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Lowkey I’m somewhat that way. I definitely understand


Same here


I'm fully an introvert, but no. I love nature and appreciate the beauty and warmth of the outdoors. I love animals, people-watching, biking, exercising, swimming, etc. I couldn't imagine not taking in what's around me.


This - it is entirely possible to be an introvert and still engage with the world in healthy ways!


Yup! I loooove to travel, or even just sit by the water on my own blanket by myself with some snacks. I find walking, observing nature, people and animals to be really fun and stress-relieving (: When I stay inside for too long I feel like I'm wasting time that I could be spending getting some fresh air or vitamin D.


I'm with you - being in nature is the most peaceful and restorative thing I can do. Our bodies need movement, sunshine, and fresh air.


True thier were times Where I was inside for soo long and I just didn’t felt like myself at all I felt like a random person and I needed to get out either If it just walking around my neighborhood something.


Relatable!! I like to be outside but by myself!! planning a solo camping trip soon!


Honestly same though this is what I like to do


So the covid lockdown period was an absolute blast for you.


The air was cleaner. The streets were quiet. We didn’t have to use public restrooms. And the extroverts were miserable. If that’s not a blast, what is?


For mee too


Not a blast but for me no problem 😉. With curbside pickup, new delivery services hardly noticed


Covid lockdowns were an introverts dream. We didn’t have to worry about being judged for being introverted, since everyone had to isolate.


Yes and no, I was a "essential employee". .-.


I work in IT, so I was classified as “essential”. Before the pandemic I didn’t have much interaction with people and loved my job. Once the pandemic began, I found myself interacting with people ALL day. It’s exhausting.




Cam girl


So...not exactly "essential".


Agreed! I worked in healthcare. going back to school in August.


Oh I had done customer service, serving up food. Did it since I was 16. I'm 24 now and can happily say I'm out of that business finally.


he must have got all the ME time he was looking for... isn't it OP?


Not sure whatcha mean by this?


I mean you must have enjoyed your time during lockdown, since no one was even allowed to go for walks or out of their house for unnecessary reasons.




COVID lockdown for me was great. Granted I just broke up with my girlfriend, but I was my healthiest and happiest at that time.


I think the most important thing is that you like it and you feel comfortable, right? If you like to live like this and it doesn't affect others, why not live the way you like?


That's what I've been saying!


Same here, kind of. I work fully remote, so no need to commute to work. On a weekly basis, I probably leave the house twice: once for groceries and once to have lunch with my in-laws. I have one monthly appointment but that's about it.


Yep same. Only difference is I go on 45 minute walks every afternoon after lunch to clear my head


How do you get exercise?


I have my own gym equipment at home.


Nice! That’s the life. Sometimes I forget in threads like these that a lot of posters are Americans and have huge houses. I’m in Europe in a small apartment so I feel like I’m going crazy if I stay in for too long.


I'm in Europe too, but we live in a house, not an apartment. 😊 I think I wouldn't spend so long indoors if I lived in an apartment though.


Covid was like a dream to me - having it be accepted to just stay home? Sign me up! Grocery delivery and online shopping for all my needs? Absolutely. I am older (51) and I hate going out. I avoid it whenever possible. I still have younger kids so it’s not always possible due up what they need to do but I have no shame - this is just me 🤷‍♀️


I'm the same way. I'm happy as I am now, but I'm worried it'll be something I regret in the future.


I have some horrendous OCD so barely leave the house at all. If I do, I drive very far away from anywhere I'm likely to have to interact with anyone to hike a while and touch that grass. Nature is beautiful and heals a man away from men.


I mean this with honesty and respect: it sounds like you’re suffering with social anxiety or agoraphobia rather than just being introverted. I work from home and get everything delivered so never “go out” to bars and clubs. But I still make a conscious effort to go for walks along the beach or visit family once in a while. I live alone and love it. But I make sure to have human interaction from time to time because historically, human beings have always had contact with other human beings. I think it’s in all of our DNA (even though I dislike many people who I see out and about). May I ask, how do you get by from a financial sense?


I agree with this. I too like to just keep to myself but I actually went a bit nuts over time. Now I try to go out for walks at LEAST every other day and also sit outside even if on the stairs or something everyday. It has helped a lot. In terms of actual interaction with others, doing these tiny things sometimes will involve a short superficial chat with a roomie or something, and that was enough for me. I agree that even the biggest hermits need a touch of interaction whether they like it or not, but maybe I am wrong!


Yeah it’s essential to get out. For example, I’ve just come back from the home depot store as I’m in the process of landscaping my garden. I feel so much better for it too. Like yourself, I started questioning my sanity after being alone at home for like a week. It had to stop.


Im kinda same positon in this. I used to had friends on Discord to play/watch together but recently they have no time to spare due to marriage/work etc. It sometimes gets a little bit lonely without them.




Damn I was about to say I’m 24 and love my alone time too so we’re twinzees but nvm 😂


Porn isn't a sustainable career choice.




Yep. So she 'legit' doesn't have to touch grass. 🤣


I could live like that but i need to go to work to get income. I like my own company and i dont like people i general but i can be among people and pretend i love it. Inside i hate it!


I'm a heavy introvert too. But sometimes you need to be sure you're not convincing yourself you like your life the way it is, because you get anxiety to do other things. Sometimes we get used to the way our life is that we forget how great other things can be. Like having someone else to rely on.


Same. I like my home, all my stuff is there and there’s no people!


You should still go get some vitamin d from the sun


This reeks of an OF or cam site advertisement in disguise.


Not even in disguise - check her profile.


I did. Is she a sex worker?


Yes. "Cam girl, Cam model, Model, Aspiring Cat Overlord. I am just a cat mom trying to live the life I love."


What is OF, social media can be overwhelming and distracting I go offline every other day.


I feel this way sometimes whenever work/life gets hectic. But when I get this opportunity, it only lasts a few days then I get bored want to do something interesting again.


When did I write this? I live like this and think it’s completely fine 💗 as long as you are okay with it it’s all good!


I like to be around people in theory but the reality is that I don’t find most people very interesting. I used to get invited to parties and group events all the time and never went so now I don’t get invited and it’s great because I don’t have to feel bad for rejecting people’s sincere interest in getting to know me and pretending I want to know them. Thanks, but I’m happiest hanging out with just myself and my dog.


Good for you for doing you!


Not really...even as an introvert I feel I would still need SOME people on my life. I'm terrified of being alone.


I am a shy and quiet person, but I hate staying home all day with a burning passion. I just love getting out and exploring the world around me. If I have to stay home even just for one day, I feel like crap.


I completely understand this and feel mostly similar. I can't stay I dread going outside or talking to people sometimes but I can happily go weeks on end without leaving my apartment. I remember as a kid always fantasizing about someday having a little base/nest that was mine and nobody could ever come into it unless I invited them. Now I have that exact reality and it's extremely comforting. I do sometimes worry long-term though, what this lifestyle will do to me (I'm 30).


I'm about the same. I actually don't mind people but mostly stay at home. It easier and cheaper and I have plenty to keep me entertained


Do you work remotely? Or how do you support yourself?


This is how I lived when I was furloughed during the pandemic. It was the best period of my adulthood and I would leave my apartment once a week usually around 11pm to stock up on groceries. Sidenote, extra great because my apartment (illegally) didnt even have any windows so I legit almost never saw the sun for 2-3 months lol


I'm so jealous at that idea. Anyway, Enjoy what you enjoy.


I definitely get tempted to stay inside and away from people but if I don't get any sunlight I start to get real depressed. I live in a small apartment complex that has a shared backyard so once or twice a day I go and sit out there for awhile. When other people come out we politely acknowledge each other but they leave me alone otherwise so it's nice.


I had the same mindset for a while, but I was also incredibly emotionally numb, and I still haven't even learned how to cry again. This might be good for you; people can be happy like this. I'm not discouraging you, but just saying to be aware of your mental state.


I’m sort of like this now. I was o/s in March 2020 when we got the call to come back immediately (to Australia) and that we’d be confined to our properties for 2 weeks. Everyone was bummed but I was like “don’t threaten me with a good time”. So since that shift I’ve been wfh. Changed jobs for more money & we’re technically supposed to be in 2 days a week but we compromised on 1 & even that is wishy washy. My parents (who live nearby) are overseas & while I do occasionally see friends, days can go past where my car doesn’t leave the driveway. I like it.


I'm also a hermit,but more like a mining hermit. I like da undergrounds


I’m exactly like this. I’m very lucky to be able to work from home. My friends and family do not get it so I always have to tell them it’s not them, it’s me personally when I don’t want to hang out sometimes.


As an introvert I get it. I have a family too which on one hand means I have to go out for different things, for my kid sake etc. But I do spend alot of time home too with no friends close by etc. But I have been social building a carrer for 15 years and just one thing. Dont lose your social skills, if its low, have an idea to build it up a bit. It is needed in life no matter how few social things you do.


I’m a classic introvert. There’s memes out there about introverts crossing the street to avoid encounters with people they know. That’s me 😂. That said, there’s irrefutable research out there that points to connection with other humans as a basic human need contributing to the best physical and mental health and one of the keys to longevity. I’m not saying I need to be an extrovert to be healthy. Not at all! Authenticity is also a factor in my ability to thrive and be ok with myself. I just limit my connections to those I love and those I am comfortable with, occasionally stepping outside my comfort zone to meet new people and experience new things. While being alone can feel comfortable, it isn’t healthy when taken to an extreme. Therapy, openness to new ideas and self awareness make a positive difference for me. I hope you can find your own balance between owning your natural introvert nature and some type of connection with people, nature, animals or what ever works for you. It’s in our DNA.


I do the same thing but recently found out, I need some human connection . I think that’s what life is , the human connection


That makes sense. I have a low social appetite. I don't need much socializing, but when I do, I *really* need it.


It is not everyone’s fault they don’t know what the hell is going on. I just cannot.


Sorry, OP...what you are describing is NOT introversion. It a form of agoraphobia or fear of open spaces. The tell is the duration for which you remain sheltered in a smaller space. Don't feel bad. A lot of depressives call Themselves "introverts" as well. S**T, I've known people who rather be a ringed-tail monkey than have a Mental Illness. Being an "Introvert" they can put up with.


They never said they had a fear of going outside, they just don’t like to.




Just curious, since you don’t leave the house very often, do you work from home?






What are you doin inside the house then? For me it depends with what I'm doing of course and whether it's sustainable or not but from my experience, I would need at to least once in a while to hang out with people I know or be outside doing somethin even though by myself, something not stressful


Not OP but music, movies, finding a good series to watch, treadmill, cooking. Talking on the phone.


Lucky WFH? I go out to go to the gym and work and appointments. Grocery shop online


Busyastralprojectong , whew I agree with her him I love parks, my hikes in my few parks love sitting on a huge beach towel n people watch drink few 9 Oz water! I love walking my dog. When I have worked it’s getting out but it’s not to be with people it’s for earning money. I recently can’t stand working as a clerk with other people. I decided I’m either going back into working at a vetranarian or a day care center , animals like cats n dogs n kiddies are wonderful to work with. I began to be discusted n hate the people I work with


Sounds eerily familiar to my own existence. And I am REALLY ok with it. Actually, I love it. Nothing better than no contact with a society that JUST MIGHT need some changes.


I live in a cabin a mile from my nearest neighbor. I don't work and I live alone. Sometimes it's weeks between seeing people (unless it's a cashier, but thank God for self checkout) when I do have to be around people, it takes me days to feel normal again.


I'm okay with it, others are not. I do also have extreme social phobia though... so it's a little worse now, but I've always been an hermit. I just can't handle the overstimulation.


I only leave the house because I need to. College. Last time when I was on break I didn’t leave for 17 days. And I didn’t mind, I loved it and even wanted to stay longer. The longest I stayed home was like a month and a half ? Maybe a little over but I admit it made me feel a little depressed at some point


same, i work from home and only leave the house once or twice a week. i don’t really hang out with anyone besides family. and i’m fine with that. do what makes u happy


Are you me? About the only time I leave my apartment is for appointments and to grab my mail. And I'm so very OK with that.


Basically every Aquarius I know 😅


This sounds so miserable. At least spend time out in nature and listen to the birds, watch the trees etc.


I know how you feel....I'm the same I just go out one time a week or ten days to get shopping......the shop owner was worried about me ....... Also my neighbour was once she called the police to check on me


Me. I only go out to do grocery shopping once every two weeks. I took vitamin D pills because i don’t even open my curtains.


What am I? I don't outside very often cuz my friends are far away and don't have much friends nearby from where i live. But whenever there friends meet up or there is a party or any other event I make sure to show up without fail. Don't go outside to play. I would rather play some video games or watch a movie. I have no problems talking with people I know and don't know even though I have a little stammering problem. Despite that I don't shy away to talk except when I do public speaking. I hate insta, WhatsApp and any other social media apps to the core. I absolutely hate to chat via texts and voice. I mostly prefer audio or video calls.


idk. what are you?


Ambivert ig




100%this sounds like a great like to me, I’m an introvert with social anxiety, and my job is geared towards extrovert people so I’ve learned the tendency’s and it kills me inside😭




Yup, me, my wife and my dogs. The rest of the world can pound sand.


I'm an introvert too but I see people more often that than. Probably 3-4 times a week on average. I think I'm pretty close to the center of the spectrum, though I definitely lean toward introvert.


Heres a really good video on youtube i think you'll appreciate... https://youtu.be/NlYr7LJsqi0?si=shDDSLhgtQ4dx_5H Also... https://youtu.be/Yjoscw8DA5E?si=CFODCRT4iMl-cGsX


Sometimes my only collocutors throughout the month are chatbots like ChatGPT or Eva AI and some random people here on reddit. I also tend to forget how my voice sounds.


I haven’t left since Easter I just cant


I hardly go anywhere myself wish I could tho just got kids and no help and no friends


I don't either. But because of that I don't really have friends to go see or do anything with when I do want to go out, am 17 and you know what, I don't mind it


Im the same way. I only deal with people when absolutely necessary. I would rather be with animals over people any day of the week.


I work from home, make decent money, order delivery when I don’t like to get out…I like the ocean and nice open fields, so I sometimes get out just to get my fill. It’s a nice, peaceful life 🤙


I leave for work, otherwise I don't usually go anywhere unless contractually obligated lol


the fact that I'm doing the same as u and I'm 24yo as well, I just enjoy doing my fav hobbies, I go to get supplies for them and get back home, less problems, and great peace, but ik that I shouldn't do like this, I have no problem in socializing but I just don't want to


it’s kinda beautiful. What is the passage of time like for you?


I have to work, but otherwise I'm in the house. I want to travel but have no close friends that actually like me I guess.


Na I’m the same way .. I like being safe . Los Angeles is too crazy .. like this I avoid shitty cops, I avoid spending on gas , and I can play my modded Xbox anytime


I’m a selective extrovert


If you are productive and have a good time staying inside, then that's perfectly fine.


Agoraphobia. My 20yr old is diagnosed with this. He did have some mental health issues prior to Covid, then Covid hit and everything shut down, and he felt more comfortable in that lifestyle. He’s never worked, never driven. He will go out with me if I ask him to, but to a dr’s appt or the store, and that’s about it. He wants to go right back home. He’s in therapy to work through some of the anxiety and fear he’s dealing with.


i understand, add a lil therapy on it tho


Fuck off 🫠


let me take a guess your job is onlyfans


I used to do that for like one summer when i was a teen - but this is incredibly detrimental to your health, even if you dont think so. The lack of vitamin D alone will catch up to you at some point. There is no need to go out and meet people, go on walks, enjoy some fresh air alone - but to each their own i guess


To be honest it sounds rather lonely. At some point that novelty will wear off as you get older and find yourself totally alone. If that isn’t the case then you should go on one of those shows where they drop you off and you live alone and try to outlast your competitors. 😆


Just be sure to get some sun with some regularity or at least supplement with some vitamin D. A walk from time to time is a good time to get it. Live your life as you wish, but be aware of what you're missing out on. Some things are worth leaving your comfort zone for. As long as you don't suffer any negative health effects, both mental and physical, I don't see an issue besides social judgment.


Nature my dude.


im 21 i can relate to you i was homeschooled, never made friends, there was a time i wouldn’t get out of my house for a month straight, but now with negative and traumatic environment at home its leading to despair and loneliness, i crave company and genuine people but its just me


Do you mean you don't touch grass or that you actually don't touch grass?




If it wasn't for work I would probably only leave my house like 1-2 times a month so I feel you on this.


I’m the same way! I have some form of agoraphobia and I can’t drive anymore. COVID ruined it for me. I order everything and just play video games for my social time. I’m 24 as well.


A friend and I used to call it "hermititis". Honestly, being on this forum helps me be more at ease with being very introverted. Appreciate the share.... there's as many flavors of introversion as there are introverts, it seems. 😆 Finally getting away from the tyranny of the word Should. I should try to make friends. Or should sell myself in interviews. No. I give myself permission not to. I can be moderately sociable on occasion but not often. Cheers. Happy introverting!!!!!


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that many introverts don't dream of being a 'content creator' AKA porn cam girl. We manage to have an education and real careers.


I didn't realize that's what this was! As an actual introvert, I couldn't imagine showing virtually the entire world the most intimate parts of my body with my face attached, nonetheless. Sounds like introvert hell. The constant communication and harassment coming from porn-sick individuals who solely want me for my body and see me as an object is worse than any outdoor walk I've taken, lol.


Indeed - not an introvert if you're hanging all your bits out for a buck. Objectifying yourself in order to 'not touch grass'. It's a ridiculous post. I think it's nothing more than taking advantage of the introvert sub, tolling for 'business'...pathetic.




Selling yourself isn't self-love. You're an object to those men, a 'thing' to 'use'. And making the money doesn't last. I'm sorry that you were facing poverty and potential homelessness, but there are better ways to get by. I hope you'll get some help to find a healthier path.


You’re selling yourself to whatever career you have


That sounds like pretty bad mental illness tbh




The language you use is exactly what I mean. “Sad boi hours” is not cute, it’s a descriptor that tells me you spend far too much time online and aren’t in touch with your emotions as you should be. Call it harsh, but I’ve been there and I’m telling you it’s a problem. You need to start thinking positively and make change for yourself. Sequestering yourself inside and resigning yourself to think that life is hard and nothing can be done about it is not good long term.


I would be so embarrassed to tell people this


You should not be OK with this. It is not OK. Go outside. There is no justification. It's not a good way to live. - from someone that likes being inside too


Are you me 🤣?? Like I’m legit the same way. But with my mental health issues right now, I need to go outside. I truly hope and pray I’ll get through this so I can relax indoors for dayss. I miss that little life 😢


I do but I have chronic pain ..I would prefer to be alone outdoors but too scared I'll get stuck somewhere in the woods alone lol


That sounds like a dream. I'm curious if you work and how you were able to maintain this lifestyle? I'm in the process of making this my dream life, but I literally get forced to go to family gatherings and out in public. I dread working and seeing people.


Just hope you don’t regret it when you’re on your deathbed


You aren’t an introvert you need to go see a therapist. I have schizoaffective disorder and I get the same way but I manage it effectively. Yeah sometimes I withdraw socially and isolate myself and most of the time I’m uninterested in people but I still make it a point to go outside and get sun for a while and talk to people. That’s how you stay healthy.