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And he will.


he already did..


As he sells off pretty much everything. It’s why he wants to be president because it’s so profitable for him. He appointed a Supreme Court justice with zero trial to verdict experience as a judge or lawyer, because he was paid to. He appointed a career oil and gas industry lobbyist and litigator as secretary of the interior because he was paid to. He appointed a billionaire heiress with zero education experience as Secretary of Education because he was paid to. He held on to classified documents because there are plenty willing to pay a lot to see them. Everything is for sale.


Oh and he didn't divest himself from his company either, which should also be a fucking crime.


Oh, it IS! It’s called the Emoluments Clause. It’s in the Constitution. Trump should have been impeached for it, but McConnell was pretty comfortable ignoring that one.  


Let's not forget the Democrat politicians are partially responsible. Even if they couldn't do anything in congress, they should be speaking to the media and the American people every single day about it. If the American people knew the details of half they shit the GOP does, they probably wouldn't vote for them.


I think you overestimate a good number of people in this country who will literally vote for the scum of the earth (ahem.. Trump) simply because he’s “on their team”. Or, because they are flat out awful people/awfully stupid people and they love having someone in power that allows them to feel comfortable in showing the rest of the world just how awful and stupid they really are.


It took me a minute to figure out what gift he had received from a foreign nation then it hit me His hotel housed a fair few foreign officials which absolutely violates the emoluments clause Emoluments clause: https://www.britannica.com/story/what-is-the-emoluments-clause Foreign officials at Trumps hotel (some from hostile nations): https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2021/10/10/trumps-dc-hotel-hosted-foreign-officials-from-these-33-countries-while-he-was-in-office/


My whole I naively believed a man like Trump could never come to power. The guy who said the only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing knew what the hell he was talking about.


Yeah. Pardons are commonly sold. Trump had a bunch of people actively selling them to a long list of people.




No, money down!


Yes. Yes indeed.


Presidents have commonly sold them? Or they were commonly sold under Trump? That’s a huge jump there


He pardoned the rapper lil’ Wayne. Rumours are that they paid or contributed $2 Million in addition to campaigning for Trump and getting other celebrities like Snoop Dogg to do appearances at Trump rallies.


Don’t forget Kodak black. His pardons were wild.


I still can’t believe that. This country is so corrupt after Trump it amazes me.


Yeah, when will the US finally step in and bring some democracy to that poor third world country? Oh, wait..


To be fair it was corrupt before, they just weren’t so brazen.


So this is the one that got my attention the most. Wayne has been a pioneer in the genre for decades and has been known to do charity work and blah blah so it's odd trump did that one bc he's so racist but I didn't balk too hard. when I saw bill kapri (Kodak) on the list I said there's no fucking chance that happened without money exchanging hands


And Kwame the corrupt mayor of Detroit got a pardon too!


Wait Snoop did Trump rallies? Damn, my opinion of him has down the drain now. Yeah wasn't the best person when he was young, but its not like he needs the money atm.


Snoop and 50 cent are trumpers. and lil wayne


That changed when he pardoned his buddy, the co-founder of Death Row Records: https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/snoop-dogg-love-respect-donald-trump-pardon-1235591279/amp/


> Snoop Dogg to do appearances at Trump rallies. Which Trump rally did Snoop go to?


Snoop went to trump rallies?


Clinton pardoned Marc Rich after his ex made large donations to the dems.  Trump took it to a new level but his legacy is so horrible we miss so much of his terrible actions.


> Clinton pardoned Marc Rich after his ex made large donations to the dems. There's deeper irony here. Rich illegally sold arms to Iran. GW Bush also pardoned the six leaders of the Iran-Contra scandal, when republicans were illegally selling arms to Iran immediately prior to Clinton. Yes Clinton is wrong for the pardon, but yet again, republicans were massively worse than the democrats.


Normally it wasn't as obvious, but pardons have for sure been given out to big donors or who they wanted to get a pardon in the past.


can we get Trump NFT indulgences yet I hear they should be hitting the market soon? Each one has a unique artwork showing the specific crime you are allowed to commit. I got my eye on the the NFT with the waving "vergogna" flag on it, but perhaps I've shared too much.


Just before trump left office, Joel Greenberg (the scumbag that organised trysts for Matt Gaetz with underage women) contacted Roger Stone, begging him to convince trump to grant him a pardon. Stone told Greenberg that if he paid him $250,000 he could make it happen. Greenberg sent him $250k in Bitcoin. Whereupon Stone stopped talking to him, and then almost immediately "coincidentally" received a pardon himself from trump. 


Yep Clinton also did some dodgy pardons as well.  Now they can just be direct transactions rather than nod and wink.


Especially since bribes after the fact are now legal. Thanks SCOTUS.


First thing he will do is ban real journalists so that no one can report on it


I'm pretty sure that was already banned in 2003 under W


Don't be crazy, no one's going to ban any journalists. *places bag under driver seat and connects wire lead to car ignition


[Trump pardons ex-media mogul who wrote flattering book about him](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-pardons-ex-media-mogul-who-wrote-flattering-book-about-him) edit: Also, Conrad Black was in Epstein's little black book.


Project 2025 is about removing any remaining checks and balances that stand in the way of the Republican agenda. Unfortunately, "Project 2025" has already been underway for some years, but now they believe they have enough momentum that they don't even need to hide it any longer.


The Heritage Foundation president said this week that there are still some line items in P25 that they are not yet sharing Can only guess at how heinous those are


No doubt quite heinal retentive....


Lemme guess: the last line item crossed off was: have SCOTUS grant the presidency immunity from the law.


You're thinking far too low-stakes. If you think they're ending at that, then you haven't been paying attention. Their end-goal is camps for undesirables, where they'll be worked to death and slowly exterminated.


This shit goes back to Goldwater but most Americans have always been too bought into the narrative that somehow other working class schmucks are their greatest threat.


Unironically we are because we allow this shit to influence us so much. We sit idly and let these people push the narratives they want and we are all dumb enough to keep electing right wing nut jobs and impotent Dems that are also fairly conservative. As long as the money flows to the top they encourage us to eat each other and we don't hesitate to do so.


The Heritage Foundation this morning proudly declared that they want a “Second Revolution” (they apparently didn’t consider the South’s secession from the United States a proper revolution). So, yep, they don’t need to hide their plans anymore. Trump’s favorability among registered Republicans has spiked in 2 days.


Funny how many Republicans used to bash Muhammad for being a child rapist, and yet now are perfectly happy to have one as their leader. What kind of heritage is that, exactly?


**’murican heritage, man! ‘murican** Praise Jeebuss!


Yeah, it's not start the project in 2025. It's complete the project in 2025.


2017 Trump puts kids in cages 2025 Trump puts kids in shredders.


Labor camps would be more profitable. And more likely. Political opponents on the other hand…


Political **'rivals'** more like. 'Opponents' don't have power, rivals on the other hand could *take* power from him. 2026 Trump puts RINOs in shredders, Ron Desantis finds out he's a RINO now, as does Mike Pence and Matt Gaetz and Kevin Roberts. 2028 Trump puts Clarence Thomas in the shredder for *'judging while black'*, and Brett Kavanaugh for *looking at him in a funny way*. Declares he will act as interim SCOTUS now.


You’re assuming Trump lives that long. They just need him to get to the finish line. There’s scarier people out there. He’s been the smoke and mirrors guy but we all see the writing on the wall. The VP pick? Federalist Society? Who knows. He’s only useful alive as long as he less useful as a martyr.


Wishful thinking at best. [Remember when Putin pretended to be sick and dying](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claims_of_Vladimir_Putin%27s_incapacity_and_death), just after the Ukraine invasion, both in 2014 when he had fake cancer, and in 2022 when he had a fake mystery illness that would kill him soon. His mouthpieces spread the idea that you didn't need to support Ukraine, you just needed to wait a little bit till Putin dies.... psych! He didn't die again! He does it regularly. Trump power structures are not Project 2025 or the RNC or the Federalists, his power structure is Putin and Russia based. He's just their figure head agreed, but its not the power structure you are pointing to.




Brothels and labor camps


Just had to make it more gross 😞


Look at reality in the face. Don't turn your eyes away. This was always part of the game plan.


*Doe 174 takes notes*


Yeah so - Hillary shredded her *emails*.....


Trump: "I'm not shredding children, Obama shredded children, I put a stop to the Obama child shredders". Fox News: "Obama shredded kids shocker" Trump: \[pushes a child into an industrial shredded on live TV, blood and guts spread everywhere\] Obama made me do it. Anyway the kid was black. Fox News: "Another Obama kid shredding horror" Trump: \[pushes RINO grandkids into the shredder\] Obama something something. Fox News: "I am having my doubts about the policy of shredding kids" Trump: \[pushes Fox News presents into the shredder\] They were RINOs. Infected with TDS!


This means no millionaire, no billionaire will ever see the inside of a jail cell, no matter the crime. It also means rich people will be able to order assassinations or have sex with kids and if they get caught, pay the man in the White house and sleep in their own bed the same night.


I means it’s kinda that way already…


Not so much for Jeffrey "“He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." - DJT" Epstein, and Ghislaine ""I hope she's doing well" - DJT" Maxwell


Trump must not return to office or any position of power under any circumstance- Period. A vote against him help prevents this. NOT voting leaves the opportunity open for someone else who will. Register and vote. Because you count. Literally.


Here’s the thing: I think we may be learning that we have been living under a system or norms rather than rules (laws). We’re seeing glaring gaps (chasms) in the rules and simply hoping to have folks in power who align with the norms doesn’t fix that. We are seeing that folks who are willing to throw out the basic ideals that the country was founded on will find all the exploits in the rules and take advantage of them. The fragility of the whole thing is becoming really apparent. Thing is I’m not sure it’s possible to have the system be an air tight rules bound thing What’s really weird is it’s a hybrid of ideologues (Christian Nationslists etc) and really venal folks (money + power) that’s driving it - tough combo


>What’s really weird is it’s a hybrid of ideologues (Christian Nationslists etc) and really venal folks (money + power) that’s driving it - tough combo It's really not weird though. People who care only for money/power will happily court anyone they think can help provide it for them. They might completely disagree with many of the Nat C ideals, but it potentially means more money and power for them. As far as they see, there's little risk to them. Hell, there's even a good chunk who were on the ground floor of it, pushing for it from day 1. If you've already got power, an oligarchic system is very appealing to you. Why would you want more informed populace, more opinions, more freedom, more competition?


I’ve been thinking about that idea of gaps in the rules being exposed. Remember 9/11? The past week has felt like 9/11 all over again. A group of people who hate our freedom have been exposing weakness in our system, like you described, to try and destroy our country. It’s also like 9/11 in the incredible threat to the stability of our nation


I'd like to give it a try without saboteurs.


I mean I’m with you there - but wanting that doesn’t make it so. The world is as it is


>What’s really weird is it’s a hybrid of ideologues (Christian Nationslists etc) and really venal folks (money + power) that’s driving it - tough combo This isn't weird at all; it's basically the same groups of people who got Hitler into power.


Sheldon Wolin referred to this, and the modern US governance, as Inverted Totalitarianism. He passed a few years back now but I really feel like we're following what was prophesized step by step.


> a system or norms rather than rules (laws). I don't mean to sound trite, but rules (laws) aren't the ironclad things you're making them out to be either. At the end of the day, a law without enforcement is just an idea. If you can hijack the system of enforcement, then laws cease to matter.


And the heritage foundation leader and all the same types openly saying they will repeal the 20th century, there will be a civil war and the left will decide if it's bloodless etc... Those insane pieces of shits need jail. That's not free speech. It's literally treason from a head of a political organization.  Bunch of fucking pussies Dems. Stack the supreme court and reform the law so Christians  terrorists don't hide behind "free speech" when it's literally treason and terrorism wtf


I saw that statement from the heritage foundation. Really nutty stuff. However, it isn't unprecedented. If your ready for a dive I to some political history, pull up a YouTube video about the German American Bund. It was a pro Hitler nazi club in the US. It lasted well into ww2. Those guys make the Trump goons look pretty weak. Truly heinous crap. They had mega rallies in Madison Square garden where they did the whole openly nazi thing. Wipe out the Jews, racial purity...the whole deal. This is where we see our ability to actually respect the first amendment. We see people crying about their right to free speech ALL THE TIME when it probably doesn't apply. But here...this is exactly what it was for. As distasteful as it is, we have to avoid jailing folks for their political speech. But the moment they say anything actionable about commiting treason....heh well..I don't think those folks realize what they're up against. The moment they start their kristallnacht, they are going to find out. I just hope we never get to that.


No one is suggesting we jail people for political speach. We are suggesting we jail them for threatening our rights, constitution, and the very fabric of our society. Very different things.


Unfortunately we don't unless we live in the damn swing states. Fuck the electoral college. Edit. I understand that down ballot races local races ect. The deck has been stacked against democrats since the 2010 midterms that there is no feasible way to become balanced or fair unless democrats can win congress and a super majority in the senate (or 53 and get rid if the fillerbuster) as well as the white house. Then enact legislation to outlaw gerrymandering and get a majority on the Supreme Court. I don't see that happening because there are a handful of districts that are competitive. States like California try to play fair and have no partisans draw districts but they are offset by assholes who draw extremely lopsided districts.


State and local races are super important too, especially now.


All the way down to school board elections


Yep, Right Wing groups have been consuming school boards - protect the children!


Yeah, they're like what they think drag queens are.


Holy shit that hits


You do matter and your vote does matter, even if you’re in a red state. If people under 50 cut in half their non-voting rate, even states that are clearly red now could turn, and definitely those that are somewhat purple.


This is what people need to understand. The over 65 crowd votes, but they're only 17% of the population. The 19-35 crowd is 21% of the population. Young people outnumber the old people, but the old people always vote. The middle aged people generally vote, and is the larger share (35-64 is 39% of the population), but they're more mixed politically. Young people not voting is one of the reasons the GOP keeps winning.


The House and Senate remaining and returning to Dem control is *super* important. Trump being 47 will be bad, but if he doesn’t control Congress he will have a harder time of it, and they will be able to hand break some of project 2025. If he has Congress as well as the courts, there is no point fighting any more. Just pick which corporate overlords you’ll be swearing fealty to as the Theocracy takes over.


Wrong. House and 1/3rd of the senate are up too. All politics is local. Start there. I'm sure some races in your area matter? It has to be close in order to make your voice heard? Very strange outlook. Americans are amazing. I'll watch someone at the airport methodically divide their luggage amongst themselves, their children, and their own purse or carry-on to avoid being overweight and having to pay extra. You'll see them open up their suitcase and put on a whole show. Because that $50 is EVERYTHING. BUT, when it comes to voting we react viscerally, as though it takes a part of your soul to show up, or mail in a damn ballot. If Trump wins, we deserve it. All these wins in court he's getting are from winning in 2016! Connect the dots, fam. Edit: I really hope young people show up this time. You want to get old people out of politics, or at least be represented? You have to get involved. For perspective, I was born shortly after Reagan took office. I had just turned 10 when Clarence Thomas got Thurgood Marshall's Supreme Court seat. Look at the Havoc he was reached on all the 5-4 decisions and now, 33 years later. He's still there. Google Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barretts ages. Imagine being under their purview through the 2050s. Also, a George Bush has been president or VP for nearly half my life. Sure, Dems aren't great. But have you seen the GOP? Ignoring climate change? Russian allies? No IVF or birth control, and 10 commandments at PUBLIC School!? I'm terrified. You should be too, especially if you plan on being alive for the next 50 years....


You’re forgetting that local and state elections are equally as important. Vote Blue at every level.


There is no state so red that you can't turn it purple if enough unlikely voters show up


My state, which is always red, was 0.1% away from turning blue in 2008 when people were excited to vote for Obama. We cannot keep lying to ourselves about our votes not mattering. Yes, the electoral college is awful. But when apathy and angst are brushed away, there is more blue among us than we think.


The Supreme Idiots keep effing over this country. Expand the court.


We have to. There is no reason to not go to 13. It makes the most sense


To get it through Congress, right before the vote Biden should use his newly expanded presidential powers to detain certain Republican congressmen known for insurrectionist acts and/or inappropriate underage relations


Historians will look back and blame Joe for not stopping it before it starts. They’re right too. His biggest failure isn’t being sleepy. It’s being sleepy with the most important ruing in our history.


I don't envy the position he's in, but I agree with you. Even as the President of the US, with all the stress and responsibility that comes with the territory, he's still operating under extraordinary circumstances and is one of the only people who can currently make a measurable difference in the fight against immeasurable consequences.


Biden'll be this century's Neville Chamberlain if he doesn't act. 


He would look bad if he did this, but it would be worse if he doesn't and Trump wins


100%. Needs to be 12 with accountability monitoring. It's time for additional checks and balances not Autocracy. That is effectively the power our Presidents have. Autocratic control.


12 would not work because it would deadlock in a 6-6 split, needs to be an odd number


6-6 defers to the lower court’s judgement or established precedent. We see 4-4 fairly frequently when a judge will not concur with either decision or a liberal justice recuses themselves.


Agreed. If even the SCOTUS is unable to reach majority agreement, then toss it out. Attempting to sway those initial votes shouldn't be an option.


The best argument for expanding the court (other than to counter Republican corruption of course) is to match the number of circuit courts, which is the original reason for expanding the court to 9 justices. Because of this the best number is 13.


And term limits. We’ve basically created unelected demagogues that are legislating (or in the case of the current majority, stripping rights and overturning precedent) with little accountability.


Can’t expand it without a liberal Democrat majority. Right now people have got to vote blue.


Oh but this SCOTUS shat the bed so spectacularly law students will be learning for *decades* what can go wrong putting on the Supreme Court bench dead eyed ideologues incapable of thinking further than their political leanings and the future of the man who appointed half of them...


I don't think "learning" will be legal in a few decades


Took the words right out of my mouth.


They aren’t Justices— they’re sleeper agents. Things have been building for them for decades to get to this moment.


Watch the [video here](https://youtu.be/JyxOlOicXJE) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/presidential-immunity-2668681893/) 📰: - The Supreme Court's widely derided ruling last week on presidential immunity opens up an extreme possibility — imagine a kiosk in the lobby of the White House where the president's "lap dogs" order get-out-of-jail free cards rather than fries and a soda. That's the country's new reality, according to former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner, who took to his YouTube channel Wednesday ahead of the Fourth of July holiday to blast the opinion as a "staggering piece of judicial abuse." "Their pronouncement that, essentially, a president is a king above the law, beyond the reach of our nation's criminal laws," he said. "It's shocking in its transparent impropriety and in its favoritism toward Donald Trump." Kirschner argues the nation's high court thrust America into "chaos" — the justices just "can't quit Donald Trump," he said, even as they all but abandoned his "flunkies" such as the recently disbarred Rudy Giuliani and recently incarcerated Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. Kirschner slammed the Supreme Court's ruling on the core presidential powers, which the court said enjoy "absolute immunity." "It means you can't touch it. It means you can't ask about it. It means you can't investigate it. It means you can't question it," he said. It's here Kirschner offered a dystopian hypothetical and described it as a blueprint for Trump. "So, if Donald Trump, set up a pardon kiosk in the lobby of the White House and sold pardons for a million bucks a pop, or a billion bucks a pop, because it's a core presidential power, the president gets to do it." "And there's not a damn thing the Supreme Court tells us that law enforcement or prosecutors or courts can do about it." Trump now gets a new playbook, Kirshner said. Should he win re-election, he could appoint a loyal attorney general and direct the person in a crime-fighting capacity to round up political opponents and detain them in camps. "No charges, no complaint, no evidence, no due process. No, no, no. In my crime-fighting capacity, I am directing you to do it. Do it!" Because it's a core presidential power, no authority can look into the order, according to the former prosecutor. Interestingly, because the attorney general doesn't enjoy the same immunity, the prosecutor could face charges. Hence, the kiosk. "What does the president do? He pardons him!" An emphatic Kirschner called it a "blueprint for totalitarianism." "This is exactly what the Supreme Court ruling says, sets up, contemplates. And it couldn't be more dangerous to not just the health of our democracy, but to the continued viability of our Democracy."


Yeah, but that would only work if the House and Senate were corrupted by the Right, and refused to impeach for this blatant abuse of power. ...shit.


Forgive my ignorance. But I thought the president only picks a DOJ head and attorney general, but they don't necessarily have to do what he says as he doesn't do more than appoint them. Is this not a correct understanding? This was something we feared already and twice they didn't do as Trump wanted and Trump later turned on them. William Barr being one of them. Edit: I'm just asking if giving orders to the DOJ is part of official capacity, because I'm pretty sure making appointments is official capacity. Sort of like how the president appoints supreme court judges, but they don't take orders from him. There have been several rulings that haven't gone Trump's way. This recent one obviously has, but Amy Coney Barrett for example specifically said the electors case does not fall under official capacity in her ruling.


We can’t rely on the conscience of future department heads to defy their boss and do the right thing. Eventually there will be a lackey that’s willing to do what he is asked.


Add pardons to the large inventory things for sale. What won’t be for sale. His backers want money to be the only thing that matters. Not laws, not votes. Because that they have in abundance and can directly control.


Trump actually did that already.


Remember how Republicans made a big deal about him donating his presidential salary.


My favorite thing now is pointing out to Republicans how honorable Biden must be in the face of their claims of corruption. Going deep into detail about all the things Biden could do that would normally be criminal, but is now immune. Normally, I deal with a lot of back and fourth debates, but lately, it seems to stop people in their tracks.


Just vote blue .This ruling by Supreme Court giving presidential immunity automatically disqualifies Trump in my book.Character takes precedence when voting now.


He could sell indulgences? Do we want a new reformation? Because that’s how we get a new reformation.


Don't give Trump any ideas


He's halfway there already with the Trump Bible.


Trump wouldn’t understand the reference.


It was dirty from the top down.


The Supreme Court has royally screwed the no more United States of America!


The first pardon he’ll grant will be for himself.


He's already done this. Hasn't anyone heard of Rod Blagojevich?


and they said to me, "Sir, you could even sell legally your Pardons," I said we're doing that already, we're doing that already, thank you Steve, but now they're going after me, and I've done nothing wrong by the way, the Supreme Court, which is the Most Supreme Court In All Of The World, they said, "President Trump is Totally and Absolutely Immune from all and any Prosecution," because they Persecute, that's what I like to call it, Persecute, and the Fake News, "ohhh, Donald Trump doesn't even know the word," I said I know the word, I know it far better than anybody, what they're doing to me, what Obama's doing to me, I said it's Treason, it's Treason what they're doing, going after your Favorite President, which is me by the way but I didn't have to tell you that, and all of the Fake and Phony Cases that were 100% Made Up, you had the Never Had Any Affair Story of Horseface, the Russia Russia Russia Lie, they're still doing that one, and who can forget the Great Impeachment Hoax of 2020, they stole an Election and tried to impeach me twice for doing nothing wrong, I said what the hell is that, I did a Perfect Job


spot on


"Thank you Steve" just sets it off for me. Also "Russia, Russia, Russia" This so spot on it's uncanny.


Saudia Arabia can now legally bribe him if he got back in office


So could Biden. By their logic. Biden could tell seal team 6 to kill Trump.


Won't somebody rid me of this troublesome priest. There's a pardon in it for you. It's such a fucked up ruling and even if trump is defeated, someone sooner or later is going to take advantage of it


The Supreme Court is illegitimate. If it can't be ignored outright, it should be dissolved entirely. The party of small government will surely rejoice when the great halls of the Supreme Court are repurposed as a climbing gym or perhaps the world's largest escape room.


Did the Supreme Court think this through? Bunch of corrupt idiots


Yes, they think they can be on top of whatever government we end up with. Apparently they didn't read history to know that's rarely how it ends up.


If re-elected trump going to get a bunch of billionaires locked up and have them buy their way out


You know that's basically what Putin did in Russia yeah? He only locked up one, but he made all the others pay up in order to avoid being next.


Do you think they are just protecting him for something that is about to come out that he has already done?


You mean like all the illegal stuff we already know about?


ask lil wayne and kodak black about buying presidential immunity.. i heard it costed them around 2 million each..


The piece being overlooked in a lot of these discussion is that such an accusation is presumptively immune.  So it has to be proved in court... and you can't question ANY employees of the government about it.  And all those steps have to go through judges and appeals.   Before you can even get past the grand jury step.   It's effectively impossible to prove now... even if the President comes right out and posts the prices for bribery on his White House webpage. (Because that's an official act)    It's absolutely absurd.... but all it takes is one MAGA judge anywhere in the five levels of appeals to say no. 


Immunity for the president is not in the constitution and the Supreme Court can’t hand it out like a bag of treats. There would have to be an amendment to the constitution to add immunity for the presidency.


What do you mean ‘could’ he already has!


I'm sure that he already did this.


Even better, he can sell secret pardons no one can ever investigate.


He will pardon himself first.


Was he illegally selling them during his term? Cause he did


I just came back from camping with no cell service (glorious) to hear about this... Why doesn't anyone seem to care? I don't want a fucking king. Shouldn't we be protesting or general striking or something? Y'all gonna go watch fireworks tomorrow on the 4th like everything's fine?


Let’s stop talking about Trump being president like it’s a foregone conclusion and make sure that mother fucker never holds public office again


The Republic is dead, and the courts are lawless.


And now Biden can legally have Trump assassinated


Only if the MAGA SCOTUS would support the act as an official one. Do you think Alito, Thomas, and Roberts would? Spoiler: they wouldn't. Not because it's wrong. It's because they would never support a Democrat president getting away with it. For Trump, sure. That's the beauty of their decision. Democrat presidents remain as limited as ever. Republican presidents are the kings.


Doesn't matter, he can have them killed too.


And if he did, the GOP would refuse to convict him because they would claim his immunity makes it all ok.


Done with this crap. I would t be surprised if tomorrow the headline is "Trump kills Biden in his sleep, declares himself ruler of the world---Fined $100 for public mischief but pardons himself immediately"


You mean like the last time he was in office?


Well....somebody take out Trump and then we can crowd fund to pay for their pardon.


He can sell all those classified documents too. Meeting with a foreign government is "official business", and he is allowed to declassify anything he wants. And you can bet this time he make sure boxes are declassified before he send them to his home and family.


It's still an emollient, which is still not allowed, but impeachment is the only recourse


I just don't understand what "presumption of immunity" means. I get "presumption of innocence". But if you're starting point is someone can't commit a criminal act...how do you prove they committed one?




Obviously, they merely shown him a path to cash in on all things “Presidential”


Russia and China will rent rooms at Trump's buildings at triple the rate. The supreme court will back this bribe


Why can't Americans change the God damn rules, amendments, whatever you guys call it. This crap is getting old and more scary by the day.


All in the name of Christianity and owning the libs.


I guess Biden is free to forgive all student debt now given no law can stop him.


He sold a few the first term.


He wouldn't be the first president to do it, though might become the first to brag about it.


This song pretty much sums it up and may even put a smile on your face… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8-45UAgFA8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8-45UAgFA8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


HOLY FUCK HE IS A PRIVATE CITIZEN HE CANT DO SHIT. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! I’m a very conservative democrat but I can’t for the life of me find any reason to vote for any republican candidate in November. Project 2025 is a modern day (albeit a lot more coherent) version of that book that little mustache man “wrote” a century ago. Anyone that votes for a republican candidate is voting for a 1930s Germany government. Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.


The president could already sell pardons prior to this case. The remedy is impeachment.


It would still be nice to know why MTG needed a pardon from trumplelstiltskin right at the start of her being a representative.


Would just point out that before the ruling he could do it too. Other presidents have been accused of the same thing.


He already did


Holding out for a Hero- Bonnie Tyler, as performed by John Hinckley Jr


Not if his orangeness is not elected! VOTE


The president is above the law so long as he and his party are willing to abuse power. This is now the #1 issue in the election. More than economy. More than Abortion. We cannot allow an authoritarian into the White House until this nonsense insane ruling is overturned.


Trump already sold pardons. I want to know what documents paid for Kushners 2B


Couldn't Biden stay seated technically? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


If anything, trump has demonstrated that the federal government essentially operates on gentleman's agreements that can easily be bypassed by a scoundrel. We should have learned from this experience and codified and limited the executive power however it seems the SC decided that we need more power concentrated in the executive.


Guess nobody understands that Congress has to deem it to be within presidential power and authority before he or any president could do that.


Expand the court. Set term/age limits. Ban bribery and lobbying.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but he can do a fuck of a lot more than sell pardons. He could sell contract killings if he wanted too, post the going rates on Fox news along with a toll free hotline.


Trump already did. Look into who made Truth social. Two guys who trump pardoned.


except that's bribery > Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.


Can't Biden do the same?


Ahh yes, classic Church of America, selling indulgences to the wealthy to forgive their sins so they can continue to hurt the lower class and abuse them.


Another con for Herr Grifter


This country is falling apart and democracy is being flushed down a golden toilet.


Better yet, he could offer pardons at a state of the union address to people who will ‘take care’ of Mitch McConnell, or anyone else he doesn’t like.


Biden should sell 1 to make the point.


Do you think the justices are sitting there saying, "Maybe, just maybe we didn't think this all the way through. "


America is fucked isn't it..


Our “democracy” just laid the groundwork for instating a king… what in the actual fuck is happening!!??


Biden should offer to sell Trump a pardon. Take the money, then reneg and don't pardon.


If the president is immune from prosecution Biden should just start executing all his competitors and cancel the elections before Trump becomes president and does the same.


Thats the thing. If a dictator is above the law then so is anyone he decides. Buhbye democracy


He was handing out security clearances and cabinet positions willy nilly. One of the first things he did was hand over classified info to Russian intelligence in the actual Oval Office hardly a week after he came into office. Outside of just the most blatant naked corruption and self enrichment he’s engaged in, without shame, even the relatively legit actions he’s taken as president should have conservatives questioning. They’re going to realize that wearing a cross doesnt mean the wolves see you as anything other than a sheep


Basically anything and everything is an official act per this ruling. The vagueness is maddening. Even Barrett pointed this out despite her concurrence.


And SCOTUS said bribes are legal if they are structured as gratuities after the fact and have no limit.


To be fair, people already believe this has been happening for decades if not longer. But not for money. More for political favors or other political reasons. But in this case, pardons could also be sold for vast sums of money paid directly.


OMG its the protistant reformation all over again , only played on a diffrent instrument


Biden could as well and he even has a reason to abuse it on a personal level for his son...