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Religious nuts always have a look.


Glee at the suffering of others


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Never do they think they are spitting on their own religion?


Let's not forget the elephant and cause of this, RELEGION! IT MAKES GOOD PEOPLE DO WICKED THINGS!


Even the Pope said that people who take extreme stances on religion, have a mental illness. (Catholic Church has its own extreme branch). And it’s always the extremes and then the crowds who follow them.


Theirs a reason they were arrested


After being allowed to do this? Imagine if Palestinians had a dance party while blocking food trucks into Tel Aviv.


If you get arrested it means you weren't allowed to do it.


Yeah, cops often sit and watch while people rob a bank and then arrest them when they are done.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


I'm sure a lot of them believe it's going to Hamas. Of course I don't know.




Im unfamiliar with this. Can you please point me to the exact quote where they said this? I couldnt find it.




So youre claim of genocidal intent is a prophecy about the end of the world thats saying there will be a war between muslims and jews? Or do you believe trees and stones have started talking? The context of what you quoted is only in reference to killing fighters/soldiers. Not every jew in the world. I guess you need something to feel better about yourselves after your leaders have openly displayed genocidal intent on multiple occasions.




Factually incorrect. Their slogan for hamas is نصرا او استشهاد which translates to “victory or martyrdom”. For the muslim brotherhood its longer but basically states martyrdom is their wish and they follow islams guidelines. No one uses the prophecy as a slogan. The prophecy is also not a verse but a hadith.






Please keep it civil.


Where is the food and water for the hostages coming from then?


They couldnt care less about hostages.


Wow, excellent question 😲🤯


What are you trying to convey?


Starving Hamas means starving the hostages. Obviously.


Apartheid is like a collective insanity. The whole premise is so absurd and the inequality so blatant that their minds have to work overtime constantly to justify their own way of living. They live in fear 100% of the time and will not know true peace of mind or happiness.


They can move somewhere else where the natives are more welcoming. Putin is carving out a slice of Ukraine just for the Eastern European Zionists.




Now now, let's not insult actual garbage here!! /s 🤣🤦‍♂️




I don’t understand why there is no protection for these goods? This is billions of dollars worth of aid just being lost, why is there a groups or nations protecting and defending these products?


Nothing dies on the internet I hope they can live with seeing their actions in 10 -20 years.


I was happy to see many pro Israeli handles on twitter absolutely condemn this.


Vile humans


Israel invaders* we should call it like it is






Why do Israelis elect the insane government you guys have? As an American, I can't really give a great reason for why my idiotic peers keep voting for Theocrats and Fascists in The US though.


The second intifada drove a lot of people farther to the right. What is important to realize is that both nations are trying to protect their people at all costs. This video shows extremists who were later arrested.


I can only relate as an American to 9/11. People here became very Conservative after 9/11, I can only imagine that happens all over the world when violent things happen.


"majority of Israelis", yet who votes the facists in?


Israelis learned the wrong lesson from the holocaust.


Will never make the mainstream news


This is what lowlife looks like, No shame no sympathy ,just pure evil


That’s not a good look… 🤔


These "people" are despicable in almost every way a person can be. I hope all the negativity they've been pumping out comes right back around


Guess they felt attacked after being attacked.


It's not just that they were attacked, but Ghazi Hamad has vowed to repeat the October 7 attacks “time and again until Israel is annihilated,”. I don't like what's going on but if they don't proactively prevent it from happening again then it has been promised that it will happen again. [Source Article](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/hamas-its-own-words)


I agree, not sure why I'm being downvoted for pointing out the obvious.


I upvoted you. People can't handle anything that goes against their feelings at the time, I guess.


Makes sense to them because these are all supplies to the enemy Hamas.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




Maybe nobody should starve children and civilians to achieve a goal. Maybe that's psychopathic. 




There’s this thing called crimes of war. War criminals get prosecuted in international courts, as any Israeli and Jew and European knows. Hope this helps :)




I agree that Hamas is bad, that’s obvious. They repress their people and quash political opposition. This is why Europe and the US do not ally themselves with Hamas. Yet Israel repeatedly breaks international law on settlements and now these attacks on civilians. Bibi’s cabinet is filled with warm criminals who need to be held accountable — yet our tax dollars are propping them up and allowing war crimes to happen. We do not consider Hamas a friend of the free world. We shouldn’t consider the Israeli government. Cut off armament supplies and treat them like the genocidal criminals they are. October 7th atrocities do not justify subjecting Palestinian civilians to the same conditions European Jews were subjected to in the 1930s and 1940s.




It's called collective punishment and it's clearly morally reprehensible. I think the fact you're even slightly justifying starving and murdering a population because of the decisions of its gov or army, is very telling about your moral fibre. I suggest you find a new religion or moral compass because your current one is broken.


It is not a war. This is a violent dispossession of one peoples home by a military regime funded by the US. The Palestinians can't match the Israelis for weapons or soldiers. Wake up and stop buying into US-Israeli propaganda.


You…. You do realize this is a war crime that many Germans were tried for…? The intentional starvation of prisoners is how most people died in the Holocaust


So if that's the case, then why can't I forgive Hamas for weaponising rape then? Anything goes right? So why are they terrorists? It wasn't just war when Shani Louk was murdered was it.


Really disgusting reality knowing people think like you.








😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the laugh Palestine was never a desert and no the European colonizers did not make it bloom. Take your shitty propaganda somewhere else lmfao




Crazy how everything you say is bullshit lol the brainwashing really does run deep bye


>vastly superior culture A chauvinist, what a fucking surprise.




Is it because their race is inferior to yours?


It’s such an amazing democracy you can start counting the months until you get your next election. I’m sure Bibi will definitely step down at the end of his term and not try to prolong it. Right after the legitimacy of your Supreme Court gets restored, of course.




Again I agree with this sentiment. But bibi will never allow Hamas to be eradicated. He needs a constant threat to stay in power. He has no desire to make Israeli and Jewish lives better.


The sad part is Israel’s ultra conservative leadership is moving this former democracy more and more in the direction Hamas has gone. Corrupt, anti democratic, nationalistic, an extreme form on their own religion.




Well that was then and what we have now is different. Wait. Are you suggesting back in the day when Israel was willing to work on two state solution, that Hamas existed as leaders in Gaza at the same time? Or are you talking about the past in Israel and then Hamas attacked last year? Huh?




It’s good to discuss this because often Palestinians are their own worse enemy and certainly Hamas military wing overall has not been good for them. But there are also abuses by Israelis towards Palestinians historically and currently as well please list those too when discuss abuses and violence. You know very well the ultra right wing in Israel is also not in Israelis best interest. It is good for each group to see their own mistakes and abuses and stop it. Israel has acted the part too often as the colonizers and Palestinians as the spoilers. Everyone have compassion for Nakba as well as for Holocaust and Arab historical emnity towards Israel. But also realize how many Arabs have made peace with Israel and now Israel is ruining all their work with the way things are going in Gaza. And Hamas is not getting enough blame for ruining Palestinians too. I agree.




Please keep it civil.


Yeah man, great point. Let starve 2.3million people so that the kidnappers suffer too.


So you believe Israel should have killed all the Palestinians?




Israel have been sending aid in?


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




hi bot!!




You're a Christian Israeli? I'd like to know what you think of these people blocking aid to families. Do enlighten me about your religious worldviews on this topic.


Much more likely he's an Evangelical who supports Israel despite his sect preaching extremely antisemitic eschatological views.