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And according to his ex-wife, Ivana Trump, Trump kept a book of Hitler speeches beside his bed: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/18/donald-trump-campaign-rhetoric-cnc-vpx.cnn


I honestly didn’t think this vile excuse for a human being could stoop any lower. SMFH


There are no depths of awfulness that he won’t stoop to.


Well...to effectively drain the swamp you have to see how deep it gets right?


Straight to the bottom to become the swamp monster


There is no bottom


There is, but it's contained by a diaper which it seems gives licence to free flow as much shit as possible


Indeed there isn’t with him.


Pardon my attitude, Trump has laid out his plans to put his "Political " enemies in camps....As well as "Homeless people too...


Don't forget immigrants.


That was rude of me....I should say anyone he dislikes


He isn't going to give homeless people tents is he?


Don't know, he said he will put them in camps where they can get the help they need.....Republicans giving "Help" to anyone....Rare happening


"The help that they need" could mean making them slave workers or killing them if they are useless to them.


*Summons Billy Mays ghost* “BUT WAIT, THERES MORE!”


He's done much worse and that's just what we know about, I dread to think about the worst of the worst of his actions we may never know about All he did here was add a new angle to his appalling character


You joking right mate? He’s got 5 months still.


A little bit lower and we can push him into the oven


He's a rapist. How much more vile can one get?


Same guy that said "Any Jew that votes for Biden should be ashamed of themselves" Truly a disgusting POS


For whatever reasons I can't post a gif. So insert the it's always sunny "I can go lower" gif here.....


When he hits the bottom of a hole, he digs out a shovel and digs down.


The pig probably thought he was being clever.


Wait until tomorrow :D


In his head he thinks he's clever.


No wonder someone said he kept Hitler's book near his beside


I have a hard timing believing that, but only because it requires believing that Trump is capable of reading a thick book with no pictures.


That's because it wasn't Mein Kampf. It was My New Order, a collection of Hitler's speeches which does indeed contain photographs.


Yep, Ivana told her lawyer that: [Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.](https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/e515a2cd-a51b-4f83-8d61-6ebb9a104e0a)


Trump defended himself saying his friend Marty gave him that book, and that Marty was Jewish. The reporter followed up with Marty, who said he was *not* Jewish, and he had given Trump a *different* Hitler book.


It was his ex-wife if I remember correctly, or IIRC.


Yup, the one who's buried at one of his golf courses. 


Yeah I doubt he has anything next to his bed for reading.


Pretty sure it was the ex wife


State of the Union is as follows  If it was a conservative he had it for research purposes.  If it was a liberal it was a signed copy. 


Every time Donald Trump raises his fist. It’s so close to a Nazi symbol. I just don’t get how nobody has mentioned it. Just like some of the others in the Republican party it says if they’re giving a Nazi symbol. Treasonous Republicans should all be called out and locked up.


He is pure evil. The devil incarnate.


Excuse me? Please review your Bible again. You will find that Satan offers reasonable alternatives to adversity. Trump is not reasonable at all.


Also famously sticks to contracts.


You should never besmirch the devil that way. He's obviously innocent and not associated with P01135809s fucked-upness.


The devil is intelligent and cunning- Donny is just a rich brat


Why, thank you...


I mean honestly, is anyone really truly surprised by this at this point?


No, nothing he says or does surprises me.


I'd be very surprised if he said something decent or compassionate, but that will never happen. He's been in the public eye since the eighties and he has never, *ever* said a single thing that wasn't devised to benefit him in some way, either by denigrating his target of the moment or by making him seem more important than he is. He's literally incapable of acting like a civilized human being.


Thank you.


My pleasure.


No one who is not a cult member is surprised, and none of the cult members will care.


I am surprised that he reads..


it’s why this won’t make a sound in the grand scheme. it’s sick that we’re all used to something so egregious being a nothing burger. it’s disturbing and a condemnation on our society…for a man who’s running for the highest office in the world. it’s really dark. 


"...'Watch out for this guy, he sort of remembers the ovens,’ and then smiled,”  Talking to her some Jewish executives.


Here’s the thing. He doesn’t have a sense of humor and he doesn’t joke…


If we elect this fucking guy into office, we really are the dumbest fucking nation in the world. Brain dead fucks supporting this guy.


Agreed. It's wild. Voting blue no matter what because we really can't elect this piece of shit monster.


Remember when Howard Dean was deemed to be unfit for office because he raised his voice at a rally? Good times.


Shows you the level of conviction Americans had at that time in voting their conscience. Not saying it’s better now.


And this is bibi’s bigly pal. Eff them both.


Peace for the Middle East may be possible with the Palestinian Authority. Peace for Gaza is unlikely with Hamas. Peace for Israel is beyond impossible with Bibi.


How do the people at the onion and other satire news sites stay in business when every possible headline about him sounds like an onion headline


I remember when the possibility of this being true would torpedo someone’s political career. Half the country will go through the usual cycle: 1) he didn’t say that 2) he said it but he didn’t mean it 3) he meant it but it was a joke 4) he wasnt joking but you just have TDS


40% of Americans admire his vulgarity


I am convinced that his support is vastly exaggerated.


65 millions votes in 2016 71 millions votes in 2020 ?? millions votes in 2024


Noteworthy: After the smoke cleared and all the legal challenges were resolved, audits performed, and results were in: more fraud was discovered in favor of him than for the other guy.


They are ALWAYS projecting.


From your post to God's ears.


God's ears... Let me tell you another holocaust joke. So Levi was a holocaust survivor. He was in his early 20s when it happened, but he survived. Lived to the ripe age of 85. But not a day went by that he didn't think of his friend Moishe, who did not make it through the Shoah. So, Levi gets up to heaven, and it's greeted by G*d himself. He asks G*d if Levi was around. Before G*d could answer, Levi dives into a story about how the guards at the camp were handing out the daily ration of a stale buscuit, and Moishe said "what? No schmear? No lox? A man can't live in bread and water alone, ya know?" as Levi finished the story, he burst into laughter. But after a moment, he noticed G*d wasn't laughing. So he composed himself and said "well, I guess you had to be there." Seems he isn't here either.


Support for him as a person is probably a lot lower...but they still vote for team R...even if it means selling democracy away so they can 'own the libs'.


Ugggh that's sad but probably true.


Of course he did 🤷‍♂️


The right people aren’t hearing about this….


The right people won’t hear. They don’t want to.


The "right" people did hear. They understood completely. They have responded accordingly. I think it may be you, and a great many other people, that have not grasped that *this is* the response to that knowledge.


They'll hear. They'll applaud


You can point an idiot to proof, but you can't make them read.






you do know that Jewish America overwhelming vote for Democrats right. that they are a huge a major part of any Democratic coalition.


Yeah, I’m very specifically talking about out the people who attended that meeting.


So he claims he wants to end the war, by making the war worse? If not mistaken he's also said he supports Israel destroying Palestine. So how is it he plans to end the war? By shipping in the heavy mining trucks to level the city? That said, many of us have a beef with the genocide committed by Israel and the fact that the USA, and it's allies have remained mostly neutral, and complacent. We speak out against Israel for having committed crimes against humanity, genocide and other international war crimes. However, we do not denounce the people, who live there or here, and we do not insult them, or traumatize them for self gain. I hope the executives chose not to do business with Trump. People who declare that being elected will allow them to stop a war... is a never a wining strategy for them, or the country. I recall a certain president once restarted a war that was in truce, only to prove that the man he was replacing could not keep the Truce. With both us and them convinced the war raged on and he was elected. But he failed to stop the fighting again.


>People who declare that being elected will allow them to stop a war... And I'd really like to bump this, and recall Nixon. The guy that sent his boys to tell the SVA generals that Johnson was selling them down the river. Why? Because if Johnson settled the Vietnam conflict, then Humphrey (Johnsons VP) was absolutely going to win the election. And then, when Nixon failed to magically fix a conflict only rivaled in complexity by Israel/Palestine, he went to the negotiation table with a worse version of Johnson's plan. And that's absolutely the same thing that will happen here.


I think you remembered the history I was having trouble remembering. I know this has all happened before. Those who seek power... Then we have more recently had multiple pro Trump USA senators who tried some thing very similar to what Nixon did. If I recall it was to pen a letter, telling IRAN that the deal Obama signed could not be upheld, in reality They themselves chose not uphold. But they penned the letter to say that Obama could not uphold the deal. Basically they sold out the United States to fuel a fight, just to spite Obama. If we could have tried them, it would have been the trial of the century and Trump having lost his support from within would have gone into hiding. Treason, is a card we refuse to apply. But there it stands. No less than two examples where for political gain men have used their authority to screw over the country and the greater international community for their own gain. -And on the note of treason, Trump is no stranger, but the above scenario does not apply to his other occurrences. And then we have a man who makes impossible promises, to a group of people who hold ideals that are not at all in line with keeping the republic, but instead destroying it and making it a new, in a form more familiar to long defeated enemies. His allies stand ready state to state, waiting on the signal to attack their neighbors. The goal being to take this country for themselves, to divide it into 4 separate territories, one can guess what that will look like. With all that said, make no mistake. I don't believe Biden can or will stop the war either. Both Trump and Biden have kissed the ring, and are unable to move against Israel. I think Biden is doing all he can to not support Israel without breaking our treaties. As president he lacks the authority to punish Israel and too many in congress are too loyal, and would not allow him. Trump would talk a better game, but in the end he's more likely to send US Troops and weapons to aid Israel, not stop the war. I don't think this will become a new case of treason, but he will tell more lies (as if thats new).


That idiot Bibi sucks up to him and refuses to work with Biden to end the situation in Gaza.




I agree. This woman has a book out detailing her 18 years with Trump. Like where were you in 2015, lady?


“Let me pull something he said 26 years ago, probably out of context, and grill him for it.” I can’t say I don’t have my reservations about him but crucifying him for something he said 26 years ago seems a bit much.


Depends. And really, in the interest of fairness, I'd extend far past him to include all public figures. There was a time when dropping slurs and telling foul jokes was acceptable. And it wasn't that long ago. A lot of people were doing it. But a lot of people have apologized for their past behavior. Trump, on the other hand, has doubled down.


a bit much, is it though? what he said was fucking horrific, regardless of when it was said. not the least bit surprised he said it, but i think the reaction is warranted.


Since trump has insulted every ethnic group in our country, I just don’t understand how he can still have so many followers still worshipping him. At this point, the only people dumber than trump are his supporters.


Trump should be toast! But rural ignorant Christians love him!


this is exactly what happens when your peen tells your brain “fuck you i’m drivin’!”


I hope the MAGAts are listening but I seriously doubt it.


They're too busy buying supplies so they can help him get the ovens built faster.


I wonder if his son-in-law heard his "joke".


His best feature brings himself to every battle or meeting or presentation. Smartest guy in every room always right, never mis-states anything. Note though at one rally in 2021 he suggested okbto get vaccine, instant loud booing from the worshippers, he almost instantly tied in " oh but you have your freedom" saved himself from who knows what. At that point he could still read the room and respond quickly. I think we are seeing him in no longer able to do that. My feeling is his corporate level support is slipping, big shots are seeing that he's not well


Ironically wants to have sex with a Jewish woman aka his daughter.


I fucking hate him


Remember, trump is all about projecting what he thinks. I hope that sinks in to the voter more, to the horror of just how bad he really is.


I may not be a career politician but I don't think making a joke about Nazi Ovens to jews is good for your political career. I can't believe that half the Americans will happily vote for that man. I guess that tells us that the quality of American political leaders has fallen significantly.


These are republicans, he can make the worst most offensive jokes, they will still vote for him!


It's not surprising given their hostility to immigrants like Hispanics and Muslims and other minorities. They will obviously vote for a racist.


I have a moronic libertarian coworker who insists Biden is just as bad. I don't know how you can make any such comparison in any reality. Trump supporters are cult members.


He could literally eat a baby on live TV and the MAGA zombies wouldn't care


Alas, it doesn't matter. The more he does this, the more he 'entertains' and desensitises people. His followers become more emboldened. It becomes acceptable discourse to insult and threaten violence. Wringing our hands and fretting over this on Reddit forums is not going to change anything, apart from remind ourselves we still have empathy and humanity. The Genie is out of the bottle, and it's enablers, at the upper end, have more money than us, appear to be more organised, and have tentacles everywhere. Get out and vote.


Just in. Trump is an idiot.


How can so many people support someone that wants to be an American version of Hitler. He’s monstrous. Supporting this is wrong.


Average Christian Zionist behavior


It's fine. Jewish people love him like the king of Israel and they see him as the second coming of God. https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1164138795475881986 https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1164138796205654016


It’ll be their first coming. The other coming didn’t count.


Orthodox Jews love him That’s the smallest group of Jews in the USA or anywhere


And like before you would think something will happen because of this nothing will


He needs to….go away


I have a feeling that those jewish execs would be the "jews for Hitler" types back in the late 1930s.


While I don't doubt Trump loves to make off color jokes, please come with something fresher than a 30 year old anecdote.


Spoiler alert: to him, it's not a joke.


If it’s not on tape or video it doesn’t matter. All of these people have come forward with awful shit he’s said. I’m sure he said it all. But no one has the receipts so his cultists and swing voters won’t care. In this day and age if there’s No proof then it’s just white noise unfortunately.


Of course he did.


Seems on brand


Absolutely bonkers that anyone supports this piece of shit


Oh *fuuuuuuuuuuck* no.


I'll just leave this here: [Shoes from those killed at Auchwitz](https://israelnoticias.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Yad-Vashem-Archives-Pile-of-Shoes-at-Auschwitz.jpg)


“Too soon?” D. Trump




Are we seriously here? In America. Jesus Christ!


Trump was heard to say “what’s the worst thing about be black and Jewish? Having to sit at the back of the oven!”


They'll still kiss the ring.


Let’s all follow the false idol


Kanye has entered the chat


“Everybody was shocked,” she said. “I cannot believe he said that. He was making a joke about the Nazi ovens and eating people.” I think she needs to review her history. The ovens weren't for cooking.


I think I may have to cut off my friends who decided to support him .


I can only imagine he would have come by such filth in the company of filth, like on a flight with a certain Jeffrey Epstein perhaps.


Trump loves to assert dominance once he sees that a cynical power grab has got someone on the hook. It locks them in as subordinates who will put up with anything because of the cognitive dissonance of letting him get away with it the first time


lmao it's like he's trying to get fired on purpose.


I would not be surprised if the only way trump loses voters is if he did something decent and normal.


It would be refreshing if every time Trump opened his mouth, someone simply asked him if he could commit, then and there, to qualifying his remarks as either deadly serious or a joke in poor taste. Because it’s always both and he can’t commit to anything. He couldn’t be more of a **Politician** if they grew him in a lab. Sure, MAGA takes everything he says deadly seriously even as they insist he’s kidding. But that’s because they worship a **Politician** who may have been grown in a vat for the express purpose of becoming a **Politician**.


So... Married a Jewish woman. On Friday afternoon, she asked "would you warm up the oven for me?"


Somehow I’m not getting any objectivity here


Wow. He did this in 1998. I'm glad she forgot about it until this election cycle when Biden needs a miracle to win




And they still worked for him …. Next




Pretty convincing argument you came up with there. Would you care to elaborate, or is a mindless knee jerk reaction your full response?


Not here to convince you of anything.


So your ridiculous comment is pointless? That tracks. Back to the bot farm with you, yorgi


Disgusting pig making disgusting jokes? Impossible!