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From article: Donald Trump made a transactional offer that reportedly "stunned" top oil executives at an event last month at his Mar-a-Lago resort. One executive complained about environmental regulations they continued to face despite spending $400 million to lobby President Joe Biden's administration, and the former president pitched what some attendees perceived as a blunt and transactional offer, reported the Washington Post. "Trump’s response stunned several of the executives in the room overlooking the ocean: You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House," the Post reported. "At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation." The presumptive Republican nominee has already asked the oil industry to help craft his environmental agenda for a possible second term that would roll back Biden's mandates on clean energy and electric vehicles, and Trump told attendees over chopped steak that he would allow new offshore drilling, fast-track permits and relax other regulations. “You’ve been waiting on a permit for five years, you’ll get it on Day 1,” Trump told the executives, according to one attendee. Oil executives had hoped Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or some other Republican would challenge Biden, and so far oil donors and their allies have given only $6.4 million to Trump's joint fundraising committee in the first quarter of this year, but oil billionaire Harold Hamm and others will host a fundraiser for him later this year that's expected to generate larger amounts of money. “Biden constantly throws a wet blanket to the oil and gas industry,” said Dan Eberhart, chief executive of the oil-field services company Canary. “Trump’s ‘drill baby drill’ philosophy aligns much better with the oil patch than Biden’s green-energy approach. It’s a no-brainer.” Oil executives are intrigued by Trump's pitch, which Alex Witt, a senior adviser for oil and gas with Climate Power, said shows that "everything has a price" with the former president. “They got a great return on their investment during Trump’s first term," Witt said, "and Trump is making it crystal clear that they’re in for an even bigger payout if he’s re-elected."


This is developing country levels of corruption. This fucker has absolutely no shame either. When he said he could kill someone in the street and his supporters would still follow him, he wasn't making a joke, he was making a prediction. Yes I get it, it's always happened just now he's willing to say it out, that's the point I'm trying to make. He doesn't even try with plausible deniability anymore cause his fucking idiot supporters don't care.


Kleptocracy is a word you don't want to be familiar with...but we should all be familiar with. It's the kind of dictatorship the orange monster wants to rule.


We are already there in so many ways. How else could the top 1 percent have record profits while everyone else is feeling like they are treading water? It's not "inflation" it's more like what happened in Russia after the fall of communism. Humanity is an afterthought to these scum.


We are absolutely turning into Russia. Mob rule, blatant corruption, hopeless citizens knowing they can't do a fucking thing about any of it.


There are a few things we could do, and it would only take a couple dozen people. But none of is have the stomach for it, and I won’t even say what it is because it’s frowned upon here.


Well, letter writing is hard. s/ (it's the morning, I'm funnier at night)


I enjoyed this comment. You're funny in the morning too.


Not a coincidence either, after the oligarchs finished sucking the Russian populace dry until there was nothing else, they started spreading their cancer to the US. Really sad how easily people will betray their country for a few bucks


I bet you will find a lot of US-oligarch money flowing into Russia in 1991. Russian oligarchs are the new kids on the block, American oligarchs are several generations deep.


Same in the UK, Russian oligarch backer to the Conservative party got a seat in the House of Lords? Where the six weeks term of the failed PM , gave tax cuts to the rich just like the orange blob. And now the economy will take decades to fully recover, all because the wet lettuce in charge wouldn't listen to reasonable expert advice.


People act like inflation is a natural disaster or something that just occurs when it’s actually fucking policy.


Yeah, if I and 7 other buds owned 50% of the entire world's wealth, what would stop us from killing you all by not spending it so you starve to death? Taxes? Lol


Their wealth is mostly from investments, stocks equities, real estate, etc. if the economy collapses, their wealth also collapses. So they are not going to knowingly & deliberately sabotage the worlds economy. There are exceptions. Elon Musk can't seem to avoid shooting himself, destroying running companies. First Twitter, now Tesla? Agree with the general stream above, wealth is too concentrated, our world would be a better place if wealth were more widely distributed.






Bones and all…


You are correct. If it was inflation these corporations would not be posting record Profits like they have. The “ supply chain issue wouldn’t affect just the lowest priced version of every product forcing shoppers to pay more for the same item


US democracy is the best democracy, money can buy.


The U.S. is the only western nation where it's still legal to bribe politicians. It's kind of crazy that you guys just renamed bribes to "donations" and then started acting like it wasn't just full on legal bribery. In many parts of Europe most U.S. politicians would be in jail if they acted like that, so in a way it's good that Trump is displaying openly how the system works in the U.S.


The US may be the most corrupt western nation on Earth. It feels that way to me, but I have to live here so I might be biased. The people who can move to make bribes for politicians illegal are the same people who are taking the fucking bribes. Our political system was not made for the level of greed and deception the average politician or hopeful has.


They couldnt do anything even if they wanted to, scotus has ruled that spending money is “free speech”.


I know. There’s no easy way to address this even if multiple politicians decide to risk career and harassment to try and do so. It sucks.


In 2000 a lot of people wanted to send a message to the democrats and voted for Nader over Gore. Bush beat Gore in one of the narrowest margins ever. Bush appointed two Supreme Court justices. Those justices were part of the 5 who decided that corporations had free speech rights in political donations enforcing by law the bribery you just described . Just a chain of events worth considering in 2024.


https://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4 Even Princeton has been saying for 10 years that US is oligarchy, the only people who still deny that are americans on reddit.


Yet, 1/3 of Americans think everyone else is being brainwashed by Joe Biden's lies.


It’s always been developing country levels of corruption. The only difference seems to be just that Trump doesn’t try to hide it *at all*


Bush let the oil companies write his energy policy too. And then he sent troops to Iraq for them. 


Trump wants them to write his environmental agenda. Bush was terrible but that was 24 years ago and I don't remember Bush offering too destroy the environment for campaign money


He was smart enough to shut up in public about it.


That’s really what it is. The narrative has always been he “says the quiet part out loud.” All of this would be completely okay if he had been less on the nose. Like, that’s the real problem here


He is to stupid to hide it


I don't know about that. I'm from the Philippines, one of the most corrupt places in the world, and none of our corrupt presidents were this blatant and open about it. They were at least kind of subtle about it. Hell, our current president is the son of the greatest plunderer of government coffers in history and despite all the sus shit that is happening in his presidency, at least he isn't this obvious. This is a whole different level. If this guy wins a 2nd term the US and the world might be well and truly fucked.


No you are wrong. Even in developing countries, no one of value says this out loud to anyone of value. There are multiple middle men involved and it never gets out in the public domain. People just keep guessing it.


To have shame, one must have honor.


Speaking of his corruption, out of Florida’s 41 delegates, there are now 6 delegates (15%) who are members of the Trump family, and his daughter-in-law is the head of the RNC.


I'm pretty sure this is the exact thing that ruined Venezuela


Except the real garbage part is these oil companies already have thousands upon thousands of acres that theyre not doing anything with. Yet, they still scratch and claw to somehow claim theyre victims in the whole scenario


No. This is the way shit works developed or developing. The developed countries are just usually better at managing perception of it or outsourcing the ugly bits to the developing. It’s fine. Now people get to choose. Again. Between the two options available.


Homelander is literally Trump


Homelander is young, reasonably handsome, and in superb physical condition. Trump is none of those things.




Hamlander with cheese


Trump is Fat Homelander 


Fucking wow 😳


When you see what Trump gets away with it’s kind of funny to think that Rod Blagojevich was imprisoned for just talking about selling his congressional appointment.


Scumdog Millionhairs? Blago was peak Daily Show


He really was, wasn’t he? Jon had a field day with him.


Trump pardoned him for some reason. Such a crazy move that never gets talked about.


It's like Trump thought, "Well, if I let one of their guys off for a crime, they'll owe me, and let me off for my crime..." Transactional thinking. Never occurred to him that Democrats might actually want a criminal to be punished, regardless of party.


*All* of Trump's pardons are insane and need to be scrutinized.


This is not surprising or shocking at all… but hot damn does it break my heart.


And most of the population doesn't care....complete insanity. In fact all you hear about from conservatives is how Nancy Pelosi's husband traded some stocks.


Conservatives lump all these things together under "sin" or something. If a conservative sells out democracy and countless people die along the way, that's no big deal because a democrat once jaywalked, and THAT TOO is illegal!!! 😒


Holy fucking Christ. Openly for sale. Oil dick heads openly willing to buy. This is insane.


Well, if he gets elected and follows Putins playbook, Trump will have a nice new side business to takeover....


If he gets reelected Traitor Trump will not relinquish power


They're not going to be giving Trump what he's asking for...thwy all know Trump only looks after himself. They all know of the very public trials and his desperate need for cash at the moment. There's a good chance that the money will be directed towards his personal legal battles...as Trump is now demanding the GOP pay him 20% of their campaign funds... ...this is also a Billion dollar gamble. With absolutely no guarantee that Trump will win the election. As it's looking right now, there's a good chance that he's going to loose. (Thus, further making him pull another J6 as he'll be indebted to alot of very wealthy people who have absolutely no problem taking his debts out in skin.)


> thwy all know Trump only looks after himself. Yep, when 'everything has a price' with Trump, it's best interpreted as: if you choose to do business with Trump, the price is you get screwed over.


That is as long as everyone votes. There is a lot of apathy among young voters and they very much make Biden win if they vote or lose if they don’t.


If they actually trust him, it speaks volumes of their gullibility and greed.


They are absolutely greedy. I figured trump had already made this pitch to them.


JFC! Good on Joe for telling the oil folks thanks for the cash now take a hike.


Oh biden didn’t get the cash, the people they gave money to lobby him got that.


Most people literally think that “400 million spent on lobbying” means they cut a 400 million dollar check to congressmen.


This doesn't square. The first year or two of Biden's admin oil & gas drilling permits were issued at a record pace, outstripping anytime during the previous admin iirc. Last year the US pumped a record amount of oil and is forecast to do so again this year according to the EIA. So this idea that Biden is anti oil is bullshit. The green coalition is not happy with him because of this.


Yep. Record oil independence iirc. But the green side is there too, so that's good. Oil company guys just want it all, you don't get that high up to the c suite without a single-minded focus on profit. The planet needs to shift and adapt to a less oily world, in more than one way. And fast.


Right, because trump always delivers on his promises after you pay him.


>”You’ve been waiting on a permit for five years, you’ll get it on Day 1,” Trump told the executives, according to one attendee. Do they not realize that trump was president less than 4 years ago?


The only thing they are shocked about, if at all, is that he left them no room for deniability. Thats what they hate not the corruption.


“Chopped steak” is a fancy way to say hamburger


Hamberder. With ketchup.


He's learning, no explicit statement of quid pro quo or bribe requests


“oil-field services company Canary” Just gotta point out that calling a fuel company Canary is pretty ironic…as in, a canary in a coal mine being the first sign of danger.


It’s a small glitch in the matrix nothing to worry about. Like seriously is real life that fucking wild. Yes it indeed is.


No problem saying the quiet part outloud.


He’s attempting to get donations to pay off his legal bills. He may end up scamming these fuckers into paying him off. Seems like they will never learn.


Problem with what he purposes is that he cannot guarantee to get re-elected. One billion is a lot of money and that is a big risk, so they would want to protect that risk and that itself will probably cost as much if not more than the "bribe" they would be giving him.... so its going to be billions in the plural and still no guarantee....


Planet-killing corruption. Worst form of treason imaginable. The Orange Maggot has no soul, whatsoever.


Neither do those oil bastards.


Yeah, but how bad do you have to be to shock those ghouls though?


Probably more titillated than bothered, they live for raw opportunism.


**THIS IS SOLICITING A BRIBE** Trump committed another crime while out on bail. The DoJ needs to arrest him, after which the courts need to revoke his fucking bail and remand him to prison. **Lock him up!**


The DoJ don’t want to hold him accountable in any meaningful way. Trump violated a fucking gag order 10x. You and I would be in jail after 1.


That's New York state, but I feel you.


Won't happen while Federalist Society member Merrick Garland is head of the DOJ.


In politics they just call it lobbying.


Traitor in Chief, Chump


He’ll assist in ending life on earth for money. He doesn’t live or think about anyone other than himself. He has zero concern about future generations.


You ever hear of a tulpa? In a nutshell, it’s a concept in esoteric Buddhism where a significantly skilled monk, using a series of complex meditation techniques, can create a separate, pseudo-physical entity with its own willpower and goals. Now, I’m not *really* suggesting Trump is the crystalized Id of America’s collective unconsciousness, made manifest by some terrible black magic or psychic fuckery. But if it came to light that this IS the case, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised.


Close man, but nah, he’s probably the antichrist lol https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


NGL, as a pretty staunch agnostic but formerly an evangelical, after reading that article some time back I've thought if he wins I'm going to need to rethink things lol. It's insane how well he fits the description.


Yeah same man. I found out about it the same way you did. Just a comment on a different subreddit like 2ish years ago. It kinda stays with you. Creepy stuff


The similarity to this is right on the nose Nostradamus was know to hide things in plain sight misspell etc Maga- Magog


😬 The only thing I debated about posting that comment was whether or not to include the “lol.” I had to take pause because I found it less and less humorous as I read it the first time. By the end all i could think was “well, that was… weird.” And I don’t have Protestant spiritual beliefs. It’s a lot and kind of sobering. Even if not 100% accurate


It is likely because the Antichrist was intended to be written as a cautionary tale of an archetype of corruption and evil in terms and metaphors contemporary people would understand, but modern people would read too literally. I wouldn’t have put it past him to have put his son-in-law in 666 5th Avenue on purpose, though. Dude would be THRILLED to be the Antichrist, he’d see it as being the cosmic Lex Luthor.


I would say former President Trump is merely a convenient agent for the *worst aspects* of American's collective consciousness. Such is the nature of fascism. When the wealthy feel as though the existing government is not sufficiently defending their interests, they begin supporting groups and individuals who would circumvent that government to protect their ill-gained fortunes. A dictator may look like a solitary figure, but he is always supported by a network of wealthy and powerful interests. Donald Trump has numerous billionaire supporters. If we have a chance at all, it is because he also has some billionaire detractors.


You mean, like the slime stuff in Ghostbusters 2 (the one with Viggo the Carpathian)?


The Statue of Liberty is the hero we need.


Forbidden Planet monster?


Basically, but with worse hair.


I’ve never enjoyed a comment more than this one


And here I thought Captain Planet was too over the top, but all along Trump was just Captain Pollution. Deforestation, toxic radiation, and most importantly, hate https://youtu.be/m__J1Jw6TxA?si=MljzXh-3nLyCDH7A


🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Conservatism is the biggest threat to society.


They literally want God appointed kings to rule them. That's like the whole thing they are conserving. It makes no sense that it is even on the table as an appropriate way to govern in a democratic Republic but here we are.


Agree, but a more accurate term for it is ‘regressivism’ now.


A distinction without a difference.


I think it’s important to differentiate now. ‘Conservatism’ would never allow post-Enlightenment arguments for bringing back the ‘Divine Right of Kings’.


It's a direct result of the system that allows donations for electoral campaigns. In lots of countries that's forbidden for exactly this reason.


Yeah... As filthy as this is and as disgusting a human being as he is, it isn't too far off from how this stuff was handled long before him.


When you reach the level of so fucked up oil barons say “oh garsh.” Also fantastic quote Biden throws wet blanket on oil. While we’re producing more than ever before. So what I’m to fucking understand that the most ever is not enough. Pray tell what the fuck is enough and I hope the god damn wells run dry already.


They’re oh gosh was simply “oh shit I thought we just kind of talk about this hush hush wink wink but DT is saying what we’re all thinking out loud and has the balls to just put it out there without any sugar coating - but I like the cut of his jib and I like that we’re all on the same page and all here for one thing and one thing only to make money and keep making more of it and we all keep getting filthy rich”


The horrifying thing is realizing the amount of collective wealth power and influence those oil Barons represent is staggering and then reading that they are just as nakedly greedy, selfish, shortsighted and sociopathic, as I feared. They have made a murder suicide pact with the devil, they agree to murder the earth and all life as we know it so they can all die billionaires and along the way they sow corruption and misery everywhere. And they are still not as openly evil as trump.


This is what I came here to say. We are producing THE MOST EVER under Biden! It will never ever be enough for these leprechauns.


Maybe they all will choke on the toxic fumes, drown in the rising seas and starve from the famines they are so eager to create.


And all of this despite record quarterly and annual profits, plus output that has made the US a oil exporting country.




Choksondick? Doubt it. They’re gonna deepthroat for the win


He’s literally willing to sell the death of the planet. Fallout’s quote: “everything is a product. You’re a product, I’m a product. The end of the world is a product” It’s supposed to be dystopian fiction. The man is a ghoul.


At this point nothing he does surprises me. What surprises me is the amount of people who support this psycho. How are there so many awful people? There is no excuse at this point, if you support Trump you are likely a bad person. Like whatever, you can believe conservatism, but why the fuck are you supporting Satan incarnate, its pathetic. Selling your soul for a dollar, but now not even a dollar selling your dignity for nothing, but a shirt that says I am a big sucker for a big orange dickwad. I'm not kidding either, I am taking notes who are the biggest Trump supporters, without fail the worst people I know. They gave themselves up and after Trump ill know never to trust their type again. I dont think these people realize this Trump alienation will not go away after him. Trump has made it instantly clear who someone is and they wear it proudly, like the SS bolts. I will hold those people who supported them accountable to what they say and do. Don't ever let them have power again, its too dangerous to society. These people will remain alienated after Trump with their families if you ask me. This has permenantly broken up families over Diaper Don, ill never understand. When Trump goes away, don't let them ever lie and say they never supported him. We have the evidence now they will have to live with alienation.


The concern is not with the planet, or anything except for himself. It’s always about himself.


He could give two shits about long term - he’s got at most 15 years left before he molts and starts round 2


this is the kind of bullshit my parents swallow Hook line and sinker. The only thing they would see in that entire article is "Biden throws a wet blanket on oil". Which is bullshit. I just had this conversation with my maga parents 2 days ago. My dad was complaining about gas prices and he said it's all biden's fault. He followed up with " Biden gave away all of our oil reserves and now we don't have any at all. And we're not producing any oil in this country anymore like Trump did" of course I tried to explain to him that was not true. I even pulled it up so he could look at it, and he wouldn't.


I mean this with as much respect as your parents deserve, but anyone who is this aggressively stupid and wilfully ignorant to what’s going on deserves to be cut out of society. There’s just no hope for people like this.


Oh yeah I get that. It took quite an effort to get them not to discuss politics around me. I probably spent the last 7 years hanging up the phone on one or the other of them as needed. I just moved back to this state, and discovered all my relatives are like that too. They totally took Trump 's bait, hook, line and sinker. They are all cult members. They did finally get the message.. So we just don't routinely talk politics. By the way, they are in their late '80s. And they lapped that shit up. They were Democrats all my life. They were not religious, now they are. It's crazy what has happened. But they are my parents. ,


I feel your pain. I love my mother and she's generally a wonderful person, but she's not the same person now as she used to be. She's got Fox "News" playing on every TV in the house CONSTANTLY and the volume is always turned up so high I can hear it throughout the house. She seems so anxious and frightened of everything now. More overt racist views too. I can't have a meaningful discussion with her about anything politics related because she can't admit that Republicans aren't perfect and she just gets upset and says "I don't want to talk about this!" if her views are ever challenged. It's honestly really sad and I will never forgive Fox, Trump, et al for the damage they have caused.


Could we say thats a “quid pro quo”?


Trump would just say his policies align with their interests and he was there to secure campaign contributions. He probably wouldn't admit that he really needs campaign money and will promise just about anything to get it.


Trump: 'I am willing to sell or burn the planet as long as it keeps me out of jail. I pinky swear it!'


“Biden constantly throws a wet blanket to the oil and gas industry,” said Dan Eberhart, chief executive of the oil-field services company Canary. “Trump’s ‘drill baby drill’ philosophy aligns much better with the oil patch than Biden’s green-energy approach. It’s a no-brainer.” We’re drilling more under Biden than we ever were with Trump. In fact, we’re at the highest point in our nation’s history of drilling and oil production. It would be nice if the article noted that.


It still isn’t enough for them. No amount is ever enough.


Sadly the US is drilling more oil right now than any country in history


yes exactly. even with seeming to be "anti-oil" by stopping pipelines, preventing drilling in pristine wilderness, and limiting offshore drilling, we are drilling more than ever before - somehow. But Democrats are anti business green socialists - sure.


Stunned meaning they couldn’t believe a billion is all it takes to buy in.


Treason on display. Trump: I will sell the future of every American if it will make me richer.


It’s not treason if they all are in on it - who’s gonna police them or even do anything about it? Nobody is rich enough to do anything to the contrary.


“Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason."


Its pretty damn obvious,Traitor Trump has corrupted all the Republicon Party and half the Judiciary


Wait, aren’t we exporting more oil than ever before? How is Biden “throwing a wet blanket on the oil and gas industry”?


Despite the current rate, they want more. They want zero restrictions and to be able to do whatever they want, wherever they want. No environmental impact study. To plans for when pipelines leak (all of them leak. There is never a pipeline that doesn’t leak chemicals that permanently destroy the environment because it is impossible to clean).


Member how Greenpeace used to violently go after people who ruin the planet? Wonder what they think of this......


Trump promises a big payout if they give him A billion bucks. Ok sparky. The cheeto face has a great track record of keeping his promises.


How can the Biden administration be " throwing a wet blanket" over the oil and gas industry and still provide an environment where the U.S. is the number producer of fossil fuel in the world!?!?!?


All of those people belong in jail. This is an enormous crime against humanity and the rest of the earth’s life.


"A no brainer" (from the article). Fucking disgusting. Yeah, I get they're oil scum and Trump is willing to whore himself to them. But he's also a democracy-destroying rapist, a dangerously combination of brutal and stupid, incapable of handling national emergencies, and a criminal con-man hard-wired to betray every partner he's ever suckered. That none of the above makes an oil drop of difference to them makes them treasonous. They LIVE in this country; how dare they throw it into onrushing truck just for four years of being able to pollute freely? May all their dipsticks turn scrofulous and fall off. (And I'm not even roasting them for being indifferent to Trump's misogyny, racism, and xenophobia because I know they share them. )


Did he point his pinky to his lips when he said it? "One mmm... Billion Dollars!"


What does he care about the planet? .he will be dead in 7 years and doesn't care about his offspring.


His descendants will get the nicer underground bunkers once the above-world gets too Mad Maxxy.


ayo guys! I got a presidency for sale bids starting at a cool billy


In what way is this not straight up quid pro quo?


This is the shit that makes me mad enough to hope someone shoots this mf in the head


I hope he wastes their fortune loosing


Openly setting up and explaining the bribe. America is fucked if this asshole is elected.


What do you call Treason against your whole Species?


Conservatives are Americas radicals, the extremists.


Ahhhh. The Quid Pro Quo has reared itself again.


LOL problem is now if they suddenly funnel him a bunch of money, legal charges will follow because trump is an idiot.


Trump is definitely for sale.


Do Republicans and oil execs know there will be a future their grandchildren have to survive? It doesn't seem so.


They were stunned he what, said the quiet part loud? Pay to play is how the game IS played.


The thing is, he wasn’t joking


Vote blue. Don't let this orange maggot win.


Traitor crook . Making deals with other Traitor Crooks . ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


This year the US has produced more oil than any country in history. Chevron's CEO said “In 2023, we returned more cash to shareholders and produced more oil and natural gas than any year in the company’s history,” This is with Biden's apparently making it terrible for the energy sector. Their greed is unfathomable.


Fucking evil


Stunned eh? That megalomaniac would suck their dicks if that was their want, to finance him into the Whitehouse.


What never cease to amaze me is that every name of these ghouls are public, that the US have one of the most relaxed guns control laws but none of these fuckers has been shot in public.


Trump is so incredibly dangerous on so many levels. How could anyone even consider voting for this moron


The rich get richer and fuck the rest of us. Environmental regulations are to protect US all. The greed of these bastards and this orange Oompa Loompa they do not care if the rest of us live or die just cash. This ends up world wide though money flows and the death is the thinning of the herd. And people are too apathetic to realize this.


Dear Republicans: You didn’t object when you heard Donald Trump say he likes to grab women “by the pussy. You didn’t object when he kicked the American media out of the Oval Office and handed two Russian spies classified data entrusted to him by one of our allies. You didn’t object when he likened our intelligence community to the Nazis. You didn’t object when he stood before the Memorial Wall of Stars at Langley and told lie after lie about himself and the election. You didn’t object while at the Helsinki Summit, he met behind closed doors with the Russian President. You didn’t object to him banning the American Press from covering that meeting. You didn’t object when he emerged from that meeting and sided with the Russian President over the findings of our own intelligence community. You didn’t object when the Trump campaign admitted to accepting Russian offers to help him defeat SecState Clinton. You didn’t object when he stood before the cameras and said; “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find 30k e-mails that are missing.” You didn’t object when the Russians responded that VERY DAY with stolen emails. You didn’t object when it was confirmed that the basis for the Trump Tower meeting was a total fabrication. That it had nothing to do with adopting Russian children, and everything to do with swinging the election. You didn’t object when it was revealed that Trump himself floated the cover story of adoptions from Russia. You didn’t object when it was confirmed that his campaign staff had met with Russian agents over 150 times, after claiming they had never met with them at all. You didn’t object when the Trump campaign declined to inform the FBI about the Russian advances. You didn’t object when Trump’s campaign manager gave internal data on four key battleground states to agents working for Putin. You sure as hell didn’t object when those very same four battleground states miraculously shifted towards trump on Election Day. You didn’t object when Trump kicked his Attorney General out of the room and asked the FBI Director to let his National Security Advisor off the hook for lying about his contacts with Russian agents. You didn’t object when Trump fired that FBI Director for declining to let Flynn off the hook. You didn’t object when Special Counsel Robert Mueller said he couldn’t establish a conspiracy, largely because so many of Trump’s staffers lied during their interviews, and because Trump himself refused to submit to a live interview. You didn’t object when Special Counsel Mueller cited no fewer than ten instances of the president himself obstructing justice in his report: an impeachable offense. You didn’t object when it was revealed he cheated on his wife with a porn star. You didn’t object when it was revealed that he paid off that porn star to the tune of $130,000.00 to buy her silence just prior to the election, an illegal attempt to hide relevant facts from the electorate. You didn’t object when he withdrew the U.S. from the JCPOA, which was the first and ONLY treaty that’s successfully kept Iranian nuclear ambitions in check. You didn’t object when he pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords. You didn’t object when he scuttled the Obama administration’s clean air and water standards. You didn’t object when he opened up vast tracts of protected wilderness to his friends in the oil and mining industries. You didn’t object to the myriad cases of violations of the emoluments clause. You didn’t object when he mocked a disabled man at one of his rallies. You didn’t object to the recently-discovered military stopovers at Trump properties in Scotland. You didn’t object when after mass shooting after mass shooting, he wouldn’t lift a finger to protect even little school children from gun violence. You didn’t object when he started putting tariffs on everyone from China to Turkey, which have undeniably hurt millions of people around the world and shaken the stock markets. You didn’t object when he gave the corporate farming industry $26B in compensation for their losses due to his tariffs. You didn’t object when he channeled $3.6B in Pentagon appropriations to his wall on the Mexican border. You didn’t object when Trump called out against “Islamic terrorism” on multiple occasions, but never once for terrorism by white nationalists. You didn’t object when he forcibly separated little children from their parents. You didn’t object when he confined those children to chain-link paddocks. You didn’t object when a whistleblower revealed the president had on multiple occasions said things that potentially undermined our nation’s safety and security. You didn’t object when his personal lawyer, his personal consultant, and his army of sycophants at Fox News have repeatedly and consistently lied about ALL of the above for three excruciatingly long years. And now, you STILL don’t object — even after he incited a deadly insurrection against our Capitol that left our democracy teetering on the brink of extinction. So here’s my question for you: What about any of the above do you believe entitles you to the right to call yourselves “patriots?” In anything other than today’s bizarro-world, you wouldn’t even make the rank of American. When this nightmare ends, we’ll remind you of just how patriotic you were during these days. Your karma is gonna sting.


Yet Biden is drilling more oil than Trump did in his term. Trump says whatever the fuck he wants just to grift the idiots willing to pay him. What I would give to have this clown sitting in a jail cell just so we can get some peace and quiet.


I can never believe accounts showing people being surprised at how crooked and transactional he is. This is literally his entire personality, and has been since before many of them were born. People know. It’s why he is supported by more than just the rubes at the rallies.


Aren’t we already producing more oil than any nation in history?


I’m so sick of looking at that traitors face.


The USA is producing more oil than ever and they still bitch and complain. They spend half a billion doing legal bribery and still arnt happy. Methinks they are actually the problem.


So now Trump is openly admitting that he is corrupt and has a price. $1b and you can have any laws changed. So Trump voters.. Now that Trump has admitted he is corrupt and will sell you out, are you still voting for him? Seems like Soros could wait for Project 2025 to consolidate power to the POTUS then spend a couple billion to have Trump ban guns, expand voting rights, expand employment rights, enact universal healthcare, improve public schools, and all the other fun left wing things you hate.


Corruption has nothing to do with why Trump voters support him. It’s like saying omg Trump admits he likes pineapple on pizza what do you say now? He’s a white man who says denigrating things about nonwhites, nonChristians, and nonheteros. If you want to change the mind of his base you have to change that. Source: Lived in small town for 15 yrs. They really are deplorables.


I don’t know how secret it is. He would sell his beloved Ivanka to get back to the White House. He’s a piece of shit that will only do harm to our future. The oil and gas fucks need to just make thier money while they can, because those days are numbered. Can you imagine if they spent that $400 million on research and improving technology to make things cleaner and greener instead of lobbying to rollback regulations that are in place to PROTECT US & FUTURE GENERATIONS??


Every fucking day this man is not in jail or dead, this country suffers from what he and Putin wrought.


If yrump gets a second term, usa will be sold piecemeal.


Rod Begovich went to jail over this. All he had to do was propose the same kind of thing that Donald Trump is quoted saying. so send Donnie to jail. You won’t, but you should.


He's literally a Captain Planet villain.


Trumps for sale? No shit. He literally sold our country to foreign countries and he will do it again and again and again. He doesn't care abijt anything but money. He has nothing else in his life. His kids hate him. His wife hates him. Everyone he has every worked with hates him. World leaders thing he is weak or incontinent. He is a pathetic old man who is corrupt as shit amd always has been


Hail Capitalism, folks! This is what the end game looks like. We're due a revolution tbh. It's been a while.


quid pro quo. even if they got everything they wanted, would prices go down???? nope.


Uh, drain the swamp?


That’s because he’s quite sure everyone is as fucking corrupt as he is. I’m also quite sure he didn’t see one thing wrong with blurting it out in front of everyone. O


Lobbying at that level should not be allowed... The system itself sets this situation up. Big donor contributions to campaigns tend to squeeze out the little guys in politics. There should be a cap on donor amounts (I think Biden has floated this idea).


" Make America Great Again".... so Trump can continue to sell it to the highest bidder! The absurdity is grifter Trump sold Bibles.... BIBLES!, to make a buck!! He doesn't give selling out America a second thought!


That Trump showing how nonexistent his ethics are.


The U.S. already produces more oil each day than any other country in the world, including Saudi Arabia.


They had to pretend to be shocked now because it leaked.


Conservatives love the America of old. The America that was FOUNDED on giving the middle finger to royalty yet here we are with the current day conservatives edging for an American monarchy.


Oil execs and their famously delicate sensibilities.


But they pretend Hunter Biden get paid $80,000 to do nothing is an unacceptable level of corruption. 🙄


He’s insane and people believe him.


Stunned by how cheap they could buy the US president for?