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NO! NO God no! Change literally anything else. Maybe refinish the wood darker/a different color tone. Play around with the idea of colored ceilings. But please, don't paint the woodwork.


GOD same reaction šŸ˜‚ my eyes bugged out of my goddamn head when I read this caption. For the love of all that is holy, please donā€™t touch it!!!!!


OP here -- I will reply here to the top comment just for visibility. Thank you all so much for the feedback. I was definitely not planning on doing any painting, and glad that the community seems to agree. I like the look as is (and the pics might make the wood a little darker than it is in person). Agreed that some contrast is needed and will try to take that into account when choosing a rug and chairs/furniture. Once I get moved in and settled, I will get an update post going so everyone can see what I did with the room.


I will also suggest painting the ceiling. I think this and a great way to not have the ceiling g wash out the room


Oh what a relief. Thank you, OP for not painting this.


So glad to hear you arenā€™t planning to paint it! Whoever was telling you to seems to not be able to look past the current furniture/shelf styling. What a cool space!


I punched a hole through drywall while reading the OP's post




You never hear people that have 1970's paneling being told God no.. Yep paint it. Same thing as with paneling. If you dare. It does date the room all that wood. I like wood however.


This isnā€™t a dated style, itā€™s classic and timeless. 70s wood paneling is a whole different thingā€¦although it is coming back, itā€™s still trendy and no one cares if you paint it.


Some of us don't like blonde wood and I'm one of them. I would paint it white. Paneling is wood and it's the same thing. Wood is wood. No one cares what these people do with this either. It's very dated. I'm 64. I've seen the trends. My mother painted antiques that ugly olive that I stripped and returned back to wood. This has a ship cabin feel to it and it's dated. It can always always be stripped and stained. You have no argument with me. Pick on someone else.


lol I wasnā€™t picking on youā€¦I was just saying this is not a look that ever has or ever will be ā€œdated.ā€ Sorry that offended you, but itā€™s the truth. This office looks rich as hell, and thatā€™s because itā€™s traditional and timeless. Personal preference for wood tone doesnā€™t change that.


Okay, I believe you weren't trying to pick on me. I think we agree on that. This bookcase however is dated. Nobody in the 30's something on down think so either. It's got to be painted taupe, white or some neutral color . Have you seen the decorating books? It's what they want, they don't like wood period. I do, but I admit this is not what is on trend for them. I even upvoted you. You seem like a good soul that likes authentic wood and I'm of the same mind. However it's way to honey for me I like the darker stains. LOL it reminds me of the wood waterbeds and the wood furniture of the 1980's.


Iā€™m 37, and I love this. I agree that the current trend has been minimalist/white/neutral/boring, but that look is definitely on its way out (thank god). What makes this office rich and timeless is that it could be placed in any time period. Itā€™s true that different wood is used/milled more in some time periods, but this woodwork style is traditional. The taupe/white minimalism is what has been a passing trend, and dates very specifically to the early 00s. Iā€™m glad you believe I am not picking on you!


I actually love it the way it is lol


She could paint it white with gray trim.


Right? If you're going for destruction and debasement, why not go all the way?


how about keeping the wood and swapping out the furniture with brighter modern stuff and new rug?


Iā€™m with you!! I would darken the furniture to add depth, change out the rug, and add back splash behind the shelves (something that isnā€™t permanent).


I think updating the light fixtures to something more modern and the rug to something brighter and more neutral could help. Itā€™s really unfortunate that your chairs basically match the wood, I love that color of leather. Can you swap them with something else in the house? ETA: painting the wood will be a pain and I would see if you can update it in other ways first. You could try adding a temporary peel/stick wallpaper to the back of the shelving so it lightens up a bit


I should have noted that these pics are from the listing and it's currently empty of any furniture or rugs. Just don't have any pics as I haven't moved in yet. Thank you for the comment. Seems like a great suggestion to get me started.


Oh, gotcha! This space is gorgeous and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll figure out the right balance of things. Please update us when youā€™ve moved in!


I would do the light fixtures for sure. I love the rest of it. It may be old school but itā€™s lovely and you can lean into the traditional aspects of it.


You just need to lighten up the room using contrast. When an entire room it the same colour your eye floats over the whole thing chaotically with no clear focal points to take in as this picture does and it feels overwhelming. So add lots of white without painting. Iā€™d get a rug with white, can have other colours you like too. Lots of white accents all over the room will go a long way, such as throw pillows and blankets and lamps and white accents on the shelving. Think vases, trinkets, bowls, pots, white picture frames. This seems like a lot of white but trust me, it will break up the colour palate perfectly. Along with changing the lighting as some other people said. I would also add a landscape painting between the two sconces to create a focal point in the room preferably something light and airy like a sky or an ocean. I would also change out the hardware on the cabinets to a brighter brass or polish the current ones if they already are brass. I would do all of that first and if it still doesnā€™t feel right, I would consider either wallpapering the back of the shelves or painting the horizontal part of the shelf white. Not the entire shelving unit and not the backing of the shelves, just the shelf itself underneath where the stuff is placed. This could create the perfect amount of contrast if the other stuff doesnā€™t bring enough in and help balance the room!


Are the shelves removable? They look as though they are. While I love the idea of wallpaper to line the back of the bookshelves (itā€™s something Iā€™d like to do myself), if you use peel & stick, you will ruin the finish on the wood if you donā€™t like it. Many have suggested staining it darker, but since itā€™s a long, narrow room, Iā€™d worry it would make it feel claustrophobic. But if you like dark wood, it might be fine. Just keep in mind that darker wood will show dust more readily. If it were my room, Iā€™d sand off some the gloss (a big job, I know), to make it feel more like an old-world library than a 1990s one. Finally, I agree with those who say not to paint. Anyone could have a painted wood library; what you have is special.


Go all in on a very light or very dark rug and bright art that fits between the wood paneling. Gotta break up the color! It is too much wood color with the flooring, shelves *and* walls. At least hold off on painting for a while to see if you can live with it. Is it weird to think about doing a curtain wall? Something that breaks up the color but is easily removable at a later date.


I think painting it white would cheapen the look drastically. Definitely try switching up other things like lighting and furniture first then live with it for awhile to see how it goes. You have real wood paneling which is fabulous. I think it only really works to paint paneling/wainscot etc. is when it's a DIY install.


Absolutely not! This is classic - whoever told you that is a hater . Iā€™d look into investing in a quality carpet and using furniture that offsets the wood (contrast) but imo the wood is beautiful. If you arenā€™t personally a fan , consider a stain but please donā€™t paint it white


Itā€™s a lovely den. It looks traditional not dated.


The wood is beautiful. The rug doesnā€™t go with it though. A new rug in neutral warm. Then reduce the quantity of items on the shelves. You could test out the white idea by painting just the wall where the tv is.


Please dont


NO! Embrace this.


Don't paint all that beautiful wood. You will regret it.


NOOOOOO do not paint all that beautiful wood with some crappy white paint!!! Omg. Lighten up the room with a light rug and light furniture, and some items on the shelves that pop (white / light colors / bright colors) and itā€™ll look amazing.


Omg no !!! The wood is so luxurious. The chairs are competing with the wood I would change those if you can, or add some fun throw blankets.


I would take all the shelves out of the middle section of the book case wall and either hang tv there (on an arm so you could pull it out) or hang a large piece of art to give the eye a rest from all the little shelf stuff.


I mean if you like it you should keep it, but Iā€™d change the chairs around because they add to the orange-y vibe of the whole room. I do agree it looks dated but some people like that. But if you donā€™t like it, you can paint white if you want, or maybe try seeing how difficult it would be to sand it and stain it a different color. I personally donā€™t like this tone of wood so I might try to restain if youā€™re one of those people who is obsessive about not painting wood.


The past owners styled it terribly. I'd keep the wood but play around with bringing in deeper tones in rugs and furniture. I WOULD change out that dark door and it's frame - that thing makes zero sense




Although the wood is beautiful, the whole room in wood seems a bit oppressive ,IMO. If you prefer to keep the wood, you could re stain it darker or lighter and then add in plenty of lighter furnishings. Right now it is very one note-how you decorate it will be what makes all the difference. Add in a rich Persian rug, and lamps and subdued lighting as it appears to have no windows? If it has little to no natural light then probably a color would work better than stark white, as white needs a lot of light to look good. Here are some ideas of how it could look if you don't paint- [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/28/e5/c3/28e5c37c7f65f63ac9605c76d4f4ca2d.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/28/e5/c3/28e5c37c7f65f63ac9605c76d4f4ca2d.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/e1/64/c0e16404f0dc1cbe314eb295f80acb3b.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/e1/64/c0e16404f0dc1cbe314eb295f80acb3b.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a6/46/0c/a6460cb8355f0d35c763b6af8a766c9e.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a6/46/0c/a6460cb8355f0d35c763b6af8a766c9e.jpg) Another option could be to paint the entire room a beautiful color. A deep rich moody teal or navy, or some lighter shades -really any understated shade of blue, gray green would be lovely, and give off a classic yet current vibe. Here are a few color ideas- [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b7/71/ef/b771ef40c544174c212763315ba58170.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/b7/71/ef/b771ef40c544174c212763315ba58170.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3d/36/7c/3d367c85094af635c2c5f29f85d86d5e.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3d/36/7c/3d367c85094af635c2c5f29f85d86d5e.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e2/39/64/e23964cbc558b9f7a91a969c13f46c6b.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e2/39/64/e23964cbc558b9f7a91a969c13f46c6b.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/24/58/e6/2458e601fe1a05df18fa5266b8c85c70.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/24/58/e6/2458e601fe1a05df18fa5266b8c85c70.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/50/69/50/506950cca760691c9610573ffd479eab.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/50/69/50/506950cca760691c9610573ffd479eab.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/06/36/83/0636831b9b53ac77a45f86f888b8e7a9.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/06/36/83/0636831b9b53ac77a45f86f888b8e7a9.jpg)


This is great advice. I love that you gave options for lovely paint colors for the space too, because not everyone likes an all wood toned room and thats ok!


Thank you very much for the detailed reply. Especially after seeing all the comments here, I won't be doing any painting and will work on the decorating aspect. The pictures you sent help give me some ideas at least. It is an interior room with no windows. That one window door in the picture is actually a closet, and there is a door that leads to the larger party room in the basement.


I would rip it all out and start from scratch.


I personally wouldnā€™t. Not because I love the finish but because itā€™s a lot of work to paint all of that and for it to look really nice. I would strip and stain a different color for sure though! That yellow shiny finish really dates it badly. And itā€™s much easier to do that kind of project before youā€™re fully moved in and using the space.


No way.


Change the tone of your lightbulbs and decor. That might make you feel different about the wood. I would never paint this.


Lol, is this a troll post? Giving a visceral reaction. Obviously keep the natural wood.


Nooooo! Different rug and get chairs that donā€™t match the woodwork.


Wow that's hideous. It looks like the colour caramel exploded in there. It looks like the interior of a really old yacht or the office of JR Ewing from Dallas. And what a nightmare to dust off and keep clean regularly. Rip it all out.


No. Stop painting shit white. Itā€™s painfully boring.


If you want to play up the warmth of the wood you could paint the ceiling.Ā 


Absolutely not. Paint the ceiling a Navy blue, get a huge navy blue area rug. Keep the furniture a light neutral color.


Jesus christ, it's terrifying that these people probably vote.


I would modernize in other ways because painting feels irreversible. You could wallpaper the ceiling with something super lux and add some ultra-modern furniture, lighting, and area rugs. Go all in on a style that enhances the wood tones before painting over it and backing yourself into a corner that can only ever be resolved by painting again when you want to update.


Oh no, that is so refined!!! What a gorgeous and cozy space!


THIS ROOM IS INCREDIBLE, DO NOT RUIN IT! Is this your furniture and stuff or old owner? I would swap the rug out, I want to see a traditional red rug in here and dark mahogany furniture for contrast. Wow I am so incredibly jealous, I would never leave this room.


none of it's mine and it will be empty when I move in there in a few weeks. that said - i don't have any furniture or rugs already purchased going in there. Just my desk / monitor / work setup and several boxes of books, which will only fill maybe 1.5 sections in there. Thanks for the suggestions.


Pottery, framed family photos or art, tchotchkes, collections!! I could fill them in a heartbeat, lol. If youā€™re a books for looks kinda person, auctions are great for big lots of beautiful antique books.




The wood is beautiful and has character. The chairs are the same color as the wood so thatā€™s not helping visually, not enough contrast. Light rug, lighter furniture as others have said could give nice life to the room.


No. I think whatā€™s happening here is that everything matches the wood color. I would do a light colored rug (ivory or something like that) then couches that donā€™t match the color of the entire room.


Nooooo please no.


Omfg NO!! Natural wood is gorgeous! Possibly invest is staining it another color but Iā€™d change everything else in the room to compliment the wood as itā€™s the largest element in the room.


Try changing the ā€˜toneā€™ of the lighting. Someone had posted a pic of a kitchen where they swapped the lightbulbs to a cooler tone and it completely changed the look of the wood. Do not paint, stain maybe (but so much work!).


Absolutely not


I would recommend staining the wood a darker color. I, personally, would do a dark cherry but walnut would be beautiful, too.


I hope this is satire šŸ˜­


No I would not paint myself just introduce some colour via seating and cushion rugs etc lights good luck




Lighter rug(s) for sure, any furniture should be in contrast to the wood. Lighter if possible. The room itself is wonderful and Iā€™m jealous!






NO! Do not!!! Without knowing what style you like, this office is the perfect set up for dark academia. The wood is beautiful, I probably would go a different color for everything else in the room though. The wooden desk and the recliners/rug bring in a lot of brown that isnā€™t necessary. Even if you donā€™t like dark academia (so bringing in maroons or dark greens/blues) you could go the complete opposite way and bring in a lot of light colors to brighten the room. Just donā€™t paint the paneling. It would really cheapen the look of the space


Doubt wood is so soothing and so relaxing and gives that room such a warmthā€¦ Please do not paint it. šŸ˜æ


If itā€™s too much wood, perhaps you can add some sort of peel and stick to the back of the book case. That way itā€™s not permanent. But please donā€™t wreck the wood!!!


Only if you want to turn something unique into something that is a very generic trend. If it were me I would work with the space. The furniture you use, rugs, items on the shelves can all be used to make the room look updated.


Absolutely not. Do not touch the woodwork. However some midcentury modern furniture and a light coloured area rug that covers the entire floor would work wonders in here. I would avoid adding more wood tones in the furniture, stick to pieces that are solid colours, metal, marble, etc. Gold accents, a bunch of greenery, and a white marble desk might look really nice.


ā€¦.have you lost your mind.


Absolutely not


God no, OP!


Absolutely not. Lose the horrid white ceiling - even Hunter green would be an improvement - and get a nice, warm colourful rug after burning that rug. A room like that is SUPPOSED to look dated, and white paint, any paint on the wood will cheapen it.


Paint the ceiling. Maybe a dark green, dark purple, or navy. You could also put peel & stick wallpaper inside the bookcases. If you think youā€™ll still not like the color of the wood, you could always refinish it.


Lmao, whoever told you that hates you.


If this was stained just a bit darker, I think the room would be much more inviting. Itā€™s the tone of the wood I donā€™t like personally.


Whoever told you to paint it white, give em a nice slap to the noggin, they ain't thinking straight!


No, it looks expensive and of good quality


Darken the wood (not with paint) and update the knobs. Painting it white would be horrific.


The wood is timeless


I thought this was a CJ posting!


A dark walnut color stain would look incredible




Why. Itā€™s beautiful why ruin it.


I may or may not paint some sections, but that wood is beautiful. If you plan to be in the house forever, I would do whatever you want. If you plan to sell it, Iā€™d probably leave it as is because someone will appreciate it, see the value, and want to keep it that way. Once itā€™s white, it would look cheap(er) in my opinion.


depends on if you want to forever live in 80s and 90s!


I personally would stain the bookshelves and floor a darker finish and then paint the wainscoting a deep sage green color. SW has a lot of good options.


Holy cow NO.Ā 




Noooooā€¦please donā€™t touch that beautiful woodwork


Leave the wood, paint the ceiling.


Please tell me youā€™re jokingā€¦


Iā€™d have you arrested for desecrating beautiful wood if you painted that white.


Absolutely not. I'd get furniture that wasn't so matchy, put some bright and colorful art up, and a bright and colorful rug that covers the majority of the floor (or multiple rugs). You just need to separate the floor from walls somehow


Maybe stain the back wall of the bookshelves a darker color?


I promise I will hunt you down if you paint that wood


If any white touches that wood i will literally haunt you in the afterlife


No. Please no. If you donā€™t like the shade of the wood have it *professionally* stripped and stained a different color. This is not a job you can do yourself. Most cost effective solution is to get a different rug with warm colors to complement the wood. The black and white does your room no favors. I learned about shades of color from Carole Jacksonā€™s *Color Me Beautiful.* She uses it in terms of clothing, but the principles are the same.


I understand you have a visionary office which means a room that has library. Changing the color of the shelves will ruin your interiors instead follow the following tips to make it a classic example of interiors done right because some spaces look good being dated. 1. Firstly, work on your shelves and arrange them without the presence of metal and plastic and any modern items. It will turn off the vibes it is now giving. Instead you need to balance the shelves and accommodate it with leather. For this you can also cover some of the books with leather and give it a classic look. Add a sliding ladder so that it is easy for anyone to access the top shelf. Now to balance the shelf you can use this [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/#How_to_Decorate_a_Blank_Wall_in_Easy_Steps). 2. Work on your color palette with furniture and I think you should use some darker tones to create luxury and darkness and this [color guide](https://simplykalaa.com/interior-color-palette/) will help you create yours. Remember you need to keep off the modern furniture or design. 3. Now cover your windows and doors with heavy drapes and this [guide](https://simplykalaa.com/window-decoration/) must help you with the curtain selection. 4. End with table lamps as direct and floor lamps as general lighting and you are done.


I would love to have this wood in my house. Mu advice is to swap out the rug for something brighter, and get different colour chairsor sofa. The ones you have now are the same colour as the wood which makes it too much IMO.


I wouldn't paint the wood, granted it is a lot. How about using some removable wallpaper on the backs of the shelves for a change? A non permanent change that will help you decide or a possible final solution with no commitment l.


Wouldn't think about painting it white. Would change the light to a warmer pallete


Painting this white really limits your future options with this room. And all white everything is a trend right now, so who knows if youā€™d like that down the line when that looks dated. It would also be a travesty to paint over all of this. I think itā€™s just the shade that looks a little dated. Iā€™d restain to a darker color & switch out the furniture/rug & change the light fixtures.


If you really want to shed money, you can strip and restrain a different color, but donā€™t paint it. Painting it will make it look like an IKEA bookcase.


Hell no


Absolutely not! Leave it alone


No absolutely not under no circumstances


No, you could stain the floor darker for some contrast


I'd never paint over wood that beautiful. I suggest changing out the furniture maybe.


I would paint the ceiling dark green. Maybe stain the cabinets a different tone as others have mentioned. I usually wouldn't talk like this but think Dark Academia or Eclectic Grandpa aesthetic. Whoever is telling you this is dated needs to catch up.


Painting exterior brick walls and interior wood fixtures in houses is our generation's version of putting linoleum over hardwood floors. You can always sand the wood and re-stain a different color, different furniture, add plants, add a colorful rug, get art for the walls. Please do not paint the wood!!!


The painting is worse as far as I'm concerned, because it is purely an aesthetic. My grandmother once described the work that went into maintaining wood floors before the advent of clear coat finishes. Women of her generation welcomed linoleum and wall to wall carpet because it was so much easier to care for and in homes without central heat they did help keep it warmer. So while for us it seems like a crazy choice to make, there were practical reasons for that choice.




Please do not fucken touch those built ins


OMG- Please no. I would love to have this library...


I understand what they're saying about dated, but they're wrong. If you update what's on the shelves I think that will fix it. Some books obviously, but some more modern art and plants and it's brand new.


The only thing dated is the furniture.


Why why why do people want to paint gorgeous old wood freaking white or grey damn that wood is absolutely beautiful šŸ˜ why on God's green earth would YOU ever ever paint that gorgeous wood.


This is a tough one. I agree the white would modernize it but it looks rather warm and ā€œrichā€ this way! A dilemma!


I'd be super tempted to paint it. I love book shelves / home libraries, but the wood just feels old to me. I had white bookshelves. Definitely look into paint designed for the job. The water-based paint scuffs easy. You might also want to change the hardware if you paint too.


People on Reddit will say to *never* paint wood - itā€™s a weird boomer thing from the 90s that wood = good and itā€™s sacrilegious to paint it. It could be the ugliest honey oak or knotty pine and people on here will clutch their pearls at the thought of painting over it. I think it depends on your personal style. To me, this looks *very* dated and I hate that the floors match the cabinets. I would paint the wainscoting or the backs of the cabinets before jumping in fully. I wouldnā€™t do white, but would lean into a very dark green or blue - look up ā€œdark academiaā€ for inspiration.


Paint is for drywall and cheap wood. You donā€™t paint beautiful high quality wood like this.




I donā€™t care for the color of the wood so I would paint it, but just know that painting over most types of wood is a huge problem for most ppl in this sub!


I would think about re-staining the wood, either painting the ceiling or adding wallpaper to the ceiling, and focus on making this room as cozy as possible. This is an incredible opportunity! I absolutely love the wood!


Weā€™re not experts weā€™re just people that may give you good advice or bad advice


Nooo I would just change other stuff to lighten it up and more contrast. New rug, chairs (the ones now match the wood perfectly lol)


No, please donā€™t paint it. Beyond covering the wood imagine the upkeep on every nick and bump that scratches the white paint. Maybe try a nice wood polish or refinish the wood if itā€™s in your budget.


Part of your problem not liking it is the can lighting. Can lighting is very OUT right now. It illuminates rooms really evenly and there is no drama. Part of whatā€™s awesome about wood trim is the shadows and interest it creates and the can lighting removes it all. Iā€™d invest in a few more side tables or whatever and some nice lamps. Maybe even take the can lighting out, or just not use it. Itā€™ll instantly make the room feel more like the cozy library itā€™s suppose to.




Donā€™t paint it, but get furniture that add coolness to the space. Navy blue microfiber couch/chair would add more to the space than matching the furniture to the wood. Consider a rug along the same line.


Who told you that? Absolutely not. Change accessories around and thatā€™s it


Painting unpainted wood is an absolute last resort. Literally anything is cheaper when you consider the cost of making a mistakeā€¦ Iā€™d go with a big, bright rug and consider wallpapering the ceiling. Embrace the luxury of a wood paneled library. It doesnā€™t have to be stodgy and antique, rugs and ceiling could make a complete tone change. Depending on the finished surface, you could even use removable wallpaper in the backs of the shelves. Test an inconspicuous spot first though.


I'd paint the wood darker but that'd be the only way I'd paint it. Personally I like darker stained wood. I also like white when it arrives in white but do not paint that gorgeous wood anything else but a darker stained wood ! It's a beautiful room!


What about re-staining it, instead? Something less orange? It would be a shame to cover actual wood but I do agree that SO much wood is just... really quite a lot of wood. And it's so... orange. You could try softening it some, too - cover the floor with a larger rug, maybe paint just the back of the open shelves? Def. don't have those chairs, they just bring more orange. Are there no windows in the room? It feels a bit cell-like...


I would paint it in a dark green or blue


So that's what an aneurysm feels like...