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Let's start with: what don't you like about it, specifically?


Those chairs


Which ones? You mean like all the chairs?


Well I had just meant the bar stool chairs because I hadn’t seen the rest. But I saw all and don’t like any


I'd only got to the bar stools and was like "Commenter is very correct" but then I swiped further and... Commenter is very correct


lol at the mismatches dining room chairs


The old fashioned dining chairs are ok. But I really despise that plush with no arm rest type. You can’t cut an arm chairs arms off and call it a dining chair Now I’ve noticed that bakers rack thing 😖.


Ok so I’m thinking about it and you seem to like this farmhouse style but have weird early 2000’s stuff mixed in. I day go hard on that French farmhouse thing. Bright yellows and blues, color, get rid of the metal things and the ugly chairs (keep the wood dining ones and table) and replace with antique wooden hutch. And 10000% get rid of that clock And put up some art.


Clock is massive and draws your attention up. A clock is fine but not a 40” black clock. I’d get rid of it also. I’d replace the bakers rack with a buffet and have a bright beautiful piece of art above. The current bakers rack just looks like clutter. Choose a color you love and add a colorful carpet with the same hues as the art piece. Bring in some colorful accent pieces in the kitchen area. Replace the dining room chairs with a more modern chair design. Again - add some color, there. The entire space is mono-chromatic and needs some light and life breathed in. All your cabinets and floors look great (less the stainless steel toe kick. I’ve never seen that and it seems out of place.


I'm guessing the upholstered ones. Never been a fan of that look.


The chairs around the table was the first thing that hit me too. I think it might be the material. You can change the fabric and style if possible.


I think it looks really nice! I would add under cabinet lighting if you don’t already have that.


It’s shocking how adding under cabinet lighting always makes me feel like the whole kitchen has been renovated!


My husband spends his every waking moment turning off under cabinet lighting when I'm not looking. Drives me crazy!


I feel this in my core! I have lamps in every room in my house, they are on timers, turn on and off automatically. Husband: turns on every overhead light. WHY?! We also have dimmers and he will even put those on full blast. I fee like he wants to cook us!


We may have to out them in poorly lit dog houses. lol.


My husband turns off every light he sees! And all of ours are also on timers, and I have the light color change throughout the day. Drives me nuts! Especially since he does it on his way out the door to work, and I work from home - stop touching them! They're perfect! Why do you want me to be a cave??


My husband will turn the porch light on in the morning and if I don't notice it'll stay on UNTIL it gets dark out 🤦🏻‍♀️ So if the sun goes down while I'm out then I'm totally left in the dark because he'll also close the garage door 😡


You can replace the light switch for the porch light to one with a built-in timer. You can find these at the big-box hardware stores. They come with instructions which will send you to a website with an online tutorial to show you how it’s done.


Must be a guy thing because we are always battleing the over head light preference! I hate overhead lights.


Is … this satire?


You get to see your kitchen in a whole new light!


I have this kitchen....colors, cabinets, granite, floors...and the crumb illuminators did make quite a difference in improving it.


Start there, and maybe put a few splashes of color under the cabinets — small pictures of flowers in a nice frame or in a small plate holder, or a vase or two. Get some orange, yellow, green, purple, red in there. Edit: Any think about putting glasses in a cabinet with a solid door, and keeping colorful dishes and things in the glass-door cabinets.


Agreed. The stuff on the top of the cabinets could be replaced with things that have color. Decorative plates are a good one, you can get them cheap and they're often pretty colorful.


It's all the decor. The bones of the kitchen is good. The chairs and lounge suite and bookshelf plus decor are making it look more dated.


I agree about the furniture. It could look fresher with a change of hardware (knobs, handles), but the furniture is giving it "grandma's house" vibes.


And all this shit on top of the cabinets! Some greenery would brighten it up


The shit on top of the cabinets is like... the same color as the cabinets. Maybe that's planned? But replacing them with things with COLOR would be helpful.


Yes! Haha technically this is “grandmas house” 😂 but I agree. No idea what kind of table to get though??


The scale of the table is actually a bit small for the space. You could go bigger farmhouse style or one with leaves to extend. Matching chairs would go a long way. and get rid of that wrought iron shelf.


This is the answer.


I would remove the giant clock in picture 3- which takes up space without adding much value- and replace with a curated family photo wall


I think this is how Kate of John and Kate plus eight Would decorate


I like it! I’d take the stuff off the top of cabinets though- screams live laugh love/ Tuscan kitchen from 2007-2017 ish. I like the trim and wouldn’t paint it. I think the barstools look good but if you wanted to put in a pop of color you could get new ones.


I think I’m old and still in that era! I still like something up there.


I like them. I’d just collect the items in fewer groups.


I agree. Declutter, and if the space feels too empty, put bright live plants up there (neon pothos comes to mind)


Wouldnt it be hard to water plants that high?


Neon pothos was my thought exactly. It’s a fresh modern green


Its so pretty


I think it's gorgeous. The only thing I don't like is the dark backsplash.


Reddit has me feeling like I’m in some sort of twilight zone with these types of posts. So many “dated” kitchens look amazing to me. I‘m just poor and hang around poor people because I would love this kitchen.


I wonder how many “updates” I’ve not been able to afford since I think my kitchen would be updated if it was this beautiful. lol.


Dude I posted about a rug and everyone was telling me to buy $3000+ rugs for my apartment. I love in an apartment. Do you think I have 3000 rug money?


😂😂 “Do you think I have 3000 rug money?” 😂😂


As I said before that is what they do here, wanna make you feel less than. No wonder ppl get anxiety and depression and get off social. Be mindful of each other, treat ppl with respect. Life is hard enough already.


I don’t live in an apartment and I wouldn’t spend 3k on a rug. No way!


What I don’t understand is the need to constantly update solid materials that look great. It’s unnecessary and wasteful. There is nothing wrong with this kitchen.


They just need to rearrange some things. I bet they could shop from the house and it would be amazing.


I think it would be better if they just came out and said ‘I’m tired of this look, how can I refresh it” instead of calling everything dated. I agree though about the wastefulness of frequently changing cabinets, counter materials .


literally. compared to these my kitchen is awful 😭 i’d give anything for those cabinets and island space


Yes! Same here, I don't even have the space in my kitchen for all my appliances. Every time I wander in this sub, I leave feeling too poor to be here 😂


Our kitchen is original from the 80s and I'm just waiting for it to come back "in." Hopefully the melamine cabinets can last that long.


This is what happens when you put yourself out there some ppl have no tact. Just take it with a grain of salt or go on Pinterest. To each is own is does not take a lot to to upgrade if you can do some DIY.


Agreed, dark countertops are fine, but the backsplash is sucking the light out of that area


But that room is so open and bright that I don’t see the dark backsplash as a drawback. But I do like the under-counter lighting idea.


A more practical option too.


Thank you! I thought the exact same thing, I love this kitchen and the combination of light and dark.


I like the dark backsplash




I agree. Change out the backsplash to a lighter one and add under cabinet lighting.


The decorative woodwork at the top of the upper cabinets is dating it for me, I think that’s the only difficult change I would make. Other than that, different barstools, dining chairs, different shelf thing on the left in the fourth photo, maybe one like the classic Anthropologie China closet. And some throw rugs.


I agree with the cabinets. The only thing that stuck out to me was the upper cabinet faces. If those were swapped for similar stain in sleek style like shaker etc


I'd paint the walls, replace the barstools and covered dining room chairs. The wooden ones are nice. I'd paint the door and window trim (I think I'll get slaughtered for that on this sub, but it doesn't seem to be beautiful craftsman trim but just standard yellow wood trim, and to me it's giving an early 90s vibe). I would keep the floors, cabinets, and counter as is. They're beautiful. I'd remove the clutter on top of the upper cabinets.


You took the words right out of my mouth


I would paint the wainscoting backing on the island - whatever you like, probably something muted or if you can change the bar stools, you could take inspiration from them for the color.  Declutter above the cabinets. I actually like the grass and woven thing above the fridge, but I think it’s just because the lighting is nice at that time of day.  Hang some art. Get a heavier hutch - the space can take it. Update chairs 


So - I would probably change the counters. I would probably do a white and caramel marble to play with the natural wood; I would change all the hardware to brass; I would paint the bottom of the island something somewhat vibrant (a blue, green, etc) and then echo that with the paint on the entire back wall. Probably a lighter version of the blue or green used on the island. Better yet - I would make the island entirely much larger bc you have the space. I would want to be able to have 4-5 seats there. I don't love the stools at the island but they aren't the worst. I would go for some interesting lighting right over it. Built in shelves where the current one is on both sides of the door - and then put the stuff on top of the cupboards in it and clean it up a bit, it's a bit busy with the dried flowers and all. Could be cabinets on the lower levels to keep it clean. I would have the dining table refinished to be lighter and a bit more modern - and then new chairs and light fixture.


All of this. I can't love dark counters and backsplash in a kitchen. I'm not crazy about huge islands, but it might be handy. There's double ovens, but at least one microwave is taking up counter space. Maybe a drawer micro could fit in the island. It would also be nice to find room for a rollout trash can.


Wow yes great recos thank you


I realize now your cooktop is on the existing island - I would for that reason make it MUCH larger - nearly as long as to the edge of the ovens - and about 1.5X the depth. (And def induction.) You can get a fan that pops up from the island if that is a concern. You have the room for a fantastic island that can make such a spacious kitchen the hub that it should be! It's a great and large space and I think you can keep the original elements (cabinetry) but still update it. Even more modern could be removing the glass doors and keeping those as "built-in" open shelves.


I know you don't want to do massive upgrades, but just replacing the black counters and backsplash alone with a lighter color would turn this into a new kitchen.


Lol I thought the black is the best thing I really love here. AND - how the black works against the wood! It just needs black color-echo - like painting all chrome appliances in black. Chrome is kinda daring everything. Black will be so much modern! If you change that to something bland like white or God forbid beige - it would spoil all the modern contrast. Adding beige or brown would make a room older. Out of light backsplashes maybe only white marble with a really striking contrasty pattern would be awesome. Contrasts in details usually rejuvenate a room. Whilst what makes a room old and bland is psychological safety and shyness of contrast. When everything is kinda samey and safe. Kinda like an old person, like old fashoned room. Really psychological trait if you think about it. Dark olive color somewhere works a treat with wood too! Maybe backsplash, maybe some of the cabinets or even walls).


Except that the black counters/backsplash scream 1990's which is what is bothering her. The current trend is to go lighter - marble, silestone quartz, butcher block, and even concrete is sneaking in there. Butcher block wouldn't work with all the wood. Maybe If she painted the cupboards, the black might not seem so dated, but that's a lot of time and effort and it might not achieve what she wants. Even If all she did was replace the black backsplash with something more modern like a Zellig tile, it would update the kitchen.


It’s funny, I never had a black backsplash and can’t recall knowing anyone that did. So for some while it may feel dated, it doesn’t strike me that way. I didn’t read decor mags back then either. So all depends what you’re familiar with is what I’m saying I guess. It looks nice to me now and is a nice change from constant white tile. I agree that under counter lighting would be good though.


100% agree, the black is really dating the kitchen imo. since OP wants an updated look, a new tiled backsplash and lighter color stone counter would be nice. also change the hardware to something more modern


Furniture, backsplash, under cabinet lightning, MAYBE hardware.


You have a nice room with good bones. The wall color is on point. I would not undertake a huge overhaul in this space. Instead I’d focus on the soft elements: furniture, decor, lighting. Remove every above cab decoration. Get rid of that clock. Get a new table and chairs. Get new barstools. Get new lights. Get new hardware if you want. If it’s not too much trouble, get new ceiling fans too. Style wise, stick with timeless elements.


Get new chairs. And new light fixtures.


This is literally a year ahead of trend, lol. All the early 90s kitchens are hot right now and this will be in after a year or two. Don't change it. Looks like good material was used and done properly. Why add more waste for no reason? ETA: if you really need a change, strip and restain your cabinets or make just the center island a striking accent colour.


This is all very subjective but here are some good suggestions that others have mentioned: 1. Paint! This will really lift the room 2. Get rid of cloth dining chairs 3. Some colorful art 4. Bug effort but if you want you could change the color of the cabinets. They do look a little dated. Alternatively, new door/drawer handles would help


I like your response so thoughtful.


Counters, backsplash, and chairs would make a big difference. If there’s more money you can change the door fronts.


I would start with removing all the junk above the cabinets, replacing the bar stools and chairs, and the light fixture above the table.


Take everything out. Get new, trendy decor at Target. Buy new chairs. Spend less than $500. You will regret dramatically changing the cabinets in five years. Millennials want to buy homes with color after being forced to rent gray blocks for two decades.


Under cabinet lighting and change those stools at the island—There is soooo much golden wood everywhere!! It’s enough!! Put some green or something. Because between the cabinets and floor it’s oppressive. A cheap but fun way to update the cabinets could be switching out the handles if you find something you like better.


Big rug under the dining table to ground it, break up the rooms & the floor


I don't ever recommend painting the cabinets, but the color/shade of those beautiful counter tops don't work with the color of the cabinets, and the floor being the same as the cobibets is just a lot.... And those counters are stunning. So, paint those cabinets. ETA : keep the backsplash how it is. It's modern and the trend now. Under cabinet lighting. You can buy motion sensor ones off Amazon. Paint the island as well. One user mentioned a blue or green. Based on some of your choices, it seems like you like jewel tones, rich colors, but with a balance. I see bright red oven mitts, a dark green kitchen table. Colorful wild flowers in 2 different spots, colorful kitchen ware, a maroon? Backpack.... The space is large enough that you can do whatever you want here. If you want to keep it a bit more traditional and not like a kalaedescope, I'd recommend slate blue, warm grey, hunter green, navy blue. Remove what you have up top. It's dated. If I were you, I'd buy some prints if art you like that match the color scheme you go with, frame it, place it up top, and add led uplighting that you can control remotely. Black and white family photos would look stunning here as well. They should all probably be minimum 11x14.


Instead of paint, I'd sand and restain them/bleach them a lighter & less yellow color. Black & oak look lovely together!


oooh a white oak would look great


I honestly can only imagine/fantasise about having this big a space. Just wanted to say it’s incredible and I’m so envious (spoken from someone living in an apartment in a major city centre - I long for this kind of space!). I’m sure wherever you do with it will be beautiful!


Wait 2 years because this is where I see the trends heading! I would change the hardware to gold or more modern if you’re really wanting to change it but my pinterest feed is getting filled with these kitchens now that everyone is sick of the white and grey


I think that's a very nice place, nothing needs to be changed. Maybe just add a beautiful, bright rug and some colorful art.


Paint all the walls, and set up the cabinets with glass doors like a China cabinet. Get a nice canister set for coffee and such.you need a rug under the dining table, large enough that the chairs will fit all the way on the rug when they are pulled out.


It looks like this wants to be a symmetrical kitchen, but some designer or homeowner chickened out on the idea. I'd love it if you had a beautiful range or cooktop right in the middle of that back wall, with a beautiful hood above it and gorgeous stone backsplash in between. Put your walls on either side, and balance out the other cabinets between. Make the island your primary worksurface.


Nothing except take the stuff off the top of the cabinets and maybe some fresh wall paint. I think it's lovely.


I would bin all that stuff on top of the cupboards, it looks cluttered. The bar stools could be switched out for something a bit less matchy and more contemporary, perhaps in a bright colour. Also some rugs (not in the main kitchen workspace) would be good in this space.


What about painting them? Get rid of bakers rack and put a nice sideboard. Walls look gray? I’d paint them. Remove all chotskys from top of cupboards.


I think it’s really nice already! If you want to change up the vibe you could swap in some different barstools and light fixtures, add a rug under the dining table… but it really looks nice as is.


I love it! It’s very beautiful! I think some new chairs for island would be nice, especially in a color that contrasts with the wood. Maybe black or green?


New stools and get new chairs for the tables. Ditch the decor on top of the cabinets and get rid of the metal shelf and find something more modern.


Take the stuff off the top of the cabinets


A rug?


The only issue I see is that wire shelf monstrosity has to go.


It just needs to be restyled...get rid of the wicker baskets and grass things on top. Replace the chairs with more current art deco inspired trends. Declutter and decant.


I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s a beautiful and very dramatic. It’s very well thought out and tasteful.


I’d paint the entire upper wall in the kitchen the same dark color as the back splash. Remove the baskets and fou-fou on top


Paint the whole wall black?? What!




Brilliant! The whole part if the room black would be awesome!! Daring too! Modern and young = daring. Old / old fashioned = shy samey and safe. And black is gorgeous with mid-tone woods!


Black, staring at it the first thing I see in the kitchen I would surely not want to cook.


It’s a nice big kitchen. It just needs a few updates. First of all I paint all of your wood trim white such as white Dove, it works well with your floors . I wouldn’t touch your cabinets. I would change your backsplash to a creamy white subway,. I would put in some new counter stools with a fabric seat to bring some warmth into the kitchen. I’d also add some rugs or runner or two near kitchen area and buy the stove area…say good bye to the giant clock and reupholster your chairs that around your dining table with a more modern fabric or just purchase some new chairs altogether for your table. It would give it a more updated look. I’d replace your chandelier over the table with a linear looking light fixture. I’d remove the bakers rack. Maybe add some staggered shelves. Or a new free standing cabinet. Re- do all of the items above the cabinets, if you want something there make them cohesive and significant in size. I think a fresher blue paint would look great in your room along with the white.


I like these ideas. Was thinking the same about the Bakers Rack. Replace with a cabinet. Was also thinking if OP could move the toaster oven off the counter. That would be a great area to add some more color with plants or other items.


Some suggestions: take the stuff off the top of the cabinets, replace the backsplash to something lighter, figure out a place for the convection over/air fryer off the counter, rework the island by taking off the detail carving and painting the whole thing (not gray) to break up all the wood, and repaint the walls a cream like Casa Blanca (I know that makes you think it will be white, but it's a nice orange toned off-white) that will work with your floors, cabinets, and trim), replace your dining room chairs so they all match or redistribute them so it doesn't look like one end is for the family you like and the other end is for Cousin Eddie and family, rotate the dining table do the chandelier is centered, remove the ceiling fans unless you use them and love them in which case replace them with ones that blend in better and do not look so 80s, replace the chandelier over the dining table with something updated, replace the baker's rack with something with closed storage so it's less cluttered looking, and remove the giant black clock that is overseeing the whole thing.


Your lighting needs updated big time. I’d definitely do under cabinet lights, it looks so dark on the counters with that black granite and black tile. That’s a really cheap update as far as lighting goes, there’s lots of diy kits for >$100 on Amazon that can just plug into an outlet. You could also add lighting above the cabinets, as accent lighting. 3 fans seems a bit excessive, and I’d swap the kitchen fan for some island accent lighting (totally get that that could be regional though, we don’t get particularly hot here). Theres two other jobs I’d consider for a fairly quick/cheap update. 1- if possible, remove the grills from the glass doors. That would clean up the look quite a bit. You could also remove any extra millwork, like the board with the cutout designs on the end of the island. But the window grills are really the most obvious and visually distracting. With those gone, you could look at installing a film, reeded glass, or leave them plain. 2- paint just the island. I like that the wood tones all play well together, but there’s a lot of wood here. Painting just the island would break up the wood on wood look and give you a visual divide between spaces. I mean, you could replace the backsplash and paint all the cabinets. But thats a lot more work and a lot more money.


Changing the doors


I would update your light fixture and dining space. Get a nice area rug, maybe of larger, grander table with a more updated look to it :)


I would replace the doors on the cabinets (the drawers are OK) and have the cabinets painted. I personally do not like granite backsplashes so I would replace that if possible.


Undercabinet lighting and just modern cabinet hardware would go a long way in this kitchen.


Put myself there with an orange scarf. Seriously I love it.


Update the handles, paint out the window frames...too much honey colour. Get new kitchen stools.. ...The ones you have are too high & dated looking.


I love color but it would brighten up the kitchen greatly by painting the walls a bright white.


A simple fix (from a novice who happens to love the kitchen) would be some warm rugs/runners on the floor - something with reds And swap out the bakers rack for a cabinet/Hutch..my style would be painted antique, d Hoosier, etc but find something that works for you! I think a darker but warm color painted cabinet would bring warmth to the room and contrast and enhance all the beautiful wood


I think it’s amazing! The only things I’d change or add would be 4 matching chairs and 2 fancier chairs at the table, and under cabinet lighting


Bright red vintage runner or rug between the island and counter, swap out the fans for something better looking, get new counter stools, get a large piece of art like a framed vintage poster for the empty wall across from the island, get a fun mini counter light, take the stuff off the top of the cabinets, and get a colorful ceramic container for your coffee.


Changing the bar stools and dining table chairs would do a lot. Kitchen itself looks great, maybe consider sanding and restaining the floor to give it that modern “raw” look if you’re up for a project. Same goes for the table, get that redish stain sanded off & it will instantly look updated. For chair & barstool inspo Id look at vitra & carl hansen styles if you’re into a modern but cozy look. Light fixture can be an updated version of what you currently have, something like [this](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=35a3d0f5617f2f1a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enNL784NL784&hl=en-GB&sxsrf=ADLYWILeA7BouVlM7EE8mObuQHPmT09AlA:1715294695301&q=light+fixtures+kitchen&uds=ADvngMgNG4qWEcyOv6mZ7d9R1NXiMeK4Se4qZRJGbGaOHINYvHDmx_qbkD3noSUlMWNpEeMnljdoEQVsqDb_PYMHsuKCaiz5g8vP9DfNSUWGL2UTGSlpAn--tI7RnhAWmbWluUbBi5YnH6f50Ta0nQtikrYTgEyLEbw_aDxLXDveP7tq6PgcYWF-o27nTWmRj-YdEA4uLK-JUvT_4ZaVfTNUqJrpq-Mk5CGBVxcVrnY6-o6qaPvfVzNZrU6ngCMkHkCKZCt7XbCjeCZn0uI0C2WW9EQ1QhecBHYMkkUlBkMx1hwqd67ssZs&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimhf7X0oGGAxXwnP0HHUlPCGMQtKgLegQIFBAB&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3#vhid=kVcCTlAisbVzjM&vssid=mosaic&ip=1) A new storage rack (or highboard), one without those y2k curls, would do you a lot of good also! This room has tonnes of potential, I’m loving it! Shoot me a dm if you’d like some recommendations based on your personal style, I have worked professionally in high end interior design for a while & even though I work in a different field now it’s still a hobby of mine to give people interior advice & recommendations 😋


Idk I think just different more cohesive chairs could absolutely make the space more cohesive and updated


I love your kitchen! I might be partial to it because I don't like dark woods, and yours are just perfect. Like some others have said, I'd remove the objects from over the top cabinets, and, I guess I don't love the lamp? chandelier? on top of the island.


Such a beautiful room 👍


Beautiful. New bar stools that have some fun color and then pick a color from that and paint your walls that color.


Personally I love everything about this space except the dining table and chairs. The chairs look like they are maybe meaningful but they do make the room feel dated, a more modern dining area would change the vibe entirely I think


This kitchen looks brand new lol


I’d update the cabinet doors, not necessarily a different color but just a more modern look. I don’t like the look of the… I’m not sure what the word is, but the tops of the cabinets having the opposite of a base board. Makes them look like they should reach the ceiling. The dark background is a little too dark in my opinion, but the granite is beautiful so maybe some bright under cabinet lights to see if that would do it. Some sort of rug under the dining set up, to break up all the oak tones and to bring some more color schemes in. Also just more rugs, art, colors, textures. More modern looking bar stools and chairs. And lastly I might condsider making the back wall an accent wall. I mean the wall that your fridge/ovens are on. It’s a far wall so a color wouldn’t cramp the space, but it might help bring things together


For a refresh, I would update new light fixture, stools, and dining chairs. I'm not crazy about the wire shelf for my personal taste. You could also remove the nicknacks over the cupboards. It's a really nice space!


I’ve attached my inspo. If at all possible replace the two fans with two pendants above the island (yes minor rewire but worth it unless heat is a terrible issue). White Island base. Replace knobs and fixtures. You could consider off white lowers but you may not want to change the natural wood. Put down a runner for some contrast. Great barstools. https://www.google.com/imgres?h=1532&w=1024&tbnh=275&tbnw=183&osm=1&hcb=1&source=lens-native&usg=AI4_-kRbb-yDVqkTJkdnvpsV6PhNeyxPDA&imgurl=https://smp-is.stylemepretty.com/submissions/uploads/342171/5f47d71b15109$!1125x.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.stylemepretty.com/living/2021/01/13/trend-repot-wood-tones/&tbnid=-lMVv77ZHiJPFM&docid=kOzMUt9nhF0HhM&client=mobilesearchapp&cs=0&gsas=1&hl=en&v=315.0.630091404


I think it’s gorgeous! Agree with folks that some under the cabinet lighting would make a world of difference. One thing I’m noticing is the “sameness” of the wood of the cabinets and floors. Maybe some colorful rugs to break it up. I also think the stuff on top of the cabinets and the furniture are dated, but that can be easily fixed.


Non wooden chairs at first. Simply white or some bold color


It’s fine.


I'd replace your dining table and the outdated chairs along with your shelving unit for something more modern/less old person housey


I wouldn’t change anything, it looks nice. As far as I’m concerned, I like what I like and to hell if it’s outdated. I think the only thing I would do is take the baskets down from the top and the dried flowers. But if you like them, keep them.


A lot of people are talking about not liking the dark backsplash- but I think if you lightened up the cabinets with a off white color or something of the like it’d really help the counters and backsplash shine a lot better


Add some bright pops of color.


Honestly, I’d paint the space above the cabinets black to match the backsplash and counter, call it a day.


Maybe some new hardware, handles etc. Possibly replace the old school glass doors with something simpler and modern, but still that oaky style. It's a nice kitchen, just needs a pop of contrast


I would start with: Lose the wire shelf along that one wall. If you need a cabinet there, go for something more curated with a built-in look. With doors or drawers to clean up the field of vision. Wire/open shelves give industrial vibes. An antique Hoosier cabinet could be really interesting. Bring in some softness and warmth with maybe a light neutral theme via textiles. I would especially ditch that dining set, go for a big sturdy black or white round table with chairs that all match, with an oversized round rug under it. And matching runner rugs in the actual kitchen area. I would also consider some curtains, mounted as high and wide as possible, for the dining area window. The barstool/chairs are also dated, I’d swap them for something a little less clunky and maybe more organic modern. Black stools or chairs would look lovely with a black dining room set, and would complement the dark countertops. Introduce some freshness with some plants—there’s tons of natural light in there—replace the clutter on top of the cabinets with some live greenery! And definitely bring the lighting down. Under cabinets. Lamps. Nothing major NEEDS to be done, this space has an excellent foundation. It’s just a bit mismatched and doesn’t have a consistent vision throughout.


I actually like the colour of the cabinets but maybe change the benchtop and the splashback to something lighter, changing the drawer and cabinet pulls will also help. I would change the stools to something more modern and I’d remove the clutter of the things that are on top of the cabinets above where the fridge is too


I still think it looks great but suggestion to try- maybe more substantial side /bookshelf instead of the metal shelf and remove/update the chair covers


New barstools. Done. You have a beautiful kitchen! Maybe new dining chairs as well but the actual kitchen is gorgeous! You *could* update the hardware for a small change but even that really isn't necessary. Looks great to me. The only thing that bothers me is how much the wood from the barstools matches with the rest of the wood especially the island. They match a little too well and just kind of blend together. I think a darker wood for the barstools would look nice or even just plain black.


I actually love the whole space. The styling is classic and timeless! The oak looks great in all that lovely natural light. I’d just update the dining chairs to something like [this](https://amzn.eu/d/iPwACSe) to be more cohesive!


New table and chairs. New barstools. Go with black or a dark stain, something more modern to break up all the gold oak. Curate some more deliberate styling on the countertop. Paint the molding trim around the window to match the wall. You could maybe even refinish the floors to a dark ebony or walnut to create some more contrast. That would also modernize things and tie in well with the dark countertop. In a perfect world, maybe redo the countertops and backsplash...but that's a pricey undertaking and it's not really necessary. Right now the oak cabinets look really nice, but they're kind of being drowned out by all the golden oak on golden oak everywhere. It's a little overkill but if you pair things back a little, those cabinets will be very chic!


I honestly love the counters and the backsplash. You have so much natural light coming in. Personally I would go moody. I would put in the work for a moody cabinet color. Whether that’s restaining them or painting them. Undercabinet lighting. Maybe remove the decor sitting on top of the cabinets. There is also just ordering new cabinet doors online.


The heavy black with all the wood is looking a little out of balance, due to the scale of the space. I'd add more wrought iron/black elements, especially in the bar stools. If they were black instead of wood, it would balance better.


The fabric chairs need to go. Giving grandma vibes. Change the stools as well, they’re too busy. Hide your oven mitts or get a different pair.


It’s a beautiful kitchen it doesn’t look old or outdated what is the reason you want it to change? The only thing i noticed is i would get matching chairs for the table .


The cabinets are gorgeous. You could update the hardware. Maybe jazz it up a bit. And by update I don’t mean make it modern, maybe go vintage and fancier! But it is lovely as is. I’d Get rid of the decorative baskets up top and update your decor up there. If anything, fill the baskets with something. It’s very 2005 with them empty. If you’ve got a big budget some tiled backsplash would be lovely and maybe some upgraded granite or quartz. Not necessary of course. Paint on the walls, curtains on the windows (or maybe a shade). A new faucet, maybe something brass would be nice. I really think updating your decor ontop and the baking rack would go a long way. Add some plants and remove some of the clutter. Updated, fabric chairs for the table would be nice. I don’t think I’ve ever suggested painting wood, but it may be nice to paint your counter stools to break up all the wood. I’d even stain the kitchen table a deep ebony stain to break everything up. But again, everything looks great as is.


Personally, I'd get rid of the dusty baskets and vase grass, and paint the white (or is it slight beige?)a different color, or do an accent stripe, or a bold accent wall. Where there are quite a few small wall bits and a lot of square footage a more mild single color all over would probably be best..maybe a sage green or a little darker? Most bang for the buck. Next I'd buy a matching set of chairs for your dining room table, and sell the other ones to save a buck or two...the floral is dating the entire space. If you could find chairs to match the ones at the counter that would do well. A sideboard or credenza to replace the wire rack would also do wonders for the room, oh, and replace the knobs and hardware for your cabinetry with something a little less detailed and a tad more modern.


Change hardware, take all decor off the top of the cabinets, get new island bar stools, Change fans to cool pendant lights Take some appliances of the counters


Add rug under table. Update the light over table and if you can, the same for the fans. Remove the upholstered dining chairs and get 3 new wooden ones. They don’t have to match the others, just coordinate and mix them in.


The matching wood color from floor-to-ceiling is waaaay too much. Either paint or stain the cabinets a new color or change out the flooring, but some of that golden wood has to go. Other commenter’s suggestions to replace the chairs and the rack are great places to start. Maybe some plants and art?


I'd paint the island and/or cabinets, and get a lighter backslash and countertop. I think even different barstools could make a difference/add some color. Too much wood on wood on wood...


The house is crying for some non-beige art


I would love thin gold hardware


Add more lights above the cabinets and consider changing the decor to have a color scheme


Love the cabinets! I’d add an old red Turkish rug


Color change might make the biggest impact for the lowest cost. I would paint the wall above the cabinets a light grass or hay green, or light olive green and paint the island either the same green or the next darker shade. There’s just a touch too much of the yellow wood. Agree with another’s suggestion to paint the window wood perhaps to match island if you went that way. The cabinets are great(!) I wouldn’t touch but maybe a deep cleaning and soft low sheen wax polish. I think the baker rack can be swapped out for a different colored sideboard with art painting above it ? black or gray green? / distressed cream / coffee station. Undercabinet lighting? sure! Perhaps a floor stencil around the island (which looks like it gets a little lost ? Looks bit small in the open concept space? ) which will visually help the island look more important. A dark geometric stencil or whatever you fancy (I was picturing a stencil of bees or diamonds alternating with graceful lines) will connect the viewer’s eye to the backsplash and be more cohesive. Or it can be bolder thick rectangle… I am an artist so my suggestions come from “composition” how to pop things from blending together. (All the wood) Anyway…paint is the easiest change to make for practically pennies.


i quite like the honey oak and i wouldn’t change the cabinets at all! i think 2 fairly simple ways to modernize it would be to change out the handles/pulls to something less traditional, and maybe change out the backsplash tile to be different than the countertops (i’d suggest a lighter color). then match a rug or some other decor to the backsplash color. it will give it a whole new look without shelling out a lot of money and destroying those gorgeous cabinets!


I really like this kitchen. The cabinets are not new. But they’re back in style again and quality. Changing hardware always spruces it up so I’d do that- doing new high quality handles and knobs. Tidy up items atop cabinets. How about a big area rug in living area.


It looks fine, we’re in recession, save your money or use it to help someone else


I think it’s a nice space. To update, I think change out the decor (stuff on top of the cabinets, the wire rack, the flowery chair covers, and the big clock). You could always change the hardware on the cabinets and drawers. I think plain black handles without details on them really help to update oak cabinets.


My first thought was the backsplash has to change. Love the countertops and the bones of the kitchen though. You COULD paint the cabinets but I don’t think you necessarily need to


Not much, I'd just about kill for a big kitchen like that. Maybe update the breakfast bar chairs, they look dated.


Please, do not change the floors or cabinets. The wood is beautiful. Start with new cabinetry hardware. That makes a world of difference! Later down the road- I’d say Lighter counter tops and backsplash, different barstools and different decor on top of cabinets.


Remove the items above the cabinets and like other people have suggested, add under cabinet lights.


I would be so happy with that kitchen. I would just change out some of the furniture and add some counter decor


Too much “wood”. Since you’re not changing the floors, paint the cabinets white.


Tell me you're a rich fuck with too much money and time on your hands without telling me you're a rich fuck with too much money and time on your hands...


New light fixture over the table, change the fabric chairs at the table, large rug under the table, replace the bakers rack w an enclosed cabinet, remove the items from the cabinet soffit to start. Then take pictures for Round 2


I think it needs green. Plants probably


I’d add under counter lighting and have rye cabinets professionally painted off white and update the handles.


It seems such a large space and the kitchen island seems so small - maybe it is your pictures. Can you expand your island? Decor needs to be updated - bar stools to connect the black counters. Upholstered chairs can be put somewhere else as an additional chair. Perhaps a large black China cabinet to ground the space where your bakers rack is. Replace the table with a larger table and black chairs connecting the black. You could turn your table so it runs parallel to the windows then it doesn’t interfere with the flow to your living room. Add large plants at the far wall.


Remove all brown decor as there is already so much of that color in the floors and cabinets. Under cabinet lighting. Consider new bar stools, again with no brown. Paint island.


Some rugs to break up the wood on wood


Holy Jesus why do you have so many plates


I just about choked I laughed so much lol thank you for the chuckle lol lol


Your cabinets are beautiful. Wow


You need color! Your island chairs could be reupholstered with some fun patterned fabric.


Honestly just update the decor


Remove the trim on top, new cabinet doors, get rid of the hideous chairs.


The bar stool chairs are not my cup of tea. I like the kitchen. I would just declutter a little. Maybe new backsplash that is lighter. I would not paint the cabinets.


If I would do some minor changes, I’d get rid of the non-black kitchen table chairs. I’d get a big rug for under the table. One that’s patterned but mostly one color. I see blue, green, or red working well. I’d switch out the barstools with something that matches the table so it’s all cohesive without all being the light wood tone. I’d put a small rug in front of the fridge. There’s a lot of the same wood color, especially that chunk of floor/cabinet next to the island.


First off, it’s lovely as is. If I were to change anything: 1. I am really not a fan of ceiling fans like that with beautiful vaulted ceilings. If you don’t use them, I’d get rid of them all together or change them to ones with a little more style. They have ones that are covered and look more like light fixtures than ceiling fans. 2. Update light fixture above table 3. Update dining room table or at least the chairs as well as the barstool chairs. 4. Get rid of the shelf and replace it with a more modern style coffee bar.


The cabinet color is a little dry and doesn’t compliment the room


I think maybe taking out the shelf by the entryway with.. stuff? on it would help it look less cluttered. And updating the countertops/backsplash to a lighter or more colorful option


So much 90’s wood. I’d get new cabinet fronts and have the cupboards painted. I’d go white and something fun on the island, maybe a forest or sage green. With those colors, you wouldn’t have to change out the backsplash. New hardware, probably black if you want a classic look would last longer. But I’d really want to go gold in whatever I could for some shiny pops. Get the stuff off the top, that dates it hard. The bar chairs should be switched out with something more modern - maybe metal or lucite in black or gray. Roman shades over the windows with texture. Decor could be gold, white, green, and maybe a little bit of mustard here and there.


If you’re up for it and it works with the rest of the house, I’d start by painting the window trim white. The style of the arched windows is dated, and I’d rather make them disappear. But then you’d have to paint the other doors and windows too. Lighter countertops would be great, but if that’s too expensive, a new, lighter tile backsplash would make a world of difference. The barstools could be updated. And area rugs could soften the space. With the high ceilings and all the hard surfaces, I imagine that sound really carries in there.


I would paint the island to break up some of the wood. Maybe change the fans to pendants over the island.


Take everything off of the tops of the cabinets and the countertops. Put some color on the wall. Your cabinets, countertops & backsplash are gorgeous.


It’s beautiful. I don’t think it’s truly dated - I think you’re just bored of it. If you want to make a change I would add something cool, like a wine cooler, beer taps, or a built in fully-automatic coffee station. Alternatively you could just replace the cabinet fronts with something like flat anthracite and the counter tops with white granite, but honestly I think it looks great.


i wish my kitchen looked this nice


I also agree with people saying to paint the island a fun color that would look awesome!!