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First second, watch dude in background walking left to right cough and do a hand signal. Watch body guard next to the white trunk timing for turning around. Watch the body guard who walks and guides cristina and avoids eye contact with the crowd. What is he even doing? Should he be watching the crowd? Then he’s reaction has absolutely nothing to do with the reaction of ANY body guard. Perfect camera angle set up. The gun had no bullet in the chamber. The gunman was transferred immediately to the police that work for K. The gunmans house was searched and bullets where found that do not match the gun. Cristina Kirchner is the most corrupt politician Argentina ever had and she is facing 12 years prison due to one single case where she stole 1 billion from public funds by overpricing and half assing constructions. Right after this “assasination attempt” the president made the following day a holiday. All the Cristina Fernandez supporters marched in support. Almost all the participants are paid to go or forced (otherwise they lose wellfare).


Can you explain how she's still the VP even though she was just sentenced to 6 years?


More corruption


If that don’t work use more corruption


Politics in Argentina as usual


Figured there was corruption involved


Body guards: loading…. Loading…. Loading….. loading… hey a gun!!!


When you’re quicker to react than your body guard is when a weapon is drawn in your direction what really is the purpose of the body guards in the first place?


While I agree that they were ineffective at that moment, it’s possible that a secondary function of the bodyguard is to intimidate and deter potential attackers. Imagine if a president just walked through a crowd with no security whatsoever. The odds of something happening would be far higher.


Chances of completing the assassination...30% Chances of walking away without getting stomped into ground meat....0


Exactly. I’m not aware of many people who would be more interested in ending their target’s life rather than saving their own skin, if it came to that.


*Gavrilo Princip has entered the chat.*


I think he thought he might get away. I mean, he was eating the equivalent of a Subway sandwich, and nothing bad happens to you when you're eating a delicious deli sandwich. (The human race and Earth itself may be forever scarred because of you're actions while eating that sandwich, but you would expect to be fine)


You hide behind your bodyguy


your bodyguy- 😂


I’m not your body, guy


I’m not your guy, friend


I’m not your friend, pal


Similar to airport security. It’s a deterrent. Shit will always slip through.


Should probably leave this particular job off the resume


So much for his assassin career taking off................


No screaming eagle sound for this guy


He's the one who broke his leg in the haystack


But his prisoner career is about to flourish! If they caught him


What do you mean if? If they can't catch him there then just disband the security forces and let the mob rule.


Good news, the mob is ruling already!


Heard his music career did tho. His #1 hit: 🎶I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot no VicePresidentOfArgentina, oh no, oh… 🎶


Can I just point out how fucking incompetent the bodyguards are.


The bodyguard on the right just appears to think "Huh that is wild, someone should do something about that."


"Oh I'm glad he didn't point that thing at me!"


The way they are reacting so casually after the attempt like "Nothing happened so its all good"


Almost like they knew it was coming......


They were probably the prison guards for Jeffrey Epstein before this job.


Do you know what makes this assassination attempt even stranger? They never put handcuffs on the guy. There's footage of him inside a police car where you can clearly see his hands are free.


Just a reminder: Epstein didn't kill himself


that dude walking with her as she is going to her side of the car looks up towards where the gun man is and immediately turns and puts his head down. After the gun doesn't go off, he hesitates then walks about around casually. That's so sus.


Yeah even though he’s being paid a salary of million dollars a week. Too bad it’s in Argentinan dollars are that’s $0.41 USD **Edit**: it’s a joke referencing Argentina’s hyper-inflation which is causing despair and turmoil. That’s why citizens are trying to gun down the Vice President…. **Edit 2**: Again… yes, I understand the currency of Argentina is the peso. And yes, a weekly salary of 1MM pesos would be $7,188/wk or $373k which would indeed be an exorbitant salary for a bodyguard. But when making a joke about how a large amount of one currency is equal to a smaller amount of a different currency, it’s more humorous when you exaggerate the exchange values while keeping the other values the same. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


1 Argentine Peso = 0.0072 USD


That's the official rate. The actual black market value is less than half that, 0.0035 USD. Source: https://bluedollar.net


"hey, who goes there? must be the wind."


“Huh? What was that noise?”


You mean the guy backing up watching her step up on the curb rather than watching the crowd?


To be fair to the lad, it is his first day on the job after spending a few years as a guard at Whiterun.


Similar thing to a previous Czech president some years back. Guy pulled a gun right to him. But it was a fake gun used as a statement.


Same thing happened some years ago in Bulgaria. People said it was just a publicity stunt to draw more attention/sympathy for the candidate.




How about a pope mobile for her?


The dilemma of wanting to connect with people to be more liked and separating yourself from them because one might try to kill you.


A few years back I saw Bill Clinton randomly shaking hands and talking to people on the sidewalk in Indianapolis. There was probably security, but they were not obvious.


He’s so smooth he probably could have talked the would be assassin out of it and sold them a timeshare in Arkansas to boot.


I believe John Quincy Adams actually did this once while president (well, not the timeshare part). A disgruntled federal job seeker came to the White House, knocked on the door, Adams let him in and they went to his office to talk. When Adams still refused to offer him a government job, the guy pulled a gun, but Adams talked him down and eventually showed him out again.


It was something like doing something spectacular to bring attention to some issue, but i dont recall more




I used to think when this happened it was on purpose but as I get older I realize people are simply incompetent, even in fields they've been in for years


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.


Ah yes, Cunningham's Law.


This is Hanlon's Razer. Cunningham's Law is, "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer." *edit - I see what you did there, and I respect it.


Haha, I know it's slightly childish but it does amuse me, and I'd like to thank you for indulging me and for giving me the correct answer. :-)


actually that was well done. got me as well


I see what you did there 😂


99% of conspiracy theories aren't logical simply because it's like "everyone is too stupid or incompetent to pull off the mastermind you all think they pulled off."


Half of the people needed to pull off a conspiracy just wouldn't be able to understand what they were supposed to do because the chain of events that is needed to succeed is just too complex for them.


What makes most conspiracies absurd is that the people who believe them think some global complex plot is occurring that would require coordination and logistics worldwide and agreements between multiple nations on a level that we have never seen, BUT hey guys check out this ridiculous mistake that they made in a photo that exposes the entire plot completely and is totally obvious. K.


Operator fatigue is a real thing. And happens in tons of fields. Going on autopilot doing the same work for years leads to stupid reactions like this.


Bro it's the same as the pope pre-shooting. This shit NEVER happens here in Argentina, even if you hate a political figure nobody get to this level of violence. That's why nobody exoected something like this. It's fucked up.


But now you have to consider brazilians too


I can try to consider millions, but a Brazilian is just too many.


This looks like how presidents were secured in the 70s. That place is a security nightmare


We(argentinians) are stuck in the 70s




Yes. We don't know how to vote. Yes.


It's ok, hermano. No one does.


I was going to say we don't in the U.S. either 😂


*Laughs in Venezuelan* What's voting, again?


We don't in Turkey too


Ask Russia and N.Korea. They are really good at voting. Over 100% turnout!


In the Netherlands we vote, everybody complains after the elections about the politicians. The gouvernement falls and the same politicians get re.-elected.




This is a common theme worldwide.


It seems misinformation really works


By being in an elected position she is immune to getting prosecuted.. she is the puppet master. She promised the world, she stole everything, dumbasses still support her.


What did she do and promise? Sorry i have no clue.


We(filipinos) are back in the 70s too. The golden era, as boomers call it.


If you're stuck in the 70s does that mean you're going to try for the Falklands again?


That was 82, so it will have to wait a while.


The Royal Navy: *eagerly awaiting another showdown*


What an absolutely bizarre moment in history


Not all countries need/think they need to protect their presidents. I met my country's then-president on a company trip to the capital. She just happened to be retrieving her day's shopping from the lobby of the hotel I was staying at. No bodyguards, no police.


If shinzo can get it In Japan, anybody can without proper security


to be fair the dude who killed him made his own guns (not that, that's very hard to do) but the japanese police definitively didnt know that what he was carrying was a gun


Reminds me of Portuguese president who is famous for going for a swim in public. This article mentions he had just two guards when visiting Brazil https://24hoursworlds.com/politics/192827


Trust me, this politician not only doesnt want ti get out of her house because she’s on trial and will most likely lose, but she would also get her head bashed in because of all the shit she’s done




Can someone elaborate? What has she done? I never heard of her.


She's being charge for corruption during her time as president, stole several billion dolars from the public through incomplete and overcharged public projects if the report and the evidence are to be believed


This video would have been on a different website if the gun went off


Ay, the difference between mainstream internet and liveleak.


I used to venture into Liveleak many many moons ago. Some of the shit on there I felt was just damaging to my soul, nobody should have to see images like some of the stuff on there let alone seek it out. I won't go there anymore despite being the usual morbid curiosity that accompanies being human.


No need to return there, it's pretty much - gone...


It’s still out there, just under a different name.


No it's not. There may be another equivalent site but LiveLeak no longer exists. If YouTube suddenly disappeared, it'd be pretty weird to say "It's still out there, just under a different name" when referring to Vimeo


Damn I thought we all clicked this video to see the assassination of an Argentinian official. What we got was an assassination of Vimeo in the comments


For real, let's just hope that the 12 users don't see this comment


Thats the meta shit I love


That sites name? Albert Einstein.


And everyone clapped.


Going on LiveLeak definitely took something from my younger self that I can't get back. I haven't gone in that website in probably 10 years I don't think I ever will. It lives off the power of suggestion and people's curiosity.


This is a really accurate description of how it ends up making one feel.


Liveleak closed last year


I remember a couple years back someone on Twitter linked to a Liveleak of a cartel execution that was sickening to watch, some poor bastard had his heart carved out of his chest while he was still alive…haven’t gone to that site since smh


Interesting you bringing up this video. I was playing Cards Against Humanity in VRChat last week and some kid put this exact video on the video player. Such a sick world we live in


Goddamn and this stuff stays with you forever sadly


You’re right, I couldn’t get the sounds of suffering out of my head for the longest time—I’m thankful I finally forgot the noise, but I doubt I’ll ever forget the video completely.




my classmates would send it to the school groupchat or just straight up watch it, full volume and all, in front of the classroom so that if you looked up you could see it, or they'd come right up to you and shove it on your face so that you *had* to see it. it was a stupid prank but i was a sensitive kid, i fucking hated it. i love horror movies, i love fucked up movies, the gorier the better but you can tell when it's real. i do wonder what that did to their heads, it has to be traumatic but how does it shape the brain, especially st 13/14 like in my case?


Aren't most kids borderline sociopaths until some time in high school?


Yep I think that part of the brain that influences empathy isn't fully formed until late teens. Kids in middle school were straight up monsters sometimes


6 men and women with their heads tightly duct taped beaten on the head with a 4x4. It’s was stomach turning. That was my first and only cartel video.


Why are cartels so barbaric?! Mercy me, there’s no difference from terrorist groups


Scare and intimidate. That's the way for them to say : don't fuck with us and our territory or this will happen to you


Some seem to just like it, too. I think there's a certain barbarism that can only come out when the torturer is getting a kick out of it. Sure, it's useful. And we can see how that's harnessrd and deployed for control. But you don't just get people to do that unless they're into it. And after being around violence too long, it becomes really fun to be the one causing the fear and terror.


Most assassins, imo, are probably serial killers who figured out how to monetize their tendencies.


To try to intimidate rivals and also to show what happens to people who betray them or get in their way.


Oof that sounds rough. Worst I've seen in a while was a girlfriend being delimbed and carved up with a pocket knife while the boyfriend had to watch, boyfriend was son of a rival cartel leader or something


Guerrero (Guerrera? Idk one of them) slayings, that was son of a police chief. The man he is laying on in the video is his father. Just for some added horrific context lol Makes me feel lucky as fuck to live in the country I do that’s for sure


It's the descriptions of videos on reddit posts that kept me away from Liveleak. Apparently the cartels are way worse than ISIS ever wished to be. Fortunately for me, I'll never know for sure.


I remember watching a high definition cinematic video of the mass beheading of aid workers by Isis members. That was extremely surreal and needless to say extremely disturbing. The facial expressions of these poor souls during it will probably stay with me forever. I should have learned my lesson when I was scarred in my early teens seeing slabs of a man's face on a helipad following a gruesome helicopter incident. Like you say, some things are better for other humans not to see.


That is some of the weirdest shit, primitive and gruesome but it's shot on a HD production camera, has more DOF than a freshman film contest, with excellent lighting and HDR.


Exactly that. Very bizarre when most people (myself included) associate the documentation of these events to be on poor/old tech and badly captured. The ultra slow mo shots clearly composed and taken intentionally at a high frame rate just goes to show how sick those people are/were.


That helicopter incident picture was on rotten.com, right? Saw it when I was 12 or 13 and it stuck with me


Tbh I find it disrespectful when people watch that stuff for entertainment or to 'toughen themselves up'


Luckily I can't relate to people watching it for entertainment. How odd. I think as a previous commenter described, most people arrive there due to their 'morbid curiosity'. After all humans are curious beings. For me and I hope for most, the curiosity is killed after a few sittings of these disturbing videos. I prefer not to feel mentally scarred and physically sick after I consume my entertainment.


Man, be glad you weren't around for rotten.com then.


Maybe I’m not human, then. Because I sure as fuck don’t have any curiosity about seeing that shit.


Agreed. I am repulsed by the mere thought of watching any of those videos. The thought of finding something completely unexpected and gut-churning. Pass on that. I'd rather focus on the pretty flowers outside my house.


i remember when i was 14 i used to watch that shit, joined FB groups, and i wasn't much bothered at all, nowadays it seems like im so sensible, i wouldn't be able to watch half the shit i did back then, the young brain is just resilient


Yeah young me used to watch that stuff casually and I remember showing my brother a video of someone falling off a tower and bouncing and ragdolling and I was like "look people do ragdoll irl" and he punched me in the face like "why the fuck would you show me this wtf" Quick and easy lesson on how to become normal




yea you can pretty regularly find people dying here, front page. an upsetting amount of people laughing too, when you think about it.


It use to be that it was all kept on one quarantined sub. But then some white girls got killed and a masks shooting happened in a developed nation and the sub got banned. So now death video just shown up randomly in subs that you wouldn’t expect it.


I doubt that - I take it you haven’t been on Reddit for very long


Why does nobody try assassinations with revolvers anymore?


Rootin' tootin' politician shootin'


Most foolproof type of handgun...unless your ammo don’t work lol


Only one out of six has to work. With semis the first one is your only bet.


Pedantic but this is a misfire not a jam. A misfire is when the bullet fails to ignite/ go off. A jam is when the action does not cycle properly. Edit: could just be the sound of a hammer falling on an empty chamber too.


I was thinking the same thing. A jam would have indicated that they shot at least once. I'm not sure it's pedantic because it changes the story significantly, especially if there were no video.


Well the story is still mostly the same. "Gun fails to go off in attempted assassination"


Shinzo Abe was like 2 months ago.


tbf abe's is way more surprising considering he wasnt even PM anymore and gun crime is almost non-existent there


Yeah, it was a damn homemade gun too. Really crazy.


to be fair, making homemade firearms is really really REALLY easy. Probably won't be reliable but will get the job done at least once.


If you're willing to put in the effort you can make a reliable submachine gun out of parts from your local hardware store. P.A. Luty wrote a "how-to" book called "Expedient Homemade Firearms" in protest of England's new gun laws in the 90's. Dude got caught testing a few of his designs and apparently they were surprisingly reliable.


Something fishy... why are all bodyguards like 120 km away and run 5 s later to the scene?


Everything related to this political party is fishy, from the beginning when Peron supported hitlerism until today.


The one bodyguard moved out of the way at a verrrry suspicious time, then moved back towards her immediately after the misfire. From one perspective, it looks as if he is in on it and moves out of the line of fire until he realizes it didn’t take. What reason did he have to move to the other side of the car while she was so near a crowd? Why would a bodyguard put a car between the president and himself?


It's all a sham, she's trying to escape prision. This woman deserves worse than a bullet.




That was my first thought, I wouldn't put it pass her to stage a fake assassination. But I also wouldn't put it pass some crazy weirdo actually attempting it and failing so miserably while the bodyguards are oblivious to the whole thing...


This seems as real as a 3 pesos bill


Don't give this government more ideas.


Dude by the trunk knew what was up.


Good catch! He turns moments before the gun is pulled.... Sus


And returns as soon as he saw the attempt fail.


I think you meant he walks back casually while everyone else is panicking


Or he probably moved to get into the car from the other side. Not everything is a conspiracy.


Fr he’s probably her driver


So did they catch the gunman


Funny thing is that he appeared on tv like 3 times this week before this. Just random street interviews.


Wait is this actually true? Argentinian here. Source?


https://www.eldiarioar.com/politica/cristina-milei-massa-palos-apariciones-agresor-cfk-cronica-hd_1_9283334.html And every time, it was for Cronica. He is the boyfriend of the cotton candy vendor that has been popular in the past few weeks for her anti-planero message in Av. Corrientes.


Unbelievable. Could this have been actually staged? It's such a coincidence that if it was staged it just shows what we already know: the unbelievable incompetence of the government. Gracias por la fuente capo, fuerza en estos momentos dificiles!


He bought his gun on Wish


Dude the comments in this post are a shitshow


Reagan was shot with a revolver. They don't really jam. Someone handed this guy an automatic and said "practice with it lot, never clean it, and then shoot her." It's weird how political assassins never know how to wield a firearm, but school shooters are experts.


The guy who shot him though had terrible aim and missed.


Some context from an Argentinian here: This person CFK (Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner) is under heavy suspicion of having planned and executed the most corrupt government in our history. A federal prosecutor demanded 12 years of prison for her and most of her associates for this. Since then the country has been in turmoil, since CFK is saying that this is all a coup from the right wing capitalists at the USA and other retarded comments like this. Just picture Chavez but female. (for context, she is involved in several dozens of corruption cases, the only one that has gone through showed that ONLY WITH THAT SINGLE CASE CFK stole around 1.000 million dollars in corruption, remember this is only ONE of the dozens of cases she has against her, and also it's the actual "white" money, imagine the one they don't declare legally, jesus) To be honest if the assassination attempt would have been successful it would have been a massive relief for millions of people in Argentina, believe it or not. For me personally , and probably most of us in Argentina, this is most probably staged. They have been doing a gigantic devaluation and are trying desperately to cover it up in the media with these sort of crap, and are constantly trying to divide the people of Argentina accusing those who are against her corruption of being "paid" by the states to go against our freedom (?). After having summoned her army of followers (who most of them are paid to attend), she ordered them to cause riots and mayhem, and while this was happening and every camera was tuned there, they secretly cut fundings for education and disabled people. They are the embodiment of true chaotic evil, hard to believe this people exist. Edit: you can check the comments of this post how these people have already been summoned to insult me with no other arguments other than insults. This is what we deal with everyday and this is why we won't be able to get out of the shitty situation we find ourselves in. Apparently I'm a right wing extremist now 😂 And believe me, she is EVIL. A prosecutor appeared on tv on a sunday afternoon stating he had actual documents and proofs that could lead to the arrest of CFK (for covering the responsables of having done one of the worst terrorist bombings in our history) , next morning he was found having committed "suicide" at his place. You can Google him as "Alberto Nisman" One of the personal secretaries of CFK (who was found in a video weighing massive bags of cash which was obviously coming from CFK corruption) became a whistleblower. Shortly after he was found in an abandoned house, tortured and killed. [here](https://youtu.be/QwMMg_EICVY) is a link to the video. Even though those were the secretaries of cfk plus the sons of the main figurehead for cfk, people still believe they weren't corrupt. The video shows that they were stealing so much money that it took them too long to count, so instead they started using scales. This woman is evil reincarnated, and the world will be a better place once she is gone


OP, you're still here? Just checking. You know.


depend spotted one rhythm resolute screw automatic unused books start -- mass edited with redact.dev


OP please don't go to the bathroom alone.


Watch out for hospital windows


When I first saw this video, I immediately thought about this been staged to get her more sympathetic view and blame it to the **neo capitalists** that are trying to silence her and etc. We all know that speech


I’m honestly glad the gun didn’t go off (assuming it wasn’t staged). We don’t need her to be murdered, we need her in JAIL. Murder would make her a martyr. She’s already acting like one now.


One of the worst punishments you can give someone is to let them sit, rot, and dwell on the wrongdoings they've done. Agreed


Fellow Argentinian here, you know she would've been a martyr for some as well. More than 70 years after her death, Eva Peron is still viewed as a saint.


Thanks for sharing.


Her and her associates had a net worth increase several magnitud over Jeff Bezos the owner of Amazon. The last prosecutor that atemp to prosecute her, comited suicide in strangest circumstances days before he declared in court. An this is the point of the iceberg. No, is not retorical.


The good old "4 bullets to the back of the head" suicide


He fell on his back 12 times over a knife


I'm not a firearms expert but doesn't a gun jam *after* it's been fired? Maybe we just don't have all the info and they forgot the safety was on, or they forgot to load it... But I don't believe it was jammed. Maybe someone handed this person the gun and knew it was a dud




I've had guns "jam" on the first round all the time. Typically, I forgot to chamber a round.


It could have to do with a lot of things. For instance, I have a pistol which is known to jam because the hammer is a little too long. Simple solutions is to file it down myself instead of paying a gun shop $100 to fix a part on a gun I bought for $200. Well I filed it too short and now it’s a 20/80 chance that it fires or just dents the primer and ruins a bullet




Not an expert on the politics of Argentina anyone from Argentina mind explaining why they would try to shoot her. Does she eat babies or something because Jesus between her shit security and the gun man you would think everyone has good reason to hate her.


> She is accused of abusing her authority to steer inflated public-works contracts to a friend during her presidency (a scheme thought to have begun under her late husband, Néstor Kirchner, also a former president > > > >https://www.economist.com/the-americas/2022/08/25/argentinas-vice-president-could-face-12-years-in-prison I know shes facing 12 years for corruption charges




Argentinian here. Due to high inflation and a corrupt government we have various types of exchange rates. We have dollar Blue which the government calls the illegal rate (but is the real one) and the official rate which is less than half of the blue one. Also we have the tourist rate the soja rate the stock rate and so on. So when you went to the bus stop they probably gave you the blue exchange rate and that's why you've got better exchange. Also, people can't buy the official exchange rate it's only for companies and the government and since all the salaries are based to the official amount the Argentinians are getting fucked over and over and over again


Real bodyguards would not disembark a principal on a crowded street.