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It sounds like he’s extorting NATO nations with the threat of a Russian attack. What a scumbag idiot.


Exactly what he's doing and will do if he gets power again.


Most definitely.


Sadly, i agree


Putin is jerking off every night at the thought of his puppet trump pulling the US out of NATO.


The only real change congress has made to protect us and our interests from this monster was to make it so a President can't just up and take us out of NATO.


Thank fuck for that


You think if he gets in again he's going to abide by any rules? First thing he declares will be martial law. Day one.


Well maybe not that quick he's got to have the supreme Court do a whole bunch of nasty things to the people that didn't vote for him and don't like him first. After he's done extorting them he'll abolish them because there's just some things they won't go along with constitutionally wise. Then he'll get his own supreme Court Marjorie Taylor green can be the main member and to shop punishment on a daily basis. The future is so bright I got to wear shades.


So basically what he was impeached for doing to Ukraine in 2018. He won't stop. He'll keep pulling the same scams until someone stops him.


Worse, he’s soliciting Russian election interference with the promise of destroying NATO. ‘Russia, if you’re listening….’ (Look at what the GOP is doing in Ukraine, it’s the same thing. This is the Republican platform, seeking interference from a foreign power to overthrow an election.)


No doubt about it.


I'd like to know why he can't/isn't being arrested for these kind of threats and incitement..?


*Nice country you got here... Wouldn't like to see anything bad happen to it...*


Brings a whole new meaning to "Don" Trump.


It’s not actually that dangerous, Russia has expended its armed forces FAILING to take over and occupy Ukraine, their logistics have fallen apart, their stockpiles are depleted, the corruption is apparent, they army is exhausted and unmotivated. Russia WAS the number one military power in Europe, and it failed to occupy the 44th power.


Just send us Scots in if he tries anything with NATO. I'm sure we'd get the job done like. LOL.


Special Agent Rab C. Nesbitt is going to toss him out a window.


It won’t stop it from happening. If you listen to Tucker’s interview and all the other things Putin has been spewing these past few years, Putin honestly believes that European NATO nations are US vassals and have no agency. There’s a real possibility that he’ll launch an invasion of a NATO member if he thinks the U.S., or whomever he thinks is in charge of the U.S., will let him.


I remember there was the idea that Putin was believing his own BS, he probably does believe he could, but remember he also thought that Ukraine would be a few months long war,


Which is exactly why he could do it. Invade a NATO member. He may likely be beaten back, but not without cost. And Europe has its own nukes, things can escalate perfectly fine without the US. One of the points of the US being in NATO is so an invasion never happens in the first place.


Yes, even if they wanted they couldn’t even invade another NATO country. They have spend 3 months trying to conquer Avdiivka. How can they invade Poland?


There was at a point (supposedly) a plan to invade and claim the nation to the north of Ukraine to allow a faster route to Kiev,


Yes but now they have drones and we don't. They also have millions of orcs to sacrifice and we don't. We'll have to stock up on drones and air defences, then we'll be good.


Depending on how the bombing campaign goes (went?) they may not have drone manufacturing from Iran any more.


I’ve been distracted by the Israel/Gaza news thanks for the update on Ukraine.


>I’ve been distracted by the Israel/Gaza news thanks for the update on Ukraine. Israel/Gaza is intended to distract the west from Ukraine.


This. Russia has Iran causing chaos in the region to pull attention and resources away.


This is actually highly illegal. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/953


It's strange people keep thinking Trump cares if something is illegal or not because he's clearly absolutely convinced the law does not apply to him. It's actually one of the biggest reasons I never want to see him back in the white house.


I mean other than civil trials trump has been above the law. He has yet to be held accountable for literal hundreds of crimes he has committed. Why would he not think he was above the law if he can keep buying his way out.


Take it with a grain of salt because you can’t believe everything you read. Plus add in he is such a wildcard…. I’ve heard/read in a few places over the years that he loses most of his court cases but he has had so many cases, he has no clue. I think I saw it was over 4000 cases before he took office. His lawyers would just tell him he “won” so they could move on to the next.


You and me both.


Literally racketeering lmao


Relax everyone, He said: might. That means he also might not. We're good.


Good one.


Reminder: Russia has the world's largest nuclear arsenal that is solely pointed at you and your family. And they're the only country to have started a European land war of conquest since 1938. Trump is on their side. There's a word for that.




Would like to point out that there's a very high likelihood that the US knows where every single launch point is at and can strike it immediately if it even sneezes funny. Which in a scenario like that, I don't think the US military will obey Trump, they'll do either what congress says or what their generals say.


What are you pointing out exactly? An assumption based on a guess? You have so much confidence around something you know nothing about. One fucking nuke is all it takes dude.


One nuke will do less damage than several nukes hitting the US. If the US wanted too, there wouldn't be a Russia land anymore. It'd be gone. Forever.


First, one large nuke would wipe out a city filled with millions of people. Second, if one is launched, the entire world arsenal of nukes would likely be launched. Third, if we managed to remove Russia from the planet without taking several hits ourselves. We'd all eventually die from the fallout.


Are we sure about that. You guys spend billions every year just to maintain your arsenal. Can we be sure Russia has been keeping up since Putin and his oligarchs literally stole everything? Maybe those nukes aren't as much of a threat as we think.


What’s your point? You think Trumps approach isn’t wrong? Or you’re just being pedantic and correcting a statement that was ancillary to the main point?


His approach is always wrong what the hell are you talking about. Stop fear mongering with the nuclear shit.


I didn’t mention “nuclear shit” in any of my comments. You’re thinking of the parent comment.


Only 1 needs to get through and work.


1938? Germany would like to have a word.


That’s who he’s talking about…


Putins cockholster. TRAITOR


Right between the orange, cottage cheese butt cheeks.


Thank you for that… truly disgusting mental image, I’ll be seeing that in my nightmares tonight.


As you should: that nightmare should be a reminder of what we can't afford to let happen in November.


Could be a lot of that in prison. If only we could put Putin in a cell with him. Or as in my dreams…. They are in a row boat in the middle of the Pacific, as far from land as possible. They have one oar between them. A drone is filming it like the Truman Show.


Imprison the traitor.


As much as I hate to say it... I have some respect for Russia (The Soviet Union). They were smart enough to play the long game, con us, get us to internally fight, and get this turd bucket elected *president* Well played Russia.... Awful, bad, evil, but well played.... Note: by saying (Soviet Union) after referencing Russian... I don't mean to say they are the same thin. I only mean to say that that is how Russia's leadership sees things.


Traditionally, Subversion is all the kremlin has ever been good at. Their army has never been anything more than a wasteful meat grinder




If you actually look at the trustworthy source, it shows Biden ahead by 6%.


Still better get out and VOTE


Hillary was winning.


And should have won


I know. I wonder how much different things would be if she did.


GOP would have treated her like they did Obama, blocking and sabotaging every positive thing for their donor class that prefers a weak middle class.


"Russia, if you're listening..." I get the feeling they will attack a US ally if the smelly traitor is reelected.


Yes, his statements are _extremely_ dangerous and raise the risk of war. NATO is a defense alliance based on deterrence, in other words the promise that if you attack one member state you attack all. If Putin stops believing that, the security system crumbles.


I was also referencing traitor Trump's press conference where he, on TV, asked Russia to find Hillary emails or something. And the DNC (and RNC) were hacked afterwards.


Sort of right. They were hacked *before* that press conference, and he knew it. Roger Stone was the intermediary. Less than 2 days after his comment, only the DNC hack was released. But yea..."no collusion" says the lemmings.


I think Trump and putin plan to extort europe for all they can.


The US will be their ally


*“You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills,”* hilarious


Yes, the irony...


Also the hypocrisy... to the absolute max.


Yes, and that.


Oh, don't worry. His civil case bills are something he'll be stripped for parts over. The NY fraud one isn't something he can dodge - they've taken control of the Trump Org already.


To non americans, MAGA is now the enemy.. we need to start taking names


MAGA has been our enemy since they stormed the Capitol Building on J6. We need to make sure as many as can be voted out are.


They’ve been the enemy of Democracy since they were the Tea party. They just re-named themselves for Trump’s time.


I’ve quite literally got an entire cloud save of hundreds of photos of trump flags, stickers, cars, houses etc. These people have been showing us where they are for years


How do we get other countries to officially list them as a terrorist organization? I mean, sanctions won't matter for much of them as they have little assets and certainly aren't traveling overseas. But the declaration could maybe change how they get addressed domestically? Doesn't help that the majority come from church backgrounds convinced "the enemy" has labeled their faith as bad in the world. The whole antichrist description.


Who TF would vote for this guy????!!


Racist idiots who blame brown people coming from south of the border for their problems.


70 million morons, unfortunately.


Millions of Americans aparently


Maga! many Americans and many republicans i know, will not, but maga is a cult focused on hate and revenge and nothing will sway their vote for their orange jesus


Every MAGAt and every “independent” that the Dems don’t do an effective job messaging to (the Dem messaging has been so fucking feeble, like embarrassing for a national party).


This is the time for people to come together for a bigger cause. People are disappointing apparently


Dems really need to energize the voters and make us feel like we’re voting for a thoroughbred and not a 1-legged blind donkey


But Biden’s age!?!?! Edit: I guess I need a /s


They’re about the same age. My perception of the 2 of them is honestly trump seems more senile than Biden. They both forgot things but overall trump is senile.


I’m being facetious! That’s the argument from half the country. As well as, “I’m not gonna vote for Biden because Gaza”. Not voting is a vote for Trump!




Hasn't he done that already? Or wasn't that part of his main objectivew when he first ran for office?


Notice his focus is not on "securing the border" but trying to help Russia.


And his supporters cackle and laugh.


Yes, if he already did this: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-nato-countries-increased-spending-1384655 Then this is about extortion and telling Russia Trump will use money, already paid from before, as the excuse to turn a blind eye to Russia invading Europe. Dude is a piece of shit and anyone supporting him is a dipshit. They think money is somehow "coming back home" when it will just be diverted to more tax cuts for corporations and his donors.


As if Putin is taking orders from his orange lackey?! Only MAGAts are moronic enough to look to that imbecile for advice.


This is crazy


That’s real smart. Will get Russia permanently off the face of the earth that way. Stable genius at work. What an illiterate moron.


At this point, maybe giving him a neural implant of the lead variety would be best for all. It would stop his ramblings and calm the orange traitor down permanently. Sure, there will be alot of his supporters against said implant but at least you'll be able to lure out the crazies and tag them properly now


Ah yes, let’s causally start world war 3, ultimately cost more American lives by losing European allies that would die for us. His negotiating skills are literally unmatched


why isn't this treason at this point


Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason. John Harington


Good quote


Jan 6th was treason. MF'r tried to overthrow democracy by calling the election rigged with zero evidence. And continued to spout that off for 3 more years... now he is running again? It is absolutely insane to me.


May be the most un-American thing a presidential candidate has ever said but then again, Donald Trump, the fascist, is the first president to know what the inside of Vladimir Putin’s back pocket looks like! Our democracy is at stake!


He doesn’t even try to hide his thuggery and corruption anymore. He knows his base.




You know that starts WWIII right?


I encourage all God-faring living things to attack trumps head and his allies. Evil vermin scum!


If the US law cant cure the toxic MAGA/Trump Tumer, then some radical intervention may be prescribed ..


https://youtu.be/3Gt63CgMhwE?si=PtJZJEqeIJEnBoKX Steve Bannon on foreign TV stating the case of 2025 Project.


Uggh, I can't listen to that guy. He makes cringe.


Eehh Americans??? Could you guys throw this piece of shit in jail already? Thank you (from the rest of the world)


Russia can’t even take over Ukraine, and Trump thinks Putin can take the fight to the rest of Europe?


It’s a distraction. Don’t underestimate Russia—they’re gonna keep trying to take Ukraine and they’ll succeed eventually unless we support Ukraine more thoroughly


The problem is, the curtain has fallen, Russia is no longer this dangerous monster, it’s been show for the clown it is, Vlad wanted to rebuilt a Soviet empire, relying on a fast war to take the capital, put a puppet government in power and annex the state officially. But as we know it hasn’t happen, what what supposed to be a couple of month long war gas drawn out to years, the Russia economy is in tatters, their army is at breaking point, their navy is a joke and their Air Force is hilariously outdated. Russia is still dangerous, yes, but the tactics to beat them is now known, it’s the old napoleon tactic, you slow the Russians down, and you go scorched earth, you let make them fight for every inch, it’s a slow and tough way to fight, but it works.


None of what you say about russia is true. And last I check they werent beaten.


Trump admires our global enemies. And he thinks they're right.


I think Biden should call him an appeaser and a surrender monkey, and release the details of his negotiations with the Taliban.


Fucking disgusting that anyone supports this fool. Especially when he doesn’t pay his bills.


Being a traitor used to be a hanging offense.


Putin has already stated that it was 100% acceptable for Germany 1939 to invade Poland, it was Germany's right to expand into a neighbouring country, and it was Poland's fault for resisting being invaded (obviously Russia invaded Poland 16 days later). Poland caused WW2 for resisting. He is clearly drawing the comparison with Ukraine, i.e. Russia has every right to invade Ukraine and they are wrong for resisting. It will be Ukraine's fault for causing WW3. And Trump has just stated that he will let them do it, actively encouraging them. How can Trump possibly justify this? Becasue (checks notes) "They are delinquent, they haven't paid their bills" Exactly what bill is that? Even if defence spending was as agreed with NATO in every member, he would find another justification to let Putin invade. Like Trans rights in Norway or too many drag brunches in Lithuania. There is simply no doubt that the Republican nominee for president is a Russian asset. Russia has won the cold war after all these years.


Trump has essentially told his supporters he would not only betray America but its Allies if Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Europe, and they clap and cheer for him.....WHY?????????????


Democrats should put everything this orange ass clown says in a campaign commercial and play it constantly. At some point, his supporters have to feel some kind of shame.


Sounds like a clear and present danger to national security to me.


Putin wants the US out of NATO. Putin wants the US to delay and eventually end US aid to Ukraine. None of this should be surprising.


But Biden forgets stuff. a Russian pawn is so much stronger.


Throwing up his gang signs in the photo too.


This dude and many of his followers really think that NATO members pay money to the US for protection. Like mafia. This is not how it works. NATO countries spend their money domestically, for example paying salaries to their own soldiers. Yes, they also procure gear and some of it is American, but not always. France has a very large defense industry that meet most of its needs and for export.


To encourage Russia to „do whatever the hell they want“ is a direct approval of an illegal invasion of Ukraine from a fascist regime. Trump is a fascist.


Not even hiding the fact he's in Putins pocket anymore, just fully admitting it


It is clear that Russia owns Trump and several GOP members. Russia’s interference is an act of aggression. Biden should declare war in Russia so he can round up all their GOP stooges and charge them with treason


Another lie. Nato is funded by allocating a nations gdp to defense  he signaling putin he will withdraw from NATO he's making up a reason as to why. And his moron supporters will believe it 


Please vote against this guy and the MAGA idiots who vote for him and do not realize they are voting for our enemy.


I hate this man. With every fiber of my being. I hate saying I hate someone, because I feel like that makes me a bad person, but I really, truly hate him and I can't wait to never read his name again for the rest of my life.


He wants to burn down everything around him if he doesn't get his way. Mental capacity of a small child.


I might "encourage" the DOJ to arrest former President Trump immediately and place him in solitary confinement until his trials, to minimize his damage to the world.




Let me guess. He wanted money from NATO


No, he wants to suck up to Putin so he can get "campaign donations" and get elected


Gotsa, so he wants money from the enemy of NATO for stapping them in the back. Nice of him to confess like that.


This level of devaluing existing rules is a psychotic trait. Of course we all do need it in extreme setipd - to be able to overrule any previous rule. But since nukes have set a limit on wars - as a rule - to incite attacks against allies is...well is this not illegal? It is the same mindset that prevailed on J6 to send thuhs to hang his VP Pence. This is a crazy murderer - probably just playacting to clickbaits of the crazy voters of his - but still...Unprecedented in the post nuclear history. Before it did happen that oppositional Princes created alliances against their King. Like Louis XIV allied to the Sultan to exert pressure on Habsburg Austria.


A billion people will die if this happens.


Russian Asset aka Mr.ShitsHisOwnPantsRacistRapistPedophile might ask his Boss Putin to attack NATO Allies. Fixed that for you.


Threat or use of violence to get his way? Nothing tyrannical about that.


Why not go all the way and urge Russia to attack the US?


Why does America only assassinate the good presidents?


And I “encourage” the authorities to lock up this deranged traitor


With any luck, democrats will retain the senate and take back the house. Then if Trump does get re-elected (god forbid), we can impeach his gigantic orange ass for good.


I’m pretty sure this is irrefutable proof there is no “Deep State”. If such a thing existed, they would put this tub of lard down after this trash comment.


America needs their allies now the most since the second world war. Trump pisses off allies in his words and deeds (especially tariffs on allies). I don't think America wants to go alone against the allied forces of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea. Trump is a traitor to American self preservation..He is a Trojan Horse.


lol. He's looking more and more like a Golden Robot every day.


Correction: "Trump promises to use America to extort other countries to enrich himself and serve his dictator owner."


>“One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” Trump said. > >“You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills,” he added. A scumbag with a long, well-documented history of not paying his bills and who repeatedly claims he is not in Putin's pocket said these things. Trump voters are blind to hypocrisy.




Please Donald kill yourself.😂


Treasonous fuck face


His insanity has been on full public display for nearly a decade, yet here we are. What kind of nation are we that a geriatric nut job is this close to the presidency?


This guy is so desperate not to go to prison he'd rather start WW3 instead.


lol :D dickpics seem to work as a great lever. trump must be really afraid of those.


I wanted to post this article so glad it was here. This is like mafia protection action. Shame to see anything happen to your nice country if you don’t pay up. For this maybe than more than any other disgraceful thing he has done he deserves to be locked up. Threatening whole countries by using Putin as his hit man? This is by far the most dangerous , corrupt thing , just beyond the pale. I hope somebody gets him even if his follows do react violently. At some point they need to be dealt with.


Why is anyone surprised, he’s walking the line to siding with Russia as closely as he can.


This degenerate needs to fuck the hell off and die.


Sounds like something a traitor would say. Ask our enemies for aid while trying to get them to harm our allies. They are not even trying to hide the treason part anymore. He can lie about sedition all he wants when he is open and transparent about treason.


From the guy who also wanted to take us out of NATO as well as pretty much any other defence agreement with foreign nations.  You know what that means though with the fact he's also a fan of the leaders of Russia, China, and North Korea. He's basically saying that those nations can go and take over the rest of Asia and Europe. There's also another angle as well. It also means he's saying those three nations can declare war on the US and guess what we have no allies thanks to Trump. Meaning the rest of the world can sit back as we get stuck in a three on one fight.


Does fox TV show what Trump said about destroying NATO


He will also kill all enemies! I believe him because tRUMP just DOESN'T CARE!


NATO is made up of American soldiers alongside their European counterparts, this also includes generals lieutenants sergeants and colonels of the United States armed forces with their counterparts in Europe this man has just said attack American soldiers this guy should not be the President. This piece of shit should be locked up in gitmo.


There is literally nothing less American than Donald Trump.


Any "protection" from Trump will likely also require renting out all his properties etc at stupid inflated rates. Occupation and use discouraged. Hope we see him jailed


Did Trump ever insult Putin? He insulted pretty much everyone else at this point.


So he wants to punish people who he says don't pay their bills? Pot calling the kettle black


This treasonous sociopath belongs behind bars - and should've been incarcerated decades ago. Nothing more than a common criminal and a thug.


that is a Mafia like tactic there. accomplishing two things, being a good bitch for putin and dividing the world in putin and china's favor. i think this MAGA are definitely not a republican party, they are more like putins KGB.


its so revolting i can't tolerate another 4 years of soft fascism


The 1st 4 years were soft fascism. The next 4 would be the real thing!


What’s crazy to me is that this is not enough to stop the idiots who idolize this madman to take a beat and go “whoa, hold up WUT”. Endangering the lives of millions of civilians AND oh yea, the US troops stationed through Europe. The fact that the entire Republican Party is kowtowing to this waste of skin is complete madness.




Jesus h Christ people how sick do you have to be to not see the truth of this thing we describe as a man. Maybe his makeup is poisoning his mind or the smell of s***** diapers has rotted him from the inside out.