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Rule 1 - All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. Posts: * must be interesting as fuck * can't have audio * can't be interesting because of text * must go beyond something just being old * can't be art that you made


It's amazing how our environment reflects our minds environment. Any time I've gone through stuff I always have bags of things around literally I have baggage when I'm doing better these bags are emptied and my stuff is put away literally like my mind


How’s my mental health? Check how my physical space looks. I think this is true for most people. Hard to feel comfortable in a mess. Took me decades to learn, “no matter what, I will our the damn dishes away every night” because if I don’t, tomorrow it will be harder and then it’s a month.


Yeah it’s really something you gotta maintain. And at the moment I’m still figuring it out lol




I guess that explains my environment. Not super messy but not super clean either. Things are strewn all over but are put in places where I can easily recall them. Also my environment is a little messy to reflect that my mind is all over the place but also somehow somewhat organized in its own way


Organized chaos




All is one, one is all. As within, so with out.


I want to do better but I'm so trapped under. The rubble of my life, how it crumbles. Is this how I really live day to day? I want to pack up my brain, and put it away.


This sentence hit me hard. My older brother has been going through substance abuse issues the last year, and after being arrested for almost burning his apartment down last week I had to go pick out sentimental stuff and man, I just wanted to cry for him. The insanity that looks like has occupied the space for the last year just hurts. Fuck meth.


Please don't judge the owner. He is trying to be okay again. He had some very bad years. My pictures and videos are not staged or fake. Unfortunately this is real. If you know someone who needs help in NYC let me know. Thank you if you can be kind! Hugs!


You're awesome for helping these people out without judgement :) the world needs more kindness


Thank you so much ❤️


Need this in oregon


No judgement. Life is fucking hard.


Fuck right it is.


You are a great person, keep doing you!


Thank you so much ❤️


I'm not gonna judge him. I've gone through some hard times. I'm also pretty ADHD and my shit can get pretty close to this pretty quick.


Thank you for talking about what is behind this behavior! People don't understand because they've never been to that point in their lives. I'm glad this man is getting help and improving his situation. I wish him all the best and you too for being understanding and compassionate towards those with mental health issues!


Oh you can tell this shit isn’t staged or fake.. look at that damn corner of the bathtub. The cans could have been staged, but in combination with all that black sludge… This shit is all too real


I hope this is the beginning of him healing. You’re an angel! 😇


My only question is how did they bathe or use the toilet like this? I know it's real, I've seen it, but did they have another bathroom to use? Fantastic job on the cleaning by the way.


Shower is empty, toilet seat is clear. Cans aren't lava, they walked on them to shower and take a shit. You can see the crushed ones at the entrance i bet the ones in front of the toilet are also crushed.


I always love seeing your work. You really make a positive difference in this world.


You're a good person.


What is your method for cleaning the bathtub? That stands out to me the most; caulking and grout can get random mold, so to see it so clean is amazing!


No judgement here. Good job OP. I appreciate people like you making the world a better place than they found it


Ugh, I need somebody to do this to my child's mothers house. But I'm in WNY


I know someone’s who’s house isn’t the best in nyc, can I ask him first before I make any further inquiries?


Seeing this kinda gave me a kick in the ass to maybe clean up my room a little.. ive been struggling so much lately, the world needs more people like you ❤️


How much do you charge, and can to come to my house?


They clean for free with the support of sponsors/their YouTube community.


I don't charge. I have income from my youtube channel. Let me know if you are in NYC


Is your YouTube channel the same name as your reddit account? Id love to see what you do and support even if it's just adding views and likes to your video. 


You are AMAZING!!


You are so nice ❤️


Just threw you a sub on YouTube. Keep up the good work, helping people like this does so much. The world needs more people like you.


No, you are!!


Did you recycle all those cans? Could probably get a few bucks back for em.


I'm judging; this is amazing, good for them. The way I look at it it is more impressive to see a overweight person get in the gym and get healthy than it is to see a fit person continue to be fit. This is the mental version of that.


Sorry, Thats a dogshit take You have no idea where someone came from or how hard they worked to get fit. I get praising people for bettering themselves but lets not look down or minimize people who have already/continue to better themselves. The mental fortitude and effort required to stay committed to their fitness is far greater than one guy going to the gym a few times. We should be uplifting everyone around us no matter where they are in their fitness journey.


>  The mental fortitude and effort required to stay committed to their fitness is far greater than one guy going to the gym a few times. That's debatable depending on how mentally unwell the fat person is. Overcoming a executive function disorder and making it to the gym even once is way more impressive than a normie just doing normie things because it happens automatically as soon as they think about doing it. 


Spoken like someone with an inflated sense of ego for going to the gym like literally all of us do. Why would you even try to make a point that going to the gym consistently is more difficult than stopping a cubicle of addiction and having the humility to take steps to get better? Who does that thinking help? There is one loser in this thread and it’s you. Edit: just as I suspected, this dude is an obese mobile game addicted moron. They blocked me immediately and started scrubbing their account.


well done you....may your blessings be many!!


> If you know something who needs help.. These are human beings worthy of respect, not “some thing” that needs help.


Autocorrec.... 🫠


The secular version of alcoholics anonymous helped me out some years ago. Much easier to keep my house clean when I'm not fucked up. Much love. ❤️


I'm glad you asked help and you feel better now 💗


Thank you!


What is the secular version of AA?


SMART Recovery is the main one, I believe.


For anyone interested, it focuses on the science behind addiction. It helps you identify and understand your triggers and develop methods to cope with them.


I did [SMART Recovery](https://smartrecovery.org/) in New Orleans last year and had a really good experience. *WTF why won't that link work??? It did in another comment. I had to put the https! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!


You might need the www.


They do a moment of silence/meditation instead of the Serenity Prayer.


Or alternatively just lop off the 'God' and start the serenity prayer with 'Grant me..." Everybody is plugging SMART, which is a great program, but you can also find AA and NA chapters that are secular. Not to mention most AA/NA groups don't push religion or care if you're non religious. The only requirement is a desire to stop using.


At its core, AA requires you to give yourself up to a spiritual higher power. It teaches you that you're helpless against alcohol. I don't want to feel helpless. I want to feel empowered.


If that's your idea of AA/NA I'd say you don't fully understand it so I would never suggest to anyone to talk about something they don't understand as if they do. I also do SMART recovery so I don't want you to think this is one sided but I'd ask you to rethink posting things publicly that you don't know fully about. Something like addiction is very serious and saying things that are opinionated or not said with full understanding can be detrimental to someone who may be struggling and reads that AA is secular and involves a spiritual higher power. The mind is a powerful thing and things can be taken the wrong way and your comment can do nothing but harm and reinforce thoughts they have about it that aren't completely true because they hear things like this. Bottom line is I'd urge you to reconsider posting about something that you aren't familiar with as if you are. Either it's hurtful to people that might need to read more encouraging things, people that DO KNOW about what you're saying will know you're talking out of your ass, or they'll agree but that just means they aren't familiar either and your false statements just drive more misinformation into the world about the subject you don't know about that you insist on posting about.


Whatever works for you is the best way, but I want to give a couple notes. Your higher power doesn't have to be spiritual. Just something that you see as greater than yourself. That can be fellowship, or charity, or love, or that tree outside. Also it's not helplessness, if you were helpless nothing would be able to alleviate your addiction. It's powerlessness. A small but important distinction. I understand and empathize with people who still don't like feeling like that, but for me at least, it was my stubbornness thinking I could control my urge to drink that kept me from seeking help for so many years. It was important for me to accept that I couldn't control it. That I was powerless over alcohol. That's what allowed me to really invest myself in the fellowship. I know that a relapse is always right around the corner, which keeps me diligent.


Yeah, I'm just not going to accept that I'm powerless. I don't want to feel helpless. I want to feel empowered.


To each their own, buddy. Like I said, the best way is whatever works.


Best choice you ever made!


TOTALLY agreed! :D


secular version?


AA without all of the Jesus-y stuff involved


Isn’t that NA?😉


haha that's what came to mind when i saw "secular" version


AA doesn’t have anything to do with Jesus. It has spiritual principles that are common among most religions. I know many people in AA that aren’t Christian at all. Of course there are some, but it’s not required or necessary.


this is not true at all. despite them saying stuff like "your higher power can be a doorknob" they constantly berate you and try and convert you to Christianity. its LITERALLY in their 12 step model


I knew I shouldn’t have posted that because someone was for sure going to say something like this, but I’m not getting into. None of that is true. AA is in non Christian countries across the globe. Sorry you had that experience, but I’ve never seen anyone berate or give a shit what someone else believes.


I'm not gonna speak on any other country than America bc I don't have that experience but I can tell you that AA in America is entirely based on Christianity and conversion


That hasn't been my experience at all. Sorry that it's been yours.


it is directly quoted in the 12 steps. it's not "my experience", it's the entire basis of the program.


Can you share the direct quote?


There's a long history of AA being heavily influenced by christianity


i know i thought that was the whole point, i had no idea there was a secular version of it


glad it exists as an option


Check out [SMART Recovery](https://smartrecovery.org/). I've had a really good experience with them in New Orleans.


Actually a good looking bathroom




Dang, was that black mold in the tub? Would be curious to know how you tackled that. Also—what you do is truly admirable, you deserve a lot of credit!


Yes. That was a mold. I used bleach and Cif product. And I just scrubbed :)


I would be worried that it's still in the walls with that amount visible beforehand.


Yeah, it's going to slowly grow back most likely.


Who of us has never needed a helping hand ? ![gif](giphy|QFeYV3QIVEzEVjdzXa|downsized) Kudos OP for your kindness


i grew up in a house like this. people don’t realise just how common it is for people to actually live like this and how suffocating and damaging it is long term to the psyche. i know it’s difficult for a lot of people to understand how houses can end up looking like this and how there are such people out there who can do that, but i’ll put it this way: can you imagine being in such a dark headspace that you can live in absolute squander and find nothing wrong with it? imagine the lack of self worth one must have to live like that and just accept it as completely normal. now imagine what someone coming in and cleaning a huge mess/hoard like this could do for someone in that dark place, it feels like a miracle and a clean slate so they can move on. thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work you do OP, and how judgment free you remain of the folks who you help. you’re a gem of a human being 🤍


I have severe ADHD and a drinking problem. My place isn't this bad, but calling it cluttered would be an understatement. It's easy to just put stuff down in the first available location when nothing has a home. Chronic disorganization sucks.




Yes, that seems accurate.


Add here. I’m always going to have a catchitall room because I can’t seem to organize or get rid of stuff so I just move it somewhere else lol


I've got a catchall room and my place is still a mess! I bought a 3000 sqft house right before my divorce. It wasn't clean then and it's less clean now.


Yeah my house is still messy 😵‍💫


Be strong, brother. Look into chronic disorganization and strategies to fight it. I wish I had earlier.


Sister* but yeah i need cognitive behavioral therapy


Thats enough bud ice to kill a small fraternity


Prob about 20 bucks in can deposits


the mustard bottle in there crowd surfing on the beers


How did you get the stain out of the restroom walls and tub ?


Soft scrub is magic for bathtubs, grout, etc. I’m guessing something like that.


You did a very good job I got to hire you to clean my restroom 😆


Great job!!


Thank you ❤️


Show the rest of that nice house. Good job also




Dude loves his Bud Ice.


It's just about the most bang for your buck without "stooping" to true malt liquor territory. Unfortunately I speak from experience. This person was/is in a very, very dark place.




Whoever this is, please get your liver checked out and all your alphabet levels checked through bloodwork. Love the bathroom's transformation. Especially that tile.


n ice


The places you go without a hazmat suit... I could never. You do incredible, important work.


how the fuck did he even use the toilet without cutting his feet??? (by the cans)


I had a friend some years back who was living in a similar situation. He had 2 bathrooms almost completely inaccessible, except for a tight squeeze to one of the showers. He usually peed in the kitchen sink. I honestly don't know where he dumped. I'm fairly certain he didn't shit in some crazy spot because I can't imagine I wouldn't have smelled or noticed.


Probably the shower


That's amazing, living like that must be hell. You're doing a great thing.


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What a difference 2 days makes


You are incredible for doing this for people. Thank you for doing this without judgment and with kindness. I can’t even imagine how much this means to the people who are trying so hard to get better. ❤️


I’ve been there. Thanks for shining a light at the end of the tunnel.


May i ask what the black goop in the corner is?


an unreasonable amount of mold


There's a reasonable amount?




Seriously so proud of you dude!!! Keep going. I know you know it feels good!!!


My ex brother in laws place was like that cleaned it twice. We filled two aluminum can trailers.


Nice work. Almost like it declutters the person. Best wishes.


I don’t want to know, but I have to know what the black stuff in the shower was.


ignoring the concerning amount of cans, what the fuck happened to the shower??




This is giving me flashbacks of cleaning out my dad’s house. Hoarding is absolutely a symptom of mental health illness, often related to a complex presentation of obsessive compulsive disorder. From my understanding, hoarding presents more often in men than in women. It’s critical that patients treat the cause as well as the symptoms, otherwise the living space will regress to the same state or worse.


One time I was so depressed that I didn't take the trash out for 6 months. At some point it became such an embarassing and insurmountable problem. I ended up having to hire a cleaning crew to help me or risk eviction, which was generous. .


Oh, honey! I am so proud of you! 💗


Did you do it all yourself? I'm very proud of you. Even small tasks are difficult when you are experiencing mental issues. That is quite impressive.


Awesome job OP. This probably mentally helped your client out a butt ton during their recovery. I've been in houses like this as a medic on calls. It is not easy and it's very sad sometimes to see people so low (be that they are a good or bad person).


Yeah, with that amount of cans, not only mental problems but also multiple organ problems.


No judgement but pure curiosity, what is in the bathtub?


i mean it looks better to me but you might wanna get your liver cleaned too.


can you link your YouTube channel?


My question is why they decided on the bathroom as the designated can pile?


Oh. Another one of these posts


Keep it up bro. Times get better, I promise!


You did an amazing job.


This is awesome, I’m in NYC and wish I had some help getting my place back to a livable situation. I completely understand that this stuff builds up and just becomes an impossible task that no matter how hard you try just doesn’t ever get clean… it’s not that we want to live like this, it’s just so hard getting back to normal. Even after a flood due to a burst pipe, I’ve only been able to clean one small portion of my place and it took two days. The rest just is too much despite my efforts to chip away at it. I wish I had a fresh start so I could use my own kitchen again… it’s been years since I’ve felt comfortable and at home in my own place.


been there


It’s such a terrible spiral. That mold is extremely concerning, though. Good for you for getting into it and trying to make a difference.


Fuck thats a nice bathroom.


I wonder how or why the bathroom became the beer can room. Like tossing it in a room makes some sense but man was stacking them for a while lolol


Probably lives somewhere without recycling, to start. Then I imagine the spiral starts pretty quickly:   1. Man, I'm going through a lot of cans. Ooh, I should save them and take em in once a month to get some beer money back!   2. I should probably rinse them out since they'll be in my place for a few weeks... I know! I'll rinse them in the tub and then set them on the floor to dry.   3. Eh, I don't feel like crushing these now, I'll just set them in a row / It's late and I don't want to make noise crushing cans or bagging them up / "I'll deal with them tomorrow"  4. Multiple cans per day add up super fast.   5. There's always something more appealing to prioritize compared to making an errand to the recycling plant to get $5 back.   6. I'll for sure take them next month and then it'll be worth the trip, 2 for 1, right...   And so on until...   7. Man, I have so many cans, I'm overwhelmed thinking about how long it'll take to crush them all and pack them up. Besides, I can't show up at the recycler with this many cans, they'll judge me.   8. I'll just wear shoes around the house, it's fine. I definitely can't just throw these out, that'd be money outta my pocket.   9. I can't live like this anymore, I want to enjoy using my bathroom. I'm ready to accept help.   10. Now that I'm not drinking, and my place is clean, I can keep up with taking care of myself and my place. ♥️


This is nothing compared to some of the things my husband has seen as a crime scene clean up tech. He once had a job where a woman's bathroom was completely piled with bags full of her excrement. Literally the entire bathroom, stacks of it everywhere. Wild thing was she was a psychology professor. It really is tragic the things us humans do to ourselves. It's like we create our own prisons and often do nothing to stop it. Do we think we deserve the torment? Or do we just find it easier to cope with life? Human behavior is really fascinating but it's helpful to recognize the signs of someone's mental health not being right. If the space becomes unmanageable, then what's going on in their mind is likely unmanageable as well.




I’m neurodivergent so I understand the struggle. Good job!


Thank you! 💗


Hoarding syndrome? Good job btw


No, because he let me to throw away everything


Not so much hording as unchecked alcoholism. When you're living in a situation where your disease is basically making decisions for you and you're in it deep (like this poor soul is), you're more concerned about keeping the buzz going than you are personal or environmental cleanliness. Hopefully this individual has committed to a long-term program of health and recovery from alcohol/substance abuse. OP deserves a medal.


There’s no excuse for this


Thanks mom


Hell yeah! Keep it up!!




Taking “The Can” to a whole new level. Kidding aside, what a beautiful transformation!


I’ve heard of shower beers, but this is ridiculous.


Damn that’s actually a very nice bathroom once cleaned up. Good work!


It looks like you moved into an upscale hotel.


Op one alcoholic to another the booze is a big part of the problem here. If you can't reign it in quitting will help your mental well being.


Now he needs to save $$ for his future liver transplant...


Not judging but I think that's more of a alcohol issue than mental health. But good he's doing better.


Sometimes people use substances to escape other issues


But an alcohol issue IS a mental health issue. The mental health problem caused the alcohol abuse, which then probably heavily influenced his inability to clean up after himself.


Nobody is getting drunk every day because they're content and happy.


Love what you’re doing!


That many bud ice n haven't graduated to natty daddy's?


Strange how all of your pictures are of seemingly brand new or recently updated apartments with expensive appliances.


Ohh don't think all the apartments are brand new.... actually this is a house lottery rented homes. Section 8. Most of these apartments are nice and new. But I helping for those who don't have a nice home like this. But if I want to be honest... easier to clean homes like this. If all the furniture is 30 years old, doesn't matter how hard I'm working. :(


I wonder how enabling this is. It'll be shit again in a couple of months. Talking about how "nice" OP is... She is profiting from this. It isn't an altruistic thing she does on the weekends for no acknowledgment. She has a deal with the residents, I'll clean it IF you let me film it.


I pronounce "mental health problems" differently. At my house I just say divorce 😁


Genuine question, how can someone ever see a bathroom and think 'yeah, this is a good spot to leave hundreds of cans' over what I'm guessing was months. I get that times can be tough and people don't think properly during so but I mean come on, walking through a sea of beer cans to take a piss?


Mentally ill people who are struggling and overwhelmed don’t have the same thought processes as normal functioning people. If I was overwhelmed and had a can, I would just chuck it somewhere nearby so it’s one less thing on my mind in the immediate moment (ignoring that it’s a thing I have to deal with later). Most people are just trying to reduce the stressors they have at any given moment. Also have you not seen a bunch of drunk people after a party with cans everywhere? Just imagine you’re drinking constantly and drunk all the time and so you’re not cleaning up your cans.


I'm no stranger to having more than a few beers but still I can't wrap my head around doing this


I was there once I didn’t give a fuck about the cans because I had no plan to deal with it. My only concern was staying up and drinking as long as I could and relied on passing out instead of going to bed because the guilt and shame of being an alcoholic tormented me to the point I was scared of having to think in bed about it all. And besides that the withdrawal was scary so that kept me going on a binge too. You can hallucinate, have seizures, and even die from alcohol withdrawal.


Ummm... someone is proud of this....mental health ok, but, there is purpose behind this that reveals details of such illness, there is structure, something the individual controlled


Why drink so much beer when you can get four loko instead. Less money and less waste to recycle.


You're awesome.


Absolutely amazing, we all need help at times in life. Thank you for stepping in and supporting this person. Love this post and the potential this individual has.


Keep on keepin on.


Most shocking part to me was Bud ICE haven’t seen that since the 1990s


It’s crazy that both of you set goals, and achieved them.


How tf did you clean all that black goop?


Oh I might have mental health problems

