• By -


None of those, there’s little natural light in that room. Lighten up the ceiling and use a brighter color than the gray. Certainly none of the dark colors unless you’re light sensitive.


Personally find all those colors unattractive.


This. Unless you are batman then of course go dark you knight you.


I agree. It's really dark in there. A dark color will make it gloomy imo.


This needs to be higher for OP to see!


The longer I look the more I think “no”


Agree! Take it from me I have made this mistake before of LOVING a swatch/sample but the color being fully to rich & dark for my space. Painted the whole room just to end up hating it.


And then the joy of double painting with Kilz prime to kill the dark color.


The exact reason I haven't repainted yet!! I am already dreading it.


I learned the hard way. Double coat with Kilz if you are going much lighter. It's waaaaaaay cheaper than having to apply multiple coats of expensive wall paint.


Thank you! I use SW durations in high traffic areas so this is saving me $ - even w/ my contractor discount.


That’s what I was going to say.




I agree dark colors is bad choose, go for cream or soft gray, they will create amazing bright space


I also like the Grey one. Third one from the left.


Isn’t this a light green?


my answer too.


Same here. The grey for sure. That's pretty darn close to what I have in my home-office.


Honestly, you need to have furniture in mind and an overall look before you can select your paint. This is why you can’t decide.


This. It’s the big pic. You do not want to work around your wall color. That’s tedious and limiting you want to know what you’re working with and then decide wall color not vice versa.


Greens not browns. It’ll coordinate with the flooring without making the whole room feel either monochrome or like the browns don’t match.


Yes one of the greens


please don't pick boring grey, i love the darker green.


Yes, gray never feels cozy and homey.


It's overused and boring. It's like saying "I don't care". I'm trying to kill the grey walls/grey floors/grey furniture trend that modern builds keep repeating lol


Yep, I have NO gray anything in my house, except for a bit in the laundry room rug. I have a friend whose kitchen has gray walls, gray cabinets, gray/white countertops, gray floors . . . too much!


The grey is my favorite, the others seem too dark a shade except for maybe the lighter green. Just my personnel taste!


I'm liking the first three from the left so those 2 greens and the slatey grey


The gray colors are losing popularity in my area. Gray is cold and drab. Color is life! My vote is 2nd from left or 3rd from right.


No gray! No gray! It's depressing long term to have gray walls unless your work life off site is total chaos. Also, paint them closer to the floor to see how light bounces off it.


I agree with this! The walls in my house were gray when I moved in. I am thinking about painting them because it’s so boring and depressing in a way to have no variety of color at all! There’s nothing fun about it and it could be a beautiful house!


I like 3rd from left the best. The ones on both ends feels too dark for the space.


Second or third from the left for me


Actually, please tell the name of the second color from the left. I might look into it myself.




Far left


Grey's are such deadeyed colours. I say any of the greens. The pinks would go well if you styled it correctly but it's really easy to get it to look like an old lady home


down with grey! down with grey!


Seriously! Grey, grey, grey, grey 🤢 It’s soooooo done that it’s been done being done since before it was done.


YES you put it perfectly


Agree with you on grey in general, but the third from left actually looks like it has a tinge of blue in it, which could pair nicely with the stain of the floor. Could be my screen, but I’m seeing more blue rather than a standard grey.


Yes, there's some pretty, deep, dusty rose colors. And they seem to be pretty neutral so you don't need to have a bunch of other stuff in pink.


I agree with some of the comments, such as that grays and greens have been overdone. Also agree with the observation that there is not much natural light, thus a lighter color and a light ceiling would be very cheering.


Not enough information. What does the furniture look like. What is your style? Show is your favorite patterned shirt. Anything…


I would not do any dark colors whatsoever it’ll make the space smaller, and not as opened. A very light brown or very light light gray. The floors are wood, but they seem a a darker oak. And you have low ceilings so you need a color to contrast.


The lightest swatch because it space is small it will feel closed in if you use dark drab colors.


I think they’re all too dark so whatever the lightest one is.


is there anyway to get some recessed, can lights installed throughout the ceiling it would make a big difference and they’re not that expensive.


None of them, you need better lighting in the living room first (what is this single sad naked bulb) and then decide from there. But if you held me at gunpoint and insisted that I pick a color, I'd say the third from the left (the light blue/grey).


None of these. Your lighting is too dark. You should consult a person at the paint store to pick a color that brings light into the room.


save me from green and grey. the worlds interiors have reached maximum grey and green. that sepia on the end is pretty clever. it’s warm. i think most people subconsciously have fond memories of sepia.


Yes! Please upvote this! Grey and green are so over-played. Grey especially feels cold and stale now. I like the warm tones in a smaller space. Make it feel "cozy" .


Depends. What color furniture? Liking third from right


If you number that main group 1-6, my ranking would be 2 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 6 > 4.


I like 2 colors toward the peach, pink




How much natural light is in that room during the day? What state are you in?


I kinda want to tell you to do more of a buttery yellow, I like the one on the far right (rust) but too dark, maybe a lighter shade ?


Number 5 from the left


Woah I love the light green 😻


I’d do that third one. The other colors will just eat up any light you have down there and seem dingy.


it looks like a schoolroom curently


All of them!


4th from left


Are your floor boards on an angle?


Second green next to grey.


Leave it white.


I like it white!!! But this is a good clip for colors - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnbswjXWwBU


My sister went with the green closest to the weird shelf thing, and it looks great in her house!


Poop green


my advice is always the one that best matches all the junk on the floor


I love to at second green


They are all nice colors in isolation but what about furniture? I would strongly recommend making a mood board incorporating furniture before committing to a paint color. Additionally, it’s very important to evaluate paint color at different times of day. Do you have a photo from daytime you can post? In the future you might also consider painting ~12”x12” foam core boards instead of painting directly on your walls. That way you can carry them around to different parts of your room w different lighting conditions and you can also take them shopping when evaluating furniture or other décor elements.


I painted my living room close to that light green and I love it. Either 2 on the far left.


What’s the natural light situation of this room? Depending on the color temp of your lighting this could appear drastically different. 2nd and 3rd from the left (only considering that right set as the left one is way to far away to discern)


I know the best wall color...I am gonna share it.... Illusive Green sherman williams. It is kinda of a combo of your greens and grays. I want it everywhere now, good luck


I have a very similar first green in my kitchen, living room, and dining room. The light green in my bedroom and peachy one in my bathroom. Greens go best with your floor.


The two on the farthest left or the one on the farthest right. They look good with the floor and will feel cozy.


#3 is my 1st pick. 2nd is #4. 3rd pick is #5


Not 3 or 5




Go for the poop brown. Why is that even an option


I have a smaller space that has a relaxing vibe and I use colors close to the middle pink. Normally go a bit more sand/neutral and then use other things to add color.


I like the center color. Warm, bold, still neutral but not bland


The blue


I like the peach color, but maybe a shade lighter? You definitely want it to feel cheery. I find grey just makes spaces seem dark.




2 or 3 from the left


How much natural light is there? -lease take a couple more pics during different times of the day! Colors change




Any of these will make it feel like a dungeon. If that’s not what you want, try brighter colors to help offset the lack of decent lighting.


Third from left


Comfort Quest blue please. Edit: and halogen corner lamps.


I painted my living room a color between the second and third from the left. Benjamin Moore High Park. I had it color matched at Home Depot (egg shell finish) for some savings. I am in awe of it every single day. I have had multiple compliments on it. I’m in the pacific northwest and whether it’s a cool winter sunny day, a summer sunny day, a rainy day, it is such a neutral and pleasant color. Go for it!! I’m also in the midst of a paint color indecision myself, trying to find just the right color for my headboard wall in my bedroom and I think I’m ready to spring for a warm color. Good luck to us both!


Agreeable grey, i don’t have the confidence to not agree with a grey that’s so agreeable


Not to make it too complicated for you, but a combination of a few of them to break up the space and make it less monotonous. I think lightest color is best for ceiling


i think the grey or the light green, i think the others would be too dark personally i would go with the light green!


In order (from left to right, as hung) #3 is top pick. #2 as second runner up, and #5 as a last option. Although I would recommend more of a soft white light bulb as I feel the overhead lighting you have now (at more of a cream/ yellow base) isn't nearly as flattering to any of these.


What a question . ASking a paint colour with sample painted on poorly lit wall.


Color of walls highly depends on how you will be decorating and furnishing your place. You will have to work with/around that color (which is why I personally love white, it’s a blank canvas). You have wood floors that look warm from this pic (so hard to tell true color in pics) so please take your floors into consideration because they will matter in bringing out undertones in the paint color you pick. From that small sample it’s impossible to tell how it will work with the floor. Read about the undertones in the color you pick and know how those will work with warm tones. Also take into consideration lighting. Natural light (what direction sunlight are you getting) and other artificial lighting (warm, cool, etc) all change the color you pick! Color is tricky and creates a mood you can not change easily like you can change curtains or even a sofa. Re-painting walls is more work. So good luck picking the “right” color aka the color you will love since only you have to live with it. May the force be with you! lol


Idk if it’s just the photo but the lighting situation plays a big part. From what is see I’d do maybe an accent wall & some kind of white to make it look lighter in the space. However I’m not sure


I would say number 4 as my first choice, then number 7 then number 3, but honestly it’s subjective, everyone’s tastes are different, they’re all pretty nice colors so no matter what you choose it will probably look really nice.


Any of the middle 3 would do fine - I personally would recommend going pastel whenever you are indecisive as it’s usually a safe bet


Second from right


I like all of these green, since it is good for your eyes. By the way, you should start to select the furniture at the same time. The colors need to be matched.


Sunshine yellow!


Go for the grey one. Since the lighter the paint you choose the more it is spacious to look at.


The lightest one


The seconde one (green)


I like 3 and 5 most


Grey or if u really insist on a pastel, orange would look great with the wood


What color is your furniture? (please don't say gray!) Do you have artwork that you really like? Maybe pull a color from there. Don't be afraid of color, it can make the whole room look cozy and cohesive. Once the furniture is in, including lighting, it will look completely different. It doesn't matter how much natural light you have, you just need to make sure you get the right lighting inside the room (style, bulb hue, etc). The 'natural lighting' and 'dark paint makes rooms look small' tips are decades old and just passed down with no knowledge of what color can do/be cuz they all have white and gray walls! "When executed properly, dark color palletes can be cozy, dramatic and energizing".


With that floor I would go with a green but I’d probably go lighter than any you have as that’s quite a dark room. Unless you have white furniture in which case dark colours look fab. You could do an accent wall in something dark and the other walls light if you want some interest. We have three pale blue walls and one dark blue wall and it looks fab with our furniture and white woodwork.


Unless you’re changing the floors, none of these. 1 and 2 will make your room look like a forest, 3 the grey is too cool toned for the warm carpet and 4-7 all blend in with the carpet too much. You need a light, warm toned color.


Dark purple




I like the color that is currently on the walls


Blue or purple. those colors on your wall are horrid


Lightest grey and white ceiling and trim. You don't have a lot of natural light. Stick to light colors.


Do a sky blue or light yellow.


It depends on the overall theme you're going for. Personally, I would stick with neutral colors in shades of white. As it appears that there isn't a whole lot of natural light. A creamy eggshell white would be the best choice. I wouldn't put color on the walls unless there is a lot of natural sunlight in the room.


Sorry, none of them look very inviting.


Third surface paint coating from the left.


Maybe try a creamy yellow.


Is consistent with the flooring finishing and present a fluid colour harmony with the overall surface finishing in the space


I would go with like a light pale pinkish. just my opinion. 😁 once you decorate and get it all set up I'm sure it will look great!!!




Has to be a very light color, I think a very like sage could be good :D


If you’re trying to make it feel cozy go with the brown on the right. I did brown with brick red trim in my bedroom and I love it. It feels like a cozy cave, perfect for napping in the middle of the day.


Since it's a room that has a lot of natural light and you like the green/ blue shades, I'd say try a light gray/ sage color. Almost like the second and third color mixed. I feel like darker colors don't look as great as a nice light color on walls.


Puce! I've never had an opportunity to type that word until now !


Use a lighter color and one of those colors as an accent wall. I like the colors personally.


Light green. Also get more lights!


Go with the vomit color!


3, 4, or 5 but im biased towards 4 because i like pink


Maybe photo taken at night? Hes right. I have med/light grey hardwood floors, light grey walls. I like it a lot. It does help w/the dim lighting. Your white should be much whiter for this, though. You could use area rugs to help floor blend. I had this boyfriend-his carpets looked terrible. We shampooed them, ended up using Clorox on them all. Then we put black dye on them. They came out grey. It looked good. We were glad we did it.


The one *you* like the most. Not us.


Choose the exact lighting you want first then proceed to wall color


None of those!


We dont know the rest of your decor? There's nothing to pair it with... furniture, artwork, tables, lamps etc


Only the greens or pink. The others are bland and boring.


I think the grey or the blush next to it. I’m afraid if you go to dark the room will shrink


# 4


Hard to say without seeing the furniture and other accents you have or plan to put in the space. I agree with others that this space seems to be lacking natural light, so in any case you’re going to want to select a lighter color


The greens that dark can look dank in a room without a lot of light, especially at night. Personally I love the pink and adobe tones but I've never had luck with them looking good in a large space. You've got two spaces and you could paint the right hand side as an accent wall. I've used Benjamin Moore, Healing Aloe in low light bathrooms and it does well. Before you commit, paint a really large square to really see the color. Find a color you like on a paint chip than go 2 up or down to keep the colors cohesive if you want to do a darker color on an accent wall. I've moved a lot and painted a lot, but personally don't do dark colors anymore. You get tired of an intense color after a while and it really limits your decor options.


A pastel yellow with a light touch of orange added. This would be upbeat for a living area, reflect light and less likely to cause depression.


2,3 or 5


Third form left


Left to right… 2,3 or 4 however I would use them as accents since there’s little natural light in there. Use either something like BM’s simply white


What are you coordinating with? Paint color needs to work with your stuff / design elements that won’t be changing.


Is Chantilly Lace still as popular?


The color on either end.


Get some fluorescent paint and black lights for down there 


Those are all VERY dark. Consider an accent wall in a chosen color and light for the rest


I like the third one :)


We really need more info. What other stuff do you already have that needs to be matched? What's your style? What mood are you going for?


I like the olive green on the left. It could be cozy with light furniture.


Sky blue. The color of a sunny day. It goes with anything. You have a dark room . Blue gives you color but doesnt overwhelm the space


Furnish with what you love first. You will have fewer choices in that phase. When you have basics you love, THEN choose wall color(s) to “frame” everything from the million shades and finishes of paint available to you. Accent pieces can help you pull it all together.


Light gray pls


The green on the far left is my favorite. I painted by dining room Mediterranean Teal by Benjamin Moore and it looks amazing. I love moody dark paint colors, especially in the blue-green family.


I'm going to go with my usual suggestion. Just cover the walls with mirrors. /S


I say (from left to right) 2 or 3 the cooler-toned green or the grey. Ceiling should be a bright white, and I’d suggest light bulbs that are in the cooler color spectrum.


No to the first and last.




Earthy hues, such as sage greens and camel tones, can be effectively combined to create a visually appealing and harmonious color palette. By carefully selecting and balancing these colors, a subtle yet striking aesthetic can be achieved, enhancing the overall design or space.


Grey blue one


The lightest you can stand. Eggshell white is best for a dungeon.


Frost green. Thank me later.


The top 8 at the following link. Use one of the 4 in the top row for the trim at the bottom around the room and one of the 4 from row two (down from the top) for the walls. [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2024-paint-color-trends-and-forecasts--318770479888837370/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2024-paint-color-trends-and-forecasts--318770479888837370/)


One that is still at the store and not on the wall


The darkest one. First to the left of the beam.


I don’t like any of them.


What’s the furniture like? It depends.


Get some better lighting and lamps, then decide. Lighting could totally change the look of the paint.


What's the vibe you're going for? The darker makes it feel cozy like a cave. Especially green or brown. But that gray color makes it bright and lively.




Green next to gray is nice


I think a light gray color would be nice and subtle.


Just keep it like that it looks great


Third from right


Rose color paint (middle color) with a green velvet couch. Lots of plants. Gold lamps. White framed pictures. Yellow, teal, black, burnt orange accents (pillows, pics, knitted blanket). You have an awesome space to work with!!


i love all those colors, but maybe since the room is so small and dark, i would: use a light beige color and one of the other colors as an accent wall (maybe even do two, like one in the far left and one in the right since there’s a divider). i also saw someone mention furniture—and that’s a great point. i’d think about furniture/decor and stem from that as well


This test might be racist.




\#2.....or #4......well, perhaps #7.....on second thought #5, yup #5.......whichever you choose - you are destined to come back to this post and ponder whether it was the right decision....good luck!


I truly think most of these comments are unhelpful- lol I’ve been a house painter since 2004 and I also work in fashion so I’ve been thru this a million times and my suggestion is: 1) since the floors are very warmed tone you’re going to need something warm is to not make them feel out of place. Anything green or blue will make your floors look straight up yellow. 2) the space seems somewhat dark (I know this is a night picture) but regardless I would still chose something light ish, unless you have a white or off white rug to brighten the space up. Don’t be afraid of color but it just means you’ll need to counteract things like darkness or tones that don’t work well together. I could see a light or medium khaki yellow working well if you had a fun colored or white area rug. Like others said, obvi depends on furniture. 3) I basically dislike all the colors you chose lol stick to warm colors and pick something that makes you excited, then if you need a brighter area rug, you’ll make it work. I think a lot of times people get locked into practical colors that don’t actually bring emotion or calm into the space. Good luck!


Third for sure others too dark


I'd go a pale yellow or blue.


I think the blushy middle color would look nice if you hit the ceiling too


Leave it as is like art


The peach lookin one. Not a fan of the lighting.. but I could see going dark and making it work. Depends


Go light. The lighting looks poor. You don’t want to make it worse w dark colors


I like the taupe third from the right best. The color you need really depends on the color of your furniture & area rug, though.


Love the color to the far right