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Damn I bet the pay is really really good




It would be the number 1 viral video on **Weibo** and there would be calls to ban American basketball players from ever playing in China.


Exactly. The CCP loves this kind of shit, especially since Xi started ratcheting up anti-Western propaganda. None of it is organic because their social media shuts down any voice of reason. Reacting to it is exactly what they want, just like those "auditor" trolls and people like the Westboro Baptist Church. It's exactly what they wantt.


A lot of these guys are the same as extreme right wing folks in america. They are not exactly common or known for high IQ. Try posting this exact clip on weibo, there will be the usual racists but will also be plenty of posts decrying this behavior. humans are humans regardless of race or culture. There are good and bad ones in every culture, race, and religion


Exactly. I’ve lived all over the world and people really are the same; half are dicks and the other half aren’t.


Other half are pussy's?


And some of them are assholes.


And all the assholes want is to shit all over everything. So pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because, pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes! And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit! - Some drunk guy at a bar


Cut to vomiting in the street.


Probably make them feel like their hate isn't misplaced






Ok thats fucking brilliant


UHF. Great movie


"Nothing!!! You so stupid!!!!"




They probably lose all of their community credits and take an extended stay lol


I had a few beers with a few basketball players that played in NBA before. They said that the pay is triple of what they were getting in the US. Not sure how true that is, but that's what I was told.


Triple what the g league is getting paid, but not triple what NBA players make. In the CBA the salaries range from 250k to 4.4 million. Most foreign leagues will have a two tiered salary cap so in the CBA you have a max salary cap for Chinese players and a max of 5 million for foreign players. This allows them to go over the local cap to sign a star. Soccer does something similar in the USA where they can sign like Beckham or Messi for an unlimited cap but you only get one player like that on your team.


Isn't this like 1 instance from like a couple years ago tho. I hear basketball is big in China if this was a regular occurrence should there be more videos? It's like the monkey chats in football games in Span or Italy. I wouldn't say everyone in Italy or Spain are racist.


It wasn’t normal when I lived there, had an american acquaintance playing in one of the major chinese teams. Definitely racist but not like that. Things could have changed post covid, they certainly did everywhere else.


If you want to know why OP posted this old video, it's because yesterday, there was a video going around showing western sports fans telling Chinese sports journalists covering the Champions League to go back to China and a bunch of other racist things so they posted this video in retaliation. All OP does is try to start race wars and they make a new account every time they get banned. This is like their 10th account or something. They always claim to be an Egyptian immigrant in American in order to give themselves the cover to claim that it's actually the minorities in other parts of the world that are the true racists. During COVID, they posted a bunch of videos of black people beating up on Asians in order to shit on black people and now they are doing the opposite.


> All OP does is try to start race wars and they make a new account every time they get banned. This is like their 10th account or something my bayesian sense is to believe this, but i'm curious how you can be this specific. what's your model or evidence here?


Holy shit! Years ago, after Obama was elected, the writer James Fallows was living in China and he said a common question he got was “how could the US have elected a black man?”


I’m sure “black man” is what they said.


no they probably said heigui (loosely, *black monster*) if they were looking to use a derogatory phrase. it isn’t nice. source: mandarin classes for 10yrs, taiwan-exchange programs.


In my family we say “hei ren”black people,just like we said white people as “bai ren”, and “huang zhong ren” meaning yellow type people. But China is huge so maybe some location would have that dialect. Chinese has a tendency of adore lighter skin since ancient because this means your family is rich and you don’t need to get exposed to sun working, which turn your skin colour darker.


Aka, jade beauties


Had to google what that means in Chinese yes 100%, and thank you some new phrase leaned 😊


aka, every single childhood friend that is of romantic interest in every Chinese web novel


I have only ever heard Chinese people use 黑人(HeiRen:Black Person). But everyone not black is referred to as 老外(LaoWai:Foreigner). It’s funny, I lived in China and was called a foreigner. Moved back to America, and Chinese immigrants in America still call me foreigner. Just a weird quirk of the language I suppose. But yeah, China is easily one of the most racist countries I’ve been to, if not the most racist. Mostly because it is so homogenous, it is impossible to become a naturalized citizen unless you are ethnically Chinese, and the government shoves anti-foreigner propaganda down people’s throats as a way of scaring people in to following the CCP.


nah the popular term is 尼哥 now, a transliteration of the n-word. but heigui still, uh, "works", linguistically speaking


When I translated it on my phone, it went straight to the n-word. Lol. Even with audible pronunciation, too.


黑鬼 Doesn’t mean “Black Monster”. 黑鬼 is derived from the Cantonese slang for foreigners 鬼老 meaning “Ghost like Fellow”, as most foreigners were White. The expression’s origins are rooted in racism, but is more commonly accepted as a general slang for foreigners. 黑鬼 is a play-on of the expression to express “Black Foreigner”, or more directly translated as “Black Ghost”. The Mandarin expression “Hei Gui” is a reinterpretation of the Cantonese expression. Mainland Chinese speakers do not often use “Hei Gui” as it is not a commonly understood expression & only reserved as a derogatory insult. 黑人 or 外国人/外地人 is most commonly used & accepted. *This may be different for Taiwanese Mandarin speakers. Source: Mother Tongue. From Hong Kong. Lived in Mainland for 18 years


Gai is 'ghost' not monster (not that it makes it any better, still racist af)


I wouldnve translated itnas monster too. Many movies and characters that are called monster in English and translated as gui in Chinese.


Thank you for the distinction! I was always taught it was monster, good to know more specificity. I still don’t believe I’ll ever be fluent in this language (currently conversational) unless I go back and live there—which I will never do.


Yup yup. hogwai or heigoi means black ghost 


in what language? the parent comment was about mandarin, and there is not a single character with the pinyin 'hog' or 'goi'


Yeah... I had a friend dating a Chinese girl who was attending an American University and she asked me "Since you like Obama... if he's so great why is he married to a black woman?" Fully serious and openly racist. Not even trying to get under my skin just thought being racist was normal and OK and didn't understand why someone else would think it's not.


I think her upbringing has being married to a lighter skin person as an upgrade and dark skin as marrying down. May not realize it’s racist. Especially if everyone around you thinks the same as you were growing up.


I mean, it's a country that calls good luck 'European King' luck, and bad luck is 'African Chief' luck.


I'm white, but dated a girl born in China but raised in CA. Her entire family was holy shit racist. My "favorite" was how you know Japanese folks are violent because their chopsticks are pointier than the Chinese. I have so many stories about shit like that.


I’m surprised they made that statement based on chopsticks instead of, you know, the horrifying war crimes


That's the subtext of the joke. My grandpa grew up in Korea just after WW2. He learned to swim from some former "comfort women" working as pearl divers. They also liked to tell that same joke, and he repeated it to me when I was showing off what I learned in swim lessons decades later. The comfort women who taught him that joke were not blind to the war crimes. My grandfather, who was himself once a child tortured by Japanese and Russian soldiers, was also familiar with their war crimes. The innocence of the answer is what makes the joke funny.


The Japanese did try to genocide them to be fair


It's always funny when Americans get the nasty reality shock that the U.S. is actually quite low on the "racist" spectrum in comparison to the rest of the world.


Which is a sad thing really.


That may be often true but it doesn't mean that we should act like the racism in America is ok either. Two things can be bad and it doesn't have to be a contest. I know you aren't necessarily saying otherwise but I have seen this used before as a way to minimize racism in the us.


Dude I lived a few months in Vietnam after Trump was elected. And a lot of them liked Trump and did not like Obama, not sure why but wouldn’t be surprised if it was based out of racism. Trump passed tariffs against China which just fueled them building closer ties to other countries to nullify the influence of the US


They like Trump purely based on the fact that they view him as being tough on China, who is their ancestral enemy. Vietnamese-Americans view him favorably for this reason as well, and also because they tend to vote Republican.


What make it worse is that there already is a Chinese word with racist undertones for black people, and they say the n-word because they want the players to understand they are racist.




I think it's 黑鬼 (pronounced Hey-Gui) and if you literally translate it, it means black ghost


That sounds like a special military unit that doesn't exsist on paper


Wish black ghost was MY callsign…


That's why ghost is not an accurate translation in this context.  Black Goblin is what 黑鬼 is intended to mean.


Will still make for a wicked patch


“Black ghost going in dark” *puts on tactical goggles*


I wouldn't say that's on the same level as the N word. When people say 黑鬼, it's not with the hate-fueled intent and vitriol when someone says the N word.


Ikr, they should search for Cantonese words for white ppl, lol


Lol that sounds epic


Sounds like a callsign more than a slur


Or a superhero created in the 70s.


if youre white theres a version 白鬼, thats white ghost. Technically its just common language to refer to white people. Same with the black person version. Does have racist undertones bc ur calling them devil/spirit but its what everyone uses


That sounds dope as fuck


Black demon is a closer translation.


h word pass lmao


"Basketball player"


Sometimes it seems as if the whole entire world has an anger problem. I wish people would just chill the fuck out.


More commonly it's the nasty crap that people feel like posting about, because it's more "interesting" and garners more interaction. Rarely do people go out of their way to post 'Nice' things going on. Because as nice as it is, "Everything's Great, Nothing to report, news at 11" is not interesting (shrugs)


there is actually nice stuff on reddit, you'll find whatever you look for, something about seek and ye shall find or something.


That you have to 'seek' it out kinda reinforces the idea. It's not an all or none thing, obviously. But negative content is so much more prevelant than cheerful. (I don't just mean in Reddit, and yes there are totally 'good vibes' subs like /awww and the like, but in social media overall...)


Moral outrage is the #1 driver of engagement on social media. It’s sucks.


It's almost as if people could be emotionally manipulated!


Imagine if most posts were people just quietly sitting or having pleasant conversations.


Yeah, these days I was seeing videos of black people being treated like celebrities in China when walking down the streets. People coming up with a big smile, genuinely asking to take photos with them, as they're not used to seeing them. And then there's this video. One can only hope that the positive videos are a much more usual occurrence than the one that makes one feel disgusted at humanity.


It's rage bait all the way down




Anger is useful to tyrants because once you make someone angry they stop thinking.


Damn that is so true. Never thought about it like that.


It’s 2 Chinese people in a video that was selectively upvoted because it’s interesting because it’s offensive.  Walk through a crowd anywhere. Most people are minding their own business and aren’t talking shit to your face.  That’s the real world. 


It sounds like a southpark dub 😂 (I know it’s not)


Shitty wok


I'll use my credit card.


Do you guys have anything non dairy?


That's not what I was expecting at all


I didn't have my volume up at first and when I turned it up I said "oop"


Haha me too. I was expecting them to be loudly cheering because they were big fans or something. Boy was i fucking wrong


Same haha


Yup. Straight up racism in Asia is far more widespread than people seem to think.


Lived in Laos. I met a Woman there who was from Nigeria she had had a very dark skin tone. Long story short she moved from Vietnam to Laos. Vietnam was unbearable. People told her straight up that she can’t go into the shop cause she is black. Same with restaurants.


He's Laotian. Ain't you Mr. Kahn?


The look on Kahn's face after that, Cotton must've been the first guy to ever get it


I think it was the fact that Cotton insulted and *sniffed* him and then correctly identified Kahn's nationality. That made a kinda friendly gesture oddly threatening.


So… are you Chinese or Japanese?




I lived in China for a few years in my very early 20s and there were many occasions I regretted having learned Mandarin. A lot of folks assumed I couldn't understand and spoke some pretty awful stuff very openly and freely.


I've been asked to move tables because locals didn't want a white guy sitting at the table next to them (felt real shitty). But I didn't speak the language. What were they saying?


I've pretty blatantly been denied seating in Japan. Chinese GF walked in, they were very cordial, then I came in a few seconds behind and suddenly "Oh, uhh, very full." She pressed on with "How long is the wait for a table?" and the guy kinda sighed and said "...5 minutes." One minute later we were seated at a table literally right next to where we were standing. That, and straight up been denied at the door with "Japanese only." I'm at least white-passing- so I couldn't even imagine being black.


Bro everytime I tell my stories about being denied entry due to being white in Japan on reddit a lot of people try denying it, saying I'm lying, or misunderstood. Thank you for saying the same lol old Japanese dude literally touched his skin looking at me and shook his head. It got funny after a while but still, people on here think Japan is a perfect squeaky clean place.


Honestly most of it probably wasn't meant to be hateful but it was just weird discussions about my appearance that sounded like something folks at a zoo would be saying about some bizarre animal they're viewing for the first time. Every now and then, though, you'd get some xenophobic statement or just outright heckling from the local guys (and sometimes grandmas?). But if you happen to say anything in Mandarin, it usually stops and they compliment you on your Chinese speaking ability. Most people were very much just curious and inexperienced with people from other ethnicities or cultures but yeah, plenty of hateful bigots, too. I never had anyone ask me to move tables but plenty of times people would just get up and stand on the bus as to not have to sit next to me lol


I'm white, and I've been refused entry into bars multiple times in Japan because I wasn't Japanese. One time, the bouncer said, "must at least be asian." Another time, they said their was a maximum limit of 10 US service men at one time. I said, "Great!" And showed them my Canadian passport, lol. There's racism everywhere in the world, unfortunately. But those people are a minority and the rest of us have to stop allowing it.




I worked for a Chinese-indonesian, who had Chinese and Taiwanese work visa employees, i'm white and some of the shit i head them saying about each other was fucking wild. he would tell me straight faced, don't do business with people from this place or that, they are dogs, or they can't be trusted. Meanwhile he was the dodgiest person i've ever met, bar none. His company was 3 companies deep down the shell game.


Yes, Asian culture really has endless levels of racism. Don't get me wrong, racism exists all over the world. Still, Chinese people are truly some of the most extremely racist people I've ever witnessed. Now, not all are racist, but it is ingrained into their society, thus a sizeable portion of their population are quite racist. This kind of behavior is not seen as wrong, which is disgusting and sad. Yet, any perceived racism towards Chinese is deemed the worst thing ever by the Chinese population. They scream and yell on Weibo and the other CCP social media apps. It's honestly baffling at the glaring double standard. Again, not all Chinese are racists .... but as a nation, racism runs rampant through their society and culture. Just as other Asian cultures are filled with racism too.




It's more progressive in America *because* we criticize our own culture and talk about it and try to deal with it.


Not an american and I can't agree more, everyone else seems to hide their racism under the rug


Or they act like they aren't and have no issues to work on, then you mention whoever they hate and they give the ol "but that's different."


Just bring up the Romani to Europeans lol


Yeah, I knew you people would think that. /s


"There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch."


Right? I'm Mexican and most people here are racist in some way or another, add to that the classism. You would think it's not that common because your average person has brown skin


Most places don't even try to hide it - these people were shouting the N word at them - the blatant racism at soccer matches in Europe displays this as well.


I think what they meant by "hiding under the rug" was that the acts of racism are just ignored / tolerated. Not that the racism itself is hidden.




Yep. You never actually see the racism in places where 99.99% of the people are the same race.


Discussing problems and working through them? That's not the America *I* know /s




The only country? No, absolutely not. One of the minority of countries addressing it? Sure.


Most people in other parts of the world don't encounter people unlike themselves very often


As an American, I walk at my own pace. I could give a shit about where the world is in the racism spectrum. As an American, I’m only concerned where we are, and we gotta continue moving forward, regardless of where the world stands. Since when are we followers?


You can appreciate where we are while still moving forward. Not mutually exclusive


I agree that we should lead from the front and continue to progress towards total equality among our society first but as long as there’s racism anywhere in the world, there will always be people willing to war over it.


The internet has been great for opening up people’s eyes. Every country, every demographic around the world has these insecure roaches, scared of outsiders at the gates.


This is a country that isn't having nearly enough babies to sustain their massive population, and isn't a destination for the vast majority of migrants because of cultural issues like this. It's gonna be a rough ride in china.


Loool sounds like old school call of duty lobby 🤣


Mw2 vibes


Nuketown 24/7 lobbies were peak asf






Me: "It's probably a word in their language and it doesn't mean what we think it means" Them in English: "Get out of china! Fuck you! hAhAhA" Me: "Nevermind"


😂 I was wavering on the first half , maybe it's a mispronounced word or something Yeah, they definitely solidified it on the second half ...


I mean there’s “ni ge” which means “your *generic collective noun*” and I’ve gotten shit from people thinking I said a slur but these people just racist


那个 (na ge) is sometimes pronounced in a way that sounds similar there is a song that became a meme because of this.


There is a similar word that’s the Mandarin equivalent of um or uh. A professor of Chinese [got suspended for using it](https://reason.com/2020/09/03/usc-greg-patton-chinese-word-offended-students/).


I’m Chinese, and I can confirm under no circumstances the word you mentioned can be used in this way (shouted out loudly as a single word). And the pronunciation is not the same (a slight difference but definitely can be distinguished by a native speaker). They are shouting racial slur, loud and clear.


Sounds like it yep


I've spent a lot of time in China and they are wildly, wildly racist towards African Americans/Africans. It's even worse if you're Nigerian.


What's up with nigeria specifically?


Did they fall for the Nigerian Prince scam a few too many times?


No idea. I made some friends there years ago and it was explain to me that way. There's a small Nigerian expat community in Dongguan so it's may be regionally specific.


Nah Chinese are just hella racist against black people.  Look up the Chinese washing machine commercial where they turn a black man into a nice Asian man 


Or the "black man" toothpaste with an egregiously white smile on the box.


Asians are *hella* racist against black folks 


Asians are *hella* racist.


The ONE TIME I have my sound turned all the way up jfc




[https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202201/1246060.shtml](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202201/1246060.shtml) [https://edition.cnn.com/videos/sports/2022/01/19/china-basketball-fans-sonny-weems-racism-culver-pkg-ovn-intl-hnk-vpx.cnn](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/sports/2022/01/19/china-basketball-fans-sonny-weems-racism-culver-pkg-ovn-intl-hnk-vpx.cnn) this incident happened in 2022 for those who wanted to know.


Even more details on the Sonny Weems [incident](https://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-basketball-racial-slurs-ex-nba-player-sonny-weems-2022-1) both on court and off: >{Weems} and Han Dejun, a player for the Liaoning Flying Leopards, clashed near the Southern Tigers bench on Thursday after Han fell to the floor guarding a drive from Weems in the third quarter >While the referee watched a video replay to check for fouls, Han approached the Guangdong bench and punched Weems, who retaliated, per Xinhua. >Weems hasn't publicly addressed his altercation with Han nor the racism displayed toward him last Thursday, but he posted a series of heart-shaped emojis in various colors that same day. Fans on Weibo expressed their support for the basketballer. >Fans on Weibo expressed their support for the basketballer. >"Don't worry, we'll always support you," wrote one user. >"Brother Kun, please help us pass the word to him," said another, writing to a teammate of Weems'. "The thousands and tens of thousands of Guangdong are supporting him. The fans at Liaoning are notoriously rubbish. Let's ignore them. They're all mad dogs."


Now say that when you’re not behind a barricade and see what happens Edit: it’s astonishing how many people come out of the wood work to side with racists


i would assume(or hope) that these professional basketball players are smart enough to not want to risk hurting their hands to beat up some low life losers who took time out of their day to stand and wait for the player bus just to hurl insults. their punishment is being them. just think of how empty your life must be if this is what you choose to spend your evening on before going back to your shitty job the next day :p


A recipe for a financial compensation and an American basketball player in jail or worse?




Fr. Face to face with any of those dudes they would crumble and cry.


Well yes…but they’re bitches, they know it and would never do anything of the sort.


Igor E girl


Feeling awfully confident behind that fence


All 3ft of it...


People being racist in one of the least racially diverse countries on the planet, im shocked.


It is rather crazy there are around 1.4 billion Han Chinese.




Europe was throwing bananas at players too


Spain just convicted two football fans to two years in prison for yelling racist remarks at a player.




Everyone so surprised because media fooled the west. But Asian countries has the most racist history, even between themselves.


Filipinos literally find darker skin as inherently “ugly”


East asians generally gravitate towards lighter skin tones because having dark skin is associated with being dirty (dirty being not washing yourself)


China is super racist. Always been (lived there a long time). And very nationalistic. They may never tell you to your face, like these idiots. But China and on average a lot of Chinese I know are pretty racist to everyone that's not Chinese. They think they are superior, it's what they are taught in school too. China... yeah... not a fan on average.


Nah bro, the Chinese are the most racist against other Chinese. Source: am Chinese, regional racism is even bigger.


Hell naw 💀. New Racism DLC just dropped 💀


While the rest of the world does casual racism the Chinese server has ranked PVP💀


Me: why is he saying Igor? Me after turning the volume up higher: ohh no no no no no no no no no


Being black overseas in a unfamiliar country is rough. You’ll have to learn how to walk away or else you’d be in a fight every day. Great way to kill the ego. Shout out to Romania lol


Someone give them English lessons. They can’t even do racism correctly




>Especially India Oh, boy. You made me remember one of my coworkers. He was such a sexist piece of shit. He hated-- no-- loathed having a female manager telling him what to do and be trained by her. I didn't even like the guy or was friends with him. He would waste my shift dumping all of his sexist shit on me as if I wasn't going to report him to HR.


I hope that insecure scumbag got fired. I hate pathetic guys like him who think the world should revolve around their ideologies.


Indians are very racist with Indians too.


Fair skinned Indians like to regularly call dark skin Indians the n word or blacky or kaala(black in Hindi) something and sometimes they’ll call the dark skinned Indians south African or Nigerian, so basically getting called “South African” or “Nigerian” is an insult in India. You can imagine how actual Africans get treated there, in the past Africans or dark skinned Indians were almost always portrayed as the movie villains, fortunately not anymore though, things are changing. I remember there was a scene in an Indian movie where the Indian hero basically said “let’s catch that African monkey”, I believe this was a movie from 2013, the villain was an African dude btw…


We got these types of folks everywhere, hopefully they don’t reproduce


I'm pretty sure this is how every black professional soccer player is treated all over the world.


As a black man... the word just doesn't have the same sting without an American accent. Extra points for a deep southern accent. Way less points for a heavy Chinese accent. They don't have the history with the word to make it hurt, plus... fuck you pay me.


Black in most of Asia TBH. I'm a half breed and I get treated like shit most of the time until I curse them out in their own language.


Lol fuck yeah. Keep your chin up


Can we get a NSFW tag? Played this at the office with sound up


I don't think this has much to do with basketball. They're just being assholes to the Americans and they know that's a hot button thing to antagonize them with. Kids do this online all the time for the exact same reason


Huh... I thought asians had a hard time pronouncing the hard R.


The Chinese community is the most racist least diverse culture in the world. The fact that they are not criticized widely for this is mind blowing.


Wow…the things I wish to say in response. What an ugly bunch of fucktards.


That people take time out of their day to be an arsehole is beyond me. I like to take the path of least resistance and for me that means opening with something nice and we see how we go from there!




shit has got a whole lot less interesting.


This reminds me of the Bill Hicks bit on legalising pot. Someone's being violent and aggressive? "Smoke this. It's the Law" **puffs** "oh sorry I was taking life seriously, man who's hungry"


The least racist man in China.


How black people are treated in China*