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Jimmy Kimmel writer to Trump supporter: "What do you think of Joe Biden getting Donald Trump's wife's name wrong, referring to her as 'Mercedes?'" Trump supporter: "It's just so sad that Biden is a dementia patient..." Jimmy Kimmel writer to Trump supporter: "Oh, I got my information wrong. It was actuay President Trump who got his wife's name wrong, referring to her as 'Mercedes.' What do you think about that?" Trump supporter: "Well, Trump is under a lot of stress on the campaign trail. It's a hard job running for president. So he got his wife's own name wrong. So what?'


Wait, did this actually happen? I need to know!


Pretty sure something similar happened live on the Joe Rogan Podcast. Joe Rogan was the Trump supporter. Pretty sure Jamie set it up https://www.pennlive.com/sports/2023/12/bo-nickal-joe-rogan-under-fire-after-attributing-trump-quote-to-biden-in-attempt-to-highlight-cognitive-decline.html




Yeah, Rogan thought Biden made a comment about airports during the civil war. He basically said that completely disqualifies him from the presidency. When he was corrected - it was Trump who really said it - Rogan immediately decided it was no big deal.


Rogan is an established hypocrite and is often misstating information, often misinterpreting facts all the purpose of generating controversy to secure audience. Never listen to him anymore.


Rogan is being driven by big money and is their lackey


Or he is a moron loved and admired by morons.


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.


Honestly he used to not be so bad. Still trying to figure out what happened


He used to think he's dumber than he actually was. That's can come off as endearing and charming at times. Now he thinks he's much smarter than he actually is. Success and being right a few times can tip a person over.


Explains how he knew the morons had a king in Trump.


No arguement there. He used to be a free-minded moron then the woke war happened. Woke me up.


He used to spend his time giving 50% coverage to fringe whackadoos and 50% coverage to normal people. That's _techically_ better than giving 50% coverage to right-wing fringe whackadoos and 50% coverage to right-wing mainstream whackadoos, but's it's still idiotic. Free mindedness is about being willing to entertain any feasible idea when presented with evidence, ignoring any preconceived notions or sincerely held beliefs you might have. It's not being willing to entertain all ideas no matter what and present them on equal ground with what we know to be fact. Joe's always done the latter, always (well, at least until he discarded fact altogether).


Lol. So true !




I used to really enjoy his talks with people i would consider opposing sides of the fence. Like the one where he had bernie sanders on. The jake the snake one was really cool too, it changed how i look at smoking weed and showed me diamond dallas page and all the good he's doing. Literally refuse to touch anything new from joe other than short shane gillis clips, like where he roasts joe.


Well yea anyone who listens to him is a complete fucking dumbass and they deserve each other.


>When he was corrected - it was Trump who really said it - Rogan immediately decided it was no big deal. Kinda like how we have to impeach Biden because his son got millions from a foreign country for a job he wasn't qualified for! It's a clear sign Biden is corrupt! But Trump's son & daughter got millions from foreign countries... His son in law got billions from a foreign country for a job he wasn't qualified for... And it wasn't just any random country - but the country he was specifically responsible for developing foreign policy for (another job he wasn't exactly qualified to have)... Plus the President himself got millions from foreign countries... And it's no big deal! Just shows they're expert business people!


You might have missed it but the guy accusing Biden just admitted heā€™s a Russian asset and is being prosecuted by the FBI.


And the worst part is that this information will never ever go as far as the laptop shenanignans.


Rogan is such a fucking piece of shit


Rogan is a joke.


That ah lost my respect years ago, such a shame.


I never really cared for Rogan, I liked him on News Radio. But it once he said ā€œdonā€™t listen to me, Iā€™m a moronā€ I stopped clicking on shit with his name. Like my dad always said ā€œif someone tells you theyā€™re an idiotā€¦believe themā€


Spotify pays Rogan 200 mil to talk shit all day long.


I couldnā€™t be party to that so I ended my Spotify subscription. I miss it but just canā€™t support that BS.


Similar but different context.


Rohan is a fucking moron. He is no better than Trump.


Rohan rides to Gondor.


Rohan calls for Jaime!


Rogan rides to gonorrhea


I liked him a lot better when he was just the least funny person on News Radio.


I knew nothing about Joe Rogan a few years ago. My life was better for it. The more I hear about him, the more insufferable he becomes. I myself am not white. I want to know where my white fellow Americans that don't like Trump are. Because damn near every one of the Trump psychos I see is white and they're giving you all a bad name.


We are here. The assholes are just louder.


I remember Joe Rogan from when he was feeding people bull testicles and deer penises to eat.


White patriot antifascist reporting in. There are far more of us than you realize. The Republicans have to gerrymander the shit out of the electoral maps to keep us at bay.


I live in a town that is 97% white and went over 90% for Biden.


I'm white and I don't like Trump. ("Don't like" is an understatement.) But I'm not an American, I'm a Brit. Does that count? :P


I'm not an American either. I'm Canadian and I think that Trump is a loathsome piece of shit who is not only an embarrassment to the United States, but a dangerous idiot who will throw the World into chaos which will only benefit our adversaries. But no, it doesn't matter what either of us thinks, because we don't vote in U.S. elections.


Just get out of middle of America or go to some of the major cities. Remember Trump lost the popular vote twice.


Joe Rogan is Oprah for male MAGAs.


I got [you](https://youtu.be/cj6qeGJCIj0?feature=shared).Ā 




A lot of people like to point out with these "asking random pedestrians" bits that they are embellished, or the 95% of the content is edited out, or they ask hundreds of people to get these few responses. I have no fucking doubt these are the very first trump supporters they asked. Its like the one group of people that really are that dumb.


Itā€™s honestly not a new gig. I remember Howard Stern doing the same thing back in 08 by asking supporters about Obama with things Bush did during his presidency


Yes. But the video on this sub isnā€™t accessible. I Watched it yesterday. Trump said,ā€they love my First Lady. Then he calls shouts out to her and calls her Mercedes.ā€


Yeah, it was a bit on Kimmel a few days ago. Itā€™s on YouTube. The comment above is a play on what Kimmel did tho. Kimmels bit had a different question I think.


Try this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1az3de3/im\_dying\_laughing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1az3de3/im_dying_laughing/)


No need to wonder. They already tried to make a fuzz when a twit appeared of Biden greeting Zelenzky and his wife Mrs. Zelenzka They ran wild, frothing at their mouths calling for the mental decline of Biden before discovering that in Ukraine when the wife takes the surname it is gendered.


I didn't know wines got their names that way. /s


Ahahaha amazing. Thanks to pointing the typo out


They project sooo much. Everything they scream about the other side doing, you can bet they are doing it more.




Israelā€™s population is in the same boat as Russia, Netty canā€™t be removed via democratic means.


Which is why this coming election has me very nervous indeed. I think there will be some bigly fraudulent voting in this one.


Not sure telegraph is the right word. "Projecting" is the term for this, isn't it? Telegraphing is revealing your move before you make it, as in "he telegraphed his punch". Or is there a different meaning I wasn't aware of?


I couldnā€™t believe the responses these people gave that were quick to bash Biden but then equally quick to excuse and defend Trump in the same light. Morons. ETA: my favourite was the guy who said he wouldnā€™t vote for someone who had sex with a pornstar and paid hush money to them (Biden) but then defended the same statement when he was told it was in fact Trump and not Biden that had sex with a pornstar and paid her hush money because ā€œmy father had affairs, too!ā€


The lady at the end of that video made my eye twitch


This literally happened in realtime on Joe Rogan recently where him and a guest were going hard making fun of Biden's age and mental fitness, but then they found out the stupid thing he said was him quoting Trump. All of a sudden, it's apparently no big deal worth making a fuss over.


Yep. About airports during the Revolutionary War.


You donā€™t have to imagine a scenario. Joe Rogan had a segment where he made fun of Biden for talking about airports during the revolutionary war. When his producer told him Biden was quoting trump and showed him trumps clip Rogan and his guest immediately defended trump


I was also riffing on a bit from Kimmel's show in which the horrible things Trump did are only horrible when incorrectly reported as things Biden did. Not a cult. Not a cult at all.


And now we watch republicans defend his dementia


Kinda like that guy that called Egypt MexicoĀ 




Americaā€™s back, baby. This is the best we can do.Ā 


I mean granted, I would love a younger options. But between the two, when their brains finish turning to soup, I trust the folks Biden has installed in his administration to run the Weekend at Bernie's show over whatever crusty fascists Trump manages to scrape out of the bottom of the MAGA barrel.


This is the answer even if they were both younger. The presidency is an administration. No one person could possibly make all the decisions needed. Look at the highly qualified people that Biden put in place and compare it to the shit show of grifters that Trump appointed.


Or the guy that made a public announcement recommending people drink disinfectant to fight covid.


He might have actually had a minor stroke on the last year. His words are getting lost more. Like he has to pause. Also you notice his hands shake more.


In my opinion (please note not a medical professional, but have stroke victims in my family) he has had a few mini strokes. The odd stance, the weak walking, the inability to finish words at random times and especially the water bottle incident all scream mini strokes. His diet, size (215 lbs? Ha!) And lack of exercise back it up.


My own doctor told me and keep in mind Iā€™m glad Trumpā€™s age. Said despite my diet and exercise I still have high cholesterol. That could shorten my life. How Trump continues to eat fast food all the time and still stands is shocking. Also drinking Diet Coke ALL the time is also bad for you.


He can afford the best medical care this country has to offer, thatā€™s why he isnā€™t dead yet.


He doesn't even need to afford it. He's an ex president. That shit's free.


Tbf he shouldā€™ve dropped dead long before the presidency, I donā€™t think the man has ever eaten a salad in his life.


He probably picks the greens out of his Big Macs too.


Had a mini stroke trying to understand this comment


Here, take a some diet coke šŸ˜‚


Fast food and soda have one jobā€¦.do you job fast food and soda


Remember when he publicly said that he did not have a series of mini strokes? He definitely had a series of mini strokes


What ever happened to Moscow Mitch when he bluescreend those couple times?


I know there were claims last year the odd stance and the walking issues are because he wears a diaper.


Water bottle incident?


I think they mean this [awkward looking two handed thing he did with a water bottle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tri_EkupBw) a few years back.


I think the leading theory about his stance is that it comes from a combination of wearing lifts in his shoes while he also is wearing a girdle


You may be right. As a speech Pathologist though I'm not 100% certain. He clearly makes plenty of phonemic (sound) and semantic errors that fit the characteristics of neurological deficits. Pauses with word finding trouble are very typical so you're right about that I think. Word finding declines naturally as we age, but I think Trump's problem is - among a kajillion other things - that he doesn't have much in the way of a vocabulary. Normally that's how people compensate for difficulty with word finding as we age. So it might just be that. I'm only hesitant to say he is aging abnormally because it almost gives him an excuse (not for ?me but other people might feel that way). I think he's just a shitty dumb person.


I used to hate on the shakey hands till a condition rendered me to shake in different parts of my body. I highly doubt this has anything to do with Trump's shakes, but there are a surprising amount of things that cause shaking. It sucks ass though.


Yeah but for an older person who suddenly develops it practically overnight its usually progressive dementia/parkinsons/Alzheimerā€™s


Some are defending it by saying he was referring to the host of the venue who was named Mercedes. But the full quote doesn't really make sense since was talking about his wife before saying Mercedes


Yeah, it was her, and he wants to fuck her, or whatever he does at this point, so he accidentally said her name instead of his wife's because he's a complete piece of shit.


Not sure, but Trump may have spotted her in the crowd during his speech and said her name aloud. He has the attention span of a gnat.


Agreed. I despise trump but I don't want to jump at information just because it would make me feel good.


yeah, he spotted her at the exact same time he said his wife's name. that's too much of a stretch. it's far more realistic that he just made another word oopsie, which he does all the time.


https://youtu.be/2v2BnB6jn2g?si=FAF1NFJp4jyecMmA He mentions Melanie, the crowd gives an ovation for her and he says wow, then looks over to where Mercedes is sitting and says ā€œMercedes, thatā€™s pretty goodā€ about the ovation. I donā€™t see how ā€œMelania, thatā€™s pretty goodā€ while looking over to Mercedes makes more sense if thatā€™s what people think he was trying to say. Do we really need to twist this moment into something when thereā€™s so many real moments and things this man has said and done that we can focus on instead of making ourselves look bad and use the same tactics his base uses? He literally is guilty of rape and tried to overthrow an election with a coup and might go to jail for his crimes, and thatā€™s barely scratching the surface. Do we really need to be trying to invent bad things about this guy? This is embarrassing


Comments above and below mine here need to be read. Thereā€™s enough bad shit going on without any other dubious crap being piled on .


Canā€™t stand the bloated moron, but this story is disingenuous. You hit the nail on the head. Heā€™s said and done so much stupid and harmful shit, there is no reason to fabricate something like this. Heā€™s been talking about his plan to become a totalitarian if elected but we decide to focus our energy on misleading, cut up footage of him supposedly getting his wifeā€™s name wrong? I get it. Itā€™s an attempt to level the playing field with regards to the Biden cognitive decline thing. But why stoop to their level?Ā  Itā€™s also upsetting that we are willing to accept headlines without doing any due diligence. No better than the people that parrot Fox News bullshit. Come on, we have to be better than this.Ā 


Yeah if you watch the beginning of the entire speech he references her a bunch of times and calls out to her in a kind of similar way. It frustrates me that I can never talk with other people on the left about situations like this, itā€™s like everyoneā€™s acts like I should pretend that itā€™s real or that pointing out someone twisting his words means I must support him and Iā€™m some secret agent republican. Like this is the exact kind of shit we make fun of the right for, donā€™t fucking turn around and do the same shit. In the same speech Trump says ā€œPutin wants Biden to become President and I agree, I agree with him.ā€ Which is a way bigger news story imo, unless Iā€™m missing context for that as well. Either way the guy says and does more than enough to genuinely criticize him for I do not know why we have any need at all for bogus clickbait stories like this.


"Oh look at that wow, Mercedes, that's pretty good!" he says, while looking over at Mercedes. He's directing the comment "that's pretty good" to Mercedes, the host of the event he's speaking at. Why would he be talking to his wife who isn't there? Did no one watch the actual video? Fake news like this just gives Trump supporters ammo to say "look how stupid liberals are"


Since when does Trump stay on one subject for more than 3 seconds? Its perfectly i character for him to swap subjects for no reason, its why he goes on rants that dont make any sense.


How long before he starts using the n-word on the stage ?


He kind of did in SC. He was speaking about relating to black voters and how he is being ā€œdiscriminatedā€ against like they are saying something like his n-word was indictment. It was really confusing and infuriating.


The wildest thing is that "indictment" starts with an I....


Thats hilarious. When you say it phonetically it does start with an 'n' pretty much.


My personal prediction is that this starts happening under the next GOP Presidency. It will become commonplace in Congress to hear it. Trump could let one fly accidentally however, and you know theyā€™d all eat that up sadly.




Mercedes is Matt Schlapp's wife's name. While Schlapp is molesting the male employees, apparently Mercedes is going down on Trump.




In her case, Lada would be more appropriate


A Yugo would be more like it.


I figured it was [this Mercedes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/F1Meme/comments/1armkzf/mercedesbenz_greets_nazi_airplanes_with_a_heil/)


He probably remember hurricane daniels


Be fair, Putin has put a lot of pressure on Donald Trump to win.


"After losing the 2024 election, Donald Trump fell out of an open window. Investigations have revealed no witnesses"


As per [original article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/donald-trump-appears-melanias-name-32207511) šŸ“°: - Donald Trump appeared to call wife Melania ā€˜Mercedesā€™ during a chaotic speech in Washington. It came as a mental health expert fears the former President's brain is "dementing", and in a worse state than Joe Biden's. Trump addressed the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and gave the former First Lady a standing ovation. He went on to say how ā€œpeople love herā€ during the keynote speech before adding: ā€œOh look at that Mercedes, thatā€™s pretty goodā€ he said as the audience applauded. During his rambling speech, the presidential candidate delivered attacks on his political rival and warned of an apocalyptic future the US could face if the current president wins the White House again in November. Trump said: "If crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win in 2024 the worst is yet to come. Our country will sink to levels that are unimaginable." According to psychologist Dr. John Gartner, formerly of Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Donald Trump's slurring and inability to sometimes formulate complete sentences appears to be a sign of growing dementia and possibly early stages of Alzheimerā€™s. In an interview with Salon's Chauncey DeVega, Gartner bluntly stated the former president is "showing gross signs of dementia" and fellow experts are not pointing out the warning signs nearly enough. Gartner, who has been warning about Trump's diminishing mental capacity since contributing to the 2017 book, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President," asserted the former president is becoming more dangerous by the day and the closer he gets to returning to the Oval Office. After telling Salon's DeVega, "There is also this focus on [President Joe] Biden's gaffes or other things that are well within the normal limits of aging. By comparison, Trump appears to be showing gross signs of dementia. This is a tale of two brains. Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing," he was asked for evidence. Trump, he noted, appears to be spiraling into "phonemic paraphasias" during his rally speeches, which he described as, "the substitution of non-words for words that sound similarā€”are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimerā€™s." According to Gartner, "Some examples of Trumpā€™s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.' Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.' Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.' Bipartisan became 'bipars.' This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language. If you were talking to your father on the phone and he did this you would think he is having a stroke. There is no healthy older person who speaks that way." He also noted Trump's tendency to go off in odd directions while talking to audiences. Referring to the former president's "tangential speech," he elaborated, "He just becomes incomprehensible when he engages in free association word salad speech that is all over the place. Again, that's a sign of real brain damage, not being old, not being slow, not losing a step not being, but of severe cognitive deterioration." He continued, "What I donā€™t understand is why those clips arenā€™t replayed over and over in the mainstream media. Isnā€™t Trump babbling incoherently the most newsworthy part of his rally? You can be sure it would be if it were Biden."


ā€˜Joe Biden and his thugsā€™, and everyone around trump literally convicted and often needing pardons


He is starting to break under the immense pressure he is under. His money company is under attacked, his money is under attack and his freedom is under attack. Everything that makes Trump who Trump is. Keep the pressure up and make him pay for the things he did.


All the shit he has internal is coming out


I'm having a hard time with all of this, because very obviously, TrĆøte is a waste of space if there ever was one. Also, I know a case of dementia first hand from my family, and an awful lot of what TrĆøte is displaying matches up with what the person in my family displays or displayed at some point as the condition progressed. And in my experience it's very true: Stress definitely worsens the condition. Sometimes just on a given day, sometimes for days or weeks on end. But. Witnessing the progress of dementia on somebody first hand, I really can't wish that on anybody, not even TrĆøte. As much as I enjoy every single lawsuit he loses, obviously. But to me, that's kind of where I draw the line... I can and will go "serves you right" with every lawsuit he loses, every million dollar fee he has to pay, and so on. All stuff he basically brought about himself. But I really can't go all schadenfreude on him developing dementia. It's a scary thing to witness, and it can progress very rapidly yet unpredictably. You sort of delusion yourself, too - "oh, it's not that bad, they had a pretty good day today". Which is pretty telling, really. You also notice that they develop coping mechanisms. Phrases and such to mask the fact they can't remember eg their spouse's name. The occasional observer wouldn't even notice that sort of thing. Having said that - the clear signs of dementia mean TrĆøte is definitely not fit to hold any sort of office. It would also mean that a second TrĆøte presidency would - even more so than the first - be one mostly controlled by the various aides, secretaries and other political animals around TrĆøte.


He raped multiple women. And as the recordings with Bob Woodward clearly show, he knew COVID was serious while simultaneously calling it a hoax and withholding resources from Democratic-leaning states due to the election. Not to mention throwing out the pandemic playbook created under Obama. And then when he GOT it, he tried to intentionally infect Biden and then said it was no big deal after receiving medical treatment way out of reach of the vast majority of the country. I hold him personally responsible for, who knows how many COVID deaths? Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands?


Hey - I'm not condoning a single of the things you mentioned. Not one. And sure, I can see how some people would say "karma, bitch" given TrĆøte's deeds and his apparent dementia condition. I just can't and won't shelve it under karma any more than him hypothetically getting cancer. In fairness... Him getting Covid after all the BS he spread about it was probably the one time I did have that "karma, bitch" thought, because at least there is a direct line from spreading BS about Covid and ending up getting it himself.


>TrĆøte ??


I think it's actually kind of noble of you not to wish dementia on him, but I'm not sure karma has to rhyme with the act(s) that invited it. :P


> TrĆøte Why are you referring to Trump as this exactly? Just curious.


> TrĆøte It means tired in Norweigan


As soon as your first sentence was over five words long, Trump supporters tuned out and stopped reading.


Speaking of dementia in older politicians, how's McConnell doing these days?


Who? Ol' Freezy McGee?


damn. id really like him to be fully cognitive for another year or so, so he can fully appreciate swirling the drain.


Nah. What sucks about people like him is that they appear to be *incapable* of seeing any struggle they are experiencing as a consequence of their own action. On a deep level, he will honestly see himself as correct or justified and everyone else as wrong, even if he were to sit in prison, convicted of doing things that he demonstrably did.


In his defense, Mercedes might just be the prostitute he slept with the night before


"If crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win in 2024, the worst is yet to come. Our country will sink to levels that are unimaginable." If that happens, it will be because of Trump's poorly educated dumbass cult inciting violence again, not because of anything Biden does. We were supposed to have a huge stock market crash if Biden won in 2020, but instead, it went up. What happened there, Trump?


OK so, as an anti-Trumpist, I recently watched the full clip to laugh at him about this, yet if you watch you can see he's talking about two different people. "Well look, my wife, our great first lady, she was great... people love her." "Oh look at that, wow. Mercedes, that's pretty good!" We have to be careful to get it right, because every time the anti-Trump people make a mistake like this, it makes the Trump people buckle down more, and leads undecideds to think maybe it is just bias.


Really? It seems like he was only talking about his wife. Like what does that even mean, "that's pretty good"? She was doing something at that moment?


They give a standing ovation at the mention of Melania, he says wow in response then looks to Mercedes and says ā€œthatā€™s pretty goodā€ seeming to reference the ovation Melania got. This is nothing and Iā€™m disappointed everyone here is either accepting at face value without seeing if itā€™s real, or trying to twist it into something worse than it is when there truly is no need to when this man has done and said so much worse so many timesā€¦.


I agree, but it's still a gaffe. It's like we've given Trump a pass on what we give every other politician shit for.


It's crazy how few people have realized this


I didn't realise it until I watched the actual footage, and had to rewind and rewatch a few times before I realized his glance and gaze to stage left was looking at the people in the front row who were highlighted in the other shot. And even then it took some googling to find out who was in the audience and realising one of the faces right in front of him was a woman named Mercedes. If you watch without thinking why he's looking where, or wondering who he's looking at, and the rest of the media has already analysed it for you, it's not surprising people don't realise it.


Hes definitely banging a girl called Mercedes


Or at least he wants to.


I hope she got paid in cash first.


No worries. His donors will pay for it.


No worries. Lara Trump's got this.


he's definitely banging a **hooker** called Mercedes lol only hookers would reluctantly bang him.


He probably banged someone in a Mercedes


A feable weak old man is all we see


At this point it should be news when Trump gets a name right.


Who is Melania? I thought her name was Melanie. /s


Haha! Hereā€™s a new hilariously disturbing article from Forbes: [Trump's Weekend Gaffes: 'Mercedes' For Melania, Accidentally Endorses Biden, And More.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/02/25/trumps-mercedes-gaffe-staffers-dispute-he-confused-wife-melanias-name/)


" It's not a problem, they're all the same! She knows who she is." - Donald " what's my name" Trump


According to Newsweek he was actually referring to someone else. I hate Trump as much as the next guy but we really have to try to stick to facts and not spin every little thing. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-melania-mercedes-1873124


Same, i despise trump but I just watched the speech. He refers to Mercedes multiple times in the video, thanking her for putting on the venue. So either he got her mixed up with Melania (gaffe) or he was actually referring to her


Everyone's joking, but are we sure this isn't some 'unfit to stand trial' bullshit, to play further down the line 'just in case'?


I mentioned in another thread it would be terrible if he got the Ron Jeremy treatment. Last I read he has been released to a residence whatever that means, sure doesn't sound like jail. And really would be terrible for the country to not have a trial.


Don't know about that guy, but if the US at any level wants to save face by not criminally convicting an ex- Pres, it would be a handy ploy... Editing to say; I'm not conspiracy theoring it's the government, more the Drumpfs, but it would be an easy thing to latch onto if need be.


If he's unfit to stand trial, surely he's unfit for public office?


Maybe itā€™s a ruse to get out of serving jail?


He ain't that smart. And he's wayyy too full of himself to pretend to be mentally deminished.


Republicans: THATS WHY ITS IMPERATIVE HES PRESIDENT!!!! Huuuuuh? Dear Republicans. Do you not realize what you are doing? Is your goal to forever make you a laughingstock? Is your goal to destroy your party? Ask yourselves. Other than Trumpy republicans and LITERAL DICTATORSā€¦. No one else likes Republican policies or politicians. Why is that?


Oh come on! Who hasn't confused the names of his wife and his girlfriend, especially when they were probably purchased from the same store?


Biden is doing so much betterā€¦ā€¦ Why TF are we electing all these decrepit old fucks.


Let's hope Trump just dies as soon as possible. Dudes a psychopath


If this dude croaks before November I'm throwing a party.


Iā€™m with ya.


Iā€™ll bring the cheetos.


I honestly don't give a shit if the man has dementia. The man has been a leech his whole life. He hasn't changed since I first heard of him in the 70s. There are not enough words in the English lexicon to express my visceral and vociferous hatred for Trump, and I've only managed that twice in 70 years.




He's going for an insanity defense in court.


It's crazy to me how people have been pretending for the past few years that Trump's cognitive abilities weren't a central issue during his presidency. MAGA-ists have been trying to pretend as if it's Biden only while their cult leader can't even get through a speech without sundowning. Both Trump and Biden have obvious age-related cognitive impairments. Please fucking retire! Both of these guys are likely to die from old age while they're in office. Both are likely to wake up in the middle of the night and launch a preemptive strike against the Soviet Union.


I think one of the CPAP coordinators is named Mercedes Schlop or something. That will be what he will say he was talking about


Yeah somebody already tried to attack me over this story saying he was speaking about Mattā€™s wife etc


"I call her Mercedes because she's really the Mercedes of women, tremendously hot and classy, not like Joe Biden's wife June who's more like a Buick, not bad but not pure classiness like my Mercedes"


1) You know Donald had Melania sign a prenup before they got married. 2) You can bet the farm that Melania is getting paid a whole lot more than that to not publicly divorce him while he runs for President. 3) And once Donald loses all his assets, itā€™s back to Slovenia, baby.


If you actually watch the video he was talking to his campaign manager Mercedes.. I hate trrump but this is fake news


The title is a lie. He was referring to Mercedes Schlapp.


Mercedes is Mercedes Schlapp, wife of Matt Schlapp CEO of CPAC and former employee of Trump. Sheā€™s an organizer of the event and was included in a tribute to Melania. ( Matts the guy who grabbed Herschel Walkers aides junk driving him home last year allegedly).


Fake News: Trump is talking about Mercedes Schlapp, the CPAC host He is saying how much they love his wife Melania when she's given a standing ovation Trump then directs his comment to the CPAC host, Mercedes Schlapp The post is misleading Trump did not confuse the name of his wife https://twitter.com/mercedesschlapp/status/1761571617979634101?t=5nAB7gxleIKLNIN0Bd-7Fw&s=19


Professors have been using excerpts from his speeches to showcase specific examples of cognitive and impaired speech for a few years now.


That's not even close, either. It's not like he called her "Belania" or "Melonia": "Mercedes" is barely in the same ball park, doesn't rhyme at all...


Massive stroke incomingā€¦šŸ¤žšŸ½


fuck trump but this was a simple slip up, he'd just been speaking about someone named mercedes. let's not act like fox news, there's enough real evil shit he does already.


If only such an insane story actually mattered to cult members


The real question here is who Mercedes is.


Mercedes is the name of one of his hookers.


To be fair, there was a Slavik woman named Mercedes who used to provide friendly service to Trump....


Both Trump and Biden are way to old for the top job We have a minimum age for a bunch of things, why not a maximum?


I hate Trump as much as anyone but this is fake news


He called his wife, "Mercedes". That's a fact.


Oh give him a break. He hasnā€™t seen her since he left office, itā€™s tough to remember after that long apart.


All signs that point to Trump are gross.


> "If crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win in 2024 the worst is yet to come. Our country will sink to levels that are unimaginable." Could this piece of shit project any harder?


Heā€™s done enough damage. Itā€™s time to go.Ā 


He was showing signs of dementia when he was still president. The progress of dementia is usually around 7 years from mild or moderate symptoms to full blown, so it's amazing that he's even being considered for another run. How the US legal system could allow someone who staged an attempted coup to run again, & how his party hasn't booted him out for that, are all quite disturbing to contemplate.


He was actually talking about Mercedes Schlapp one of the CPAC founders


Trump's dad died of Alzheimer's. It's in the genes. The more it progresses, the meaner the person gets.