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Look man, what part of this are you not getting? But the food through the fence!


Just go back the way you came, where I'm pointing...behind you! They just aren't getting it. BEHIND YOU, out the door, to the left, no, no, back that way and around, then throw it through the fence...behind you! Oh god, they just don't..


When the orangutan finally realizes that they're truly the only intelligent species on earth.


Right... I think he actually shook his head around 10s in. Once he figured out how dumb we are he grabbed a tool and climed the fence to see if he get to the top of the glass window.




Every day




No, no, no... Your left....YOUR LEFT. For fucks sake, evolved species my hairy aunt


Is your aunt exceptionally hairy too then?


"Stupid ape"


Hairless apes are dumb af.. Hey, wanna throw feces at them?


And teasing him is dangerous. You'll be working for him one day... At least from a few of the movies I've seen.


And don't let the pigs see you!


"Ugh, this human isn't too bright."


Now go around the corner. Go around! DUDE, JUST GO AROUND THE CORNER!




They had a plan, a multi stage plan; then, when that didn't work, they brought a tool up to what seemed like the top of the wall between them to try to get through. That's some serious multi step thinking.


Seriously fascinating. I wanted to keep watching its behavior then the video ended short. Disappointment.


Yeah, it looked like he had a plan B that involved a stick and elevation, I wanted to see what it was...


Yep it always bugs me how human orangutans and other large primates are


Why does it 'bug' you? They're our cousins, of course they're going to have similar behaviors as us. You find that bothersome rather than fascinating? Edit: unless you mean it bugs you to see them in cages. In which case, yeah...


Yes, it’s the cages that bother me.


if there was a way to communicate, I'm betting they aren't that different from us, especially orangutans which I always saw as really intelligent


Orangutan are smarter then chimps


Looks like they are well aware of how to get out but they are there at their own pleasure..


Fucking heartbreaking.


It’s like prison.


Only difference is they tell you that there’s a reason you’re in prison


Modern day life is a prison too. It's not all that different.


Only they don't know why they are there or what they did to deserve it


Zoos were originally intended to showcase the world's animals to people who would otherwise never see them. To provide a glimpse into the diversity of life on the planet. Nowadays, we have documentaries out the wazoo that show every animal imaginable in its natural habitat. We no longer need to flock to zoos to ogle animals in cages. I don't go to zoos. I always leave feeling depressed.


I used to work at a primate sanctuary and the hardest part about leaving was the fact that I couldn't explain to the chimps that I wouldn't be there tomorrow or why.


There are *some* cases where it can be warranted to a degree, but that's more or less in the conservation area of endangered species.


People just need to stop comparing them to circuses, where they *are* abused on the regular. Most zoos worth anything are giving their animals better care than what most people get, with the animals typically living much, much longer than ones in the wild. And the animals there are rehabilitated or bred, so it's not like these guys are going out and catching wild animals to cage up (again, applies to the good zoos).


Geez if this is prison, what is it like for the 9 billion animals we factory farm yearly in the US?


true! how sad!


Yes, many zoos are also shelters and take great care of animals. But it is still sad as fuck to see a sentient animal with emotions and a personality living in a cage just because we as a species can't take care of the only f-ing planet we have.


Even the best zoos cannot replicate the complex, rich environments that animals have in the wild. Animals in zoos are deprived of the opportunity to engage in natural behaviour. Zoos often justify their existence by claiming to contribute to conservation and education, but these benefits do not outweigh the ethical costs of captivity. Moreover, many animals in zoos are not endangered, and breeding programs rarely result in reintroduction to the wild. Instead of confining animals in zoos, humans should focus on addressing the root causes of wildlife decline, such as habitat destruction, climate change, and poaching. That is what will help with conservation.


The orangutan pictured is Amber. She was born in 1987. You might recognize her from [this viral video](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/176ot2b/amber_the_orangutan_at_the_louisville_zoo_asked/) The Louisville Zoo takes great care of her It is also very important to note that Amber is old for a female orangutan, hence her slow movements.


Even the best prison is still a prison.


There are no protected areas in the native range. And it is being destroyed, often illegally, for palm oil plantations.


For orangutans zoos are more like refugee camps than prisons. Neither is ideal, but the world be like that sometimes.


Jesus, refugee camps are worse than zoos




Out in nature their natural habitat gets destroyed by hundreds of acres daily and they are hunted. Not a lot better. Most modern zoos take great care of their animals and make sure they are living as fulfilled lives as possible.


Can confirm. I do a ton of work behind the scenes for the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, all of which is directly related to animal care. Everyone there is extremely committed to the well-being of the animals and the propagation of their species. Believe it or not, the trainers/keepers at Sea World are also very caring, good hearted folks.


B-b-but Zoos are evil animal prisons created to torture animals for our pleasure!!1!1!!!1!11! ~Half the comments here


Yeahhhhh, they don't know dick about shit lol. I have huge respect for the people at all the parks here. They work hard and are not paid well, but their benefits are good.


Thanks for the reinforcements man. I’m getting killed out here!


Haha I gotchu. But don't worry about these people. They're all terminally online fake activist types. And their opinions are based on tweets most of the time lol.


I think there is an absolute need for zoo's. If done properly. They offer diversity to rare or endangered animals. The problem is the space that most zoo's can afford to put the animals in. How do you handle large space's for avian and winged animals. The only "zoo" that I absolutely will go every time I can is a place called the Wilds. I believe in their goals and their mission. But also I remember I was a poor kid but even I could have fun at the zoo on field trip. I think having exposure to kids to proper conservatism is key. Not this fly by night crap that is going on right now.


Joe Exotic and his ilk are the shitty zoos. I don't respect any of them and I really wish all of those zoos could be shut down


Oh yeah, those aren't real zoos though lol. A real zoo does actual conservation work.


Good zoos participate in a lot of conservation efforts, and are a major part of why some species aren't extinct


You're... naive. The wild isn't some beautiful place full of freedom and happiness. It isn't Disney.


It's not a prison. Stop listening to peta


Zoos are the reason why some species still fucking exist. Maybe respect them a little and direct your hate to the fuckers illegally destroying their homes instead of the people taking care of them.


There is a specie of deer called the pere david deer that you can only see in zoos now; it is extinct in the wild. They are doing their best to get the numbers back up so they can release them again. Actual good zoos do great work


Nursing home vibes


I didn’t realize this was the Louisville zoo. Always nice to see the city get some love on here.


The cutest thing I saw at the zoo was at at enclosure of monkeys. I wish I could remember what kind. A lady came up with her little kid in the stroller and the kid had one of those big buckets that they sell with a kids meal. The monkey saw the kid with the bucket and freaked out. It ran into the enclosure and came back a few minutes later with its own, dirty and beat up kids lunch bucket! It clearly wanted to trade for the newer one. It was trying to force its old bucket through the fence while reaching its arm out towards the kid to get their bucket. I must have spent a half hour trying to find someone that worked there to ask if I could buy the monkey a new bucket 🤣


Did you manage to buy a new bucket for the monkey?


I want an answer as well


Do you know who needs an answer as well? ![gif](giphy|7cTTE2Z1OmrFm|downsized)


You guys are awesome! Sorry for not answering but I explained a bit more above. I wasn’t able to get it a new bucket. One of my biggest regrets to this day.




I’m sorry, I should have answered in my post. No, unfortunately I wasn’t able to find any nearby zookeepers to see if I could get it a new bucket. It was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen though! We ended up going over to where you can buy tickets for the bus tour and asked them and they said they didn’t think they would let us get it a new bucket and the day was almost over so I couldn’t go any farther with it. I’m not going to lie though, it’s one of my biggest regrets to this day 😂 I wish so badly that I could have given it a brand new, perfect bucket, got a hug and watched it scamper away to play and show off to its friends.


They probably use the bucket as a treat puzzle so they can use sticks to get the goodies out


OP how could you leave us hanging like that damn


You know, this reminds me, one day when I went to an aviary there was this one bird who just ran up to the fence all excited. I dunno what species but it didn't seem like it could fly and it seemed smart. It was green too so idk. Anyways, it started trying to play with me. It would push a piece of paper through the fence and it kept doing that until I picked it up and pushed it back through the fence. Some employee there yelled at me for doing it and I felt so bad. The poor little guy kept looking at me and trying to push more paper through the fence. He looked so sad when I didn't do it back.


Really left him hanging


This person is a jerk. Showing a treat when they know there is no way of giving it to the Orangutan. The Orangutan is also emotionally intelligent. This is cruel.


Yep. Don't tease animals.


Thos just has me sad man.


This is fuckingamazing. Self-taught to communicate with another species, very effectively.


You have obviously not met my hungry cat.


This is not fucking amazing, this is fucking sad.


it can be both


Amazingly sad 😔


Sadly amazing 😞


At least the Atlanta zoo has only rehabilitated animals that won’t survive in the wild. Most people assume all zoos are full of animals that they just scooped out of a jungle somewhere.


For endangered animals especially (like Orangutans) zoos play a massive part in breeding and repopulating. A number of zoos are obviously shitty and have poor conditions but plenty of others have a hard focus on conservation and aren't profit led.


Half empty or half full? An orangutan made itself cross-play compatible and is it sad? I think not. This orangutan has had the chance to experience opportunities that no other orangutan will ever experience. Taste gummies that no other orangutan will ever taste. Take your pity party down the hall, that orangutan runs that yard


It’s fucking amazing to see their intelligence. But fucking sad because of the context in which they display it.


Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for.


Orangutans in particular are among the most intelligent, I believe


In Indonesia there’s a myth that Orangutans have the ability to speak, but don’t because they know humans would put them to work


They are believed to have entered their own Stone Age just two years ago! It’s fascinating because a few other species are also in their own Stone Age!


excuse me what


Yeah, latest documentation shows them inventing taxes and your mama jokes


the other apes are learning


I feel dumb.. what does this mean?


Using stone tools I would assume.


The development of the capability and knowledge to use of stone tools. Orangutans are capable of using them, and even teaching this knowledge to others, but to my understanding they have yet to see widely observed evidence of it in wild Orangutans, but three other species have also developed the capability to use stone tools.


Aw man I want him to have the gummybear. He has so little joy in life already.


I also wanted to see her get the snack. I felt better after watching [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingGeniuses/s/zZHEZ2O3Q3) where a different monkey successfully gets a few sips of soda by doing similar communication.


That's just kinda... sad.


Stupid human doesn't follow directions


It makes sense why the orangutan thinks this human can just deliver it since it sees the zookeepers walking beyond the fence so why can't this human


Optimus cesar was right.


This seems cruel.


I hate how we treat animals.


Zoos are one of the biggest contributors to the conservation of animals. Yes, not every zoo is perfect and it can look cruel, but a lot of animals kept in zoos are there for reasons. In my understanding, zoos will reintroduce animals back into the wild when capable. However, most animals raised in zoos can't be reintroduced as they'd simply die. Further, zoos have ancillary benefits in terms of just pure education for the general public. The more we know and inspire ppl to see and care about these animals, the more we can push for conservation efforts. Little Timmy won't care about the plight of an orangutan, but he may grow up remembering them and be inspired to do something later or vote for policies that better support conservation. It's good to care about animals and want them treated well, but don't be like PETA. Conflating every interaction humans have with animals with some evil attempt to uproot everything in nature. Again, not every zoo is perfect, but we shouldn't make zoos out as a menace to animal populations either.


Thank you, things can seem cruel but ultimately be beneficial. From an outside perspective they can seem awful


People tend to anthropomorphize animals too much, as well. No, the gorilla sitting in a corner digging in the grass isn't depressed, she's likely just chilling and conserving energy like a wild animal would do instead of using up all her calories worrying about if a leopard's going to chew her face off at any given moment.


Not to mention that several wild populations of animals that have been decimated by humans in the wild have had their gene pool boosted by zoo specimens. For example, wild bison in the US had mixed so much with cattle that they were almost a different, hybrid species. The Bronx Zoo had a herd from early in the westward expansion phase of American history and was used to help fortify the natural stock.


Thank you! This thread is a circle jerk of morons patting themselves on the back


Too intelligent to be kept in a small space


Too intelligent to be kept.


Now get out of my cubicle


What? Protecting them from poachers and lumber and palm oil companies who kill thousands every year of the mere estimated 50,000 in the wild?


For real. Give him a fucking fruit snack already.


She is genuinely smarter than 75% of the people I deal with daily.


Agreed and I work at a university.


He thinks that person is an idiot




This makes me sad.


Why is this so sad to me?


I fucking hate zoos


Yeah sure, taunt the poor thing.


The way he fluttered his finger in the beginning and his face. Gosh they're so close to us.


They are so smart. Our kinship is obvious to anyone who’s not blinded by religious dogma


I hate that they are on display in cages




i am just hoping that the person did not ate the snack while the hopeless orangutan is watching.


So sad to keep something so smart locked up in a cage.


Those beings should not be imprisoned for entertainment, and people shouldn't pay the prisons to keep them there.


Poor thing is in prison


Idk why but im feeling sad just watching this


Rather than contribute to the drama of the pros and cons of zoos, I'll stay on topic: It's interesting af how well this orangutan communicates! Makes me wish I could spend the day with her simply communicating back and forth.


I hope he gets a snack now


that's messed up... poor dude trying to tell u to go around :P


Interesting? Kinda sad really,give em some snacks!


These creatures are the closest thing to “human intelligence” in the animal kingdom. I think they could evolve to speak within the next 1000 years and it wouldn’t surprise me


Octopus is the smartest animal in the animal kingdom


He’s thinking “Why is this hooman so stupid?”


I can’t watch primates in these kinds of places. That’s too much like a human to have in a zoo.


just give the monkey some candy, he earned it


Guess we’ve got the wrong primate in the enclosure then. Ok.


It's exactly what I look like trying to communicate with someone who speaks a different language.


This is the most frustrating thing to watch. Fuck this guy.


if you upvoted and encouraged this , know there will be a balance


Even if I would have went to jail bro would have gotten it


Poor guy


Poor monkey :(


Give the damn ‘tan some snacks man.


I'm so saddened in the first place, but so scared if we as humans ever end up being like 1% less smart than the next thing, this could be us in a few years with AI growing at this speed. These creatures clearly understand and comunicate, but there is no space for them next to humans except in prisons called zoos...so sad soooo so sad


What a cool animal!


Horrible that these things are locked up. Bro has a brain on him.


Go around. I cannot open the wall.


I would do anything in my power to get the snack through that fence. Rip harambe


Poor animal, ashamed we have to steal them and then fence them in


i’d feel so bad that i couldn’t give him a snack


Tried this in Copenhagen ZOO 30 years ago during a university project about group structure amongst chimpanzees. We spent almost a full week observing the chimps and they got used to us being there. One day, an older chimp gestured that I should throw my ice cream over the plexiglass fence and mimed catching and eating it. It tried again and again - by looking me directly into the eyes and going through the sequence of motions several times, a bit more slow each time. And it was visibly sad when I didn’t comply. True story. I felt really bad about disappointing the dude - but knew we would be in *really* bad standing with the ZOO if caught feeding the chimps. But I did not eat ice cream or other snacks in there afterwards.


Man feel sad for that thing.


Smarter than some people I’ve come across.. scary.


This made me so sad.


I hate zoos


Looks a lot like Asmongold


Am I the only one that gets incredibly angry, when seeing highly intelligent animals being locked up for humans entertainment? My hearth breaks looking at this :(


Pointing and trying to make itself clear with physical ques, such high intelligence.


Fuck zoos


This just makes me sad...


Dude...that is AWESOME! And since he's so intelligent, I feel even more sorry for him.




Ah man this is a bummer that she can't get the snack. I did some reading on Orangutans recently and they apparently have an IQ something like 70-90 or something like that, with a human being an average of 95 or 100. That's just so crazy to me. We could probably hang out with these guys and watch a game over a few beers and some burgers and pizza.


I also wanted to see her get the snack. I felt better after watching [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingGeniuses/s/zZHEZ2O3Q3) where a different monkey successfully gets a few sips of soda by doing similar communication.


Listen I get they’re relatively very smart, but if Orangutans had an IQ of 90 that would mean the average orangutan was smarter than 1 in 4 humans by the standards of a test made for humans. So in other words this is complete made up bullshit


i hate the banal anti-zoo takes here


but also don't taunt the animal, lol. Filmer is an asshole.


Fuck this guy showing a treat He should be in the zoo for us to have fun


This is less interesting and more depressing


How are we still questioning if they are intelligent?


The more of these videos that I see, the more I feel like we shouldn’t be locking primates up…


It's almost child like reasoning and communication, it's cruel to hold such intelligent creatures in captivity


I fucking hate this so much. I hate seeing these creatures locked up. :(


More like sad af


Holy crap, just give him the candy!! Find a damn way! Sheesh.


this is sad


What is it that's so sad about animals in captivity? Oh yeah, the captivity! Goddamn, it's depressing.


Poor fella.


Nah fuck anyone who tries to feed the zoo animals an orangutan died in my city's zoo because some asshole fed it something it shouldn't eat


Orangutans are so intelligent, that soon they will start to talk, they just need that extra evolution in there brain


I really feel as if there is a way to pass the candy to him, the human is just too dumb. Like, some very narrow opening in the wall. And when he grabs the stick, that's gonna be what he uses to fish it out through a tiny opening on his side. seriously, I think this ape knows something.


I don't mean this to be cruel in any way. I'll get blasted, no matter what. I imagine this is somewhat how very mentally disabled humans perceive things. They can make some connections, deduce some things, but, too often, they cannot connect all the dots. They know there's an image but they cannot quite work out what it is. I once read there is a point where such individuals know they're different but do not understand how, or why, and that is why anger sometimes expresses, it's frustration at not knowing. On a lesser level, I wonder if primates in captivity experience something like that?


mah hart. mah sole.


Wow, how intelligent is this orangutan


That finger wag like the old guy trying to point something out 😂


The slower point because he thinks the person is just dumb and can't follow directions xD


Quit teasing the poor animal. You know you’re not gonna give it him.


I’d want those Motts too if I were her


Very sad


How sad 😢


It’s actually beautiful how smart and kind Orangoutangs are.


That Orangutan was definitely thinking ''this stupid human can't even follow simple instructions''.


I hope he got his snack if not this shit was just mean. Neat he knew how to fix the issue though.


I know giving animals human food is a dick move, but I would totally do my monkey bro a solid in this case.


damn, that's mean. looks like it really wants that treat.


Why are we imprisoning them?