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Didn't Hunter Biden just get charged for something like this? Trump's hypocrisy is off the charts.


The irony is, Hunter Biden never worked for Biden's administration. Unlike Jared Kushner, who worked in Trump's administration, [and kept taking unannounced trips to Saudi Arabia during Trump's presidency](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/29/jared-kushner-saudi-arabia-244291), and then got $2 billion from the Saudis after Trump left office. But Trump supporters like to plug their ears on everything Kushner did. SMH.


Biden crime family… na na na na… /s


Every accusation by the Trump mafia is a confession.


But they’ve caught on to that. My trump loving friend tells me the democrats do that. Those exact words you said. Can’t believe they are so deep they can’t even see it


Tell them [the Australian Federal Police rejected Donald Trump’s bid to build the first casino in Sydney Australia back in the 1980s because of his mafia connections.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/16/trumps-bid-for-sydney-casino-30-years-ago-rejected-due-to-mafia-connections) Trump has been a mafioso his whole life. Ask them why the Saudi dictator gave Trump’s son in law $2 billion. The Trumps are the crime family. Their projection of that onto the Bidens is the same playbook they used against Hillary with “pizzagate” to deflect from Trump’s fucked up relationship with Ivanka, and his raping of a 13 year old Ivanka lookalike at one of Epstein’s parties.


Something about a blockade on Qatar


Every accusation is a confession.


But Hunter Biden got about 10 million which is > than 2 billion in maga math


Kushner also apparently put it in Trump's ear that letting COVID run riot would be advantageous for his electoral chances because early on it was primarily affecting Blue Areas. That little shit and his father in law have a lot to answer for.


They also liked that it hit POC and disabled people harder. They’re fucking eugenicists, and plain evil.


There is WAY ENOUGH in plain sight, proven and recorded about so many wrongs. You can leave alone the "apparently". It won't make a difference if what's known doesn't tip the scale.


This really is the part that I don’t understand.


The politics of fascism is about power. The in group gets to have power and do what they want, and the out group can have the law land on them for arbitrary reasons. Fascism rejects the concept of rule by law, and replaces it with rule by an individual. But because fascism starts from a democratic system, it has to win elections at first. Thus the fascists must create an in group that initially extends beyond the fascists to win people over, and as people are won over and embrace the fascist mindset the hypocrisy is no longer hypocrisy, but victory. In short, it's only hypocritical if you think the rule of law is important.


At this stage in reality, we need to just admit that laws are designed to perpetuate class warfare and imprison the poorer classes into the only form of legal slavery (the penal system) that currently still exists. Prison doesn't need criminals like Trump because it can't profit off of his incarceration the way it can from basically any black person whose family can't afford bail or a good lawyer for charges no matter how biased or planted to get a conviction. The craziest thing for me is the Secret Service still sworn to duty to a gun carrying felon. That these people would tackle and arrest any other gun carrying felon in the presence of a former President, but when the felon is the former President, we just turn a blind eye to it.


They’re toddlers




Why? Does it seem out of character to you? Does it seem like something that wouldn't happen given your life experiences? Does it seem improbable?


The outrage over the laptop vs the silence over kushners activities seems like a double standard. Does it seem improbably that there would be a double standard in politics? No, but I still don’t get it.


It is a double standard but Republicans love being huge hypocrites.


And our media would spend more time covering Biden accidentally farting into a hot mic than the CIA assets that mysteriously started dying every time Jared got a new foreign investor or Trump had a private chat with Putin, Orban, Kim etc. or even ask why Jared got 2 billion dollars after we learned Trump stole documents.


It's almost like those that own our media have a vested interest in keeping Trump around


The only standards republicans have are double.


If it wasn't for double standards, they wouldn't have any.


Vote blue down the line and send a message


I am Canadian so I have to vote red, or orange, or green, blue are our Republican Jr's. We had to do at least one thing a little different than our underpants.


You have to look at it from the perspective that the only thing certain types of people care about is winning, but winning legitimately is impossible, because they kind of suck. Therefore, they look for any means to attack their opponents, legitimately or otherwise, and then accuse their opponents of doing the same. It's not about standards. Nobody *actually cares* what Hunter did or didn't do, they care that they can use him to hurt Joe, both politically and personally. That's the end goal, and *that justifies any means*.


If they didn't have double-standards, they'd have none at all.


Shit like this is precisely why right wing outlets push these kinds of stories. They need to kick up enough smoke to cover the fire.


All they have anymore are false premises, and false equivalences are an endless source.


Yep. Jimmy Kimmel said just 32 more felony convictions and Hunter can run for head of the Republican Party.


“There’s no way Trump will get away this time!” Trump gets away again. “Ah well nevertheless.”


He sees no meaningful repercussions and nevertheless he persisted. Truly a privilege bro story. I'mma sell it to the Hallmark channel, promise you half, and never pay.


No, he got charged for lying on a federal firearm form. He only had the firearm for 11 days. Different situation


Yes, Trump has done far far worse.




First thing I thought, didn't Hunter literally just get convicted for this just a couple days ago? Wtf


No he was charged and convicted for lying. Definitely worthy of all the press and talk of prison time. I wonder how many people lie on that form and why they chose to prosecute this specific person.


Vaguely similar, sorta. Difference is that Biden wasn't a convicted felon. Nor were there any drug charges.


It's been funny watching Republicans demanding Hunter be charged for a gun law violation when the vast majority of Republicans vote against any gun laws.😂 That's some tough mental gymnastics there.


Plus Trump and his son Don Jr we all know do Cocaine.


Yes and convicted. Daddy did not interefere.


Hunter Biden just got convicted for something like this.


> Donald Trump, recently convicted on 34 felony charges related to falsifying business records, admitted to New York officials that he had not surrendered a gun he possesses in Florida but that was registered in New York, according to CNN. It is a federal crime for someone convicted of a felony to possess a firearm or ammunition. > An official who was briefed on the pre-sentencing meeting told CNN that Trump admitted to still possessing one of the three fireams listed on his New York City permit to carry concealed weapons. Two of the three pistols he was licensed to carry were handed over to police in March 2023, after his gun license was suspended in light of his arrest by the Manhattan District Attorney's office. The third gun was "lawfully moved to Florida," presumably to his estate at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, where Trump was for the remotely-conducted hearing. > Palm Beach police told CNN that they were not told of any gun that Trump might have, and none were turned over to them since his conviction in May. The New York City Police Department has now notified police in Florida and asked them to take appropriate action.


Appropriate action is arrest him for owning a weapon. I'll bet the farm there are several at Mar-A-Lago.


Looks like federal agents are going to have to drop by that shit hole again


Oh man someone left the gas on when they were done… shucks.


"Oh, look at what else we've found!"


More classified documents


Great, he's going to claim that they are coming to assassinate him again.


Sure, his 20 violations of a federal gag order didn't even earn a wrist slap, but they are gonna put cuffs on him over a firearm charge.


I wonder why he kept one gun, maybe he was thinking of his idol and how it might come in handy


I can’t figure out why he would ever bother to get a gun at all. This guy’s whole life is a hermetically-sealed bubble; what use could possibly come up for a gun??


I'd bet money it's a tacky gold-plated Desert Eagle that has never had a round fired from it. You know who else liked gold-plated guns? Saddam Hussein. Another dictator Trump has praised.


He toured a gun shop when he was still just charged and not yet convicted and they had a gun with trump's face engraved on it and he said he was going to buy it, then everyone pointed out that you can't buy a gun when you're facing a felony charge so who knows if it went through. But point is, I bet it's something like that that has his face or 45 engraved on it.


He wants his acolytes to know he has one.


Family pet not acting the way you want? Just listing examples I’ve seen recently.


Lol. It's not like his fingers are long enough to reach the trigger. 


He's apparently owned a small pistol for a very long time.


Several gun companies were selling tacky Trump edition firearms. Like a gold TRUMP 45 Colt. 45. He doesn't care that it's a gun. He cares that it's a physical representation of someone kissing his ass.


He can't be a wise guy without a piece!


It's just a prop.


🤞🤞Follow the leader (Fuhrer) Donny, follow the leader🤞🤞 Fingers crossed. That or nature simply hurry up and take its course. He is already a half decade beyond the average life expectancy of a US Male (did you know U and S also spell us?) He is morbidly obese, eats fatty garbage every day and stringently *avoids* exercise. To top it all off he is steeped in hatred and vitriol from the time he peels his greasy orange mug from his My Pillow in the morning to the time the amphetamines wear off and he passes out rage posting on fake twitter in the evening. Why can't this sloppy POS just fall over and expire?


He's going to fall over the edge of the cognitive cliff within the next five years. And that's being *generous*.




Adjust the FYI Hitler is the one shot himself in the head Eva Braun took cyanide okay I just want to clear that up for you okay


Whoa did not think nyc would take action


Trump is a crime machine. The dude is committing new crimes, while he was just convicted of previous crimes, and while he is waiting for his trials of yet other crimes.


If only he'd see some consequences for some of them...


I say stay tuned because Merchan hasn’t sentenced him yet.


We've heard that so many times that it sounds entirely hollow. Ring me up when he actually faces some consequences. Whatever sentence Merchan comes up with (you can bet it won't be as stringent as possible because even Merchan showed him extra consideration because he's a presidential candidate), it's gonna be appealed to death and in just couple more months it'll be election season. Either Americans elect Biden for President again or Trump gets in the office and declares himself President for life. By now it should be abundantly clear to everyone that US legal system is incapable of holding a rich white man accountable. Any average person would've been behind bars, Rosenbergs were executed for committing just a fraction of crimes Trump did (the classified documents case, anyone with two braincells to rub together should understand what Trump did with those documents).


I remain hopeful. I know it’s a trash situation to be sure, but I hope it works out.


He has just been fined 250 million dollars, he owes E Jean Carroll another 90 million and he’s just been found guilty of a felony. Justice is slow but his actions are having consequences.




He can't pardon himself from the civil judgements, but the fucked up thing is that, a second term trump would be way more effective at his grift, with a lot more incentive to sell any and everything he can. The county next door bothering you? Spend $100m at my hotel and we'll have an aircraft carrier in range within the week. $500m gets you a full "peacekeeping" package, $1b gets you all that plus 100% media blackout.


I'm surprised he didn't use the affluenza defense - What, I'm suppose to follow the laws even though I'm rich? I've never followed them in my whole life and thought I was above them... Worked for that Ethan Couch in Texas.


The trails he must sit through are the only consequences this man will ever face. I hope he spends the rest of his life in court... I hope he dies in court.


He’s been a criminal his whole life. That makes him smart! /s


I guess Rep. Biggs was right about committing 3 felonies a day but he was wrong that it was an average American.


They're not crimes when you're rich and famous. You can just go up to the DOJ and grab it by the pussy


He commits more crimes before breakfast each morning than 50% of Americans combined.


Lock him up.


Lock. Him. Up.


Oh I hope Biden brings this up every time anyone mentions Hunter's felony conviction for essentially the same thing.


Looks like we need another kick-door at Mar-A-Lago. Can't have felons running \`round with guns.


>Palm Beach police told CNN that they were not told of any gun that Trump might have, and none were turned over to them since his conviction in May. The New York City Police Department has now notified police in Florida and asked them to take appropriate action.


Desantis will make 100% sure that any cops that do not toe the GOP line will lose their badge. Desantis hates Trump but he has more partisan pride than personal morals.


I agree that it's something to consider, but I'm not going to assume it unless it actually happens.


I have zero knowledge of this specific part of US law, but being a federal crime wouldn't a federal agency like the FBI have jurisdiction?


Every single property.


he needs to be prepared to pull his 'Fifth Avenue' power move.


Yes, it remains yet to be experimentally tested


"this will keep me out of jail fer sure"


Trump is an unorganized crime boss. He's so bad at criming


He's like an inept John Gotti. Imagine if he was half as smart as Gotti. The horror, the horror...


He’s Don Potti


He's bad at everything. But yeah, wannabe crimeboss who can't even do that right.


Putin’s been a wee bit busy and had to take his hand out of trumps rump.


He also killed more people than all the wars in American history combined, kept top secret documents in his bathroom, tried to kill his running mate during an armed coup which he organized after his plan to defraud an election failed, had Nancy Pelosi's husband's skull beaten in with a hammer, and enriched himself with his position at every opportunity. The guy has committed higher crimes than any person in American history, and he walks free because the entire GOP is his accomplice.


His ineptitude and outright interference killed more Americans from Covid than died on 9/11.


That's not even close to his body count. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.


At the absolute height of the pandemic, it was about a 9/11's worth of deaths every 1-2 days.




>His ineptitude and outright interference killed more Americans from Covid than died on 9/11. Uh...that's off by almost an order of magnitude. The deaths he caused with COVID were more than **a 9/11 a day every single day for over a year.**


Imagine Hunter Biden saving America by setting a precedent that takes out Trump. 🤣


Big dickens strikes again!


For fucks sake, put this piece of shit behind bars already. What does he have to do, literally shoot a judge in the face during court proceedings? Enough of this bullshit ticklefest. Lock him the fuck up. Yesterday.


In unrelated news. Desantis signs law stating florida will not honour felony convictions from other states that will disenfranchise gun rights.


Well, he already said convicted felon Trump will be allowed to vote in his state. The gun charges are federal so he doesn't have any say in that. I am sure SCOTUS will uphold the law though. /s I hate this timeline.


I can't tell if this is a silent /s or not.


Scary right?


Lock him up. Anyone else would be.


Because he’s currently above the law everywhere in the US except New York State. He’s telling you he’s breaking the law because he knows you can’t do shit about it.


he maybe able to justify his retention of it, under medical circumstances...cleaning his ears, or to remedy his ...tinnitus


There is nothing between his ears


If he wants to keep his gun so he can clean his ears with it, I'm all for it. Someone make sure his Adderall script stays filled while we're at it. 


Felon just doing felonious things…


Doe 174 could get another felony


Trump calls it a gun, but Stormy calls it a mushroom.


I’m so tired of this disgusting POS.


And yet , once again, he walks free.


It's crazy because a MASSIVE portion of the republican base has felony convictions and still own firearms. No stink about them. This is all a show.


Drug test him like the Republicans are wanting. Can’t have any gun owners on anything.


Throw that charge on the pile and go looking for the 4473 forms that match the serial numbers of those pistols. Love to see who signed them.


Someone call Palm Beach County SWAT and report a felon with a gun.


Maybe the judge will take what Trump said about this into account when sentencing.


Bro just can't help it. Gotta be breaking a law at all times


That’s how long Hunter Biden unlawfully had his gun. Let’s be fair to Trump and prosecute him just the same as the president’s son!


That and his Adderall addiction could make it three more felonies.


So he admitted another felony? Lock him up ... twice?


So CNN had reported that his NY gun license was suspended during the trial, but he supposedly legally moved the gun to Florida before his conviction. Once convicted, any gun is no longer legal, so how did he not surrender it?


That's a charge, same as Hunter's this time


I have met a lot of people in jail for just such a thing.


Republicans are never not hypocrites. They thrive on shoving it in the faces of others.


How the hell is this ok?


Trump may be lying about having a gun. If he had a gun he'd have to show people. He was on Howard Sterns radio show years ago and implied he was carrying but wouldn't show Stern. He was lying. He likes to act tough. He's had security around him for years. I doubt, he'd make the effort to carry a gun.


Imagine him trying to shoot a gun? Dude doesn't even know how to hold a bottle of water.


Lock him up!!!


So does the ATF come to your house after a felony conviction and take away your guns, or are you just expected to turn them in or otherwise get rid of them with the honor system? How's this supposed to work and what's the typical timeline for compliance?


Oh I would LOVE if they arrested his ass again for that...Hunter literally just got convicted of violating a gun law and more than one person said "No one is above the law" after the verdict. We're waiting...


Time out if he really has a gun they don’t have a choice but to lock him up. You can’t lock up Hunter(f Hunter he was guilty idc about that dude) and just let him walk with a gun while being a felon. The whole system is a joke and always has been


(561) 227-6464 is the number to Palm Beach Police if anyone happens to live down there or even be on vacation down there and feel unsafe given a 'gulp' convicted felon has.......a gun.


Please update title so it is accurate *"Convicted felon Donald Trump admits he still has a gun,..."*


A criminal still doing criminal things? I’m shocked! Fucking shocked I tells ya!


For a "stable genius", he seems to be woefully misinformed. Confessing another Felony seems unwise.


They were complaining what trump was found guilty of “every company does” Can’t wait for the hypocrisy


Lock him the fuck up forever and let him rot. Or let him shoot himself.


That's the respect he has for the USA, right there. You're seeing it. What a uh patriot. Sounds more like every other criminal out there.


Are we sure he isn’t just referring to his tiny mushroom penis?


Shit hunter got convicted and only possessed the gun for 11 day and this man a felon and facing many more packing heat lord have mercy needs put under the jail shit half the country screwed up on some kind of drugs packing guns are we all getting felony charges for just wanting to have a little fun


Yes it is!! Convicted many in the grand jury I was on for 5 years. Teenagers to old men don't understand You're a felon and you got a gun you go to jail!


The painful irony of a convicted felon not being allowed to have a gun, but he can most certainly have his stubby little fingers on the nuclear button. VOTE BLUE.


You know the scene when the police raid a drug house and a dealer runs out of the back of the house shooting at em? I can see this fat orange turd doing this.


Show me what you will do about this! Law and order!!


Refused the drug test as well. No problem


Lock him up.


…… his probation officer sleeping?


That's the one I would test to see if it matches any unsolved crimes.


He’s not in control of his own mind? A gun? Are you all mad?


Give Trumpasshat a drug test and see what other felonies he's committing, as well as mere gun possession. Such a corrupt bastard that his camel toe neck has tie fungus.


When you are under the protection of what is probably the best trained protection service in the world, why do you need a gun? I mean I know it’s your “right” under the constitution, although the reality is a bit broken when you’re allowed to keep a gun to protect against the actions of the government when you are literally the chief executive officer of the government


“Biggest, beautifulest gun ever. I have a friend, he says, probably because of my pedophile past, that if I was on his island, I’d have the best gun there and meet my future wife!”


Dude just needs to f off already like yesterday . Vote blue through and through


Go directly to Jail


So will anyone in authority do anything about this? Of course not, it’s America the greatest corrupt country in the world,


I’m sure Hunter wants to know.


Someone can tell me how I'm wrong, but my understanding is that Trump technically is not a convicted felon until the judge makes it official at his sentencing hearing in July. If true, he still has about a month to get his shit figured out.


Yes, the judge will specify conditions and this will be one of them. He will in writing transfer ownership and as long as they are locked up in a safe out of reach within such specified conditions it will be legal. If overturned ownership can be transferred back. Now in the meantime between now and sentencing, if he is found by law enforcement in possession of a firearm, that will become another matter. Neither DT or Hunter will see a jail cell. This shit is political theater. I’m sure this will get downvoted, but it is the truth. These rich fucks live a different set of rules than we do.


So let me get this straight, a convicted felon brags that he has guns the day after Hunter Biden is convicted of having a gun illegally? So… this is a slam dunk right?


AH, 34 felony charges what's one more, at this point Donald should be a lifer at Riker's, Trump can have a cell next to Biden and Biden can kick the crap out of him every day


So they are going to do something about this right? Jail or whatnot right? Eh eh?


He is so desperate to get into a jail, so his chumps will send more money than usual to his campaign.


“When you see these towns and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just see them thrown in, rough, and I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice.’”


Lock him up.


God this guy is such a dummy 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


He’s right, it is unfair & he’s being treated differently than most felons. How many felons are allowed to openly talk about violence to others, brag about having a gun, mock a judge and try to intimidate a jury, go on tv and praise his criminal accolades? He sure is getting treated differently and I hope that any felon who watches him and sees how irresponsible, inconsiderate he is towards them, towards working class people, towards the democratic process gets that moment of clarity that he is a danger to America and that he is actually a grifter, a felon, a compulsive liar, and a entitled prick who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


why the hell is trump treated differently than everyone else. this is terrible we the people need this crap to end


#lock him up


Donald Trump is above & beyond the law. So are Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito & Harlan Crow. This is no conspiracy theory. Isn't it plain obvious about the four I just mentioned? Who else? I don't know.


If they don't take it from him then it's ok for anyone with any kind of felony to own a gun. Thats basically what they are telling you. It would also give some one that gets got with a gun that has a felony a good case in court.


Pretty sure gun crimes were "serious business" this week?


Can somebody please just abort this sack of shit already?


As I understand it from the experts, in NY you are not a convicted felon until you are sentenced. So he will be one on 7/11 but not yet.


He can go on air and show the gun and not one fucking thing would be done about it...


One rule for me, another for thee.


In all honesty, I can’t imagine he is even physically able to shoot or reload it.


Those rules don’t apply to the ultra wealthy


Wait wasn't Bidens son convicted of something similar?


Put Hunter in Jail, then you have to try Trump for it. Only fair.


The judge hasn’t entered conviction into record until sentencing. He’s not technically a felon yet.


Felony or no, the possibility that this toddler has a firearm should be terrifying enough. There is no way he knows or practices even basic gun safety.


He should hide it in his mouth, barrel first.


Yeah and a drug addict too, just like what Biden was just convicted of. Why would he need a gun anyway with SS protection 24/7?


The Convict has provided clear proof that there are two Americas: one the wealthy and powerful live in, and one everyone else struggles in. To include his smooth-brained supporters.


Feel like we just went through this...


He’s trying to get a jail sentence, don’t y’all get it?


Lock that MF up NOW!!!!! Somebody grow a sack for f*ck’s sake!!!


Seems like the kind of thing the judge might take into consideration during sentencing.