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Call me crazy, but I'd rather have a president whose main priority is something other than revenge against the USA.


Yet it will still be a close race. sad reality we are living in


I can't believe I have any faith left to lose in my fellow Americans in 2024, but here we are.


No it won’t be. Stop listening to the bogus polls…. Dark Brandon is going to curbstomp Orange Adolf at the ballot box in Roevember. And the idiot Magat’s will say “but but but but but the polls said…..”


It really won't be close


That was basically his presidency…undoing pretty much everything that prior administrations built or achieved.


A look at the future election: somebody wins 50.1% to 49.9% This country is weird.


I thought “weaponizing” the judicial system against political opponents was a bad thing. Weren’t right-wingers just complaining about Biden doing it?


Thing is, they know Biden didn't do that at all, but rank hypocrisy is now a core tenet of the gop now. So they absolutely will "weaponize" the justice system. Hell, Texas already did when they pardoned a guy who committed a premeditated murder of a blm protester.


It's fascism 101. Hypocrisy just shows off their power, if they can do it but make it so you can't do it, they're more powerful than you, and the more perceived power a fascist has, the more actual control they have too because folks are less likely to fight back.


This is already happening with Trump. “We can’t hold him accountable because imagine what he and his supporters will do to retaliate” is a talking point I’ve seen many times. 


That's WHY they make it a talking point yes! Dig into that of bet the farm that despair started on the R side of the narrative. But it's also plainly bullshit. He managed to fuck up an actual coup with a year to prep, a completely hobbled DOJ and National Guard, and the protection of the White House. Most recently he had a handful of idiots with handmade signs show up and shout for a few days. He isn't more powerful today than he was in 2020 and it's absurd to imagine his conviction as a felon will somehow make him more powerful, let alone imprisoning him. Lock him away and he's deplatformed, he'd become irrelevant in about two weeks.


He became largely irrelevant when we was booted from the major social media platforms. Now he’s back on them and somehow relevant again.


Russia might have something to do with that.


Maybe Israel as well...


Hell become irrelevant because he has no goal, no platform, no message. People with these things gain power when they get locked up for them, he's just going away because he's a scum bag


I'm not worried about a massive organized coup that will send this country into a stupid theocratic kleptocracy I'm worried about a large population of people with nothing to lose, heads filled with anger and conspiracy theories, and unfettered access to guns


Then it sounds like it's high time the democrats start scaring Americans.


Beyond time. I'm so sick of the Dems "taking the high road". This stuff needs to be in campaign commercials and repeated 24/7 until November. Too much gets buried by the mainstream media as they try to "both sides" their way out of covering anything like this. The threat is real. Read the 2025 plan.


Americans are tuned out and numb. Which is also what the GQP Thugs and oligarchs want.


I agree completely but have questions. At what point, while we are ALL recognizing the fascism growing, do we do something about it? The system isn't doing anything to stop him (or them), and in more than a few cases, has helped him. This guy has enjoyed a VERY long "fuck around" phase. When do we start the "finding out" portion? I mean, Americans used to be fairly proficient in dealing with fascists...


He's been convicted, so he's definitely in the find out phase. But the best time to stop fascists is yesterday, the next best is today. Right now we have a whole political party who benefits by attacking fascists, and we have popular sentiment on our side. Organize, protest, and keep their names in the media. Fascists like Alito and Thomas thrive on being unnoticed. Shine the light on them. It won't stop them, but the more attention their BS receives the harder it is for them. Vote, donate and volunteer, especially in close races. Keeping the Senate, retaking the House, and of course keeping the fascist candidate out of the White House are all critical. Make noise, organize locally, get involved if you can. Run for something! Especially if a fascist is running unopposed. Counter protest too, if you're in a position to do so. Disrupt fascist gatherings. Shout down any Republican that tries to speak in public. Don't let them control the media narrative. Shame any Republican you see in public. Ask them clear obvious questions like "why do you think we should elect a convicted felon president" and "why are you such a fucking fascist". You should absolutely not hit any fascist in the mouth with a brick if given the opportunity but only because you'll end up in jail unlike the fascists if they were to do the same. It would still be the morally correct thing to do. Oh and register voters. That's part of volunteering, but it's worth mentioning on its own. Voter registration and education has the biggest impact on the elections in your local area (Stacey Abrams showed us that by making it a cornerstone of her GA run and even if she lost, she helped us flip both our senators blue) Basically the answer to when is now, and how is "do as many of the above as you can and anything else you can think of too". It's not just "vote" but it is "vote and a bunch of other stuff too". I personally think Indivisible (https://www.indivisible.org/) has a good suite of resources for getting involved in whatever way you're comfortable with but there are plenty of options!


Hypocrisy is also a way narcissists flex their power.


Ding ding ding correct and in this specific convicted felon we got both!


>So they absolutely will "weaponize" the justice system. They already are, really. Passing laws to prevent women travelling to other states to get abortions. The entire Hunter Biden shit show. Most people charged with Hunters charges get to plead and pay a settlement. Their constant subpoena use to bring people to harass and threaten them with potential legal charges and allegations of criminal conduct without any evidence what so ever. Their bought and paid for conservative majority on the Supreme Court. I am 99.9% certain the SCC won't rule on presidential immunity until after the election because they want to make their boy wins and if he does, BAM, they'll grant him his immunity AFTER he's sworn in as president and not a moment before. That way they wouldn't risk even the slightest possibility that Biden would use it against them for their spineless leader.


You are correct about the GOP's hypocrisy (it's also projection). However, I think you mean tenet, rather than tenant.


Keep moving into everyone's house.


And I’m still voting blue all the way !


Not only that, vote Democrat. 😁


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time." Frank Wilhoit


They’re using the false claim that Biden did it to justify doing it themselves. This is the basic function of their projection. To justify their own corrupt actions


Finna ruin the country to own the libs


The goal is to intentionally misrepresent what is happening to give cover to what the already wanted to do.


[Travis County DA trying to get Abbott’s pardon undone](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/daniel-perry-pardon-travis-county-da-discusses-next-steps/)




More like they’re spinning Trumps legal problems as weaponizing the legal system so that they can claim “they started it” when they take power


The strong projection plays an important purpose. If I constantly claim you're guilty of X, and put it enough people's heads that you're guilty, when I go and do X I can shrug and say you did it first. The other side of that is the conservative mindset is to immediately assume you must do X because "that's what I'd do."


Conservatives don’t want their guy jailed for committing crimes, they want democrats jailed for voting a way they disagree with. It’s different, see!


Republicans in 50 years: Trump was Jesus incarnate, he preached love, peace and forgiveness of his enemies, but evil communists persecuted, tortured and killed him with airborn China vaccines transported by jewish lasers. But he chose to die for our sins. Wait, what am I saying, 50 years? more like 50 minutes


He's already replaced St Ronnie in their mythology.


Even Ronnie would think Trump is an asshole.


Ronnie would outright throw hands because Trump is so cuddly with the Russians, in particular a former KGB agent.


It boggles the mind how these Boomers grew up in the red scare, but Cheeto Mussolini says they're fine and *poof* they are now just misunderstood and their actions are our fault.


Is this how religions start? XD If this is the judgment of religious people, it really begs the question of the accuracy of just about everything related to that field.


Every accusation is an admission.


This. Projection with all things. Everything they falsely accuse Biden of is telegraphing what they intend to do.


Exactly. Say the dems are doing it so they can do it they can claim the dems for starting that trend.


It's a classic maneuver from the GOP: accuse your opponent of doing something they're not doing. Then, when you actually do it you're supposedly just doing what the other side was doing, so any complaints from the opposition can be spun as hypocrisy. And, if the other side ever does do the same thing, in the eye of public opinion, it'll retroactively validate the false claims you made to begin with. And if your base in disinclined to do any critical thinking, you'll get away with it every time, while slowly ratcheting "acceptable" political conduct into increasingly authoritarian behavior.


This is exactly it


Don’t worry bro, he’s promised to ensure there is NO judicial system to weaponize: He’s in full blown dictator mode.


Everything with republicans is projection.


It’s the set up They complain about it enough There followers now believe it (I know people who absolutely do). Then when they do it……..it’s ok It’s not a bad thing, because Biden did it and they are just doing it back at them………


Well that makes the choice clear on who to pick for President. I love how he and his cult acts like he was just walking along, singing a song and a Biden van pulls up and abducted him. Forget the evidence or the details of his many many crimes. A victim.


Rules apply to *THEE,..* NEVER to Me!


No, they were alleging that Biden did it so that when they do it they can pretend “we’re just doing that thing Biden did” and so that means it’s _not_ fascism They’ve been using this fascist tactic for years, and pointing out that it’s hypocritical is not an own. They know what they’re doing


Yeah but that was before Biden and his DOJ went after trump. What? He was screaming to arrest his political opponents, shoot protestors, and deport immigrants before all that? What? It’s not Biden’s DOJ who found him guilty? It was a jury of his peers?


But is it an abuse of the judicial system if he just imprisons people without process, judges and lawyers? /s


"But they started it!" GOP response to everything is to say the Dems set the precedent


it's part of their victimhood complex that gives them permission to do terrible terrible things. the history of fascism isn't all that long but this shows up with it literally every single time..


You have to, when the other guys do it, or when you’ve claimed the other guys do it.


Caring at all about the USA, the law, decency or their fellow countrymen is entirely a smokescreen. Nothing matters except brutalizing those not in their clique/gang/cult. The only purpose of supporting their party is to inflict suffering in exchange for letting their "leaders" rob the country blind while they look the other way. That's it. Nothing else.


As much as I enjoy calling out the hypocrisy, it’s completely pointless. That’s the whole point of hypocrisy. They don’t care. We just need to bring out the big guns. Stop playing nice and using logic and sense.


Yea, as much as I believe in logic, it requires good faith. There is no good faith from them, thus logic is a waste of time.


Every right wing accusation is a confession. They really do accuse others of doing the very things they're doing or planning on doing.


The ones writing these storyboard lines know that a state felony conviction would be difficult to prove that Biden had any influence at all. But now they can justify when they actually imprison rivals (they did it first)


They are the "rules for thee, not for me" party


Authoritarianism 101, project that the other boogeyman on the other side are the ones doing the thing you do wrong.


Imprisoning opponents is the behavior of a dictator not a President. Apparently he believes if elected he will be a dictator for like just like those that have existed in Africa and South America, countries that he has disparaged in the past. More MAGA hypocrisy.


If he goes into the white house he will not come out, it will be the embarassing end of American democracy and I am not exaggerating.


We would be **extremely lucky** if all it was is embarrassing. It'll likely be significantly worse than that for the entire planet.


Nothing good will come from a second Trump term.


But but but I'm mad at Biden *now* and I don't have the ability to process future consequences. Plus I need the TikTok clout. You have to understand it's all very high minded and my Jill Stein vote is super important 🤡🤤


The people who vote for Jill Stein, or RFK are among the least likely to feel the full effects of of a second Trump term since they are generally white millennial men who won't need an abortion or contraception. But you're right, they'll feel superior as the country burns around us.


If we are stupid enough to elect him after what we have seen, the country deserves to die.


A part of our country died on January 6, 2021


2016* Everything went to shit after 2016.


2010.  The Citizen's United decision.


Exactly. I wrote a paper about this in undergrad and my professor SCOFFED!


It all started with Harambe


And Prince and Muhammad Ali 2016 was a bad year


The moment Trump started calling his political opponents voters VERMIN is when it started. Dehumanization of liberals led to the Holocaust. Another one is coming.


as one of your neighbours to the north please don't he's bad for everyone


He is looking to be a dictator in the European mould.


He doesn't have the intelligence to achieve that, he can only achieve the thuggery of African and South American dictators.


He already said he would be a dictator


Well, he did say he would be a dictator day one. Whats that Maya Angelou quote? Something something believe them the first time?


…because he’s a FASCIST. JFC, when are people going to wake up?


At this point, the answer is "Never." The cult isn't going to wake up, the dumbasses who shrug and say, "All politicians talk like that, there's no point in voting," even though that is blatantly untrue, they're never going to wake up. Everyone who is capable of being shocked has already been shocked.


We know we can’t change MAGA minds. But we should 100% call out every “both parties are the same” posts. While we know they aren’t, people that aren’t as active in politics or political discourse (despite the fact their entire lives are political because others vote and run), need to see that morons are morons. We have a small chance to affect those people and need to take it.


They think that Biden is somehow doing the same thing when Trump is prosecuted in state court for real financial crimes. Never mind that Trump has been in over 4000 legal cases. THIS one is somehow the Deep State. The education system has failed these people, and they're unable to see the difference.


Please look up "Project 2025" and vote accordingly


I should clarify for those whom are opposed to fascist states and are not going to read project 2025. Vote blue down the ballot. Voting Republican will mean you will get project 2025 which even for republican others will take away their rights. Simply put it will be a takeover of the government down to every bureaucrat. They will install loyalists everywhere. By the way Russia did this and it also didn’t end well for the vast majority of Putin supporters. So to recap: if you love our democracy vote blue down the ballot in this election in November.


Thank you! Everyone needs to be aware about this. This is not fearmongering, please don't dismiss it like many dismissed the threat to Roe v Wade




Bad people seem to live forever solely on hate and spite


Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney are great examples of this.


Some believe that it is actually linked to narcissistic people have less stressors due to not giving a shit about anything. No stress tends to be good for the heart. So the next time you eat bad food make sure to steal something from a homeless person. Sort of like how the diet sodie algorithm works.


This is what I believe. Trump has never faced a real, material consequence in his entire life. He projects his own reality, so he’s constantly in the right and probably sleeps like a baby when the stimulants wear off. If he was actually made physically uncomfortable in some way I think we’d see him age rather quickly, but up until now his alternate reality has served him well. He’s never worried about a single thing other than his own well-being, and even that is blunted by his weak attachment to reality.


He is so used to never facing consequences that he fell asleep daily in court while facing 34 felonies


Rupert Murdoch is old as shit


Ragebait is my gym!


Like his father, Trump will sink into dementia before he has a heart attack; becoming the second GOP President with dementia in the White House if he is elected.


At least Reagan's handlers took care of business, more or less.


People need to keep his sleep schedules crazy, the debate will be lit.


Lol, do you think he will actually debate?


You need to have a heart to die that way.


Winston Churchill, British big boi, lived to 91 after several heart attacks with the medical technology of the 1950/60s. His love of McDonald's and refusal to exercise notwithstanding, there's no reason why Trump, as unfortunate is it would be, couldn't live to the same age with today's medical technology.


Please be a debilitating stroke instead!


Believe him when he says this.


It's so dumb how he says "this is a witch hunt, how dare they do it to me" and in the same breath "I will absolutely do it to them".


I’m so fucking *tired* of this. It’s been eight plus years of this absolutely chaotic nonsense. He has nothing to offer, no policy, no insight or intelligence or ideas or leadership. It’s like living in a household with an insane family member. He rambles like an old drunk on a street corner for a bit of applause from his supporters. He’s dumb as a box of rocks and his “values” or stance on anything changes like the weather. He’s so incurious and simple it’s mind-boggling. None of it makes any sense, we’re watching a personality disordered idiot clambering for power to fill up his messed up psyche, like a sad greatest hits tour. Please for the love of god just go. the fuck. away. The day this fuck drops dead I’ll be partying.


I feel like I’m living in the goddamn twilight zone or something. He’s just allowed to get on these “news” outlets and lie, lie, lie. We ALL fucking know he said to put Hilary in prison, many many times. Why are we so afraid to call this fat greasy fuck out on this nonsense? It’s exhausting.


Oh hell yeah I’m getting black out drunk that sweet day.


I still don’t understand how these MAGAts have gotten thru life until now being as stupid and gullible as they are. 🤷‍♂️ It’s a wonder to me that their brains function well enough to keep them breathing! 🤦‍♂️😶


I've felt for a while that the installation of mediocre to low quality people in higher and higher positions across society has been a feature, not a bug, to some plan.  Perhaps we are seeing which plan, finally.


I cannot wait for the day when I can actually enjoy the news and not see bonehead headlines such as this. Eight plus years of this is taking a toll.




“In Bizarre Turn of Events, Donald Trump to be Buried Directly Atop the Queen”


# "I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." -ubiquitous, really


Lotta big threats coming from a convicted felon who wears a diaper.


He talks just like a mob boss in a movie, “I’d hate for anything to happen to…”


“You said, ‘lock her up! In 2016” “No I didn’t. No I did not. Never said that ever in my life! Locking up politicians for crimes is wrong. We all have full immunity. I would never say “lock her up.”” “Lock them up, lock up my political opponents. I will imprison my political opponents.” “What did you -just- say?”


He's like a living example of distilled kettle logic, every problem he faces gets lied at in multiple ways that make the lies meaningless, but it keeps working anyway. "I know exactly what jail is and I never said we should lock up politicians. Also locking up politicians is extremely legal and cool, everyone is doing it, including me. Also I've never heard of jail."


Just like every good dictator


Hey.....he said he'd only be a dictator for one day...../s


Trump: I never said "lock her up." I said "i may imprison my political opponents." Hamberder.


We're headed for some very dark times if this guy wins again.


Someone please tell this orange turd to shut the !@#$ up and give us all some piece and quiet for 24 hours. Honestly tired of his constant bullsh!t.


Seriously, it's almost as bad as when he was last in office. Everyday I'd wake up thinking wtf is he going to mess up today? I'm tired of his constant whinging and moaning. I wish he'd just shut the f### up for 24 hours!!!


Well America if this is the way u want to live. Vote Blue to save us.


You can’t just imprison someone. You have to go to court. Just like Trump did, and then he lost and continues to lose, over and over and over again.


I think Trump keeps on forgetting that he lives in America, as opposed to living in a country where it’s possible to just imprison people. Which is just one example of why he’s completely unfit to be President.


Donald Trump Says It Is ‘Very Possible’ He Will Order A Double Quarter Pounder Meal With A Large Diet Coke And A Cookie


So, their argument is that the left is weaponizing justice and that's bad, but when they do it that's good. Daring today, are we ?


His speech after his trial was a TRAGEDY. He is a terrible speaker and it saddens me that the political system has turned into a battle now between the R & D's. D's are trying to fix problems and MAGA R's are trying to create them. This is the worst case scenario of the Assprentice. Society suffers from what it tolerates. Oh and the MAGA right believe they are right and there is NO other alternative. SMH


I’m telling you, you thought his first term was bad? His goal was to get power and look/feel important. This time around he desires revenge, and maybe pardon power to avoid further prosecution. He will hurt us. All of us. And he will do it on purpose.


Be afraid, be very afraid if this unhinged bigot regains power.


No he won’t because he won’t be president again.


It's even more possible that he isn't going to get that opportunity. He won as a fluke in 2016. He told people to give him a chance and asked what they had to lose. And then millions of people died and they found out exactly what it was they had to lose. No way America is giving that knobjob another chance.


Except he will not become President which makes it higly unlikely.


tRump is a bore, 2nd verse same at the 1st. Threatened Hilary, fired Comey after he helped kill Hilary's chances at winning. What he wants to accomplish is already happening, Biden Jr, Garland, Dr Fauci ...so many ppl being summoned before this obstructionist mean spirited hateful Repug House. Doing it to keep themselves politically viable with MAGA crowd. It's deplorable misuse of justice.


No wonder he likes construction...nobody digs himself a hole like Donald Trump.


You'd have to win first, fuckwit.


Not exactly outside the realm of possibility, unfortunately. 


Yet we still have some undecided voters and people who think both sides are the same.


If elected, Trump will run this country as much as a dictatorship as he can. He will use the military to conduct raids He will take away peoples rights He will use executive orders to push his agenda vs via laws He will jail as many people he perceives as threats as he can He will pardon criminals that are against Democracy He will turn a blind eye to those that cause unrest and chaos in the name of MAGA He will remove years of Government experience to appoint puppets to Government jobs as political favors He will further manipulate voting districts to keep the antiquated Republic party in power for as long as possible He will prop up other family members as a ‘dynasty’ to rule this country that we will no longer recognize TRUMP WILL RUIN THIS COUNTRY! WHAT EVER YOU DO, VOTE BLUE!


"This is travesty of justice!! Elect me so I can continue it!"


And more than half of Americans will either vote for him. Or not vote at all. If he is elected it’s your own fault.


Totally normal thing for a dictator to say


Imagine not knowing how government and law works. Imagine not knowing you actually must commit crimes and leave proof to be found guilty. Imagine doing this yourself, and still not knowing how all this works. It’s not like it was his job


He literally campaigned on ‘lock her up’ in 2016. This isn’t just revenge, it’s always been his goal. Only his own incompetence got in the way before.


This guy is such a child. I honestly believe he has no clue what he says and constantly wings it. He cannot think ahead to realize what actions his words can cause.


Ruzzian azzet. 


He will 100 percent imprison political oppenentz if he gets power. It’s fucking dictatorship 101


Not what people want to hear, but honestly more liberals need to start learning how to operate firearms. These people have lost their fucking minds.


The CONVICTED FELON has no ability, or desire, to filter what he says, and never has. People understand this on a subconscious level. This is deliberate. By doing this, he has the "dog whistle" effect for his MAGA base, and the more responsible supporters get to say things like "Locker room talk". Recognize this person as the threat to American Democracy that he is. Given the chance, he will make Hitler look like the ice cream man.


Can he just die already?


Just keep on hoping for that inevitable McDonalds/amphetamine fueled catastrophic heart attack.


Why do republicans hate America


This guy just needs to go away.


Appeasement. Plain and simple. Expectations are everything. If you let someone get away with something long enough, they feel entitled to it and people even start to agree. One of the biggest reasons WWII happened was because of appeasements to Hitler. Once things get moving, it's hard to stop the train. tramp is getting away with making threats, lying at every turn and creating false narratives. The election was "stollen," these trials are bogus and politically motivated by Biden, this is third world political prosecution. The moment he either wins or loses and revolts, people who have heard this rhetoric for years will just allow it to happen because they will feel that he's justified in doing so (due to him spouting bullshit unchecked for years). We are legitimately at a crossroads. Anyone who thinks I'm being dramatic or overreacting, stop gaslighting for a sec and see J6th for reference. Brandon needs to immediately call this out and say, "Bitch, are you threatening to jail my family and I for no reason at all, just because you are suffering the consequences of your own actions?" Edit: Biden really better call his ass out. Nobody mentioned shit about Melania, Biden better tell tramp to keep his wife's name out his mouth. tramp is legitimately threatening to lock up Biden and his wife. How the fuck is this not a top news story. I know tramp spews so much bs that it all blends together, but this is major.


So now Trump is actively saying he will imprison his political opponents when there is ZERO evidence Joe Biden has anything to do with his many legal troubles. What an absolute disgrace of a human being. Anybody voting for Trump at this point is rooting for the destruction of America. I’ve heard Trump supporters literally say “I believe Trump wants to do good for his country so maybe a slight dictator wouldn't be so bad because there is so much govt corruption”. They want him as a dictator. That’s a good thing in their eyes. BUT I believe the majority of Americans very strongly oppose this. That is why we will once again turn out in record numbers to ensure Trump doesn’t get anywhere near the White House ever again. Send him to the big house instead. He earned it.


And I say it's very possible that he should be imprisoned himself, for precisely this.


Of course he did. And then he won’t do it. And then he’ll say he never said it even though he did 100 times on video. He’s predictable.


You mean wannabe "Dictator Don" because the presidents can't actually imprison anyone. But then, that's what "Dictators" do.


I think everyone should educate themselves on past political purges and begin preparing now because the GOP is not hiding what they intend to do to us. When they control the levers of government there will be no civil war or fighting back. It will just be criminalization of leftist thought and then it's off to the FEMA camps. The internet and a black president fundamentally broke half the population.


By Khaleda Rahman: Donald Trump has floated the possibility of imprisoning his political opponents if he is re-elected as president in November. Trump made the comments days after a New York jury found him guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment to an adult film actress before the 2016 election. Read more: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-says-very-possible-imprison-political-opponents-presidential-election-1908314?




Something else that's okay if Trump does it... The political right is all about rights for me but not for thee.


How will he do that while following the constitution?


He is a lunatic.


And Trump supporters, who are the stupidest assholes on Earth, cried "Fascism" when they were asked to wear a mask in public. But they're 100% behind this convicted felon's plans to be a dictator. They're such garbage.


With what power , 28% of the vote and loosing the election from jail? He will be fleeing the country soon.


NO SHIT! This is nazi germany 1933 and up never thought i would see the day america is on peak going full fascism and yet many of these trumpers agree we need fascism not democracy its fucking insane.


I'm already NOT voting for Donnie. I don't need to add to my reasons to not vote for him.


Thank God he’s not long from kicking the bucket. If he were in his like 40s he would legit aim for like a 40 year dictatorship


It’s actually mental how much attention Donald Trump gets. It’s so demeaning to the entire history of mankind of how much time, money etc is spent following this turd’s business and life.  Fucking Donald Trump. And to top it off he fucking loves all the attention like some spoilt 5 year old only child.  This planet man…


Even more reason to never vote for that criminal.


Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. I mean, lock him up, lock him up, lock him up.


He and his supporters are shitty people.


These comments from the orange douchebag reek of desperation


And it looks like he will be asked nicely to please not do that. Liberals have been asking nicely since conservative talk radio started calling them the enemy decades ago. Now they’re entering their final solution phase and nobody is really doing anything material to stop them. Vote! Sure. Ok. They have a plan to seize power even if they lose. So then what?


It’s the end of Democracy as we know it… it’s the end of Democracy as we know it… and I feel fineeeeeeeee


Wanting to and being able to are two different things. You still have to come up with charges and then prove them in a court of law. It was easy to charge and try trump because he actually did all the BS. On the other hand, one reason they haven’t been able to impeach Biden is because they can’t find anything to impeach him on.


So, will the major news orgs explore this story or just ignore it and continue to ignore the fascist threat that is very real and currently threatening our country's democracy.


Complains about being tried by opponents. Openly admits he will jail opponents. Hypocrite.


He ran two campaigns on hailing his opponents


So he’s against presidential immunity now. Got it.


Funny how republicans are fine with "weaponizing" the government when it's against democrats.


Yeah, no shit. This guy is just cribbing straight from the Nazi party's playbook.


On what fucking grounds? That he's a sore loser?


You have to be charged with a crime and be found guilty in court to go to prison in America. If you just imprison someone, that's kidnapping.




Judge Merchan, please take note of this and sentence accordingly.


Yea whenever the right accuses the left of something, it is their way of saying "this is what we feel justified in doing next."