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My entire portfolio is speculative


This person stocks.


Found the trader


i buy and hold......the length of hold part is up to interpretation though


As long as you aren't holding bags man, all is good.


My First Republic Bank stock is down 99.99%.....pretty sure its coming back


Oh yeah, for sure. Like it'll be the comeback of the century.


I'm diamond handing it.....


Not really speculative, as it's a rather established company, but Eaton $ETN is my pick for high growth in the next decade. I tend to see a lot of tech portfolios, which is great, but the demand for electricity is expected to increase by 150% by 2050-2055 (at least in my region of focus). With the decommissioning of various oil and gas plants, it puts us in an odd situation where we need to innovate quickly for smart grid technologies, and working with Eaton on a professional level, they're just a company I believe in to deliver solutions. AI models and data centers will not run if we don't have enough electricity to power residential homes, and it's an overlooked problem that I don't see many people betting on given what's ahead of us. If I wasn't contractually obliged to avoid energy stocks, I would 100% look into any company that's supporting Smart Grid technologies. Coming from an insider, may want to also look into $GRID which is a Smart Grid ETF. Do some digging on the future of the power grid.


Great answer. I work in the manufacturing world at an industrial plant and there are several companies that i feel similarly as you do. However, I'm always reminded of the Warren Buffett philosophy of "margin of safety". Basically, is the current stock prices minus the margin of safety worth the total valuation of the company? If so, then look at the business and if it is viable, then push all your chips in the middle and purchase as large a position as you can afford. I wish I was more savvy where I could just have a spreadsheet or software that automatically pulls the earnings reports of all companies listed on the stock exchange, and do the valuation and see the biggest margins of safety and then be able to invest heavily in those few. But, alas, I dont so I just end up sticking to ETF's.


Can build that for community. If you brief me with calculation. I am on it with you to do it and share with rest of us as well.


OldSchoolValue.com This might be something you could utilize.


In the same theme as electrification. I believe in $AQMS, aqua metal solutions for smelting-free lithium and other metal recycling




I can see it. Hammond Power Solutions did a 10-bagger over the last 4 years based on speculation of the increased need for electrical power.


Itron should do well, they’ve added linux container to electric meters allowing applications that basically turn them into smart grid sensors




ASTS Direct to device satellite phone/voice/internet to unmodified cell phones with a stronger signal than you’d think. Solves the coverage gap problem and they’re partnered with major carriers to plug right into their user bases (not to mention emergency/government use cases).


Does this solution have any disadvantages, like higher latency, higher battery usage, more expensive?


They put this PR out there the other day that, while not saying anything new, gives a good summary of the service from their perspective. It won’t be as fast as a tower connection but it’ll be significantly faster than what you’d traditionally expect in low coverage areas. https://feeds.issuerdirect.com/news-release.html?newsid=7142399110797956 As far as cost, it sounds like it’ll be a small additional cost over the top of existing plans.


Yep. Same here. 95% of my portfolio is ASTS. At one time I was the 9th largest retail holder, cause I YOLO'd my life savings into it. :) That was a terrible decision until this summer, and now I'm close to 7 figures - and we haven't even got the satellites up yet.


Wow, I six figures into something that speculativ. Don't you worry about spaceX who already has satellites with direct to cell up there? Edit: you can use it with a plan from T-mobile USA


ASTS technology is far more advanced than SpaceX. The satellites it takes to cover with ASTS is a fraction of what it takes for SpaceX.


Recently bought in (got lucky and bought about a week before it's big jump) on a purely speculative basis. Curious how big the actual problem of coverage gaps really is and how much revenue potential is baked into these agreements. My guess is most carriers have very strong coverage near all the major population centers and interstate highways (so they should have pretty strong coverage across 95%+ of the population base). So this theoretically bridges the gaps to reach that single digit percent of folks - so will ASTS be paid based on the bandwidth available, data transferred, or some blanket agreed upon amount to provide this secondary coverage?


Well in case it is not obvious, I'm bullish on ASTS. 1. Their partnership with AT&T means FirstNet (and park rangers) is a good use case for them. Especially when they are responding to large natural disasters like wildfires (the multiple yearly ones happening in California) or floods etc. The connectivity is going to be very spotty depending on geography or infrastructure being knocked out. 2. Partnership with AT&T and Verizon means they can augment their IoT networks. Remember most of these devices can be in low population areas which means no reliable infrastructure, but businesses would be willing to pay. Think of factories in remote locations that have sensors for safety monitoring or farm equipment or drones etc. 3. They have a big list of MoU's (yeah, yeah, these are not business contracts) so same uses cases as above but applied to rest of the world (again assuming they can raise capital or generate revenue to get the satellites operational) with partnerships through Vodafone, Bell and who knows American Tower. 4. They current revenue of $500K is through US Government contract. Assuming the that is some useful US DOD thing, then that is a sweet deal. 5. Shipping and companies in similar industry. They all have deals with some satellite phone providers, but these guys can replace them with a more reliable, faster and better network. 6. They are a good use case for tourists or roaming. Think about Google Fi roaming or the old T-Mobile roaming, same price for data regardless of which country you are in. My guess, Google product partnership might be in this area. Now think of AT&T or Verizon having better roaming plans instead of the annoying pay me $10/day to keep the phone alive, then pay me some exorbitant price for voice/min and data/MB. Obviously, I have made many assumptions like they will have enough capital to launch all satellites to get global coverage (or in regions they want). Competition won't eat their lunch; they will be able to get regulatory approval etc...etc...etc... My pet peeve with them is if this can impact radio astronomy, but this is general problem with astronomy and number of satellites. Hope these guys can work out something with NASA and others in reliable fashion. I'm pretty sure others can point out more assumptions and more use cases. I have also tried to stay away from more speculative use cases and kept my assumptions simple for this post. Hey, we are talking about speculative stocks so take this for what its worth.




CRSP, gene therapy.


I have been in EDIT and CRSP for a while and both have been big losers for me. CRSP less so but I just recognized a bunch of losses on EDIT. I expected gene therapy stocks to be explosive and they just kept falling.


Wow I completely forgot about EDIT! I held this for like a year and it was mostly a shit show


There are several publicly listed gene therapy companies. Why did you pick this one?


God. This company has been destroying my portfolio. I continue to bag hold hoping it will pay off at some point.


Been with them since the IPO. Something is not right with the stock though. It does not act right.


I'm a little new to the game of investing, but have been following this technology for a long while. I should find the video, but I watched an interview talking about the stock price of CRSP, and they noted how investing hasn't quite caught up to the business model needs of a Biotechnology technology like this one, and how it will take time. Sounds kind of silly writing that, because it's not like investing for the long haul is new, I think he just meant it will take more patience for some of this cutting edge technology to see the returns that really correlate with the potential impact of this technology. I still think this is the future of medicine, but it is so very new that it will take more time and more human trials before commercialization. Just the thoughts of a pretty inexperienced investor who is really excited about the technology! 😅


[pardon the slightly political response] We live in a country where a significant subset of the population refused to get vaccinated and about 1/2 of our political leaders are in a party that wants to ban abortion and put the 10 commandments in schools. How does gene therapy really get anywhere when the population and laws would seemingly hinder them every step of the way?


POET, photonic microchips. If they are even somewhat successful you are looking at 100 to 500x return. 


Why do you like them?




While I'm glad to see this here... It also makes me really worried for some reason


I've seen a lot more of them out on the road lately but the stock scares me


I bought some after the r3 tease, I dont know if the company lasts that long but if it does I think they start eating into Teslas hype.


little pop from the VW investment but still way down from its IPO, and I'm holding a few shares too.


IPO was easily over priced based on speculation. However I think it's a good buy now, with the thinning out of competitors, Elon shooting himself in the for daily, and the soon to be released R2.


Certainly worth doubling down to take advantage of dollar cost averaging.


Doing this one weekly.


Rivian is literally one or two bad quarters away from shutting down. What you saw as a vote of confidence from Volkswagen was actually a life raft.


Rklb I love the management and rockets


rocket lab $rklb but to me it is not speculative at all


isnt rdw a better choice than rklb if you look at the financials?


ASTS. It is a satellite direct to mobile device manufacturer backed by Google, Vodafone, ATT, Verizon etc making the largest phase array antenna satellites to beam cellular signal to your standard, unmodified smart phone. The days of dead zones are over. They are different than Starlink in that they don't require dishes (which require power), though Starlink/Tmobile are also getting in to the direct to device (D2D) market. While this sounds scary, the spectrum starlink/tmobile are using is not ideal for this purpose and many organizations are filing interference claims against them. You don't have to do the DD because Verizon just did it for you. They were the only major player which didn't have a D2D partner until about 1 month ago when they signed with ASTS. Their revenue model is wholesale. So, because of this, many MNO's (cell service providers like ATT/verizon) want to work with them as the service can just bolt on to their standard plan offering. The MNO does all of the customer acquisition, billing, and advertising etc and the revenue split is 50/50. So, while there is extremely high CAPEX in the beginning to get the satellites in the air, once there, the margins are going to be 90%+. They have memorandums of understanding with MNO's representing almost 3 billion people. If a small percentage of these sign on at $2-5 dollars a month depending upon location, the numbers get silly really quickly. All of this doesn't include alternative use cases for a large phased array in space such as alternative position, navigation, timing to GPS; government funding for things like FirstNet (first responder mobile network), IOT etc.


ASTS mobile. POC, on land, launch date soon enough


I just feel like if it starts to work out amazon is just gonna swamp the drone delivery and it'll either get bought or die


Like fighting for UPS’s market share with revolutionary shoes for delivery drivers. Silly.


My one speculative stock (crowdstrike) made it into the S&P 500. I unfortunately sold off most of it to realise gains. The other one was AMD about 5 years ago but again not many positions given its speculative nature


$uuuu $efr Energy Fuels. US biggest Uranium producer and also about to be a major player in global rare earth supply chain. Going to be big if US wants everything in house due to geopolitics.


INTC Intel is very beaten down by decisions from their past management as well as difficulties expanding their foundry business. But in 2-3 years they will be a healthy company again with larger revenue and a much larger market cap.


intel has foundry, processor and graphics card. with nvidia and amd they have to pay TSMC to make chips. In the future intel might keep all the revenue to itself because it will make chips itself rather than give $ to tsmc. their gfx division might improve too. I think they are ridiculously low priced right now. The upside potential is very high and downside is low. It might go down another 20-30% but it can go up 300-500%,


I work in the semiconductor industry. The general consensus is that Intel is in the process of spinning their fab off as a separate business.


You wonder. It’s true they have all these fabs, but the leadership so screwed up that company in the past and so far haven’t fixed it. I’d say it’s a good example of a decent speculative bet, though.


The leadership WAS screwed up, those idiots are gone now and someone who actually knows not only Intel but knows chip design and manufacturing as well has been at the helm since 2021 and he has been pushing an aggressive plan to save the company from the idiots that once ran it.


I hope you are right and I’m really rooting for that because as a fab they benefited hugely from the chips act ($$$) while fabless companies, among whom are many genius American companies, did not.


Yea, I initially read your comment wrong. I wholeheartedly agree with you.


Gelsinger is doing an amazing job. Would you rather have accountants in the c-suite like Boeing? I will never invest in a company that is run by MBAs instead of field engineers…and gelsinger is exactly why my largest investment is in INTC. Also, TSMC and Foxconn can’t seem to pull their heads out of their asses when it comes to building operations outside of their respective home countries, citing failing Arizona and India plants. Also, intel bought up all of the advanced EUV machines from ASML for the next long while, putting them ahead of TSMC…NVIDIA, Qualcomm, and AMD will be using Intel Foundry soon enough. There’s also new companies that are building advanced transformer ASICS that will end up using intel foundry. Gelsinger pulled off the move to Foundry brilliantly. Just wait till the week of July 25th…right now the pattern is showing a bunch of people selling right as intel is hitting a resistance level at 31ish, but those shares are going right into the hands of large funds. “Pro” analysts are just going to tell you the opposite of what they plan on doing themselves, it’s just a psych game.


Interesting take. Thank you. I haven’t read up on Intel for a while. I read a ton about their failures


This, I'm not investing in Intel. I'm investing in Gelsinger. He has a track record of turning a company around.


Another thing to consider. what if in next 3-4 years intel launches a mobile processor and with windows it can run all game on your cell phone! that will be a game changer! I think a lot of people would want that kind of device. Right now because of power requirements its not practical and handheld gaming is bulky and cumbersome and you have to carry 2 devices so its no go for me.


The problem with INTC is that ARM is eating the world - mobile , desktop or data center.


Their foundry will eventually make those arm chips. What Intel's new leadership is selling is that they don't care how they make the money, but they will be okay if you buy Intel chips directly, if you get your own chips packaged with Intel or if Intel foundry builds your chips for the fabless semis. In light of the supply chain and national security concerns, that's a pretty decent strategy if they can get it working.


I’ve been hearing this a lot from many different investment groups that I am in. Makes me feel like it’s a meme since so many people are saying the same thing.


No, it hasn't done anything near what GameStop went through, the Internet isn't rallying to hodl Intel to stick it to a bunch of hedge fund managers. In fact it is still very down, anyone with a brain cell that has done 20 minutes of research can see Intel is going to be big again in the years ahead but the market is waiting for a signal of good news to indicate that exact moment the fortunes of the company have turned. Right now they have no earnings because they are investing every penny they can in building new fabs and R and D to make the company relevant again, this takes time, a lot of people see it coming but are waiting to get in on the action because of the gains the Mag 7 are offering at the moment.


No I didn’t mean that. I know Intel despite pretty much going through a lost decade like Japanese market lol is a well established company. My point was all of a sudden I hear people from completely different circles parroting the same thing wondering if it came from a meme or a couple influencers. I haven’t done enough DD but a company like Intel if it’s really turning things around is one I can get behind.


ILMN looking attractive at these prices. PACB, their main competitor is running out of cash fast. TMO isn't putting that much effort into next gen sequencing. It seems like ILMN will be a monopoly for the foreseeable future. We are getting to the point where LLM context length is getting so large that we can fit an entire human genome in the prompt. I'm betting genomic data will be very valuable in the near future. ILMN is the picks and shovels play for this soon to be (hopefully) trend.




They are a great company but bringing shareholders top value is not their priority and probably never will be.


Lol it'll be 25$ in 20 years as they continue to dilute and the pe comes in line with reality. Equal chance on INTC actually doing something 


And Alex Carps hair will look the same!


That's why we write $26 covered calls


the rocket that never rockets


Theyre one of the few companies that have figured out selling software to the government. Usually you need hardware that has the software installed. I’m in the military and I’ve invested in them for this reason.


Wtf are you talking about. The government spends so much on software. Ask vmware, Microsoft, splunk, etc 


Ha yes, the regarded arguments based on emotions instead of real data comparative.


BCRX Some day….some day.


ImmunityBio $IBRX I appreciate the value of what they currently have but their pipeline is next level. They are positioned to either be big pharma or bought out by one.


SoFi, but sticking with just 100 stocks at around 550$ Has the potential to jump up in the very LONG term, but it could also go to 0. I enjoy their platform for my own banking personally. INTC I still believe in (coping) but they lost a TON of market share over the past 3 or so years. It’s possible they make a comeback but I see that comeback being extremely slow. If it starts to consistently raise, there will be time to buy in.


Recently made the switch to SoFi and I am blown away at how much better everything is. Previously with Wells Fargo (ugh). Really impressed with their tech, customer service is real, fast, and super effing easy. Not to mention the interest rates they offer on savings and checking are great. I really hope more people start checking it out.


How do they handle ATMs?


They have contracts with some ATMs, they have an ATM finder on their site that shows all the free atms in a given area. From what I saw, CVS and Walgreens allowed free withdrawals (I think they use Santander, at least near me). I still have a brick and mortar bank, so if I need to retrieve cash I just go to my local TD bank branch. I keep a few 100 in there for this reason; it’s just slightly closer to me than the nearest CVS or Walgreens. edit- from sofi website: https://www.sofi.com/banking/atm-locations/


ASTS - the best risk vs. reward out there that I’ve managed to find


Ionq. I believe in the future of quantum computing. 






MELI, Mercado Libre




Kaspi. Paypal+amazon+paying your taxes+expedia+square in Kazahkstan and expanding to surrounding countries. But in a developing market and with the societal importance of WeChat in China.




$IOVA Biopharma developing an already FDA approved TIL cancer therapy. The uncertainty is whether or not they can iron out the manufacturing process - each dose is custom made. Biopharma is always a risk, but they have good financials and the price target is $25 with a current price of $7.80 Definitely speculative.


SLAB - people have forgotten about IoT and chips even though the market growth will be greater than overall chip growth in the coming years. It’s also a play on robotics and edge AI.



SOFI. The upside is huge, big traditional banks suck and people are starting to realize that, especially younger generations And they’re just turning profitable now


GRAB. I know there are a dozen companies in the uber model, but I'm over in SE Asia now and they are absolutely killing it here.


Asts/spacemobile. Broadband internet to regular cell phones. Works with any phone relatively new phone. Have contracts with ATT/Verizon, will cost about probably 2-10/month per device most likely between 3-6 I believe but that's just a guess on my part. ATT ceo said he expects 30-40% of their customers sign up after market research, I think eventually it will just be baked into cell phones. Everyone I know would pay 10-20 dollars a month for no deadzones at all and no outages during natural disasters. They will also be working with FirstNet through ATT to service them during natural disasters and Vodafone, Rakuten, American Tower, Bell Canada, and about 35 other major MNO's across the world have signed MOU's. They are also subcontracting for the US governmenttbeough Fairwinds and there are major use cases for the government with a satellite constellation like this. They will put their first 5 commercial sats up later this year or early next year. Edit: I didn't read the comment, multiple people said ASTS and before anyone claims we're out here pumping. I could care less if anyone invests in this stock, I'm riding it to 0 or 100+ and there is obviously still risk involved, do your own research.


Grindr; If I am going to get fucked in the market, might as well get fucked irl too


COIN If you believe crypto will become a major financial technology in the coming years then Coinbase will be the defacto leader of said sector. They're also doing an incredible job of diversifying their revenue streams away from solely trading fees. IMO they'll have control of the full stack of products from on/offramping, stablecoin issuance, their own network and wallet software to interact with it. People will be using apps built on blockchains without having to know anything about keys, addresses or any of the other jargon that is a non starter for average non-techy people. They're the only company to have spent years doing things the 'correct' way (to the best of their ability given the absolutely shoddy and ambiguous legislation) and as a result are probably the only trusted major brand left in the space, as evidenced by multiple cases of the US government turning to them for services.


Problem with crypto is nobody gives a shit about crypto. Crypto had its shot at mainstream way back in 2017 and failed. Now it's pretty much as big as it'll ever be, serving as a niche day trading hobby platform.


I respectfully disagree and believe that so many people share that opinion is what gives the trade the upside I think it has. I actually believe the next couple of years will be the end of the hyper speculative era and the start of real product market fit and use cases for many businesses. In 2017 there was no utility, the product was speculation. There are much more sophisticated development teams working to build infrastructure and apps today.


There still is no utility. There’s even less utility now than 2017. None of the platforms scaled, they all required a third party to manage flows. Worthless tbh. But it’ll stick around like an alternative to draft kings. I just used it recently too. It was hell. I would t even use it for gambling myself


You would be incorrect about the platforms not scaling. Transactions on most Ethereum layer 2 networks are often sub-cent for payments. That is less than visa and MasterCard fees. In fact this has only really been the case for the past few months since EIP4844 went live, so Ethereum is absolutely still scaling. I guarantee once businesses realise they can stop paying a large chunk of their margin to third party payment service providers they will absolutely make the switch. I've worked in companies where this was an issue and spent months implementing systems to shave a couple of tenths of a percent off of payment processing fees. It's a slow moving process. You can't rush scaling solutions when tens of billions of dollars of value is at risk


It’s a beanie baby coin trading platform. Collectibles at best right next to NFTs.


GME obviously


This is becoming less speculative with each passing day.


well, that is what you'd expect from a speculative stock that is going to pay off, isn't it?


MSTR. Owns 1% of all Bitcoin. Continues to buy Bitcoin with shares and cheap debt. You don’t have to believe in Bitcoin to usurp fiat currency for it to keep going up… only for Bitcoin to see another ATH. With a fixed supply, institutional ownership, more interest from younger investors, another ATH seems to be a matter of when not if. Already made hundreds of thousands with it. I’m keen to make a few million and then peace.


CART and DASH. Humans are lazy, these companies cater to that.


BABA. More cash on hand than both meta and apple. David Tepper’s biggest holding at $815M worth. Burry’s #2 holding.


Baba was once my #1 holding, sold everything except 10 share in 2021. After almost 3 to 4 years of observation, I think it’s worth holding, but don’t add to it. The value is there, but the CCP literally puts a growth cap on it, so it’s literally a value stock without much growth potential. on the backend, pDD is eating all its share and why would I go with BABA if ants are gonna get seperated from it? PDD does exactly the same thing yet cheaper.. If trump is online again, i’ll dump it immediately


Same. For all the reasons you listed.


You forgot the bigger thing. Meta projected future revenue growth for the next few years is much higher than what Baba could ever dream. No way it has more money than Meta in the long run..






The stock doesn’t care if I believe in it or not.






P/E 215 💀


title of post: speculative.


Forward P/E 78 tho




Astroscale. Space debris clean up start up.




$RDDT is way underpriced right now. For perspective its market cap isn't even half of Snap or Pinterest, and less than 1% of Meta. This is the 3rd most accessed website in the US and they've only now begun caring to monetize it. It will double within a year and I think 10x is a real possibility within 5. But more fundamentally, l like and enjoy the website, feel like I get great entertainment and knowledge value from it, and imo anyone who feels the same should hold a position in it.


No one likes a censored website


but what's the alternative?


A collection of old-school forums


Except all of us.


it works fine for the trillion dollar companies who not only censor but algorithm you in the direction they want...


F*ck that.


Reddit model has a lot of fundamental problems that will get worse as culture war continues to heat up. Having random NEETs moderate all the subreddits is a terrible idea. My local subreddits are run by political activists that use a heavy hand moderating.


Same for my local subreddits, it's also activists. One thing that's particularly heinous about reddit is how every subreddit has different moderation rules, and often you have these shitty auto-moderation bots that will just remove your post after you spent a bunch of time writing it. Actively discouraging you from posting. Makes for terrible user experience. Some subreddits also have bots that will delete posts if you write certain keywords or if you use emojis.


Reddit is the tip of the next part of AI as well, it has massive potential and only folks mad about what they can’t do, while still not leaving it, are ranting.






RemindMe! 1 year




HUMA. FDA approval is coming next month.




PLTO. It’s been down bad lately but it is an extremely popular restaurant with a loyal fan base. They plan to open 600 new locations in the next 10 years. Average location brings in $9.1m a year which is up there with Chik Fil A. I truly believe PLTO could have a CMG level success story


As a former Chicago resident, I wait in the long lines now that they are in Dallas...and own the stock


Iffy stocks are good if IV is high for writing cov'd calls


LKNCY may overtake Starbucks globally, albeit not in the US. ARDX just crashed on what may have been a very wise move by the CEO.


CSPR. Company working on CRSPR therapy to cure genetic diseases with gene editing. It has been proven to work already but hasn’t taken off yet. Other companies are also competing with CSPR to develop this technology, so hard to say who will eventually be the big winner in this field.


$OKLO and $HUMA. Oklo is completely speculative as it doesn’t even have approval to build a nuclear reactor yet. But I think if they do and can prove their model works, it could take off. Humacyte is a firm that manufactures “acellular tissues” (their words) that can be used in treating wounds, such as bullet wounds. This is more of a defense contract play, as once they can show they can produce vast quantities, the DoD is going to want as much as they can get their hands on. Oh, and other NATO allies as well.




Palantir is my largest speculative holding. Also, contemplating a position in Rocketlab. 10+ year investment.


Drone Delivery is a huge can of worms, I’m just buying sector ETFs like SMH. On top of the standard VOO and VGT.


ABML Recycling lithium and having a massive deposit on their owned land is just a gold mine for the future.




>I have accumulated 5000 stocks That's nuts, not prudent diversification.


QCOM I think x86 computer architecture is reaching the limits of what it can do. Apple Silicon showed what ARM based processors can do. And now we're getting Windows based systems with Snapdragon chips in them.






Nvda, supermicro, Microsoft I work in tech/ defense contracting and the possibity of a cyber war is indefinite. These are the companies that are going to excel our military’s tech.


How are these speculative?




AST SpaceMobile


ASTS Has the potential to 50x


Quantumscape QS


$ASTS. I don't see any other contender that could be the next Nvidia or Tesla


MNMD Got some hurdles to go through with the FDA and legislation. But I have used lsd in both large and small doses. For me, it always had a profoundly positive impact on my mental health and clarity. In controlled dosages and settings, I really believe it could help people. Been bag holding MNMD since 2020 but keep averaging down. I like the stock.


we have known since the 50s about the positive effects of psychedelic's on mental health. Unfortunately the us war on drugs classified them as schedule 1 (no medical use) and it stopped all official progress. I also have used them to positive effect on my mental health and I know they will get the fda approval. That being said these companies are serial diluters and these studies and approvals take a long time.






RKLB I hope once elon dies SpaceX will becone just big space logistic company so RocketLab will catch up


GME. Right now GMEs future is confusing outside our hype for it to ‘rocket to the moon’ Nonetheless, they are slowly stocking up cash and I could expect them becoming some kind of fund/VC that like berkshire


Pipe dream










BROS for the win!








MNMD Mind Medicine An interesting business which is involved in addressing some important mental illnesses - shares have dropped about 30% since I bought though. Not sure I’ll buy much more - happy to just hold long


BROS, PNW coffee brand that is rapidly expanding across the US. They have a much smaller footprint per store then SBUX and as such can operate in a greater variety of locations and overhead per store is lower. It’s in the process of becoming a professionally run Mid cap. Current CEO is the person who brought SBUX many of their food items. Been a holder shortly after IPO


What's their differentiator from the current coffee shops like Starbucks and Second Cup?


RMSL just got FDA approval after hours for a new generation cpap mask. Should run high tomorrow


TMDX, although imo it's ahead of itself at this point.




Helium One. Investors got diluted into oblivion, though. But they're sitting on a huge helium reservoir. A finite resource. Helium is an element, but it escapes into space when released, so when we're out, we're out.




envx and baba but i do have certain trading and holding strategies for them.




$SERV Delivery robots




HITI, ever increasing revenue, free cash flow, and they recently posted an actual profit


NDRA. The stock is heavily beaten down. It will be approximately 1 -2 years until clinical trial data and FDA de novo approval decision are released. The company recently attracted some institutional investors that filed schedule 13G.


Exscientia (EXAI) - biopharm company using AI to create new drugs


RemindMe! 1 Year