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Gone in 27 seconds.


Thats what she said


If only...


Nicolas Cage gotta up his game in this sequel, by stealing 100 bikes. Otherwise doctor who is gonna kill his Brazilian cousin. If he tries to run, his whole family bloodline will be erased from history.


It sucks how much people suck


This guy decidedly doesn’t suck (at stealing motorcycles).


Or at ruining peoples lives.


Probably has been happening for a very long time, difference is that we got way more cameras now and accessible ways to share such videos.


What type of camera is it? This appears to be a professional device, clear images with frames around moving objects and so on.


Lot of home cameras can do 4K with motion detection, person detection, tracking ect


The perfectly placed camera tho.


Or maybe, the dude who owned the bike knew about the camera and intentionally parked his bike in its view. Given the area, he probably thought "I'll just be here for a little bit" and thought the bike would be fine for a short period. Then it got stolen, and he shared the video in an effort to show/teach other bike owners that it takes less than a "little bit" for a thief to steal a bike. I doubt people in the area are leaving their bikes out on the street when they are getting home for the day.


I left my (luckyly rental) car for 20 mins and when I got back, one dude was taking the spare off the car as if it was his, with his accomplice double parked next to the car. I had rented the cheapest shitbox possible, so it had a very generic (but not temporary) spare that serves most of the cars that are running around. Here in Brazil (and I believe in most of the world) they usually target specific models/parts, we don't have KIA Boys style gangs. Now I have a Peugeot that isn't even on the top 50 most sold cars, with a shitty "bicycle" spare and have left it around pretty much everywhere, no one has touched it (and it is a nice car, specially for brazilian standards).


What did you say when you saw them?


I’m glad they can’t steal motorcycles that quickly *outside* of Brazil. Whew 😰


Poverty sucks and is the main driver in crime.


It's part poverty, part culture. E.g. Turkey has worse economic conditions, and a higher % living in poverty, but the car theft rate is about one quarter of Brazil's (33 per 100k, vs 128 per 100k), the murder rate more than 6x higher in Brazil. (33 vs 210 murders per million)


It's not an excuse


That's not a justification, it's an explanation.


Explanation to what?. Theft?. He has other ways to alleviate other than steal. You think poor people are devoid of morality in general.


On a large scale, what do you think would happen to rates of theft if there was a significant decrease in poverty?




Its still not a good one. That is me saying:"Louis Vuitton clothes prevent people from stealing motorcycles. Because no one ever stole a motorcycle dressed in Louis Vuitton."   People being poor are generally less educated. In reality low education leads people feeling outsiders in society which leads to higher criminal rate. So the correlation is education&socialization with criminality. People using poorness as an excuse are simply lowlifes.


> That is me saying:"Louis Vuitton clothes prevent people from stealing motorcycles. Because no one ever stole a motorcycle dressed in Louis Vuitton." You mean correlation. But I disagree, it's causation. Poverty and financial desperation lead to higher criminal rates, especially this kind of crimes. >People being poor are generally less educated. And thus more likely to have less jobs opportunities, earn less money and be more vulnerable, contributing to the chance of them being financially desperate. Just look at how poor people are more likely to end up in prison, this is true world wide. Treating this as a moral issue is not the answer. Things like social security is how you reduce this kind of crime, it's reducing inequality.


>Treating this as a moral issue is not the answer It is a moral issue do not care what he is going through stealing is wrong. Throw the book at him.


Jesus said, don't judge a thief that steal bread because he is starving. I've been there. I never did it because it was fun.


The correlation is undeniable. Yet, many tend to prefer believing there's a lot of people intrinsically bad. Bad people exist. But maybe some circumstances bring the worst out of us? Countries with higher levels of equality have lower incarceration rates. That's a fact.


Culture plays a huge role, what you value matters. Some are creatures of their environment, most are creatures of the environment they create and endorse.


Plenty of poor people do not steal. Poverty sucks, but people do crime. They may be more likely to do it when poor but it is still an active choice people make. Most poor people never commit serious crimes.


Your comment does not discredit the one your replied to. Poverty and inequality drive crime. That is an objective fact proven time and time again.


It is, but that doesn't mean we cannot morally condem those that partake in it regardless. Poverty doesn't commit crime, people do. Understanding causes does not excuse the behaviour.


Doesn’t matter. If you turn to crime you are a weak willed fucking loser.


BS. Has nothing to do with it. Edit: Down votes doesn't make it true. Many much poorer people don't resort to stealing. It's a weak mindset


Just because you don't understand sociology doesn't make it less true.


Bullshit. These people aren't starving to death. No need to steal. They just want what they don't have


It’s not.


Even sadder is police won’t get it back even if you have gps on it


If the police refuse to do anything, tell them “that’s okay, I’ll get some friends and do the job myself”. They’ll get their arses into gear because they don’t want blood etc. Have had this exact situation unfold and got the car back 👍🏽


Hahahahaha if you tried that shit in Brazil the police might actually just end up jailing you instead.


yeah, that guy lives in disney


In rural US this is a thing, less and less


Or at least fuck you up for joking about it.


In brazil?


In Canada, they would probably just arrest you for uttering threats cus atleast they get one arrest that day. They know all the stolen cars in Canada moving out of Montreal but they don't give a fuck. Now they tell you to store your keys beside the door so it's easier for the thieves.


How bad is the car stolen situation in Canada? i remember s few years i was visitting montreal and the order from uber eats was taking too long, after reaching out, the uber arrived in a police car with my order, they said his car got stolen….


Increased 50% in the last 2 years. The thieves get released on bail immediately and right back to stealing cars. Then they get arrested again and released on bail immediately and right back to stealing cars. Yes I'm being serious. Our justice system is a complete joke.


Nah, they still ain't coming to my neighborhood. But God help you if you steal a candy bar from Loblaws.


Yeah when I saw that video from the police in Canada about leaving your key fabs by the door so it's easier for thieves to steal your car I was fucking flabbergasted.


lol what? 


Someone should start stealing the patrol cars


do you live in Brazil? I almost find it hard to believe


Those kangaroo lovers with their rose tinted glasses world view lol.


In Brazil? Theyll tell you "good luck".


In Utah, that's what the police *told* me to do after a hit and run. They even ran the guy's plates and gave me the name and address registered on it. They didn't file a report though. Orem *really* likes being known for their low crime rate.


Lmao this is Brazil , you’re delusional


This is Brazil, good chance cops are the ones that stole it.


Same in Canada. The police only show up to protect large businesses and each other. They don't come into my neighborhood at all, even for domestic abuse.


They also show up to shake hands with criminals creating blockades.


There's a good chance that the bike owner might have saved up for months to afford that bike. Fucking pricks.


In Brazil, more like installment payments for years


I mean, there is the possibility the bike owner is relatively rich compared to the avg Brazilian. Not like a country has only one kind of economic class.


By statistics, this is very hard to be the case. If you earn 1000 usd per month, you are already at the top 10% richest of the country. People who have a bike like that usually makes more than minimum but not enough to maintain a car. So it would be around 400 to 600 usd per month. Paying installments of something like 50 to 100 usd per month


Ah ok. I thought it was some kind of higher end bike.


That one is just 1 tier above the basic


Worse, he will still be paying for it for 3 more years


It's a very good chance the owner can't afford that bike from just a few months of saving.


as a Brazilian, I spent 4 years paying for a 150cc bike. 1/3 of my salary was just for it and it was in 2014. now should be way more expensive.


If insurance common or is it so expensive people can't afford it?


Motorcycle insurance is ridiculously expensive so not many people have it.


Saved up for months, only for him to park it in a dark alley with no proper locks.


Yup. This is nothing new. There is plenty of security footage of people stealing cars in Global North countries just as quickly. The key is to make it harder to "properly" access and to add deterrents. That means either parking in an indoor garage you trust or on a fairly busy street. The former is obvious. The latter means that, even at night, it is a lot riskier for a thief to go to town on it. And deterrents buy you time. Its the same with home security. Even the most tweaked out meth head can bust in and grab a lot of valuables long before the security company requests a cop to maybe come over. As for the more "subtle" thieves? Just not having giant bushes covering your windows and doors goes a long way toward making them way too exposed while they pick/break a lock.


Months? We save for months to buy phones. Motorcycles are 2-4 year savings.


That motorcycle vanished faster than my will to work on a Monday morning!


Ah! That's the obvious reason why I don't have a motorbike. Never had the will to work on Mondays... :-)




Disgusting scum


Can someone explain what he is actually doing? Looks like just jamming something into the keyhole


Hammer a flathead screwdriver into the keyhole. None of the pins will be lined up so you'll need force to snap them and turn it, in this case he has a bent lever that he uses, turn one click to unlock the steering lock, and a second to turn it on. Very easy to do, but you'll ruin the key barrel permanently. If someone steals your bike like this you don't want it back. Make sure you're insured!


Holy shit it worked


The key barrel isn't replaceable?!


I changed one recently for a friend, it was not hard to work out how to do. Cost me £6.50 on a new "Ignition Key Switch" from amazon.


Thought so. People loose keys and things break, so it didn't make sense that it couldn't be replaced.


Why are the words “ignition key switch” in parenthesizes? Edit: I meant quotation marks lol


They aren't. A paerenthesis looks like this "(". You're refering to quotation marks. And because that's the search term / what they're called on Amazon. Which is different to a key cylinder, which is what broke.


Is replacing an ignition cylinder really *that* hard these days?




Sounds like you know a thing or two about it... I had an amateur try to steal my bike but he slammed the handlebars to break the steering head lock instead then tried to hot wire it. That's where he failed.


I'm impressed. Disgusting, but still must recognize the skill of this c%nt. That's some precision and speed, under pressure. Practice make perfect ... sad lol


It’s ok to say bad words on the internet


What the heck


What did you say, you scallywag!?




Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits.


Love how you threw tits in there


These are George carlin's famous 7 dirty words 😅


And if you add fart, turd and twat its an old Blink 182 song.


Not on my Christian Reddit! I’m so offended. I’m so mad at your curse word I’m going to go beat my wife!


I say this in the most unironic way possible: being a criminal is a profession here in Brazil. And I ain't talking about the politicians, I'm talking about wankers like this guy.


Especially considering the likelihood of getting fucking domed by an off duty police office in Brazil.


I don’t know, but it seems like he just tried to bump key open it, but went with brute force method instead.


You misspelled cunt


There was no skill involved. He just jammed a lever into the keyhole and then gave it a strong twist to snap the core of the lock so it could be rotated to turn the bike on, because the manufacturer of the vehicle builds it in the cheapest way possible so they don't care about adding proper security to the vehicle.


I'm sorry, but brute forcing an ignition switch does not take any skill. He didn't pick the lock, he just broke that shit.


If u live in a place like this, then atleast have some backup antitheft system. Ground, fuel pump or something else to manually turn on from hidden button. Cmon man!


I knew People who would pull the spark plugs. It stopped it from getting easily stolen and crack heads would steal the plugs anyway to use the ceramic to smoke crack.


hell even a dog chain through the wheels...


I'm shocked that people would keep a motorcycle parked roadside without any additional security besides the steering lock. My bike is kept in a locked garage, and I still have an alarmed disc lock and chained to a ground anchor. I'm leaving it outside unattended for even a short while I'm at least putting the disc lock on. (Not that it would stop a determined thief)


EXACTLY! Im in in a crazy safe neighbourhood in sweden and even here I would 100% assume my bike would be gone if I just left it outside with only the steering lock.


I have been to Sweden and seen motorcycles parked with the keys in. About 75 or so in one parking area, almost all with the keys in. I must admit the owners were close by at the adjacent cafe. Most had beards and all were wearing leather clothes with big logos and all the same club name.


Lmao, yeah If you’re in hells angel I guess you feel safe to park anywhere.


I have bad news sir. If you assume your bike would be stolen that's not a "crazy safe neighbourhood".


Compared to most places it’s safe as hell. Theifs sucks but they are poor and deserves pity, and theifs dont scare me.


Don't blame the victim. It is 100% thief cunt's fault.


obviously it's the thief's fault but in Brazil doing what he did attracts thieves like flies. the victim was dumb if he had a garage (looked like he did). both things can be true


It’s not victim blaming, but even in most developed countries such as Europe or the US, it would be advised not to just let a motorcycle in the street like that. So to do that in Brazil…


Ah Europe, the most developed country ever


I went to Germany and thought I was in the future.


In German cities you put an 80€ lock on a 30€ bicycle when you leave it outside.


It's just a matter of time (hopefully)


Oh not victim blaming. No doubt it would have still been stolen regardless of how much it was locked up. Thief gunna thief. Just stated that I'm shocked anyone would ever risk leaving a bike without locking it up. Not sure how it works in Brazil, but where I am, the insurance company would refuse to pay out if you didn't properly secure your bike.


it is and it is not, if you live in a dangerous country, behave accordingly to it, did he force the guy to steal his bike? no, but he did sure maee it easy... Not making it easy on a dangerous country is your only task when it comes to possessions.


in this case, victim should be blame a little. shouldn't be so naive.


Ye in an ideal world...here we just care for ourselves first, even if we know the goverment does shit to protect us


And in the last second of the video you can hear the owner screaming: "My motoc...!"


Ah yes Brazil. The only thing I see from Brazil online is stuff like this. Saddens me and can't be great for tourism.


Bias, media attention is mostly foccused on bad things. There were lots of videos of good things happening in Brazil that appeared here on Reddit, but since your mind is wired to think "Brazil = Bad", you won't remember. Brazil is a huge country and life here can be as good, or even better, than any place on the developed world, it's just that you won't see a video of a guy walking through a beautiful countryside town while having wholesome interactions with kind people, for example.


I had a friend who went to Brazil (Rio) on a work trip and his company put him in the "nice" part of town... He legitimately got robbed 3 separate times. Brazil sucks


Yeah, but what about all the moments between when he was robbed several times? Checkmate.


He got robbed some more between those robberies.


Wasn’t it enlightening to be relieved of the responsibility of his things?


That happens more in rio and sao paulo tbh


I have seen videos where three guys get out of a van, pick up the bike, and put it inside faster than a Formula 1 pit stop


Who parks their motorcycle like that?


Even more sadder to know that, the price of this specific bike is R$ 21.000,00 (Reais) new. The minimum wage in Brazil is R$ 1.412,00… Poor guy was probably still paying it.


That bike is almost certainly a XRE 300, that one's around 28.000 reais. Note: VERY, very desired among thief fuckers like the ones in the video. Since its tires were shining, probably very new bike too. The paintjob is intact, also. To update ya, today 21.000 reais is the price of a basic ass CG 160 here. 21k for 160cc. Fuck this shit. Fuck Brazil, man. I want out.


At this point everyone in Brazil should learn to steal cars and then have a country with a completely united vehicle share program. Find the closest one and go.


Brazil seems very dystopian, which is crazy because the Brazilians I’ve met are, to a person, the happiest, most chill people ever.


You only see the bad stuff. Nobody posts videos of their bikes not getting stolen. I lived in Rio de Janeiro for 10 years. The only time I ever had a major problem was when I got stopped by the police driving my car with expired registration (as 90% of cars in Rio are). The gringo tax on that one was $1,000. Otherwise, not so much as a sniff of trouble, ever. You also, assuming you mean people you meet outside of Brazil, are only meeting the more sophisticated Brazilians. Most Brazilians don't have passports. The barman from the place I used to drink at in Rio once asked how long it took to drive there, from London.


It’s wild how ppl are so willing to generalize entire countries based on a couple videos or stories


To be fair, you only ever see the best / worst of places if you're not actually there. I think judging a country by Youtube content is unlikely to give you a full picture.


Brazil is a very, very large country. Some places are a lot safer than others, and brazillians who can afford to travel abroad live very different lives from those that live in neighborhoods like the one in the video And even in those neighborhoods, the biggest danger you're in is getting robbed of your personal possessions, but not really of your life. Despite what these videos may show, shootouts with plain-clothes policemen aren't really that common lol, and are pretty much non-existent outside of Rio de Janeiro


Yup, just like anywhere else in the world. America has places I have no interest ever visiting as well


People save up for years and these fucks just take it. Stealing is the worst


So much for security cameras


"Power key" attack. He beats a metal key into the ignition, grabs it with a wrench, and forces it over. By breaking the lock, the steering lock disengages and power switches on. Transponder systems on the latest bikes will stop this type of theft


wait so without a transponder this is still possible with new, modern bikes?


Absolutely. Most bikes are dirt simple to steal. Either force the ignition or break the steering lock and connect the 2 ignition wires together. Nothing to it. That's why bike theft is so rampant. Mostly Euro bikes have transponders, but they are starting to put them on more models recently. I think even the Ninja 500 has them now.


Off duty cop missing in this one? 😵


He probably was an off duty cop.


Sucks for sure, but a simple disc lock would probably have prevented this theft.




Let's rev it all the way when stealing a bike to let everyone know lol.


This why I used a big ol’ chain through the wheel and a simple hidden kill switch for the ignition. Even if there is notifying to chain it to, they aren’t just driving off with it. Square link security chain with a big Abloy Protec lock. Yeah the chain or lock can be cut with an angle grinder, but not quickly or quietly. They could in theory drag the whole bike into a truck. But the point is anything you can do to make it harder, the more likely they will just move on to easier pickings.


If only my pizza delivery was as quick as that theft, I’d never complain about cold food again.


Fucking asshole. Guarantee they wouldn't like something they own to be stolen, don't understand how this logic fails people.


Because stealing someone’s property doesn’t mean something you own will be stolen. And not stealing someone’s property doesn’t mean that your own property won’t be stolen. I don’t think logic is the limiting factor here, more like empathy.


Always put a chan in the wheels.


I mean, you need to know better, why leave the motorcycle like that in the open


They have no fear. The banging of the cylinder. And starting it up. Not rolling it down the street. Even rev'ed it a few times just for an extra F You.


*Gone In Thirty Seconds*


fucking hate thieves. hopefully they still run them down still.




2 times longer than it takes to steal a KIA.


i hope they both get chronic diarrhea


And... BANG as the ied hidden in the tank goes off when it reaches the 20mtrs auto trigger point... God I love those trap bikes left by the cops


Leaving your bike at the street? "Deu mole irmão"


Wild guess - he is not doing that for the first time.


Carai XRacing slk


The guy at the end yelling “my bike!” I felt the pain.


Bit slow tbh


I use 3 locks on my fucking bike and I don’t live in a place known for being prone to thiefs …


I read once it's illegal for people to ride two on a bike in Brazil just for this reason.


Nobody likes to victim shame, so this is not a shame but just a general question: why was that bike left in the middle of the road like that? OK, even going past the "it shouldn't matter" comments of life....looks like that is a one-way street. For that bike to be posted up like that is a head scratcher as you're now inviting such random driver to accidentally plow over your newish looking bike. Are we sure this isn't a "plant" video? I feel we are all made to react as if the person truly lost their bike when in reality everyone was in on it.


No rotor locks , nothing. Why make it so easy for them.


This sort of shit, is precisely why my father gets mad when my brother leaves his car on the side walk rather than park it in the garage. When you live 58+ years in brazil you just learn the lay of the land to not leave ur shit where it can get easily stolen. You take a burner phone out, leave your good one home, you ALWAYS, park your vehicles inside, not outside, you always have tall walls surrounding your house to prevent burglary, cover the top of the walls with sharp glass shards or barbed wires/electric ones. Brazil is not America, it may not be lawless, but it ain't safe either. If I had to guess, this dude, is likely just being cocky, or he has friends in low places, which makes him think he is safe from other criminals, which if true, these two are VERY, not alive by now. If false, he's just an idiot. Not victim blaming though, this should never be the case, but the reality in south America is nowhere near where it should be, and people should realize that before they get their shit stolen.


Somebody did this to my bike back in the Day. Came down to find a 8 inch screw driver hammered in to the ignition. They didn't get the bike but when I repaired it it only took me 15 minutes to replace the unit with just a screwdriver, so many lessons that day.


We live in a bad, bad world.


Minha moto mano


Yeah but why the hell would you even leave your motorcycle like that when you live in Brazil though?


https://preview.redd.it/tyf7iz8mnc9d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c593b7657dd23ee0d6469a0663528c7989252ebc cant have shit in Brazil damn


Raking and breaking. Common method, only way to prevent this is keeping your bike locked up in a garage equipped with turrets... People suck 🥲


Big, BIG risk stealing anything in Brazil. Won’t think twice about shooting a thief.


They should set up motorbikes that when they go over 100mph cattle prods extend and fry the person riding it and leave them around Brazil.


Damn. I was hoping a guy off camera was going to blast that dude away.


I lived in cheap apartments with my ninja and would wheel that thing up a half stairs to chain it to the railing by my front door. Now thinking what I’d do in Brazil


And... BANG as the ied hidden in the tank goes off when it reaches the 20mtrs auto trigger point...


If you live in Brazil install a kill switch and if you see 2 grown men on a motorcycle run.


This is where Thanos can snap the IG with the IS, but specifically these types of people.


Fucking cunt rubbish.


Why is it parked in the middle of the road?


Apple Air Tag, Samsung Smart Tag, Even a Tile Tracker...... Surprise these assholes and give them something to remember why they shouldn't do this. I use all three in a few different things.


wont work, once it goes inside a favela you will never see it back


I’ve seen a lot of videos of Brazil with 2 dudes on a motorcycle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one where said dudes were not about to steal a purse or jump somebody. So any time I see a vid with 2 dudes on a motorcycle I assume they are up to no good. How normal would this be if it weren’t a video on Reddit placed here because of what crazy crap happens in it? You live in Brazil and you see 2 dudes on a motorcycle coming your way — how concerned are you?


Can anyone explain what he does to start it? Twisting it to start?


You see the lights come on shortly after he forces the ignition with the screwdriver or whatever it is, at that point the electric start is available. Wouldn’t work on most cars due to the immobiliser, but many bikes, especially older ones, still have quite basic engineering