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Nokia have been quiet ever since this bike was manufactured


[Nokia made those tires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Nokia?wprov=sfti1#Nokia_corporation).


it's all connected....


🤣 the only true response!


He's gonna try and blame it on the bike


If I was the manufacturer of those tires this would be my advert


Safety feature of modern car. That’s why the bike is in one piece and the cyclist won’t need to visit a hospital. Not joking, crumple zone lessen the impact force to the driver and whomever they might hit from their shit driving skills…


Gordon Ramsey would like a chat


Don’t even know what accident he had? Seems like it just him so likely to be an involuntarily self-departed from the bike kind of accident. If he did get hit by a car with crumble zone and it gave him that massive bruise… I doubt he will be available for chat if the car didn’t have a crumble zone.


He hit a pothole and crashed into a parked vehicle and then the ground. Which isn't very dignified, but I know Mystic well, and you'd figure they'd spend some of their tourist dollars on fixing the damn roads.


I think you will find that it was more of a low speed incident then a crumple zone safety feature. I don’t care how good a crumple zone is, you aren’t walking after getting hit at 60 or 80kph


I guess people around here don't know that's a good car engineering, not a disadvantage.


we don't need 2 know about the crumple zone :p


Bikes in GTA San Andreas be like


Shrubs and bushes in most games be like (I know a good sized bush would destroy a car, but the real damage would be from the trunk of it, not the outer leaves)


Pressure = Force/Area


Which is how our maths teacher showed how deadly a woman in stiletto heels could be.


Oh yeah. They’d easily pop a temple or make an open chest wound.


His example was stamping down on a man's foot...


Depends how crazy the woman is đź‘Ś


Trust me, I don't need a formula to know women in stilettos are deadly


= Mass \* Acceleration / (Length \* Width)


=265g \* 18mps / (6.2inches \* 2.5inch)


Why are you mixing systems?


It's just my calculations based on your system...just don't think too hard Abt it


"Don't think too hard about it"??? You're making me convert between metric and imperial units! I already had my brain broken, and now I'm too lazy to do that.


Not only that, a stiletto heel is about 1/2" x 1/2", ie 1/4 square inch. This deadly weapon doesn't use the sole at all. Think about being hit by a frying pan, compared with a kitchen knife...


Titanium rim vs plastic car🤷


That’s a Hyundai. Air dents it. I’m surprised it didn’t bifurcate the car.


missed the rebar which is the real bumper under the thin weak flexible plastic cosmetic item we see bent in the photo. not very super, just lucky.


Car went to the dent-ist. I’ll see myself out 🚪


Oi - you forgot your coat!


When bike behave like bollards!


Loads of comments in here explaining that this is obvious because of crumple zones and modern car design. But what’s interesting is that the bike didn’t fall or get propelled forward. It’s a remarkably clean impact, hard to envision how it happened. It is pretty interesting.


Happened to me once. It was an SUV. Luckily my bike seat post was up high enough that it hit that instead of my back, because it was bent pretty good!


Crumple zones


This was one of the rare products that Nokia once put out in the 90s.


Properly Trued rims are no joke. If the rims are worth it, it's worth the cost.


Pink power








Downtown Tom Brown build!


That bicycle is made of a material that is not found on Earth


Bikes that look like that are always indestructible i bet it even has gearing on both sides of the rear wheel so you dont even have to worry if you put it on right. I miss bikes like that.


Wait till Super Bike meets Super Toilet!


Or super car. Bounces back into shape when you pull the bike out.


**Ever got brake check by a bike?**


I handle those fascias every day. They are flimsy as hell


Can it really happen?


Circles are strong. I’m sure that is deformed and slightly oval


Bike wheel are very strong in compression straight from the rip to the hub (what is needed in riding), they quickly buckle from side loads. So it seems the crumple zone of the car hit the bike exactly in the only direction the wheel is made to be strong.


Not at all. I think you’re overestimating the quality of modern vehicles. Ell oh ell!


There is a post that the bike is attached to and which ruined the car. You just don’t see it


I need whatever those wheels are made out of!


Super rims. They're very strong when perpendicular to the surface. If he was banking, the rim would've crumpled. Rigid in one plane and not in others.


Something about this image puts me off, Like it looks kind of ai generated but it's such low quality, then again the number plate has letters blending into the dude's jeans and the handle bars on the two wheeler in the top left are replaced with what look like car rear view mirrors. I'm more likely to be wrong but it still feels off Edit: now that I look at ot more closely the number plate letters blending into the jeans is actually a bike lock. The weird ass bike in the top left bugs me still. Could be just some r/redneckengineering kinda shit


"I'm not like other bikes"


Piece of shit Hyundai


hah, just a korean car


Driver: the bike broke the car Insurance company: the bike did… what?


Super Bike? Nah, Shitty Car!


or shitcar


Proof that hyundai are cheap pieces of shit




Super bike? Or shitty car?


Plastic car lol, every bit of it bent. Most cars have at least a block of Styrofoam behind the bumpers


Plastic doesn’t bend. That’s literally the definition of plastic. Edit: I forgot the definition of plastic


plas·tic a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form. "bottles can be made from a variety of plastics" adjective 1.made of plastic. "plastic bottles" 2. (of a substance or material) **easily shaped or molded.** "rendering the material more plastic"


Or https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-osuniversityphysics/chapter/12-4-elasticity-and-plasticity/


So plastic DOES bend, it just doesnt necessarily bend back: From your source: [...] a material exhibits **plastic behavior**. This means the material deforms irreversibly and does not return to its original shape and size. But you know what, I will stop being the ackshually guy because I get no fun from it. I wish you a good day my friend


I forgor


Sure hope that was sarcasm. " Plastics are a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic materials that use polymers as a main ingredient. Their plasticity makes it possible for plastics to be molded, extruded or pressed into solid objects of various shapes. This adaptability, plus a wide range of other properties, such as being lightweight, durable, flexible, and inexpensive to produce, has led to their widespread use." There is quite a few different types of plastics, some which are hard and brittle, some that are soft and malable, as it is a group of materials not one thing. Similar to how glasses are actually a huge group of material, not just what we use for windows and bottles. You might be getting the definition of plasticity confused with the material plastic. " In physics and materials science, plasticity (also known as plastic deformation) is the ability of a solid material to undergo permanent deformation, a non-reversible change of shape in response to applied forces." That seems more in line to what you were trying to say?


That heavily depends on the plastic.


Either the car was made in China or the bike was made in Germany.


Looks like double wall hand built rim. Tough as iron always true. Reminds me of velocity deep v. Good times.


prob a carbon fiber frame, dual alloy rims with a slim fit tuck


China sure doesnt make em like they use to


Maybe that's not a super bike and rather a weak as piss car


Or just shitty car.


"Shit car"


Lol hyundai and kia are so cheaply made. I would know I delivered the parts for crashed vehicles. All plastic supports and thin metal. Don't believe me look at the damage on the bike versus the hyundai. I've also delivered gm parts big difference in quality.


Apparently, this is what happens when your car is assembled from crepe paper and balsa wood.


no this is what happens when the front is made out of plastic. Modern cars have bumper covers to make them look good and for aerodynamics. They can't be structural because the bumpers still have to work (absorb impacts) This is for your safety. This is also (one reason) why the cybertruck sucks


Crumple zones. Think of it like, remember the egg drop back in school? You put an egg in a milk carton or something, and drop it off the roof and your job as the student is to pad/construct something to keep your egg from cracking. You're the egg. Just chuck the egg in a metal box and the box might survive the fall fine, leaving scrambled eggs inside.


Depends, if the metal box is strong enough to bend whatever it hits, the energy is disputed that way lol


The egg still smashes from its own kinetic forces within the box.


That's not how force transfer works. That is the whole idea of crumple zones actually. It doesn't matter if the crumple zone is on the car, or on what the car hits. Force is absorbed. That's why tire walls at racetracks exist, they absorb the force of the car and deform, instead if the car having to deal with it all. Have you ever seen a big caddy or dodge from the 70's hit a new car? It plows through like a knife through warm butter with hardly a scratch, because the newer car absorbs the force by deforming itself. It's not like we can completely ignore seatbelts, airbags, and other safety devices as well. Also the inside of the truck isn't made of steel, so that's kind of dumb. Physics is physics, things don't change just because people don't like a product lol.


Have you ever see the crash test dummies inside of old 70’s vehicle hitting a new car? At best, will required extensive facial reconstruction. Worst… no more head. Btw, newer car do have hard steel box protecting the occupants… they just move the hard steel box to be behind the crumple zone. Also note, current regulations do not allow new cars to have hard bumper anymore for pedestrian safety. Cushion the impact when you hit someone.


I'm not going to argue physics with you. I'm not going to argue that older cars were safer, because that's just dumb. I will argue that when a hard solid thing that hits a less hard solid thing, the less solid thing will will absorb some of the force by deforming. Go take a bat and hit a block of Styrofoam, then tell me which one took more damage in the encounter.


It’s not “a bat VS a block of Styrofoam” It’s a “a bat VS a bat covered in Styrofoam” Btw… you know which one will hurt your hands more right?


Man you are dense. So you are saying that newer card have the same structure underneath the 'Styrofoam" that older cars did? Look I've worked in auto repair and bodywork. New cars take enough damage to be totaled at a much higher rater than older ones. Most new. Are are unibody designs where the strength comes from pressed metal wielded to together, while older cars gained it from having solid steel frames. That's also why you can strip an old car down to it"s frame and still be drivable, while a new car doesn't even really have a frame in the same sense. You have no clue what you are talking about, and stubborn with it. Go talk to anyone that deals with cars on a daily basis, then respond. Good day.


Yup! I was in a parked car hit from behind by a SUV going about 45 mph. The trunk of my car and front of hers *crumpled.* And... We both walked away from it. Her hands were bright red and aching from where the panel covering the airbags in her car hit her during deployment, and I was sore from my neck to my knees, but... Immediately after the accident I was able to move my car out of the road, help her move hers, and get us both warm and dry (treat for shock) while we waited for the traffic cops. I was capable of performing first aid for both her and myself. 50 years ago, when cars were made of solid metal? That accident easily could have killed us both.


So you're saying some maniac may use it to mow-over people someday?


Maybe the supercharger station will be down that day lol


Yeah I know. I was making a joke.