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This maniac was running in high heels super fast and other mad things the other day.


The running in books was my favorite.


The roller skates and how he doesn't move forward was mine šŸ˜‚


This is whole thing is such a stupid idea executed so brilliantly. I love it.




I wanna see him try this on a neutron star.


dont give him ideas


And the only thing he fell over with was the heelies (from memory) he can certainly run on high heels


I love how committed he is to full sending it with every take.


That was brilliant on his part.


The Heelies, on the other hand...


wore a helmet for the chairs and didn't fall. Should've worn a helmet for the heelies.


From person experience- the extension cords would have been the smartest move for a helmet


Perfect ending


I knew it would be wild after the boxing gloves. Lol


The boxing gloves got me


...and then there were Heelys...


Extension cords were pretty cool


Haha, the boxing gloves was my fav.


I liked when he did running impressions. His Keanu and Tom Cruise were really good.


Boxing gloves got me šŸ¤£


I liked the extension cords. Lol


Ran in clown shoes and rubber chickens taped to his feet.


Rubber chickens were the most entertaining to me


the boxing shoes into boxing gloves sends me... also the ballet shoes with that tiny hop


It's interesting how some creators find their niche. I'm sure he didn't start out being the *guy runs with theme*.


Heā€™s super active and dexterous. He started as the guy who climbed around his house all crazy, now he takes it outside and I love it


The home parkour guy? Like he was playing a super serious game of the floor is lava?


All his content features him running/going fast. It's his thing


Yeah. He's Sonic the Hedge Fund Manager


I loved when he did the ballet shoes and did a little leap šŸ’•


Him running with 200 is what I look like with 1 lb ankle weights


I wouldnā€™t be able to move 200 lb at all from a static position.


I don't understand how he never rolls an ankle


Dude was running with chairs on his feet after that section


It's funny that he only wore a helmet when running with the chairs. Everything else, he was confident in his abilities, though.


This is from his OF channel, tip challenges.




Whats his youtube or whatever he posts on?


Daniel LaBelle


He has crazier stuff on his YouTube channel lol


Needs to combine the two.


Yeah saw that. People in the comments saying I canā€™t walk straight without falling in high heels and heā€™s running with them.


Fuck the dumbells. I wanna see the heels


> the other day That video has been around for a loooong time lol


I gotta bring Bubba his weights. - Forrest Gump


Gump! Why did you bring me those weights so fast, Gump?


Because you told me to, Drill Sergeant!!


Most of us are hauling 100 pounds of surplus anyway


Iā€™m doing my part!Ā 








would you like to know more?


That is actually one of the benefits of getting moving and getting yourself in shape when youā€™re overweightā€”you end up with fucking strong legs after moving that big body around to make it small.


The people with the nicest calves were always overweight lol


My personal trainer was always jealous of my calves... but .. was it really worth it? I mean.. the long term damage and stretchmarks... The interesting thing is that once you've built up the fat-calves, they seem to stick around forever even after you lose the fat and get fit. Which is weird because my trainer did calf raises, heavy ones, and could never build anywhere near the same amount of calf muscle. It must be the years of carrying my fat ass around all day/week that did it, versus just lifting 3x/week in the gym.


Those muscles are notoriously hard to grow. I lost like 80% of muscle mass in one of mine after rupturing my Achilles tendon. 6 years later my lower left leg is still obviously smaller then my right. Maybe I've been going about it all wrong, instead of stairs and calf raises I should be doing the garbage bag of chimichangas diet.


If i remember correctly from the body building forums this type of muscle growth is different, I don't know if it was from the body composition or just prolonged use. Basically muscles developed from short term stress is different from those under constant load. I don't remember this exactly, or if it is even accurate, but I remember the discussion about it.


Iā€™ve always been told I have nice calves and Iā€™ve been underweight all my life. Just good calf genetics I guess


True, initially. You will lose that muscle mass though since you're no longer hauling that weight all day everyday anymore. Assuming you aren't intentionally trying to maintain that level of muscle.


This is true :(


Can confirm I've been morbidly obese since I was about 10 years old, but never stopped running and playing as a children. Got me one hell of a lower body until my joints gave out in my mid/late 20's. I'm almost 40 now and walk with a limp everywhere I go. In high school it was always funny keeping stride for stride with the sprinters on the track team despite weighing twice what they did. Also made me a good pass rushing defensive lineman on the football team. I had that explosion that put me up the ass of the o-lineman across from me before he was even out of his stance. Good times.


Another former lineman? Big ups brother!


nearing 40, and every year is just experiencing my body fail from the years of torture from being overweight. Stairs are currently my nemesis, my knees no longer function while bent. Walking up stairs is some of the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. But god damnit, I would outrun that guy carrying 200 lbs as if he was standing still. Technically we would be on even terms.


Right, but I don't sprint.


This guy is going to need new knees in 10 years


And a new spine in 10 weeks


and a new face in 3... 2...


And my axe.


And my bow!


You wouldnā€™t deny an old man his walking stick?


I will download a car if I can, fuck it!


Don't forget his brother!


Redditā€™s reaction to seeing exercise


Technically this is a running version of "farmers carry" isn't it? Its a fairly common exercise from what I understand.


and a running/sprinting farmers carry is a pretty common event in strongman


I'm not 100% sure but he seems to be toe striking as well to reduce the impact on knees. But I also can see why many people think that way since I knew some older and overweight people who are extremely concerned about their knees when doing any form of exercise.


I cant see why out of shape people feel like they know enough to tell in shape people how their exercise is going to hurt them. Seems like a crazy level of cognitive dissonance


With the way the world is now the "unfit" people outnumber the fit ones by a far margin. Ever notice how generally, even on reddit, people are more sympathetic towards larger people? Mind you, they do deserve sympathy Becuase people do gain weight not just through a lack of discipline but other factors and are more likely to be a target of bullying. So the matter is a bit more complex. But yes, unfit people trying to use their standards to apply to others is unfair.


In the US and a couple other first world countries, for sure unfit people outnumber fit people but there are plenty of cultures where most people are relatively fit. I think the propensity towards these unhealthy lifestyles is a travesty and absolutely a form of class warfare. I know a couple circles of old money and everyone is always in shape. It feels like it's not even America. Maybe 5% of those people are fat. I think because through nepotism and social connections they get amazing paying jobs that require little work. Then have leisure time to exercise, have low stress, and eat healthy. Not to mention these circles raise their children on healthy diets and exercise for the same reasons. But yeah, running, jumping and lifting weights seems almost incomprehensible to the average working class American over 30. And that's fucking sad as shit


Not just that, if you are overworked and tired even in an office job you tend to eat and stress eat more. Your entertainment becomes a good meal. You work and do accounting work or look at files and spreadsheets all day you don't wanna go for a jog and sweat even if it is what you should want to do logically.


Love em! Usually do it at the end of sesh picking up all the loose weights and doing a lap of the gym before putting them back haha


For real, redditors never fail to prove the stereotype.


Tbf I'd wager most redditors carry 100+ extra lbs of bodymass over this guy on a daily basis, instead of the weight coming from droppable dumbbells used in a single sprint in a one-off fun video. Lugging all that weight around 24/7 honestly probably *is* fairly unhealthy for their knees in their futures


Well the catch is they don't walk that much, let alone run. Which is the *actual* #1 way to fuck up your knees: not using your legs until they're weak af and then attempting to do any kind of exertion with all that extra weight.


Based on Reddit comments, you would think people who work out and work trade jobs are routinely getting hip replacements at 35.


It's annoying as shit. I used to have really bad back problems 20 years ago. Like, looking into spinal fusion bad. You know what? Turns out doing heavy fucking deadlifts fixed my back. I'm in much better physical condition and significantly less pain after regularly doing heavy deadlifts for 20 years than before. Get off the couch you bums jfc, those blood clots forming in your unused legs are whats gonna kill you not the gym.


Straight up. And theyā€™re probably overweight sitting down all day long.


Yah, this guy is clearly very fit. He's definitely doing exercises already which would have strengthened his body enough to easily take this.


Was just thinking the same thing. This would be absolute murder on my back and knees


He had an earlier video today where he was running in ski boots, 6.5" heels, Japanese slippers, ballet slippers, tennis rackets, books... and my ankle exploded just watching


We watched it yesterday with grandma. She hasn't laughed like that in a long time. "Look, look, he has pots on his legs!" (They were actually trash bins lol)


I save funny and cute videos on my phone so when I take my elderly mother to doctors appointments we can stay entertained in the waiting room. I'm adding this guy's videos to the saves! I love that your grandma got so tickled! Warm fuzzies hearing babies, children, and the elderly laugh and giggle.


I saw that one. the heels made me gasp if he fell.. and he was hauling ass too in those things


Heavy rucking actually fixed my lower back when I had issues with it.


Cuz it made it stronger and not weak


Yup the issue was the ol' quadratus muscle was weak from not being used. I avoid people a lot because I just can't face more unsolicited advice about not lifting heavy things.


Agreed The amount of mfers who told me to stop lifting heavy when I tore my MCL snowboarding, was wild Yet continuing my heavy training and just adjusting my movements a bit, like doing heavy box and belt squats over normal squats, was what expedited the recovery and healing for my knee


Yeah. Proper loads with good form fixes problems. But most redditors areā€¦ you knowĀ 


Surprising fact In shape people are not fragile and weak šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Stress on the joints makes them stronger unless you are damaging bone joints or whatever. Studies have shown for instance that bike riders have weaker joints and ligaments because they do not get the stress of impacting against the ground while runners have stronger joints and ligaments for stressing them. Edit:Ā  https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/news/a36531434/why-runners-have-stronger-bones-than-cyclists/ I read this back in like 2010 or so, in the New York Times, this might be a follow-up study they are citing in the article.


I think one main distinction to be made is how much time for regeneration you are giving your knees. If you have strenuous workouts every day or several times a week without rest, then it can eventually cause permanent damage. If you have stressful workouts, but then give yourself enough time for the joint to repair and strengthen, then they can progressively handle more stress. The amount of time needed can vary greatly for different people. I've found for myself, I need lots of time for regeneration between workouts. But giving myself time and taking supplements like collagen, has helped me a lot.


That is true, rest between healing is very important. Seems like everyoneā€™s experience is very different with perhaps a lot of variables.


Yea weā€™re going to need some quality academic sources for both these claims. Especially the first one.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4637912/ Not OP but ligaments and tendons definitely get stronger with certain physical activities. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35742181/#:~:text=Resistance%20training%20(RT)%20has%20been,functional%20proprieties%20loss%20with%20aging. And weight/impact does help strengthen bones. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10009456/ But I don't believe cartilage is bolstered by activity... It seems more like it's just broken down quicker So overall I think it's a little more complex than OP made it out to be and highly specific to the activity and how it's performed. But good, safe weight training can basically make joints "better".




Is that just a natural occurrence with age/genetics, or is it down to some specific activity?


A lot of people don't know that if you want to run regularly you should also strengthen your legs if you want to preserve your knees. Strong leg muscles aid in stabilizing joints during runs and lessen the impact of the exercise on the cartilage.




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36875337/ Here's a systematic review with 17 total studies; 11 greater than level 3, and 2 at an evidence level 4. Osteoarthritis isn't associated with short term running history. However knee injury is associated with osteoarthritis which will statistically increase if you trip or participate in contact sport. Hence the debacle. On its own running will not cause arthritis, however an active lifestyle can possibly increase the risk of a knee injury which can likely lead to arthritis. Running on the injury would likely make it worse. Edit: link for knee injury and osteoarthritis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9441748/#:~:text=Sustaining%20a%20knee%20injury%20is,25%E2%80%9350%25%20of%20patients. Edit: this probably explains a lot of the anecdotal evidence in the comments. Many people probably had an untreated knee injury and kept running on it until it was just two bones in a grindfest.


I had cutting edge knee surgery to transplant stem cells into my knee and regrow cartlidge, the expert knee surgeon who operates on me said 'running on concrete is as bad for the knees as smoking is for the lungs' so I choose to heed that advice


Were the stem cells worth it? I have a torn meniscus which I presume happened to you as well. The only option they gave me was to scrape away the remaining cartilage so it doesn't interfere or get pinched. The cartilage settled in my knee eventually and hasn't given me any major problems though.


Shit. I would love for my meniscus to heal.


This. I feel like the comment you replied to only holds true for brand new humans. Unfortunately by the time we can Reddit, we're broke down humans. I skateboarded and did BMX a lot as a kid, played a lot of baseball in HS and college (catcher), and got into martial arts and parkour. My knees are pretty fucked. Maybe that stuff made them "stronger" for a while before they broke down, IDK. I still do what I can. I love the fuck out of snowboarding, but I'm not jumping off of buildings or running (in any fashion) anymore. My ortho surgeon (who happens to be a very well established marathon runner) said the same thing when I got my first meniscus removed, "you can run, but every step you take is a day closer to needing a knee replacement, I don't recommend that you run, ever".


To be completely honest with you, an ortho surgeon isn't the person to take advice from in that respect. Nothing in their specialty studies the long-term impact of daily activities like running. You'd want a research scientist if you're looking for advice there. An ortho surgeon only sees people with bad knees. All of their experience is people with bad knees. They do not ever see the 99% of people who run daily and never have knee issues. Links have already been posted further up, but there are loads of studies that confirm that tendons and ligaments strengthen in response to stimuli just like muscles do, they simply take an order of magnitude more time to repair and grow than muscles. If you push yourself too hard, too fast, you'll injure yourself. If you do so with an activity that relies on connective tissue in some cases more than your muscles (like running, rock climbing) you definitely will. The problem is that people improve their cardio and their muscular endurance, then push themselves over and over again. Meanwhile their tendons and ligaments are way behind, struggling to keep up with the increased load.


That sounds like a great example of selection bias. Who is going to be seeing a knee surgeon that doesn't need surgery on their knees?


it is bad if you've got poor running technique, or if you're over weight. Doing what the guy did in the above video for instance is not a good idea.




Not OP so not invested, though if you google ā€œdoes running hurt your kneesā€ every top result will say no That said, idk about running while carrying 200lbs of extra weight.




I got the source https://preview.redd.it/9vtcbos9pt6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8eb352d3ee94b40c6c94a4555edc9d8c0711e1


As someone who ran track in high school, often running long distance in practice on uneven dirt roads, my knees are absolutely fucked 15 years later.Ā  Doubt that would be the case if I was a cyclistĀ 


Definitely would not be the case for cyclists


Mountain biked for long distances for years. Not a single knee pain. And still working out with weights .


I've done running for 25 years, heavy weight lifting for 15 years. My knees are fine..


Sounds like a cases by case basis then.


Blaming bum knees 15 years after the fact on running track in highschool is crazy


Lots of athletes suffer lower body injuries at or around highschool age that persist and become worse in adulthood.


To be fair if they were not trained well or had accidents they could have sustained injuries which are life long. But I agree, highschool sports are not generally enough to cause any last effects on joint health and it is silly to blame.


This anecdote doesn't prove anything. Researchers looked at the knees of marathon runners and found they had better cartilage than a control group. The physical activity kept their joints healthy.


Now do they have better cartilage because they are marathon runners, or are they marathon runners because they have better cartilage?


They have better cartilage because the impacts on your joints from running circulate synovial fluid and are overall protective of your knees, reducing your chances of osteoarthritis.


Cyclist here. I lost count of the riders that said their joints are toast and they canā€™t run anymore. EDIT. Not to imply all runnersā€™ joints crap out, just that many have and transitioned to cycling. I ran 3 marathons and about 25 1/2 marathons. I still run but avoid the pavement now and run trails instead.


Very interesting. Any links you could send me way?


Exercise actually makes your bones and joints stronger. Keep huffing that copium.


Yep, I had to run around with a ton of weight on me in the Army for ten years. Knees are shit now.


Gonna jump in here and say that this is an actual reason things will breakdown compared to other people saying it's from highschool track. It's amazing the army pushes weighted matches and runs so hard knowing what the downline joint damage is. Like obviously you need to do some to understand, but it shouldn't be super frequent if combat isn't imminent.


As someone whose knees are forever messed up from carrying a backpack and body armor for years, this is painful to watch. ZERO healthy reason to run with weights like that.


I think heā€™s probably got the strongest knees out of any of us, Iā€™d be much more worried about someone who lives a sedentary life working a desk job needing a knee replacement, not this guy.


Im sure he doesnt do this everyday lol. Mans got a visible 6 pack and strong ass legs. The muscles from your hip to knee i.e glutes, hamstrings etc, are essential for knee longevity. I'm sure he will be fine even at 70. He is built better than 97% of people.


Oh man this guy again. Can we get his @? His shoe video the other day is hilarious.


Heā€™s daniel labelle on youtube




He's got a lot of really good videos. His "if cleaning was a timed sport" video is the most viewed Short on YouTube.


His extreme physicality is impressive, and his humour combined with it really sets him apart!


I immediately heard that Stan Marsh quote in my head after seeing him.


200 lbs is about 91kg, my Euromates




UKmates: We alternate depending upon the day and the quantity of tea we have immediate access to.


So 14 stone it is...


Well, hmmm, as a Canadian let's say that it's complicated. https://www.reddit.com/r/HelloInternet/s/n1xpWTK3Kv


That was good! I vividly remember the day, when I was in grade six, the teacher walked into the room and said, ā€œFrom today boys and girls, there will be no more miles, pounds etc, but instead we will use the metric system.ā€ I remember thinking, ā€œWhat??? Youā€™re asking us to just forget this 12 inches in a foot stuff that youā€™ve been teaching us?ā€ It felt like some kind of injustice.


How the fuck is he keeping 40 kilos in one hand, let alone run with 2 of those.


Straps? It's not that hard to hold 40kg dumbbells for a bit, but running is a bit extra with that for sure.


Look up farmers walk events. 40kg per hand is lighter than some empty farmers walk handles. In competition, you typically can't expect any lighter than your own bodyweight in each hand. And while dumbells rotate im your hands and farmers walk handles don't, it's still only 40kg.


That'd be like running with me in his arms.Ā 


that last step looks like he was going to hyperextend


If he has a prosthetic right leg in the next video weā€™ll know why


Iā€™m willing to bet he had to take a huge shit after recording this. I know I would. Imagine eating lunch and then your mate says ā€œhey letā€™s film a video of you running down the block carrying 200 lbsā€


Looks brutal on the forearms


Yeah these are some extreme farmers carries dude will get arms like Popeye


Definitely passed out right after the video was cut


He had posted in the comments that he actually did them in order and that it was a bad idea to do it that way. :D


I'd have done one a day. Even the first one looked tiring :)


Now do this WITH the different kinds of shoes!


lol šŸ¤£


Wanna know what kind of running shoes he is using.


you are overencumbered and cannot run!


I do some exercises with 50kg dumbbells. That's 110lbs. Never tried running with them though. Might give it a shot for the memes. Although I'm pretty certain my gym stuff won't approve too much


Not none of us.






Speak for yourself op.


Right lol pretty sure i can go that fast with 200lbs


lol exactly.Ā Ā  Can most people do this? No. But thatā€™s because most people are near completely sedentary. Can you do this if you go to the the gym a few times a week, and do any sort of cardio on a regular basis? Yes.Ā  Ā  If you really wanted, you could practice farmers walks a few days a week, and should be able to do this within 1-3months.Ā 


Really helps you understand how much stress an obese person is under when they finally work out. They have the weight heā€™s carrying, without any of the muscle he is packing. Itā€™s a great example of why no one should ever laugh at someone trying to lose weight.


His videos are great!


He had me beat at 0 lbs.


This dude is a legend. The one with him running in all kinds of different ā€œshoesā€ looked like AI it was so insane


next video:running with heels and 220lbs


I think you're just a fat fuck if you think no one can do this


Holy fuck redditors are weak.


Laughts in strongmen competition farmers walk where they run with 700 lbs in hands


I think youā€™re vastly underestimating the strength of some people


I train strongman and 200lbs is a light weight for farmer's carries. It's not as fast as a sprint without weights, but it's pretty damn quick. My max is 512lbs. I'm not particularly strong for a strongman athlete.


Yeah, 200lb for a farmers walk should be achievable for almost anyone with a few weeks to months of practice.Ā  Itā€™s like how people are impressed when you can do pull-ups or run 5k. These are relatively easy activities that essentially anyone can do if they wanted with a bit of regular practice.




What about his videos makes you so angry? This video is the only context I have, and it seems harmless enough.


once you've seen one you've seen em all, the running is his bit


I think for me it's that he feels like another Jim Carrey wannabe? I don't hate his vids but find them mildly cringey


You are not alone my friend. Him and psycho-smile chocolate chef.


i mean i understand hating the smile but he is legit, he is one of the best pastry chefs in the world


Donā€™t hate this guy but itā€™s nice to see someone else who hates the chocolate guy.


Honestly I'd be shocked if I made it to 60 lbs


at what point stopping becomes more of a problem than running...


As,the weigh goes up, so do his eyebrows.


In already running with 60 pounds.


I can and have done this with 200 lbs. All you have to do is lift progressively heavier weights 5 days a week for 5 years, no problem.Ā