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34? Why does he simultaneously look 16 and 40 in here?


Thats called being in your thirties


Can confirm. My new 23 year old coworker asked my my age the day I started the job and I told him I'm 34 and he was shocked and said "I thought you were my age, maybe 25 at most!". He then went on to tell me he doesn't use toothpaste with fluoride then spent the next 8 hours complaining about how all his teeth hurt. So... Grain of salt.


Shit, I'm 33 and my wife can't believe I look exactly like I did when we started dating in college besides my hair getting a little thinner and a few grays in my beard


Your wife is real nice to you for telling you that you look the same lol.


I look pretty much the same but I'm getting mild creases around my mouth.


Shut up, 30 year olds don't exist. I'm not 32, I'm twenty-twelve. I'm still young I swear.


You are simply twenty with twelve years experience.


I wish I could upvote this more. Perfectly describes most of my adult experience


I'm two 21-year-olds in a trench coat!


Stacked on top or side by side?


I would like to say stacked on top, but sadly, it's more like side by side.


He lived by very strict rules to accomplish his goals at this specific age. To find out more about those rules, google "trump rule 34"




You dog


Wow those are some amazing tips! Thank you Donald Trump


First day?


Nope, just acknowledging this was well sold


Not today, Satan.


> "trump rule 34" OMG I had no idea!! It is true.


Almost spit out my coffee


Ok u got me fucked up pretty damn good from laughing too hard jesus


He looks like Eric but with even more chromosomes.


Dude I came looking for this sort of comment. But to me he looks way older than 34. I think it's the hair.


He was a lot more articulate in this interview than the ones I see him in now


He is 77 years old after all


True, I'm not 77 so I cannot say anything for certain


I'm 77 and I sometimes forget what I was going


I smell what you did there.


It's the onion they're wearing on their belt.


That was the style at the time


In shelbyville, anyway.


in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say


"Give me five bees for a quarter!" you'd say.


Old age tends to remove your filters.


boomer new yorkers have all the lead poisoning. there was a brown cloud of exhaust and smog over the city for 20 years in the 70s and 80s


I'm finding more and more people out in the wild who know about the lead poisoning and I think that is fantastic.


Don't leave out the 1960s, which when you consider the number of cars on the road by then, the lead that had been added to gasoline since the 20s was probably at an all-time high concentration in the atmosphere. The EPA was founded in 1970, and the air quality in New York began to improve by later that decade. I remember, as a lad, watching an oil tanker burn in New York Harbor in the mid-60s. Plastic ash rained down from the sky.


The lead-crime hypothesis is one of my favorite examples of how pollution can directly impact individual lives and how policy intervention can be successful in fighting pollution.


Don’t worry neither can he.


“And I hope you don't mind cold office space in the winter and warm office space in the summer because your air conditioning is not the same as the good old days”


When the papers quote him from his speaking, it sounds like he expressed a cogent thought, if you go back and see what he said, it's a disjointed rant where any subject, any subject gets brought back to him and how swell he is.


He’s my age in the interview which is weird to think about


Same and this is making me very uncomfortable for some reason


I'm 40 and it made me uncomfortable to think about as well.


I’m 37 and feel a serious existential crisis ensuing.


Mine has been slowly unfolding for years now. Nobody prepared me for mid-life. This shit is difficult.


I always thought I’d do the cliche thing and buy a fast sportcar to fix mid-life crisis. Turns out, I am nowhere near being able to afford one. I dont want to take the long road of realism and acceptance, i want car go brrrroom!


I bought a used Harley instead. Much cheaper.


I bought a pedal steel guitar. Best decision of my life.


Every time you get down, just remember, you still have 40 years to put together your cult-like political following.


Just the reason there needs to be an age limit to run for president!


I'm firmly in camp Biden and I absolutely agree with this. And its not even just how they are today. Its how they will be/become over the next 5 years even if today their loss of step/spark still seems adequate to do the job. Age hits everybody differently and randomly. 4 years at that age can absolutely bring about a precipitous, mental/emotional decline at any moment. For anyone.


Not just the administration either. We need maximum age caps throughout Congress and for corporate officers. Each generation should retire in a timely manner and pass down power to the next. Staying in the same position forever just leads to greed and corruption.  Especially in government we need young strong leaders who still have much of their lives ahead of them so they will be held accountable for their actions. We need presidents and congress members whose futures will be affected by their decisions. The White House and capital should not be hospice for geriatrics.


Absolutely agree and I say this as someone that is no longer young. Though I suppose politically I'd be a young upstart whippersnapper.


Honestly I think politics should have a minimum age of 35 and maximum age of 65. You can't get in before you get some life experience and you retire before you decline.


I'd say the max age is the age in which you would receive maximum Social Security benefits. You would have to be out of office at that point.


He managed to use the word "sad" without going all caps.




Seriously it's hard to believe this is the same person


I agree, I see him and think "yeah that's definitely him" but the way he talks about things definitely is different


Just a little less yelling and incoherence. He still mentions he’d have better ideas than everyone else even if people didn’t like them and he mentions having a “good brain”. Both very much on brand today.


Honestly the only difference is that he stops talking "on time" in this interview. The emptiness of the words is already there.


Yeah he’s been a bullshit artist all his life. A fast talking used car salesman.


True, but he used to be a far more coherent bullshit artist. He’s pretty clearly got some form of dementia, my personal theory is neurosyphilis given what we know about his predilections.


'Just incoherence' is a big thing IMO. During this interview, he could still have a consistent train of thought, he cannot anymore. Pretty important for a potential president.


Yup. He has a more humble demeanor, but his words are still narcissistic. Fundamentally he hasn't changed, and even in this time period people recognized what an ass he is.


There's a reason he got tested for senility and dementia.


Aced it!!!


Tested positive in every metric! 💪🏼 His doctor is the best doctor. The most expensive doctor money can bribe.




Same with Biden, he is so quick and snappy back then (obviously) which shows we really got to start having younger Presidents. This is outta control.


I miss Obama.


Still sounds the same though. Most people don’t talk like that, he always hanged on/depended pn a certain phrase even if it’s awkward. “It’s a very mean life…I see it as being a mean life.”


thats just an older style of speaking, plenty of people used to speak like that, his just morphed into complete ramblings as he got old.


he didn't interrupt the interviewer and yell "excuse me, excuse me... this is a witch hunt" with large hand gestures


Honestly he devolved. Not that he’s ever been a genius but he definitely sounded more self-reflected.


Sounds like the same inflated ego he's always had


My other half has a theory that as we age our personality concentrates. I see it with friends & family, I really see it in “he who must never be president again”


It’s our inhibition which hides the worst parts of ourselves. Older people lose their inhibition like an angry drunk


He's also done a shit ton of drugs which im sure polluted his mind


Passably articulate, but with the political understanding of a children’s cartoon at 34 while being proud of it. Full trust fund baby vibes in like 5 seconds.




Still has a punchable face tho


I’m sorry but there should be an upper age limit on POTUS too. In this video Trump was one year too young to run for the office of president yet in the 25 seconds, that he spoke in this clip he was far more articulate than anything I’ve heard him say in the past eight years, including the four years that he was president. At the point that you get to your late 70s, any wisdom and experience that works in your favor is going to be immediately offset by a general inability to have your finger on the pulse of society, and the direction it’s travelling in. You were beginning your career, starting a family, and just finding your feet in life, around half a century before the people currently doing those things. At worst, your advanced age will have degraded your mental faculties, or else engendered a bitterness in you, that has made you uncompromising, and your more extreme beliefs,more entrenched, as you are increasingly forced to confront your own mortality.


It's ironic that if you applied for the majority of jobs when you were over 70 people wouldn't want to employ you at all. They would cite all sorts of reasons why you aren't suitable because of your age yet almost every country in the world bases their entire government, laws and legislation on aging pensioners who haven't kept up with what the average person is facing on a daily basis.


I hate to generalize but I think someone in their 50s is usually the sweet spot to begin their terms as president 


not so young you’re idealistic and inexperienced, but not old enough for the dementia to take hold. golden.


You're right about everything you say here. What makes it worse though, is I think you've missed the single most important reason for an upper age limit. The most important reason is that at a certain age, decisions you make will not affect you. If you're 78 years old and you make a decision that won't have noticeable effects, whether they be good or bad for 10+ years time, then it's very likely you won't be around to see it. The single most important factor in the morality of wielding power at any level is the extent to which especially the negative consequences of your decisions will affect you. This is why we all cringe at Hollywood celebrities and people in gated communities platforming things like open borders. None of will affect them, so of course they think it's great.


Very true of course! Though I’d temper that with the caveat that if you genuinely care for the wellbeing of your children and grandchildren, you will care about the legacy of your decisions. **IF**


I get an ”uncanny valley” vibe watching him string together a coherent sentence, with a common thread and clear reasoning.


We have to keep in mind that Trump is nearly 80 years old. He was certainly more mentally able over 40 years ago. This is perfectly normal, but maybe people of that age should retire instead of trying to run for office.


Drugs, also drug abuse.


Doesn't he not drink? Yet he does drugs?


Yeah, I know plenty of people who don’t drink and still do drugs. Hell man I haven’t had a drop of alcohol since 2015 and I still smoke cannabis and occasionally do mushrooms. You can have 1 without the other.


People who have worked closely with him say that he's dependent on uppers, like Adderall. So much so that he's completely incontinent now and wears diapers. It's not uncommon for men in their 70s to wear diapers, but those same people claim that he's been wearing them since he was hosting The Apprentice 20ish years ago.


Source? I've heard of many side-effects to Adderall, none of which are fecal incontinence to the point of diapers. It can dehydrate you which can cause constipation, but that isn't the same issue.


There's a reasonable amount of evidence to support that he's addicted to prescription amphetamines like Adderall


Today he is all: "magnets dont work with water...." "i could spot a whale! Not easy." "They should rake their forest floor." Stares at eclipse... ![gif](giphy|xTg8B4kaABA9PW5aPC)










Similar to if you compare interviews of George W early in his career vs the end of his presidential term. Night and day


Yeah he was still full of shit but it's kind of bizarre hearing him plan out more than 3 words ahead of time. I'm really on the fence about whether or not he's actually demented or just the laziest brain to ever be shown on TV but it's really hard to argue there hasn't been a huge decline.


He seems like a normal guy at that point. It makes me very curious what was the particular point his bread stopped baking in the middle. Edit: I understand Trump has never been a boy scout. Probably the bone spurs got in the way of that too. I'm also not saying he is a "normal guy" even at this point. I'm saying there's a massive leap between the level here which isn't much different than any celebrity talking head at the time and the outright unhinged treasonous, God complex, incoherent man baby we have today. We all know somebody who's full of themselves but not to the level he is now, nor with the ability to weaponize that disproportionate sense of self.


This may offer an explanation: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/07/power-causes-brain-damage/528711/


This is a genuinely fascinating article. For people too lazy to click, here's a good tidbit: >And when he put the heads of the powerful and the not-so-powerful under a transcranial-magnetic-stimulation machine, he found that power, in fact, impairs a specific neural process, “mirroring,” that may be a cornerstone of empathy. Which gives a neurological basis to what Keltner has termed the “power paradox”: Once we have power, we lose some of the capacities we needed to gain it in the first place. >Other experiments have shown that powerful people do worse at identifying what someone in a picture is feeling, or guessing how a colleague might interpret a remark. >The fact that people tend to mimic the expressions and body language of their superiors can aggravate this problem: Subordinates provide few reliable cues to the powerful. But more important, Keltner says, is the fact that the powerful stop mimicking others. Laughing when others laugh or tensing when others tense does more than ingratiate. It helps trigger the same feelings those others are experiencing and provides a window into where they are coming from. Powerful people “stop simulating the experience of others,” Keltner says, which leads to what he calls an “empathy deficit.”


I think consciously or unconsciously if you are very rich and powerful you have to sort of reflect Why is it I have these private jets, 3 homes, servants that cater to my every whim when the vast majority of people struggle You can either admit you might have been "luck" or born at the right place (rich parents) at the right time (not discounting some very hard work too) or you can try to reason it must be because you are "special" You are better then everyone else, everyone else is probably just lazy and dumb and you deserve it and they do not


[The 'just world' fallacy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis)


He’s also my age in this video so hopefully I can stay normal unlike him, lol


Good luck and godspeed. Even if you got a little off though you'd have to go all the way off the deep end and then keep tunneling to catch up with Donnie. So you're probably good.


Same. I see that I’m already getting dumber by just reading social media all day. Time to get back to books with longer sentences I guess 😂


Even young adult ficition has more complex sentence structure than we of the social media hivemind have.


Yeah I was thinking the same. But with the way society is heading I’m afraid I’ll end up the same way


Don't let the fact that he can string a sentence together fool you, he's always been a con artist.


That's fair, for me it's the whole demeanor. Not the fact of the sentence but the nature if that makes sense. As you and others pointed out he was just probably better at hiding it when he thought he had to.


Probaly his dad. The guy who didnt wanna see his wife/trumps mom when she was sick because only weak pathetic worms get sick. According to Trumps dad.




His current state is more aptly called hubris but that's the thing. He had money and fame even then but hadn't gone full blown megalomaniac.


Based on his TV shows, I'd say sometime in the late 2000s He's definitely mentally unstable, probably senile


A PA from the apprentice once said online that he was so destroyed by drug use that he had to wear diapers and they had to constantly reshoot scenes because he would shit himself (I will say this is an allegation by someone online with unverified identity so don't hold too much stock in it but similar stories have come out from more credible people so it's safe to say it's likely true.)


There is no way this wouldn't already be credibly leaked and plastered all over the news if it actually happened.


“Leaked and plastered” on the issue of Trump shitting himself. Thank you for starting my day off in the grossest way possible.


Might I interest you in this eloquently worded article about a recent spike in diarrhea cases in the UK? https://arstechnica.com/health/2023/10/the-uk-is-bursting-with-diarrheal-disease-cases-3x-higher-than-usual/


Multiple producers and people who worked on the show have confirmed it. Donny hasn't sued them because it would open him up too discovery and they would find it to be true


It was all over the Internet for a while but that was like half a decade ago


This is so strange. It's almost like AI.


That makes much more sense. Or a clone .. clones were huge in 80's.


holy fuck giant clones


Because his voice sounds EXACTLY the same minus the shouting and in an almost unrecognisable body.


Baron looks like him. Hope he has a normal childhood.


How would that be possible, even in theory?


Well, all of Trumps kids seem to be laying in the same basket as him, except Barron who doesnt really appear in public that much I think? Hes still young, sure, but I think Melania is a real helicopter mom and perhaps is trying to keep him out of the whole family deal, Im just wildy guessing. But afaik the kid doesnt even have any social media presence. Hard to say whats happening in his moms mind, but I dont feel like shes a "huge Trump fan", so to speak.


Baron from what I understand has basically been chilling trying to live a somewhat average life. His wiki says he's doing like soccer school, I guess. But yeah, seems he kinda just keeps to himself, doesn't involve himself with the drama of his family.




With how the Trump family situation is, I feel he may not


I feel the apple may not fall far from the orange tree.


Well, he’s an adult now, so…


Anakin talkin here


…oh my god




So articulate…


He’s so much more cogent in this video than he is now. Complete sentences, staying on topic, clearly expressing a complex thought while providing relevant context, all without straying into tangential cul de sacs. He has dementia now. 100%


The fact that his speech mannerisms are so on point to how he is today is the most surprising to me honestly. People change in how they talk throughout their lives. We all meet other people/are influenced by other people. We travel to other places and pick up little things, sayings, ticks, humour, accents and other mannerisms over our lives. Not this guy though. Somehow he stayed the same from young to old while living an incredible life.


Good observation, although I see something a bit different, I think. His mannerisms are very similar, but he honestly seems to struggle now with fluidity of thought and the ability to express his point without mentally ruminating. In this clip, he does the repeating words thing ("mean life...mean life") similarly to how he does now, but it's obvious the thought process is going somewhere. He has a point and he's making it, and finishes. Now, he just rattles and eventually gets somewhere, even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


He was 34 here and now he’s almost 80. Completing thought trains is obviously on a different scale.


I don't understand the whole 'these are old men, of course they're not good at following a thought' argument. That seems like a reason not to put either of them in charge of a whole country.


No one is talking about his eligibility to run a country, merely observing the visible change in the ability to think clearly.


My grandpa at 80, at the beginning of his dementia, was ten times more coherent than Trump is right now at 77.


My father in law is 78 and still sharp as a tack. Age comes for us all, but it's hitting Trump harder and earlier than most.


My grandma is 102 and still sharp at a tack. She is more thoughtful and coherent than a lot of people half her age. The years hit us all differently. They hit Trump like a semi


When I was a student, I spoke like an academic. I kind of miss where my brain was at the time, although my mum used to say it was “flowery”. Now I listen to students speak and I think jeez, how pretentious, lol




I think Ted Cruz said something to that effect after he dropped out of the 2016 race. Trump is playing a part. He's not the same person behind closed doors that he is in public. The guy is a professional con artist and has developed those skills over decades.


Living the gimmick as it's called in pro wrestling. Macho Man would talk in his deep wrestlers voice at all times in public.


Why is a 34 year old real estate investor anywhere being asked about public service... Unless the question was requested into the interview. It's been a long game the entire time.


Fred Trump, his father and a very active Democrat, was interested in getting him into government. >The DNC official, a friend of mine, recalled that Fred had asked him: “Wouldn’t it be great if Donald got experience in Washington?” Clearly, he wanted to get Donald a gig so that he could make national connections. >Donald’s expression was unhappy. He opened his mouth, getting out only a couple of words: “Well, I … ” >Fred cut him off before he could say anything else. “**Shut the fuck up**,” he said sternly. “**We didn’t fucking ask you. Who the fuck cares what you think?**” And Donald shut up. The official told Fred he would look into it. But Donald wasn’t interested in Washington, at least not then. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/17/trump-hubris-family-empire-new-york


Didn't think I'd start today off feeling sad for young Trump


Monsters are more apt to be made than simply born that way. You can feel bad for him, recognize that there's probably a reason for the way he is, all while still finding the current version of him to be odious.


There's a psychiatrist/neuroscientist who claims to be a diagnosed psychopath. He is relatively harmless and he attributes it to having devoted parents and a normal childhood. He says that as a society we should find people like him as young as possible and ensure that they have a safe upbringing so as to protect everyone from their natural lack of remorse and empathy. Which sounds like a very non-psychopath thing to say imo but what do I know So, in theory, having empathy for potential remorseless criminals is actually an objective solution to the problem [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-neuroscientist-who-discovered-he-was-a-psychopath-180947814/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-neuroscientist-who-discovered-he-was-a-psychopath-180947814/)


He is 100% correct but I wouldn't attribute this perspective to him having empathy so much as thinking about the practical needs of society. Civilisation is built upon structure - the understanding that everyone must behave in certain ways in order for society not to fall into chaos. Getting psycho/sociopaths into therapy in childhood means they can be taught right from wrong (in accordance to their social norms) early, and grow up to be functional adults that contribute to society. You don't need to possess "normal" levels of empathy in order to contribute to society / be a functional adult, as the neuroscientist demonstrates.




I'd avoid both those terms. What you might have is a mix of cluster B personality disorders. The way people tend to think of cluster Bs nowadays is still at least a coupe generations behind the current science on the subject. and there's a LOT of science about it, it just hasn't hit the mainstream because it's less "sexy".


Read Mary Trump's book "Too much and never enough". It does a good job of examining of how Donald became the way he is. I feel very sorry for his deceased brother Fred. He got a rough time of it.


That book was truly heartbreaking. Absolutely nothing good has come out of Donald’s father. He broke all his children.


The part where their mother starts choking at a family dinner table, and they all just sat there and kept eating. Finally, Fred got up to help her. That was something. He truly was the only one with any heart.


Fred senior was such an asshole. He messed up all of his children, particularly Donald and Fred jnr.


I think the daughter probably got the roughest ride after Fred. As a child she found her mother hemorrhaging on the bathroom floor, half dead, and Fred Sr. basically told her to shake it off.


Donald Trump won't drink alcohol to this day because of how much it destroyed his brothers life.


One could make an argument that their Father also did.


so all this bs is because his dad didn't love him damn shits crazy.


Hurt people hurt people.


Fred was a complete monster. Donald seems to genuinely like his kids, relatively speaking, whereas Fred would have loved a literal cage match with the lone survivor winning his attention.


Everyone has been screwed up by their parents


Origin story


What a terrible father


Wow, thought I was reading satire in your comment. This explains a lot. Man is clearly damaged and we’re all paying for it


This is why I always feel Trump should be compared more to Wilhelm II then to Hitler. Wilhelm came from a similarly privileged background but had such a fucking awful mother who demeaned him for his birth injury and withheld any sort of love that he ended up a loopy braggart willing to burn the world down to elevate himself. There's also how they treated their own family. Trump clearly loves his family, Wilhelm adored his. In an era when the developmentally disabled people were shipped off to sanitariums, Wilhelm made sure his Granddaughter Alexandrine who had Downs Syndrome stayed with her family and instilled family loyalty in his children and grandchildren, leading to the family making deals with the National Socialists when they started rounding up the disabled for the Acktion T-4 program. There's an underlying sympathy to him because damaged children become damaged adults, but that's about it.


Super Villain origin story


How villains are made 101


Facile saying that while looking through the lens available to us now. Back then as a legitimately rich NYC socialite, he had zero reason to consider anything but maintaining business as usual, as it was rather lucrative and afforded him the ability to do as he pleased while flying under the radar of any significant scrutiny.


he was a billionaire, one of the main property developers of new york, owned some of the most historical buildings there.. he was a very prestigious guy at that age. I dont think its surprising he would be asked this question. \*im the same age as he was back then, now im going back to playing some cs2\* fml. 😂😆


He predicted it because he was the same person then. He just had a persona to protect back then so he acted differently in public.


Trump has always been the person he is today.


He was better at self-regulating back then though. The years as a reality star and age have made him shameless.


"I would serve my country... but you know... bone spurs..."


He's always had the sphincter mouth 😲


The guy has clearly lost his mind in his old age


Predicted? Nah dog. It's what he wanted to be .


Ever. Notice when someone comes out of office they seemed to age 10 years ‘cause the job is so stressful? Not the Donald. I guess “executive time” I.E. watching Fox and calling in for an hour in the middle of the day on a Wednesday isn’t stressful.


Watching this old footage from the 80s reminds me of Robin Leach from the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous tv show lol.


Goddamn! He has had that comb over, puff of shit hair since way back then?


He would dedicate his life to this country? wasn’t he a draft dodger 🤣


No great brain.


He accomplished nothing he wasn't directly given at that age.


This is a great video to show how far his mind has melted.


So his hairline was always weak?