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This is what happens when you lose your mom at in the grocery store and end up walking around with someone that “looks like the back of your moms head”


Then the imposter mom realizes you aren’t her kid and try’s to kill you so people don’t get the wrong idea that she was kidnapping you


Two moms start beating the shit out of each other and all the kids in the grocery store start climbing the shelves


r/comics work your magic pls and ty


Don't let your dreams be memes


I dream of me-me


I see you’ve been to my local Walmart 


Nothing more awe inspiring than seeing a couple of 500lb beasts fighting over food...


Exactly it happens to all of us at least once


I legit did this as an adult not long ago. I don't even know how long I had been following that woman but I was absolutely flabbergasted when my mother turned around and had a completely different face.




Happens to husbands, too, we were shopping and I stopped to look at spaghetti sauces, and thought my wife did too, so when someone moved up to my shoulder just behind my peripheral vision, I just assumed it was her. Started bitching how the jars of organic sauces were damned expensive, then realized, nope, not her. But seriously, $10.99 for a quart of spaghetti sauce? Can it be THAT much better than $.89 Heinz?


Ya happens with me and my wife all the time and ya sauce prices are crazy man I’m glad I’m not the only one that complains


For a while my wife had a doppelganger in our town that drove the same car and wore the same clothes. Ever hug some random person in the store that you thought was your wife from behind? 😂😂


I can unequivocally say, no, I have not. Ouch.




It's really funny, both the cubs are in trees thinking 'shits going down '


The kids know the drill.


I wonder if this is instinct or if mamas have a technique to train the babies. I’ve wondered the same about baby deer how they just seem to know to lay quietly in high grass until mom comes back.


When I visited Alaska I was told mama bears will occasionally charge their cubs like they are going to eat/kill them. They do it when the baby cub is near a thin tall tree. The baby bear learns to climb these tall thin trees to escape. Female bears cannot get physically pregnant while raising a cub. So Male bears will kill the baby cub and then try and get it on with the mama who's body can now get pregnant. Number 1 predator to cubs are male bears trying to reproduce. Male bears can climb trees but only ones that are wide enough that their arms do not completely encircle the trunk(hence the cub learning to climb "thin" trees).


Similarly, the first thing new dominant male lions will do is kill all the cubs, to force their moms back into estrus and ensure the next generation is all from their genes. In real life, Scar would have ended Simba himself. On the spot. And then went off to get it on with his mother.


I lived in Kodiak for 3 years and will confirm that this has been told to us by Alaska DNR the whole time I was stationed there. Sows will not be able to get pregnant while they have cubs which is why the males will target to cubs.


How long is the transition process? Like, how long from the moment the cub dies, does the mom bear stay infertile? My uneducated guess is until her milk supply runs dry?


That's a more educated guess than I had. I'm curious as well.


I am from northern BC and a few decades back I was on a nature walk with my dad and my two much younger step siblings. And my dad was kinda lagging behind and suddenly he said don’t stop, keep moving, don’t look back. So I was like ok? We got a little farther up the path and my dad said it was safe so we stopped. A little ways away, really up close to the path was a mama black bear and her cub. Mama was in the middle of shoving her cub up a tree and was frozen, watching us to see if we were a threat. She decided not to attack because she knew we didn’t know she was there, and was watching us to make sure we weren’t going to wheel around and attack them. Very surreal experience. I grew up running around the “bush” and bears absolutely don’t scare me. That one time however… we were lucky.




Mom actually does have to teach the cub. The reason I know is I worked as a guide for the sanctuary I'm pretty sure this video was shot on (I'm like 90% sure based on some landmarks I see and the angle used to shot). Mom actually places the cub before a tree relatively soon after coming out of winter den, gets scary and false charges her cub until it recognizes to run up the tree. If the cub fails or just sits there she gives it the equivalent of some tickles and does it again.


Just a gentle mauling to get things going


like my mom teaching me maths


You're lucky. My mom taught me only one math. But dad taught me MANY sports ...


brb, I'm bleeding out from bear tickles


Great. NOW I wonder if there is a technique for teaching momma bears to do this to their kids. Or is it just instinct


Mother bear probably learned it from her mother, who learned it from her mother, and so on and so forth. Thousands of generations back, idk 🤷🏼‍♂️


Most animals have tons of behavior pre-programmed in and don't need to learn it. Fun fact the reason humans don't is because our brains are too big and mothers would not survive childbirth if we had enough time for those instincts to develop before birth. All we get time for is "cry if you want something, and suck to get food"


We're born with a lot more instincts than that! If you hold a newborn baby in the water, they'll naturally start walking one foot in front of the other. Babies also still have that grip instinct from when we had to hang on to our mom's hairy backs lol. Babies also instinctively understand basic math.


In what way do they instinctively understand math? This got me curious.


I have 2 toys Mom took 1 toy away I now have 1 toy I should have 2 toys Waahhhhh


The average baby can also complete a ten foot vertical jump into a dunk if you hold their feet over a basketball court.


They can also travel over 60 mph if you strap them to the hood of a car.


How are we sure that the baby knows it's 2 toys and not Toy A and Toy B? In other words, the removal of a toy at most demonstrates understanding the presence and absence of an item, not the quantity or math involved.


Peak storytelling


Babies will look longer towards things that are unexpected or surprise them. So scientists have done experiments where they will do things like show two toys go behind a curtain, show one toy leave, and then drop the curtain and have two toys there. IIRC, babies will look longer if the math doesn't add up for simple arithmetic involving numbers 1-3.


It's been shown that babies have an intrinsic ability to axiomatically define an abstract Hilbert space.


Cause it is!


Don't talk to me or my son ever again.






Shit is going down.


They'd be friends irl


Cub: "Damn. We all look alike!"


Been there.


Been bear


That's ~~rac~~ bearcist!




Those salmon are gonna have the craziest fucking story to tell


Right! This is like the scene when frodo and sam were able to escape from the tower in mordor because all the orcs started fighting each other.


What a sexy and sensual reference




[Like, I bet he wishes he was wearing Bilbo's coat of mithril!](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Bilbo2-Cropped.jpg)


I'm gonna have to take your word on that one buddy.




Omg, this is an amazing reference.


Damn good reference


Yeah, for about 2 days until they spawn and die. Source: Grew up in Vancouver and learned more about the lifecycle of salmonids than any person should rightfully have to know. Need more facts on salmon, Haida First Nations, potlatches or cedar bark? Hit me up.


Yeah these salmon are on the very last leg of their journey. It’s about to be a salmon buffet out there


Where I live used to be part of a spawning river for salmon but during the 70's and 80's it was severely polluted by local industrial and agricultural business to the point it was deemed unsafe to swim in. Over the past 10-15 years the pollution has reduced considerably and the salmon are now swimming back up the river.




Tiddler's late!


Poor bro, just wanted to impress his mom


“Hey, that’s not my kid. TIME TO DIE, ASSHOLE!!!”


Another child? In this economy?!




This is great




I'm dead, yo.


There are only so many salmon to go around!


What that bitch didn’t know is that she was fixing to be the one worried about dying 👀 real mama be whoopin that ass




Reminds me of that Louis CK bit about a random kid annoyingly clinging onto him in a public pool and he casually drowns him in response




Part of spreading my genes is ensuring other people don't spread theirs.


On the other hand the fish were like, helllllll yeah. Once in a lifetime luck all used up right there. Also though on the other other hand, that hawk at end was like "I knew telling the squirt to show mommy who's right over there would pay off. Easiest dinner I've ever gotten."


Real twist would be when the cameraman directly looks below them and find the kids DAD looking directly at cameraman


Male black bears fuck off after mating, rarely if ever meeting their offspring so yea, that would be a pretty big twist


Yeah bears have zero conception of paternity, mother bears know that male bears are a potential threat to their cubs and will attack any and all male bears that come close.


Male bears are such asses they'll kill their own cubs so the mother goes back into heat sooner.


Feral cats do it too, it's part of why pregnant cats will have their babies say, under your porch or the hood of a car.


Because he’s going to the store to get groceries for the family right?


Milk and cigarettes


Daddy bear would have killed both cubs. Even his own.


Bear dad's all go to the store and never come back


Clever girl


I was impressed little guy 🥲


Goes up in the tree like "MOM PICK ME UP I'M SCARED"


You idiot!!!!! Youuuuuy fuckkkkkiiunnnggggggdtettoan”


I feel so bad for the baby bear. He was so proud and happy of his catch!


For real he got the shit slapped outa him.


That cub will never catch a fish again.


He’s gonna have to bear the burden of PTSD for the rest of his life


if it makes you feel better, the fish got a new lease on life.


If it makes you feel worse, at best that fish went and laid eggs / jizzed all over some eggs, then *nearly immediately died.*


Not immediately, lot of daddy fish protect their offspring as long as possible while starving to death.


I know, maybe I'm a huge softy but that legitimately got my emotions running. Little guy was prancing over to her like my dog does when he retrieves a ball, eager to say "look mom! I did it!". Nature is so cruel.


Baby bear is just lucky that he ran into another bear, and not a man in the woods.


Nature is wonderful - Small bear to salmon : I kill you - Mom #1 to small bear : I kill you - Mom #2 to mom #1 : I kill you


- Salmon to other Salmon: Phew


Then people be like "we should learn from animals instead of killing each other"


who said that? 


Lots of people that have a poor understanding of nature. Harmony & balance - yes, mostly because when things get out of balance they are killed or starved off. Normally painfully.


The idea of nature being in balance is wrong too. Evolution is a constant arms race. Keep up or go extinct.


Yep. The only reason nature might look "balanced" is because we view it from a distance. If you look closer, you realize that things are constantly shifting. The point of equilibrium between any two elements of a natural system is always moving, though the speed varies.


And you don't even get a choice lol. Alot of people think "Oh, if this species lived close enough to this body of water, they'll develop mutations to better deal with it". Nope. They *might* and *it's possible*, but that shit is *random* and might not happen at all. Evolution is just a random mutation that happens to fit a random environment, letting whatever critter to be better suited to it, thus reproducing more. It's like if some human at random had a genetic mutation to create money at will. They're gonna have more kids than anyone on the planet if they want because they're now literally the most suitable person on the planet. Anyway, this is a rant. Not at you, I just get fired up about evolution talk lol.


Nature: Get sick? Die from the ailment, get eaten because you're too weak to get away from the predators, or starve from not being able to get food or water Break a leg? Die from infection, get eaten because you're too weak to get away from the predators, or starve from not being able to get food or water Born with a disability? Die because your parents won't raise you and you'll be a snack for predators Get Old? That won't happen because if you slow down from age you'll die because predators will get you or you're too slow to catch prey Reach maturity? Low chance because when you're young you are weaker and slower and predators can and will target you. Most animals live more than twice as long in captivity as they would in the wild because there is no forgiveness in nature


dirty hippies


Clean hippies say it too


Are these "clean" hippies in the room with you now?


> I was walking along the bank of a stream when I saw a mother otter with her cubs. A very endearing sight, I’m sure you will agree, and even as I watched, the mother otter dived into the water and came up with a plump salmon, which she subdued and dragged on to a half-submerged log. As she ate it, while of course it was still alive, the body split and I remember to this day the sweet pinkness of its roes as they spilled out, much to the delight of the baby otters, who scrambled over themselves to feed on the delicacy. One of nature’s wonders, gentlemen: mother and children dining on mother and children. And that’s when I first learned about evil. It is built into the nature of the universe. Every world spins in pain. If there is any kind of supreme being, I told myself, it is up to all of us to become his moral superior. Terry Pratchett


Me to medium pizza : I kill you


Salmon gets away




Whenever I think about how the world has changed in the last 20 years I think about "Achmed the Dead Terrorist"




I have a strange hate for this dude. Not even because his material was offensive to some, but because it was so unfunny to me and as a kid, everyone loved watching him all the time. I could not escape this guy. Edit: Thanks for the Reddit cares message. I think I need it


There are more of us than you might realize, I had the same experience. Most people found him funny, I found him to be definitively unfunny and he was everywhere for a hot minute. I don't quite hate him, but he irritates me whenever he pops up on clips or conversation. Probably unwarranted, but that's how I feel.


No, thanks for sharing lol. I’m glad I’m not alone


This reminds me of the time I called my second grade teacher mom in front of the whole class and they made fun of me. Thankfully me teacher didn't attack me


I like how calling your teacher mom is almost like a universal experience we all had.


Homeschoolers be like, “Ain’t that normal?”


When my kids were all in elementary school, they'd call me by their teacher's names all the time, like "Miss DeAriz-- er, eh, Momma?" They still do it in the morning when they're half asleep and it always tickles me.


Starts attacking. Mom runs in, attacks teacher




My 6 year old called me by his teacher's name the other day. I had to pause, like, "Am I offended?" I decided, nah.


I'm a preschool teacher and I am a woman yet they accidentally call me Daddy more than Mommy


its when you do it in highschool it really stings


I did it in seventh. Teacher deadpanned said "I'm not your mom, and thank god for that"... that one stung lol


OMG, this one made me lol. Sorry about your pre-teen psyche tho.


Baby bears pulled the most looney toons shit by running up the tree.lol


Every time I remember bears can climb trees, I don't like it.


Luckily it’s mostly only black bears,which are the chillest bears


Grizzly bears tree climbing ability halts when their claws get too long.


No, that's a good thing. Black bears are forest animals, when in doubt they climb a tree and hang out until things calm down. This is why black bears are significantly less aggressive (even when cubs are involved)...they don't need to fight, they climb. Brown bears can climb, but usually don't. They evolved in the prairie and adapted to be large, run, and fight. TLDR is that bears that climb are safer bears.


Damn so how are bears suppose to recognize each other ?




Makes scents.


Driver’s license


Find the one that bears the most resemblance


What a racist comment! I guess they all look the same to you eh.


Remember when you accidentally followed the wrong lady in the grocery store as a child, and then she slammed your head into a rack of canned beans?


Omg I nearly choked reading this. It would have been worth it.


German suplex the child.


>a rack of canned beans At first I thought you wrote "canned bears." 😂


This is a sick story. Starts with a simple premise hinging on a blunder. Cool fight scene. Conflicting feelings from baby bear. A mysterious hawk character, what’s their deal?!? Wait, a doppelgänger of baby bear?! It’s like a whole TV season packed into a 30 second video.


"Hurry, while they are distracted!"- fish


*Hey mom* .... Look what I got, .. wait you're not my... MoOooMm!






Reminds me of the little kid looking for their mom in the grocery store.... "but you're wearing the same clothes as Mommy!"


2nd momma was there in a flash


32 years ago me and mum went to the drug store. Mom was in the line, I looked around, turned back and pulled mom's fur coat to get her attention. Wasn't my mom, but another woman, same hairstyle, same fur coat. She turned back and said all annoyed "I'm not your mom, boy!". It haunts me to this day, I can't imagine what that cub's therapy sessions will be like as it grows up.


That other woman was so mean! If another kid thought I was his mom, I'd smile and help him go find his actual mom. You were an innocent victim to that woman's bitchiness. Please don't feel bad about it anymore. I'll go kick that woman's ass on your behalf. xo


I'm checking two bears fighting, like guys do. My wife from Laos: "Wow! So many fish in this river!".


I had the same thought as your wife lol


Why the fuck does the video skip the first hit? Are you scared of getting momma bear arrested or something


My theory is because that dude in the background keeps laughing or something and it makes him look bad


He does laugh when the mum hits the cub first.


Cool it there mom. Bears always gotta be getting crazy around the food. There’s plenty for all


I think bear mom 2 attacked cub 1 because her cub 2 got spooked by cub 1


A bear came up on her while she was with her cub. That’s a potentially threatening distance to close. Yes he’s small, but the mom knows he’s a strange bear and isn’t taking chances. It’s not about a lack of food, but just oddly close proximity.


I'm surprised that both moms and cubs were in such proximity to begin with


"You*r* mom's kinda crazy!" "Yeah, sorry about that! What do we do now?" "One of our moms will lose the fight and leave. Then the winner will pick up her kid. Then when they leave, the other one can climb down and find their mom." "That's a lot of trouble. Why couldn't we all just eat fish together?" "Like a collaborative society? We're not humans."




Thank you


Do cubs ever get stuck up trees like cats do? 🥺


Man... imagine being a little kid and confusing some rando for your mom, and then she *beats you up* for it.


one time when i was a kid, i accidentally called my first grade teacher "Mom". it was really embarrassing, but at least she didn't smack the shit out of me.


From an evolutionary perspective, how is "attacking another bear's cub on sight" a viable survival strategy? Sure, less competition is always good, but if anyone should know that this almost always means fighting a mother bear, it's bears. You'd think they would want to avoid this at all costs. Even if you win, you'll likely be greatly injured.


I think bear moms attack pretty much anything that gets close to them and their cub, that to me seems like a very viable darwinian strategy.


Nah, I think you have the wrong idea. It's pure instinctual protection to attack *any* threat that comes near its cub. Sure, they could get injured, but if they sleep on the wrong threat their cub is dead. Thus now we all understand "Don't mess with a cub or Mom will fucking kill you".


And the reason why they are this way is that outside of disease and starvation, the biggest fatality for black bears in this region of the world is believe it or not other bears. It's because male bears will merc any cub they see on sight as Mom will go back into heat a couple weeks after cub is dead.


I swear that I can hear the real mom screaming "you hit my baby, f. bi..!!!




Why did the mom atack the baby bear?


Female bears are extremely aggressive to anyone who comes near their offspring.


Man I've definitely seen a human kid walk up to the wrong parent and then have that initial confused shock. Imagine if right as you had that shock the adult just starting beating the shit out of you god damn


You remember that time when you were 5 and you grabbed the wrong mom's hand at the store? And then your mom beat the shit out of her?


Poor baby!! Can’t we all just get along?!


And because of this small, innocent mistake, perhaps one set of bear cubs were left without a parental figure to care and raise them.. nature is equal measures wonder and merciless


Scientists assemble: Why bears close together if bears hate each others guts? I'd imagine maybe fish are only in that area so bears gather.


I worked at a grizzly bear viewing lodge in the great bear rainforest in B.C. Canada, one day at the viewing stands a sow killed a cub in front of everyone because the cub did the same thing, without a fish, though. He just went up to the wrong mom. It was wild.


Being a bear means being afraid of practically everything, believe it or not. This fear is in their genetics, ingrained after millions of years of evolution in highly competitive landscapes. When you come across a bear, the danger isn't just in that it can kill you, the danger is that _it's afraid YOU will kill it and therefore it must eliminate you first._


They're suppose to be Care Bears, not Karen Bears


Is it just me or are these people standing dangerously close to 2 adult bears with cubs?


Zoomed and elevated, so probably just you


Don’t come around me, or my son, ever again!


Well, they do all look alike....


Momma bear #2 came in with all the smoke. “YOU.DID.NOT.JUST.TOUCH.MY.CHILD…BITCH!”


Alright, would you rather show off a salmon you caught to a random man in the woods or bear in the woods?


Aww the poor cub was so proud of himself "Mum look!" and then his whole day turned sour.