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That was unbelievably cool. It only took about forty seconds to start, little flares of blue, and then a whole ghost neon blue dot floating behind the red one. Crazy illusion, what causes it?


I noticed the red circle became noticeably pale and little bright red flairs started showing up around it opposite the blue flares - I think that's the point where it's really in full effect. Ever wonder why surgeons wear green scrubs? It's so they can look at each other's clothes to reset their eyeballs after seeing bright red blood for too long. They have to compensate for the same effect. I think it's the cones in your eyeballs remaining active or taking time to reset after too much stimulation, thus causing us to see the opposite color for a while until they reset. They are wildly sensitive sensors. If you look into what a photon *actually* is (not a little ball of light) it starts to get really trippy. A photon is a high frequency oscillation in the electromagnetic field. Those oscillations stimulate the rods and cones in your eyeball and your brain gives you a "vision" of the information the rods and cones collect like wavelength for color.... it's amazing that eyeballs work at all. If we evolved on a planet with no source of photons in our visible spectrum, we might have evolved to see in UV or xray if those wavelenghts of electromagnetic radiation were all of the information that was available.


>I think it's the cones in your eyeballs remaining active or taking time to reset after too much stimulation, thus causing us to see the opposite color for a while until they reset. Yeah, pretty close Receptors get tired if they are exposed to the same stimulation for long enough, its the same reason you stop smelling the same ambient smell after a few minutes and also the same reason you need to take a bite or sip of something else to refresh the taste of your meal to full capacity. Same concept applies to damn near anything in your body for health purposes, though the reason is sometimes different Too much of a certain chemical will build tolerance, coffee wont hit the same way after a while, neither will medication (*Rarely if ever* applies to hormones though, tough shit if you develop a resistance against any of them) As a fun fact though, a good portion of eyesight depends on changes in light, so if you could keep your eyes PERFECTLY still, your vision would go black after a while. But thats very hard to do, so you will have an easier time seeing how the sides of your vision get darker gradually. Its easier in darker places so you might have actually noticed it while staring at the ceiling, trying to sleep. You can also use this to see planes or satellites in the night sky


That's wild! We experience something similar in music production where if you listen to your track a hundred thousand times during it's creation, you hear it faster than it really is by like 10-15bpm since your brain knows every intimate detail of the sound you're about to hear, thus relaxes and takes less time to process it. - It can be incredibly frustrating lol. At the most extreme, I will hear harmonics and subtle notes in the background that would sound amazing... if they were actually there lol. Once I get to this point I just have to ban myself from hearing the song for a couple weeks.


Is there a name to this effect? curious to read more about it.


Think it's related to the mcgerk effect but not sure. Auditory time dilation maybe haha


I’ve noticed sometimes when I’m slowly waking up in the morning that I’ll be staring straight ahead for a while because everything starts to fade. It’s not exactly fading to black but fading to a colourless shapeless shadowy form that becomes less and less distinct. The moment I move my eyes the world snaps back.


Is that why gum magically regains its flavour if you take it out your mouth for a minute?


What does staring at our phones blue light LED screens a lot do to our eyeballs? 😬


As long as you dont go to any extremes, almost nothing. Its just light.


Zion canyon in the US. Very deep canyon (tallest sandstone cliffs in the world). Rock is bright red. Wandering around there for a while, I stared to see everything with a green tint, like I was in the Matrix. It was freaky.


Yeah the red circle became like a pale dull as my eyes started filtering out red




Bro I’m seeing it everywhere now. For a moment I thought it was the red circle that burnt my retinas but it remains on the same spot on my phone if I manipulate it’s position. wtf


That's because as you move your phone around, your eyes are subconsciously tracking the same point on your screen. So it looks like the circle is moving with your screen.


Do it and then look at your hand or a white wall. (Something about the blue spot on my hand feels creepier. Because it really looks like I have blue dye on my hand.)


It's called the Eclipse of Mars Illusion, I'm no expert sry so search it up yourself!


When you stare at a color for an extended period, the cone cells in your eyes that detect that color become fatigued. This phenomenon is known as chromatic adaptation. The background color in this image is a mix that, when the cones for the red color become fatigued, results in a perceived shift in color towards cyan (the complementary color to red) due to the opponent process theory of color vision. The spinning effect of cyan and red around the circle is an optical illusion caused by minor involuntary eye movements and the pulsation of blood in the retinal vessels, which can create the illusion of movement. Additionally, the perception of a brighter red-orange on the opposite side of the circle to the blue is due to contrast effects and the sensitivity of our visual system to edges and boundaries.


This shows the reason why surgeons wear the color scrubs they do… the inside of a body is mostly red, so staring at that same color causes the rods (or cones, I get them confused) in the eyes that pickup the specific wave lengths to get fatigued and you start to have color correction issues… so the scrubs give their eyes something to basically recalibrate with… Same is happening here… the single color is causing fatigue, so looking away you see the other color through a different filter/lens, so to speak… Neat!


I was pissed at u for trying to waste three minutes of my time for some bullshit. 30 seconds in I apologized. That was cool.


I started scrolling and now I see the blue circle everywhere


Is this what people felt after looking at the eclipse without those glasses?


That wasn't my smartest decision.


But I do hope it was your dumbest—that’d be a pretty charmed existence if that was the bottom of the decision-barrel haha


Eyes go sizzle.


me too 😭😭😭 when does it go away


It's like an eye tracker


Really an interesting blue tone. Ab bit greenish but not turquoise.


I stared for under a minute and that blue circle is still in my vision, tracking everything I'm looking at. I feel like if I stared at it for 3 minutes it would take forever to go away lol I mean its neat and all, but damn this blue circle is annoying now


Yeah, it was cool


When you start seeing the brilliant blue, move away slowly from the image (or move your phone away). It'll start growing larger


Fuck me. Anyone else have a baby blue circle as an afterimage over their screen? 


yeah i’m still seeing it like 2 min later


Yup, its really damn annoying


Way cool - thanks for the tip.


Holy crap that's amazing!


Wow, didn’t expect that


Fuckin hell mate you're right


I've seen blue before.


Yeah I’m confused. Maybe my retina is weird but it was just an electric blue and I do indeed believe I’ve seen it, haha.


It's literally just blue. What are people even talking about? Am I broken or is everyone else?


It‘s just an intense azure color for me, nothing special.


I'm wondering if it's just that people are so used to looking at screens that they don't realise that there isn't an exact one to one correspondence between the colours we can see and are out there in the world, and those represented on modern screens. They probably also think the world used to be in black and white.


It did, I have photographic evidence 


It has nothing to do with people getting confused with screens and everything to do with clickbait. OP is using an ages old tactic to get people to click. “A color I’ve never seen before??!? I have to try this!!!” Same tactics that are used by many media outlets and news corporations: “A common household object will kill you and your children if left out overnight. Tune in a 6:00 to find out which item it is!”


Have people not seen the colour teal before?


Maybe it’s because I’m a graphic designer and look at all sorts of Pantones and solid colours for so long but I was a bit underwhelmed. I have seen that colour before.. It’s a florescent cyan with a hint of teal


Doesn't seem like a new colour to me...I wasinterested to see suddenly how an outline formed around the red circle dsshing around basically


Your retina gets "tired" of the red color in that circle shape as you stare directly at the center and therefore the color starts to fade. But your eye is not perfect at aimind steadily at one point. So as you accidentally jitter your focus around close to the point, your tired circle on your retina offsets with the red circle sligtly all around the edges.


I get that yeah. My point is just as far as I know OP pulled the idea out of his ass that this colour can't be perceived any other way,or he means the narrow spectrum of blue on the right isn't replicating colour on the left,which is like who cares


Yeah. I just see cyan.


Who has three minutes to stare at the white dot? Edit: you start seeing it about 30 seconds in, and it is beautiful blue-green color. Time well spent 🤙


If you have enough time to be scrolling Reddit, stop and comment this, I trust you have 3 minutes to stare at the white dot. But again nobody's forcing ya


It doesn’t take 3 minutes though. After 30 seconds you can see it by looking into the field around the red circle, where it’s far more pronounced than looking in that blue box, which actually kills the effect.


I’ll make sure to look at it later. I was just making a joke 🤙


You'll forget it


Thanks to you, I will not.


Great, we're all cheering for you!


It is a spectacular bluish green, for sure! The rotation around the red makes it almost hard to concentrate on the dot. I couldn’t have done this without your support.. thank you 🥹


Who doesn’t stare at Reddit for more than 3 minutes?


It was very cool


Just space out for a sec it’ll feel like nothing lol. Plus it’s cool


I recommend Don’t be in such a rush in life and counting your minutes, vibe and have stillness too


>(Stare at the white dot for 3 minutes, a blue color that doesn't exist on the spectrum on the right will appear.) You literally cannot see light that "doesn't exist on the spectrum" All light is in a spectrum. Did you mean to say "not present in this image," or "not present in the gradient?"


Actually, most “color” we see doesn’t exist on the spectrum. They’re called “non-spectral colors”. And the operative word here is “color”, which is not a synonym for “light”. Color is a crazy fucking thing, and isn’t entirely physically real, it’s a hallucination of our minds interpreting different wavelengths of light. The best example is Magenta. Our eyeballs have three different cells that are sensitive to three different areas of light wavelength. It’s why RGB are the primary colors, it’s because those are what out eyes use as primary colors. If you look at a color spectrum, you’ll see that red is on one end, and blue is on the other end. But look at a color wheel, and you’ll see that magenta is inserted in between red and blue when we bend that spectrum back onto itself. Magenta isn’t real. Magenta does not have a corresponding wavelength. Magenta is an invention of our brain, when our eyes receive low frequency wavelength light (red) AND high frequency light (blue) but NOT mid frequency light (green). Color is weird in that when we receive two different wavelengths of light, we don’t interpret it as two different colors, our brain sums those things together into a single thing. This is not how our brain interprets sound for example. The comparison here is playing a high note and a low note on the piano at the same time. Our brains hear two different notes, we can identify chords. Our brains do not conjure up a mystical new note that is somehow both lower than the low note, and higher than the high note. Yet we do that we color


If I'm not mistaken, it's a colour that can't physically be shown on your phone screen or whatever you're viewing this on, but then again that information might be outdated and I'm sorry if it is...


>You've never seen this color before >Can't physically be shown on your phone screen Not everyone is born inside a nuclear bunker with no way out


They did not write light that isnt on the spectrum, they said color that isnt on the spectrum. Not all colors are represented by the wavelengths between 380 and 780nm.


As OP pointed out in their reply... A better description would be "(The effect should show a color that your display is unable to replicate)" Even the most color accurate monitors are really only able to replicate a bit over 90% of all color in the visible spectrum. So it's quite possible that the illusion causes your eyes to interpret something outside the gamut of your display and would make the title more accurate to the actual illusion


Well,conceivably a sensation could be produced through manipulation of eye organs or brain connections that does not have a wavelength of light we can detect. But how the wavelength translates into qualia etc isn't known so this question can be a little redundant


For some reason this made my tinnitus hit a new high note…. That was weird…. I can now hear two notes in my head


Do it again and you‘ll hear a chord


Wtf the blue circle that appears is still there while i am looking at the comments. Kinda crazy


Yes its been a minutes since I did it and I still see the blue circle her in the comments.


That is UNREAL, and more than worth the 30 seconds it will take. Tl:Dr: Stare at Red circle until vivd electric blue 'flames' lick behind it. Pull phone back. Praise jebus. #Instructions for mobile users. 1) View in LANDSCAPE 2) Hold normal distance from you, like you're watching YouTube or some shit. Not far. 2) Stare at the red circle, ideally the white dot in the middle but the circle itself will be fine. Hold the stare. 3) slowly, after 30 seconds or so a vibrant ELECTRIC BLUE will appear to lap the edge of the red circle, as if it's growing behind It. As you keep staring it'll get larger and more defined. IMPORTANT - At the stage when you're seeing a bunch of the blue around the EDGES... #PULL YOUR PHONE BACK AN INCH OR TWO YOU'LL SEE THE BLUE IN ITS FULL GLORY Thanks op. This was magical.


Whats the big deal here though, i just see a blue dot everywhere i look. Tried looking at both the red, the blue square, and around me irl. Aint it just a blue circle..?


jebus 🙏


thanks, that worked


woah thanks for the explanation


Instructions unclear... I blew on the white dot for three solid minutes. The only thing that happened was I woke up on the floor with a bump on my head. 😡


This was absolutely beautiful. Such a lovely brilliant blue color


I don't see any color I haven't seen before. What is all the hype about a new color. Fucking wacko's.


I’m getting nothing. Are we supposed to look at the red circle and then shift gaze to the blue shaded square, to see it? Or maintain focus on the red circle and is something supposed to appear in the square in our peripheral vision? All I’m getting, when I shift gaze to the square, is an ordinary blue circle, which is to be expected after starting at a red one.


look at FrungyLeague’s explanation above, i was also super confused til i read it


So not nothing then


Not some kind of psychedelic epiphany that others have described. You don’t even need the spectrum on the right. If you stare at the red circle and then simply on white background, you will see a blue circle because of how your light receptor cells work in the eye


Lovecraf taught me to avoid new colours


So you're saying... My favourite shade of blue doesn't exist


It's not a schooner it's a sailboat.


Reddit users bitching about 3 minute investments...sounds about right. A shame for any of your partners, though.


Dammit now I have a blue dot on everything I look at and it’s kinda making feel sick


The blue dot won't leave my vision. Even if I close my eyes it's there... Help


That's called straining your eyes. Kinda the same thing when you press your eyeballs with your hand and you start to see weird shit all over.


Nothing is happening… what is it supposed to do?


you see a vibrant blue behind the red circle


The real trick is how do I make it go away


I’ve seen blue and all its shades before.


It’s just dark cyan? lol


So, a very bright blue. Cool effect but not a color that doesn’t exist.




3 mins? My attention span is as long as my dick.


Well, time acts differently in the quantum realm...


Very cool, I got a nice shade of light blue


Now the blue is projecting onto other things I see…


Bro this just gives me a headache


Lay on a grass field. Close your eyes with the sun hitting your eyelids. The bright light going through your eyelids/skin/blood will be bright red. Keep em closed for a few min, then look at the blue sky. I've seen this color before :)


Great, now I'll have a blue dot in my line of vision for a while 🙃


If you stare at the white dot for 30 seconds and then look at a blank white part of this same page you'll see a round blue circle floating in front of you.


Now I see it on my hand, the wall and my sandwich. When will it stop, is this some horrible trick?


Does this require both eyes to work? Im blind in one, and Im seeing the blue, but it’s just a bright teal? Is there more?


Nope. This happens with a lot of different patterns and colors. OP is talking about a color that doesn’t appear on the spectrum. This is incorrect. There are infinite colors between UV and infrared. You’re definitely seeing a teal on the color spectrum. And it’s a color you’ve seen before I promise.


Ah, thank you!


you think i have three seconds of attention span left?


lifehack! make voodoo blue with this one easy trick! (actually im not entirely sure that thats the blue i want, does anyone have any better ideas?)


Even better, hold your phone closer to your face to increase the “size” of the red circle in your field of vision then after a minute or so back the phone further away and the space the red dot previously took up in your field of vision will light up.


I’ve definitely seen that color before


Aint nobody got time to stare 3 minutes at a stationary dot.


Three minutes? Who has that kind of time?


I don’t have 3 minutes to do this.


This. That’s longer than most clips on Reddit.


To me it looks a bit like the one in the top left. It also got more intense when my eyes unfocused - I got close to the screen to try to get the full "effect" but my it was to tiring to keep my eyes focused on the dot, so they went into Binocular Vision Dysfunction, which ended up making the "halo" even brighter, especially where the circles overlap. Very neat, but I kind of feel like this is the kind of thing that would be even better experienced of acid. Can anybody from the 60's comment?


If you blink hard the whole red circle turns blue


Built in eye tracker


Okay, I've been bio-hacked, I can see a blue dot in my vision and its been a few minutes.


Is this what psychedelics feel like?






I'd just call that peacock blue just with the saturation cranked but i know I see colour a bit weird


\[lots of monitor manufacturers suddenly getting weird complaints about blue/green flaws on their monitors\]


Scrolled to the next post then scrolled back just to prove you wrong


The red pill can become the blue pill too, if you stare at it long enough.


What kind of matrix stunt is this?


I didn’t see the color but I did hear the voices.


I hope the effect fades away or I will FIND YOU


You underestimate how many hallucinogens I’ve done.


This is an afterimage caused by retinal fatigue.


All I saw is Sonic blue


i see this regularly at night while biking whenever my eyes are hit with glare from car headlights. idk why but i can see exactly this shade of blue in the shape of the headlights after the cars pass and the light is no longer in my field of vision


I still see the blue circle on my white Reddit background. Neat.


30 seconds is all that’s needed, not 3 minutes wtf?


Woah trippy


Thankyou for this, one of the coolest illusions I’ve experienced. At first I thought I had seen the colour, but then the red circle disappeared and I really saw the colour. What a beautiful blue, almost like Aurora


Finally! Blellow color


3 while minutes???


Hey that’s my favorite color


If you look at a wall after doing that, it actually feels like some sticker is on that wall.


It just seemed to make the blue a little darker?


Oh great now there’s a blue dot everywhere I look


I don\`t know - for me whole blue square disappeared completely.


Even better, once it’s there, close your eyes and firmly (not too hard) press on ur eyelids for 10 seconds, then open ur eyes and stare at a wall and enjoy the next minute of a blue world


That blue circle is still visible 2 minutes later in the comment section as well.


Great now i'm seeing a blue circle everywhere I look on reddit.


Huh yeah it does exist. Also it is damaging to your eye, so dont


I actually have seen this colour before, quite often. I get afterimages from bright light really easily for some reason, and the resultant colour is the same. Sometimes if I go outside on a sunny day and then back inside, my entire vision is tinted this colour. I’m honestly a little bit in disbelief that no one else seems as familiar with this experience


Idk why, but this picture broke my brain, as I could not focus my eyes on the dot without them shifting towards the bottom.


My lord now there's a bright blue circle stuck in my peripheral 🤦‍♀️




This is wild. This is what happens when I stare at the sun and I always thought it had to do with the brightness.


Beo thinks I have the attention spam to stare for 3 minutes


I was doing this for like two minutes and didn’t see anything, I come to read the comments and there’s this blue ball following along with the words im reading! Very cool!


Took me about 40-50 sec and all the sudden a blue pops up and once I moved the phone further the circle grew up so much. This is hella cool.


I've stared at it for quite some time now. There's a cyan blue (probably the type of blue you see as a photographic negative of bright colors?) burned into my vision now. It's even more apparent if I make myself know about it. Also the red circle just disappeared (i.e.: became the cyan blue to merge with the background) completely at random times lol


If you look away right after you start to see the blue circle for a while you can see the afterimage of blue circle. Works good on a white wall


That color is called cyan, and it exists between blue and green on the spectrum




When I'm reading the comments a good proportion of the letters have turned the same colour.


That was fucking awesome. I even started to see it around the red dot about a minute before the 3 minute mark


I was getting red sickles inside the red circle that were like phases of the moon. Then, the blue appeared. Wooow


Ok. This is pretty cool. But it seems like a teal color


That's octarine


So now after the three minutes I have this don't of weird color where ever I look and if feels like I have eye tracking going on.


It appears as a corona to me, neat!


Great, now I can't unsee this. "I'm sorry officer but I'm 100% sure that light was blue!"




As I say to my wife all the time, three minutes is a long time.




3 minutes?!


I don’t have 3 minutes


3 mins? Yeah right