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Well, at the very least some low profile lighting on the bottoms of the cabinets to light up the bar counter. Since you can't rip out the cabinets despite its awkwardness, treat the back like it a wall --artwork? Plants on top of the cabinets that hang down? Some have mentioned chalkboard paint.


plants on top for the win. have some pothos on top of my cabinets, its a narrow space but just get some super shallow pots and pothos are so easy to especially if they were dangling down it would be tres cute


Especially with that very perfectly located window adjacent. Anything would thrive there, definitely a pothos


Don’t let them get leggy.


I don't know but that whole setup looks more like a takeout window then a fun place to sit and eat




I'm sure it's the back of cabinets but it is truly a very lame set up




[reminds me of something…](https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/10iwybh/what_the_fk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That's gold, Jerry!


My first thought too!


Hahaha 100%


It’s for very valuable cabinet space. As someone who likes to stock up on food for various doomsday reasons I like it Doomsday prepping isn’t just about “prepping for atomic annihilation” I prepped in college and had so much food when Covid struck I was able to feed me. My friend , and my mom and step dad for two months before going to the grocery store


My grandparents midcentury house had this exact same layout with cabinets like that. I don’t remember if they went all the way to the ceiling but I don’t think it looks bad as it is.


This was pretty common in 1970s homes too. Our house had that but the previous owners removed them when they remodeled. I kinda wish they were still there. I’d paint it an accent color and hang framed menus there.


I am of a very small minority that prefers individual rooms instead of ripping out all the walls to make one giant great room for an open floor plan. I’d hate to have to look at my kitchen while I’m watching tv in the evenings if it wasn’t always tidy. I like the separation that these cabinets provide. It is a nice separation and still gives enough open space, so whoever is cooking can talk with the people in the bar chairs.


I also don’t like open concept. It’s too loud. Especially since we all have eliminated carpets and popcorn ceilings both of which dampened noises (not that I’m against removing popcorn ceilings). I’m lucky in our house the kitchen is separated from the living room with an actual doorway (we’re considering adding a pocket door so we can totally close it off) and the cabinets that were removed were just between the kitchen and dining room.


I totally agree! I am probably the oldest one here - my Mom used to say that in late 80’s-90’s when the “ Open Concept/Great Room “ cane around . Dislike looking at clutter / dishes if trying to relax. Loved the suggestion to have framed menus with accent color . Or your favorite color


Ooooooooooo, I love the idea of an accent color and framed menu's. I'll bet that'd look so good!


I would also paint it an accent color, probably a dark one, but I would not hang anything on it - it is too high. You could also put wallpaper on it for something more interesting, but it would have to be a very subtle pattern, perhaps a tone-on-tone textured paper with one color.


They don't generally have the pillar on the end


Awww you have an old school wall phone with the curly cord that stretches 💕 I would do a fun modern wallpaper on that bit above the bar. Or a fun neon sign to give it a purposefully dinner look. You could put a couple pathos plants on the ledge on top. Another idea if you own the place and depending on how you use the cabinets, you could open them on both sides and have your nice and day to day dinnerware in there. So that is minus the cabinet doors on both sides.


These are great ideas, & more cohesive than mine 😅


Do paint the walls in the rest of the room ..


I need proof that this photo wasn't taken in the 90s




at the very least paint it with the wall color that you’ve added some black to. a paint store will do that for you. add a little subtle contrast


I like this idea and it’s inexpensive


Are those cabinets on the other side? If that is what is there I think if possible unless you rent would be to open thru to the current cabinets with glass to see through and be able to serve on both sides.


If the cabinets cannot be removed, glass doors on both sides with lighting inside would be a decent option. Or, better yet, open shelves.


Neither of these are good options for anyone that actually uses their kitchen. Open shelves and glass fronts are too showy to be actually practical. Also, I could see someone putting away dishes and pushing them too far back where to fall out the other door. 


Yeah and look at the rest of the kitchen. There are barely any other upper cabinets, so this wall is probably like 40% of all the storage in there.


Trailing/climbing plants


You could put cabinet doors on it. If that is the dining room beside, it would also be convenient to get dishes, glasses, etc from either side.


Wood slats accent wall


oooooh love this. i was thinking plants but just adding texture would look super great and wouldnt distract from the tv. im not usually for an accent wall but this is a bit different and perfect solution imo. great idea


Lighting! Get yourself a powerful warm-dim light strip (not tape) with flood optic and bounce light off the ceiling. It will give the whole space a lovely glow. You can also splurge for color-changing for added effect.


I should clarify, the light strip should sit on top of that area and point up. I think a painting would actually look nice on the vertical surface.


I like this idea


Put wooden floating shelves & put plants & art on the shelves


Take it down


You can see the cabinets on the backside. And the kitchen looks relatively small, so likely needed.


This is a major upgrade for what we're paying in our area. Behind those cabinets, there's a professional Viking gas stove with a true vent, a Liebherr fridge, and a Miele dishwasher. Plus, there’s only 31 units and a doorman. My back door opens to one of the most popular spots for local happy hours – the city even closed the street to traffic permanently for it. And the best part? The soundproofing in our building is amazing – I never hear shit other than your typical siren or honk I never heard my neighbors or the street below. The only thing is this place is a bitch to decorate.


Not knocking your place dude, I’m sure it’s great. I was only pointing out that the cabinets are likely needed.


Oh I know I’m agreeing with you! I said correct lol


FWIW, I think some strip lighting - up and down might be all you need here. You could also paint that section another color. But I think the up and down lighting would really help. Check Amazon for some LED strips. They have some super low profile ones. You can add some trim to help hide the downlighting ones.


Wow!!! 🤩 congratulations!!! 🍾🎈🎉


Are there open units?


Paint it with chalkboard paint. Huge chalkboard 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Embrace the eatery look and make a fun menu!


Meal of the day: a tub of cottage cheese, half a bag of vinegar chips and a whole cucumber.


Girl dinner!!!!


OP, don’t make it a chalkboard that will get dated and unused so fast. Under cabinet lighting is cheap, put some artwork up, paint it an accent color. I like the idea of a neon diner sign, but neon can light the whole room and pricey.


Paint it as an accent. Art or a calendar. Or if you have natural light, some plants that trail down would be cool. You can try a grow light, but natural light is so much better for plants.


Is that a phone on the wall?? It seems so foreign! Lol You should put some lighting on the top and do a small tasteful collage of your favorite people, places or things. Like small various sized photos in cohesive frames with a couple floating shelves.


Tasteful nudes.


I wouldn’t put anything up there. They would accumulate dust and grease from cooking. Trust me.


Sounds weird but a rectangular mirror would be a great fit


Peel and stick mural.


Just make it a mini gallery


I think you should put under cabinet lighting! It would make eating there so much better


I’d raise the cabinet up to the ceiling so there’s more space for the sitters to look under. If you don’t want anything noticeable there, just paint it an interesting colour.


Ahh - that is the best idea I think I’ve heard!


Long large art or multiple arts of varying sizes


Big chalkboard menu. Funny prices. Today’s special should always be Lucky Charms paired with a vintage 2%.


Looks like a good spot to hang a bike 😂




There’s a landline phone 📞 on that wall, and actual landline phone….


It is probably direct to the lobby/doorman, not an actual phone.


If this were my home I owned those cabinets would be coming out!


Well that’s about 20% of my storage. NYC can be brutal


That's not just kitchen storage. That's 20% of the storage in the entire apartment 💀


That is correct lol


Never ever get rid of storage!! That's crazy talk. 😂


Minimalism is all the rage right now. By that I mean, keep at least one sledge hammer in case you change your mind /s. But seriously, it would transform the space.


I’d hang art there… personally I’d hang skateboards there. I like the barstools, cheers!


Hang a long picture with some black in it to match the chairs


I have the same sort of setup. I put lighting above (as another commenter suggested) and I have fun artwork hung. You said you don't want artwork, but maybe some picture frame moulding and a fun paint color would add some interest/character to the area: [https://www.loveloveloveblog.com/picture-frame-moulding-on-walls/](https://www.loveloveloveblog.com/picture-frame-moulding-on-walls/)


Do you have any cats?? They'll know what to do with it soon enough :)


Our kitchen had that growing up. The day it was taken down was a great day.


I actually think I’d leave it empty…sometimes adding stuff to weird areas just calls your attention to them?


Take it down open up your house (if you can afford it/living there long-term) If not, you can put a piece of art horizontally above the bar or hang three things that are unique and eclectic to your style If you’re in the plants, you can hang like viney plants across the top and have them kind of hang down If you can afford it, you can open that and make it like shelves with a cute vase or how people are storing their dishes out and visible


Light it up


Can you remove that whole panel?


Do you own this place? If so, get rid of it!


Take it out


I'd do a big colourful painting like this: [https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/within,1167145/](https://www.greatbigcanvas.com/view/within,1167145/)


This isn’t a kitchen bar, just a pass thru. The ledge is too short.


Slap a tv and make it a bar


Pour drinks to customers


I say do nothing with it.


If you don’t need to keep things in those cabinets, tear it down


Large clock or rectangle map


Big art. Giant art. Line art would be my pick, or you could do some stick on lights that point downward


My ex-husband would put his bottle collection up there


Since you cannot remove it, to make it less awkward I would suggest: Close it, and make the wall uniform. Use the space as part of the living room Or, if you really want that opening to the kitchen 1. close the wall above the cabinets 2. make the wall uniform. 3. Keep only 3 barstools 4. Change the barstools Or, Just put trailing plants to cover the wall


Long, floating shelf?


Tasteful nudes


You could potentially put a corkboard on it and stick up things like personal photos, reminders, etc. Otherwise, I'd just leave it!


I had a similar set up in my kitchen. Take it down!!! It will open up the area and bring the kitchen into the conversations. Best quick remodel ever.


You could do a collection of framed family photos or do a really cute stencil to give it a whimsical vibe. Or another idea would be to attach some cute wicker baskets, the more shallow type so that they don’t protrude out too far. Also, it just occurred to me it would look really look nice and brighten it up a bit if you put some sort of strip lighting or even a few individual lights underneath the cabinets to give that corner a cozy vibe.


Bright paint and three square synchronous paintings


Is it possible to hang things on there? Maybe it would be nice then to put shelves and decorate it with pictures, plants and maybe some other stuff


Picture wall. Put lots of pics FRAMED up there. Maybe all travel or flowers


Tear it down


Everyone saying plants isn’t considering there is little to zero light at the top. You’ll get leggy vines and not bountiful bushy with vines that would make plants there ideal. To remedy that, you could do plants + grow lights. I agree with the poster above - low profile LED under the cabinets. Please do not do the chalkboard for the blank space of the cabinet backing. A large art piece (you can see the hook for that already placed by the previous tenants) or maybe even gallery style presentation. You didn’t ask for this, but a safe and stylish cover for your fuse box. The space is gorgeous! Since you are NYC, might I suggest following @stagedtosellhome on IG. I am not them nor have any affiliation but I follow them and they post great NYC interior decorating content. Edit to add - looks like you have a small width between cabinet end and wall border. If wide enough, you could add small shelves to accommodate glassware Take the key hook from its current place and put an updated version by the landline phone. Replace the landline phone with a more modern one or a cool vintage one. On the same wall as the phone, that’s where you could do your chalkboard if you’re set on one and/or add small shelves for a catch all.


Play cowboys and Indians


Light strips to light both the counter and the ceiling.


Needs to be taken down- ew


We had this type of bar in our last home. We trimmed it out with some pretty vinyl trim strips and painted it the same Color as the plant shelves in our living room (this house had lots of dead space). We added lighting above and underneath. Also downlighting in the plant shelves. Really nice for ambiance at night.


Point a 4k projector at it and turn it into a dope window




A big flashing sign that says “to go”


Hang a large rectangular canvas art print in that spot. I'd do a forest scene with lots of green trees. That would compliment the brown wood cabinets visible behind. [EXAMPLE](https://www.amazon.com/Decor-Landscape-Sunshine-Photograph-Decoration/dp/B08MW8Z7NF/ref=asc_df_B07JDMMHTH/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693711674125&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12334313089809735549&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015446&hvtargid=pla-581000135213&mcid=364d80fad39e362db11d2a7a1d937fdb&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS39lXIP2aMb7KDfCetDgsaefnqBkbzIQ4jmYtUryZEAmX1G_oXGVyRsaAhSPEALw_wcB&th=1)


I would take away the stools and treat it like it’s a wall. Put plants or cookbooks or over counter things in that area?




Remove it




A mural


TV or wall art


I keep having this dream where I see these purple and blue lights here and it just says DIRK DIGGLER


I'd say bring the drywall up to the ceiling and place about 3 cool pieces of photo art identically framed and matted there.


I would paint it an accent color.


I think some art would look nice here!


Soft lighting above and below and then maybe some peel and stick wallpaper with a subtle pattern if you don’t want anything art or “picture like”. Put a nice full plant in a basket or nice planter on the counter on the left to bring some life and distract from the electric panel a bit too. Keep the counter clean and it will just fade into the background. I wouldn’t put anything on top unless you like to clean!


Posters or prints framed of your city. Could be pics you have taken three centered black and white. TV is a neat thought mini Sports bar. Show us the rest of the room.


This is a strange design. I would just distract with nicer bar stools and better lighting. If you can also paint the cream is making the space look yellow


I’d hang some set up there.


I would love to put some sort of neon sign there, but idk if that would go with your home lol


Knock it out. Open it up.


Artwork stained glass mirrors. Make it a feature - paint a mural and incorporate 3-D elements


Aw, this feels nostalgic for me! We had a counter/cabinet configuration like this growing up and that space was where my mom hung our art projects. We saw them every morning when we were eating breakfast. So it could be a nice spot to add some personal pieces whether it’s artworks, letters, recipes or family photos. If you want to go more minimal, I think a wallpaper with a subtle texture or pattern might work.


Put a long mirror on it. It will make the room feel expansive and give interest to the back of the cabinets.


Do hanging plants


Maybe floating shelves. This is exactly how I want my set to be but I need to create the cut out first


A clown house mirror, of course.


Two large framed photos and battery operated picture lights just above them for ambiance. If plants put on the very top corners so they trickle down.


Definitely a mirror the same size of the space. It will open it up!


This would a cute place for a giant board to put stuff like new and old photos, stickers, etc...up and surround it with some of those old rustic looking Christmas lights from the 70s.


If NYC apt, you likely need to open it up a bit. (New Yorker here ;)). Perhaps a huge mirror to reflect light from window on left with under cabinet lighting as others suggest? Vining plants on the top? Or a large format picture/photo that complements whatever is on the opposite wall/window.


It so looming and claustrophobic. A mural would be great. And you have one to many bar stools.


take it down and open things up?


Floating shelves with layered art & plants. Also nic nacs of varying heights.


Put a big painting up there.


A big mirror? Might disguise it nicely?


Depending on which way you want to go, there are lots of options for peel and stick wallpaper to do a mural … maybe a vintage-y diner scene, or mid century modern cocktail party, or really anything. That is such a big space; might as well art it up and make it more interesting!


There's a Seinfeld episode about this lol


That’s where the menu goes


Peg wall. You can add shelves to it, hang things, add more storage. I got one on Amazon for less than $100


Hear me out... get some red yarn, solve a missing person's case.


You can use peel & stick wallpaper in an apartment. It’s easy to put on & take off. I would cover the top and also the bottom. My choice would be either a solid color or an organic print like brick or tile.


I would tile it :) even peel & still wall tiles are a renter-friendly options.


Tear it out


[https://eleanosgallery.com/products/minimalistic-balance-mm107](https://eleanosgallery.com/products/minimalistic-balance-mm107) Something with texture that would not be too distracting.


Perfect spot for a fresco painting


3 or four black and white pictures or one centerpiece


Add texture and lighting. Texture in the form of decorative moulding in the same color as the wall, which will give visual interest without making the overhang look more “heavy” because it is already overbearing. Lighting bright under and soft over, to help open up the space.


Can you remove it?


I think you only need 3 stools here. It seems kinda cramped for 4 people


A neon bar open sign!


Huge neon beer sign


Get a narrow shelving unit like this https://www.walmart.com/ip/Slim-Storage-Cabinet-Adjustable-Shelves-8-Tier-Media-Tower-Rack-Tall-Narrow-Bookcase-Display-Bookshelf-Multi-functional-Double-Decker/5443070698 Lay it on its side. Make sure you measure the dimensions.


Wall decal or wallpaper


display shelves


Artistic paint job like block stripes or arrows, or decorative mirror or tiles. Decorative picture frame molding


Mostly hit your head on it. Lol


Remove it.


Knock it down, it looks kind of odd and pointless. Open up that space, it will look so much nicer.


If you own, I would open that wall and have shelves for bottles and glasses.


Mount a TV of course! /s Super cheap would be to get palets and stain them dark and put them up with some LED lights strips.


Add a moveable type board like they have in diners listing what the meal of the day is


Wallpaper that whole wall in a cool graphic or botanical print (if you can’t remove the cabinets.)


I had that exact same setup in my summer place. I took that whole row of cabinets out and reused them in the laundry room. Having to duck under the cabinets to talk to people on the other side drove me crazy, and I’m hardly tall. Hung a beautiful linear light fixture in its place.


Those comically large utensils. Keep your guest on their toes


Put some cabinet doors in the back so you can grab the cups from the other side too


Mural/graffiti/wallpaper appliques, the possibilities are endless.


Had a similar arrangement in a college house and we put a tv up there


I vote for a giant neon sign


Nothing. Dust it once a week, wash it once a month. It's there to increase ventilation in the kitchen. Anything you put there is going to get filthy, fast, from the dust, grease and humidity. Put some art on the cabinet backs. Put some lights under the cabinet bottoms.


I vote with opening them on both sides with glass-fronted doors. Entirely open shelves in a kitchen will get greasy.


Put some heat lamps on the bottom of that monstrosity, add a service bell on the counter and hollar "ORDER UP" whenever food is ready.


I'd either put some plants at the top that trail and hang down along the white space, or I'd hang some shelves.


If I could paint I’d paint a mural on the upper cupboard


Plants on top that will trail down


Also I’m Curious what one oils put in that tiny little cupboard at the very top


Geesh, I have a spot like that… haven’t done anything, but always thought a seamless mirror might be nice. [https://share.icloud.com/photos/0fcGQxHUzyCGv262oWp3lu0TA](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0fcGQxHUzyCGv262oWp3lu0TA) I also have thought that adding a bit of detailing on the upper cabinets, like the detailing on this island, might spruce things up a bit.🤷‍♀️


Plants on top and either paint or add some artwork on the wall for some visual interest.


Have sex on it, if you find a willing participant, of course.


Take it down


art space. either paintings or use chalk art on a blackboard or art of some kind. no plants above because you will forget about them.


Lights and some artwork, or sculpture.


Would some really cool wallpaper look good? I’ve been watching someone on social media who wallpapers surfaces she finds really boring and I love the results. A really bold wallpaper might do the trick? Don’t know your style…[https://share.icloud.com/photos/0e7Fsm5XbzJbuNrZAExF4RkfA](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0e7Fsm5XbzJbuNrZAExF4RkfA)


Ngl my first thought was a deadpool etc betting board. But I'm unhinged. If you follow a sports team, or play board games, or really anything you could follow with a track record, it would be cool to put something here that you could add to that way (games won, points etc)


Nothing, to me a waste of space and just a dust collection area. Don’t know why builders do this all over the home. It looks so stupid in new builds. 20ft ceilings with ledges.


We had a very similar kitchen in our last home and we used this space for a custom 'Family Calendar' and corkboard. There are some really fancy ones on Etsy, listed as acrylic wall calendars. A few small stacked shelves to the left for succulents wouldn't look bad either.