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I justvtook a poopie in my diapee ...😖😥


No You just know you better and answer to the test better


I tested ENTJ through my twenties and INTJ thereafter. I'm right on the border of I/E and J/P, so tests are often confusing, many give me ENTJ / INTJ / INTP. I had it confirmed by a pro that does typing for large companies a while back, very much an INTJ. You're possibly an edge case like me, or you just haven't done enough tests and reading into the types to see if it makes sense to you. You can also have skewed results if you are suffering from anything e.g. depression etc. Carpet bomb tests, take the average, read into that type and the functions and see if it fits. Or just go get tested properly.


If we are going by the theories standards.. no it does not change. If you really want to know your type, look up the functions etc. Intj functions: Ni-Te-Fi-Se Intp functions: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe Quite different, no? Also, your mbti type does not equate to how smart you are lol. Whatever you read was faulty.


Maybe your Ni needed more data sorting time 🤣 🤣 Jkjk don't come at me. I confess I don't know much (if anything at all) about MBTI, just here because I like useless info and character building. I just think it's normal to try and know everything to collect data first, and now that you have enough data you can determine for sure what you want.