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He was first reported as missing, and then reported as alive and coming home. But Peggy later received a letter saying he was killed and buried at a certain cemetery, then another letter that said he was buried in another cemetery, and then was told that those remains weren't her husband's after all. Peggy also discovered that a small town in Normandy called Les Ventes named the main road "Place Billie D. Harris" where members of the town have marched down every year for 60 years to honor his sacrifice. 1st Lt. Harris veered the plane he flew into the woods, avoiding crashing into the town. Full article: https://www.altus.af.mil/News/Print/Features/Display/Article/353118/from-love-story-to-mystery-to-discovery-wwii-widow-remains-devoted/


I can't find that street when I looked.




Weird. On Google maps that street is called pl. Mairie Ecoles. I don't know how to add a screenshot


I think it may be just a part of the street. I used Google maps. Did you zoom in close enough?


Yeah,I've zoomed fully in and still not coming up. Very strange. Maybe it just shows up in America!


Maybe it’s one of those things where they put up a sign on a part of an existing road to honor someone but don’t actually change the road name. That’s done in the States, don’t know if it is the same in France. Upon further searching I think that’s it. https://preview.redd.it/8241ytpaty8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7193cace7887fbbbcc6843c621b0db1b3b925ab


Yeah,that could be it.


Not all heroes wear capes. Amazing story thank you OP


Just took the photo of the grave because of the flowers and looked the name up later. There are thousands of human stories that ended there.