you'll roll all over the place.


You have lots of stuff happening really fast. Faster than your brain can actually process. That means your brain is making stuff up by prediction and interpolation more than normal. Patting the ground would give you an actual data reference point you actually checked and waited for a specific response to evaluate instead of just going "things seem to be much slower now, must be stopped and can get up."


Similar when I flipped my car. It felt like time slowed down. I remember thinking that it felt like a dream. I kept thinking, "This isn't happening," and thinking, "I can't believe I'm going to die," and because I was 17: "My mom is going to kill me." It felt like a lot of time to think when in reality it couldn't have been more than a minute, if that. Probably only about 20 seconds. (I was going so fast that I basically did 3 somersaults with my car, rear over front.) I was incredibly lucky to walk away, but I could definitely see someone regretting bad decisions as the adrenaline slowed down their perception of time and kept the pain at bay.


how long were you gone? seems kinda weird to just leave your bike in a ditch after an accident, but i’ve never been in that situation so i guess i can’t say what i would have done


I lifted my bike, started it, drove it about 50 feet to a nearby road and parked it. It never started or ran again and was 100% totaled so I guess I wasn’t all that worried about it in that moment. I mostly wanted to get the blacktop and blood out of my skin while I still was not in pain. Edit: forgot to say I left the bike for probably an hour all said and done. Had to walk, shower, and get a ride back. I knew the trooper that showed up so he didn’t give me too much crap for leaving the scene since I was alone and had called it in.




Yeah the guy was very nice. Basically said “let’s not make a shitty situation worse” and let me go. That whole day could have ended very differently with a wrong tumble or extra tickets.


Lmao, he knew you already had your punishment for wrecking.


>I always assumed that "leaving the scene" only applies when other parties are involved I thought the same. Hell in the only car accident I've ever been in (i was rear ended on the freeway by someone who was texting and driving) when i pulled over and called the cops they were like "no we're not going, we'll only come out if someone is actually hurt and needs an ambulance." I and my mom felt fine then, but walking was painful the next day. Luckily we're both fine now


Agreed. You want a ticket to add insult to potential injury? Cops can help if you truly need help, otherwise you just get the fun of having a ticket to pay and a ding on your license (not sure if true in every state, but it's true where I live)


I had the same 2 thoughts during a ski incident, and no pain until I laid in my hotel bed. Probably less pain than yours though, I kept rolling in the snow not the pavement.


Shit I wish I had had that adrenaline working when I went to clean my knee of the dirt and pebbles that got embedded in my skin after a motorcycle accident, lol. I was wearing a leather jacket and leather boots, so only my knee got injured. My jeans were a very thick denim, so I got lucky that I didn't fuck my knee up more.


Similar experience here. I slid out over an icy bridge. My last visual was watching my bike slide quickly away from me, as I had much more drag. I remember rolling over as I slid when that part of my body started to heat up. When I stood up, half of my wallet was ground down, and part of my ass was completely exposed. I had a crash bar on the bike and half of it was ground off. Left turn signals were gone, but when I stood it up, it still started. I drove it home. What really saved me was that I slid in a straight direction and traffic on both sides stopped for me. When I got home, I noticed that my helmet had been ground down too. My Dad's reaction? He was upset that I had completely destroyed a nice jacket that they had just given me for Christmas.


Same. No pain. I picked up my bike and rode to work. Only when I was about to take a shower did I notice that my pant leg was wet, lifted it up and saw my sock soak in blood. Pulled my sock down and saw bits of meat. Turns out I suffered an avulsion. My pants and socks were not damaged, just my leg. I was wearing knee shin guards over jeans, unfortunately I got hit on the side of the leg so I didn't matter. I took a cab to the hospital and only when I got there did I feel a bit of pain. And then the nurse scrubbed it like a greasy pan, that was PAINFUL.


The pain doesn't happen until the skin starts growing back. Learned that the hard way too


Honestly in a situation like that your body probably won't have much time to process the pain of the trauma before you die. I've crashed a motorbike and didn't realise I busted my knee open until I got up and walked up to my friends and felt the blood trickle down my ankle.


Idk I've seen people break appendages but not feel it until later because of the adrenaline. My guess would be that the adrenaline saves many people from the pain during a crash. Especially if they aren't awake/alive long enough for the pain to finally set in


Nah, the adrenaline would block out any pain you would be feeling. You'd likely feel nothing and just lose consciousness.


As someone who’s been in 2 motorcycle wrecks with road rash, the pain comes later. Shock and adrenaline prevents feeling the pain immediately, at least in both of my cases.


When I crashed my bike at ~60mph I went over the handle bars and time slowed down. It felt like several minutes before I hit the pavement and I thought about a lot of things. None of which included the fact that I was wearing proper gear from the waist up, jeans, and running shoes. When I did hit, the pain was so intense, and seemed to go on forever before I finally stopped, and then it went away momentarily and I actually thought I was dead because it was so incredibly painful and then it just wasn't.


Nah, you can't think of anything if the pain is too high. I have a condition that sometimes build up fluids around my brain, inside my skull. The pain is unbearable and I can't even think about the "This hurt like hell" or "I wanna die". You can't even scream oftentimes because you can't process anything besides the pain, brain can't receive any information because it's overdosing on pain signals. Same for meat crayons


Not much to think with the fraction of a second left before its your time to go.... hit the pavement


Reminds me of a story I heard from a traffic officer about his pet hate of people using phones when driving. He'd attended a nasty RTC on a winding country road and thought initially on attending the scene that it was a straight case of someone missing the bend and coming off the road. It was only when he went to actually see the driver he realized that the man driving had been on his phone. The man also was missing his head. They found his head roughly 70 yards down the road. Turns out that on that bend was an old wire fence and the top wire was unfortunately at the height of his neck. The car was a convertible too, and the roof had been down, so he'd basically been beheaded.


> pet hate… Memory from the archives unlocked. Since we’re on the gory road safety PSA train; my paramedic friend called me from work to one day to vent about a bizarre accident he responded to. A person was driving in the Rocky Mountains in the snow and (maybe?) was using their phone and lost control and hit a cliff/canyon wall without a seatbelt on. He gets there and the driver looks super messed up and is screaming maniacally as he’s trying to figure out what part of their body opened up to put their insides on the outside. “Dude, blood and guts everywhere, man. Like a bomb went of, bro.” Long story long, the driver had broken ribs, some other chest injuries and head trauma of some sort but was not on the dying plan from what he said. However, he said time was slowed down from the adrenaline situation and he wasn’t sure how long it took to figure out the driver had “some lind of little dog” in their lap when the accident occurred and with the sandwiched between the driver and the airbag situation “it’s like it just exploded like a ripe melon, man. Fucked up shit. Thanks for listening.” Me: JFC that’s awful. Yeah, dogs and front seat riding isn’t the safest place for them in most, if not all, circumstances it seems.


Jesus that’s just plain awful. Thé mental imagery alone is bad enough without actually seeing it.


His head was 70 yards down the road. That’s not basically beheaded. That’s literally beheaded.


RTC? Road traffic collision?


Sorry, got police in the family. You are right, it’s a road traffic collision.


Whenever my dad sees a motorcyclist without any protection his go to line is always "He's gonna make a skin donation to the asphalt foundation one day"


I grew up with a Mum winding down the windows of the Landcruiser on the way to school, and *excoriating* hapless fools for not having their kids strapped in. She worked in A&E, so they got the full blown ‘you won’t be talking back to me when I’m trying to save your kid who has flown through a windscreen’. She was 100% right to do it, and probably saved a few more lives doing so, but as kids we just wanted to die on the spot of embarrassment lol.


Your Mum is a fucking legend!!


No one gets in her way, put it that way lol. It sounds silly, but I didn’t realise until I was older that not everyone was lucky enough to have an awesome Mum who is a force of nature.


Word. My momma was like that. The best heart of maybe anyone I've ever met. But if you tried to treat anyone unfairly in front of her, God help you.


Excellent double use of excoriate!


I’m a daily motorcyclist too. My kids are always playing ‘Spot the meat crayon’ when in the car too. Lead by example and folklore.


The worst thing, if you carry enough speed sliding over the asphalt and wear polyester clothes, it generates enough temperature to melt the clothes into your skin. Enjoy the thought. Always wear protection while driving and stay save!


What's even worse is the way they treat road burn at the hospital. They essentially scrape the affected areas repeatedly with something equivalent to steel wool to get any debris out.


The magic of debridement


I could never do that to someone without vomiting.


I seem to recall reading that they generally wind up treating them in *burn wards* because those are the only ones equipped to deal with such massive skin loss.


Can confirm. My dad fell off the back of a truck onto asphalt when he was a teenager. Told me they essentially used a wire brush to scrape it out of his back. Ouch.


My father recently had a motorcycle accident and his kevlar reinforced jeans actually got so hot from sliding down the highway that they burned his legs in two spots. Initially he thought the pants failed...nope, next level friction burn


> if you carry enough speed sliding over the asphalt and wear polyester clothes, it generates enough temperature to melt the clothes into your skin. Enjoy the thought. Always wear protection while driving and stay save! This PSA was brought to you by **Fruit of the Gloom**.


fuck u/spez


Well, it's not like the clothes instantly go flying off, there is still enough to fuck your skin up.


This is the second ad I've seen on Reddit today from Australia about driving hazards in idiots and vehicles. We desperately need this level of safety advertisement in America.


I’m biased being an Aussie, but I think us and the Kiwis lead the world in this sort of thing. We are generally laid back people, but when we decide to stop/reduce a tragedy from happening again, we go all out. Every big tragedy that happens here leads to some sort of change. The Granville rail disaster means we have some of the strongest bridges, and the strongest stainless steel (not aluminium) train carriages in the world, the Grafton and Kempsey bus crashes changed the way the heavy vehicle industry operates forever, we fixed our gun problem after Port Arthur - etc etc.


Australia is the only country I've ever come across where a PSA straight up calls someone a 'bloody idiot' straight up. No euphemisms, no dressing things up, straight to the point.


As a very small child I called my dads coworker a bloody idiot because I didn't know what alcohol was and saw him consume a soft drink then grab his keys to drive somewhere.


That's hilarious.


I did the same thing (told my dad off because he was drinking a coke while driving). It's probably a super common thing here. The TAC has been running those high impact ads continuously since at least the 90s and it's basically baked into the culture now. A lot of the time 'awareness' stuff is just window dressing, especially when governments are involved, but the TAC's road safety stuff is a great example of how to do it properly so it actually works. If you 'go viral' for 5 minutes with a tweet or catchy song or some shit it's not going to stick. But a steady campaign over decades that introduces a concept will internalise it in an entire generation. I had some fucking idiot mates in my day, but the one thing I've never heard them do is try and rationalise drink driving. They would try and justify it ("I know it's really bad but my girlfriend can't pick me up and there's no cabs and we'd have to walk 15 kilometres and blah blah blah") but they'd never just brush it off as safe and say things like "oh nobody actually dies from it", cause everyone my age has known since they're a kid that it can be dangerous, and has seen these graphic ads that show exactly what can happen.


Click clack front and back Slip slop slap


“You know I can’t grab your ghost chips”


Haha, that's really cute. Ah, the many ways that kids know, but really don't know


We had the "if you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot" campaign at the same time as the "don't fool yourself, speed kills" one. My mate got hold of both bumper stickers and made one that said "don't fool yourself, you're a bloody idiot"


Personal fav was a capaign. "Merging so simple a toddler could do it". Then proceed to use young children in toy cars to demonstrate. Second is hooning for a bit where a dude doing burn outs and pll watching wiggle there pinky at him as to say 'smol d*ck'. Edit: spelling


The "speeding: no one thinks big of you" campaign was so good. Funnily enough my friend was in one of the ads. Kept getting royalty cheques for years.


Haha what a gig!


Oh yeah the small dick campaign went off. Became the standard response to seeing a reckless, selfless driver. Simple but effective.


Shame can be a very effective learning tool.


In SA we have “yea I’m a selfish prick” for drunk drivers


At one point the victorian police had an ad campaign that was entirely based around insinuating that hoon drivers had tiny penises


I remember my first trip to New Zealand and seeing a road safety poster that just had a picture of a grave stone with the message "The Faster You Go, The Bigger The Mess". Coming from the UK when at the time the message was "Could you please, if it's not too much trouble, possibly, perhaps maybe wear a seatbelt, if that's ok", the contrast in the approach to road safety was stark.


You ain't seen the road safety ads from Northern Ireland like the one where a car rolls over an entire class of 4 year old having a picnic (idea is that car crashes kill a classroom of children here every year)


The DVA never fucked around when it came to the ads. They've toned them down a bit since then, but they are as blunt as ever.


I saw that one online.


Theres a accident prone street near my house that has a bike mounted on the wall to show people what happens when they speed on that road.


We had a clips show here in the UK called "....on Television". First one was hosted by Clive James for 10 years. Then in the late 90s, Chris Tarrant took over (who hosted the original version of *Who Wants To Be A Millionaire*). Anyway, they'd often show a hard-hitting PSA from around the world. The first Aussie one I was was [*Bush Telegraph*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Hw4IOk6d4). I was not prepared for the Ute to get smashed like that, we just didn't have road safety ads that violent here in the UK at the time.


That’s a good ad that one. No nonsense.


> but when we decide to stop/reduce a tragedy from happening again, we go all out. >Every big tragedy that happens here leads to some sort of change. Need some of that. Every big event here in the US is balanced against ideology, re-election, and profit. We have an endless supply of thoughts and prayers, but a shortage of sense and spines.


That’s such pity. John Howard (Conservative Prime Minister) was grimly determined on gun control after the Port Arthur massacre. He stared down anyone who opposed him, openly stated he would happily loose office if that’s what it cost. He threatened recalcitrant states with every piece of political, bureaucratic and constitutional hell he could unleash on them if they didn’t comply. And we got it done. Even now, 25 years later, even Howard’s harshest critics acknowledge that when Australia stood, staring into abyss of random, wanton gun violence, Howard pulled us back from the edge.


Truthfully John Howard did incredibly devastating amounts of harm to our country which we are still reaping the rewards from with the carry on cost of living crisis. That was all before his legacy is entirely tarnished by his “piece de resistance” - work choices. Though - that initial decisive action with gun laws even sacrificing some of his regional support to do so is commendable. It’s a pity he didn't just retire then and there. https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7141990/john-howards-legacy-lives-on-and-we-are-worse-for-it/


I absolutely applaud that response. It's the kind of care that our political leaders need to have for our disasters and societal ills. Can you imagine if we had an Australian style response to our school shooting problem? Just. I'm so disappointed in this country.


Kind of sad that you don't even have to name the country.


I mean what other country has a serious school shooting problem? It is surreal because they're are so many people here who think it is like losing lives to a disease or a tornado. They're just like shit happens God works mysteriously I guess nothing we can do about this. Now wait a minute, someone with a penis is trying to tell me they are a woman now? And that's our politics. One side trying to find solutions to the actual problems and the other side only caring about feelings


I wish we had that same treatment in the US, we’ve been having all the same infrastructure problems for like thirty years, even with the train accidents that happened over the last month I doubt absolutely any changes or repairs will be made to any of the outdated railways in Ohio, it’s quite frankly embarrassing imo




Because we aren't cunts. And we don't select those leaders again. The problem isn't politician but voters. Why you vote the cunt who is asking in name of religion or shit. I am from Melbourne. The most locked down city in world during covid. We selected same state govt in another landslide victory because lockdown were right thing to do. Despite those anti vax protests every week and Murdoch media. Our new federal government has increased minimum wages by 5% to meet inflation last year. They are increasing it again this year for inflation.


Not only do I agree with your political assessment, I too hate zucchini 😂😂


Think about our anti-smoking campaigns from a decade ago too.


Our ads don’t fuck around. Road safety, alcohol, cigarettes. Picture a little girl telling her father, hooked up to breathing apparatus, about her day innocently laughing “you should have been there” before she just suddenly goes quiet. And our AIDS ads were next level.


Or safety at level crossings *hums dumb ways to die*. I love Australian safety ads


That 'Dumb Ways To Die' PSA should have got the people who made it a serious raise. It was an annoyingly catchy song and obviously got the point across because people remember it. Plus the video was funny in a weirdly sick way.


My colleagues from a completely different country were sharing it today, for some unrelated reason. It really achieved viral status.


You should see the ones in Ireland. The Road Safety Authority do not fuck around. There was one years ago about drinking and driving where a guy crashed his car, it flipped over and killed a bunch of small kids. Shit was horrific.


Is that the one where the kids were playing around the trees and the car comes rolling down the hill? That one was awful but got the point across. It's the same with the UK- there's a PSA I remember where a family gets into a car. The mother is driving and the son is sat behind her with no seatbelt. They crash and he ploughs straight into her, killing her. The voiceover is 'Julie knew her killer....after killing her, he sat back down' in the most monotone voice ever. The end section is the daughter in the front seat screaming while you see the closeup of the mother's body covered in blood. Edit: [I found the video. Warning- it's graphic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKHY69AFstE)


America is the land of the free. And nothing will ever get in the way of your freedom to be wilfully ignorant


US Army base Fort Hood would give a 4 day if the base went 100 days without a soldier dying in a crash. One of the bigger units deployed and we hit well over 100. Two weeks after they came back, we didn't hit 7 days for a month. The base kept track using a big sign by the front gate, it usually reset monthly. Edit: 4 day is a four day weekend.


***WEAR THE GEAR!!! No IUDs!*** (Instant Unplanned Dismount) Put your armor on! -Every time-. Head to toe. No exceptions, even if "just for a short ride". Yeah it can be uncomfortable, but so is 30 meters of road rash and ground down joints. This equally applies to any passenger. * **Pants**: Regular denim jeans will be shredded wheat. Wear pants made from Cordura fabric like Rev It Dean. Knee and hip armor. Kevlar lined is OK but can get hot. No shorts, ever. * **Leather jacket** with Category 1 or 2 armor especially spine, reinforced elbows and shoulders. For hot days, wear a properly armored fabric/mesh jacket. * **Gloves**: finger and back reinforced. On colder days, use a silk glove liner to stay warm. * **Feet**: -rated for riding- leather boots, "sneaker" style boots with a stiff sole, toe and ankle protection, rising over the ankle to the shin. I use Joe Rocket. Waterproof. * **Helmet**: DOT rated, in good condition. Full or open face, but not "beanie" style. I spent >$1,500 on my gear. It is cheap insurance no insurance company can cover. It is your skin on the seat. Leaving it on the pavement is...rather inconvenient and poor form. Helmet side up and rubber side down! Have a happy and safe riding season.


DOT approved helmets are actually kinda crap protection wise, better than nothing but the standard is out of date and inadequate and doesn't meet the legal requirements in most countries. Personally even if it was legal where I live I still wouldn't want a helmet that's only DOT approved as I care about living, I actually had a crash last year that if I was wearing a helmet that only met the DOT requirements I would've been concussed at best however I walked away from the accident with a few bruises and a minor headache. DOT approved is the minimum you can and should do better.


Good post! Looking at getting back into it with a 125cc, and from riding dirtbikes in my youth can confirm all the above is 100% necessary.


That was painful to watch, dress to slide not ride




Is that a real sub? I may never know because I am not clicking that one...


It's real. The top all time post is pretty gnarly. You don't see exactly the aftermath, but the speed he's going and what happens, you can get the idea


Top post of all time is just some dude on a skateboard who is fine afterwards?


Damnit. I thought this was the top one https://www.reddit.com/r/meatcrayon/comments/mj55m7/dressed_for_a_ride_but_not_the_slide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I haven't been to that sub since I saw a video of a guy who was driving a forklift and after he got off of it for some reason it started moving again and ran over him. The lift started moving in circles and he was just being dragged underneath it. There was no one else around, and it kept running for a long time, just running in circles drawing a darker and darker red circle on the floor.


I have the best safety gear i can afford and wear it everywhere... All the gear all the time


Proper gear makes such a huge difference. When I crashed in synthetics it was painful, and the jacket was ruined. When I crashed in a $500 leather jacket I didn't even feel anything


Honestly I don’t think this was as graphic as it actually would be irl. Probably wouldn’t be hard to lose toes or be grated down to the bone, especially on knees and elbows. I know there’s a limit to what can be shown in ads, but it could be so much worse




I still remember realising this when I was a bit older around 15-16. I could imagine my arm just coming off completely at the elbow, and how disgusting and fucked up it would be. An eye opener that it could actually happen in reality.


I rode with a guy who crashed and the bike somehow ended up on him, exhaust pinning his leg down. He was stuck like that for probably 15 minutes before we found him. His leg was basically melted to bone, and he had a broken neck. He was wearing shorts.


To get an accurate picture, you really have to imagine what you would need to wear to feel comfortable pressing your body up to a belt sander. Because that's essentially what we're talking about.


Australian PSAs do not screw around.


Curiosity got me a while ago and I measured [my local asphalt](https://imgur.com/a/VWT4Y0l) to be the equivalent of about 30-40 grit sandpaper. Grit is measured as bumps per square inch. Not very good for the skin.


Holy shit. I had no idea. That will eat a body in a hurry!


This is what the nurses see evertyime it happens and it happens a lot


Yes we treat them the same as burn victims.


I work in the only trauma 1 hospital in our state, we always have at least a couple motorcycle mva admitted into the trauma ward. People just don't understand how much a comparatively mild motorcycle accident can really mess you up. Road abrasions are super prone to infection. To even have a chance at preventing infection a nurse has to scrub the wound with saline and a acrylic brush, something a kin to a toilet or bathroom scrubber. It makes tough biker dudes who are doped to the gills on morphine scream and cry for their moms like that scene in saving private ryan.


Sounds excruciating enough for me to never even want to ride a motorcycle. Good lord.


I'm a walking talking add for safety.. missing my right eye ,lost it with a knife in it , missing my middle finger on my right hand , lost it by getting smashed by a hydraulic jack ...bad hips , back , torn rotater cup right shoulder...of there a way to get hurt short of dieing I'll find it ..on the other hand I'm 57 so death may come for me but he's only getting one pice at a time....


steer clear of motorbikes then


This ad actaully convinced me to get a riding jacket, pants, and a helmet.


Dont forget about boots.


Prioritize good boots and a gloves


This ad convinced me to wear them while riding my bicycle


I felt very compelled to wear protection and I don’t even have a motorcycle!


The really scary part here, is that thats a minor roadburn. You do exactly what he did at 60+ your toes are literal dust.


Southeast asians don't give a fuck. Mfs here ride shirtless and shoeless.


One thing I noticed when overseas is the amount of brilliant psa’s shown constantly on television. Damn why doesn’t america do this for our citizens 😭


Because if their people get hurt, the government has to shell out for it. If ours get hurt in America, everyone gets richer.


I am happy ads like this exist, bc it’s true. I wish they were shown more often. I’m a regular rider of 15+ years and I can’t tell you how often I come across folks that either don’t want to pony up the $ for good gear OR they feel that wearing all the gear makes them look dumb. It’s ironic how “dumb” is seen by some.


ATGATT:All The Gear All The Time


All the gear, all the time. I will not drive my bike without all my gear.


German safety ads: "Your life and your body are very fragile, so please do yourself a favor and wear safety gear if you want to ride your motorcycle!" Australian safety ads: "Fuck it, wanna learn how to draw circles on roads with your own skin?"


I was once told by an older gentleman to always dress for the slide, not the ride. Over the years I've went down a few times. Always my own stupidity getting me into trouble, Every time I'm glad I had my riding jacket, gloves, and riding boots on. Sore and beat up but I was always able to walk it off.


And you’d be *lucky* if your foot was in that good of a shape afterwards


I laid mine down at about 35mph on hard top in full gear. Had plastic shinguards on that covered my knees. Bump guards/shoulder pads, everything. Massive bruise on my knee. Would have been a shattered knee surgery, if not for the plastic and pad underneath taking most of the damage. Massive bruise on my left shoulder, took about three weeks to heal that one. Rode off home with broken pegs etc. Gear up.


Unfortunately I had to taste the asphalt last weekend. Even though i ride a 125 cc, i was worn protective gear from head to toe. I am glad that i wore my full outfit.


I dont ride motorbikes cause they scare the shit out of me because i have come off pushbikes as a kid and even at that speed road rash is no joke.


When I rode I wore Kevlar Jeans Motorcycle kevlar reinforced shoes a jacket with armour plate in the elbows,shoulders and back plus the nicest gloves and a bad ass helmet Seeing idiots with shorts,no gloves and flip flops on thier Harley makes me crings\ good video


THIS is a safety ad wtf THIS wakes people UP! Well done Aussies