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From article: Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith wants to look at the recently revealed tapes of Sen. Ted Cruz (R) outlining a proposal for overturning the 2020 presidential election with a Fox News host, reported The Daily Beast on Thursday. The tapes of Cruz were first revealed by Abby Grossberg, a former producer at Fox who sued the network, alleging a toxic, misogynistic work environment and a scheme to coerce her into giving misleading deposition testimony in the lawsuit against the network by Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion's suit was settled for $787.5 million, but Grossberg's litigation is ongoing. "Grossberg’s attorney, Gerry Filippatos, told CNN on Wednesday that federal investigators reached out several weeks ago, after they began publicizing the existence of the tapes," reported A.J. McDougall. "'We’re in the process of negotiating a targeted subpoena for Abby’s electronic data, so they can have what they want,' he said. He added that she remains committed to cooperating fully with the federal probe." "Jack Smith, the special counsel looking into Trump’s potential mishandling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, is also reportedly interested in the tapes, according to an interview Filippatos gave to MSNBC on Tuesday," the report continued. On the tapes, Cruz laid out to Fox host Maria Bartiromo his idea of establishing a "commission" that would investigate former President Donald Trump's baseless claims of election fraud, and give Congress a pretext to reject certifying the electors, a process that would have let Republicans elect Trump in a vote of state House delegations. "I think that the country deserves to have a credible assessment of these claims and what the evidence shows and the mechanism to try to force that is denying certification on the sixth," Cruz said in the recordings.


Seems like strong evidence of a conspiracy. And we know that Ted acted on this conspiracy. So, I think he's fucked. The big question in my view is will he take the fall for others, or will he squeal like the spineless loser he is?


I can already hear the off-key singing.




His cook is goosed....


Finally. Jack's gonna get it all done.


Do MTG and Gaetz next.


And gym!


He’s ucked fup.


Bake 'im away, toys!


He done gucked up the fame


That’s nice work, Lou.


How the turns have tabled


This is finally the smoking gun we have been waiting for. This must mean they have the federal indictment for Trump ready. They are probably waiting until after Trump gets the nomination to unseal the first federal indictment. of the Teflon Don.


I think the election interference case in Georgia will come first but I expect Jack to come forth by the end of summer.


Hey now. Teflon Don was a sobriquet coined for the violent mobster John Gotti. Trump is a completely different violent mobster.


Adult Diaper Don.


Depends on Don


Where else would they be?


What are the repercussions to Cruz?


Well, considering his party affiliation, probably the presidency in 2028


The teflon has been peeled off to expose the seditious mess.


Seeing Ted Cruz go to jail along side the guy who attacked his wife and father for supporting the guy who attacked his wife and father would be the chef’s kiss


He might shiv himself in retaliation


Seppuku for the win!


We can hope.


None of them are going to jail. Lawyers and Fixers might see bars, but the leaders are untouchable.


It’s okay to dream!


Absolutely. Just don't make plans for your lottery winnings or seeing Ted in orange. ;)


To heck with you and your negativity! I’m already taking down his measurements and commissioning a custom orange jump suit with sequins!


I have resigned myself to Jack Smith is going to either be on the level or he isn’t. Just knowing what we know publicly, a boatload of treasonous, traitorous mother fuckers conspired to overthrow the legitimately elected government. I also remember all the “hope” followed by massive amounts of “cope” with Meuller. I sit waiting, reserved, knowing that the outcome will reveal justice for all or “justice” for the average American alone. Jack Smith will either reestablish what our democracy stands for or the illusion will fall. I *still* have no small amount of PTSD from sitting at my computer January 6th and watching everything transpire in real time, from the very beginning of the “rally” to the cutaways of cameras inside the Capital. 1 browser open, then 2, then 6 then 12, all from different news outlets, C-Span and on-site cameras. After the initial push, I waited. Surely the National Guard was coming. 30 minutes went by, then an hour. Then 2. 3 hours and 19 minutes of horror. Trauma from the notion that our country may actually fall. God damn Donald Trump. God damn his enablers, supporters and voters, traitors the whole fucking lot of them. The future of the nation sits on Jack Smith’s ability to find truth and deliver justice. For maybe the first time in our history outside of General George Washington , the future of the nation lies with one man. I hope he’s up to the task.


I just hope merick garland didn’t realize jack smith is going to shiv his friends. Not hopeful but hopeful


>or he isn’t. he is. >lies with one man. it doesn't. You DO know this isn't some cheesy TV show that imagines everything's being done by the one guy -- right?


Sport teams have multiple coaches, but only the HC gets his name in the paper.


Not saying I don’t want this investigated, because I very much do, but, if Smith goes down every crime rabbit hole left by Republicans, this investigation will never finish…


OK, and? Find the crime and send them to prison. However long it takes.


Sure, but lets make some arrest now


Need to check his knees for carpet burns while they are at it.


Dear Texas: What the actual fuck? Sincerely, The Rest of Us


We already knew Cruz was pushing for a phoney commission as he said so on the Senate floor. I think the significant thing revealed in the Cruz/Bartiromo tape is when Cruz says (paraphrasing) WE discussed a lot of options for challenging the election and the Commission option was the least bad one. So this establishes: There was a conspiracy. Who was in those discussions and what did they say? Who knew about the discussions but was not present? How was information shared within/without the group? There were other options discussed, what were those? Did a subset group go ahead with the more aggressive actions discussed but dismissed by the group, such as storming the Capitol?


I do not like that man Ted Cruz, I do not like him in the news. I do not like him committing sedition, I do not like him forming commissions. I do not like him mansplaining rape, I do not like him caught on tape. He really is beyond the pale, that man Ted Cruz should go to jail.


Do it do it do it


Get him Jack Sparrow!


Stop this. I can only get so hard


You love to see it


..especially late in the summer.




Outstanding. Investigate. Bring to trial. Convict. Strip of citizenship. Deport. 6 easy steps to a better America.


Sorry, he's your problem Canada is not taking him back.


fair enough. Perhaps we could agree to deport him to Sudan?


War crime forcing him on the people of Sudan. They already have enough on their plate.


Exactly. They might not even notice Ted. And, he runs from the cold. I hear Sudan is plenty hot these days....


Just give him a rubber raft and a box of Rice Crispy Treats then drop him in the middle of the Atlantic.


Only if we can do that during hurricane season!!!!


Uh oh, could Rafael get deported back to Canada?


he renounced his canadian citizenship plus we don't want him. he will become stateless.


He likes Cancun.


Haha, true


Don’t we send the stateless to Gitmo?


That’s one sniveling,cowardly,treasonous pos I would love to see in jail


As they should wtf. How is this even a question?


Cruz will have plenty of room to cloak himself in "speech or debate" protection, so he's probably not a likely prosecution target. Smith wants to review the tapes to look for other instances of elements of the strategy Cruz outlines in the testimony & evidence from people who are already in his (Smith's) sights.


She has 90 recordings. I also want to see the redacted Tucker texts.


I heard that tape and Cancun Cruz very clearly states that he wants a "special" commission to overrule the democratically fair 2020 election results. That's sedition & he deserves to be held accountable as much as the Jan 6th rioters.


Deport him back to Canada


You know what, when this is all done, fire Merrick Garland and appoint Jack Smith as Attorney General. He seems more interested in the truth and getting things done than politics


The tapes make you wonder if Cruz has a thing for Bartiromo. We hope this enough to get him charged by Smith.


All those in Congress who contributed to, supported, or passively stood by, or any who helped or looked the other way, concerning the planning/execution of 1/6 must be held accountable. No one should be above the law.


HANG that son of a bitch. And I say that as a pissed-off Texan.


Stop, stop, I can only get so erect!


He'll get away with it


Well yeah, he's a republican


Is this the latest news to try and trick us that the government is doing something to hold politicians accountable?


Not really going to matter much if 3 Supreme Court Justices just decided to not punish him.


Can someone explain to me what all is needed in these investigations??? You have Trump on the phone saying find me the votes. You have Cruz and n the phone trying to turn over an election. This is like me walking in on some dude raw dogging my wife and I say, “hhhhmmmm, ya know, I’m starting to suspect something shady is going on. I’m gonna keep an eye out for any strange behavior.”


The evidence will unfortunately need to be overwhelming and fairly complete to convict and hold up to appeals. The last thing you want to do is to take the former president to trial and have him put forward cherry picked evidence that you didn't know about because you don't have the full picture. You also eliminate the possibility of witnesses coming out of the woodwork to falsely testify in defense of Trump because you can pick them apart. There is also untested/undertested law at play and one party working to sandbag investigations. It's hard to keep up because there's so many cases vs Trump, but the "find me the votes" part in GA is planning to announce indictments somewhere between July and September. It got pushed back a bit because the lawyer representing all of the GA fake electors in that scheme didn't tell his clients that plea bargains were offered for cooperation. Which is about as obvious of a thing that could have happened given the glaring conflicts of interest.


Go ahead Jack you got my permission? 🤞


Finally, answers about the zodiac killer


They should all be in prison rotting for treason


I hope Lauren Boebert gets pulled into this. Ted Cruz is the one who got her into Congress. She needs to be in jail too.


Every republican accusation is a confession.


Go Jack!!!!


Cruz isn’t American and he’s seeking to undermine our democracy. He might as well be a foreign agent at this point. It’s disturbing how many “patriotic” Republicans want us to emulate fucking Russia of all places.


Glad he is being thorough.


Yes. Let him.


I hope there will be consequences for Raphael "ted" Cruz, but at the same time I wonder if this is some sick revenge plot for the orange clown calling his wife ugly


Santa, I’ve been very good this year. Please have Cruz indicted. 🙏🍪🥛


These people are worse than a pissed off ex, we expect them to never let it go and move on but the elitists can't rise to a non Karen level. It was 3 years ago, fuck it, I want a divorce.