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I so look forward to the day that his mouth stops moving.


We're already in the era where his brain stopped moving.


But it feels like he’s propped up by STDs and Cholesterol…


He's definitely on coke or adderall or something. I don't know anyone almost 80 who can never, ever shut the fuck up for two seconds.


Why not all four (Adderall, blow, Syphilis, cholesterol, *and rage*. Dude’s always angry, either outwardly so or suppressed but palpable. Always an ax to grind, a slight to highlight, an injustice visited upon he who zips around on a private 757, gets catered to constantly, been living in gold-leafed housing, tapping lively ladies like a woodpecker on an Elm at sunrise.


Jesus Walter, everything with you is always a travesty




Tapping lively underaged girls on Epstein’s island.


Eight year olds dude.


He's not having sex. He's under scrutiny enough for seeing the only people who'd put up with his toadstool, sex workers.


I bet his dick doesn’t even work


Marshmallow or Mushroom...can't remember what Stormy said.


¿Porque no los dos?


It blows my mind how any working person thinks he has them in his mind at all….


he has never been happy for a moment in his sad life and he is sad because he is a loser


And entitlement. "facing legal repercussions for my actions is an outrage! A witch-hunt! " He probably really does believe that he was born above the law.


The sniffing. Constant sniffing. Trump sniffs more than my dog.


Fred Trump, Donald's father, died from Alzheimer's.... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


More so: he was a crook too! Fred Trump was investigated for profiteering by a U.S. Senate committee in 1954 and again by New York State in 1966.


Well his grandfather ran a brothel in Canada, so being a crook is in his genes


He's been in the news for 8 years and coming up on 9 years, that he's been in the news. each. and. every. single. day. Name another person ever, that has been in the news each and every single day for that long of time? Its unpresidented.... err unprecedented.


The day he no longer is will be wonderful. I suspect more tell all books and a few documentaries will trickle out but within a few short years the world will put him in the rear view mirror. I can’t wait. His existence has been a nightmare for this planet.


The boxes of Sudafed lol


You haven’t met my Uncle Claudio.


“Don’t pay any attention to dad. That’s just the syphilis talking.”


Don’t forget amphetamines.


Don’t forget the adderall and “diet” coke.


My Reddit diagnosis is that Trump has Syphilitic Rabies. That’s why his brain is bigly confused. I will show myself out. I have to help the medical diagnosis for Jim Gym Jordan. Tough nut to crack. But I will do it for the sake of our nation.


I reckon Gym would look the other way while you cracked his nuts


Ok. Phew! HIPPA Reddit Regulations prevent me from divulging my full exam. But suffice it to say, Jim Gym has full scale moron syndrome. He just cannot read or comprehend complex issues. And the fact he went to law school (but never passed the bar) made me give him the Trump “Stable Genius” IQ Test. He failed bigly. Not fit for office.


Pretty sure that started June 14, 1946


It stopped moving decades ago


​ I just never want to have to see the weird shapes his mouth makes again. It's like aliens made a human mask and didn't get the human mouth movements quite right. Even just for that, it was a blessing for him to be out of office.


His lips are like a puckering anal sphincter.


NTM his neck vagina.


There’s a photo floating around the web of someone pulling their arse cheeks apart and between them it’s just his face with his lips puckering.


So very attractive


Like a cockroach wearing an Edgar suit.


You are probably talking about the movie....but OMG the book was so much better. I laughed the whole way through


Had no idea there was a book, I'll have to check that out.


It's was one of my favorites when i was younger because it's hilarious. It's hard to find now, but I finally got a used copy off Amazon. It's by Steve Perry


I hate his stupid little fists


​ And that silly god damned "accordion playing" splayed hand movements he makes when talking.


And the Trumpy numbers dance, who could forget the Trumpy numbers dance, we see it at least 5 times per speech, 5 or 6, some said 4 but that’s not enough, or 3, and I heard 11, but actually we have 13, I don’t know if it could go that high but 9 or 10 for sure, so I would say, probably, about 8, or 7, but 8.


9/10 pictures his lips are pursed in this weird gross position. It's weird how often that's the way it's captured.


Poor Tiffany has his mouth. Most of his kids do


The day he has a stroke and gets aphasia can’t come soon enough. It’s a perfect punishment for him.


Aphasia? That’s what Bruce Willis has. Was it from a stroke? I know it’s off topic. Anyone know?


Bruce has a form of Dementia called frontotemporal dementia. It's progressed to the point that he is now totally non-verbal. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/10/bruce-willis-not-totally-verbal-amid-dementia-battle-says-moonlighting-creator


So sad but Bruce has a strong support team of women that truly love him.


I look forward to when that mouth breather stops breathing


I just want someone to punch it, *REAL HARD*. I 100% believe that if that happened just ONCE in his silver spooned life, things would be very different for the world.


I've said this a million times. Nothing like getting punched in the face once or twice to teach you how to behave in public.


"Will you shut up, man?" Pure Dark Brandon.


Hopefully he will be turning blue with a Big Mac stuck inside his mouth


Omg .., he’s a blithering idiot




It will just be replaced by someone else, and they are likely to be smarter and have the ability to do far more damage. Looking at you Moses Johnson…


Hear, hear , hear!!!


And his heart.


I look foreward to the day his brain stops working … oh wait , that was years ago.


McDonald’s: We’re on it!!


He will be dead soon. His soul already left his body.


Then be sure to donate to my kickstarter where I aim to make sure Donnie has all the McDonalds he can eat in a day, every day. We can’t feed this man alone and need your help!


Puckered like an asshole.


Trump is the guy who pressured AG Jeff Sessions to arrest his enemies...Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lisa Page and others. It's comical that Trump and MAGA blames the Dems for weaponizing the department of justice..😲


Always projection...


my concurrent response to the above post is in no way an attack on you, I absolutely agree with your comment.


Why wouldn't he, his base laps it up and when someone mentions what the 'real news' said about tmurp threatening to be a dictator 'on day one' they'll say 'it's always projection, durrrr' source: coworker's a trumpublican


i have to say "tmurp" is probably my new favourite nickname for him, even beating Cheeto Benito.


His real family name is Drumpf. My husband loves it. Every time he has to go poo he says "I need to go Drumpf"




Careful Trumpublicans are an invasive species. Know the signs.


Then if it happens, they will say whatever he's doing is justified and have absolutely no problem with the fact they previously told us it was just projection.


Projection erection. Another GOP malady. It’s almost incurable. Pfizer has a vaccine. But the GQP/MAGA male members of Congress will refuse to take it. Why? Well Projection Erection is cheaper than taking viagra and lasts their entire lives. Ask your doctor if a MAGA Projection Erection is Reich for you!


Does Trump have untreated syphilis or something?




My great grandma had an undiagnosed UTI towards the end and it literally drove her insane. She was screaming about muslims coming after her christian blood and swinging around call buttons. So, not far off actually. Sad to see their brains go before they do.


Dementia is a well known side effect of UTI's in elderly patients.


But it’s so satisfying to see the dementia disappear after antibiotics. Happened to my mom several times. Her doc said it’s probably a huge factor in nursing home dementia. That said, for trump I think it’s a congenital defect affecting large branches of the family tree.


Delirium, not dementia.


"He's piss-mad!"


Unrestrained Total Idiocy


Most people are saying.


syphilis came to me, tears in their eyes, and said, "Biden started WWII and we beat Obama in 2016"


He IS untreated syphilis.


Brain worm.


Starving brain worm.


Like Hitler.


Some people think he does


Doesn't that turn you yellow? What turns you orange? Jaundice?


Fox News


Geriatric womens makeup.


Jaundice turns you yellow, most of my family has a small case when we're born so we look like a Simpsons character for a bit.


I think he might just be the largest case of untreated syphilis.


From article: Former President Donald Trump went on a posting bender Saturday that included a threat to indict former President Barack Obama for “murder” — in a case that theoretically would implicate Trump as well. When he’s not holding rallies where he generates headlines about parroting the language of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler or still thinking Obama is the president, or giving interviews along similar lines, Trump is a frequent poster to his Truth Social platform. While it lasts. Those posts usually take the form of text rants with copious use of ALL CAPS WITH EXCLAMATION POINTS about things like “STOLLEN” elections. But Trump also sometimes posts brief video rants shot at one of his golf properties that are remarkable in their ability to recreate the elements of those text rants. But Trump also frequently reposts messages from supporters, some of which are even more inflammatory than his own posts. On Saturday morning, Trump posted and reposted many of his own thoughts, mostly related to the fraud trial that is winding down, and at which he appeared this week to rant to reporters. But he also reposted a message from conservative pro-Trump attorney Mike Davis, who suggested the ruling against Trump’s presidential immunity defense could allow Trump to indict Obama in the future: So Democrat judges in DC suddenly pretend President Trump doesn’t enjoy presidential immunity, like all of his predecessors for 250 years? Does that mean the Trump 47 Justice Department can indict President Obama for his extrajudicial murder of a 16-year-old American citizen? Davis is referring to the drone strike that killed the 16-year-old son of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. But under Davis’s theory, Trump would seemingly face a similar risk. Eight days into Trump’s first term, al-Awlaki’s 8-year-old daughter was killed in a U.S. raid. Trump has just filed an appeal of Judge Tanya Chutkan’s denial of two motions to dismiss from Trump’s team, based on First Amendment and presidential immunity claims.


Can he really not spell “stolen” yet?


It's intentional because it drives engagement. Dude is a mind virus.


It's intentional now because he can't stand to be corrected. He literally just makes up his own words. Does "covfefe" ring a bell?


Hamberder, very, very, *very* well done!!!!!


I just assumed he was talking about that german cake my mom used to make for me.


TWO of al-Awlaki's children were killed in military strikes?!?!!!


He should be slipping in the polls. "The form of dementia that Trump appears to have includes some frontal lobe pathophysiology. The major symptom is poor judgment; Impulsivity is also often a part of it. The worse part of the syndrome is unrealistic self-appraisal. ​Throughout Donald Trump's presidency, he has manifested poor judgment." The State Journal-Register https://www.sj-r.com › 2019/10/21 Shame on his handlers and his followers for continuing to try to act like someone with Dementia/ Alzheimers is somehow POTUS material. Trump should be getting the help he needs, and as much as I despise his politics, Alzheimer’s runs on his family as it does mine, so I know what the signs and symptoms are, and I just can't stand seeing anyone with Dementia, including Trump, continually being propped up and used as a tool. Meanwhile, Trump is being made fun of by all, including his own fellow conservatives. "Orange Jesus." And Joe Biden may be older and occasionally forgetful, but he does not have dementia. Let's fact check Biden’s so-called mental decline. Questions about the president’s fitness for office aren’t in good faith – *if the GOP really cared about the issue, it would have divested itself of Trump long ago.* https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/biden-fact-check-mental-decline-b2373172.html


Republicans love propping up barely living dementia sufferers. It works very well for them. In fact, that's the strategy they used to ruin this country in the 80s...


*Mitch McConnell.........................* . . . . . . *.............has entered the chat.*


#has left the chat# … *has entered the chat* … #has left the chat#


Hahaha now this made me laugh! 😂


Trumps mental acuity is declining rapidly.


Need it completely gone by like January - make it impossible for him to run and hopefully all of these project 2025 rejects can be eradicated to ensure the country stays free.


I think it’s normal for handlers, didn’t Reagan handlers write the original playbook?


The president doesn’t indict people. Also only if they can prove Obama broke a law.


Modern Dictators do. Not directly of course, but they make sure the levers of power do what they demand. See Putin or xi


To be fair... Putin rarely indicts anyone. They're all just very clumsy, especially at great height.


I don't want to live in a world where he is president again.


Says the man who let a pandemic run wild


I’m so glad that there is about 10% of this country who will decide the 2024 election, and they either have no idea any of this is going on, or sit and think, “ok, well, Trump’s a little wild, but my eggs are pricy. I’m sure Trump can magically solve egg price increases, so i may go with the dictator.”. Say it with me undecided voters… Donald Trump will not magically make inflation go down. He won’t make interest rates go down. Presidents don’t have a “make economy good” button they can press at any time.


What good are eggs if you’re put in prison after a miscarriage. Everyone is missing the point here. Its Fascism Grandpa or Freedom Grandpa. Pick the right Grandpa.


Trump kicked off U.S. inflation with his stupid tariff war vs. China, costing U.S. families upwards of **106 billion dollars**, [among other negatives](https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/14/politics/cost-of-china-tariff-trade-war/index.html).


Yeah, but in Trump world, anything negative are things that aren’t his fault. For MAGA people, the pandemic was just some event that happened that he played no role in. We are literally in the mythical soft-landing because of Biden, knock on wood, and no Trump curious voters even remember that we were headed into a recession because of Trump. Half of this country collectively memory-holed 2019-2020. It just doesn’t exist in the MAGA brain.


Then you have the “oh I’ll vote for RFK jr - he seems reasonable.”. Ffs, every democratic country should used ranked ballots or something - first past the post is horrible


For all the screaming the right does about TDS, nothing has ever come close to the levels of ODS


Presidential immunity only covers actions taken as part of official duties of the presidential office. Trying to start an insurrection to interrupt the electoral process does not fall under that definition.


This motherfucking traitor scumbag needs to just go away...prison is a great start!


Trump killed a hundred thousand Americans with his non-repose to COVID.




I have the champagne ready to go.


Fucker needs to drive by a grassy knoll!!


If elected, Trump will restart Slavery in the south and Segregation in the north. Liberals, Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ, Mexicans and Native Americans will be sent to camps, then enslaved to "work off" their debt for their "crimes".


I know you are only kidding around with this scenario, but it's kind of scary that we can't laugh it off as a joke because it's something you could see the Republican party doing.


Hey Jews liberals, Muslims, LQBTQ people, Native Americans have guns too - u think we are just going to sit around and take it in the azz think again


Keep snorting whatever you’re snorting man. In fact, double it.


The way this dude projects makes me wonder who he's gonna off. Does he want his henchmen to take someone out?


Florida man shouts at cloud


The syphilis is reaching the deepest region of his brain.


Wouldn't it be terrible if Trump had a great rage induced stroke? 😂


The years of coke and banging his own daughter are catching up to him


Que up MAGA now to start congressional hearing to investigate Obama ffs


Dude. They STILL wanna indict the Clintons The obsession is pathologically obsessive.


Vote this man should never be allowed the white house.


The best thing that could happen for the country would be if Agent Orange were to have a stroke / aphasia like Joe Kennedy did.


*The Count of Mostly Crisco*


It makes sense since Obama killed it at owning Trump.


If you're an American citizen that has renounced America and are actively fighting FOR the enemy against America and are killing American soldiers or citizens....then you are supposed to be considered an enemy combatant & treated accordingly. WTF is anyone mad at this? Obama has also saved many American troops lives by using drone strikes and special forces instead of massive troop movements to achieve objectives. The only way someone could be mad at Obama for using tech and precise actions against terrorists is if they want to celebrate the deaths of more American soldiers. Of course we all remember how disrespectful Trump feels about the American troops.


Projection. Trump should be indicted for murder of the couple of hundred thousand Americans that died unnecessarily on his watch because he downplayed, ridiculed, made shit up, and bullied anyone making sense about Covid.


If Trump wins it will be the revenge term. I don’t think he will win but I thought this in 2016…


Will you just shut up, man?


He didn't lock up Hilary, drain any swamp, change healthcare for us, or do anything for infrastructure. He failed at everything he campaigned on. What a loser.


That is one sick puppy.


Benedict Donald's a psychopath.


Well he did assassinate that Iranian general. Oh wait, no that was the orange buffoon


He's a symptom of the infection. The real problem is there's a solid 27% of the country that believes this shit.


Trump really doesn’t seem to understand that presidents do have a limited answer specific scope of activities for their office. I mean, it doesn’t seem to be an excuse he hopes will help — he really doesn’t seem to know the limits of the office. He thinks the president controls all media coverage and all public statements from every agency. He thinks the presidency commands activities in every department, directly. He thinks his office was the final word on even state functions, like elections & taxation & prosecution & spending.


Well that's what his homies Putin and Kim do so you gotta give him some slack man /s just in case lol


Why give this piece of shit any more audience?


Whom did he murder? I love how we get to just make up crimes against people these days!


Barry just lives rent free in the shitstains addled Swiss cheese of a brain doesn't he?


Ever since Obama demolished him at the White House corespondents dinner That’s why this is a thing. Our country is going through all of this terrible stuff because of a weak bruised ego


Ignore the bastard. trunt knows that "there is no such thing as bad publicity" He does blows smoke like this so we will talk about him and he stays in the news cycle. Don't give him the attention he so craves. Ignore the bastard


He’s to fucking dangerous to just ignore


Remember in Tucker’s world. If Trump says it...


Deranged sideshow


I feel like I’ve missed something, why is trump going after Obama? He’s no threat to him, just seems like he may as well lie about Bill Clinton too


so this means Trump definitely murdered someone at some point


“Let him rave on so that men know him as mad”. Ramses. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/176e5b79-281e-4ff4-b3e7-ce1e802c9174


Hopefully his




The only way the Trump nightmare will end is with him in prison or if cholesterol works it’s magic on him before then.


So does that slide into libel?


What? He didn't repost anything from cat turd today?


The right wing nut jobs love pointing out that while Obama was in office, a drone killed an American citizen. But as the article points out, an American also died as part of our war on terror while Trump was in office. Right wing nut jobs are all about hypocrisy. They live it.


Pretty sure he beat Obama by 400k dead due to COVID.


This just makes me wonder who Trump killed.


Does Obama pay rent to trump for living in his head?


What a loser. Indict them all. That is draining the swamp. Trump next for all his crimes then McConnell and pelosi for insider trading and then keep on going. Jim Jordan for touching little boys, Matt Gaetz for trying to fuck little girls. So on and so on


Oh I hope Obama sues him for lible


tRump will end up like AL Capone, sitting in prison while syphilis finishes eating his brain.


OK, since *when* has Donald Trump *ever* known what he was talking about? He's just stirring up *hostility*, as usual.


Always interesting to see him hammering home that he's a racist. Bold move there Donnie.


The 'cult will eat it up"


I'm gonna miss these words of wisdom when he locked up for the rest of his life.


murder is a state charge.


When will someone shut him down


Seeing that he's speaking as a President who oversaw a nearly 3 year loss in American Life Expectancy, he might not want to set a precedent on that topic.


Drugs are bad kids.


Simple. He can claim presidential immunity just like fatty is trying to do.


It's like his words have lost all meaning.


He sure changed his tune about absolute presidential immunity. What a clown.


>Davis is referring to the drone strike that killed the 16-year-old son of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. But under Davis’s theory, Trump would seemingly face a similar risk. Eight days into Trump’s first term, al-Awlaki’s 8-year-old daughter was killed in a U.S. raid. You've got to ‘love‘ the Trump hypocrisy. Its perfectly fine for Trump to have hundreds of boxes of classified material at his public resort (conveniently located in an unused - thus private - ball room right next to a photo copier) where foreign intelligence officers are known to be members and its no big deal. Biden finds a folder with a couple documents in an unused office and suddenly hes a national security threat because who knows who might have seen them Its improper to hold Trump accountable for crimes he potentially committed - even if they were before he had Presidential immunity! Its just weaponizing the government to go after their political opponent... But theres no problem in creating an entire new Congressional committee whose entire goal is to investigate Joe Biden\* (Speaking of ... Trump does claim he's owed a thrid term cause he couldn't really do much with Obama investigating him during the first just saying) Civilian Hunter Biden getting millions from a foreign agency for a job he wasn't qualified for clearly shows Joe Biden is bought & paid for... But Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner-Trump getting billions for a job he isn't qualified for from a foreign agency (which Jared specifically advised the President on & of whom the administration went from threatening sanctions to being best buds with).... Yeah thats just Jared being an amazing businessman! Nothing to see! OMG! Biden was on vacation at the beach when an international incident spontaneously broke out! But it's totally cool for Trump to bugger off to Mar-a-largo to go golfing & skip all of the important planning meetings when his own country is under attack by "the invisible army"


Is he talking about the Correspondents' Dinner that probably spurred Trump to actually run in 2016? If anything he clearly failed as Trump's still going.


Man, he really is just a imbecile, and that's being kind. You guys are welcome to borrow our tradition of egging people though, he certainly deserves a half dozen at least.


Over a million americans died because of trump's egotistical incompetence and he has the gall to accuse Obama of murder? The sad thing is that his followers believe it hook, line and sinker.


Orange moron screams into void, daily. Shame no one ever punched him that sphincter looking mouth hole of his.


The only reason to pay any attention to this drivel is to watch Orange Adolf stroke out on live TV.


This guy is totally loosing his mind. Complete loonie tune.


I really can’t understand how someone who’s posted their plans to turn a country that’s a beacon of democracy into a dictatorship isn’t immediately arrested and banned from running - let along 40%+ of voters thinking that’s a good idea - claiming the other guy is ruining their lives - either no evidence to support that


Still blaming Obama for some reason…


Trump is an angry limp dick in denial.


Can someone *please* smash his phone and duct tape his hands so he can’t use his fingers?


He will say anything to stay in the news. He’s a desperate despite


I think we are getting to the " who stole the strawberries" moment with this moron...he is losing it, the pressure is getting to him. If you know, you know.....