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So does that mean that the new Siri will only work on A17 Pro devices??? I just bought an iPhone 15 not long ago Would’ve loved Siri not being a dumbass lol (Edit: clarification, A17 Pro, not simple A17)


Seems it, weird that it works with M1 which is over 4 years old now but only the very latest iPhone Pro. Sadface


Exactly, it works with both my M1 Pro MacBook and my iPad Air which are 2 years old, but not my brand new iPhone??


TBF those are full fledged laptop chips. Not really directly comparable to the much smaller iphone chips


Fair point. They’re SOCs. But still, it just shocked me that AI Siri is not included. Siri doesn’t work w/o mobile data or wifi anyways since it’s cloud based, so why isn’t the AI version used the same cloud-based way?:))


I got the impression that the cloud based AI processing would be the only option for older devices rather than only being used for big requests. I cant imagine them excluding every iPhone except the 15 pros.


Sadly they are. I feel super bad for those who bought a brand new 15, and will now wait 3-4 years before getting a new iPhone. Thankfully I’m on a 13 and I’m due an upgrade anyways with the 16.


I am on 13 pro and am planning for 20 pro. Not going to be tempted by it. I can happily use copilot or ChatGPT until I am ready to switch.


i am genuinely debating upgrading to the pro because i alr had my 13 reasons before this keynote 🥲


Indexing of personal data is always done in-device. That’s what Siri benefits the most from. And without the on-device LLM the privacy model Apple developed doesn’t work anymore. Anyways it’s a great upselling technique to upgrading to a newer iPhone ;)


It is the amount of ram that’s needed. Your new iPhone 15 does not have 8 GBs of ram but your iPad and Mac do.


Might have to do with the amount of memory. 15 pro was the first iPhone to have 8gb.


That’s because the the M1 is considerably more powerful than the A series


It’s a RAM limitation. 6GB vs 8GB


It's bullshit, the same reason siri was not available on the iPhone 4 but was on the 4s. People were able to hack siri onto the older phone. Apple is just upselling, that is literally their business model.


Given all the white papers we’ve gotten, I doubt it’s truly anything more than hardware limitations. Hardware decisions at Apple are made years in advance. It appears this big push into AI came very recently and abruptly; very likely AFTER the iPhone 14 had already been designed/planned.


The amount of downvotes you’re getting from the fanboys proves you are right.


Are these downvoters in the room with us now?




Or… hear me out… it simply would not work on a16 chips or older?


Have you ever tried running a local LLM? They can be extremely demanding on high-spec PCs. You can bet that an AI that can analyze every file on your phone immediately after being asked, is pretty damn demanding bud.


It’s the memory, these ml models use a lot of it. The m1 Mac has 8 GB, but the iPhones have 6. Probably would kill most running apps to load those models in. I checked and 15 non pro has 6, but 15 pro has 8 GB. I’m in the same boat as I have a 13 pro so ..


Can say that I have iOS 18 Beta 1 on iPhone 14 Pro Max and all the new Siri items do not work. It’s only for 15 and up.


> Apple Intelligence will be available in beta on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English, as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this fall. Some features, additional languages, and platforms will be coming over the course of the next year. Source: [Apple](https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/)


I just saw that, must have updated before I looked at it the third time. Also can’t read apparently.


I dont think ai features are available in the betas rn. At least from what i have read on the apple website briefly. I might be wrong tho.


No idea. I’m looking at Macroumors and so far I see nothing. But give it a week. I would love to be wrong so I don’t have to buy a new phone or wait till the 16 is out and trade in. Lol


Apple Intelligence is 15 Pro (A17 Pro) only, or >= M1 devices. But none of the new AI stuff is in beta 1. They said in a beta later this summer.


they’re coming later in fall


Only for iPhone 15. Betting since it is in “limited” beta in the fall it will be best on iPhone 16 pro.


Base model iPhone 15 does not support the new Siri and AI features on Dev Beta 1.


They said the AI stuff won’t be available in beta until the fall.


As far as I understand, the on device processing will only work with a17 pro devices. Everything else will work online. So if you're asking chat gpt or do not have an iPhone 15 pro, it'll have to go online, otherwise it'll work locally.


From what I hear from that, A17 is needed for devices to get most AI an device while other devices use the cloud. But I could have got that wrong.


I'M MAD. just got qn iPhone 15 2 weeks ago. coming from Android, siri is unusable! I was super happy to hear about the siri changes but not bringing them to the normal iphone 15 is crazy


It'll work via the cloud, just not locally.


Where was it mentioned about this? Because I cannot find it


They said it will work with iphone 15 pro upwards


I would assume base iPhone 16 and onwards will all be AI compliant. iPhone 15 Pro will be the bottom of the barrel for Apples AI support.


What confuses me is that they mentioned cloud computing so theoretically the tech is there for Apple Intelligence on non A17 Pro devices.


Of course there is, they pull this shit regularly


Samsung did something similar, limiting AI features to the S24 series. After a few months they rolled out an update to allow most features to work for the S23, S22 and S21 series. The S21 came out shortly after the iPhone 12, so it’s possible we see some of the AI features rolled out to some of the older 5G iPhones, especially if they allow for cloud-based processing.


Except that the costs for that are extortionate and ongoing, and even more so for devices that can’t actually process things locally and hence need to send *every* request to Apple’s servers. Apple could either: 1) Eat the costs. Untenable long term. 2) Charge users with an incompatible device a fee for compute. Terrible optically and probably unworkable since they’d need to a) continue to support the older AI models for users that don’t pay up as well as the new ones (creating bloat) and worse, they’d need to sequester servers for what should be on-device tasks. Compute is expensive right now and Apple does not want to be signing over 80% of their servers so that older device users can set timers with new Siri. 3) Limit it to compatible devices. Understandable, everyone does this with every piece of software. If Apple were unfairly trying to cut out older devices they wouldn’t have included the M1 or M2 chips in this.


Please mate don’t speak sense it doesn’t fit some people’s narratives of apple bad, hence the downvotes.


Or include it as part of iCloud + for older devices. Win/win


> continue to support the older AI models for users that don’t pay up as well as the new ones I don't understand why that would be the case. Just restrict non-paying users to on-device features (whether that's current siri or the local model for new iphones), no reason to provide access to cloud-hosted models for free. Give people who buy the new latest and greatest shiny toy pro+ 2 years of free access then bundle it up with icloud.


This is completely absurd, we know that the internet signal although good is not 100% stable in the U.S. and in many countries it is horrible. Making Siri depend on the internet for basic things like writing a reminder is a lot of incompetence


That isn’t what it’s doing though is it, most tasks will be processed on the phone any advanced or complex tasks which require more resources will send whichever part that is to the cloud.


But for the majority of our daily lives, it wouldn’t need it. For example, add a task, ask you to read the appointment schedule of the day.... These are things that could easily be done offline, even with more speed.


They’ve confirmed barely anything will require going to the cloud.


So my understanding is the common Ai features like adjusting photos or summaries, or using context in Siri, are all on-device processes. For complicated stuff, the cloud may be used. For stuff that the Ai thinks ChatGPT-4.0 will be better at, it will ask you (every time) if you give permission to send a request to OpenAI for the completion of the task. (I don’t know what happens if you refuse). That doesn’t mean they will enable cloud Ai features on non A17 Pro or M1 devices, though they could use them. There is speculation that some cloud Ai will make it with the Ai support coming this fall but I am doubtful. I also don’t know how much of the Ai features will be missing from Siri without the Apple Intelligence support. Will Siri still be useless for everyone else? Who knows, the Beta isn’t going to have that so we won’t know for a while. Plus some of the platforms won’t get Ai until next year I guess…?


"Coming on iPhone 15 Pro, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later."


Ridiculous. I got the 14 pro a year and a half ago and by apples standards it’s already outdated. Makes me want to jump ship now RCS will be in iMessage


I have the 14 pro max and it’s such a great phone and I never have issues. But if they don’t allow some of these new features on just a year old pro max phone that’s kinda crazy.


it's also going to create a _ton_ of e-waste when the next phone comes out and a non-trivial number of people will replace perfectly good phones with the next model just so they can have AI inside the phone. embarrassing.


Devices can be recycled.


It’s cheap marketing tactics to try and force us to upgrade.


Lol just don't upgrade


close, its pandering to shareholders and a market that would have shat the bed if apple didn’t have a major push for AI this WWDC cycle.


Do you know if it’s their own in-house AI or they have partnered with OpenAI or something similar?


Both! A lot of what Siri and Apple Intelligence will do is Apple’s own on-device (or via Secure Cloud) models. But ChatGPT is also included if you want to do generative text, for example. They said they plan to support other models in the future.


Neat, thanks!


no idea, but they’ve recently put out a load of publicly accessible models and their approach to openness at least on the server-side means we might get some insight at some point.


Or they give it to their relative/kid.




It will be two years old at time of release.


Doesn’t make me want to buy any of their phones anymore if they start hiding software features like that


They've been doing this since the original Siri.


They’ve been doing it for years to be honest, nothing new. There’s also photo features that the iPhone 15 base has that even now the 14 pros do not have and they share the same SOC (chip). It’s all software locked


Especially when we have a top of the line phone that’s barely two years old. I wouldn’t switch to Android with all the Apple ecosystem I have but just doesn’t feel right. I’m sure the 14 pro is more than capable.


It's not as powerful as the 15 pro and it has 2gb less ram tbf


Yeah, there’s a reason they’re called LARGE language models. They take up a lot of memory. If the entire model doesn’t fit into available memory, it either wouldn’t work, or the performance would be so bad it would be a terrible experience to use.


The neural engine is twice as fast on the A17 Pro. On device AI is HEAVY. So yeah, sucks for the 14 Pro users, but just because the A16 is extremely fast and can do about anything users want to do now doesn't mean it has the muscle for on device AI.


It’s Apple, It’s greed, it’s nothing new. They are admitting that hardware from a year ago is that outdated to run new features, or to attract the simps who hate money to buy another phone that will also go out of date the following year?


So ... would you prefer that they didn't release this, or what? On device AI takes a bit of grunt


Users in Apple subs are the most self-centred little whiners who think the entire world should revolve around them. The neural engine doubled in performance from the A16 to the A17. That’s the only reason AI is being limited to the iPhone 15 pro and subsequent phones. Not some grand Apple conspiracy.


It's bc it's way too powerful for older phones. Since it's all on device it needs to have a certain amount of power from the chips and a certain amount of RAM to run properly and not negatively effect other things as well like battery life etc.


I guess when you explain the reason why people don't want to hear it and downvote. Wild.


No please don’t leave Apple


Too late I’m on the plane!


i mean, the point of newer versions is that they’ll be able to handle new features right? just because it’s baked into software doesn’t mean it doesn’t use hardware.


The biggest point is also RAM. There *are* differences between the chips as well, I don’t know why we should take for granted that. If the hardware doesn’t support something, Apple can’t just snap their fingers and make it magically work. Would you rather Apple delay it until everyone gets the hardware necessary to run it?


14 Pro is still getting every other update mentioned, I imagine they split their keynote into two parts - everything before Tim says “Apple Intelligence” is coming to all iOS 18 devices. It’s the equivalent of a 13 Pro user complaining that you got the satellite SOS mode while they didn’t. By the way, yes - your phone **is** already “outdated” in some respects. A whole other phone came out between the 14’s release and now, and another will be out before these features even launch. They simply cannot make every new feature backwards compatible all the time.


Fine. Go get an android.


Wait till you see what happens when you jump ship to android and they do the same exact thing.


First time with Apple products? They’ve done this for years.


They’re getting worse though. Time was that older devices wouldn’t get an update, while supported devices would get the whole thing. These days they segregate to the point that, sure, your older device technically gets the new OS, but they strip out most of the interesting stuff.  Like how my iPad Mini 6 doesn’t support Stage Manager, despite being a perfectly capable device. 


Try it then, I came back from a pixel recently. You’ll be back lmao.


RCS will not be “in iMessage.” iMessage is a service, not an app. Messages is the app. It uses SMS, MMS, RCS, and iMessage. You can’t have an iMessage thread intermingled with an RCS thread.


Have fun not getting security updates after 2 years on Android


Updated Siri != Apple Intelligence


The “new era for Siri” is listed under the Apple Intelligence headline here: https://www.apple.com/ios/ios-18-preview/


So much for people buying a 14Pro the year before to “future proof”. Never waste your money on Apples high end. They don’t reward you for the purchase.


Honestly insane that it doesn’t work on a 14 pro. That being said I probably won’t be missing the feature much, but still, scummy on apples part.


yall didnt they say smt about private cloud computing? like im sure all ios 18 devices would have these regardless of their hardware but correct me if im wrong


Doesn’t work this way. The private cloud does only work if there’s the on-device LLM which can do the indexing and decision which personal information to expose. And even if this architecture was tuned for older devices the experience wouldn’t be the same due to latency.


right i forgot about that part. thats so annoying.


They should, they won’t


Similar to when Siri was released 13 years ago. It only worked on iPhones 4S and up.


They should but they want money ig


Dang, pay for a premium phone to not get premium updates. iPhone 14 Pro gang sad:(


You really want an AI powered Siri? Apple has been saying that Siri has been getting smarter and smarter with each update, but in my experience she’s gotten worse and worse.  I’m glad I won’t be getting any of this AI stuff. I’m so sick of this trend and can’t wait for it to go away


They haven't claimed she was getting smarter with each update. In fact they've barely mentioned her the past 5 years until now


> I’m so sick of this trend and can’t wait for it to go away Do you seriously think it will go away? Why?


Yes I do want an AI powered Siri (it already was) since there’s hella features I would use on a daily basis


Yeah, it’s really not going away any time soon.


Honestly I’m actually fine with not getting ai on my phone lol I’m super excited about all the other features on my iPhone 15 (send later, customization, new email and photos) honestly it’s all I’ve ever asked for


I have the Samsung s24 and in my opinion a lot of the AI stuff is overrated. I will say apples implementation is a lot more interesting and useful than what I've seen. But I've only used AI stuff maybe a handful of times and usually for goofy things. Google's Gemini is barely useful to me since it can't do essential things that I ask the assistant to do like Make notes to myself and whatnot. So it has a long ways to go and I have a feeling that they will eventually have a version that will work off the cloud and be available to hold the devices. Also Samsung got a lot of heat for only having their AI stuff available for your devices and eventually made it available to older ones too so we'll see if maybe Apple gets affected by that as well even though that's probably not their target.


it also means you’ll be getting fewer features and a lack of focus on stability and performance enhancements as compared to a regular non-AI year due to the engineering effort focused overwhelmingly on AI integration features. everybody who doesn’t own a 15 pro max or newer loses from this.


Not to mention that the phone is now stuck in the group of underpowered devices. Future iOS iterations will further develop these features and the phone will get less and less features overtime


iPhone X moment


I’m happy with my phone as it is. A lot of these features are really just quality of life improvements. As long as I can still make a phone call and send a text I think I’ll be okay it’s not the end of the world either. It does suck that apple is doing that and I’m not gonna just say that it’s okay for them to do that cause it’s honestly fucked but in my case as long as I can do what I said I’m honestly okay. Honestly speaking what they announced is what I’ve been asking for years. We can finally customize our apps and move them around and change the colors. My biggest feature I’ve been asking for was to schedule a message and FINALLY it’s being added. We’ve also got a revamped control center, mail app and photos app as well. There’s a lot of good things in this update as well that are being overlooked as well for the people that aren’t getting AI.


I’d rather have iOS 18 be only Apple Intelligence than the other way around


Seriously, fuck AI.


It’s crazy to see how many people are more mad at the fact that they’re not getting AI rather than the overhaul they’re doing with iOS 18. Seriously apple is literally giving the people the features they asked for a decade now.


Where it's at now it's not worth it. These are great concepts but usually take a while to eventually develop into actually being useful. Also the AI image creator needs to die lol


There is absolutely no way that the only allowing A17pros to get the upgrade is legitimately from power requirements. There is no way Apple can justify this. The 14pros, 13pros, 15s,14s, and 13s would have no issues running this. Clearly just a money grab for Apple to get people to upgrade. This may be one of the biggest f yous Apple has ever done in an iOS update. It would be one thing if it was adding features to a new phone to sell (which they already did with portrait mode on any photo with the 15 pros), but now basically cutting out the major feature of iOS 18 for anything other than the current phone is absolutely ridiculous. If they had to run on device, then they should have made sure it was able to run on at least 2 year old devices.


. A17 Pro has 8 GB RAM, like all M1+ Mac’s and iPads.


I just love the degree of certainty you have when we know absolutely nothing about its innards


Not only the current, but the pro version of the current. I’ve been waiting years for an exciting wwdc and usually apple does not deliver. The first year in years they bring something that relevant, they restrict it to the Pro version of the latest model. Come on Apple, this is undeniably ridiculous. iOS 18 feels barebones without this feature. At least for me, it might be less outrageous (I have an iPhone 13) than for people that have bought iPhone 14s or 15s. These phones are basically the latest and are already stuck out of the loop.


100%! I have the 14PM and they talked about how great this phone was, how future proof it would be. Now this. But yes the biggest thing is nothing but the pros of the current version get. That’s just absurd. I am with you, have been waiting on something exciting from Apple for years, and when we get it, this is what happens.


When we know new iPhones come every year, why would you ever truly think something was "future proof"? I never heard the "future proof" message. I upgrade through my carrier every year to the latest iPhone, send the old one back. I could buy out the old one but I don't wanna do that.


I normally upgrade every year with the Apple Upgrade program, but I did not with the 15 pros because they weren’t anything exciting to me. And I never said Apple used the term future proofing, but the talk from them is how powerful the chips are in the pros, most people expect that is they are spending nearly $2k on a phone, they get the full iOS experience for at least 3 or 4 years. You wouldn’t buy a MacBook and upgrade it each year. You expect it to got for at least 3 or 4 years if not longer.


ChatGPT was released after the iPhone 14s. They probably didn’t know that AI was gonna become such a thing in a year and a half.


I remember they cutting Stage Manager from certain capable iPads and people complained and they made it possible. Let’s do the same! I have an iPhone 15 and it’s super disappointing that only the Pros will get it.


I have a 15 Pro and my wife has a 15. She didn’t watch the keynote live and was gushing about all the new features. I felt terrible breaking the news that all this neat stuff would only be on my phone 😅 Sincerely hope enough complaints reach Apple’s ears and they do the right thing and AT LEAST bring some AI stuff to the iPhone 14 Pro/15 chipset.


Next time make sure your wife gets the Pro too 🤣😂


Hell this could run on the 14s too.


So only English language and 15 pro+ XD great job Apple


And only in US English…


More languages and features will come. It's just a matter of time.


That will probably be true. But there are quite a few features that don’t make their way out of US English, and still haven’t. So it’s kind of disappointing to see that their LLM models have focused mainly on US English and will likely take a good chunk of time before anyone else will be able to to use all these new features they advertised as a massive part of their announcement.


That is a shame. Maybe AI can help Apple speed up this work. I just hope that iOS 18 delivers everyone with iPhone 15 and lower through to iPhone XR and XS some kind of Siri improvements. If it's the same old Siri, with zero improvements at all, that would suck. But that appears to be what it will be.


I’m no expert, what I’ve read so far, is saying they have rushed development of the AI features and only been able to train it on US English - so I doubt AI is going to really help them on that front. Well unless you have the Apple Intelligence feature set, Siri is 100% going to be the same old Siri. All of the Siri advancements announced are using the Apple AI feature set. Nothing different. Which is why they’ve not announced anything different for HomePod etc. What would Apple AI do on a HomePod? It has no contextual awareness, nothing on screen to re-write for you etc. the best we can hope for is that they at least allow the natural speech functionality. I’m doubtful on that as it’s not part of the HomePod beta software we’re seeing just now… so who the hell knows. They have been pushed to announce features that are nowhere near ready, to please the shareholders. Considering they kept saying coming later, in 2025 etc when referring to all this. Basically we’re talking by iOS 19 and we’ll get AI “properly” in iOS and in other places than the US. But seeing as you can’t even have voicemail transcription on in UK English when you have visual voicemail on at the moment - how long has that feature been out? And somehow it can’t manage in UK English? I’m not holding my breath!


At the very least Siri can certainly talk with chatgpt on any damn device even the iPhone 4s could handle that. Just connects to the internet. But no, iPhone 15 pro only. 


A17 Pro 😭


I feel like "Send to ChatGPT" is going to become the next "Here's what I found on the web:". Better, but it could end up being used too much


Siri sucks ass so hopefully AI will improve it.


I guess it is time to trade in and update maybe end of the year when the 15 Pro Max is on sale.


I'll believe it when I see/hear it.


Could be that it can be used in older models too, but relying on internet connection to do so? 🤔


An AI is only really intelligent when it can look at itself from outside.


Does anyone know if we can finally do other things while Siri is figuring out the answer to our question/task ?


This means the battery drain is going to be crazy


They could’ve made all AI features available on all models by making requests online only for less powerful devices.


Apple needs time to build up the server infrastructure for hundreds of millions of users, new datacenters will be needed all over the planet since they will be using M chips in the servers. I think that is why only 15 Pro (in the phone category) is supporter right from the start, to limit the user base. Hopefully, in time they'll bring AI features to other devices too, or at least some of the features.


Idk why this was downvoted but you do make a point. I was thinking maybe they wanted to test the AI with a smaller phone user base with the most advanced chips and then slowly make its way down the ladder if it’s performance is quite optimized.


inshallah the eu will have a word with them


Good luck to the EU at making Apple run AI models on devices that don’t support them.


It’s very disappointing to see Apple essentially compelling people to purchase the latest iPhones just to experience this Siri update. They pulled this move before with Stage Manager on iPad and because of the backlash, they’ve changed it so more iPads can support the Stage Manager feature. If there’s enough backlash against this move, they will for sure change the system requirements. But one could only hope, I was excited to try it on my devices :|


Stage manager was SO bad. Even by now it’s completely useless undeveloped feature even on MacBook pro


I’m still salty that my iPad mini 6 doesn’t have Stage Manager. Not because I want to do all the multi-tasking on that little screen, but because it would be useful to be able to use it with a second display. It would be an incredible supplement to my MacBook, but no, Apple want to encourage me to buy a bigger iPad that I don’t want or need. 


I know Apple upselling strategy sucks. But I can assure you that you would not be satisfied with stage manager. You are talking about multitasking but on iPad (I have iPad Pro 23) it’s useless, I tried it and ended up doing way too many clicks than I would just going from window to window… also bc the screen isn’t that big you still have to zoom or scroll to be able to fit the screen in the view and it’s annoying…. I tried it also on MacBook, and it’s equally annoying. There is absolutely no benefit to stage manager whatsoever.  The only thing I love is that I can use iPad Pro as second display. But I think they can wrap the stage manager and throw it away


The thing is, I don’t necessarily want the ability to run Stage Manager on the iPad screen, but just have the ability to hook it up to a screen and have it match the resolution, not have some shitty looking massive iPad desktop instead. 


Ohhh! I had to download an app for it! So when I connect my MacBook it mirrors on iPad but scales it appropriately 


> Stage manager ~~was~~ is SO bad FTFY They didn't even mention it during the presentation today. Can’t believe it’s not getting any major attention given how incomplete it still is two years later.


I think they should call off the stage manager project and remove completely or revamp. I just don’t see any benefit in it. Do you use it at all?


I tried to use it on Mac, but couldn't stick with it for more than an hour or two. Traditional macOS window management is simply better. I don't want to have to think about which "stages" have the apps I need and spend all that time shuffling things around. It was more work to use than any benefit it would seemingly provide. On the other hand, I always have it enabled on the iPad. It's the only way to have something close to real window management on iPadOS. Otherwise, you're basically just splitting the screen into thirds. And having the recent apps off to the left of the screen for quick multitasking is convenient. I feel like they developed Stage Manager to deliver some form of decent window management on iPadOS while trying to simultaneously accommodate touch and cursor support on smaller screens. But in their slow-rolling quest to seemingly merge macOS and iPadOS, I suspect they also thought people who have both types of devices would want unified window management. (Fortunately they had enough foresight to make it optional.) At the end of the day, most people using a tablet and a laptop are doing so for different workflows, choosing the device that best fits the situation. And most of those people are competent enough to be comfortable with differing interfaces on each device that are adapted for the device's form factor and input methods. They're finding out the hard way what Microsoft learned ten years ago with Windows 8.


I agree with you. When I tried it also felt very clickable that at the end what is the point.  I downloaded this app called rectangle (I think) for window management and it works well. I like it over the ridiculous window sizing that MacBook has. Until I had this app it always felt like I am fighting with windows and constantly resizing . I am happy to give the stage manager chance one more time when they mention it was somehow upgraded or changed. I don’t know anyone who would say they use stage manager daily/often if even.  I guess my favorite workflow it having my MacBook and use iPad as another screen


The model requirements are stupid. I traded my iPhone 15 a few days ago for an S24+, and I thought I would miss iOS when iOS 18 releases, but this only made me feel even better with my new phone.


I’m about to do the same. Finally tired of Apples BS. How do you like the 24+. It’s the same one I’m considering?


Neural engine TOPS, what ya gonna do


Very curious how it works with Tinder


Is this new feature a double edged sword? Can Open AI be trusted with personal data?


Still no Greek…


I’m fine with it and I’m still rocking an iPhone 11 lol. Siri is already handy when paired with CarPlay for me as well as basic stuff like setting a reminder or an alarm. Everything else is just a cool luxury that I can wait on for a few years.


Just wait until they come out with the iphone 17 and they transition Apple Intelligence to the cloud which will use less RAM then advertise it as IMPROVED BATTERY LIFE 🤯🤯🤯🤯


With censorship in place no doubt. So fucking lame.


I was disappointed “new” Siri had that same monotone robot voice. Especially partnering with OpenAI to incorporate ChatGPT which now has a less robotic voice for their AI.


*) only in USA?


Yeah there’s no way this won’t go wrong /s


Bullshit that the iPhone 14 Pro won’t be getting that AI update. I’ve been upgrading every 2 years and jumping from the 12 pro to 14 pro I realize it isn’t worth it. I refuse to justify an upgrade over some AI features. I think many others are in the same boat.


So don’t upgrade. Apple didn’t promise you they would upgrade it with new AI features. You’re not losing anything.


Not for Dutch market. We can wait for who knows how many years. I go to Samsung…


What? There will be no AI in The Netherlands?


US English only, for now.


But if you speak with Siri in English?


I think it only works if you put your whole phone in English mode


Yeo but the music app is still not updated and battery life on watch still sucks but AI is gonna be fun


I am sure evil Satan Apple won’t give Al to any iPhone lower then 15 Pro and Pro max boycott evil Satan Apple


Siri no longer a dumb bitch? I doubt


ion have iphone 15 and can’t use it . what a joke 🤡


That’s what u get for being cheap iphone 15 is still worse than iphone 14 pro


Soo tired of apple already.


No thanks.


If I have the ChatGPT app on my phone, what do I need Apple Intelligence for?


I don’t understand why the Apple Intelligence is exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro models only. If ChatGPT works on any device, why can’t the upgraded Siri? It doesn’t make sense.


Because chatGPT answers are generated in cloud. Apple wants almost all stuff to be generated on device which probably needs a lot of RAM. Also, it will do much different things than generating text only. Also, Apple want to boost new models sales.


please no. I don't want AI to send me to the Middle East when I ask for directions 😭