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iPad Pro 12.9, M1, magic keyboard. Not sure what you mean by extra steps. I can sit on the couch and remote into my work computer in my office as well as standard stuff like browsing, email, Netflix, Youtube, etc. I prefer it to a laptop personally. And if I need to get something done in MacOS that my iPad won't do I can remote into my Mac Mini as well.


Which app for remote access?


Best is Jump Desktop


I second Jump Desktop. For the gamers, though, you should use Moonlight. You can set it up to use your Desktop, as well.


Is it pretty smooth and seemless mostly (been thinking about getting this). Does the resolution fit to the iPad?


Jump Desktop


We said work, you say Netflix Like I’m having the same funicng thing. It’s dope for entertainment but Jesus I can’t do shit on an iPad. I feel like it’s a distant dream. It’s just a fucking entertainement machine and that’s it. Theses influencer revolving around their iPad aren’t successful because they work on iPad, they are just merchandising with Apple and prenteding to work while all they do with an iPad is going to Starbucks and do boring things


What do you feel like you cannot do?


Art. I do concept design and industrial design, I can do some preliminary sketches but that’s it, no extra treatment, no photoshop etc.


The iPad is literally designed around artist. Especially the new ones. People have been pissing on themselves over the fact that they can’t do anything else while artist are chilling. What about it can you not do? Art is a broad concept. What have you found yourself really not been able to accomplish?


Well maybe is a mindset only, I didn’t really made big research, just got an iPad with Apple Pencil a few months ago ago, as a gift. So I was like fuck maybe I can remplace my workflow. 1. Basically I design stuff (zbrush or CAD) - modeling 2. Then I compose them into a scene + texturing - Blender 3. Then I “render” the scene 4. And I post FX with photoshop to create a batch of image to present the design to the client If you tell me I can replicate that kind of workflow on my iPad that I wasn’t aware off… would love to


Yeh m2. But it’s still great. But I would suggest you just do some research. Because I’m positive your description has been the whole concept. They even have it in ads of talking about just what you mentioned. Do a bit of research and if there’s something you get stuck on doing, there’s always someone in Reddit who has the answer.


Take a look at Brad Colbow's recent vid on using the new Pro for his entire art work flow. He talks about some alternatives to the programs you mention. [Brad Colbow's 2024 iPad Pro Review](https://youtu.be/gL_lRJqUfV4?si=_c4PvynXgaJRhlRI)


Do you know what kind you got ?


M3 not pro


Have you tried procreate. It looks simple but honestly it is very complex in terms of how personalize it can get. Also you can get the app called tools for procreate which gives you niche selection.


Proxreate is basically 2D drawing and I use mostly a 3D drawing type of workflow. I know it sounds picky but honestly that how I would love to use the iPad, perfect light remplacement from my workstation ATM I just 3D sketch with the Apple Pencil and I send my 3D model on my main computer but if I could at least render or texture on the iPad would be dope




I really feel like the market just needs air and pro. Air for people who just use it for video watching and note taking, Pro for artists.


i’ve made an entire professionally produced album using only an ipad and a pair of headphones you’re plain wrong. You can do a lot with an ipad. It’s a fantastic tool for media creation. I do everything from graphic design, video editing and music production just on an 11” M1 Pro. I don’t even use my mac anymore.


Ugh. I had great hopes for mine—-note taking!sketching! but i hate the Magic Pencil—-horrible experience with it. Skitters around, text recognition is really not that great, the usual bs text recognition. But then i thought, hey! This is an amazing portable laptop television.


I bought some PenTips from https://pen.tips and they have been great. They have just enough drag on them so the Pencil doesn’t slip around so easy. They ship from Germany, so it might take a little longer to arrive to you, but I love them. Come 3 to a box.


Thank you Internet Stranger :)


I can but don’t do it all the time. Helps to have the Logitech combo touch. I can VPN into my work server and Remote Desktop. External monitor with stage manager on my m1 11” pro help too It’s definitely slower as a laptop than my work PC but I can get plenty done. What I love it is that I can grab it and go to a construction site and it’s still functional, can be hybrid for touch screen and useful for taking notes with the pencil using onenote and pdf expert


Define plenty ? What work are you doing on it ?


Emails, viewing drawings, note taking, personal internet browsing. I’ll take Teams calls on it too


Like did they not read you use remote desktop ? Same way, I’ll sometimes use my iPad to remote into my work desktop and can do my entire job (Logitech combo) like I’m using my MBP


I think it’s fun to use. I have a work-provided laptop. Laptops feel like work. 


As a side note, it's crazy to me that this entire sub is 'justify your purchase to me!' Idk, I like it. Not every decision has to be gamed out to max efficiency.


I’ve been using my iPad and eventually iPad Pro as a replacement for my Mac for both work and play ever since good, solid keyboard cases arrived. I bought the very first iPad and upgraded every 2-3 generations because I like it so much. Once the Pro shipped, I’ve been exclusively Pro. Just got an M4 1TB with cellular. I like the: - Ability to easily pop the iPad off the keyboard and use it as a tablet. Lay on my back on the couch, hand it off to someone to show them something, walk around while looking at content. It is both a laptop replacement and a much more flexible device - Simplified OS and ‘window’ management for a lot of tasks. Split View and Slide Over rule - Weight savings in my backpack - Cellular connection so I’m not shackled to WiFi hotspots. I ride my bike into Chicago downtown and work along the lakefront. Or under trees by the museum. In a park. Wherever I want, not only where there is WiFi (which is often crummy or slow, and arguably always insecure) - For many tasks, I enjoy touching content more than using keyboard and mouse abstraction Those are the big ones off the top of my head. But I want to be clear: you’re not ‘wrong’ for preferring a Mac or traditional PC laptop. Use what you like. But since you’re here and asking this, it sounds like you’re at least a little iPad-curious. I think a really important step to trying one is that you have to set aside your expectations of how things supposedly ‘should’ work just because that’s what you’re used to. The iPad is an ultra minimal computer in weight, battery, and OS, because it has different goals than a laptop. It’s supposed to be thin and light. The OS is built mainly for touch, and only recently gained mouse support. There’s a lot to like if you enjoy learning new things. But your Mac/PC laptop is just fine too.


Because 90-95% of what I need my personal laptop for throughout the day can be comfortably done on my iPad. Yes, there are things that are not great, or require extra steps to do, but I’m not doing those things all the time, if I was, I wouldn’t have bothered getting an iPad.


I did it for a year or so back in 2020. My only other computer at the time was a 2011 MBP, which was obviously beginning to struggle at that point, so I figured I'd get a keyboard case for the 8th gen I had at the time. In truth, once I got my workflows figured out, it was actually ok. The only two things I couldn't do were side load books onto my Kobo, and put music on my iPod, so I needed to use my wife's PC for that. For most of that time I had a weekly radio show that I did entirely through that iPad. Through a bit of trial and error I worked out which apps I'd need and actually got it working really well, even using a 3rd gen iPad mini as a midi controller to fade my mic in and out, as well as the tracks that were playing in DJay. But ultimately, it was more of a pain in the ass than just using a Mac. For example, I couldn't export the recording from Ferrite in the background, so had to have it open or it would just...not. And I could never 100% trust that the jenga tower of apps I was using wouldn't topple over and need a restart midway through my show. And then there was having to dig through an assortment of apps to do stuff like convert video formats for promos, and other minutiae that's just baked into macOS that you don't really think about until you need to do it. So in the end I got a new MacBook, and all those apps for presenting the show were replaced by one: Mixxx. Which is free. And Mixxx has the benefit of working with my Numark DJ controller, which the DJay app I needed to use didn't. The newer version of it did (via a monthly subscription, which was fucky), but that version didn't support routing audio out to Audiobus, without which none of my setup would work. These days my iPad is a 6g mini. I'd say a good 90% of its use is as a kind of third screen for my work Mac mini, using Universal Control to have messages and Mastodon open. I'm glad I have it, and it was an excellent gift, but there's no way or earth I'd pay £650 for it. That said, I've resurrected the midi controller app I used to use, which works perfectly with Mixxx, so I can fade my mic and talking bed in and out on the show I do now.


Haven’t own a computer since 2018 when I got the 12.9 inch iPad Pro. Web, YouTube, Movies, Social Media can be done on iPad Photo editing can be done with Affinity suite Video editing can be done very lightly - I don’t need much I don’t code


What extra steps? iPad does everything I need it to. Just need to know how, And once you get used to it, then you think the opposite. My favorite thing about the ipad is that it’s a 3 in one, it’s a laptop, a tablet, and a desktop. And it works in all forms and functions


Until you need to use excel.


I use Excel for work on my iPad as a matter of fact I don’t even use my work laptop I use my iPad nd everything works fine.


If you pay for excel on ipad you get pretty much the same functionality. If not, then just use google sheets. But at the end of the day, im a pilot so im not sure how excel would help for my career field. It’s really about your lifestyle, and if the ipad can fit in it. It just so happens to fit mine perfectly.


Can you write visual basic on Excel for iPad? or do the sheets that were coded on PC work at least?


And for simple stuff, the "office" apps from Apple are good enough, Numbers is "Excel", Pages is "Word" and Keynote is "Powerpoint". With the advantage that you can work on your files on any device, you can start on your iPhone and continue on your Mac.


Same with Microsoft office on any device


I have to remote into my windows server to use excel. This is the whole reason why I decided to go to iPad only. Even with my MBA I had to use parallels to use excel. I use spreadsheets with macros which the Mac excel does not allow. Might as well go iPad only since it’s the same difference.


my m4 iPad Pro 13 is my main work device now. The official Magic Keyboard is great can’t imagine using anything else. For tie few occasional things I can’t do on iPad, I use jump desktop to remote into my Mac mini.


I’m a photographer and when I’m working at a remote location iPad totally means I don’t bring Ali g my laptop. I usb c direct to my camera and copy over what was shot and Lightroom let’s me import the raws and I start culling images (usually with the models grabbing it from me they get so excited) and I can send them a few sneak peek shots right to their phones via airdrop and it’s lightweight and easy to carry around, acts like an extra backup and when I get back home into my Wi-Fi it syncs to Lightroom and by the next morning I’m already looking at culled images on my editing rig. Also while I’m waiting in the airport or on the plane I’m usually split screen watching movies and flipping through images from the shoot


I really appreciate the perspective from another photographer. How well does your iPad handle RAW files? I’m tired of traveling with my 16 inch MBP when on assignment and thinking of alternatives.


I don't notice a difference from desktop, keep in mind I get back to my desktop to review the culled images. It's pretty easy to tweak the LR settings there before going to PS. I don't notice a difference between LR on my ipad mini, my iphone 15 pro max or my 12.9 m1 ipad pro. Yknow the other nice thing. Most shoot locations are going to be worse off than most US cities. Carrying a laptop feels like so much more of a liability. I lost my ipad mini on a trip to Tulum. It sucked for sure, but it was a $300-400 dollar loss. If it had been my laptop it would have hurt alot more. Plus I feel like much more or a target when I'm carrying my laptop. I know I look like an american out there but I'm also lugging a super heavy bag around with a model, I just feel like a sitting duck. Another nice thing is the ipad mini fits perfect in the 3L peak design sling. That's my go to exploring/scouting set up. It's enough room for my back up A73 with the 35mm lens, it supports the capture clip on the outside, a power bank, some headphones and an apple or banana from the hotel bfast, some BC powder to fight jet lag and it's a pretty good setup. It's also slightly smaller than the camera cube so it really doesn't even take up much extra space in the travel bag. The only real big limitation that my laptop does that I don't even know how to try on the PadOS version of Lightroom is the panorama stitching or timelapse videos. FWIW


Oh wow, I think we have similar experiences. I bought the very first gen iPad mini right when it came out an over a decade ago, exactly because I wanted something small and light that could fit in my sling, and not long after my bag got stolen on a trip and said to myself “at least it wasn’t my laptop”. I’ve not touched an iPad since but I’m starting to think it would be a nice tool to have when out. Do you find the mini limiting in size or is it for you the right balance of power and portability? And would something like very simple and short video editing work on an iPad?


At the time I bought the 6 gen ipad mini, the USB-C port was the deciding factor, even over the size and power because I didn't even need a dongle to connect the camera directly to it. After using it I wouldn't get anything else. it's so easy to read on, easy to hold one handed. I cull in LR one handed! just swipe, swipe, drag up to flag or add star rating, swipe, swipe. It's too good. There's rumors apple is going to make an oled version of the mini next. I'll be first in line if they give me a 2TB or larger storage option. Thunderbolt, a magic keyboard, and the new AI stuff would be incredible.


That sounds really cool! I was initially looking at a M2 pro but now you got me thinking about a mini 6 instead!


If you do the mini 6, you’d have money left over to buy a usb c SSD JS


I love touching the screen or using the pencil to scroll. Lol Or sometimes im just too lazy to carry my MBP around.


iPad Air 5. Smart Keyboard. Multiport attachment. Tomtoc case. I use it as a runabout laptop that I take to a university to work on my latest novel. The real laptop stays at home.


It's a fantastic experience, way more immersive than a laptop, and much more enjoyable to use.


iPad Air + Magic Keyboard I use my iPad to run my website and anything outside of my office job. The only thing I can’t do is use chrome extensions, which companies keep switching their web apps to.


I’m in marketing and grad school so most of my workflow is app and/or web based, which honestly is how I think Apple intended the iPad version of a laptop to be. I also have an M2 Mac Mini to handle tasks that need a larger screen. As long as I can access my mail, teams, design programs, and open/edit documents here and there I really don’t need much more from it. The only reason I’ll be upgrading to the M4 pro from the M1 is due to the portrait camera. That was really the only thing keeping it from being a 100% laptop replacement for me.


I have an iPad 9th gen that I used for two weeks when my Macbook was out for repair. It can do a decent job as a temporary laptop device, but it has its limits as the office apps (at least the ones I use) have limited features compared to the PC versions. Navigation may also be a bit different although split view is a bit helpful if you need multi-window view. I pair it with a Logitech Pebble keyboard and mice multi-device combo. A single button press will make the switch for mice and keyboard control from whichever devices you connect it with.


I agree with comments that say you can do almost everything, but I also agree that IPad requires extra steps. For example when I start my work flow on stage manager, i spend a minute or two getting all the windows on the right sizes, and really wish if windows would snap so I could work faster.


Define “laptop”. For anything approaching “real work”, I don’t use the iPad. I might write notes on my iPad which obviously sync with my laptop, or I might use Freeform to sketch some ideas out. I might take the iPad to a meeting with a keyboard. I might use my iPad for Teams or some Office365 stuff but it’s not like I’m using it for “real work” (I’m a tech director). It is, and always will be, a companion device - it’s not going to replace my laptop but there’s an intersection of tasks that I can do on my MacBook or my iPad if needed.


Remote Desktop and a private vpn service is my go to way to make it desktop like on an iPad


Using my iPad as my laptop comes with a deep understanding of what the iPad is and what it isn’t. Steve Jobs described the iPad as the in between device. The device that does some iPhone things better and some mac things better. This little product was never intended to replace either one of those devices, despite what Apple’s marketing will make you believe. That doesn’t take away from the fact that the iPad is still crazy powerful! On my iPad (M2 11” IPP) I: -Check and respond to emails with the built in Mail app -Write my papers with Essayist -Complete any assignments with Canvas/Google Classroom/etc. -Edit videos with FCP -Remote into my desktop Windows PC with Chrome Remote Desktop -Write programs for and SSH into my raspberry pi with Code App and A-Shell -Scroll on Reddit -Manage my finances -Entertainment (Obviously) And so much more It’s certainly possible. You just have to understand the limitations of the device and go in with the expectation that you might not be able to do everything that you could on your Mac or Windows PC. I told my GF the same thing when she was looking at a device for College. Get the Mac (M3 15” Air) as your main device, iPad (10th Gen) as the substitute and she couldn’t be happier.


Only issue I have EVER had with my iPad , is the fact that Microsoft word is always locked behind a paywall, and any other app I use to try and edit a resume in doesn’t ever line things up correctly. So I pay for word lol


Reading the comments makes you wonder exactly what kind of work people do. Most generic office jobs are pretty much just email and browser so that is easy. Then we have people wanting to run the full adobe suite on an iPad and of course that isn’t realistic. “Work” is too general of a term.


You connect the magic keyboard, and turn on stage manager and done? And i do it because i needed a tablet, because my old one was dying. And i needed a laptop for simple things, and i didn't have one. So i got a 2 in 1 device


Check absolutely everything you know and think you might need. E.g. work websites, apps, etc.


I use it as a laptop for web browsing, texting etc etc. Never had an issue. Heavy lifting I use RDP and log into my windows desktop.


My main reason is it’s cheaper than a MacBook and does everything I need. Mostly safari and YouTube.


That Microsoft word is not available in full as it is on desktop is the sole reason for me not abandoning my MacBook


Yesterday I was struggling a lot just to do a very simple task like downloading a word file from one drive and make some modifications, save as pdf and send by WhatsApp. Very basic but never worked. I have Microsoft 365 subscription. Any advice please!?


I’m bad with explaining things like this, but I use OneDrive for work so I’ll give it a shot: 1. Open the Word file in OneDrive and there will be a floating bottom bar and an icon to open it in Microsoft 365. 2. Make your changes in Word 3. Hit the “…” icon and select “Export”, then PDF, then a window will pop up to allow you to save it wherever is easiest for you 4. Open finder, find the file and share it there, or if Whatsapp allows you to add documents in the app you can send it that way too. There might be an easier way but this is how I would do it.


Thanks dear.


I am playing around with this right now, with an available secure connection to remote into a network PC if I need it (because there are some things in my work flow that cannot be done on iOS). Why? Because my iPad Mini is much smaller and lighter than any PC option, and because it has other flexibility like taking handwritten notes in meetings and using it to read magazines and newspapers. It’s much more “throw in the bag” than a laptop. IDK so far I like it. If/when I do carry a PC, it wouldn’t be a MacBook most likely because I’d still have to jump through some hoops, because the things I need on the desktop are mostly not on macOS.


Sold my personal MBP a couple years ago and haven’t had a personal laptop since then. Have a work laptop and a home desktop. Recently just bought the new iPad Pro m4 with the keyboard to function as my main personal device. As a daily MacBook user (on my work computer), there are a lot of functions and QoL features I wish my iPad had. I know Apple will likely never do it but I wish they just came out with a “lite” version of MacOS that I could run on this iPad like widows did with their combo tablet/laptops. I specifically got the iPad because I wanted the dual functionality of a tablet and laptop, so I don’t regret my purchase. But there is a learning curve. I do design for work so the MBP is great for that. I hope to do some more personal design stuff as a hobby on the iPad, so the flexibility of the iPad and pencil are cool for that. But I’ve found that simple tasks like file organizing annoy me the most for some reason. Like the finder app is already simple on MacOS. I don’t know why the files app isn’t just an exact copy of finder. It’s unnecessarily confusing to have 2 similar but slightly different file explorers. I feel like iPad Pro users are likely to have previously been or currently are Mac users. So it’s frustrating that within their own ecosystem, Apple isn’t consistently with their software offering. Once you get past these kind of things, the machine is nice. Sure it cannot do everything my work laptop can, but I don’t really NEED to. And that’s the thing, most people aren’t doing crazy work on their personal devices. If you expect it to be a laptop, you’ll be disappointed. But for fun, hobbies, flexibility, and personal work, it’s a great all-in-one device.


I am in a similar boat. I had an iPad Pro 11 with Magic keyboard that I really loved to use, I side-graded to the 12.9 iPad Pro (with Magic keyboard) and I find it a little unwieldy. I prefer the iPad Pro 11 tbh. But I am stuck with the 12.9in for a while (unless I can sell it). I think it all depends on the use cases that folks have. Some use cases are much easier on the iPad, eg App-backed use cases where you are in and out of dedicated apps. Whereas some use cases are easier on the MacBook, whether its certain websites, or programs, etc.


Honestly, everything I need from a laptop, my iPad Air M2(2024) can do and better. I mainly play Minecraft, Stardew, Wuthering Waves, and Honkai so that's my entertainment there. I also watch all my media there. I'm in college and it has all my apps that I need for college and even literally all my google apps. I just got it a month ago but it seriously changed the way I see my necessities. I write notes and have been learning Chinese and it does all that I need as well too with the Apple Pencil Pro. It really feels like an AIO type of device. like a jack-of-all but def not a master in any and that's completely okay.


I use mine as a mobile monitor for my Mac Studio with a wireless mouse and keyboard I can take it anywhere in my apartment.


The thing, maybe the only drawback here, the OFFICE365 apps are about 80% functional. So I’ve learned to live with it.


iPad 10, 64GB, 31GB used. It replaced my laptop. For my non drawing and retired needs? It serves well for on line banking, Reddit for humor, three games, and chrome. It was cheaper that a new laptop and no annoying fans or hot lap.


I am a musician, and my job involves a lot of traveling. Before I had an iPad, I used to need to pack all my music scores (which have been replaced by the iPad), as well as a laptop for things like emails, browsing, video editing. For me, the fact that the device I would anyway use for my job can also act as a laptop, albeit with limitations, is just amazing. I wouldn’t want the hustle of having to carry a laptop on the road.


My M1 Air and Magic Keyboard setup are pretty much very similar to older Surface Pros I’ve used in the past, the tasks I’ve done on such mainly involving web browsing with an external monitor of some kind with some light video and photo editing and messing with word docs and spreadsheets.


I'd rather use the extra steps than pay MacBook money lol


Long ago I ditched a laptop for the iPad Pro - the pencil made my life so much easier - getting contracts signed, keeping all my notes and files as pdfs and it is very portable. I only run into a couple of things a laptop or desktop do better, but that is so infrequent it does not affect my day to day work flows. For my use case it does everything I need it to do and has been my workhorse with very few issues, the only thing I would want to see is better formatting and usability of salesforce - have to use it occasionally for work - it is clunky on the ipad - again only one platform I occasionally use that could be much better. Other than that it does everything I need working with photos, document creation, contracts, research and note taking.


Why? Because despite having a 27 inch iMac, and wanting to replace it with a 15 inch MacBook Air, I can find nothing that I’d do with either of those that I can’t do on the iPad. I’ve also been using an iPad since the beginning. I figured out my workarounds, and over time, Apple’s made the platform capable enough that most-if not all-my workarounds are not necessary anymore. I can use it as a touch screen, or with the keyboard and mouse, and it does everything I need it to do. No reason to spend another $1500 on something or to use something that really doesn’t serve a purpose anymore. Only thing I may use the iMac for, is to somehow stream and rip the stream of certain animes I like that aren’t on any streaming service. That’s it, and that’s to avoid paying a few hundred for the Blu-ray’s from third parties converting old DVDs to the newer format.


I am not even able to create a presentation on my IPad pro, the selection of text is a pain be it in any app, if you have any pointers let me know it would be helpful. Thanks I don't have a magic keyboard, i have a pencil tho


I am on it right now. Reddit app. 5G, no need for Wifi. 11" is small and light. Ideal laptop when you're actually out and about


My iPad Air 4 does everything I want it to: - Presents Keynotes on a large screen via HDMI or AirPlay - Writes documents and emails - Scans and prints documents - Works with external drives, NAS and cloud storage integrated into the file manager - Can view and annotate PDFs - Can design posters, banners and newsletters in Canva - Send messages on WhatsApp - Use ChatGPT - Play my favourite video game along with emulators On top of all that I love the small thin 11” form factor, it’s highly portable and even after being my daily driver for 4 years the battery still holds up astoundingly well


Because you’re not tech savvy so it’s extra steps for u


i need to take notes as a student so apple pencil is great. other than that I make powerpoints, play some games, watch a ton of stuff and type on it too. It really is enough for all my computing needs and it has apple pencil. Plus it is much more seamless to just unlock and use it instead of turning on and off like a laptop.


It’s great not being able to install things Apple does not approve of, this helps me do the things I really want to do


You literally can't use it as a laptop. The ecosystem doesn't allow it, you can use it as a tablet with a keyboard attached and guess what, now you have a tablet that doesn't pop up with an on screen keyboard! Yes you can type on it, yes you can browse the Internet and emails that's about it. Wanna play some PC games? Nope. Wanna do some photo or video editing? Sure, but most of the newer fancier features are still completely locked to the PC/Mac space (and have been for years so unlikely to move to iPad). Point is apple works very hard to keep the iPad several steps behind any Mac or MacBook because no one would buy them at that point. It's just a big screen iPhone with a keyboard and pencil support, which is more than enough for most people who already own or want an iPad specifically, but it will NEVER be, or replace a good laptop. It easily could with software, but like I said and apple said, "no". Not to mention using a mouse on an iPad is sub ideal, you don't get a cursor you get a selection blob that acts as a finger so you're just moving your finger off screen but still acts like a finger on screen. Also not hating I literally have an iPad lol


But like others are saying it's great for remote desktop but guess what you need a PC or Mac along with a $1000 tablet sooo