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I'm sure once the tech comes to have cameras go through the glass it will go away.


It will have to go black to let the camera work so I imagine the island would be there just disappear when not in use.


Sounds like a very Apple thing to do


Not necessarily. Look up metalenses. They’re flat lenses that are made using the same technique as OLEDs. Theoretically one could be interlaced between the pixels of a screen, it’s just a few additional steps in the same manufacturing process.


Going black whenever the camera is used probably will always be how it’s done for a handful of reasons. - visual indication that the camera is being used - likely makes the algorithm for the camera more efficient since it only has to considering one color - the color black will bring in more light for the camera Metalenses sound cool, but this might not be the use case for them.


I’ll grant your first point, but the other two could be overcome, I think. Mostly because each metalense cmos pixel can be integrated with the display pixels next to them. And not on a software level, but hardware. If it can physically subtract any bleed from a display pixel (and digitally correct if there’s any aberrations), then I think it could get *very* close to proper modern resolution. Plus we have some pretty opaque films we could use. Vantablack between the display and metalense pixels would block a *lot* of light. Saying it will *never* happen is a bit of a stretch, to me.


Fair enough. I still believe having one color makes the algorithm more efficient. But the first point is probably the most important. For privacy reasons, users will want to know that the camera is in use. Plus I really don’t think Dynamic Island will go away, more likely it will actually get better when it doesn’t need to be a cover for hole and punch cutouts. We’ll see though. Obviously still a ways away for all this.


Meta lenses are essentially science fiction right now and only used in laboratory settings


Right. But so were OLEDs twenty years ago. And we’ve gotten a LOT better at photolithography since then. Plus they’re being used in medical imaging already, it’s very much out of the lab. Edit: Well I guess it’s still technically in a lab, but you get my point. It’s a product.




Bro this thread started with “…once the tech comes to have cameras go through the glass”, was there a timeframe in this discussion that I missed? I was trying to contribute. I’m not arguing over this, it isn’t worth my time. Goodbye.


its been one flagships like the Samsung S fold 3 and later. but knowing apple, either the 3d scan for face unlock doesn't work with that, Apple wants to reach the point where the quality in on the level that Apple believes is 'to the best customer experience'; or Apple doesn't develop the technology because frankly, they don't need to.


As far as I know the under screen cameras kinda suck, they're visibly worse than a regular selfie cam. My knowledge might be outdated tho.


They still are, not as bad but still making the display a lens is a really hard task


They still are, the only reason Samsung did it on the fold was because you can take selfies with the rear camera, the front camera was just for stuff like video conferences.


Lasers too!


Not just the camera, FaceID too. That’s why they couldn’t do a camera punch, they need more space than that.


There are some phones in the market with that tech, but the quality is very poor.


Dynamic Island as a piece of software provides utility and a form of multitasking. Removing it entirely In the future would be a step backwards


It’s not a bad way to serve notifications, though


It's weird to implement and to start a live activity from a push notification is iOS 17 only.


agree with you. But not right now , at least 5 more years


It already exists...... And apple with do some naming bullshit and release it later.....


But the quality is bad.


Why can’t we just have a slightly larger bezel at the top and avoid it completely?


Ask Apple design team


You mean like on the Samsung foldable? I am surprised Apple is not there already


The tech for cameras to go through glass was invented in 1839


Dynamic Island is just a fix to a temporary problem. Just like the previous notch, tech will improve to something better so it will phase out. 3D Touch was actually a useful feature that I miss and loved on my XS Max


I think with the latest screen technology, we may actually see Touch ID return again.


I hope so, I really liked the feature.


Me too, but for unlocking quickly face-id is better


How? You could have your phone unlocked by the time you got it out of your pocket with TouchID, whereas with FaceID you have to wake the screen and look at it, the latter of which is impossible until your phone is out of your pocket.


That’s what I love about my Apple Watch. If I’m wearing my watch it unlocks my phone. So I take it out of my pocket and it’s already unlocked.


When i have it on a desk.


Oh. I never put my phone anywhere but my pocket so I can’t really relate to that.


You know that if you are male the EMF from the phone too close to the groin can seriously affect your fertility and testosterone production ?


I’ve heard similar rumors about wi-fi, Bluetooth, 4G and 5G as well, I’m not too worried honestly. Not planning on ever having kids anyway. Not having any testosterone issues either, at least not yet.


did you check your levels? between emf and microplastics we are pretty fkd.


act mighty forgetful dinner six point fuel hospital doll humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


no, it's proven.


Ah yes having it fail when your fingers were dry or dirty, using gloves or the sensor was dirty. For some people it almost never worked. I don’t miss it at all, faceid works so well.


I mean the same can be said for faceid really. Mine fails constalty and I will never understand why "unlock with watch" is so shitty as well. Why can't that be the default? If I'm wearing my watch, unlock the phone no matter what. The amount of times I have to enter my pin when both faceid is on AND I'm wearing my watch, is insane.


Try putting your face in a few times with alternative id or whatever its called. I almost never have problems with face id.


I have, doesn't change anything. A lot of times it just doesn't work and then I have to enter my pin, which seems super counter intuitive, when I'm wearing my watch and should use that as an unlock mechanism. Oh well, it is what it is I guess.


That would have the same issue with touch ID probably as it locks itself when you try to open it in your pocket or something else by mistake too many times. I very rarely have to enter the pin for whatever it's worth.


Never had those issues with TouchID. I could come out of the shower and immediately unlock my phone without any problems.


That never worked for me, ever.


Always worked for me. I remember seeing people post about the same things you mentioned back when we had TouchID and even then I didn’t have those issues. Maybe I was lucky, I don’t know, but my reaction back then was the same as it is today.


I wouldn’t mind , but only if we get to keep Face ID. Touch ID will still be useless for people with darker skin tones and anytime they get slightly dirty. Face ID doesn’t have this problem


3D Touch wasn’t Touch ID.


Android phones have had in-screen fingerprint for like 6 years now, if Apple wanted to do it they would.


Actually, I am referring to 3D Touch. 🙇🏻‍♂️


Especially the wide-area supersonic sensors that pretty much match TouchID Home buttons.


I have a Pixel 6a for work and they did a great job of integrating Touch ID into the screen. I’d love that.


I’ll never understand the nostalgia for 3D Touch. What did 3D Touch do that Haptic Touch can’t?


3D Touch was incredible for text selection. Push on the keyboard to move the cursor around, then push harder to start selecting text.


Now that last part *is* nice.


You'll also get the contextual tap and hold menus faster if you press fast and hard. It's also nice for not accidentally turning on the flashlight.


3d touch worked great for certain system taps. the overall low adoption by apple, developers, and users meant it wasn't something apple wanted to keep when not enough people were using it. nobody could figure out if there was something you could 3d touch (no visual affordance), so why bother building it (as a developer) or trying it (as a user)?


its not the same. Take this for example, whenever I used my iphone X, in order to turn on the flashlight, I used to put my finger over the flashlight icon, press it hard then let go and it would turn on. BUT i didnt have to take away the finger from the display, I could let it pressing it all the time, just pressing in different force levels, now that is not possible on my iPhone 15. I have to take my finger away from the display for it to turn on, otherwise it wont. Forgive me for any grammal mistakes. I hope you understand what I tried to say.


>BUT i didnt have to take away the finger from the display, I could let it pressing it all the time, just pressing in different force levels, now that is not possible on my iPhone 15. I have to take my finger away from the display for it to turn on, otherwise it wont. First of all, this isn't really true. While you can't do this with the flashlight from the lock screen, you can do it from Control Center, even if your phone is locked. Second, it's such a minor feature with no real practical benefit or use case.


For me it was pretty useful, and you cannot convince me to the contrary. It’s something I like and I miss so… anyways. Thanks for your answer.


I have no desire to convince you of anything. I just said I don't understand the nostalgia and asked for examples of what 3D Touch could do that Haptic can't. Activating the flashlight without release doesn't seem to be one.


Of course it is one. You just can’t understand and I’m not able to explain it to you. I’m sorry. Language barrier wins this time.


Lol no, haptic touch can literally do what you describe.


3D Touch has never been useful and was unused by most people. Actually it was completely useless because a strong press is also a longer press. So it can totally be replaced by longer press as it is now today in iOS.


we lost peek and pop function and it also worked with a very short hard press. the current solution is so unbearably slow that I stopped using long press altogether. 3d touch worked like magic when they introduced it and for me it was something which made iPhones special.. but of course they had to ditch it because it was too expensive for Timmy


You can get edit the long press speed in accessibility. I don’t believe in « very short hard press ». The fact that you need to put pression automatically makes the press longer


With the 3D touch you could press to control the cursor, press harder to select a word, harder again to select a sentence, or harder again to select all. That level of control is just not possible with long press…


I wouldn’t say it’s completely useless because you can long press. Yes that software trick can technically supplant the functionality, but 3D Touch was a well calibrated force sensor that engaged after a certain amount of pressure was applied. It was actually a clever, and very Apple-like way to interact with the OS (as if buttons have some mass, or inertia). They are both hidden options to the user which ultimately is why they both aren’t amazing functions in a UI. The only difference between them is that the long press is free to implement, while the force sensor took dollars off of the profit margin per device.


What is 3D touch? When you press harder on something?


Yes that was a feature on previous iPhones. The screen was able to detect different levels of pressure.


Oh right yeah I still have that I guess my phone is old.


Even the leakers don't know.


Your profile image makes me miss Apollo 😞


Fuck spez


according to some year old posts in Apollo subreddit,   you can do some magic and use Apollo with a personal API key. I haven’t found the instructions on hire to do it …yet. One downer that I came across in another post is that the key had to be renewed weekly. :( 


I’m still using Apollo and have been using it for a while. Did you try Googling it? The instructions won’t just fall into your lap. Try searching for “how to use apollo reddit” for example. Also, the app *would* have to be refreshed weekly if you install it through AltStore which is the free option. If you want to avoid that you can just pay for a signing service like AppDB, Signulous or Buildstore. There are probably other ones too. Personally I use Signulous which is $20/year (unless they upped their prices) and you don’t have to refresh your apps weekly. There’s also no limit to how many apps you can have where I think AltStore has a limit of 2-3 apps. So far I haven’t had any issues with apps being revoked and I’ve used it for a couple of years now.


“Old” makes seem like I wasn’t here when those posts were made lol


You can still use Apollo.


Am on Apollo; what is a profile image?


They don’t know much to begin with 


i miss 3D touch


Same. Went from 6s to 14 pro. Why can’t I press the whole keyboard to move the cursor? Why can’t I press the edge of the screen to go back to previous app? Hard pressing the phone button to easily call my favorite contacts was neat. 3D touch was an improvement … we went back, why? Probably too expensive to manufacture.


I totally forgot the pressing of the edge to go to previous app. I loved 3D touch sm 🥲


I didn’t have an iPhone in the 3D Touch days. With moving the cursor, can’t you just long press the space bar then guide the cursor that way on modern iPhones? It’s worked pretty well for me.


You can, in fact a lot of the 'force presses' have been replaced by 'long presses'. The downside is in the word 'long', it takes longer to activate each action. 3D Touch could get you into the action instantly as it didn't have to wait to see if you were just tapping it.




Probably cheaper on them if they can replicate similar actions with just regular touch.


Wdym similar… not even close.


Well you can still move the cursor with the keyboard (not the whole keyboard but still), and you can swipe the bottom bar to go to the previous app, for example.


I think you mean the spacebar, most of the time it fails to recognize I want to do that. The swiping on the bottom bar is nice, except when you do it by mistake. With 3D touch this was not the case. Also being able to call someone in two gestures and even without looking was super neat. With full screen phones like iPhones calling people went from speed dial to having to type the person name, 3D touch was able to kind of bringing back just that. And they killed it. Shame.


With the cursor movement, you just have to hold still on the spacebar for about a quarter second to activate it (phone will vibrate). You can’t just drag the spacebar to move the cursor. I’ve never had it not work. As for quickly calling people, you can use the [Shortcuts app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shortcuts/id1462947752) to make calling people either one tap on your home screen, or make a menu pop up with a list of contacts you can choose.


Yeah more steps… nice… it was better before they killed it. Now the only improvements they do is what, more cameras and different colors?


Everything that could he done with 3D touch still exists. And it’s not more steps. You can create the shortcut and add it to your homescreen by tapping less than 10 times and just searching “call” once. After that, it’s a single tap to call whoever you choose. The steps you spend in the beginning are quickly paid off. Or you know, just say “hey siri, call mom”.


That’s more steps.


The real issue with the cursor is that I can't select words and sentences by doing pressure spikes Being able to trigger the cursor from anywhere + being able to select whatever quickly one handedly was a game changer Sure I "can" select stuff by first holding the space bar and then touching the keyboard anywhere with my other hand, but: First, it's clunky Second, it doesn't unselect stuff when I "go back" with the cursor; anything selected can't be unselected, you have to start again And third it doesn't snap to words, which makes it useless **I miss 3D Touch so much!**


I agree that made it much easier to select things. Now I gotta just keep tapping around and hope it does what I want.


Never knew you could swipe the bottom bar to go back to another app, what a game changer lol


Oh my. This is like the most basic feature of the phones without home buttons. Did you go for years without app switching?


I just swipe up and then switch app like that lol


But that would mean you have to have that app on the same page where you were! Half my apps I look up with search...


We are just going to get transparent phones like on the expanse.


Only when under-display camera technology is ready. Don’t hold your breath, its years away.


the DI gives iphones a distinct look so i think apple will not ditch it anytime soon


Are you asking if they are never going to change features or design again as long as the iPhone exists? That seems unlikely.


The Dynamic Island will be removed when the notch is removed… it’s a gimmicky piece of software to hide and blend the hardware.


This. It's a Corporate Cope


I honestly prefer the notch. It was less invasive when watching video.


+1 it feels a lot less.. distracting. that tiny sliver of screen the island allows just is too much a distraction for my brain




I'd rather have the notch cutting into a video than a floating oval that takes more real estate and allows a useless sliver of video between the island and the bezel.


The stockholm syndrome is strong with this one


I'm alctually liking the island but it is not consistent. Sometimes apps are listed there, other times it's empy even though I have apps open. I'd have them insure the island contains all open apps.


I feel like they'll keep it around for a year or two after they work out face id under the screen, just to make it seem like they weren't just doing it as a workaround for having a giant cutout in the screen... Which of course they were, so it won't be around long term. They'll reimplement all the dynamic island stuff as some kind of live activity successor.


Read a rumour earlier on macrumours, under screen cameras etc expected in iPhone 18 now


As a UI element, sure. But they’re doing their best to have those pixels available to the user.


I think once we can get the Face ID sensors under the display, the Dynamic Island function will likely go away. I still wonder why Apple never considered a larger bezel space on top of the display (by portrait orientation) to accommodate all the Face ID/front camera sensors. That way, there will be one continuous uninterrupted display in the front.


I’m guessing they don’t like the idea of making the phone taller or the screen smaller. Plus it would add a lot of unused space. I know people have different feelings about it, but I never liked the notch. For me it just made for a funky shaped display and for me at least there’s something about all edges of the display being the screen even if there is the island at the top.


I hope so. The notch was a better choice for that rout. Took up less space. And banner notifications is nothing new, no need for that to be tied to the island. I absolutely hate the notch to begin with. It’s literally pointless. They could have just done what Samsung did with the S9 display and no one would complain.


I like it for when I get a call. Also works with ParkMobile.


I don’t see it lasting for more than a few years


I think it’ll stay, but it won’t be black, but have some color or transparency


The bigger question is: Do we think that the Macs will get a dynamic island to copy the iPhones? And maybe even face ID? Because the Macs current notch is useless and ugly. The dynamic island is basically a notch with a cap on it, after all.


You mean iPad Pro models. The rumored thinner bezels on the newer models may force Apple to use Dynamic Island.


I doubt it, the Mac already has plenty of space to display live status updates of background apps. So the equivalent would just be making your top-bar all black.


I think they should just bring back the notch and make it smaller. every person I know with a dynamic island, tells me it’s useless. idk if theyre using it correctly, but it really doesn’t seem that functional.


Hopefully ditching it as I have never found it useful and it’s just in the way


They need to ditch it. It’s a worse waste of space than the notch. I mean it’s basically a deeper notch because the few pixels above it are useless. I like the persistent info at the top of the screen when needed but they can do something neater with this when they have under screen tech.


What's the next lottery's numbers?


There was a post on here earlier about how under-the-screen FaceID has been put back until the 18Pro so I'd imagine once they get that working, the island will be gone.


There were already functions built in to the menu bar before (scroll to top) so the dynamic island software might continue even without a physical cutout


I mean there’s almost a certainty that we will get an iPhone that’s a full display - but Apple can still do live activities and the Dynamic Island stuff just with out the island. It’s software so I think it’s here to stay


They will ditch it once they can remove the notch altogether


The notch is so much less intrusive idk why they ditched it. Still holding on to my XS.


One of the most useless features ever implemented. I am always surprised when it actually does something except wasting screen space. You can clearly feel that its something for the marketing department and not for the user. The goal is to have a interruption free screen. So yes, it cant die fast enough. Even in 2024 others have implemented the pill better. Its much smaller and still have 3D faceID (see honor magic 6 pro). Everything else is just software notifications which can be anywhere. No pill needed for that.




with the logic you wrote, i think everything will be ditched one day.


It will be going and if they do keep it I think it’ll be something that only appears when you want it to appear or maybe even merge in to a camera dot. We should know soon as the latest report says under screen Face ID is delayed until iPhone 18.


They are two completely different things. The Dynamic Island will probably shrink just like the notch until they come up with a new design or they finally implement the under-screen camera stuff.


It depends on how many apps leverage the feature and what user feedback is. It’s still early days for it as far as app integration goes. And it may remain so forever. But if it doesn’t, I could see them keeping it around as a software-only feature. 


It got rid of that 20% low battery notification that would pause videos etc. while also showing me live scores for a football match via FotMob, telling me how long my food/taxi will arrive via Uber eats and Freenow. I am pretty happy with it and it gives more screen when watching something unlike my last iPhone did (iPhone 11).


Apple will adopt it once it’s been perfected by someone else. It’s what they do with a lot of their features. They tend to not put something on their phone that’s half ass. They would rather have their phone criticized for not having a feature than something on their phone being criticized for being bad. It’s probably a smart way to go about things for the image they like to keep.


Please adios this garbage tech. Or move it to a place on the screen where I can reach single handed.


I think it will have a similar fate to 3D Touch and the Touch Bar. It’ll be here for a few years and then once new technology steps in, it’ll fade away.


Rubs crystal ball. Oh wait , wrong balls No one knows for sure.


What would they ditch it for? FaceID and a front facing camera aren’t going away any time soon. Even if they somehow made them smaller they would still need to be somewhere on the phone and they’ve developed modern iOS around the island. For now, it’s a proper solution to having these front-facing components. My guess would be having them be beneath a display that still allows them to function but as you can imagine, to do this well is a difficult engineering feat. It’s been done, but not to the level where Apple would feel comfortable putting them in iPhones just yet.


I honestly wouldn’t mind a camera cutout at the top of the screen right in the center like the Pixel line has. It seems to me that the camera and at least one of the sensors (proximity sensor, maybe) could be combined into one cutout.


Yah, the cutout is fine, except when an app doesn’t take it into consideration and puts buttons and other ui under it.


I hadn’t thought of that.


Dynamic Island exists because we still don’t have a perfect solution to deal with front facing sensors. The moment Apple has a way to have front facing sensors without the need for screen blackout areas around the sensors, Dynamic Island will no longer be a thing.


I think that the feature will last for a bit, this is Apple, not Google!


It will never go away as long as you never buy a new phone.


They are working on hiding it behind the screen. Some Android phones do this already but the tech is not great yet. I have a phone without face cam and it's very great to have a full screen with no punch, no island or notch.


It’s here to stay.


Wait, there isn’t 3D touch anymore? Coming from a 11pro


3D touch isn’t on the 11, you’re thinking about haptic touch


Ah yes absolutely thanks


If Apple find a *cheap* way to hide front camera under the screen, they'll ditch dynamic island in no time, and compose a propaganda to persuade you that TouchID 2.0 (or whatever) is even more better than FaceID.


I can’t think of a single useful thing that the DI does …


Not useful to anyone and will be gone soon. 


The i is on the horizon