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I don’t mean to be rude, but if you’ve not previously taken part in the .0 betas then it’d be better to wait until either a later release in August or wait until the public release in September.


There is no need for standard users to install beta releases. Just wait for the official one in September 🤙


This may sound harsh but don't take it personal. 1 - Unless you are the type that can fix stuff yourself by reading how to do it, and know where to look, don't. 2 - If you need to come onto a Reddit forum for help in downgrading to 17.5.1, don't...see #1 3 - If an app doesn't work anymore and you rely on it you'll need to downgrade....see #2 Otherwise, jump right in and have fun!


As usual, expect bugs, glitches and poor performance with beta software. Will your phone break? Probably not, but since this software is unstable it could lead to overheating which may impact your battery health. If you have apple care and backed up your phone, then go ahead and install iOS 18 beta as you’ll have some peace of mind in the case something does go wrong. Otherwise wait until September for the release candidate or public release when everything is stable.


How do I back up my phone then bc I think I have apple care but yk?


[check this out for backup: PC, Mac, and iCloud](https://support.apple.com/en-lb/guide/iphone/iph3ecf67d29/ios)


I wouldn’t recommend it unless there is some specific feature you really want. The beta software runs slow, my phone overheated all the time, and it ruins battery life.


I was very new to betas when iOS 16 beta was released. I installed it on my main device and when I was in vacation the phone overheated and shut off and wouldn’t turn back on for almost a day. It also wouldn’t let me check voicemails as the screen went black


I wouldn’t recommend installing on a primary or main device. There are bugs and things can go wrong. It’s beta testing. even if it’s fixable with AppleCare or downgrading or whatever if you don’t know how to do it or you don’t have the time or energy or not having your device for a day or so or a few hours while you get it cleared up, it wouldn’t be worth it to me. I also hear great things about Apple and their customer service, but once you sign up for beta it’s not covered. You seem to answer your own question if your main concern is that it will potentially break or ruin your phone, I wouldn’t risk it. At the very least, I would do some research because this beta is especially the second incarnation seems to have some battery issues and overheating issues that may or may not affect you, but I’ve heard if you’ve got a lot of stuff on your device or not enough memory for all of what it’s doing, it could potentially cause you some issues.


Do it. Stop being a pansy