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"Have you ever seen a fat 90 year old?" really gave me pause. I've only known two people that got to 90. One was clean living and walking the hills every day, the other smoked unfiltered cigarettes and snuck vodka into a high school graduation when she was like 80.


My family says my great grandma actually died at 90 but the handle of gin she drank consistently pickled her so she just kept going till 94.


My great great grandmother was 103.. I never met her but have seen pictures and she still didn’t look as bad as you would think someone 100 years old would be.. honestly don’t know her drinking habits or health habits but she was definitely not overweight


My grand mom is a fat 90 year old. But she’s not active at all.. she’s merely surviving and has to be moved around everywhere.


Yeah thats also a factor, fat 90 year olds can rarely function normal... so you dont see them outside.


Yeah, i saw really old people (85 or more) smoking and drinking (especially vodka, russian girlfriend, those are just different people), but i never saw an overweight 90 year old. Seems like being overweight is at least as bad if not more bad as drinking and smoking. But it depends how much you smoke and drink and how healthy you are in general.


Sorry but there is a much simpler answer to this which is that old people get thinner. Honestly this whole bit in typical bill mahar fashion is poorly thought out, nobody is rewriting science, we are just trying ti be less hard on each other for being unattractive


Being obese is obviously and logically unattractive, you look worse and unhealthy for everyone on earth.


No, people don't just become thinner. Especially old, overweight people who really can't exercise anymore. You don't see them because they're either already dead, or they're uncapable of leaving the house. It's not a matter of being attractive or not. It's a health matter. Even if you think someone being obese doesn't affect you, it most certainly does, cause your taxes are paying their hospital bills, instead of paying for infrastructure, for example. This summer I was truly staggered. I usually go to remote beaches but couple of times I went on popular beaches. I swear it's become modern to be fat. Large-ish beach, at least 200 people, I have not managed to find a single slim or fit person. I have, however seen people who required help to get up from the towel. How can we think needing help to get up at 30 or 40 years old is healthy??? How can we tolerate people needing to roll over before they can get up??? This body positivity movement is flawed and it's bad for our society. We shouldn't support people harming themselves just to be nice. If we want to be nice we should sit them down and help them overcome their issues. Not tell them to eat more!


Everyone I know who lived to 90 did go through a fat phase around ages 50-80. And in the last stage of life, they dropped it. Maybe not necessarily unhealthy to be fat during that time. If you get cancer, you won’t waste away as many thin do. My dad in 60’s has it now and lost 40lbs but he had it to lose. I think the problem is more fat in kids through 30’s. I’ve only recently known people like this so will be interesting to see how their later years play out.


Tbf they naturally lose weight. A normal 90 year old is like 80 pounds so a fat one doesn’t seem fat to us. Idk, but I think that needs to be taken account for.


My opinion on this is simple: If you wanna be fat, be fat. That's fine. You're allowed to be fat if you want to, and I have no issue with that. It's your health, and if you prefer to sacrifice health for pleasure, go for it. It's your body and your life. That said, don't pretend that it's healthy. Don't lie to other people and try to convince them that it's healthy, and don't encourage people that are concerned about their own health to eat poorly and get fat if that's ultimately not what they want.


I have a bit of a problem when you are from a country with public health... Other peoples' obviously poor choices effect those who aren't making the same problematic choices. We have sin tax for items like cigarettes and alcohol; this offsets some of the problem I suppose, but I find it hard to be 100% to be in the "you do you" camp when it is a problem other people have to deal with through higher health care costs or longer wait periods.


It’s doesn’t have to be public health. Premiums from private insurance are a function of cost, and paid by everyone. In practice though it’s healthy people who don’t use their insurance that funds the healthcare of unhealthy people all the same.


There are some areas where people who choose to live unhealthy must pay more with private insurance. Smoking for example, people who do not declare themselves as non-smokers (annually) are subject to higher rates. Obesity seems like a candidate for this same type of scrutiny in the future.


Nope. Obama's affordable care act banned insurers from considering anything other than smoking status and zip code for premiums. Absolutely weight should be considered. Edit: also age can be considered. Just those factors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5589079/


Never said that. Insurance cannot exist without the majority of people who pay into it, being people who rarely need it


I live in a country with a decent public health system. We don't have any real obesity problem to talk about (a really overweight person here wouldn't raise an eyebrow in USA). Perhaps a working public health system helps preventing obesity, thus reducing the costs for health care?


>Other peoples' obviously poor choices effect those who aren't making the same problematic choices. I understand this logic but the problem is that we could monitor/regulate people’s behavior in literally infinite ways (e.g., time in sun to decrease skin cancer odds, alcoholic drinks per day, calories per day, implanting certain birth control to lessen chance of possible abortion need, not letting people drive unless can prove x hours of sleep that night, not owning pets because could get dog bite, toxoplasmosis, skin rashes, etc.


If there's demonstrable evidence that being overweight puts a bigger strain on the healthcare system (which there is) then I'm not opposed to the idea of people beyond a certain level of obesity having to pay more taxes towards healthcare, honestly. I say this as someone who - while not obese - is overweight enough that it impacts my health. I am currently working hard to rectify that situation, but I can also acknowledge that it's my own fault that I got here.


I dont know, i find the idea of the government weighing you etc, to determine your taxes a bit iffy, even though i do agree with the main point


The government doesn't really have to weigh you. Prior to getting health insurance, you get a physical. The doctor records your health risks, such as whether or not you're a smoker, how physically active you are, whether or not you're obese, and so on, and then that's used to determine whether or not you pay more in taxes for healthcare. If you choose to be obese, or you choose to smoke, or you choose to sit around doing nothing all day, or you like to go BASE jumping three times a week, then you pay more. Now, if your increased risks aren't your fault, that's different. If you're obese because a doctor has confirmed you have a hormone problem, or you're increased risk because you have a disease that severely limits your mobility, that's not something you should be penalized for, but ***most*** obese people are 100% at fault for their own obesity.


Fine, but only if we do it for everyone who unduly strain the system. Smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, drivers, swingers, frequent fliers, people who do not vaccinate, people who do not cover their mouths when they cough, people with rage issues, people who do not exercise, people who over-exercise, pet owners, pets themselves, people who put stuff up their butt out of boredom. I think that's everyone. Edit: Wait, I missed a couple. People who don't use condoms, people who live adjacent to industrial areas, professional athletes, people who listen to loud music, gamblers, construction workers, skaters, people who don't wear helmets, soldiers, cops, criminals, Amazon workers, people who don't chew their food, people who climb trees, people who loiter below trees, people who chop down trees - let's just avoid trees guys, they are fucking killers.


Can you explain why you think obesity isn't a healthcare issue that should be covered by healthcare? Do you only cry about people who are obese or is there like a cluster of health issues you don't think should qualify or do you whine about anyone who has any health issue that requires them to burden your healthcare system?


What an incredibly luxurious life you must live to sit around and worry for the insurance companies. Wow.


who said anything about insurance companies?


You said it perfectly. If you want to be fat, then that’s fine. But don’t pretend like you’re just as healthy fat as I’m shape because that’s just factually inaccurate


Agreed. People are looking for a rosy outcome these days. You be you and that's for the best. When really things are often gray. Some positives (donuts, beer and ice ream) and some negatives (obesity). Or some positives (healthy weight) and some negatives (less fun food). Some people are luckier and can strike friendlier balances than others. I'm not in that category.


The thing I found most disingenuous about this whole segment is that he opens it up doing the typical right wing attack on "science" and claims that "science" is saying that being fat is healthy. I used to be a fan of Real Time and would watch it almost every week and I was the same with the Joe Rogan Experience, but by now it's clear to everyone that both Bill and Joe have kind of drifted to the right on some baffling issues. At no point in the segment does he back up the assertion that "science" is promoting or celebrating being fat. He tries to show a couple of quotes that are wildly out of context about how science hasn't "solved" obesity and does the typical boomer schtick of "it's common sense, what do we need scientists for". The reality is that he just doesn't even understand what he's quoting and the questions they are asking and the problems they are trying to solve, and it's just unfortunate he's on TV in front of such a large audience preaching this ignorance. Like you said, it's just your opinion that it's pointless to constantly try to shame and denigrate fat people. Many people share that opinion, and acceptance is growing as people realize that being mean to each other doesn't solve most problems, and obesity is one of the problems that it typically doesn't solve. For some reason the idea that we shouldn't be mean to each other makes boomers, including Bill Maher apparently, upset. Edited to include some actual "science says"... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6565398/


Boomer here. When I was growing up there weren’t really many fat kids. We all did the LBJ presidential fitness test in gym class every year. Kids played outside, there was no such thing as video games, and daytime tv was three channels with soap operas. Those few kids who were fat got shamed mercilessly. Which brings me to my point. There is no shame anymore. Everything is all good. It’s everywhere from the school yards to the corridors of power. We need a little shame in this country. To paraphrase Gordon Gecko, shame is good.


Bro don’t even worry, shame will never die. If you think that people have just stopped being rude to other people based off of appearances you really don’t understand people.


Exactly, the way boomers talk with absolutism is crazy to me. They think just because it’s not their experience anymore that it doesn’t happen. It’s some crazy narcissistic shit.




I mean I somewhat agree but at the same time talking with such certainty is crazy. There are multiple root causes, not just because we don’t shame people anymore. Let’s talk about how generations who were in power developed food which is both cheap to produce and high in caloric count. Did you not think about this aspect when writing this?


Yeah I agree. I'm not saying we should mercilessly shame people into oblivion, but I think a bit is healthy, it keeps people "accountable", kinda thing. That goes for a lot of things these days, like for example "harden up". We're not allowed to say that anymore because it's "ok to be soft". And to a degree I agree with that too, but once again I think there is merit in everyone having a certain amount of "hardness" or "mental fortitude" (I don't know if that's the right term, but you know what I mean) The other day I commented on a persons photos, saying they were just average photos (which they were, just plain old snapshots). Boy oh boy, that person got so offended, started calling me names and all sorts of stuff. All because of an innocent and very factual comment. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.


We all lay for the obese population extra healthcare costs which are in the billions.


Healthy? I think experiencing joy comes into play as an exhibition of healthy and if feeling awful all the time about the way you look compromises that, then healthy may not be contingent or your weight and physical health. Admittedly physical health has a big impact on mental health, well being, and perception. I’ve been miserable for years because I was gaining weight and have not had the motivation to exercise regularly, but the first time I’ve experienced joy over (possibly the last decade) was when I accepted that I can enjoy my life if I’m “overweight” and I don’t need to harass myself constantly for not having the motivation to exercise regularly. I probably won’t live to be 90, but do I eve want to?


He has a point but if you want to compare obesity rates now vs 50 years ago let’s also talk about how access to cheap, non-nutritional foods has increased whereas access to healthy food has become more expensive and exclusive. And when you have to work two jobs to put food on the table you can’t grow your own. People without money suffer the most. Look at who is obese.


Not to mention food deserts and underserved communities


In poor countries , salad is cheap but MCDonald is unaffordable.


I live in Western Europe and McDonald's is more expensive than healthy food here too. I traveled to the US a few times and one of my most sticky impressions was actually how incredible cheap fast food was compared to healthy food. This can never be sustainable, and there is obviously something severely wrong with the US food culture/industry.


Thank you. We’ve been sold addicting junk food by companies that took the same pages from the tobacco companies for years. Sugary cereals are part of this complete breakfast and marketed by cute cartoons?!? Fuck that in the neck. We held the tobacco companies culpable for getting people addicted to nicotine until it killed them, where’s the same lawsuits against companies that have spent millions in labs to make chips the perfect amount of crunchiness to trick our brains into getting us addicted. To some extent everyone is a slave to their brain chemistry and these assholes took advantage of it to get rich. I’m not saying we don’t deserve some responsibility, caveat emptor, but still, fuck them.


There's a really good You're Wrong About podcast episode on the obesity epidemic that addresses some of this: https://open.spotify.com/episode/30so0nujpFwcFcOyDHw6Nc


I personally thing that is a cop out. There are many cheap grocery stores that you can buy healthy foods, like Aldi's for instance. Someone hit the nail on the head in another comment. (I am not saying you particularly OP) but the people who use 'healthy food is too expensive' spend triple at fast food every day/week. If you can't afford vegetables and fruit, than at least take a walk a day.


Yeah I have a very healthy diet and spend about $35 dollars a week on food. Takes some time and effort to cook but really not very much.


> Yeah I have a very healthy diet and spend about $35 dollars a week on food. Takes some time and effort to cook but really not very much. It would be useful if you would provide the specifics of your $35 grocery list. I would _love_ to reduce my grocery shopping to $35/week, and I'm a decent cook, so I'm thinking I could work with the ingredients if you can. Tell me what to buy, and how much, please. I have inoperable (finance, circumstances) double abdominal hernias, so diet is my only road to a healthy weight range.


I shop at Aldi primarily and also spend about $30-$35 a week on my groceries. I do intermittent fasting, too. I eat a lot of eggs because they’re a cheap protein and can be used in so many ways. I also buy a box of salad greens, a cucumber or two, cheese, hummus, a bag of carrots, sometimes olives or nuts. I always have a jar of peanut butter and a bag of rice cakes in the pantry. I make my own iced tea.


Thank you.


I buy a big bag of rice, then various veggies like carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, and spinach which I can get a lot of for cheap. Sometimes I'll get some protein like chicken, and I just make big batches of stir fry, soup, or curry. Occasionally I have to shell out some extra for spices, cooking oil, etc. But that stuff tends to last quite awhile. For quick snacks I buy bananas, apples, oranges, or other cheap fruits. I buy one big jar of peanut butter to get the extra fat and protein and just eat a few spoonfulls at a time. It's pretty basic but it seems to cover my nutritional needs pretty well, as I'm active and tend to have a pretty steady supply of energy. Edit: also, I'm not sure how much food prices shift by area, but I live in SE USA. My shopping list might be quite a bit higher in other places


I'll see what I can do. Thank you.


You lost 90% of Reddit with "Takes some time and effort."


Nah a lot of people just don’t have cheap food near them. I’d love to eat healthier, it’s what I grew up eating and it tastes better. But I can barely afford KD. A nice meal is something I have to save money for and enjoy occasionally


Or, you know, maybe have a pb&j and an apple for lunch with water to wash it down, instead of some fucking super-sized McDonald's meal. Pretty sure everyone has access to those ingredients, and they're probably cheaper. This isn't some crazy difficult thing.


You can also get fat on pb&j. Just because it isn't considered "unhealthy" doesn't mean it doesn't contain calories.


All food contains calories. No one said you should eat two or three of them in a sitting. One pb&j and one apple has a fraction of the calories of a McDonald's meal, and it's all you need.


My point is that losing weight isn't as simple as "Eat a pb&j and an apple dummy". Shaming people for making poor decisions doesn't do more than making yourself feel better. Personally, I feel like what would actually make a change is educating people on what actually allows people to lose weight: burning more calories than you take in. Every person that I spoke to that said that they want to lose weight has had some kind of incorrect theory about what is needed to lose weight. One of those incorrect theories is "eat more fruits", eating MORE of anything doesn't help. Your entire diet needs to change to intake less calories over an extended time.


Yes, and considering that a pb&j and an apple for lunch has a fraction of the calories of a McDonald's meal, nothing I said runs counter to that. You know what I see a lot of fat people doing? Drinking soda. It doesn't require a degree in nutrition to know that you should be drinking water instead. Most of it is plain old common sense. If you're not able to burn more calories than you're taking in, then you should be taking in less calories. It's not rocket science. People should eat to live, not live to eat.


I'm not from America, but if you watch videos on Americans going abroad for a year, many of them will say they lost 40 pounds, without changing diet, and actually got sick when they got home and regained weight, even trying to keep an active life. Simply cause ie bread in the states has 7 times the amount of sugar than legal in other countries. -That fucks not just you blood sugar levels, but also all hormone balances in your body, sending hunger signals to your brain at all hours of the day. -I think the main culprit is the food industry, and access to cheap healthy, and yeah, even easy processed foods. Processed doesn't need to be 900% worse in the states than in other countries. We get microwave meals here too.


I’ve tried this, and one thing I noticed is I quit eating quicker because PBJs taste okay, but they aren’t like McDonald’s where I want to keep eating even when I’m full.


Yes, which is great.


Exactly it takes a little bit of effort, not even much. It's really easy and cheap to prepare simple healthy food. There's no excuse, folks are just damn lazy.


Well, that says a lot about the "body positivity" movement. Instead of attacking the cause, we normalize the symptom. As we do in pretty much all of these social issues popping up.


I'm all for the statement of "We need to stop comparing inner beauty to health" cause that's fine. If you want to say your beautiful when obese do so, but don't say you are not obese. I think the definitions of "obese" were set a long time ago for different health standards and probably need reassessment but you still sit somewhere on the "poor health" scale. However, this video is just full of really poorly constructed (or specifically well constructed) statements. I might be able to agree that "Nike" is about Fitness but you push that too far with Victoria's Secret. "No one said you did" with regards to flat stomachs is BS cause it was said for decades because of the beauty industry lead by the "Fitness" company's, a big one being Victoria's Secret. This is one valid topic wrapped up in things designed to put the blame solely on the "young generation" for being fat and not analyzing the systems or cultures that created it in the first place.


Not only that, but why are there so many food allergies and food intolerances? What are they putting in our food? My baby was born with diary and soy intolerances. Want to know what soy is in? Literally everything. Bread, pastas, sauces, even gum! Why is our food so laced with processed garbage? The government has been controlling the food with subsidies for decades.


The rise in obesity and diabetes type II coincided with the development and marketing of so-called "vegetable" oils. There is no such thing. They are seed oils. i.e, corn oil, canola oil, etc. When they're hydrogenated, transfats are created, and to the human body, transfats are a foreign substance that can't be broken down and contain no nutrients. They cause insulin resistance which leads to diabetes type II. But it's a multi-billion dollar industry, so it's in virtually everything. You're right about the subsidies responsible for the over-abundance of some crops, but vegetable oils are the most pervasive food-additive poison there is, and the industry is just a cash cow. Money talks. Almost everyone will tell you the oils are healthy, even the American Heart Association. WHO and the FDA are working to ban them from processed foods, which is surprising, but that will take years. I have a simple rule. I don't buy any food product with more than three ingredients, and no products with transfats.


I feel that another critical point of distinction here is that fat is not inert, it is active. Your body adds 5 miles of blood vessels per pound of fat. If you are 10 pounds overweight, your body has added roughly 50 miles of arteries to support that fat. This causes blood pressure to rise. If your heart beats 100,000 times a day, that means your heart has pushed blood through 500,000 miles of arteries in a day. sauce: [https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-fat-is-not-inert/#:\~:text=And%20extra%20fat%20makes%20your,Kopecky](https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-fat-is-not-inert/#:~:text=And%20extra%20fat%20makes%20your,Kopecky).


Upvoted for including a source


Who benefits from us over eating?


Corperations. You have to pay to get food


Pharmaceutical companies for example insulin, weight loss doctor's and surgeries, plastic surgeons, the exercise industry, weight loss products like weight loss foods and supplements. Anything that claims to help you loose weight and be more healthy.


Cant upvote this comment enough... the food industry designs foods to be addictive and to hit all the pleasure buttons possible in the human brain... added salt, sugar and fat are common buttons. And some trigger the same reward system in the brain as heroin. Whose making a profit? Follow the money.


Any capitalist society, have you never seen an advertisement for a cheeseburger, a drink or sweets and fancied a sample?




“You think cake wasn’t delicious in 1969?” If you wanted cake in 1969, you had to get out your ingredients and your blender and get busy. You had to put some time and effort into it. You want cake today, Uber eats will bring it to you. No time, no effort, so easy. We have atrocious diets in this country, and that brings horrid medical outcomes. We have far too much crap in the grocery stores. We have the Grocery Manufacturers Association. We aren’t supposed to be manufacturing food, we are supposed to be growing it. Too much sugar, too much sodium and too much refined crap.


I agree with your point, but I think making cake in a blender is not an ideal strategy


You fully just caused me to Homer Simpson drool thinking "mmm drinkable cake..."


*Since 2003, researchers at the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) have been conducting a still-ongoing study — referred to as "The 90+ Study" — to gain greater insight into the role of lifestyle, diet, health, and other factors play in longevity.* *While their stated goal was understanding what allows people to live to age 90 and beyond, their findings uncovered surprising information about longevity among fat people.* *Over the course of their in-depth look at the lifespan of more than 1,600 people belonging to the generation the team calls "the oldest old," one particularly surprising finding emerged.* *People who were overweight in their 70s lived longer than people who were normal or underweight.”* https://www.yourtango.com/2018311896/study-overweight-people-longer-life-expectancy


The Maintenance Phase podcast had a great insight into this. Once you get older, if you have a little padding on your body, bone-breaking falls can be far less severe, which is a very common cause of death for seniors.


100% And I seem to recall Michelle Obama trying to put forth the initiative to get folks healthy, and Republican pundits, particularly Rush Lard Ass Limbaugh, shitting all over her for it.


Exactly, and her message was eat healthy and exercise, but the big corporations made her drop the eat healthy part, which is the most important. Fit healthy people don't make them money, and capitalism will always choose money over the wellbeing of people.


As a relatively fit (I play football weekly, and have recently started the gym), but clinically obese dude, I feel this is spot on. Yes, I can keep up with my peers at football, but I make the most of my skill in short bursts, which kills me for the rest of the week. If you CHOOSE to be obese, fine. Just don't whinge when people say it's a lifestyle choice. It 100% is. Move more. Eat less. You WILL lose weight. It's simple arithmetic. If you work off more calories than you take on, you will lose weight. The information is out there, to make the change. And before anyone comes at me as a clinically obese person; it's got to the point where it affects my mobility slightly, so I WAS a lazy, fat prick, but it hurts to move now. Don't leave it too late to make the change.


I think your exemption to the general rule in the sense that generally most obese people do not lead the same physical lifestyle to you. In my opinion Being obese due to in-activity and being a relatively healthy “obese” person are from completely different states of being. I wish you all the best from Ireland ☘️


Respect to you, keep on going to the gym and playing football. You’ll do just fine losing weight


Can't stand him but he isn't wrong 🤷 Just look at the huge increase in diabetes in the US and UK, if that doesn't make you realise there's an issue I don't know what will People can do as they wish, its their choice but the sad part is they pass these habits onto their children which is going to cause serious health conditions as they grow older and glorify it.


He has a point


His biggest lie by omission is not mentioning the fact that US food regulation is so bad that access to nutrition without loads of needless calories is a luxury. Our food is *making* us fatter even though people aren't eating much more than decades ago. Things like food deserts exist especially in marginalized communities where there's nothing but junk food and bread with so much sugar content due to the high fructose corn syrup filler and preservatives like palm oil and such that it's considered cake in other countries. Someone asks for a small drink at a fast food place because they work so much to barely afford rent, they get a fucking 24 ounce cup of a drink with enough sugar content to satisfy two days in a regular diet. This is *beyond* a personal responsibility issue. What is in our food and what foods are available to people, especially marginalized groups who are trapped in these neighborhoods with no chance of upward mobility or escape from poverty is the direct fault of companies doing what companies do, which is make the world worse for money.


Here in Australia MacDonalds was forced to call their burger buns "buns" because they are closer to a confectionery bun than bread. So much sugar. Same went for Hungry Jacks (Burger King).


But why blame government when we can blame the fatties and their woke agenda. Fucking edge lord Bill Maher 🙄🥱


Several good ones


Well if the US stopped putting all kinds shit in the food and stop making so much processed food also, that would solve a lot of issues right there


Can people be responsible for anything?


That would be an interesting ask Reddit question




Of course, I’m not making excuses here for ppl. Just stating a bit of fact that America would rather keep ppl unhealthy to capitalize on getting them “better”


People need take responsibility


Support companies that don’t. Only reason they do it is because people like it and keep buying it.


I like who I am but still recognize the need for improvement. It’s like any other issue that impacts your health and wellness. You don’t have to hate yourself for having a problem. But you do have to recognize that it is a problem, and hopefully take the next step and work on that problem.




Exactly. His take on the issue isn't wrong, it's just needlessly oblique. Blaming individuals and praying upon a star that they make better choices *in spite of their circumstances* is a losing strategy every time. Not to mention, the sugar industry peddling false diet science to get more people addicted to sugar is pretty well documented at this point. I don't believe Bill Maher is that naive, which says to me that he's being intentionally specious.


I’m fat. I definitely don’t celebrate it. And when my wife says it‘s fine it pisses me off even more. I have zero problem with what he’s saying. Being fat is both dangerous and incredibly debilitating.


I’m not trying to come at you, but why not do something about it? Odds are cutting out just one calorie dense thing that you over consume will yield results. Don’t wait, take control now.


Man, I wish I could see through how simple it is. I know how simple it is. Up until three years ago I was always in relatively decent shape. Beginning to unpack why I’m having such a hard time would require a bit of therapy and is way too complicated and murky to unpack in the comments of Reddit. I have a lot of demons, which manifest in a number of ways.


The first step is being honest with your self reflection, and you've done that. Next is taking the steps to therapy and healthier living, including your mental health too sir. Take 1 step at a time mate. I hope the best for you.


I don't disagree with him at all but I think he missed a certain aspect of the problem. A major part of this is the profits corporations are making selling the types of foods that are contributing to the obesity epidemic. It's more and more widely acknowledged as a national security risk so why not heavily tax all the profit made from all the junk food everywhere the way cigarettes are taxed? I agree the fundamental problem is with the individual. I'm not saying cake wasn't as delicious in 1969 but was all that shit marketed and made cheap and available in quantities the way it is now? The corporations are a huge part of this problem.


I understand what you're saying, but why exactly aren't we holding the individual accountable for their actions?


I agree the fundamental problem is with the individual.


It’s really a sign of success. We’re too good at growing, producing, and marketing food.


It's a sign of *excess* There is nothing successful about making billions selling mega-cheap low-nutrient poison full of addictive sugars while food that actually nourishes people and has an amount of calories that someone 60 years ago would recognize are becoming harder to access.


I'm naive. I've never heard a person talk about body positivity that didn't also have a wish for obesity reduction. And I've heard very few of those as well. I don't know many truly obese people though, so maybe that shelters me.


Anyone with a functional brainstem knows what he just said. I’m glad he said it.


He generally speaks the truth regardless. Ends up being hated by both “sides.” Honesty is no longer valued, parroting the groupthink of your side is.


He overdoes things too often, with more harm than good as the result. His shaming and cherry-picking helps break down the discourse, and keeps the echo chambers going strong. He does have good points from time to time, but the show lacks nuance and feeds into the political hate. I stopped watching him and all the other talk show hosts years ago - it has gone too far.


Yeah. It’s a hard world to live in for critical thinkers.


I mean, Bill Mahar is not exactly someone I'd call a "critical thinker".


I watch his show pretty frequently, and he kinda is sometimes and kinda isn’t other times. His strength lies in the fact that he can ask good questions, and can get good guests on his show As for bill himself, His political takes are generally pretty good, and has some pretty insightful views on global and American politics. It’s his area of expertise and it shows His social commentary is kinda whack half the time though. Complains about how old people aren’t taken seriously and are dismissed all the time, then has entire segments on how young kids don’t know anything ever, with zero sense of irony. Same thing with some of his views on science, the man knows very little but thinks he has it all figured out so he winds up saying some dumb shit. The obese part here is fine, but his take on covid is often statistically just wrong. Still highly recommend the panel portion of his show tho


I gained a lot of weight during Covid (from 180lbs to 220lbs / 34M). My friends in my age group are all really accepting people and have always said I look great over the last few years, until my much older friend Dave told me I was starting to look fat in the face and needed to sort my shit out. Thanks to his brutal honesty I’m now making the effort to slim back down and feel so much better for it.


The example of nike doesn't apply, I think they're showing the effort of some people to get better, which is the entire topic of this video


I always say that I would like to have Bill Maher’s job one day. Mostly so he no longer has a job. I’m not entirely sure if it’s ironic that they used him on a Family Guy segment where Brian gets called out for being a phony, because he is basically Brian Griffin’s supposed ideology condensed into a human self-absorbed douchenozzle who thinks he’s the most important thing in social commentary since Walter fucking Cronkite. Maher is basically the smuggest asshole talk show host in the business right now, and has been so for decades. Refuses to back down on anything, refuses to admit he might be wrong, refuses to let his guests make any point that counters his own agenda and if they do he doesn’t know how to react and resorts to cheap insults or just ignoring them. The man is an arrogant piece of shit and I cannot believe his career has been this long based solely on his “comedy”/“satirical” style.


If only he weren't a self righteous prick; so far up his own ass he gets 2 meals every time he eats.


I wish people understood obesity more. Everyone knows obesity is not healthy. Many people are biologically predisposed to it. It’s really hard to exercise and diet against your biology. Not to mention mental health issues wrapped up in overeating. Then you have society marketing to people to eat processed, high fat foods or you’re missing out. Then drive everywhere because nothing is walkable outside of cities. You make fun of people for not having self control or willpower but it’s more complicated than that. I wish people had more compassion towards people with weight issues like we do for those who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions. I also don’t think there is fat pride, people are just trying to be comfortable in their bodies. We wear our issues on our body, visible for everyone to see and we’re sick of being treated like garbage.


Don't forget people with chronic conditions like chronic pain who can not exercise or can't exercise effectively to loose weight.


It’s a misconception that exercise is the key to losing weight — even for active people its 80% diet


They can still refrain from opening their mouths. And that's where most weight loss comes from, diet.


Bullshit. Many people are not biologically predisposed to it, that is a complete lie. A tiny and I mean less than 1% of the entire population is predisposed an absolutely infinitesimal number of people. The number of obese and morbidly obese people today does not in any way reflect biologically predisposed folks. Agreed it's more an addiction than anything else and those effected should seek help. But do not expect the rest of us to sit by and cheer you as you waddle down the street slurping a fucking coke.




I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong. You can get a 5 pound bag of potatoes for $3 and they're one of the healthiest things you can put in your body (as long as you don't put anything on them). A two pound bag of carrots can be had for $2 and cabbage is so cheap they practically stuff it in your cart as you try to leave. Eating healthy is actually pretty cheap, it just doesn't taste good. There's good reason for that tho. Our bodies evolved for hundreds of thousands of years in an environment where starvation was the most common cause of death. We're practically programmed to seek out foods that are dense in calories. If a caveman had come across a bacon triple cheeseburger it would have tasted like winning. That guy's brain would be shooting off fireworks and celebrating the fact that he wouldn't be starving to death for at least the next few days. The sheer volume of convenience we are currently experiencing is an **extremely** recent development. We really didn't have this level of food availability until after WW2, which means it covers about 0.00308% of the total history of humanity. Our taste buds just haven't evolved to this change yet. If fat people keep dying at the rate they are, eventually we will evolve to like the taste of raw carrots.


Fasting costs nothing


“everyone knows obesity is not healthy” i wish that were true


Thank you for this comment. This is again another man who pushes open doors thinking of being revolutionary. I'm a little tired to see men hijacked the concept of body positivity by summing it up to celebrate obesity. The issue has never been to celebrate obesity but to just stop shaming people of normal weight by taking supermodels as an example. Another rich man who thinks he is smart to discredit the fight against a problem that mainly affects women and the poor. It makes me angry every time I see my girlfriend think she's fat when she's the same weight as me when I'm skinny as hell


Bill Maher has promoted so many quacks on his show, that him being close to being right on medical issues is a fluke. Yes, being obese is not healthy. No one disputes that.


Not to mention he was anti-mask and said the only reason he got vaccinated was he “took one for the team” so the show could continue and those who actually create the show wouldn’t lose their jobs. He added multiple times that the best defense against COVID was not being fat. Then he caught COVID and finally shut up about it.


Agreed. Mahar doesn't give two shits about other people being healthy, he just wants to find any excuse he can to justify his hatred of fat people. Everyone in thread trying to act like Mahar is so "brave" and "telling the truth" for saying this are probably the same people who used to post on r/fatpeoplehate.


Sadly I’ve learned how untrue that statement is. I forget the name of the subreddit because I had to leave it. It was funny at first and then scary. Obese people who dedicate their lives to telling other obese people that it is healthy to be obese. Thankfully the movement seems to have hit the high water mark.


To answer the question have I ever seen a fat 90 year old? Yes, yes I have, a friend of mine's grandma is 90 something and she's as fat as they come!


Forcing scientific fact to fit ideology being criticized by a guy who was antivaxx and spouted antivaxx nonsense in the face of somebody who ended up dying due to complications from covid. What a dick.


i used to really like bill maher. even saw him in person. but...lately the last few years he seems more and more like an angry old man. sorry bill. relevance is a bitch.


Must people drink more than eat calories, replace all your drinks for water , black coffee and unsweetened tea , and half all you problems and excuses goes away.


my only issue with this - is who exactly is saying being very over-weight is ok exactly? He found one clown on youtube so he needs a whole segment about it?


Maher has an obsession with obesity.


Lizzo, h3h3, Nikacado or whatever the hell his name is and many many others 😐


About time somebody spoke some fucking sense into people these days.


yeah. A lot of people don’t like him, or his takes. But he speaks a lot of common sense, even though there are plenty of times I don’t agree with him.


I think Trooper sang it best “We’re here for a good time (Not a long time)”


Fuck this asshole, even broken clock is right twice a day, but wrong all the other time.


Bill Baher is an idiot and talks way too much, but he sometimes accidentally says a fact. I still doubt he'd address the availability of healthy food for the poorest people in our society.


While I do agree with the overall sentiment of not enabling unhealthy body images, I still think this segment missed the mark. Body positivity is not about enabling or normalizing morbid obesity. Is it sometimes misused for that purpose? Absolutely. What it really aims to accomplish is to fight the toxic standards that are set for women specifically, by society as a whole. Not everybody needs to be built like an Olympian, yet this is the body image you see propagated everywhere. Body positivity is about fighting those toxic images and normalizing that bodies come in all shapes and sizes. And let me stress, this in itself does not encourage obesity and if you see somebody claiming that, well they are misusing the term to justify unhealthy living. And that specific act is worthy of critique. But, to just demonize the entire movement does more harm than good. What I found most telling was the bit about the shirt and his reaction to it: He basically completely ignored and even dismissed the core message. Nobody is telling women they need to be thin to he attractive? My guy, have you been outside? Opened a magazine lately or watched an ad on tv? So all in all this segment aimed at criticizing a vocal minority that abuses an otherwise much needed movement. Sad to see someone with such a large audience so squarely miss the mark and not treat a complex topic with the nuance it absolutely requires. Then again, what was I really expecting from US television.


Oh shut the fuck up. Covid Denying moron “speaks the truth” by saying fat people are not healthy? We know it, fat people know it, lay off people who do not fit into the standard definition of normal. Would it kill all of you morons to be nice FOR ONCE, instead of tearing down any amount of acceptance and self love that any group of people are trying to validate themselves with. You and Bill Maher DO. NOT. GIVE. A. FLYING. FUCK. ABOUT. FAT. PEOPLE. BEING. HEALTHY. You just like policing other peoples happiness. You moronic karens.


I believe that technology and convenience are to blame as a root cause. Every thing got easy. Yes “cake was delicious in 1969”, however, I don’t think there was a drive thru on every corner and 500 different soft drinks to choose from. Let alone being much cheaper than bottled water. There was also not much to do inside the house, compared to modern day.


There’s a larger issue at hand. Most of what is being peddled as ‘food’ today has, at a minimum, been compromised. If transparency and truth were used to examine and filter what is being offered as correct food and nutrition education for the masses as well as rigorous food guidance for food cultivation, manufacturing and production in this country, the Standard American Diet would have a much different approach, look and outcome all around. Starting with the proper education of medical doctors as to the role pure food and good nutrition truly play in our overall health and wellness, extending this through to the FDA and other relevant regulatory and educational governmental agencies as to what IS in fact optimal for our bodies to consume, which is really already known (hint- not gmos, not chemicals, not processed foods, not sugar and especially not high fructose corn syrup, not the chemical fertilizers etc (glycosphate) which are sprayed on the majority of the ag food grown in the US…… These things are known but are buried because they are an inconvenient truth which is incongruent to the larger agenda. It all trickles down from the top. The ‘sign off’ at the highest levels as to what are best practices for the ultimate sake of corporate profits and greed is the true root of this problem.


Isn't Bill Maher one of those anti-masks hacks? Is he really the person we should be listening to for health advice?


There is a difference between morbid obesity and being a little chubby, but still healthy. I agree that we should all eat healthier and exercise a bit more, but please don't reintroduce those coat hanger shapes from the 70 again, they were unhealthily thin, close to anorexia.


90 year olds are invisible. Especially in our society.


This is not interesting. It's just another overly simplified and toxic view from Bill. If you have someone you say you care about in your life that is struggling with weight, this is a quick way to damage them and your relationship with them. Please take the time to learn how to actually support change in someone for the better instead of listening to this idiot. If you don't have anyone you care about in your life that struggles with weight, trying to shame strangers can be.... dangerous to say the least. That's just common sense.


Americans’ real problem is our gaslit concept of “overweight”. What most would call “curvy or thicc” is likely obese or worse. 1 of every 2 Americans are obese or severely obese, meaning a predictable large majority of them will have life ruining medical complications, and early death.


Why do I keep seeing this on /r/interestingasfuck ? It’s not interesting, it’s common sense to any reasonable person. Nobody thinks being fat is healthy. Also, fuck Bill Maher.


The reason why everyone was thinner 40 years ago is because everyone smoked instead. All the addicts stopped smoking and started eating. Myself included


DAMMIT! I was gonna say BB King, but he died at 89.


He's a grouchy old man that complains about everything.


Conservative light boomer.


Husband’s grandma lived to be 97 and she was on the far side of plump. Maher hates fat people. He really has a thing about it


Every word he said was true.


Fat celebration is most definitely not new. Back in the day it was considered a sign of status and wealth to be fat.


Still is in some places....


This, I grew up in Europe and remember the fatter the king the more gold or some shite, being fat meant you won’t poor


Bill finally grows some balls when it comes to fatties, stunning and brave.


He's not wrong. The problem with this country is that people simply choose to ignore truth rather than face whatever delusion is swimming around in their heads.. They'd rather live a lie than confront that.


Usually can satnd him but he's spot on. I lost 100 five years ago. Whenever I look back I always think how stupid I was treating myself like nothing was wrong before. When you get yourself healthy your mind works better too. Doctor had me on Lipitor and was going to put me on diabetic medication. I need nothing today at age 50


Bill Maher is the best conservative late night host.


Sounds more like Huxley than Orwell, but it is indeed dystopian.


Appearances were highly controlled in Brave New World, so much so that homegirl was grossed out by John’s mom being overweight. Sorry, I’m on the bottom half of a doobie and this will not stand!


What baffles me is some of the folks in the comments trying to say this guy is being an asshole ... Bro he speaking FACTS! I'm fucking obese and I agree with him I don't wanna die a fat boy! I don't know about everybody else with this body positivity bs but I'm going to the gym and shredding this fat suit to pieces!


I guess he’s not wrong but why put all the onus on the consumer? What an uneducated diatribe. There is zero mention of how much advertising has to do with it, or income inequality, or food deserts, or lack of education or healthy lunch programs in schools, or the amount of sugar, corn, and fat pumped into seemingly innocuous foods by mega industrialized food conglomerates. He mentions it being an epidemic and then turns it into another one of his dipshit stances in the culture war with nothing more to say than “you fatties gotta whip yourselves into shape.” What a hack.


"You think cake wasn't delicious in 1959?" It was. But I don't think cheaper food had more calories than cake back then and there was no multibillion dollar marketing campaigns to eat more. Yes, it's up to the person to not eat that much but I feel like the conversation like shown by Marr is missing the elephant in the room. The fat acceptance/enablement movement is also a camouflage by the real culprit: the unchecked capitalist machine constantly trying to make us consume and thus spend more. No average willpower can withstand billions of dollars of research on making the most delicious food and the endless barrage of scientifically designed persuasions to make you eat more than you ever need. And worse still, is when doing that is the cheaper option.


Gotta tell you, not shedding any tears over military recruitment being down. That budget needs cut by 50%, minimum.


This started off like it was going to be about something important. I should have known better. Shut the fuck up and mind your own business. Bill Maher isn't taking his shirt off anytime soon if that turkey neck is any indicator. So you know, glass houses. If I tried to get his show taken off the air he'd run to Netflix and cry for an hour and call it a comedy special, but here he is trying to keep chubby women off magazine covers because they don't make his dick hard.


Bill Maher is a right-wing shill and has been for years. He's just mask off now. "Celebrating fatness" isn't a thing. The only people doing this are a few very wealthy elites and some mimicking followers.


obesity is the reason health insurance is so expensive. healthy people have to pay for their treatment


I think you mean uninsured, or for profit, or we don’t have universal healthcare.


This is not the place to post your conservative propaganda


As a smoker it'd crazy for me to go around telling ppl the benefits of cigarettes. Note: there are none. Don't start.


I'm fat and I agree with Bill Maher. I have been working out and on a good diet as of late. One day again, I won't be part of this statistic. Looking forward to the road to health. I still don't want to be 90 though, totally fine with 80's at most 😁


Idk why youre getting downvoted man, good on you keep at it!


I agree. Fat acceptance is appalling and delusional


I dislike how he approaches the argument. It’s been my understanding that body positivity is a movement to reduce harassment and discrimination of people whom are overweight. Whether it’s healthy or not, people need to be accommodated in their daily life which means we need accessible clothing of various sizes as well as other products which may require tailoring to body shape. Some kids can’t control how they look due to diets provided to them at home. It’s to help those kids face less harassment there as well. My understandment of body positivity is understanding that people have lived a life and it has lead here. It doesn’t help them to make them feel bad about themselves so just don’t be a dick. Be supportive in a validating way not a coaching or teacher way.


Man, I’d hate to be a grossly obese person in that audience


I doubt somebody speaks truth if there are off-screen applause after each phrase. Nobody in serious science apologies obesity. Only some morons trying to hype being sjw. Like this guy hypes on opposing it. This is no more than entertainment show.




“Rejected by someone overweight” I doubt there’s many personal vendettas specifically against the obese due to rejection. That’s not typically how the human mating process works. Just fyi.


Bill Maher is interesting to me. I agree with a lot of what he says and yet I hate hearing him speak


We’re all too interested in other people to realize we’re being fleeced by the elites.


Rare bill Maher w


Obesity is a sickness. There's no positivity with being obese, even if it isn't your fault or decision. It's not OK to be obese.




As someone who lost about 100lbs I can’t agree more with this. I put off trying to lose weight for years because people said things like “you look fine” or “you are great the way you are” it took my friends shit talking me to kick my but into action. Before I lost the weight I was super depressed, but I also felt powerless, like I wasn’t in control of who I was. Once I got into fitness and fixed my diet losing the weight was honestly easier then I thought. After a few months of struggling with the diet I got something that worked for me and the weight just came off. 6 months and 60 lbs later I was half way through losing weight and I was sure I was gonna do it and I did. But once I got to my ideal day % the idea that I was in control of my life never left and that plus the confidence I got is indescribable. For anyone reading this rant, you are in control of yourself, your body and your future. It doesn’t matter if you have some gland problem or bad genetics human biomechanics don’t change. If you burn more calories then you eat, you WILL lose weight. After losing all the weight I became a personal trainer for a few years and while I left that job for numerous reasons I’ll never forget the excuses people gave me. Once people finally realize they have an issue and attempt to address it instead of sugarcoating or hiding it life becomes easier. No one should feel shamed or less then because they are overweight, we are all people and we are all inherently valuable, but we must encourage healthy living. You don’t need to be some skinny person or have a 6 pack rolls are fine,BUT if you are someone who is morbidly obese and you drop some weight to go from morbid obesity to obesity, you will still experience a quality of life and mental change that will change you for the better for the rest of your life. TLDR. I like working out now, it makes me happy and sharing this happiness with others is what I do sometimes


Who the fuck wants to live to 90


this man grew up in a time of celebrating leaded gasoline…this is just picking on fat people…where exactly are fat people celebrated in the main stream besides very abreviated 15 minutes of fame?


I imagine the fat person in audience trying to hide in their chair as he saying this while everyone skinny person is clapping 😂😂


Bill Maher has always been hit or miss for me and generally on the miss side; But this was an amazing hit! Not sure if this is the sub for it... but still was good.


Honestly i feel like in general this is a completely stupid argument. No one who isn't an absolute idiot thinks being fat is good for your health. It's not, nor has it ever been a secret. The idea that body positivity promotes being fat is saying telling people not to be shallow promotes looking like shit. People WANT to be seen as good looking and healthy. Bring fat is never ever going to be an enviable position. It's some absurd hate and fear mongering to ever imply or say it will. If someone thinks that being fat is good they're a buffoon. It's not "part of a larger societal issue". It's an idiot doing what idiots do. "It's orwellian" is the most fucking Aged dumbest remark that pretends the media is controlling you to think being fat is good. It's not, it's th same slippery slope bullshit every old person uses when times change and we aren't treating people like shit for their flaws. "Well if the fat people feel safe being fat then everyone would be fat". NAH BRO that isn't how that works. What an absolute fool.