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This was also how the death toll in the war in Yemen (remember dat?) was kept so low in the public mind. Realistic estimates put the death toll at a quarter-million 18 months ago, but the latest statements in the NYT and WaPo are still saying "more than 30,000."


NYT most definitely quotes much higher numbers than that from various sources. More than 150,000 people have been killed in the war, including nearly 15,000 civilians, according to an estimate by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project. The conflict has resulted in what the United Nations has called the worst man-made humanitarian crisis. Jun 8, 2022 [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/us/politics/saudi-yemen-war-us-weapons.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/07/us/politics/saudi-yemen-war-us-weapons.html)


Worst man made ? Genghis Kahn would like a word .


You’re not wrong, but now is not the time. Historical, summer-child.


I can't believe you're getting down voted. People really don't like the truth sometimes. Chairman Mao is a more recent example, accounting for somewhere between 40 and 80 million people.


I’m glad capitalism has killed no people! /s


They are literally banning crucial information. It’s ridiculous.


Don't forget, Biden said "we can't have another 30,000 dead.". That was his red line. So, you can't let that information spread.


They’re banning the state department from *citing* it. We can still use it. It’s atrocious but also idiotic in that it will be ineffective and probably backfire, counterproductively for them, and predictably for everyone with two working brain cells. I think the death toll seems frozen because of the breakdown of government and the destruction of health infrastructure in Gaza. The destruction of hospitals and government buildings, the death and displacement of staff, and the interruption of access to computer systems and the internet mean that all the niceties we take for granted that normally go into simple paperwork for the recording of deaths in an organized and centralized way are simply gone.


although this is not a war, but in war the first casualty is information. You’ll never get the truth.


Didn't news come out a few months about how the Gazan health ministry was greatly exaggerating numbers?


Who is “they”?


AIPAC and Israel. Were you expecting anyone else?


I mean you’re right, but the cronies/stooges in our government have names and should be constantly named/shamed


It’d be easier to list the members of our government who opposed it.




Washington is a Israeli propaganda tool 


Where is she pulling these numbers from? The Gaza health ministry itself says that the death count is at 38,000. Either they can’t be trusted as a department under Hamas and this bill is fine, or they can be trusted, and this tiktoker is giving false information, and she can’t be trusted. Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4744241-house-amendment-gaza-death-toll/


The figures cited by the tiktoker are estimates.The Health Ministry numbers only include those killed by direct military violence whose body has passed through Gaza's health system and been fully identified, and does not include those still missing, those still unidentified, or excess deaths from disease, infection, lack of access to medical care, etc. Due to Israel's systematic destruction of medical facilities and targeted abductions and assassinations of medical staff, such documentation efforts have largely been prevented from continuing.


I see. Where can I read more about that?


hamas lied about al-alhi hospital nothing they say is accurate


I think about and talk about the 15k dead kids and the ones currently starving every fucking day.


It is sickening to hear these numbers and utterly frustrating to not hear any updates anymore. Whenever some Israeli dies, they are mentioned in the news with full name and age and mostly includes a happy smiling photo. And then there is a news items about a carpetbombstrike and dozens of palestinians died. No names. No info. No photos. A clear example of dehumanization. Im currently in Crete where i noticed a young Israeli couple walking around scrutinizing every sticker, board or text that claims Israeli genocide. As soon as they noticed one, she started to aggressively remove the sticker with a tool. People noticing her laughed. A guy mentioned "the world already knows. Removing the sticker won't change that". To the girl: If you read this: i find your actions disgusting!


I know it won't make you feel any better, but the vast majority of Americans are wholeheartedly willing to continue a genocide so long as it means big trucks, Big Macs, and Netflix. This shithole of a country could end this genocide overnight, but too many people are unwilling to oppose the status quo because it means their lives will be less comfortable. Americans would happily see Gaza left in ruins and rubble if it means they get just four more years of self-gratification. After all, they have nothing else in the world but their own whims and whimsies.




You can't even bring yourself to call them what they are, Palestinians. You use the term "Muslim" to gloss over their identity and ties to the land. Israel has been slowly ethnically cleansing Palestine for the past 75 years by making life miserable for the Palestinians. If Israel was even remotely serious about peace there would be no settlements in the West Bank and Gaza would have never been turned into a concentration camp.


i would’ve slapped the shit out of them - let’s see how tough they are without their “civilian” assault rifles


They should stop making Hitler look good. I don't want to see the day Hitler will roll over and whisper, "I told you."


You're so close. Soooooo incredibly close its unbelievable.


What do you mean? People don't want Nazis removing anti nazi posters in their country. This is not the W you think it is.


Please use the word fascist instead of nazis. You can fairly compare zionism to nazism, but that is because they are both fascist ideologies. Calling zionists nazis is clumsy when you can call them fascists.


Look, for the purposes of this point they are functionally identical. Sub out which people they think are subhuman and which land they want to steal. Honestly I think you can make a stronger argument that Zionists are closer in ideology to Nazis than OG Fascists.


Bro Every nation in an offensive war is a nazi nation. Mind blast


I think the parallels are a lot stronger than simply starting a war of conquest. The whole apartheid and genocide thing is a pretty big part.


Aparthid? Do you mean within isreals borders? Genocide? By what standard? You do realize thats a very specific legal term?


See, the fact that you think it is within Israel's borders means we are not going to agree. Yes, I am aware what both words mean which is why I used them. They are literally on trial for both crimes as we speak at the ICJ, hardly a fringe view.


I didnt make a claim lol, I asked a clarifying question One reason I ask is because aparthid usually is a legal term that applies to different rights, on a racial line, to different people living in a nation. Its harder to argue that limited rights in occupied territories is an aparthid, definitionally. What do you think the claim on the trials are? I ask because Ive heard a lot of people misunderstand them, what theyre doing, and what theyre trying to prove Note - whether or not isreal is committing genocide isnt what is going thru the ICJ I know 24 states have come to the ICJ with complaits of isreal comitting aparthid, did that end up getting taken up by the ICJ? Im having a hard time finding info about that case


>Do you mean within isreals borders You guys always give the game away. Israel has control over the Palestinian territories, they've been occupying them for well over half a century. Palestinians are disappeared into administrative detention, they are prosecuted in Israeli military courts, they are forced to use different roads, identifiable with different license plates, illegal settlers steal their land with the help of the military, and raids are regularly conducted in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. You can feign ignorance all you want, the world recognizes just how monstrous Israel is and how disgusting they are when it comes to their treatment of the Palestinian people. Reverse the roles and you'd be suddenly enlightened, which begs the question as to why you can't be morally consistent.


I didnt "give the game away" - i hear two things a lot 1. Arabs/muslims in isreal have limited rights 2. Gazans/west bank palestinians have limited rights I had to know what Im dealing with lol. Not every question is a statement Since you mention occupied territories, i assume youre specifically talking about the west bank, then? Usually, aparthide is something that happens within a nation. So its harder to claim legal aparthide in occupied territories, as a matter of definition You have no ideas what my morals are, or if im consistent. Youre reading a lot in my attempt to clarify what your stance is.


Big words for someone hiding behind anonymity and a key board. You call me a Nazi, you’ll be paying dr Goldstein to fix your teeth.


Way to tell on yourself dickhead. "I know, I'll show them I'm not a Nazi by threatening them with violence". Like, fuck even your propoganda is getting worse. Is the internship budget getting a bit thin?


Another lefty who gets a micro boner at the chance to call a Jew a nazi.


Oh please. I don't give a fuck about your religion, stop acting like a Nazi and people will stop calling you a Nazi. Conflating Zionist terrorism with Judaism is anti Semitic.


I’m bet you have the same sympathy with black people and calling them… oh wait you don’t.


Thats not what I was referencing, and its even more funny that you dont get it.


You posting this bullshit from a stolen house? Obtuse genocide denier. Destiny brain.


All tears, no substance.


I understand what you were doing. You were trying to imply that the poster was anti-Semitic and simply wanted to hurt Jews. Your victimhood narrative bullshit is as predictable as it is felatious.


No, thats not what I was implying. The fact that you doubled down on this is even more funny. You're a funny guy, lol.


Alright then, enlighten us as to what you were implying.


I got the same impression. Likely why you haven’t gotten an answer.


I was sleeping.


The floor is yours.


Not going to tell you what I meant, because I dont want to ruin this funny thing we have going on. Ill give you a hint though. It has to do with the first half of the comment, not the second.


Yeah not playing this game....you are not as clever as you think you are. Read the comments, others understood it as I did.


Man, please tell me you're being ironic on purpose at this point... losing my faith in humanity here... are you saying this just so I explain it to you or something?


The IDF are ‘carpet-bombing’? Do you have a source for this?


There are dozens of videos online where you literally see clusters of explosions wiping out complete living areas at once. Also, many governments have been commenting on the proof they have seen. Do you need me to Google them for you?


Just the part where ‘carpet-bombing’ happens would suffice. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpet_bombing u/bashnl edited to help you out


https://youtu.be/7cV5f9G3Mxs As you please. Just the first example. Are you trying to deny that Israël is committing atrocities and war crimes?


Didn’t say anything about atrocities or war crimes. All I asked was about ‘carpet-bombing’.


The video is quite clearly showing “air strikes”. The translator even correctly states there were 4 waves of air strikes with some cases of aircraft strafing the emergency workers. The reporter shown talking in the video is speaking Arabic. I do not speak Arabic but this particular mistranslation keeps happening. There is some word that overlaps with “carpet bombing” in meaning but does not really fit. Perhaps “shock bombing”, “demolition”, “heavy bombardment”. In American usage the term “carpet bombing” does not carry an ethical implication by itself. The gun equivalent would be “laying a pattern”, “going full postal”, or “shooting from the hip”. Your response is totally correct in that sense. If someone says “the attacker was shooting from the hip” you can correct them and say that “he had the rifle shouldered and was aiming at the children when he fired each shot. So clearly not ‘shooting from the hip’”. The response abroad is horror that you would condone shooting children. They are wrong because you did not condone anything. The translation is wrong.


The term “carpet bombing” refers to a specific bombing technique. Systematically destroying an urban area with bombs can be done using several other techniques. There is confusion about this which stems from translation and from the differences in how history is taught in various countries. Lets do some examples. An F16 flies by and drops 6 bombs all at once into a residential complex: “airstrike”. A B52 unloads the bomb bay on a residential area in a straight line. Bombs fall on a farm and an unoccupied soccer field that were in that line: “carpet bombing”. An F35 drops a bomb on a mosque, another on an elementary school, one on a hospital, strafes the ambulances in the parking lot, and then bombs a grocery store on the way back: “precision bombing”. Note that the type of aircraft is not the determining factor. USA frequently used B1 bombers for “close air support” in Afghanistan. A B1B could carry 144 glide bombs and “precision strike” 144 separate targets. It could “precision strike” a school with a cluster pack of glide bombs and then linger for awhile and “double tap strike” in order to hit the emergency responders trying to save the children. Carpet bombing a city is widely considered to be unethical. In contrast to carpet bombing a battlefield far from urban populations. In foreign languages “carpet bombing a city” gets translated into some other phrase which implies “unethical bombing of civilians”. Here in USA we usually did not have our history teachers frame our wars this way. Carpet bombing with incendiaries is a technique for starting firestorms or conflagrations. When the city continues burning it saves ammunition. Students are expected to understand the implications and judge the ethics for themselves. Carpet bombing of battlefields is a way to hit targets without having found where they are. You accuse the IOF of carpet bombing in Gaza. Many Americans will read that and think you are claiming they “waste ammunition”. Or perhaps that pilots were “poorly trained”. You are not communicating “genocidal intent”.


The Israelis put out the personal information of the people who die, the families provide a photo. So the information is easily accessible, news outlets don’t need to search for it. I wish they did this with the Gazan casualties also, but I follow the Gazan channels and groups and they just don’t tend to do that. I sometimes see a photo and name of a Hamas member who was killed but rarely are they posting pictures and information of civilians killed. It happens sometimes (like with Hind Rajab) and then it is in the news.




They don’t have photos, info etc, because Palestinians are controlled by a terrorist organization whose sole goal is destroying Israel. This is their official status. They do not want their people to live life and take nice pictures. tell me again, who is the organization dehumanizing Palestinians? It’s is hamas not Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation who is trying its best to protect their people. If you think I’m wrong, look around the Middle East—Israel is prosperous because they care about people and the rest of the Middle East is a lawless, godless, shithole.


Removing stickers truly is disgusting. That's why I can't stand stickers on any surface.


I'm adding my comment just so that there's non-zionists in this comment section. The US govt won't be acknowledging the death tolls anymore. Moreover, the entire healthcare infrastructure has collapsed in Gaza, and only those bodies that are id'd and named by the healthcare system will be recorded as dead. The system is so overwhelmed and most of the bodies aren't even recovered or identifiable, so that leads to Israel's murder count being 'frozen in time'.


Didn't Israel have a sniper willfully shoot and kill one of Palestine's most famous reporters? Shireen Abu Akleh? What would happen if Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow got sniped by a US army member in the United States? Am I allowed to ask this question? And if the answer to that is 'no', does anyone see how psychotic this all is?


The comparisons/analogies aren’t accurate. Let’s update it to be accurate, since the US is also an Occupying Power in its “territories”: *What would happen if Omaya Sosa Pascual was sniped by a US Army member while in Puerto Rico?* [Omaya Sosa Pascual](https://www.icij.org/journalists/omaya-sosa-pascual/) I think we all know there would be an outright denial of the event, then the same babbling bullshit would be spewed on behalf of the US Army….or the service member would have suddenly/recently have been diagnosed with a mental disorder. (There are about 100 different ways the govt could spin it). israel is an Occupying Power that has put into place the most extensive Apartheid System the world has known (at least in modern times). They do not view Palestinians as humans, so “murder” in the sense known in the US, does not exist in the Palestine-israel relationship.


I know it's not a fair analogy, I was just trying to get people thinking and talking. Your analogy makes more sense - The primary point stands - no accountability taken, no justice served, in a scenario desperately requiring resolution.


And now we’re talking! I like the way you run your operation. Touché. The US has **never been held accountable**. Chomsky speaks to this theme, consistently, through his 35+ years of writing, speeches, etc. He attributes it to the government’s practice of “manufacturing consent” via propaganda. Works just nicely for the general public (“herd”). {cue Matrix speech about most folks not being ready to awaken} The US Empire is unmatched in history. However, so was England, Rome before that, and the Mongols same. History repeats itself. (I just go ahead and include israel in the empire…disgusting as that is).


Yea, I'd say on the topic of propaganda that, one of the most impressive I've ever seen is how there tends to be an ability for (media but also govts/individuals/entities) to conflate any semblance of anti-Israeli sentiment with absolute and flatout Antisemitism. I don't even know how the powers that be manage to allow the conflation of those 2 concepts, but I've seen more examples than I can count to the point that I find it fascinating, as well as terrifying.


That’s a Zionist long-game play. Yitzhak Gruenbaum, January 27, 1943, Zionist Parliamentary Meeting, RE: Emigration of European Jew survivors: “When they come to us with two plans – the rescue of the masses of Jews in Europe or the redemption of the land – I vote, without a second thought, for the redemption of the land. *The more said about the slaughter of our people, the greater the minimization of our efforts to strengthen and promote the Hebraisation of the land.* If there would be a possibility today of buying packages of food with the money of the Karen Hayesod [United Jewish Appeal] to send it through Lisbon, would we do such a thing? No. And once again no!”


Wrong quote. That’s on me.


AIPAC owns the house and your representative. Let it come to show bipartisan support is only for Israel issues, not American.




No, the Jews do not have space lazers. AIPAC has incredible amounts of money and political influence in the United States. This isn't something to joke about, you're not funny, and stop trying to distract from the topic. It's disgusting.


What was Jack Ruby’s name again? Someone remind me…coincidences abound!


Videos like that are why AIPAC henchmen in congress were ordered to ban TikTok


AIPAC is a foreign lobby that represents Israel. AIPAC buys our elections, Democrats and Republicans and especially the right wing Republicans. Imagine a foreign government, that we help support with our tax money. You wonder why ZIONIST Israel is not listening to Biden. U.S gave $148 billion since 1948-2022, and $12.5 billion in military aid October 7 2024 - present. Netanyahu is planning a forever war because Sugar Daddy Biden can't say NO to genocide, stop right now or we will put the plug on any aide to Zionist Israel. Enough!!! U.S. is drowning in debt, high inflation, housing crisis, high medical costs and outrageous funding of Israel. AIPAC knows why they froze the number of dead Palestinians; they are responsible for all the deaths of Palestinians by indiscriminate bombing by the Israeli Air Force, IDF and the Israeli Navy. The Israeli forces are responsible for massive bombings destroying infrastrucure, and killing of the disabled, children, women and men. Massive kidnappings, imprisonment, mass starvation, torture and etc. the list goes on of documented WAR crimes. Zionist Israel and AIPAC you are complicit in the documented war crimes, of the Palestinian people. CORRUPTION in the U.S. government, presidential candidates and AIPAC is sick 😫. Source: GOOGLE


Fuck Israel. Get AIPAC Out! Our Country is Sick.


Just how much blood makes up for the number of kidnapped? "Overkill" is a word we use for all sorts of mundane things, but this is literally what is going on.


Their stated goals are the annihilation of Hamas and the return of all hostages.


If you don't know, it doesn't exist




Meanwhile the U.S. has given Israel billions more in weapons. I can’t vote for either of these fools.


I get that the US and Israel would like to suppress this info but where is she getting those numbers from?


[Here is a source that does the math.](https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371)


Note that there is no small pox outbreak in Gaza or anywhere else. Chicken pox and measles are breaking out. Monkey pox exists. Small pox was eradicated in the 1970s. Pox viruses are a diverse group and the differences matter. If small pox returned it would spread globally very quickly.


Assuming the US is an autonomous nation, why would they want to suppress this info?


Maybe you should question how "autonomous" they are? Looking at AIPAC, it is clear that the Israeli government has a lot of influence. A LOT. And they are even proudly sharing that on their website.


Couldn’t agree more. The “they” suppressing the numbers all seem to have their bread buttered by the same people/ideologies, and pattern recognition should not be criminalized. Individuals in US government who are Zio-shills need to be named and shamed


Bought-and-paid-for politicians.


[Here is a source that does the math.](https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371)


The action from the United States government was to send enough ammunition to exterminate Gaza. There are usually some survivors in disasters. Those survivors live through some combination of luck, ingenuity, or help from others. We can hope for more survivors and mourn for those that do not. Regarding the war criminal status of some leaders the answer is that clearly they are war criminals. The extermination is ongoing. We have failed to stop the extermination. The running total is a count of days. How long does it take for you to oppose genocide.


Gods watching. POS humans.


Voting for either candidate is a vote for pro genocide.


It's worse than that, they have been lowered due to over counting off rough estimates. What a surprise.




Bc Europe and the US benefit from Israel being a genocide machine.


Anyone know the source for her claims?


Her imagination.


[Here you go.](https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371) Edit: That reporting on the proven fact that the idf (as independent commanders in the heat of the moment, and as a matter of policy) knowingly targeted and killed Israelis on October 7th is given as evidence of EI's unreliability by this "media reliability watchdog" linked to below says it all. [just one testimony among many.](https://youtu.be/rTQcjyhPOIk?si=5AY-ynJnmk1O_AqL) at this point it's not worth ageing multiple examples when everyone who is honestly engaged on this issue already knows the truth.


"One among many"... nope, that's literally the only one you guys have, that's the one you use to build a false image that the IDF killed "many" Israelis on Oct 7th when in reality they killed at most 12 I think.


First of all, there were many Israelis in that building. But even if we use 'many' in terms of separate instances of the Hannibal Directive taking place, or simple beligerent shooting as took place at the nova festival. Literally the only one? [Here's another.](https://youtu.be/PFxrl8nUb7Q?si=ZceAAPRszbwDS-q6) I can keep going. But as I stated, the lines are clearly delineated at this point. There are those who are honestly engaged, those who are dishonestly engaged and those who are yet to digest the lived reality of Palestinians, and break through the indoctrinating that they should never empathise with them as human beings.


>First of all, there were many Israelis in that building.  Lol it wasn't a building, it was a house, there were 14 people there and 2 survived, Yasmin Porat was one of them, this is what I mean that you people who promote this conspiracy theory that most Israelis were killed by the IDF don't know the facts, you're instantly disqualified to talk about this. According to the UN they could account 14 Israelis died as a result of the hannible directive. That video that you showed is not the same, he never said that the helicopter was killing civilians, he said it was firing at the kibbutz, which was already a war zone because Hamas terrorists were already there, so that's to be expected. >I can keep going. Please do, I want to see the "many" testimonies. >There are those who are honestly engaged, those who are dishonestly engaged and those who are yet to digest the lived reality of Palestinians, and break through the indoctrinating that they should never empathise with them as human beings. Who says that we shouldn't empathize with Palestinians as human beings? of course we should, that has nothing to do with the facts of Oct 7th or the war.


It's important to be able to recognise who is and isn't worth my time. 'It wasn't a building, it was a house...' You are not a serious person.


https://electronicintifada.net is the website that was linked. very official source


Keep grasping at straws. No one's buying what you're selling.




Hey op, where is the data the young woman is using? Where is she getting the true figures? Just curious. I have no opinion on the validity, I’d just like to look up the numbers myself and know what institutional authority collects and verifies them. Lemme know!


She says it in the video. Did you watch it? Lemme know!


[Here is a source that does the math.](https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371)


My god.. that is full of unsubstantiated opinion and non-factual details that you know cannot be taken seriously as a source we can use for claims like this.


Yea idk if that’s a source I’d even bother with tbh https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/electronic-intifada/


Yeah. Agreed. I’d prefer all of the data is laid out and checked by some reliable institutional source. Does the UN have a database for things like this? Sometimes information literacy is the most difficult part of discerning the truth


Anybody got her socials?


Alexis Rose




[Here you go.](https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371)


She’s hot


And correct


She needs to choose, it's either accurate, estimation, conservative numbers, ..... I summed her numbers up to about 500k dead, that's a quarter of the whole population of gaza, she is blowing those numbers out of her ass. The real story is that the numbers that the Hamas health ministry are giving is falsified and are way more than the real numbers. Even the UN said so. If you don't believe me just Google news 'gaza death toll' and you will see Pro Palestinians websites that say the numbers are around 38k total. The one I'm looking at just now was updated 14 hours ago and says 37,800. Saying all that, the numbers are high, but not as high as people make you think.


some wild numbers. Would be nice to see her source though. Found Source: [https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371](https://electronicintifada.net/content/math-proves-israels-stated-goals-are-epic-lie/47371) Author: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan\_Abulhawa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Abulhawa) Susan Abulhawa (Arabic: سوزان أبو الهوى, born June 3, 1970) is a Palestinian **writer and human rights activist and animal rights advocate**.


Presumably the US be getting all their information from Israel.


Biden is the only one not being gagged/censored


Where are the figures coming from?


Tik tok: Americas number one source for ground breaking journalism


Abolish Hamas. Then we talk peace.


Abolish Likud and IDF. Then we talk peace.


What’s up with the scorpions?


She decided to get scorpion tattoos one day and paid a tattoo artist to do it. Who cares?


Why did the UN revise down the death toll by like 11k like a month ago?


[They didn't.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-69014893)


So the overall death toll wasn’t revised down, but the civilian/women and children death toll was? “For the GMO's figure to be compatible with the health ministry's data, almost all of the 10,000 deaths not fully identified by the ministry would have to have been women and children. "It's not logically impossible... but it really strains credibility," says Prof Michael Spagat, who specialises in examining death tolls in conflicts around the world.”


The revised figures are for identified bodies, people who does in hospital, or could reported dead by family members and whose Israeli assigned ID numbers which all Gazans have were cross-referenced. The scale and rate of death in Gaza is not something the health ministry has been able to keep up with. Particularly as the idf has killed a significant proportion of the people whose job it would be to do municipal work like this.


Why were all of the 10k unidentified deaths first reported as all women and children?


Perhaps because the Gaza media office and the Gaza health ministry were unable to effectively communicate their findings due to there being a genocide taking place. I'll refer you to the final paragraph of the article: The UN has previously said that it has a "long-standing co-operation" with the Gaza health ministry, and that its previous reporting has been considered credible and "well developed". Israel's record of cooperation, honesty, and reliability, on the other hand, is a farce.


I mean the gaza health ministry is ran and vetted my hamas, if anything hamas would want more of there civilians to die if it means the world starts hating Israel more so they could be inflating the numbers for they’re own gain




We not buying what the state department is pushing


Sure! maybe the u.s. lied about and/or caused mass death in japan, china, korea, the ussr, guatemala, indonesia, cuba, congo, peru, laos, vietnam, cambodia, grenada, lebanon, libya, el salvador, nicaragua, iran, panama, iraq, kuwait, somalia, bosnia, sudan, afghanistan, pakistan, bulgaria, macedonia, bahamas, libya, south africa, bolivia, marshall islands, greece, portugal, philippines, ecuador, albania, argentina, angola, jamaica, seychelles, haiti, guyana, chad, thailand, algeria, brazil, dominican republic, ghana, mexico, uruguay, colombia, chile, russia, venezuela, yugoslavia, palestine, yemen, the u.s. itself........ but! ....and hear me out here..... maybe this time they're telling the truth & they really have the interests of people and democracy at heart :)


Unreliable source makes it nonsensical


Kids actually get their info from TikTok eh? Thought this was just a trope. God fucking help us.


Yeah, that's why congress wants to ban it. If congress wants to ban something, they have our best interests in heart and should be believed without any skepticism.


Something something broken clocks being right occasionally something something…


Fake numbers, that's why.


I love how whenever there’s a statistic about Israel everyone fact checks the info. Where’s the fact checking for Gaza health ministry because they haven’t been the most accurate source… maybe there’s some implicit bias here…


Problem is the “Gaza Health Ministry” gets their numbers from Hamas and are essentially ran by Hamas. So I take the numbers both the IDF and GHM provide with a grain of salt as both have enormous incentives to give inaccurate numbers.


People have. The UN and AP. "The AP excluded from its analysis any dead bodies that were not fully identified, as well as the duplicates; filtering these out did not have a material impact (less than 1%) on the proportion of women and children killed." Source: [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-deaths-women-children-360c6aabc03421c718d4a8452cec2c67](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-deaths-women-children-360c6aabc03421c718d4a8452cec2c67) Considering that their health system has been decimated to have only a 1% margin of error when checked is pretty accurate. Also considering that they are excluding anyone that was not fully identified.


Because the UN said that the Gazan numbers were grossly inflated and Hamas - the authority in Gaza - said it is aiming for more civilian casualties. That might have something to do with things.


Prove it. Because the UN has stated the exact opposite actually, so where are you getting that supposed information from?


This is just straight-up false, the Gaza Health Ministry reports 37,900 deaths, you want to inflate the figures to push a false agenda.


1 the figures provided by Hamas have been definitely proven to be manipulated. They are not only statistically impossible, but also plain false (things like 200+100=400). 2 the UN themselves have had to revise their reports based on this fabricated data, and halve the casualties.  3 the UN have false had to admit there was no evidence of famine  So why should any official body parrot claims made by terrorists who have been proven to lie about this? 


Does Israel have an incentive to lie, too?




Sounds like you're fantasizing about her death.


This would be the agency run by Hamas?


Complete BS.


If you subtract the deaths of Hamas militants, and the deaths of those actively aiding and abetting Hamas militants, I wonder what the ACTUAL civilian death toll is? I certainly don’t trust these aggregate numbers coming out of the territory.


So why aren't any opposing governments or media reporting the numbers mentioned by her? AlJazeera for example also [reports](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker) the same numbers as every Western source.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


19 Yezidi girls were burned alive by ISIS for not converting to Islam. Ten thousand were kidnapped and 2700 are still missing. Where were the protests then?


What’s there to protest? The whole world was fighting ISIS. Would we be protesting them to be fought harder than open armed conflict already permits it?


There was no need for protests. The international community was against ISIS and actively dropping bombs on them.


ya, I wouldn’t trust a democratically elected terrorist group either.


Talking about Bibi? Lol


Passed by the house doesn’t mean anything


Hmm, does random tiktok hot girl know that "Gaza health ministry" is... *" It operates under the jurisdiction of the territory's* [*Hamas government*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governance_of_the_Gaza_Strip)*,"* Or... is she/the posters of this just kind of hoping you won't notice that part...?


Okay then, I simply won't trust any organization operating in Israel. Bias is fun.


Is isreal or hamas worse?


Israel Ferrsure.

