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Do black coffee and your fast is safe


I’m assuming 0 calorie sweeteners are game too? That may help OP if they’re totally put off by coffee and tea without syrups and milk/cream


Strickly speaking no they aren't. They cause an insulin response which is considered bad by most. A little salt can help with the bitterness until one can find a coffee that works/tastes best black. Avoiding beans with "fruit" notes also helps I've found.


I am a type one diabetic who has had continuous glucose monitors injected for the last five years reading my blood sugar every five minutes. At least personally, sucralose (Splenda) has 0 impact on blood sugars and the need to treat insulin


It's depends on the type of sweetener, surprisingly! There are some zero cal sweeteners (artificial and non-nutritive) that are safe! It's sugar replacements that are more likely to break a fast.


What is monk fruit sweetener classified as?


It doesn't change your blood sugar, so I would assume that it also shouldn't spike your blood sugars which is what "breaks" your fast.


Interesting. I was on strict, almost 0 carb keto diet years ago where I've monitored with ketone urine strips, and I've never once had artificial sweetners kick me out of ketosis - and I drank a lot of artificially sweetened drinks.


I don't think that has been conclusively shown.


As someone who has been obsessed with this understanding, this comment is correct. Some experts claim it does, others say it doesn't, I've yet to see a peer reviewed study one way or another but I believe it's good to just think it does just in case.


And I prefer to think it doesn't because 1) I have reactive hypoglycemia and it's never caused by coffee with artificial sweetener and 2) artificial sweetener helped me lose weight and maintain that loss YMMV I am going with what works for me


I'm happy it works for your very specific case but most people don't understand hormones so KISS but you enjoy your highj horse.




How long does tour body keep responding to the sweetener with elevated insulin? The same amount of time it would to actual sugar?




Black coffee is considered to not breaking a fast. I’ve hated black coffee, and still hate it, but I drink that and unsweetened tea.


Inspiring post! We who love black coffee need to appreciate how lucky we are more often. (Side note, I came to love coffee even more with pinch of lo-salt at this point. Try and see if that makes you hate it less.)


Will do! Sounds interesting. I’ve come to enjoy it SLIGHTLY more, but still really don’t like it. I’m a heavy creamer guy 🤣


Try cold brew coffee. It’s stupid simple to make at home. It brings out the best smooth notes in taste while removing the slight acidic or bold taste of black coffee.


Thank you 🫡


Start making black coffee your friend. Once I did that, and gave up cream most of the time, getting through to 16-17 hours was a breeze. Black coffee won’t break your fast and, apparently, induces autophagy (maybe?)


As long as you burn more calories than you consume, you can lose weight. You don’t need intermittent fasting to lose weight, but it can be a helpful tool.


Calories are a false enemy. 1000KCals of broccoli does not have the same effect on weight gain as 1000KCals of pasta. Nobody sells calories, so t's not the sugar or the palm oil, or the chemicals and sweeteners, or white flour and starches in the food - it's the calories? Insulin causes weight gain not calories. It takes between 16 and 24 (everyone is different) hours until the body has depleted glycogen stores in the liver. the body will switch to gluconeogenesis after that time - making it from lipid stores, producing "calories" for my body to feast upon for days. Fasting must be paired with a low glycemic load diet, no processed foods and a conscious effort to only eat when hungry. I tired calorie deficit diets for years, losing a bit then it all comes rushing back on, no matter how much I tried. Only changing my whole approach to food coupled with fasting has gotten me anywhere and allowed me to keep the weight off - I enjoy those celebratory weeks of the year when I eat crap with family and friends. Afterwards, I flip back to fasting, either short 24 hours fasts or longer week long fasting.


...Yes it IS the calories. Im sorry you could not keep it off but we obey the laws of physics. If you burn more energy (measured in the calories unit) than you burn then you lose mass, period. Now the form those calories come in might make the energy more or less available immediately and some foods can cause significant (temporary) water retention that might make it harder to not consume more calories but all diets that cause weight loss do so through this mechanism regardless of how its dressed up.


Calorie restriction is the only way I can lose weight. IF works to keep weight off, but no loss. I need to Combine IF + calorie restriction works well, but without the calorie restriction my weight remains static on IF.


Interesting, there is of course a portion control element but I am surprised that IF yielded no weight loss at all. But if that works for you then that is excellent!! 👍


I am 4’11” with low daily caloric needs. It’s easy to go over.


Same the only way I lose weight reliably is either intermittent fasting or low carb/no sugar


That’s not what my comment said. Calorie restriction is not low carb/sugar restriction. Calorie restriction is eating below a certain threshold of calories a day. Doesn’t matter how many of those calories come from carbs/sugar.


As a HS teacher, IF was super hard to handle, so I definitely feel you with the work schedule thing! Black coffee won’t break a fast in the morning, but if you hate it as much as I do, maybe try tricking up the coffee or ending your eating window earlier in the afternoon/evening to add a couple extra hours. I hate black coffee, but my magic mixture for IF coffee has been a tiny bit of sea salt with Ceylon cinnamon. And I use a mini immersion blender to put a bit of froth in it. Also, I think this video is pretty helpful, might be useful to you! [what breaks a fast](https://youtu.be/YkmLTBuwvPE?si=8m9_3g4uZ_sns4CS)


I second the cinnamon recommendation...it just takes a smidgen. Also Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice tea works for me when trying to extend my fast.


intermittent fasting allows for Water, Black Coffee and Black (unflavored) Tea


If your goal is weight loss and not Autophagy and a coffee with some milk at 13hrs is enough to get you through to 18/19/20 hrs then go for it.


I usually have a minimum fast of 12/13 hours and only go longer on the days it's convienent for me. I've lost over 30 lbs. in 3 months. CICO will ultimately be what affects your weight loss, and a fasting schedule that you can be consistent with is better than a ""perfect"" one.


intermittent fasting allows for Water, Black Coffee and Black (unflavored) Tea


CICO works, so surely can be done. Beware that IF on weekends only will have very small contribution here, so it all comes down to your CICO-skill/discipline, even on weekends. Particularly jobs where you lift a lot of things, seems to make IF hard. So don't feel too bad. If you really want this, I am sure CICO too will get you there.


This is why I am also struggling with a true IF. I only eat two meals in the time frame of roughly ~11:45am-6pm (depends on what time I get relieved to go to lunch) so I figured a splash of oat milk won’t be so damaging. Started May 11 and I’m down 19 lbs!


Practically, outside of this sub, I've often read that the <5 cal for a splash of semi-skimmed milk is not going to effect a fasting state. Technically of course any calorific intake breaks a fast, which presumably means the couple of calories for the fat in coffee will do too.


electrolyte tablets in the morning. I currently do 5pm - 7pm window every day, but I can't get past 12/12.30 if I don't take electrolytes. your body needs food for the calories but it needs it way more urgently for the salts - replace the salts and should help you last longer. also as the other posts have said, take your coffee black if you're not already.


Eat less calories to lose weight. The end


came to say this ^